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The possibility that extracellular collagen is involved in branching morphogenesis of mouse embryo lung and salivary glands has been explored duringin vitro organ culture. Control cultures of both rudiment types contain abundant collagen in extracellular spaces between mesenchymal cells and in the epithelial-mesenchymal interface. Branching morphogenesis of lungs and salivary glands is not perturbed by the presence of β-aminopropionitrile, implying that extracellular collagen cross-linking is not required, but is perturbed by α,α′-dipyridyl orl-azetidine-2-car?ylic acid (LACA), agents reported to interfere with collagen synthesis and secretion. Analysis of the structural and biosynthetic effects of LACA revealed a severe inhibition of collagen synthesis, as monitored by hydroxyproline synthesis, and extracellular collagen accumulation. Cell and tissue integrity was not affected, but a slight inhibition of general protein synthesis, protein accumulation, and epithelial expansion was observed. The strong correlations between collagen biosynthesis, extracellular collagen presence, and branching morphogenesis are consistent with an integral role for collagen in embryonic lung and salivary gland morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Salivary gland branching morphogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Salivary gland branching morphogenesis involves coordinated cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, migration, apoptosis, and interaction of epithelial, mesenchymal, endothelial, and neuronal cells. The ex vivo analysis of embryonic mouse submandibular glands, which branch so reproducibly and beautifully in culture, is a powerful tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating epithelium-mesenchyme interactions during development. The more recent analysis of genetically modified mice provides insight into the genetic regulation of branching morphogenesis. The review begins, as did the field historically, focusing on the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and its components such as glycosaminoglycans, collagens, and laminins. Following sections describe the modification of the ECM by proteases and the role of cell-matrix and cell-cell receptors. The review then focuses on two major families of growth factors implicated in salivary gland development, the fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and the epidermal growth factors (EGFs). The salivary gland phenotypes in mice with genetic modification of FGFs and their receptors highlight the central role of FGFs during salivary gland branching morphogenesis. A broader section mentions other molecules implicated from analysis of the phenotypes of genetically modified mice or organ culture experiments. The review concludes with speculation on some future areas of research.  相似文献   

Coordinated actin microfilament and microtubule dynamics is required for salivary gland development, although the mechanisms by which they contribute to branching morphogenesis are not defined. Because LIM kinase (LIMK) regulates both actin and microtubule organization, we investigated the role of LIMK signaling in mouse embryonic submandibular salivary glands using ex vivo organ cultures. Both LIMK 1 and 2 were necessary for branching morphogenesis and functioned to promote epithelial early- and late-stage cleft progression through regulation of both microfilaments and microtubules. LIMK-dependent regulation of these cytoskeletal systems was required to control focal adhesion protein–dependent fibronectin assembly and integrin β1 activation, involving the LIMK effectors cofilin and TPPP/p25, for assembly of the actin- and tubulin-based cytoskeletal systems, respectively. We demonstrate that LIMK regulates the early stages of cleft formation—cleft initiation, stabilization, and progression—via establishment of actin stability. Further, we reveal a novel role for the microtubule assembly factor p25 in regulating stabilization and elongation of late-stage progressing clefts. This study demonstrates the existence of multiple actin- and microtubule-dependent stabilization steps that are controlled by LIMK and are required in cleft progression during branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) regulates epithelial morphogenesis during development and is important for the proper branching of the lung, mammary gland, and pancreas. We analyzed the salivary gland phenotype of EGF-R-deficient mice and showed impaired growth, branching, and maturation of the epithelium. Furthermore, treatment of wild-type E13 salivary glands with gefitinib, a small molecular inhibitor of EGF-R, led to apoptosis of the mesenchyme. Interestingly, MMP2 and plasminogen activators were upregulated upon inhibition of EGF-R signaling. To summarize, we show that EGF-R is a physiological regulator of salivary gland development and its main function is to support the proliferation and maturation of the epithelium and the survival of the mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Although the neuropilins were characterized as semaphorin receptors that regulate axon guidance, they also function as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors and contribute to the development of other tissues. Here, we assessed the role of NRP2 in mouse mammary gland development based on our observation that NRP2 is expressed preferentially in the terminal end buds of developing glands. A floxed NRP2 mouse was bred with an MMTV-Cre strain to generate a mammary gland-specific knockout of NRP2. MMTV-Cre;NRP2(loxP/loxP) mice exhibited significant defects in branching morphogenesis and ductal outgrowth compared with either littermate MMTV-Cre;NRP2(+/loxP) or MMTV-Cre mice. Mechanistic insight into this morphological defect was obtained from a mouse mammary cell line in which we observed that VEGF(165), an NRP2 ligand, induces branching morphogenesis in 3D cultures and that branching is dependent upon NRP2 as shown using shRNAs and a function-blocking antibody. Epithelial cells in the mouse mammary gland express VEGF, supporting the hypothesis that this NRP2 ligand contributes to mammary gland morphogenesis. Importantly, we demonstrate that VEGF and NRP2 activate focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and promote FAK-dependent branching morphogenesis in vitro. The significance of this mechanism is substantiated by our finding that FAK activation is diminished significantly in developing MMTV-Cre;NRP2(loxP/loxP) mammary glands compared with control glands. Together, our data reveal a VEGF/NRP2/FAK signaling axis that is important for branching morphogenesis and mammary gland development. In a broader context, our data support an emerging hypothesis that directional outgrowth and branching morphogenesis in a variety of tissues are influenced by signals that were identified initially for their role in axon guidance.  相似文献   

Chitosan has been shown to be effective in regulating progenitor salivary tissue morphogenesis, however, the specificity of chitosan effects remains unclear. To assess the regulatory ability of chitosan in salivary gland morphogenesis, progenitor salivary tissue from embryonal submandibular gland (SMG) was cultured in chitosan-containing medium. It was found that soluble chitosan was able to promote SMG branching in a dose-dependent manner. The effect was chitosan-specific and was not reproduced by substrates with similar chemical structures or other polymeric molecules of natural or synthetic origin. Furthermore, the branch-promoting effects were molecular weight-dependent. In addition, following digestion with lysozyme, chitinase, or chitosanase, digested chitosan was unable to reproduce the similar effects. In all, this study clarifies the specificity and preferential activity of chitosan in enhancing branching morphogenesis of progenitor salivary tissue and highlights its potential utility for application in salivary tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Papaverine reversibly inhibits morphogenesis of cultured mouse salivary glands. The drug does not alter the morphology of epithelial cell microfilament systems or other organelles. Incubation in calcium-free medium also reversibly inhibits morphogenesis, though effects upon tissue integrity are possible.  相似文献   

FGF8 has been shown to play important morphoregulatory roles during embryonic development. The observation that craniofacial, cardiovascular, pharyngeal, and neural phenotypes vary with Fgf8 gene dosage suggests that FGF8 signaling induces differences in downstream responses in a dose-dependent manner. In this study, we investigated if FGF8 plays a dose-dependent regulatory role during embryonic submandibular salivary gland (SMG) morphogenesis. We evaluated SMG phenotypes of Fgf8 hypomorphic mice, which have decreased Fgf8 gene function throughout embryogenesis. We also evaluated SMG phenotypes of Fgf8 conditional mutants in which Fgf8 function has been completely ablated in its expression domain in the first pharyngeal arch ectoderm from the time of arch formation. Fgf8 hypomorphs have hypoplastic SMGs, whereas conditional mutant SMGs exhibit ontogenic arrest followed by involution and are absent by E18.5. SMG aplasia in Fgf8 ectoderm conditional mutants indicates that FGF8 signaling is essential for the morphogenesis and survival of Pseudoglandular Stage and older SMGs. Equally important, the presence of an initial SMG bud in Fgf8 conditional mutants indicates that initial bud formation is FGF8 independent. Mice heterozygous for either the Fgf8 null allele (Fgf8(+/N)) or the hypomorphic allele (Fgf8(+/H)) have SMGs that are indistinguishable from wild-type (Fgf8(+/+)) mice which suggest that there is not only an FGF8 dose-dependent phenotypic response, but a nonlinear, threshold-like, epistatic response as well. We also found that enhanced FGF8 signaling induced, and abrogated FGF8 signaling decreased, SMG branching morphogenesis in vitro. Furthermore, since FGF10 and Shh expression is modulated by Fgf8 levels, we postulated that exogenous FGF10, Shh, or FGF10 + Shh peptide supplementation in vitro would largely "rescue" the abnormal SMG phenotype associated with decreased FGF8 signaling. This is as expected, though there is no synergistic effect with FGF10 + Shh peptide supplementation. These in vitro experiments model the principle that mutations have different effects in the context of different epigenotypes.  相似文献   

The Ron receptor tyrosine kinase is expressed in normal breast tissue and is overexpressed in approximately 50% of human breast cancers. Despite the recent studies on Ron in breast cancer, nothing is known about the importance of this protein during breast development. To investigate the functional significance of Ron in the normal mammary gland, we compared mammary gland development in wild-type mice to mice containing a targeted ablation of the tyrosine kinase (TK) signaling domain of Ron (TK−/−). Mammary glands from RonTK−/− mice exhibited accelerated pubertal development including significantly increased ductal extension and branching morphogenesis. While circulating levels of estrogen, progesterone, and overall rates of epithelial cell turnover were unchanged, significant increases in phosphorylated MAPK, which predominantly localized to the epithelium, were associated with increased branching morphogenesis. Additionally, purified RonTK−/− epithelial cells cultured ex vivo exhibited enhanced branching morphogenesis, which was reduced upon MAPK inhibition. Microarray analysis of pubertal RonTK−/− glands revealed 393 genes temporally impacted by Ron expression with significant changes observed in signaling networks regulating development, morphogenesis, differentiation, cell motility, and adhesion. In total, these studies represent the first evidence of a role for the Ron receptor tyrosine kinase as a critical negative regulator of mammary development.  相似文献   

The stromal microenvironment regulates mammary gland branching morphogenesis. We have observed that mast cells are present in the mammary gland throughout its postnatal development and, in particular, are found around the terminal end buds and ductal epithelium of the pubertal gland. Mast cells contribute to allergy, inflammatory diseases, and cancer development but have not been implicated in normal development. Genetic and pharmacological disruption of mast cell function in the mammary gland revealed that mast cells are involved in rapid proliferation and normal duct branching during puberty, and this effect is independent of macrophage recruitment, which also regulates mammary gland development. For mast cells to exert their effects on normal morphogenesis required activation of their serine proteases and degranulation. Our observations reveal a novel role for mast cells during normal pubertal development in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is associated with breast cancer and is required for mammary placode formation in the mouse. In this study, we employed a genetic mosaic analysis based on Cre-mediated recombination to investigate FGF receptor 2 (Fgfr2) function in the postnatal mammary gland. Mosaic inactivation of Fgfr2 by the MMTV-Cre transgene enabled us to compare the behavior of Fgfr2 null and Fgfr2 heterozygous cells in the same gland. Fgfr2 null cells were at a competitive disadvantage to their Fgfr2 heterozygous neighbors in the highly proliferative terminal end buds (TEBs) at the invasion front, owing to a negative effect of loss of Fgfr2 function on cell proliferation. However, Fgfr2 null cells were tolerated in mature ducts. In these genetic mosaic mammary glands, the epithelial network is apparently built by TEBs that over time are composed of a progressively larger proportion of Fgfr2-positive cells. However, subsequently, most cells lose Fgfr2 function, presumably due to additional rounds of Cre-mediated recombination. Using an independent strategy to create mosaic mammary glands, which employed an adenovirus-Cre that acts only once, we confirmed that Fgfr2 null cells were out-competed by neighboring Fgfr2 heterozygous cells. Together, our data demonstrate that Fgfr2 functions in the proliferating and invading TEBs, but it is not required in the mature ducts of the pubertal mammary gland.  相似文献   

While it is clear that the normal branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud (UB) is critical for development of the metanephric kidney, the specific patterns of branching and growth have heretofore only been inferred from static images. Here, we present a systematic time-lapse analysis of UB branching morphogenesis during the early development of the mouse kidney in organ culture. Metanephric primordia from Hoxb7/GFP transgenic embryos were cultured for 3-4 days, and GFP images of the UB taken every 30 min were assembled into movies. Analysis of these movies (available as )revealed that the UB is a highly plastic structure, which can branch in a variety of complex patterns, including terminal bifid, terminal trifid, and lateral branching. To examine kinetic parameters of branching and elongation, skeletal representations of the UB were used to measure the number of segments and branch points and the length of each segment as a function of time and of branch generation. These measurements provide a baseline for future studies on mutant kidneys with defects in renal development. To illustrate how these quantitative methods can be applied to the analysis of abnormal kidney development, we examined the effects of the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 on renal organ cultures and confirmed a previous report that the drug has a specific inhibitory effect on UB branching as opposed to elongation.  相似文献   

Key gene families such as FGFs and BMPs are important mediators of branching morphogenesis. To understand whether Wnt genes, and in particular, the canonical Wnt signaling pathway also function in the branching process, we have used a combination of experimental and genetic gain and loss of function approaches to perturb the levels of canonical Wnt signaling in two arborized structures, the lung and the lacrimal gland. Here, we show that the addition of Wnt3a conditioned medium or LiCl strongly represses growth and proliferation of the lung and lacrimal gland, a result that was confirmed in vivo using a dominant stable mutation of beta-catenin conditionally expressed in the lacrimal gland epithelium. In agreement with these data, knockdown of Wnt signaling with beta-catenin morpholinos results in a greater number of branches and increased cell proliferation. In addition, we show that canonical Wnt signaling is able to modulate the levels of Fgf10 and suppress BMP-induced proliferation in the lacrimal gland. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling negatively regulates branching morphogenesis providing a balance to FGFs and BMPs which positively regulate this process. This multilayered control of growth and proliferation ensures that branched structures attain the morphology required to function efficiently.  相似文献   

The mouse submandibular gland (SMG) epithelium undergoes extensive morphogenetic branching during embryonic development as the first step in the establishment of its glandular structure. However, the specific signaling pathways required for SMG branching morphogenesis are not well understood. Using E13 mouse SMG organ cultures, we showed that inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), wortmannin and LY294002, substantially inhibited branching morphogenesis in SMG. Branching morphogenesis of epithelial rudiments denuded of mesenchyme was inhibited similarly, indicating that PI 3-kinase inhibitors act directly on the epithelium. Immunostaining and Western analysis demonstrated that the p85 isoform of PI 3-kinase is expressed in epithelium at levels higher than in the mesenchyme. A target of PI 3-kinase, Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), showed decreased phosphorylation at Ser(473) by Western analysis in the presence of PI 3-kinase inhibitors. The major lipid product of PI 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)), was added exogenously to SMG via a membrane-transporting carrier in the presence of PI 3-kinase inhibitors and was found to stimulate cleft formation, the first step of branching morphogenesis. Together, these data indicate that PI 3-kinase plays a role in the regulation of epithelial branching morphogenesis in mouse SMG acting through a PIP(3) pathway.  相似文献   

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