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Computer analysis of the active site of glutamine synthetase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J D Gass  A Meister 《Biochemistry》1970,9(6):1380-1390

Gill HS  Eisenberg D 《Biochemistry》2001,40(7):1903-1912
Phosphinothricin is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS). The resolution of the native structure of GS from Salmonella typhimurium has been extended to 2.5 A resolution, and the improved model is used to determine the structure of phosphinothricin complexed to GS by difference Fourier methods. The structure suggests a noncovalent, dead-end mechanism of inhibition. Phosphinothricin occupies the glutamate substrate pocket and stabilizes the Glu327 flap in a position which blocks the glutamate entrance to the active site, trapping the inhibitor on the enzyme. One oxygen of the phosphinyl group of phosphinothricin appears to be protonated, because of its proximity to the carboxylate group of Glu327. The other phosphinyl oxygen protrudes into the negatively charged binding pocket for the substrate ammonium, disrupting that pocket. The distribution of charges in the glutamate binding pocket is complementary to those of phosphinothricin. The presence of a second ammonium binding site within the active site is confirmed by its analogue thallous ion, marking the ammonium site and its protein ligands. The inhibition of GS by methionine sulfoximine can be explained by the same mechanism. These models of inhibited GS further illuminate its catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Stereochemical mapping of the active site of glutamine synthetase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In crude extracts of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis, glutamine synthetase (GS) could be effectively inactivated by the addition of NADH. GS inactivation was completed within 30 min. Both the inactivated GS and the active enzyme were isolated. No difference between the two enzyme forms was seen in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels, and only minor differences were detectable by UV spectra, which excludes modification by a nucleotide. Mass spectrometry revealed that the molecular masses of active and inactive GS are equal. While the Km values of the substrates were unchanged, the Vmax values of the inactive GS were lower, reflecting the inactivation factor in the crude extract. This result indicates that the active site was affected. From the crude extract, a fraction mediating GS inactivation could be enriched by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration. GS inactivation by this fraction required the presence of NAD(P)H, Fe3+, and oxygen. In the absence of the GS-inactivating fraction, GS could be inactivated by Fe2+ and H2O2. The GS-inactivating fraction produced Fe2+ and H2O2, using NADPH, Fe3+, and oxygen. Accordingly, the inactivating fraction was inhibited by catalase and EDTA. This GS-inactivating system of Anabaena is similar to that described for oxidative GS inactivation in Escherichia coli. We conclude that GS inactivation by NAD(P)H is caused by irreversible oxidative damage and is not due to a regulatory mechanism of nitrogen assimilation.  相似文献   

This paper compares wild-type and two mutant beta-actins, one in which Ser14 was replaced by a cysteine, and a second in which both Ser14 and Asp157 were exchanged (Ser14-->Cys and Ser14-->Cys, Asp157-->Ala, respectively). Both of these residues are part of invariant sequences in the loops, which bind the ATP phosphates, in the interdomain cleft of actin. The increased nucleotide exchange rate, and the decreased thermal stability and affinity for DNase I seen with the mutant actins indicated that the mutations disturbed the interdomain coupling. Despite this, the two mutant actins retained their ATPase activity. In fact, the mutated actins expressed a significant ATPase activity even in the presence of Ca2+ ions, conditions under which actin normally has a very low ATPase activity. In the presence of Mg2+ ions, the ATPase activity of actin was decreased slightly by the mutations. The mutant actins polymerized as the wild-type protein in the presence of Mg2+ ions, but slower than the wild-type in a K+/Ca2+ milieu. Profilin affected the lag phases and elongation rates during polymerization of the mutant and wild-type actins to the same extent, whereas at steady-state, the concentration of unpolymerized mutant actin appeared to be elevated. Decoration of mutant actin filaments with myosin subfragment 1 appeared to be normal, as did their movement in the low-load motility assay system. Our results show that Ser14 and Asp157 are key residues for interdomain communication, and that hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in positions 14 and 157, respectively, are not necessary for ATP hydrolysis in actin.  相似文献   

Metal-catalyzed oxidative modification of proteins is implicated in a number of physiologic and pathologic processes. The reaction is presumed to proceed via a site-specific free radical mechanism, with the site-specificity conferred by a cation-binding site on the protein. The oxidation of bacterial glutamine synthetase has been studied in detail, providing the opportunity to examine whether the oxidation is consistent with a site-specific radical reaction. Oxidation leads to the appearance of carbonyl groups in amino acid side chains of the protein, and labeling of those carbonyl groups with fluorescein-amine facilitated purification of the oxidized peptide from a tryptic digest. The oxidized residue was arginine-344, which was converted to a gamma-glutamyl semialdehyde residue. Histidine-269 had previously been shown to be converted to asparagine during metal-catalyzed oxidation. Both arginine-344 and histidine-269 are situated at the metal-nucleotide binding pocket of the enzyme's active site, thus establishing the site-specificity of the oxidation.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (Escherichia coli) was incubated with three different reagents that react with lysine residues, viz. pyridoxal phosphate, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine, and thiourea dioxide. The latter reagent reacts with the epsilon-nitrogen of lysine to produce homoarginine as shown by amino acid analysis, nmr, and mass spectral analysis of the products. A variety of differential labeling experiments were conducted with the above three reagents to label specific lysine residues. Thus pyridoxal phosphate was found to modify 2 lysine residues leading to an alteration of catalytic activity. At least 1 lysine residue has been reported previously to be modified by pyridoxal phosphate at the active site of glutamine synthetase (Whitley, E. J., and Ginsburg, A. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 7017-7025). By varying the pH and buffer, one or both residues could be modified. One of these lysine residues was associated with approximately 81% loss in activity after modification while modification of the second lysine residue led to complete inactivation of the enzyme. This second lysine was found to be the residue which reacted specifically with the ATP affinity label 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine. Lys-47 has been previously identified as the residue that reacts with this reagent (Pinkofsky, H. B., Ginsburg, A., Reardon, I., Heinrikson, R. L. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 9616-9622; Foster, W. B., Griffith, M. J., and Kingdon, H. S. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 882-886). Thiourea dioxide inactivated glutamine synthetase with total loss of activity and concomitant modification of a single lysine residue. The modified amino acid was identified as homoarginine by amino acid analysis. The lysine residue modified by thiourea dioxide was established by differential labeling experiments to be the same residue associated with the 81% partial loss of activity upon pyridoxal phosphate inactivation. Inactivation with either thiourea dioxide or pyridoxal phosphate did not affect ATP binding but glutamate binding was weakened. The glutamate site was implicated as the site of thiourea dioxide modification based on protection against inactivation by saturating levels of glutamate. Glutamate also protected against pyridoxal phosphate labeling of the lysine consistent with this residue being the common site of reaction with thiourea dioxide and pyridoxal phosphate.  相似文献   

Titration of cysteine residues of spinach glutamine synthetase with 5-5' dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) indicates that there are five such residues per monomer of enzyme and that two of these five are on the surface of the molecule. The presence of substrates, or either of the competitive inhibitors methionine sulfoximine or phosphinothricin, completely protects both of the surface sulfhydryls from titration. This suggests that both are located at the active site. In the absence of Mg2+ and ATP, both surface sulfhydryls must be modified before loss of activity. We conclude that while both of the cysteine residues are located at the active site, only one of them may be involved in catalysis. Because the cysteine residue which is implicated in catalysis can be protected by Mg2+ and ATP, we believe that it may be located at or near the binding site of these ligands.  相似文献   

Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP) is a type II integral membrane protein belonging to the gluzincin family of metallopeptidases identified by the characteristic Zn(2+)-coordination sequence element, HEXXH-(18-64X)-E. A second conserved sequence element, the GXMEN motif, positioned 22-32 amino acids N-terminal to the Zn(2+)-coordination sequence element distinguishes the gluzincin aminopeptidases from other gluzincins. To investigate the importance of the G428AMEN and H464ELAH-(18X)-E487 motifs for the activity of IRAP, mutational analysis was carried out. cDNA encoding the full-length transmembrane form of human IRAP was expressed in HEK293 cells and recombinant wild-type IRAP was shown to have biochemical and enzymatic properties similar to those reported for native IRAP and the soluble serum form of IRAP. Mutational analysis using single amino-acid substitutions in the GAMEN motif (G428A, A429G, M430K, M430E, M430I, E431D and E431A) and in the Zn(2+)-binding motif (H464Y, E465D, E465Q, H468Y, E487D and E487Q) resulted in decreased or abolished aminopeptidase activity towards the leucine-para-nitroanilide substrate. The results show that conservation of residues within the GAMEN and Zn(2+)-binding motifs is important for IRAP enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The presence of two cysteine residues per each six monomers comprising the oligomer of Chlorella glutamine synthetase (E.C. is demonstrated using homogenous enzyme preparation. p-Chloromercuribenzoate (p-CMB) is found to inhibit glutamine synthetase activity, the degree of inhibition depending on the inhibitor concentration. The following enzyme reactivation by dithiotreitol (10(-2) M) was observed only when the enzyme was inactivated with 10(-5) M p-CMB under 15 min. preincubation. Preincubation of the enzyme with 10(-4) M p-CMB for 45 min. did not result in its reactivation. Gel filtration of glutamine synthetase treated with 10(-4) M p-CMB has revealed the dissociation of the enzyme into inactive monomers. Incubation of glutamine synthetase with p-CMB at various pH values, incubation after pre-treatment with urea and experiments with HgCl2 indicate the presence of free and masked inside the globula SH-groups in the enzyme molecule. Competitive character of the enzyme inhibition with p-CMB with respect to ATP indicates that SH-groups of the active site participate in the ATP binding, probably, as Mg-ATP or Mn-ATP complexes. Data on the estimation of ionization constant of glutamate-binding group and experiments on the effect of histidine photooxidation on the enzyme activity indicate the presence of histidine residue in the enzyme active site, which participates in glutamate binding.  相似文献   

Mechanism of inhibition of glutamine synthetase (EC; GS) by phosphinothricin and its analogues was studied in some detail using molecular modeling methods. Among three possible conformations of phosphinothricin in the active site of GS, this compatible with binding mode of methionine sulfoximine, determined recently by crystallography, was found to be energetically favored. Basing on these results eleven inhibitors of GS were docked into its active site. Taking into consideration that phosphinothricin acts as suicide inhibitor, which is due to phosphorylation by the enzyme, seven of studied analogues were additionally analyzed in their phosphorylated forms. All the inhibitor-enzyme complexes were evaluated quantitatively by using eight scoring functions implemented in Insight and Sybyl program packages and significant correlation between the obtained scores and experimental pK(i) values was achieved. Computed surface charge distribution for five selected inhibitors in both free and phosphorylated forms and their comparison with electronic structure of enzymatic reaction transition state allowed us to determine important electronic features required to construct potent inhibitors of glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Tunicamycin is a nucleoside antibiotic complex produced by Streptomyces lysosuperficus which inhibits glycosylation. Several mutants have been isolated in this laboratory that are resistant to tunicamycin, of which the majority are recessive and a few are dominant. The mutations are possibly due to some loss of transport function or alteration in the membrane. These recessive mutations have been mapped to chromosome 1 by the 2 mu mapping method. Studies are underway to map the dominant mutations as well and to group these mutations into its complementation groups and to characterize them biochemically. Both mating types of these mutant strains have been generated in our laboratory.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase purified from Bacillus cereus IFO 3131 was modified by iodoacetamide and the ATP analog 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA). Only Mg2+-dependent activity was inactivated by iodoacetamide, whereas only Mn2+-dependent activity was inactivated by FSBA. When iodoacetamide-treated enzyme was reacted with FSBA, Mn2+-dependent activity was also inactivated. Mg2+ plus Mn2+-dependent activity was inactivated in any case. The results suggested that the binding sites of Mn2+ and Mg2+ are separate from each other in the active site of B. cereus glutamine synthetase and that bindings of Mg2+ and Mn2+ to each site are required for normal activity in vivo.  相似文献   

We are addressing the puzzling metal ion specificity of Fe- and Mn-containing superoxide dismutases (SODs) [see C.K.Vance, A.-F. Miller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120(3) (1998) 461–467]. Here, we test the significance to activity and active site integrity of the Gln side chain at the center of the active site hydrogen bond network. We have generated a mutant of MnSOD with the active site Gln in the location characteristic of Fe-specific SODs. The active site is similar to that of MnSOD when Mn2+, Fe3+ or Fe2+ are bound, based on EPR and NMR spectroscopy. However, the mutant’s Fe-supported activity is at least 7% that of FeSOD, in contrast to Fe(Mn)SOD, which has 0% of FeSOD’s activity. Thus, moving the active site Gln converts Mn-specific SOD into a cambialistic SOD and the Gln proves to be important but not the sole determinant of metal-ion specificity. Indeed, subtle differences in the spectra of Mn2+, Fe3+ and 1H in the presence of Fe2+ distinguish the G77Q, Q146A mut-(Mn)SOD from WT (Mn)SOD, and may prove to be correlated with metal ion activity. We have directly observed the side chain of the active site Gln in Fe2+SOD and Fe2+(Mn)SOD by 15N NMR. The very different chemical shifts indicate that the active site Gln interacts differently with Fe2+ in the two proteins. Since a shorter distance from Gln to Fe and stronger interaction with Fe correlate with a lower Em in Fe(Mn)SOD, Gln has the effect of destabilizing additional electron density on the metal ion. It may do this by stabilizing OH coordinated to the metal ion.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding mature porcine heart aconitase was over-expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of a phage T7 promoter. Recombinant aconitase purified from E. coli was identical to the enzyme from pig and beef heart in size, [3Fe-4S] and [4Fe-4S] cluster structure and enzymatic activity. Nine amino acid residues in close proximity to the Fe-S cluster and bound substrate (Lauble, H., Kennedy, M.C., Beinert, H., and Stout, C.D. (1992) Biochemistry, in press) were replaced by site-directed mutagenesis. Fe-S cluster environment as indicated by the EPR spectrum, tight binding of substrate, and enzymatic activity were compared for the mutant and wild type enzymes. Significant perturbations were detected for all of the mutant enzymes. Replacements for Asp100, His101, Asp165, Arg580, and Ser642 result in a 10(3)-10(5)-fold drop in activity, which suggests that these residues are involved in critical aspects of the reaction. Arg580 appears to be a key residue for substrate binding, as shown by a 30-fold increased Km and loss of tight substrate binding. Results of mutagenesis support the interpretation of the x-ray model, namely that Asp100 and His101 form an ion pair for elimination of the substrate hydroxyl and Ser642 may function as a general base for proton abstraction from citrate or isocitrate in the dehydration step and protonation of cis-aconitate in the hydration step. Asp165 appears to play a critical role in the interaction of Fea with substrate.  相似文献   

The interaction of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase with the adenosine 5'-triphosphate analogue, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (5'-FSO2BzAdo), has been studied. This interaction results in the covalent attachment of the 5'-FSO2BzAdo to the enzyme with concomitant loss of catalytic activity. Although adenine nucleotides interact with glutamine synthetase at three distinct sites--a noncovalent AMP effector site, a regulatory site of covalent adenylylation, and the catalytic ATP/ADP binding site--our studies suggest that reaction with 5'-FSO2BzAdo occurs only at the active center. When glutamine synthetase was incubated with 5'-FSO2BzAdo, the decrease in catalytic activity obeyed pseudo-first order kinetics. The plot of the observed rate constant of inactivation versus the concentration of 5'-FSO2BzAdo was hyperbolic, consistent with reversible binding of the analogue to the enzyme prior to covalent attachment. Protection against inactivation was afforded by ATP and ADP; L-glutamate did not protect the enzyme against inactivation, but rather enhanced the rate of inactivation, consistent with the observations of others (Timmons, R. B., Rhee, S. G., Luterman, D. L., and Chock, P. B. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 4479-4485) that there is synergism in the binding of the two substrates to the enzyme. The incorporation of approximately 1.09 mol of the 5'-FSO2BzAdo/mol of glutamine synthetase subunit resulted in the total loss of enzymatic activity. The results suggest that 5'-FSO2BzAdo occupies the ATP binding site at the active center of glutamine synthetase and binds covalently to an amino acid residue nearby.  相似文献   

A number of biochemical parameters of glutamine synthetase (EC isolated from the cyanobacterium Anabaena 7120 were determined. Apparent Michaelis constants for glutamate and ATP were found to be 2.1 and 0.32 mM, respectively; that for ammonia was found to be below 20 microM, significantly lower than that reported for glutamine synthetases from other species. Serine, alanine, glycine, cysteine, aspartic acid, methionine sulfone, and methionine sulfoximine were found to inhibit the enzyme. The enzyme is controlled neither by adenylylation nor by feedback inhibition by glutamine, mechanisms found in some other prokaryotes. It must therefore be regulated by a different mechanism, possibly a combination of feedback by alanine, serine, and glycine, metabolites which are especially effective in inhibiting Anabaena glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Regulation of the synthesis and activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain 7120 was studied by determining GS transferase activity and GS antigen concentration under a variety of conditions. Extracts prepared from cells growing exponentially on a medium supplemented with combined nitrogen had a GS activity of 17 mumol of gamma-glutamyl transferase activity per min per mg of protein at 37 degrees C. This activity doubled in 12 h after transfer of cells to a nitrogen-free medium, corresponding to the time required for heterocyst differentiation and the start of nitrogen fixation. Addition of NH3 to a culture 11 h after an inducing transfer immediately blocked the increase in GS activity. In the Enterobacteriaceae, addition of NH3 after induction results in the covalent modification of GS by adenylylation. The GS of Anabaena is not adenylylated by such a protocol, as shown by the resistance of the transferase activity of the enzyme to inhibition by Mg2+ and by the failure of the enzyme to incorporate 32P after NH3 upshift. Methionine sulfoximine inhibited Anabaena GS activity rapidly and irreversibly in vivo. After the addition of methionine sulfoximine to Anabaena, the level of GS antigen neither increased nor decreased, indicating that Glutamine cannot be the only small molecule capable of regulating GS synthesis. Methionine sulfoximine permitted heterocyst differentiation and nitrogenase induction to escape repression by NH3. Nitrogen-fixing cultures treated with methionine sulfoximine excreted NH3. The fern Azolla caroliniana contains an Anabaena species living in symbiotic association. The Anabaena species carries out nitrogen fixation sufficient to satisfy all of the combined nitrogen requirements of the host fern. Experiments by other workers have shown that the activity of GS in the symbiont is significantly lower than the activity of GS in free-living Anabaena. Using a sensitive radioimmune assay and a normalization procedure based on the content of diaminopimelic acid, a component unique to the symbiont, we found that the level of GS antigen in the symbiont was about 5% of the level in free-living Anabaena cells. Thus, the host fern appears to repress synthesis of Anabaena GS in the symbiotic association.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase catalyzes the biosynthesis of AdoMet in a unique enzymatic reaction. Initially the sulfur of methionine displaces the intact tripolyphosphate chain (PPP(i)) from ATP, and subsequently PPP(i) is hydrolyzed to PP(i) and P(i) before product release. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli AdoMet synthetase shows that the active site contains four aspartate residues. Aspartate residues Asp-16* and Asp-271 individually provide the sole protein ligand to one of the two required Mg(2+) ions (* denotes a residue from a second subunit); aspartates Asp-118 and Asp-238* are proposed to interact with methionine. Each aspartate has been changed to an uncharged asparagine, and the metal binding residues were also changed to alanine, to assess the roles of charge and ligation ability on catalytic efficiency. The resultant enzyme variants all structurally resemble the wild type enzyme as indicated by circular dichroism spectra and are tetramers. However, all have k(cat) reductions of approximately 10(3)-fold in AdoMet synthesis, whereas the MgATP and methionine K(m) values change by less than 3- and 8-fold, respectively. In the partial reaction of PPP(i) hydrolysis, mutants of the Mg(2+) binding residues have >700-fold reduced catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)), whereas the D118N and D238*N mutants are impaired less than 35-fold. The catalytic efficiency for PPP(i) hydrolysis by Mg(2+) site mutants is improved by AdoMet, like the wild type enzyme. In contrast AdoMet reduces the catalytic efficiency for PPP(i) hydrolysis by the D118N and D238*N mutants, indicating that the events involved in AdoMet activation are hindered in these methionyl binding site mutants. Ca(2+) uniquely activates the D271A mutant enzyme to 15% of the level of Mg(2+), in contrast to the approximately 1% Ca(2+) activation of the wild type enzyme. This indicates that the Asp-271 side chain size is a discriminator between the activating ability of Ca(2+) and the smaller Mg(2+).  相似文献   

L M Abell  J J Villafranca 《Biochemistry》1991,30(25):6135-6141
A number of slow tight-binding inhibitors are known for glutamine synthetase that resemble the geometry of the tetrahedral intermediate formed during the enzyme-catalyzed condensation of gamma-glutamyl phosphate and ammonia. One of these inhibitors, phosphinothricin [L-2-amino-4-(hydroxymethyl-phosphinyl)butanoic acid], has been investigated by rapid kinetic methods. Phosphinothricin not only exhibits the kinetic properties of a slow tight-binding inhibitor but also undergoes phosphorylation during the course of the ATP-dependent inactivation. The acid lability of phosphinothricin phosphate enabled investigation of the kinetics of glutamine synthetase inactivation using rapid quench kinetic techniques. The rate-limiting step in the inhibition reaction is the binding of inhibitor (0.004-0.014 microM-1 s-1) and/or a conformational change associated with binding, which is several orders of magnitude slower than the binding of ATP. The association rate of phosphinothricin depends on which metal ion is bound to the enzyme (Mn2+ or Mg2+). With Mn2+ bound to glutamine synthetase the rate of association and the phosphorylation rate are faster than when Mg2+ is bound. The data are interpreted with use of a model in which the binding of a substrate analogue with a tetrahedral moiety enhances the phosphorylation rate of the reaction intermediate; however, the initial binding interaction is retarded because the enzyme has to bind a molecule that has a "transition-state" geometry rather than a ground-state substrate structure. During the course of the inactivation, progressively slower rates for binding and phosphoryl transfer were observed, indicating communication between active sites.  相似文献   

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