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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) including exosomes and microvesicles are lipid bilayer‐encapsulated nanoparticles released by cells, ranging from 40 nm to several microns in diameter. Biological cargoes including proteins, RNAs, and DNAs can be ferried by EVs to neighboring and distant cells via biofluids, serving as a means of cell‐to‐cell communication under normal and pathological conditions, especially cancers. On the other hand, EVs have been investigated as a novel “information capsule” for early disease detection and monitoring via liquid biopsy. This review summarizes current advancements in EV subtype characterization, cancer EV capture, proteomic analysis technologies, as well as possible EV‐based multiomics for cancer diagnostics.  相似文献   

细胞外囊泡通过参与细胞间通讯,在诸多生理病理过程中发挥着重要作用。因此,细胞外囊泡的分离分析对理解其生物学功能以及发展基于囊泡的疾病诊疗方法具有重要价值。细胞外囊泡的高效分离以及高灵敏可靠检测很大程度上取决于识别配体。核酸适配体是一类高效、特异结合其靶标分子的单链寡核苷酸。核酸适配体的易修饰和可程序化设计等特征,使其成为细胞外囊泡分离和分析的理想识别配体。为提高细胞外囊泡的分离效率,研究者们提出多种策略用于提升核酸适配体的亲和力,以及界面与细胞外囊泡的接触几率。此外,分离不同亚型的细胞外囊泡有助于理解细胞外囊泡的生物学意义。在细胞外囊泡分析方面,根据核酸适配体与细胞外囊泡识别信号的转导方式不同,分为电化学、可视化、表面增强拉曼光谱、荧光法等方法。本文综述了核酸适配体的筛选以及其在细胞外囊泡分离和分析中的最新进展、挑战及未来方向。  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate intercellular communication via transferring proteins and other biological molecules and have been recently investigated as biomarkers of disease. Sensitive and specific biomarkers are required for lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The present study screens for abnormal EV proteins in non‐small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using a quantitative proteomics strategy involving LC‐MS/MS to identify ideal biomarkers for NSCLC diagnosis. EVs are enriched from the sera of early and advanced NSCLC patients and healthy controls and from cell culture supernatants of lung adenocarcinoma and bronchial epithelial cell lines. In the sera and supernatants, 279 and 632 differentially expressed proteins, respectively, are associated with signaling pathways including extracellular membrane–receptor interaction, focal adhesion, and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Thirty‐two EV proteins are identified at the intersection of differentially expressed proteins between the NSCLC groups and cell lines. Based on bioinformatics analysis, in silico immunohistochemical, and PRM verification, fibronectin is selected for following in vitro studies and validation with an independent cohort. Fibronectin on EVs is estimated to perform well in the diagnosis of NSCLC patients based on AUC, showing great potential for clinical use and demonstrating the efficacy of this method for EV‐associated biomarker screening.  相似文献   

细胞外囊泡(Extracellular Vesicles,EVs)是从细胞膜上脱落或者分泌的双层膜结构的囊泡状小体.真核生物、细菌、古细菌和支原体等具有细胞结构的生物均能够释放EVs.细菌分泌的EVs含有DNA、RNA及蛋白质等多种成分,其在细菌毒力保持、免疫逃逸、细菌间物质运输、宿主细胞免疫调节、宿主转录基因调节、耐...  相似文献   

胞外囊泡(extracellular vesicles,EVs)是一类由细胞分泌到胞外的能够被受体细胞摄取的膜性囊泡小体,直径在20~ 1 000 nm.近年来,越来越多的研究者发现胞外囊泡在疾病诊断、预后评估以及药物递送等方面具有重要的生物学作用.胞外囊泡可以直接参与细胞间信息的传递以及物质的运输,其携带的核酸(mRNA,microRNA和lncRNA)和蛋白质可以影响受体细胞的生理状态.大量研究表明,胞外囊泡是被糖基化修饰的,胞外囊泡表面覆盖了大量的聚糖以及糖结合蛋白,而已知聚糖类物质在调控细胞黏附、细胞-细胞之间的信息传递、细胞和细胞外基质相互作用、免疫调节和肿瘤转移等方面发挥重要的作用.本文综述了近年来细胞外囊泡表面糖缀合物修饰的前沿研究,以期更好地理解聚糖在胞外囊泡的合成、释放以及运输过程及其生物学功能中的作用.  相似文献   

Comprehensive reviews and large population-based cohort studies have played an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatitis and its sequelae. The incidence and mortality of pancreatitis have been reduced significantly due to substantial advancements in the pathophysiological mechanisms and clinically effective treatments. The study of extracellular vesicles (EVs) has the potential to identify cell-to-cell communication in diseases such as pancreatitis. Exosomes are a subset of EVs with an average diameter of 50~150 nm. Their diverse and unique constituents include nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, which can be transferred to trigger phenotypic changes of recipient cells. In recent years, many reports have indicated the role of EVs in pancreatitis, including acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and autoimmune pancreatitis, suggesting their potential influence on the development and progression of pancreatitis. Plasma exosomes of acute pancreatitis can effectively reach the alveolar cavity and activate alveolar macrophages to cause acute lung injury. Furthermore, upregulated exosomal miRNAs can be used as biomarkers for acute pancreatitis. Here, we summarized the current understanding of EVs in pancreatitis with an emphasis on their biological roles and their potential use as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic agents for this disease.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学是在蛋白质水平定量、动态、整体地研究生物体的一门学科。双向电泳技术、质谱技术和生物信息学是蛋白质组学的三大支撑技术。近年来,蛋白质组学技术从整体水平出发,在更贴近生命本质的层次上去发现和理解并应用于许多疾病的早期预警、诊断和治疗。我们对蛋白质组学在心血管疾病、肝病、胰腺疾病和自身免疫性疾病等研究中的应用做了简单阐述,揭示了蛋白质组学技术在许多重大疾病研究方面具有十分诱人的发展前景。  相似文献   

细胞外囊泡是真核细胞和原核细胞共有的细胞间信号传递的重要媒介。细胞外囊泡可以传递蛋白质、脂质和核酸,影响供体细胞和受体细胞的生理学、病生理学功能。细胞外囊泡存在于多种体液中,当前已在血液、尿液、唾液、母乳、羊水、脑脊液、胆汁等体液中鉴定到细胞外囊泡的存在。这些体液很多是临床检测的样本,因此体液中含有的细胞外囊泡可能成为鉴定临床疾病的标志物,这引起了科研人员的极大兴趣。该综述重点关注了不同体液样品中细胞外囊泡的功能,并且针对临床样本和细胞外囊泡结构的特殊性,综述了样品收集、储存、检测等标准流程研究,为临床医生和科学家在细胞外囊泡研究中提供指引。  相似文献   

小细胞外囊泡(small extracellular vesicles,sEVs)是由细胞分泌的一种细胞外囊泡,产生于多泡体,多泡体与质膜融合并释放到细胞外基质。由于小细胞外囊泡可以携带分子质量相对较小的核酸、蛋白质、脂质,能够执行细胞间物质传递、细胞间通讯等功能。因此,小细胞外囊泡及其携带的非编码RNA不仅参与细胞正常生理过程,也可以在多种疾病的发生发展过程中起重要作用。本文综述了小细胞外囊泡在非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)中的作用,小细胞外囊泡及其携带的非编码RNA不仅有望成为NAFLD诊断的标志物,同时也具有治疗NAFLD的潜在作用,或能为治疗NAFLD提供新思路。  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪性肝病蛋白质组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)是一种常见慢性肝脏疾病,其发病率呈逐年上升趋势,但发病机制尚未明确,诊疗手段仍不完善.蛋白质组学(proteomics)的出现使NAFLD研究有了进一步的发展,相关研究已达21个.目前,蛋白质组学技术可以研究疾病相关的分子改变,从而寻找新的生物标志物和治疗靶标.在此,对蛋白质组学在NAFLD诊断及分期、发病机制和其他相关领域研究进展作一个较为全面的综述.首先,对研究中遇到的研究对象、样本种类、实验方法和标志物特征选择进行经验性总结.其次,除了介绍如何运用蛋白质组学研究病因、危险因素和重要分子在NAFLD发病机制中的作用,还介绍NAFLD发病机制的亚细胞蛋白质组学、修饰蛋白质组学以及蛋白质组学与转录组学相结合的研究实例.此外,对差异蛋白质的分析策略和价值作了重点阐述,收集到一些有望成为NAFLD治疗靶标的候选分子.最后,结合新技术展望研究新空间,以期能够有助于推动蛋白质组学在寻找新的疾病标志物、探索疾病分子机制和治疗靶标中开辟新的途径.  相似文献   

Plasma‐derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been extensively described as putative biomarkers in different diseases. Interestingly, increased levels of EVs subpopulations are well known to associate with obesity. The goal of this study is to identify EVs‐derived biomarkers in plasma from obese patients in order to predict the development of pathological events associated with obesity. Samples are obtained from 22 obese patients and their lean‐matched controls are divided into two cohorts: one for a 2D fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D‐DIGE)‐based study, and the other one for a label free LC–MS/MS‐based approach. EVs are isolated following a serial ultracentrifugation protocol. Twenty‐two and 23 differentially regulated features are detected from 2D‐DIGE and label free LC–MS/MS, respectively; most of them involve in the coagulation and complement cascades. Remarkably, there is an upregulation of complement C4, complement C3, and fibrinogen in obese patients following both approaches, the latter two also validated by 2D‐western‐blotting in an independent cohort. These results correlate with a proinflammatory and prothrombotic state of those individuals. On the other hand, a downregulation of adiponectin leading to an increased risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases has been shown. The results suggest the relevance of plasma‐derived‐EVs proteins as a source of potential biomarkers for the development of atherothrombotic events in obesity.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis (OP) is a chronic bone disease characterized by decreased bone mass, destroyed bone microstructure, and increased bone fragility. Accumulative evidence shows that extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) (MSC-EVs), especially exosomes (Exos), exhibit great potential in the treatment of OP. However, the research on MSC-EVs in the treatment of OP is still in the initial stage. The potential mechanism has not been fully clarified. Therefore, by reviewing the relevant literature of MSC-EVs and OP in recent years, we summarized the latest application of bone targeted MSC-EVs in the treatment of OP and further elaborated the potential mechanism of MSC-EVs in regulating bone formation, bone resorption, bone angiogenesis, and immune regulation through internal bioactive molecules to alleviate OP, providing a theoretical basis for the related research of MSC-EVs in the treatment of OP.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted from tumor cells play a key role in the overall progression of the disease state. EVs such as exosomes are secreted by a wide variety of cells and transport a varied population of proteins, lipids, DNA, and RNA species within the body. Gliomas constitute a significant proportion of all primary brain tumors and majority of brain malignancies. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) represents grade IV glioma and is associated with very poor prognosis despite the cumulative advances in diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies. Here, the authors describe the progress in understanding the role of EVs, especially exosomes, in overall glioma progression, and how new research is unraveling the utilities of exosomes in glioma diagnostics and development of next‐generation therapeutic systems. Finally, based on an understanding of the latest scientific literature, a model for the possible working of therapeutic exosomes in glioma treatment is proposed.  相似文献   

The field of extracellular vesicle (EV) research has rapidly expanded in recent years, with particular interest in their potential as circulating biomarkers. Proteomic analysis of EVs from clinical samples is complicated by the low abundance of EV proteins relative to highly abundant circulating proteins such as albumin and apolipoproteins. To overcome this, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been proposed as a method to enrich EVs whilst depleting protein contaminants; however, the optimal SEC parameters for EV proteomics have not been thoroughly investigated. Here, quantitative evaluation and optimization of SEC are reported for separating EVs from contaminating proteins. Using a synthetic model system followed by cell line‐derived EVs, it is found that a 10 mL Sepharose 4B column in PBS produces optimal resolution of EVs from background protein. By spiking‐in cancer cell‐derived EVs to healthy plasma, it is shown that some cancer EV‐associated proteins are detectable by nano‐LC‐MS/MS when as little as 1% of the total plasma EV number are derived from a cancer cell line. These results suggest that an optimized SEC and nanoLC‐MS/MS workflow may be sufficiently sensitive for disease EV protein biomarker discovery from patient‐derived clinical samples.  相似文献   

该研究旨在探索细胞外囊泡(extracellular vesicles,EVs)分析的标准化流程,建立一种高效的EVs检测方法,为EVs功能及临床转化研究提供技术支撑.实验采用经典的超速离心法分离EVs,借助已知直径的聚苯乙烯微球设定并优化流式检测EVs的参数,联合应用散色光信号及荧光信号对EVs进行双参数分析鉴定,最...  相似文献   

Potential applications of extracellular vesicles (EVs) are attracting increasing interest in the fields of medicine, cosmetics, and nutrition. However, the manufacturing of EVs is currently characterized by low yields. This limitation severely hampers progress in research at the laboratory and clinical scales, as well as the realization of successful and cost‐effective EV‐based products. Moreover, the high level of heterogeneity of EVs further complicates reproducible manufacturing on a large scale. In this review, possible directions toward the scalable production of EVs are discussed. In particular, two strategies are considered: i) the optimization of upstream unit operations and ii) the exploitation of well‐established and mature technologies already in use in other industrial bioprocesses.  相似文献   

心血管疾病严重威胁着人类健康,研发防治心血管疾病的有效药物一直是广大研究者研究的焦点。微生物的多种代谢产物在预防和治疗心血管疾病方面得到广泛应用,从微生物代谢产物中寻找预防和治疗心血管疾病的药物是比较传统而且简单的方法,文章就微生物代谢产物在心血管疾病方面的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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