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Question: What are the relative influences of environment and space in structuring the plant composition in a peatland complex? Location: Lakkasuo, southern boreal zone, Finland. Method: We used principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) to model spatial structures in the plant composition of a peatland complex comprising ombrotrophic and minerotrophic, open and forested areas. We used redundancy analyses (RDA) and variation partitioning to assess the relative influences of chemical variables (peat and water characteristics), physical variables (hydrology, soil properties, shade), as well as broad‐scale (>350 m) and medium‐scale (100–350 m) spatial structures on vegetation assemblages. Results: We identified five different significant spatial patterns circumscribing (1) the minerotrophic–ombrotrophic gradient; (2) dry ombrotrophic and wet minerotrophic areas; (3) open and shaded areas; (4) dry open/shaded and wet patches within the ombrotrophic areas; and (5) dry open patches and dry forested patches. With spatial structures and environmental variables, we were able to model 30% of the variability in plant composition in the peatland complex, 13% of which was attributable to spatial structures alone. Conclusions: We demonstrated that in the peatland complex, the spatial dependence processes were more important at the broadest scale, and found that patterns at a medium scale might reflect finer‐scale patterns that were not investigated here. Spatial autocorrelation in vegetation composition in the peatland complex appeared to be driven by Sphagnum species. Our results emphasize that spatial modelling should be routinely implemented in studies looking at species composition, since they significantly increase the explained proportion of variance.  相似文献   

To clarify the major factors affecting odonate assemblages in rural reservoir ponds among within-habitat environments, land use around ponds and spatial autocorrelation, we surveyed odonate adults (Zygoptera and Anisoptera) in 70 study ponds in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, during three sampling periods in 2005. Redundancy analyses (RDA) for these three factor groups were executed to determine their strength in explaining the odonate species composition. Their relative contributions were also evaluated by the method of variation partitioning. A total of 41 odonate species were recorded in the study ponds, and 24 of them, excluding rare species, were used for our analysis. Summed effects including all three factor groups explained approximately 39% of the variation in odonate species composition. We found that spatial autocorrelation was the most important, though the within-habitat environment and land use had comparable effects. We conclude that spatial autocorrelation should be considered in this type of analysis, though we could not clearly explain what caused such a spatial structure. Pond area and debris that had accumulated at the bottom of ponds were selected as the within-habitat environment, and the forests and paddy fields around ponds were selected for land use after the procedure of forward stepwise selection. These results suggest that the recent decrease of forests around the ponds has had a negative effect on the odonate assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to understand the influence of edaphic factors on the spatial structure of inland halophytic plant communities, a 2.6 km2 study site, located on the lower fringe of the alluvial fan of the Hutubi River, in an arid region of China, was sampled and mapped. 105 patches were found to be homogeneous in species composition. Plant species and their coverage were recorded in each patch. 45 patches were randomly selected for the measurement of edaphic variables. A map with quadrat locations and boundaries of patches was digitized into a GIS and related to the vegetation and edaphic data matrices. CCA was used to evaluate the relative importance of edaphic factors in explaining the variation of the species assemblages and to identify the ecological preferences of species. The spatial structure of the communities and the main edaphic factors were analyzed using correlograms, Mantel correlograms and clustering under constraint of spatial contiguity. Gradient analysis showed that there are two distinct vegetation gradients in the study area, one of which is determined mainly by soil moisture (determined by depth to the water table), and the other by soil salinity (determined by electrical conductivity and hydrolytic alkalinity of the first soil layer). However, spatial analyses showed that at the sampling scale the halophytic communities in the study area are structured along one main spatial gradient determined by the water table level. Similar spatial autocorrelation structures between the factors related to the first soil layer and the communities, given our sampling scale, could not be detected. Our results suggest that the relative importance of the effects of different edaphic factors on the spatial structure of halophytic communities is scale-dependent. The partitioning of species variation indicates that in addition to edaphic factors, other factors, such as biotic interactions, may play an important role in structuring these communities.  相似文献   

Evidence of spatial genetic structure in a California bunchgrass population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the scale of genetic variation of purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra), a species commonly used in California for grassland restoration. Common garden and field data revealed evidence of genetic differentiation between two intermixed microhabitats characterized by differences in soil depth and community composition. We assessed the genetic variation within a single population using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data collected from clusters of five individuals in 40 locations. We found no evidence for genetic structure at the whole population level. At smaller spatial scales, however, we found strong evidence that genetic subdivision of the population occurs at the level of the maternal neighborhood. We suggest that the interaction between widespread pollen dispersal and restricted seed dispersal may be the primary factor generating these results; panmictic pollen dispersal will make detection of genetic patterning difficult at larger spatial scales while limited seed dispersal will generate local genetic structure. As a result, the detection of population genetic structure will depend on the spatial scale of analysis. Local selection gradients related to topography and soil depth are also likely to play a role in structuring local genetic variation. Since N. pulchra is widely used in California in grassland and woodland habitat restoration, we suggest that, as a general rule, care should be exercised in transferring germplasm for the purposes of conservation when little is known about the within-population genetic subdivision of a plant species. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative importance of national‐, regional‐ and within‐beach‐scale influences on vegetation composition and floristic affinities of New Zealand gravel beaches? Location: Coastal New Zealand. Methods: We sampled vegetation composition at 61 gravel beaches, quantifying site factors and adjacent landscape characteristics. Site, climate and geographic relationships between gravel beaches and related ecosystems were inferred using GIS data layers. To simultaneously investigate influences at different spatial scales, we used ordination and variation partitioning to examine relationships between composition and environment, and hierarchical models to understand floristic affinities with related ecosystems. Results: At a national scale, compositional variation among beaches reflects mean annual temperature and spring vapour pressure deficit; within regions, proximity of native woody vegetation and coastal turfs are important; within‐beach variation is related to substrate stability and particle size distribution. The gravel beach flora is 50% exotic, reflecting the highly modified nearby landscapes; 30% of species are characteristic of coastal sands, 20% of braided riverbeds and 8% of coastal turfs. Affinities with coastal sand communities are unrelated to microsite sandiness or area of sand dunes within 50 km. Affinities with braided riverbeds are related to the bed area of those rivers draining within 200 km and proportion of gravel in the substrate. Affinities with coastal turfs are related to proximity to the nearest turf and the proportion of humus in the substrate. Conclusions: Examining multiple scales of influence in a landscape context is essential to understand composition of naturally discrete ecosystems that span wide geographic ranges and to underpin their conservation management.  相似文献   

Several conservation efforts are being made to recover European rabbit populations (Oryctolagus cuniculus) on the Iberian Peninsula. Some of them focus on burrow management; others involve building different types of warren. A few studies have examined site selection for warren building, and these studies have considered only warren placement within sites and not the broader area surrounding these locations. The objective of this study was to evaluate how landscape pattern determines habitat selection by rabbits for warren building at different spatial scales. Landscape, home range scale, and microhabitat were the spatial scales used in this study. Warrens were not uniformly distributed over the study area but, rather were concentrated in areas with a high abundance and cover of Retama monosperma and high vegetation cover. Rabbits preferred digging warrens in areas with low fragmentation and where patches are few, large, and contiguous. Based on our results, we suggest that a study of landscape structure should be carried out before design habitat management, recovery or translocation programs. Such studies will need to take into account the physiognomy and size, shape, and continuity of patches in fragmented landscapes. Rabbit conservation programs must address areas that provide not only the maximum potential rate of intake, but also good soil and vegetation cover conditions for warren building and suitable surrounding areas.  相似文献   

The spatial scale at which samples are collected and analysed influences the inferences that can be drawn from landscape genetic studies. We examined genetic structure and its landscape correlates in the pitcher plant midge, Metriocnemus knabi, an inhabitant of the purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea, across several spatial scales that are naturally delimited by the midge’s habitat (leaf, plant, cluster of plants, bog and system of bogs). We analysed 11 microsatellite loci in 710 M. knabi larvae from two systems of bogs in Algonquin Provincial Park (Canada) and tested the hypotheses that variables related to habitat structure are associated with genetic differentiation in this midge. Up to 54% of variation in individual‐based genetic distances at several scales was explained by broadscale landscape variables of bog size, pitcher plant density within bogs and connectivity of pitcher plant clusters. Our results indicate that oviposition behaviour of females at fine scales, as inferred from the spatial locations of full‐sib larvae, and spatially limited gene flow at broad scales represent the important processes underlying observed genetic patterns in M. knabi. Broadscale landscape features (bog size and plant density) appear to influence oviposition behaviour of midges, which in turn influences the patterns of genetic differentiation observed at both fine and broad scales. Thus, we inferred linkages among genetic patterns, landscape patterns and ecological processes across spatial scales in M. knabi. Our results reinforce the value of exploring such links simultaneously across multiple spatial scales and landscapes when investigating genetic diversity within a species.  相似文献   

There are still many Oncomelania snails that inhabit the Kofu Basin, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, which had been declared free of schistosomiasis japonica. Due to the need to monitor the situation, a fixed-point observation system using GIS from GPS is being examined. In addition, in broad present or former endemic areas, survey areas are being managed by remote sensing with satellite images or aerial photographs. A simple and effective monitoring method by mobile GIS using PDAs was developed, risk or hazard maps were prepared and a system that would enable a response in the event of reemergence is being examined.  相似文献   

Aim Climate, topography and soils drive many patterns of plant distribution and abundance across landscapes, but current plant communities may also reflect a legacy of past disturbance such as agricultural land use. To assess the relative influences of environmental conditions and disturbance history on vegetation, it is important to understand how these forces interact. This study relates the geographical distribution of land uses to variation in topography and soils; evaluates the consequences of land‐use decisions for current forests; and examines the effects of agricultural land use on the chemical properties of forest soils. Location Tompkins County occupies 1250 km2 in central New York's Finger Lakes region. Like much of eastern North America, this area underwent forest clearance for agriculture during the 1800s and widespread field abandonment and forest recovery during the 1900s. The current landscape consists of a patchwork of forests that were never cleared, forests that developed on old fields and active agricultural lands. Methods We investigated relationships among topography, soils and land‐use decisions by gathering information about land‐use history, slope, aspect, elevation, soil lime content, soil drainage and accessibility in a geographic information system (GIS). To assess the effects of agriculture on forest soil chemistry, we measured pH, organic matter content and extractable nutrient concentrations in field‐collected soil samples from 47 post‐agricultural and uncleared forests. Results Steeper slopes, less accessible lands and lower‐lime soils tended to remain forested, and farmers were more likely to abandon fields that were steeper, farther from roads, lower in lime and more poorly drained. Slope had by far the greatest impact on patterns of clearance and abandonment, and accessibility had a surprisingly strong influence on the distribution of land uses. The effects of other factors varied more, depending for example on location within the county. Current forest types differed accordingly in topography and soil attributes, particularly slope, but they also showed much overlap. Post‐agricultural and uncleared forest soils had similar chemical properties. Forests on lands abandoned from agriculture 80–100 years before had slightly higher pH and nutrient concentrations than adjacent, uncleared forests, but these changes were small compared to environmental variation across the county. Main conclusions Despite differential use of lands according to their topography and soils, the substantial influence of accessibility and the relatively small scale of land‐use decisions allowed for broad similarity among forest types. Thus, the topography and soil differences created by land‐use decisions probably contribute little to landscape‐level patterns of diversity. Subtle changes in forest soil chemistry left from past agriculture may nevertheless affect plant distribution and abundance at finer scales.  相似文献   

Silvoarable agroforestry (SAF) has recently been proposed as an alternative land-use system for Europe. Data on soil, climate, topography, and land cover were integrated in a geographic information system (GIS) to identify agroforestry target regions where (i) productive growth of trees (Juglans spp., Prunus avium, Populus spp., Pinus pinea, and Quercus ilex) in SAF systems could be expected and where (ii) SAF systems could potentially reduce the risk of soil erosion, nitrate leaching and increase landscape diversity.The analysis shows that the investigated tree species could grow productively in SAF systems on 56% of the arable land throughout Europe (potential productive tree growth area). 80% of the European arable land was classified as potential risk area for soil erosion, nitrate leaching, and/or landscape diversity. Overlaying potential productive tree growth areas with the arable land that was considered as environmental risk area yielded target regions. They were found to make up about 40% of the European arable land and thus SAF could contribute to soil protection on 4%, to mitigate nitrate leaching on 18% and to increase landscape diversity on 32% of European arable land.Although limited by constrained data availability, the study shows that SAF could be implemented in a productive way throughout Europe and that it could help resolve some of the major land-use problems. The environmental benefits could justify the support of SAF by subsidies.  相似文献   

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