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1994~1996 年对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲( Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)飞行行为的研究表明,稻水象甲飞行扩散的行为特征是:①长时间的起飞准备和不高的起飞成功率,每晚的迁出率只有三分之一左右;②卵巢、飞行肌呈季节性消长而无局地飞行(trivialflight);③飞行速度不高,飞行能力不强,且风力稍大便无法起飞,一般情况下不会形成远距离自然扩散。因此,严格控制人为传带是控制疫区扩大的有效途径。  相似文献   

稻水象甲在浙江和福建省扩散的空间格局分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用地统计学方法和GIS技术分析了稻水象甲在浙江和福建省早稻上的空间分布和动态(1993-2001)。结果表明:稻水象甲主要分布于沿海一带,其空间分布格局在所有年份均表现为聚集分布,并且这种分布格局随时间发生变化。在1993年该虫入侵面积大约为392100公顷,在以后的几年中其面积随时间而持续增加,至2001年达最大,为2533900公顷。稻水象甲起初沿海岸线向南扩散,接着向北,现在该虫已入侵约26个县和190个乡镇。通常,该虫在南部的为害重于北部,玉环、乐清、温岭等地发生最重。稻水象甲主要沿公路和水路扩散,这表明该虫的传播为人类活动所致,因此其扩散速率可以通过对国家和地区间的交通货运进行严格的检疫而得到控制。  相似文献   

稻水象甲生物学特性及药效测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对稻水象甲的生物学特性及几种杀虫剂对稻水象甲的防治药效进行了研究,结果表明:稻水象甲在宁德市1a发生2代,双早秧田(4月下旬至5月初)、本田(5月上旬至中旬)是越冬成虫防治关键时期,田间防治以5%氟虫腈1200倍液为佳。  相似文献   

稻水象甲在新疆的潜在分布及适生性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】通过精准开展稻水象甲在新疆荒漠绿洲稻区的适生性研究,旨在为新疆地区该重大外来有害生物的科学防控提供指导。【方法】基于19个环境因子和64个稻水象甲在新疆及内地重要代表性发生地的最新地理分布点信息,采用MaxEnt模型与ArcGIS 10.2软件进行具体分析,预测稻水象甲在新疆的最新潜在分布区,并划分风险等级。【结果】稻水象甲在新疆荒漠绿洲稻区的适生区域主要集中在北疆天山北坡和伊犁河谷一带,以及南疆阿克苏地区和克州的部分区域,其非适生区占新疆总面积的79.97%,低适生区占7.34%,适生区占10.84%,高适生区则仅占1.85%。【结论】稻水象甲在新疆继续扩散的趋势与危害风险依然较大,其中,年平均温(bio1)、等温性(bio3)、最湿季平均温(bio8)、最暖季的降雨量(bio18)和最热月的高温(bio5)是影响稻水象甲在新疆潜在扩散的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲(LisorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel)夏季种群的研究表明,光照和温度可排除在一代成虫夏季滞育的诱导因子之外,而不同的食料条件是引发滞育的主导因素.在自然状态下,即使是强迫滞留,早稻田内的一代成虫也不转入正常发育,但取食稻秧能使新羽一代成虫和稻田内外处于生殖滞育状态的一代成虫的卵巢正常发育,并能解除已进入夏蛰的一代成虫的生殖滞育;同时,不论是新羽成虫还是夏蛰成虫,取食稻秧后卵巢和飞行肌同时发育;若这种食料条件能持续下去,则飞行肌消解而卵巢发育产卵.  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟的起飞日龄观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内条件下,通过自主设计的起飞观测装置,利用人工模拟的黄昏环境,研究了稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée 16日龄未交配成虫的起飞行为,并分别对迁出种群以及本地繁殖种群的起飞、扩散行为与日龄和性别的关系进行了测试分析。结果表明:(1)生殖隔离条件下,不同日龄稻纵卷叶螟的起飞和扩散比例存在显著差异,以羽化后24 h内成虫的飞行频率最低,2日龄是迁出种群的起飞高峰期。(2)对于夏季北迁种群而言,在首次迁飞发生期,当具备适宜的光照、温度等适于起飞的环境条件时,雌虫的起飞迁飞频率高于雄虫。(3)稻纵卷叶螟的迁飞历期较长,雌蛾产卵前期可达7.6 d,即在羽化后较长一段时间内成虫均可保持远距离飞行的潜能。(4)本地繁殖种群的起飞数量明显低于迁出种群,但仍占有一定比例,表明迁飞是稻纵卷叶螟的遗传特性,田间各代均有一定比例的外迁个体,这种种性特征不会因室内继代饲养而完全丧失。  相似文献   

为了摸清稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel成虫在稻田中的日活动行为节律, 采用室外单头隔离饲养的方法, 将成虫 行为分为移动、 取食、 离水静息、 触水静息和其他5个行为类型, 每30 min观察记录1次, 从2012年4月30日至5月4日连续观察5 d, 共获得7 200个行为数据。结果显示: 稻水象甲越冬成虫行为的日时间分配以离水静息行为最多(47.83%), 移动行为最少(5.64%), 各行为的时间分配存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。离水静息行为最高峰值在23:30 (72.67%), 最低值在7:30 (14.67%); 触水静息行 为最大峰值在7:30 (75.33%), 19:00还有一个小高峰(37.33%); 取食行为在15:00达到最高峰(26.67%), 在21:00达到第2个高峰 值(18.00%); 移动行为在22:00-9:00较少(0~4.00%), 从9:30开始持续增加, 在17:00达到最高峰(20.00%); 其他行为在 1.33~18.67%之间波动。离水静息、 移动、 取食和其他行为白天和黑夜存在极显著差异(P<0.001), 但触水静息行为白天和黑夜无显著 不同(P=0.834); 上午、 中午、 下午和晚上4个时间段之间各行为也有显著差异(P<0.001)。在空间上, 离水静息行为在叶片上最高 , 移动行为以水中最高, 取食行为仅发生在叶片上, 离水静息、 移动和取食在水稻不同部位存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。水中发生触 水静息、 移动和其他共3种行为, 以触水静息行为的日波动最大, 3种行为在各时刻之间有极显著差异(触水静息和移动: P<0.001; 其他: P=0.002); 叶片上发生离水静息、 移动和取食3种行为, 以离水静息和取食行为的日波动较大且在各时刻间具有极显著的差异 (P<0.001); 茎秆和瓶壁或封口纱布处主要发生离水静息和移动行为, 所占比例均不高, 但在瓶壁或封口纱布处的移动行为各时刻之 间有极显著差异(P=0.008)。水中和叶片上是行为发生的主要空间, 在水中行为的最高峰值(81.33%)与叶片上的最低值(12.00%)出 现时间相同, 为7:30, 一天中各时刻水中和叶片上的行为呈交错性变化。结果提示, 稻水象甲成虫活动行为受到时空变化的影响, 且 时间变化对其行为的影响较空间变化更为明显。  相似文献   

[目的] 明确四川省西南浅丘稻区稻水象甲成虫种群在水稻不同生育期的空间格局及抽样技术,为获取准确稻水象甲虫情调查资料和制定有效的综合防控措施提供理论依据。[方法] 调整水稻播栽时间,错开2组试验田水稻的生育期,用聚集度指标法、回归模型法和频次卡方检验法分析稻水象甲成虫种群的空间格局及水稻生育期对空间聚集特性的影响,并对田间序贯抽样技术和抽样方法进行研究。[结果] 不同田块稻水象甲成虫平均密度为0.48~5.83头·丛-1,分蘖期水稻田虫口密度显著高于抽穗期。稻水象甲成虫在不同水稻生育期稻田间呈负二项聚集分布,基本成分为个体群,个体间相互吸引,聚集强度随种群密度的升高而增加。当种群密度较低时,其聚集由环境因素引起;种群密度较高时,其聚集为其自身的聚集习性与环境因素共同引起。双对角线抽样法是稻水象甲成虫田间抽样的最佳方法,当稻水象甲成虫防治指标为1头·丛-1时,Iwao序贯抽样模型为T1(nT0(n=n±1.96√2.286n,结合Kuno序贯抽样模型建立了用于田间抽样的复序贯抽样图。[结论] 稻水象甲成虫在不同水稻生育期稻田间呈负二项聚集分布,分蘖期水稻田虫口密度显著高于抽穗期,双对角线抽样法是稻水象甲成虫田间抽样的最佳方法。  相似文献   

稻水象的卵子发生—飞行共轭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟保平  商晗武 《生态学报》1999,19(2):242-249
1994-1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭;春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量入秧田竿笔早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁  相似文献   

滇中稻区稻水象甲的卵巢发育及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】开展稻水象甲卵巢发育、扩散能力和防治药剂的筛选研究,为云南稻水象甲的防治提供依据。【方法】对成虫采用卵巢解剖法,确定卵巢的发育进度和产卵期;采用田间系统调查法和染色法明确扩散范围;采用浸叶法对常用杀虫剂进行室内筛选。【结果】2009年4月下旬至5月上旬秧苗期,稻水象甲Ⅱ级卵巢达100%,Ⅲ级卵巢的平均抱卵量为8粒·头~(-1),最大抱卵量为23粒·头~(-1)。秧田返栽田的幼虫、成虫虫口密度明显高于大田,秧田返栽田的幼虫虫量是大田的4.82倍,第一代成虫是大田的6.50倍。烯啶虫胺、毒死蜱、辛硫磷、三唑磷、锐劲特对稻水象甲成虫防效在96.11%以上。【结论】滇中稻水象甲自然传播的范围小,随稻秧移栽是稻水象甲的主要传播方式,秧苗揭膜1周后至移栽前是化学防治的关键期,建议选用烯啶虫胺、辛硫磷、三唑磷、锐劲特在此期间开展田间防控。  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)的卵子发生-飞行共轭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1994~1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭:春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量落入秧田者和早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁离的个体卵巢恢复发育,飞行肌消解而构成二代虫源。秋季二代成虫羽化后生殖滞育,迁飞上山越冬;10月中旬后羽化的个体卵巢和飞行肌均不再发育而滞留田内外越冬。取食高质量食料时,一代夏蛰成虫飞行肌再生,新羽一代成虫则首先发育飞行肌,而后解除生殖滞育。  相似文献   

The flight potential of Nephotettix virescens (Distant), the most important vector of rice tungro virus disease, was assessed using tethered flight techniques. Most individuals tested were not willing to fly in response to stimulation, or flew for very short times. A small proportion of leafhoppers flew for long periods and one female flew for almost 7 h, indicating the potential for long distance dispersal of insects and inoculum. Few individuals flew before four days of age and thereafter flight profiles were similar for insects aged between four and 12 days. Mature females were more flight willing when kept as adults in mixed groups with males than when caged separately. There was no consistent effect on flight performance when insects were reared on rice varieties with different levels of leafhopper resistance. The flight activity of N. virescens was greater when leafhoppers were reared on mature, compared with young, rice plants. Leafhoppers reared through one generation on tungro-diseased rice plants were less willing to fly than individuals maintained on healthy plants of the same age and variety, whereas those tested after a 24-h access period to tungro-diseased plants were more flight-willing. The results are discussed in relation to the spread of tungro and to management interventions for the control of the disease.  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟的飞行和再迁飞能力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王凤英  张孝羲  翟保平 《昆虫学报》2010,53(11):1265-1272
稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)可以通过连续几夜的飞行实现远距离迁移, 这种变幻莫测的再迁飞能力给稻纵卷叶螟的预测造成了极大的困难, 明确其迁飞行为参数是灾变预警的前提。为此, 利用飞行磨装置测定了稻纵卷叶螟成虫的飞行能力和再迁飞能力。结果表明: 在生殖隔离条件下, 稻纵卷叶螟不同日龄和不同性别的成虫的飞行能力间没有显著差异, 雌雄虫的平均飞行时间分别为156.94±103.19 min和147.71±111.38 min。根据吊飞的累计飞行时间(accumulative flight duration, AFD)可将稻纵卷叶螟种群划分为居留型(AFD<40 min)、迁飞型(40 min≤AFD≤130 min)和强迁飞型(AFD>130 min) 3种类型; 且3种类型的个体比率分别为46.1%, 27.3%和26.6%, 其中居留型平均累计飞行时间为11 min, 迁飞型为82 min, 强迁飞型为232 min。稻纵卷叶螟具有很强的再迁飞能力, 其种群作一次迁飞的个体比率都大于90%, 2次(夜)再迁飞的比率达70%以上, 一般可进行4~5次(夜)再迁飞, 最多可达9次(夜)。成虫的补充营养对再迁飞能力没有显著影响, 但蜜水可增强成虫的飞行能力。这些研究结果为稻纵卷叶螟的虫源分析和迁入区预测提供了基本参数。  相似文献   

Social interaction occurs in bats. In a group of 10 Megaderma lyra (seven female and two male adults, as well as one female juvenile) held in captivity, two stereotyped flying behaviour patterns —the ‘grumbling flight’ and the ‘song flight’ — were observed and studied. The ‘grumbling flight’ is a social interaction in flight between at least two Megaderma lyra in which ‘grumble sequences’ are emitted. This behaviour is triggered by stress or arising aggression, and presumably attempts to avoid agonistic interactions with dangerous physical contact. The song flight was exclusively displayed by the dominant male bat and only directed at the non-lactating female members of the group, with a preference to alien females. This behaviour is composed of three behavioural stages, each accompanied by a specific ‘song strophe’. The song flight presumably aims at bonding the females to the male. During the grumbling flight and the song flight, M. lyra emits communication sounds in the ultrasonic range. The sounds consist of simple elements (FMdown, FMup, CF), and are similar to types of sounds emitted for echolocation by various bat species.  相似文献   

Visual attention plays a fundamental role in avian flight but attention is likely limited whenever birds blink. Because blinks are necessary to maintaining proper vision, this study tested the hypothesis that birds strategically inhibit their blinks in flight. The blinks of captive great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) were recorded before, during and after they flew a short distance in an open environment. The grackles spent the least amount of time blinking in flight (take-off, during flight and landing) and the most amount of time blinking at impact. Their blinking behaviour was similar before and after flight. These results suggest that grackles strategically inhibit their blinking behaviour in flight, potentially because blinks impose costs to avian flight.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Topical application of the juvenile hormone mimic, Altosid, to Hippodamia convergens (Guérin-Méneville) (Coccinellidae) stimulated a significant increase in long-term flight behaviour in both males and females. Altosid treatment also stimulated ovarian development in females. Topical application of precocene II to H.convergens inhibited flight activity in treated animals of both sexes for about 10 days. Altosid treatment to precocene-treated beetles significantly increased their migratory behaviour over that of precocene-treated or acetone-treated controls. These results indicate that juvenile hormone stimulates migratory flight behaviour in this species along with reproductive development. It is likely that the hormone serves to coordinate migration with reproduction in the young adult.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The diurnal periodicity of flight of delphacids and cicadellids associated with rice was assessed by suction trapping.
2. All the delphacids examined and most cicadellids showed a bimodal, crepuscular pattern of flight, the major peak occurring in the evening.
3. Some cicadellids showed a unimodal crepuscular pattern of flight activity with the peak occurring in the evening, whereas flight activity of Cofana spectra and Cunimaculata continued throughout the night.
4. Changes in the periodicity of flight activity of Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Recilia dorsalis and Macrosteles striifrons were observed in relation to phases of the moon and the nature of the habitat.
5. Periodicity of take-off for N.lugens, Sfurcifera and R.dorsalis assessed by canopy net traps also showed a bimodal, crepuscular pattern with the major peak occurring in the evening.
6. The significance of diurnal periodicity is discussed in relation to the flight behaviour of the insects studied.  相似文献   

Behavioural experiments suggest the existence of two functionally distinct movement-sensitive pathways in honeybees: one mediates optomotor behaviour, consisting of reflexive turning responses preventing deviations from course, and the other controls flight speed. The first consists of direction-selective neurons responding optimally to a particular temporal frequency of motion, regardless of the pattern's spatial structure. The temporal frequency dependence matches the temporal tuning of the optomotor output. Behavioural experiments suggest the second pathway contains velocity-tuned cells, which generate equal-sized responses for any given image velocity, for patterns with a range of spatial structures. Here, recordings were made from direction-selective neurons in the honeybee's ventral nerve cord. Neurons were tested for responses to motion at velocities of 40-1000 deg s(-1) using four gratings with spatial periods of 11-76 degrees. In addition to temporal frequency-dependent optomotor neurons, direction-selective cells were found that had the same shaped velocity-response functions for all four patterns. The velocity-tuning properties of these cells suggest a possible role in monitoring flight speed because their velocity tuning matches the image velocities encountered during free flight and landing behaviour.  相似文献   

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