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To investigate the repair of clustered lesions within the DNA/chromatin, the focus formation and persistence of foci of the phosphorylated histone protein H2AX and the repair protein MRE11 were studied in normal cells and in cells lacking DNA-PKcs (M059J) or ATM (GM2052D) after irradiation with high-LET nitrogen ions or low-LET photons. There was a rapid formation of MRE11 and gamma-H2AX foci, and 0.5 h after high-LET irradiation, the number of foci in normal cells correlated well with the number of particle hits per cell nucleus. After 8 h of repair, there were significantly more gamma-H2AX foci than MRE11 foci remaining in the normal cells, independent of radiation quality. The difficulty in repairing clustered breaks was detected as slower rejoining of DSBs (measured by DNA fragmentation analysis), as quantification of the amount of gamma-H2AX over time, and as a larger fraction of repair foci remaining after 24 h in cells irradiated with high- LET ions. These data indicate that clustered lesions are repaired by a pathway involving the same proteins that repair sparsely distributed breaks. Further, for both low- and high- LET radiation, no reduction of the initial number of gamma-H2AX and MRE11 foci was detected in M059J cells up to 21 h after irradiation, which was in accordance with a complete absence of DSB rejoining in these cells. In the GM2052D cells there was also a higher level of foci remaining after 21 h; however, this was not accompanied by unrejoined DSBs, indicating that these foci not only represent DSBs but also may be a sign of persistent problems even when breaks are rejoined.  相似文献   

We developed a biochemical kinetics approach to describe the repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) produced by low-LET radiation by modeling molecular events associated with non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). A system of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations describes the induction of DSBs and activation pathways for major NHEJ components including Ku70/80, DNA-PKcs, and the ligase IV-XRCC4 heterodimer. The autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs and subsequent induction of gamma-H2AX foci observed after ionizing radiation exposure were modeled. A two-step model of regulation of repair by DNA-PKcs was developed with an initial step allowing access of other NHEJ components to breaks and a second step limiting access to ligase IV-XRCC4. Our model assumes that the transition from the first to the second step depends on DSB complexity, with a much slower rate for complex DSBs. The model faithfully reproduced several experimental data sets, including DSB rejoining as measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) at 10 min postirradiation or longer and quantification of the induction of gamma-H2AX foci. A process that is independent of DNA-PKcs is required for the model to reproduce experimental data for rejoining before 10 min postirradiation. Predictions are made for the behaviors of NHEJ components at low doses and dose rates, and a steady state is found at dose rates of 0.1 Gy/h or lower.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation induces a variety of different DNA lesions; in addition to the most critical DNA damage, the DSB, numerous base alterations, SSBs and other modifications of the DNA double-helix are formed. When several non-DSB lesions are clustered within a short distance along DNA, or close to a DSB, they may interfere with the repair of DSBs and affect the measurement of DSB induction and repair. We have shown previously that a substantial fraction of DSBs measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) are in fact due to heat-labile sites within clustered lesions, thus reflecting an artifact of preparation of genomic DNA at elevated temperature. To further characterize the influence of heat-labile sites on DSB induction and repair, cells of four human cell lines (GM5758, GM7166, M059K, U-1810) with apparently normal DSB rejoining were tested for biphasic rejoining after gamma irradiation. When heat-released DSBs were excluded from the measurements, the fraction of fast rejoining decreased to less than 50% of the total. However, the half-times of the fast (t(1/2) = 7-8 min) and slow (t(1/2) = 2.5 h) DSB rejoining were not changed significantly. At t = 0, the heat-released DSBs accounted for almost 40% of the DSBs, corresponding to 10 extra DSBs per cell per Gy in the initial DSB yield. These heat-released DSBs were repaired within 60-90 min in all cells tested, including M059K cells treated with wortmannin and DNA-PKcs-defective M059J cells. Furthermore, cells lacking XRCC1 or poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) rejoined both total DSBs and heat-released DSBs similarly to normal cells. In summary, the presence of heat-labile sites has a substantial impact on DSB induction and DSB rejoining rates measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and heat-labile sites repair is independent of DNA-PKcs, XRCC1 and PARP.  相似文献   

The induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by ionizing radiation in mammalian chromosomes leads to the phosphorylation of Ser-139 in the replacement histone H2AX, but the molecular mechanism(s) of the elimination of phosphorylated H2AX (called gamma-H2AX) from chromatin in the course of DSB repair remains unknown. We showed earlier that gamma-H2AX cannot be replaced by exchange with free H2AX, suggesting the direct dephosphorylation of H2AX in chromatin by a protein phosphatase. Here we studied the dynamics of dephosphorylation of gamma-H2AX in vivo and found that more than 50% was dephosphorylated in 3 h, but a significant amount of gamma-H2AX could be detected even 6 h after the induction of DSBs. At this time, a significant fraction of the gamma-H2AX nuclear foci co-localized with the foci of RAD50 protein that did not co-localize with replication sites. However, gamma-H2AX could be detected in some cells treated with methyl methanesulfonate which accumulated RAD18 protein at stalled replication sites. We also found that calyculin A inhibited early elimination of gamma-H2AX and DSB rejoining in vivo and that protein phosphatase 1 was able to remove phosphate groups from gamma-H2AX-containing chromatin in vitro. Our results confirm the tight association between DSBs and gamma-H2AX and the coupling of its in situ dephosphorylation to DSB repair.  相似文献   

One of the earliest cellular responses to radiation-induced DNA damage is the phosphorylation of the histone variant H2AX (gamma-H2AX). gamma-H2AX facilitates the local concentration and focus formation of numerous repair-related proteins within the vicinity of DNA DSBs. Previously, we have shown that low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS), the excessive sensitivity of mammalian cells to very low doses of ionizing radiation, is a response specific to G(2)-phase cells and is attributed to evasion of an ATM-dependent G(2)-phase cell cycle checkpoint. To further define the mechanism of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity, we investigated the relationship between the recognition of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks as defined by gamma-H2AX staining and the incidence of HRS in three pairs of isogenic cell lines with known differences in radiosensitivity and DNA repair functionality (disparate RAS, ATM or DNA-PKcs status). Marked differences between the six cell lines in cell survival were observed after high-dose exposures (>1 Gy) reflective of the DNA repair capabilities of the individual six cell lines. In contrast, the absence of functional ATM or DNA-PK activity did not affect cell survival outcome below 0.2 Gy, supporting the concept that HRS is a measure of radiation sensitivity in the absence of fully functional repair. No relationship was evident between the initial numbers of DNA DSBs scored immediately after either low- or high-dose radiation exposure with cell survival for any of the cell lines, indicating that the prevalence of HRS is not related to recognition of DNA DSBs. However, residual DNA DSB damage as indicated by the persistence of gamma-H2AX foci 4 h after exposure was significantly correlated with cell survival after exposure to 2 Gy. This observation suggests that the persistence of gamma-H2AX foci could be adopted as a surrogate assay of cellular radiosensitivity to predict clinical radiation responsiveness.  相似文献   

High-linear energy transfer ionizing radiation, derived from high charge (Z) and energy (E) (HZE) particles, induces clustered/complex DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that include small DNA fragments, which are not repaired by the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway. The homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair pathway plays a major role in repairing DSBs induced by HZE particles. The Mre11 complex (Mre11/Rad50/NBS1)-mediated resection of DSB ends is a required step in preparing for DSB repair via the HR DNA repair pathway. Here we found that expression of Bcl2 results in decreased HR activity and retards the repair of DSBs induced by HZE particles (i.e. 56iron and 28silicon) by inhibiting Mre11 complex activity. Exposure of cells to 56iron or 28silicon promotes Bcl2 to interact with Mre11 via the BH1 and BH4 domains. Purified Bcl2 protein directly suppresses Mre11 complex-mediated DNA resection in vitro. Expression of Bcl2 reduces the ability of Mre11 to bind DNA following exposure of cells to HZE particles. Our findings suggest that, after cellular exposure to HZE particles, Bcl2 may inhibit Mre11 complex-mediated DNA resection leading to suppression of the HR-mediated DSB repair in surviving cells, which may potentially contribute to tumor development.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks are nonrandomly induced by high-LET radiation. Differences in the induction and rejoining of DSBs after irradiation with ions having different LET were detected by fragment analysis. The data obtained indicate that the track structure of the traversing particle and its interaction with the different chromatin structures of the cellular DNA influence the yield as well as the distribution of the induced damage. The induction and rejoining of clustered DSBs induced by the same nitrogen ion fluence at LETs of 80-225 keV/microm were investigated by a detailed analysis of the DNA fragmentation patterns in normal human fibroblasts. The DSBs in the cells were allowed to rejoin during incubations for 0-20 h. Two separate pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocols were used, optimized for separation of fragments in the size ranges 1-6 Mbp and 5 kbp-1.5 Mbp. A strong influence of LET on the level of DSB induction was evident. The DSB yield increased from 4.5 +/- 0.2 to 10.0 +/- 0.3 DSBs per particle traversal through the cell nucleus when LET increased from 80 to 225 keV/microm. Further, the size distribution of the DNA fragments showed a significant dependence on radiation quality, with an excess of fragments at 50-200 kbp and around 1 Mbp. Differences in repair kinetics were also evident, with slower rejoining for increasing LET, and the initial nonrandom fragment distributions were still present after 1 h of repair.  相似文献   

Human replication protein A (RPA p34), a crucial component of diverse DNA excision repair pathways, is implicated in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. To evaluate its role in DSB repair, the intranuclear dynamics of RPA was investigated after DNA damage and replication blockage in human cells. Using two different agents [ionizing radiation (IR) and hydroxyurea (HU)] to generate DSBs, we found that RPA relocated into distinct nuclear foci and colocalized with a well-known DSB binding factor, gamma-H2AX, at the sites of DNA damage in a time-dependent manner. Colocalization of RPA and gamma-H2AX foci peaked at 2 h after IR treatment and subsequently declined with increasing postrecovery times. The time course of RPA and gamma-H2AX foci association correlated well with the DSB repair activity detected by a neutral comet assay. A phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase inhibitor, wortmannin, completely abolished both RPA and gamma-H2AX foci formation triggered by IR. Additionally, radiosensitive ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells harboring mutations in ATM gene product were found to be deficient in RPA and gamma-H2AX colocalization after IR. Transfection of AT cells with ATM cDNA fully restored the association of RPA foci with gamma-H2AX illustrating the requirement of ATM gene product for this process. The exact coincidence of RPA and gamma-H2AX in response to HU specifically in S-phase cells supports their role in DNA replication checkpoint control. Depletion of RPA by small interfering RNA (SiRNA) substantially elevated the frequencies of IR-induced micronuclei (MN) and apoptosis in human cells suggestive of a role for RPA in DSB repair. We propose that RPA in association with gamma-H2AX contributes to both DNA damage checkpoint control and repair in response to strand breaks and stalled replication forks in human cells.  相似文献   

Low-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation (i.e., γ- and X-rays) induces DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are rapidly repaired (rejoined). In contrast, DNA damage induced by the dense ionizing track of high-atomic number and energy (HZE) particles is slowly repaired or is irreparable. These unrepaired and/or misrepaired DNA lesions may contribute to the observed higher relative biological effectiveness for cell killing, chromosomal aberrations, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis in HZE particle irradiated cells compared to those treated with low-LET radiation. The types of DNA lesions induced by HZE particles have been characterized in vitro and usually consist of two or more closely spaced strand breaks, abasic sites, or oxidized bases on opposing strands. It is unclear why these lesions are difficult to repair. In this review, we highlight the potential of a new technology allowing direct visualization of different types of DNA lesions in human cells and document the emerging significance of live-cell imaging for elucidation of the spatio-temporal characterization of complex DNA damage. We focus on the recent insights into the molecular pathways that participate in the repair of HZE particle-induced DSBs. We also discuss recent advances in our understanding of how different end-processing nucleases aid in repair of DSBs with complicated ends generated by HZE particles. Understanding the mechanism underlying the repair of DNA damage induced by HZE particles will have important implications for estimating the risks to human health associated with HZE particle exposure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the efficiency of Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ) and Homologous Recombination (HR) repair systems in rejoining DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) induced in CCD-34Lu cells by different γ-ray doses. The kinetics of DNA repair was assessed by analyzing the fluorescence decrease of γ-H2AX foci measured by SOID (Sum Of Integrated Density) parameter and counting foci number in the time-interval 0.5–24 hours after irradiation. Comparison of the two methods showed that the SOID parameter was useful in determining the amount and the persistence of DNA damage signal after exposure to high or low doses of ionizing radiation. The efficiency of DSB rejoining during the cell cycle was assessed by distinguishing G1, S, and G2 phase cells on the basis of nuclear fluorescence of the CENP-F protein. Six hours after irradiation, γ-H2AX foci resolution was higher in G2 compared to G1 cells in which both NHEJ and HR can cooperate. The rejoining of γ-H2AX foci in G2 phase cells was, moreover, decreased by RI-1, the chemical inhibitor of HR, demonstrating that homologous recombination is at work early after irradiation. The relevance of HR in DSB repair was assessed in DNA-PK-deficient M059J cells and in CCD-34Lu treated with the DNA-PKcs inhibitor, NU7026. In both conditions, the kinetics of γ-H2AX demonstrated that DSBs repair was markedly affected when NHEJ was absent or impaired, even in G2 phase cells in which HR should be at work. The recruitment of RAD51 at DSB sites was, moreover, delayed in M059J and in NU7026 treated-CCD-34Lu, with respect to DNA-PKcs proficient cells and continued for 24 hours despite the decrease in DNA repair. The impairment of NHEJ affected the efficiency of the HR system and significantly decreased cell survival after ionizing radiation, confirming that DSB rejoining is strictly dependent on the integrity of the NHEJ repair system.  相似文献   

c-Abl tyrosine kinase is activated by agents that induce double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) and interacts with key components of the DNA damage response and of the DSB repair machinery. However, the functional significance of c-Abl in these processes, remained unclear. In this study, we demonstrate, using comet assay and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, that c-Abl inhibited the repair of DSBs induced by ionizing radiation, particularly during the second and slow phase of DSB repair. Pharmacological inhibition of c-Abl and c-Abl depletion by siRNA-mediated knockdown resulted in higher DSB rejoining. c-Abl null MEFs exhibited higher DSB rejoining compared with cells reconstituted for c-Abl expression. Abrogation of c-Abl kinase activation resulted in higher H2AX phosphorylation levels and higher numbers of post-irradiation γH2AX foci, consistent with a role of c-Abl in DSB repair regulation. In conjunction with these findings, transient abrogation of c-Abl activity resulted in increased cellular radioresistance. Our findings suggest a novel function for c-Abl in inhibition of the slow phase of DSB repair.  相似文献   

The rejoining kinetics of double-stranded DNA fragments, along with measurements of residual damage after postirradiation incubation, are often used as indicators of the biological relevance of the damage induced by ionizing radiation of different qualities. Although it is widely accepted that high-LET radiation-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) tend to rejoin with kinetics slower than low-LET radiation-induced DSBs, possibly due to the complexity of the DSB itself, the nature of a slowly rejoining DSB-containing DNA lesion remains unknown. Using an approach that combines pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of fragmented DNA from human skin fibroblasts and a recently developed Monte Carlo simulation of radiation-induced DNA breakage and rejoining kinetics, we have tested the role of DSB-containing DNA lesions in the 8-kbp-5.7-Mbp fragment size range in determining the DSB rejoining kinetics. It is found that with low-LET X rays or high-LET alpha particles, DSB rejoining kinetics data obtained with PFGE can be computer-simulated assuming that DSB rejoining kinetics does not depend on spacing of breaks along the chromosomes. After analysis of DNA fragmentation profiles, the rejoining kinetics of X-ray-induced DSBs could be fitted by two components: a fast component with a half-life of 0.9+/-0.5 h and a slow component with a half-life of 16+/-9 h. For alpha particles, a fast component with a half-life of 0.7+/-0.4 h and a slow component with a half-life of 12+/-5 h along with a residual fraction of unrepaired breaks accounting for 8% of the initial damage were observed. In summary, it is shown that genomic proximity of breaks along a chromosome does not determine the rejoining kinetics, so the slowly rejoining breaks induced with higher frequencies after exposure to high-LET radiation (0.37+/-0.12) relative to low-LET radiation (0.22+/-0.07) can be explained on the basis of lesion complexity at the nanometer scale, known as locally multiply damaged sites.  相似文献   

Hu B  Han W  Wu L  Feng H  Liu X  Zhang L  Xu A  Hei TK  Yu Z 《Radiation research》2005,164(3):286-291
Extranuclear/extracellular effects may have a significant effect on low-dose radiation risk assessment as well as on the shape of the dose-response relationship. Numerous studies using different end points such as sister chromatid exchanges, micronuclei and mutation have shown that this phenomenon exists in many cell types. However, these end points mostly reflect the late events after radiation damage, and little is known about the early response in this phenomenon. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation or carcinogenic chemicals can be visualized in situ using gamma-H2AX immunofluorescence staining, and there is evidence that the number of gamma-H2AX foci can be closely correlated with DSBs induced. Here we used gamma-H2AX as a biomarker to assess the extranuclear/extracellular effects induced by low-dose alpha particles in situ. The results show that a greater fraction of positive cells with DSBs (48.6%) was observed than the number of cells whose nuclei were actually traversed by the 1-cGy dose of alpha particles (9.2%). The fraction of DSB-positive cells was greatly reduced after treatment with either lindane or DMSO. These results suggest that in situ visualization of DSBs can be used to assess radiation-induced extranuclear/extracellular effects soon after irradiation. Moreover, the in situ DSB assay may provide a means to evaluate the spatial effect on unirradiated cells that are located in the neighboring region of cells irradiated by alpha particles.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139 (gamma-H2AX, γH2AX) occurs at sites flanking DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and can provide a measure of the number of DSBs within a cell. Here we describe a rapid and simple flow-cytometry-based method, optimized to measure gamma-H2AX in non-fixed peripheral blood cells. No DSB induced signal was observed in H2AX−/− cells indicating that our FACS method specifically recognized gamma-H2AX accumulation. The gamma-H2AX assay was capable of detecting DNA damage at levels 100-fold below the detection limit of the alkaline comet assay. The gamma-H2AX signal was quantitative with a linear increase of the gamma-H2AX signal over two orders of magnitude. We found that all nucleated blood cell types examined, including the short-lived neutrophils induce gamma-H2AX in response to DSBs. Interindividual difference in the gamma-H2AX signal in response to ionizing radiation and the DSB-inducing drug calicheamicin was almost 2-fold in blood cells from patients, indicating that the amount of gamma-H2AX produced in response to a given dose of radiation varies significantly in the human population. This simple method could be used to monitor response to radiation or DNA-damaging drugs.  相似文献   

Interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are an extremely toxic class of DNA damage incurred during normal metabolism or cancer chemotherapy. ICLs covalently tether both strands of duplex DNA, preventing the strand unwinding that is essential for polymerase access. The mechanism of ICL repair in mammalian cells is poorly understood. However, genetic data implicate the Ercc1-Xpf endonuclease and proteins required for homologous recombination-mediated double-strand break (DSB) repair. To examine the role of Ercc1-Xpf in ICL repair, we monitored the phosphorylation of histone variant H2AX (gamma-H2AX). The phosphoprotein accumulates at DSBs, forming foci that can be detected by immunostaining. Treatment of wild-type cells with mitomycin C (MMC) induced gamma-H2AX foci and increased the amount of DSBs detected by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Surprisingly, gamma-H2AX foci were also induced in Ercc1(-/-) cells by MMC treatment. Thus, DSBs occur after cross-link damage via an Ercc1-independent mechanism. Instead, ICL-induced DSB formation required cell cycle progression into S phase, suggesting that DSBs are an intermediate of ICL repair that form during DNA replication. In Ercc1(-/-) cells, MMC-induced gamma-H2AX foci persisted at least 48 h longer than in wild-type cells, demonstrating that Ercc1 is required for the resolution of cross-link-induced DSBs. MMC triggered sister chromatid exchanges in wild-type cells but chromatid fusions in Ercc1(-/-) and Xpf mutant cells, indicating that in their absence, repair of DSBs is prevented. Collectively, these data support a role for Ercc1-Xpf in processing ICL-induced DSBs so that these cytotoxic intermediates can be repaired by homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are considered to be the most relevant lesions for the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation exposure. The discovery that the induction of DSBs is rapidly followed by the phosphorylation of H2AX histone at Ser-139, favoring repair protein recruitment or access, opens the possibility for a wide range of research. This phosphorylated histone, named gamma-H2AX, has been shown to form foci in interphase nuclei as well as megabase chromatin domains surrounding the DNA lesion on chromosomes. Using detection of gamma-H2AX on germ cell mitotic chromosomes 2 h after gamma-irradiation, we studied radiation-induced DSBs during the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. We show that 1) non-irradiated neonatal germ cells express gamma-H2AX with variable patterns at metaphase, 2) gamma-irradiation induces foci whose number increases in a dose-dependent manner, 3) some foci correspond to visible chromatid breaks or exchanges, 4) sticky chromosomes characterizing cell radiation exposure during mitosis are a consequence of DSBs, and 5) gamma-H2AX remains localized at the sites of the lesions even after end-joining has taken place. This suggests that completion of DSB repair does not necessarily imply disappearance of gamma-H2AX.  相似文献   

High linear energy transfer (LET) ionising radiation (IR) such as radon-derived alpha particles and high mass, high energy (HZE) particles of cosmic radiation are the predominant forms of IR to which humanity is exposed throughout life. High-LET forms of IR are established carcinogens relevant to human cancer, and their potent mutagenicity is believed, in part, to be due to a greater incidence of clustered DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and associated lesions, as ionization events occur within a more confined genomic space. The repair of such DNA damage is now well-documented to occur with slower kinetics relative to that induced by low-LET IR, and to be more reliant upon homology-directed repair pathways. Underlying these phenomena is the relative inability of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) to adequately resolve high-LET IR-induced DSBs. Current findings suggest that the functionality of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), comprised of the Ku70-Ku80 heterodimer and the DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), is particularly perturbed by high-LET IR-induced clustered DSBs, rendering DNA-PK dependent NHEJ less relevant to resolving these lesions. By contrast, the NHEJ-associated DNA processing endonuclease Artemis shows a greater relevance to high-LET IR-induced DSB repair. Here, we will review the cellular response to high-LET irradiation, the implications of the chronic, low-dose modality of this exposure and molecular pathways that respond to high-LET irradiation induced DSBs, with particular emphasis on NHEJ factors.  相似文献   

Characteristics of gamma-H2AX foci at DNA double-strand breaks sites.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Phosphorylated H2AX (gamma-H2AX) is essential to the efficient recognition and (or) repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), and many molecules, often thousands, of H2AX become rapidly phosphorylated at the site of each nascent DSB. An antibody to gamma-H2AX reveals that this highly amplified process generates nuclear foci. The phosphorylation site is a serine four residues from the C-terminus which has been evolutionarily conserved in organisms from giardia intestinalis to humans. Mice and yeast lacking the conserved serine residue demonstrate a variety of defects in DNA DSB processing. H2AX Delta/Delta mice are smaller, sensitive to ionizing radiation, defective in class switch recombination and spermatogenesis while cells from the mice demonstrate substantially increased numbers of genomic defects. gamma-H2AX foci formation is a sensitive biological dosimeter and presents new and exciting opportunities to understand important biological processes, human diseases, and individual variations in radiation sensitivity. These potentialities demonstrate the importance of understanding the parameters and functions of gamma-H2AX formation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), eukaryotic cells rapidly phosphorylate histone H2A isoform H2AX at a C-terminal serine (to form gamma-H2AX) and accumulate repair proteins at or near DSBs. To date, these events have been defined primarily at the resolution of light microscopes, and the relationship between gamma-H2AX formation and repair protein recruitment remains to be defined. RESULTS: We report here the first molecular-level characterization of regional chromatin changes that accompany a DSB formed by the HO endonuclease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Break induction provoked rapid gamma-H2AX formation and equally rapid recruitment of the Mre11 repair protein. gamma-H2AX formation was efficiently promoted by both Tel1p and Mec1p, the yeast ATM and ATR homologs; in G1-arrested cells, most gamma-H2AX formation was dependent on Tel1 and Mre11. gamma-H2AX formed in a large (ca. 50 kb) region surrounding the DSB. Remarkably, very little gamma-H2AX could be detected in chromatin within 1-2 kb of the break. In contrast, this region contains almost all the Mre11p and other repair proteins that bind as a result of the break. CONCLUSIONS: Both Mec1p and Tel1p can respond to a DSB, with distinct roles for these checkpoint kinases at different phases of the cell cycle. Part of this response involves histone phosphorylation over large chromosomal domains; however, the distinct distributions of gamma-H2AX and repair proteins near DSBs indicate that localization of repair proteins to breaks is not likely to be the main function of this histone modification.  相似文献   

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