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决策树方法因结构简单、便于理解和具有较高的分类精度而在数据挖掘中被广泛采用.本文利用改进的决策树算法C4.5从201例肝硬化病例中自动地提取相应的肝硬化状态识别规则,得到决策树分类模型并归纳出代偿性肝硬化和失代偿性肝硬化的诊断规则,识别正确率为84.6%.实验结果表明决策树能较好的自动从肝硬化病例中归纳出代偿性和失代偿性肝硬化的诊断规则.  相似文献   

DNA分类概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了利用DNA进行分类的原理,强调了DNA分类的优越性,并着重介绍了COI(Cy-tochrome Oxidase Subunit Ⅰ)基因作为DNA分类的目的基因序列的可操作性.对DNA分类仍有许多争论.在实际分类工作中,建议将形态学数据与DNA序列数据结合起来分析.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国近10年胰管结石的流行病学特征和诊疗经验的Meta分析.方法:联合检索中国知网和维普数据库有关胰管结石的文章,提取文章内有关数据输入特定excel表格,然后分类计算人数、性另q比例、百分比,分析胰管结石的流行病学特征和诊治经验.结果:中国从2000.1.1至2010.7.1共报道1841例胰管结石,男女比例为2.16:1,有准确年龄及平均年龄报道1585例,平均年龄45.68岁,平均年龄在35~55岁之间占总病例数81.86%.12.66%病例分布在浙江,为各省最多,96.91%的病人有腹痛表现.胰管切开取石,胰管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术是最主要的治疗手段.结论:胰管结石男性好发,以中青年为主.浙江省病例最多,胰管切开取石,胰管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术为主要治疗手段.  相似文献   

本研究通过方法学的改良和观察方式的创新试图阐明这种现象的原因.微卫星非传统的检测方法仅能实现微卫星定性检测,我所在的研究组开发了自动片段分析双荧光标识技术,提高了微卫星检测的感度和重复性,并实现了微卫星片段变化长度的定量.小于6碱基的微卫星变化被定义为修饰型微卫星不稳定,大于8碱基的变化被定义为跳跃型微卫星不稳定,它们的电泳谱截然不同.前者表现为在非肿瘤来源微卫星位点基础上的增加或减少,后者表现为距离非肿瘤微卫星片段远隔部位的新波形的出现.通过研究我们发现,在DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系及基因敲除大鼠自发肿瘤样本,仅有修饰型微卫星不稳定性检出;在人类DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系连续80次传代也没有检出跳跃型变化.跳跃型变化不能通过简单重复序列不稳定基础上的增加或减少的累加而获得.在76例散发大肠癌,我们检测了微卫星不稳定性,KRAS基因突变,并对高频度微卫星不稳定性病例的两个主要DNA错配修复基因MSH2和MLHl进行了全长测序.我们发现,在大肠癌,按频度的传统分类与按波形变化的分类有高度的一致性,高频度微卫星不稳定性病例均检测到跳跃型表现,低频度微卫星不稳定性都表现为修饰型变化.在12例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,有三例检出了跳跃型和修饰型同时存在微卫星不稳定的特殊表型,这3例均检出KRAS的突变,更有趣的是该3例病例也同时检出了DNA错配修复基因MLH1的变异.而在其他9例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,KRAS突变及MLH1、MSH2交变未检出.通过对突变谱的分析我们还发现,修饰型微卫星不稳定与KTAS基因12号密码子的转换型突变高度相关,而微卫星稳定的病例检出的KRAS基因12号密码子突变多为颠换型突变.修饰型微卫星不稳定表型检出的高频度转换突变可由DNA错配修复缺陷的分子背景解释.通过本研究,我们认为以波形为基础的微卫星不稳定新分型可能是解决目前微卫星研究领域矛盾的一个选项.一直公认为高频度微卫星不稳定性是"真正"的DNA错配修复缺陷表型,我们的研究提示实际上高频度微卫星的可能是多元的.修饰型微卫星不稳定与DNA错配修复缺陷直接关联,而跳跃型微卫星不稳定的原因尚未阐明.在高频度为微型不稳定中,携带修饰型变化的病例可以通过DNA错配修复系统缺陷来解释其病因.  相似文献   

基于特征属性的中国自然保护区分类体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于114个自然保护区典型样本的特征属性,采用聚类分析方法建立了新的中国自然保护区分类体系.结果表明:与现行的国家分类标准相比,新的分类体系更具简明性和实用性;同时,新体系中的C1、C2、C3、C4类型分别与世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)分类体系中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ类保护区相对应.新体系保持了分类标准和尺度的一致性,一定程度上避免了主观分类的偏差,为中国自然保护区的分类提供了量化依据.  相似文献   

人们对异族面孔的分类绩效比本族面孔更好,这称作异族分类优势.但面孔异族分类优势是否也和面孔异族效应一样受到情绪的调节作用,尚未可知.本文通过两个实验考察情绪对于面孔种族分类任务的影响.实验一要求40名大学生被试对不同表情面孔(中性,负性,正性)完成种族判断任务,结果发现,正性和负性情绪使年轻人对异族面孔分类变得更慢,削弱了面孔异族分类优势,而且正性情绪对异族分类效应影响更大.实验二以不同情绪加工特点的老年人为被试,发现老年人对负性异族面孔的分类绩效明显更差,负性情绪对异族分类优势的影响更大.这些结果为异族分类优势理论中,异族面孔分类和个体身份加工过程相互制约的潜在假设提供了进一步的支持.  相似文献   

人们对异族面孔的分类绩效比本族面孔更好,这称作异族分类优势.但面孔异族分类优势是否也和面孔异族效应一样受到情绪的调节作用,尚未可知.本文通过两个实验考察情绪对于面孔种族分类任务的影响.实验一要求40名大学生被试对不同表情面孔(中性,负性,正性)完成种族判断任务,结果发现,正性和负性情绪使年轻人对异族面孔分类变得更慢,削弱了面孔异族分类优势,而且正性情绪对异族分类效应影响更大.实验二以不同情绪加工特点的老年人为被试,发现老年人对负性异族面孔的分类绩效明显更差,负性情绪对异族分类优势的影响更大.这些结果为异族分类优势理论中,异族面孔分类和个体身份加工过程相互制约的潜在假设提供了进一步的支持.  相似文献   

提出了胰腺内镜超声图像的纹理特征提取与分类方法,可应用于胰腺癌内镜超声图像的计算机辅助诊断。对胰腺内镜超声图像采用数字图像处理算法提取9大类共69个纹理特征。使用类间距作为可分性判据,实现特征的初步筛选,之后使用顺序前进搜索算法进一步筛选特征,并由支撑向量机实现分类。对216例病例随机选取训练集和测试集,通过多次随机实验表明。本文提出的算法实现了较高的分类准确率,为胰腺癌的临床诊断提供有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

在基于质谱的蛋白质组学数据分类研究中, 降维技术能够通过提取特征来降低变量维
度, 有助于机器学习方法进行准确高效地分类. 为了研究和比较机器学习分类器与降维技术相
结合的分类模型在蛋白质组学数据分类中的性能, 为相关的分类研究提供参考, 将线性判别分
技术相结合, 应用于质谱公共数据的分类中. 本文所使用的结合式分类模型中, PLS-LDA,
PLS-SVM 和PLS-ANN 方法表现出了最高的分类准确率. 为进一步提升分类效果, 基于最优的
这3 种组合分类方法, 采用多数投票法构建了专家分类系统. 在10 倍交叉验证中, 多数投票模
型仅使用前5 个主成分即达到100%的分类准确率. 本研究方法和结论为质谱及其他类型的指纹
图谱分析研究提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

傅沛云 《植物研究》1989,9(2):15-20
本文对东北罂粟属植物的分类及其中的问题进行了讨论,并提出了一些新的见解,其中主要的是扩大了野罂粟(Papaver nudicaule.L.)(sensu ampl.),基本型分类性状的含义,缩小了应看做是其亚种的黑水罂粟(P.nudicaule L.subsp.amurense N.Busch.的分类性状含义,发现并提出了两个新的变种,即光果野罂粟P.undicaule L.var.glabricarpum P.Y.Fu及毛果黑水罂粟P.nudicaule L.subsp.amurenseN.Busch.var.seticarpum P.Y.Fu,同时提出了包括种下分类群的便于鉴别的东北罂粟属植物分类检索表。  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of the eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) was studied in the rat uterus horn and cervix by means of immunohistochemistry using an antiserum raised against rat MBP. Various hormonal contexts were investigated: pre- and post-parturition, the estrous cycle, and ovariectomy followed by hormonal treatment or without treatment. MBP was detectable in the cervix as early as 12 h post-partum, appearing in the stroma close to the myometrium. The MBP had spread throughout the stroma toward the luminal epithelium after a few days. In contrast, no MBP was seen in sections of the corresponding pre- and post-partum uteri and in the pre-partum cervix. In cycling rats, MBP was distributed equally in the cervix and uterus and was more abundant during proestrus and estrus. In ovariectomized rats and in ovariectomized rats subsequently treated with progesterone, no MBP was detected in the cervix or uterus. In the cervix of ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol, MBP first appeared in the muscle layer situated between the two cervical lumina and then reached the stroma; within a few days only the stroma was stained. Inversely, in the uterus MBP-staining first appeared in the stroma. In conclusion, analysis of the distribution of MBP in rat uterus revealed a marked difference in the response of the cervix and horn to a hormonal environment.  相似文献   

The localization and expression of transglutaminase K has been investigated immunohistochemically in normal cervix tissue (n=15) and in cervix carcinomas (n=23). The distribution of the transglutaminase K was compared with the staining patterns of cytokeratin 10, Ki-67, p53, and oestrogen and progesterone receptors in these tumours. Weak to strong membrane-bound immunoreactivity for transglutaminase K was detected in almost all cervix carcinomas analyzed. The immunostaining was heterogeneous, with visual differences between individual tumour cells. 66.7% of normal cervix tissues revealed no immunoreactivity for the transglutaminase K. In normal cervix tissue, the immunoreactivity was confined to upper cervix layers, predominantly to the superficial and intermediate cell layers. The intensity of both the immunostaining and the number of transglutaminase K-positive cells were upregulated in cervix carcinomas as compared to normal cervix tissue. When the coexpressions of transglutaminase K with markers of proliferation and differentiation were analyzed, no statistically significant correlation was found. Our findings indicate that (1) transglutaminase K is upregulated at the protein level in cervix carcinomas as compared to normal cervix tissue; (2) upregulation of the transglutaminase K in cervix carcinoma is not exclusively induced by alterations of epithelial differentiation or proliferation, but by different, unknown mechanisms; and (3) upregulation of transglutaminase K in cervix carcinomas may play an important role for the regulation of tumour invasive properties by modulating cell–cell interactions.  相似文献   

Classifying species into functional groups is a way to understand the functioning of species-rich ecosystems, or to model the dynamics of such ecosystems. Many statistical techniques have been defined to classify species into groups, and a question is whether different techniques bring consistent classifications. In a tropical rain forest in French Guiana, five species classifications have been defined by different authors for the purpose of forest growth modelling but using different data sets and different statistical techniques. The correspondence between the five classifications was measured using four indices that are generalizations of existing indices to compare two classifications. A multiple correspondence analysis was used to identify associations between groups of different classifications. In a second step, two-table multivariate analyses were used to characterize the relationships between species classifications and eight species traits (consisting of seven populational traits and one functional trait). We evidenced a consensus on the potential size of trees: species were similarly clustered by the five classifications along this trait that is correlated to turnover rate. More surprisingly, no consensus was found for growth rate, nor wood density, traits that are correlated with light requirement.  相似文献   

A plastic spiral intrauterine device (IUD) in the ewe inhibits sperm transport through the cervix. In Exp. 1, plastic spirals were inserted surgically into the lumen of one or both uterine horns. In Exp. 2, Dacron threads were placed in the lumen of each horn. At a subsequent estrus, ewes were mated and necropsied 2 hours later. Sperm were washed from the uterine body and from the anterior, middle and posterior one-third of the cervix and examined. Plastic spirals significantly reduced the percentage of sperm recovered from the uterine body and each segment of the cervix that were motile and live and had normal acrosomes. In the anterior one-third of the cervix, e.g., 49% of the sperm were motile and 66% were live in control ewes but only 17% were motile and 23% were live in IUD ewes. Intrauterine threads also reduced the percentages of sperm that were motile and live in the anterior cervix. Failure of sperm transport in IUD-bearing ewes may be caused by conditions which result in loss of sperm motility in the cervix, thereby inhibiting the establishment of a reservoir of live sperm for transport to the oviducts.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have reported on the detection of a strong e.s.r. signal in samples of normal human cervix; the signal is much reduced or absent in samples of invasive cancer of the cervix. In order to identify the species responsible for the strong signal, we have used X-, S- and Q-band e.s.r. spectroscopy. The major signal that is detectable in ground-up samples of cervix preserved at -196 degrees C has features consistent with the presence of a peroxy free radical. Good agreement with the experimental findings was obtained by computer simulation, using values for the g-tensor of gx = 2.002, gy = 2.005 and gz = 2.036. The peroxy radical is produced on grinding the normal cervix samples to a powder under liquid N2, and appears to be formed by modification of a pre-existing oxygen-containing complex. Control experiments eliminated the possibility that the strong signals seen in frozen powders prepared from normal cervix were artefacts only of the grinding procedure. Experiments with rats in vivo and with cervix samples in vitro are consistent with the conclusion that the peroxy radical is formed by disturbing the cyclo-oxygenase system that is involved in prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

The use of ecological classification systems is becoming more and more widely used when studying phytoplankton. Grouping phytoplankton species into ecologically coherent groups allow to reduce redundancy and in this way, to handle a minor number of biological variables when investigating the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Three ecological classifications are mostly used when freshwater phytoplankton is studied: functional groups or coda, morpho-functional groups (MFGs) and morphology-based functional groups (MBFGs). In this study, these three ecological classifications were comparatively used along with two taxonomic classifications based on species and genera to analyse phytoplankton response to environmental variability in three sub-tropical Chinese reservoirs. Canonical correspondence analysis was performed to compare the five mentioned biological classifications. When ecological classifications were used, the percentage of variance explained in the biological groups?Cenvironmental variables was higher than that explained by the taxonomic classifications. Coda and MFGs showed a very high degree of overlapping, but since coda are associated to very detailed environmental templates, this method was more helpful in explaining phytoplankton variability in relation to environmental factors.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2023,23(1):100726
Expression of desmin, an intermediate filament, in the myometrium and cervix were investigated in peripartum rats (full term day 22 of pregnancy (DP22)). Des mRNA was expressed in lesser amounts in the cervix at peripartum (DP17 and 21, and day of birth 1 (DB1)), compared to those in the cervixes of ovariectomized rats. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that desmin protein was diffusely present in the myometrium, and locally in the epithelium of the cervix. Western blot analysis showed that desmin protein levels in the myometrium increased 4- to 6-fold at DP17, 21 and DB1, and decreased rapidly at DB2 to the basal level observed in ovariectomized or non-pregnant rats. In contrast, cervical desmin protein levels increased approximately 10-fold at DP21 compared to those in ovariectomized rats, but decreased rapidly at DB1, indicating its decrease at parturition and an inconsistency between mRNA and protein expression. The administration of 17β-estradiol to ovariectomized rats increased desmin protein levels in the myometrium and cervix after 24 h. S-nitrosylated desmin protein was detected in the myometrium and cervix at DP21. The mRNA expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase was consistent with the expression of desmin protein. Thus, desmin, which is regulated by estradiol, is differentially expressed in the myometrium and cervix at peripartum possibly for successful pregnancy and parturition. In the cervix, desmin protein expression seems to be regulated by estradiol at the translational level. S-nitrosylation of desmin may have a potential role in the peripartum uterus.  相似文献   

A decline in serum progesterone or antagonism of progesterone receptor function results in preterm labor and birth. Whether characteristics of premature remodeling of the cervix after antiprogestins or ovariectomy are similar to that at term was the focus of the present study. Groups of pregnant rats were treated with vehicle, a progesterone receptor antagonist (onapristone or mifepristone), or ovariectomized on day 17 postbreeding. As expected, controls given vehicle delivered at term while rats delivered preterm after progesterone receptor antagonist treatment or ovariectomy. Similar to the cervix before term, the preterm cervix of progesterone receptor antagonist-treated rats was characterized by reduced cell nuclei density, decreased collagen content and structure, as well as a greater presence of macrophages per unit area. Thus, loss of nuclear progesterone receptor-mediated actions promoted structural remodeling of the cervix, increased census of resident macrophages, and preterm birth much like that found in the cervix at term. In contrast to the progesterone receptor antagonist-induced advance in characteristics associated with remodeling, ovariectomy-induced loss of systemic progesterone did not affect hypertrophy, extracellular collagen, or macrophage numbers in the cervix. Thus, the structure and macrophage census in the cervix appear sufficient for premature ripening and birth to occur well before term. With progesterone receptors predominantly localized on cells other than macrophages, the findings suggest that interactions between cells may facilitate the loss of progesterone receptor-mediated actions as part of a final common mechanism that remodels the cervix in certain etiologies of preterm and with parturition at term.  相似文献   

The efficacy of 16, 16 dimethyl PGE2 p-benzaldehyde semicarbazone ester for cervical dilatation prior to evacuation of the uterus in 180 first trimester nulliparae has been studied. The drug was injected into the muscle of the cervix 3 hours before vacuum aspiration. In 143 patients (80%) the cervix had dilated adequately to enable evacuation of the uterus without mechanical dilatation. In the remaining 37 patients (20%) the cervix had dilated to 6 or 7 mm and additional mechanical dilatation could be performed easily in most of these patients. Side effects consisted of vomiting (11%), diarrhoea (7%), transient pyrexia and shivering (7%). There were no complications in any of the patients and no perforation of the uterus or damage to the cervix resulted during evacuation.  相似文献   

Preterm birth is a strong contributor to perinatal mortality, and preterm infants that survive are at risk for long-term morbidities. During most of pregnancy, appropriate mechanical function of the cervix is required to maintain the developing fetus in utero. Premature cervical softening and subsequent cervical shortening are hypothesized to cause preterm birth. Presently, there is a lack of understanding of the structural and material factors that influence the mechanical function of the cervix during pregnancy. In this study we build finite element models of the pregnant uterus, cervix, and fetal membrane based on magnetic resonance imagining data in order to examine the mechanical function of the cervix under the physiologic loading conditions of pregnancy. We calculate the mechanical loading state of the cervix for two pregnant patients: 22 weeks gestational age with a normal cervical length and 28 weeks with a short cervix. We investigate the influence of (1) anatomical geometry, (2) cervical material properties, and (3) fetal membrane material properties, including its adhesion properties, on the mechanical loading state of the cervix under physiologically relevant intrauterine pressures. Our study demonstrates that membrane–uterus interaction, cervical material modeling, and membrane mechanical properties are factors that must be deliberately and carefully handled in order to construct a high quality mechanical simulation of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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