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We have shown that the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum can be grown in batch culture supplemented with potentially toxic fatty alcohols without a major effect on the growth rate if the concentration of the alcohols is kept low either by programmed addition or by adding the alcohol as an inclusion complex with -cyclodextrin. HPLC and GC analysis of pigment extracts from the supplemented cells showed that the fatty alcohols were incorporated into bacteriochlorophyll c as the esterifying alcohol. It was possible to change up to 43% of the naturally occurring farnesyl ester of bacteriochlorophyll c with the added alcohol. This change in the homolog composition had no effect on the spectral properties of the cells when farnesol was partially replaced by stearol, phytol or geranylgeraniol. However, with dodecanol we obtained a blue-shift of 6 nm of the Qy band of the bacteriochlorophyll c and a concomitant change in the fluorescence emission was observed. The possible significance of these findings is discussed in the light of current ideas about bacteriochlorophyll organization in the chlorosomes.Abbreviations -CD -cyclodextrin - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - BChl c H bacteriochlorophyllide c - [E,M] BChl c F 8-ethyl, 12-methyl, farnesyl BChl c - [E,E] BChl c F 8-ethyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - [P,E] BChl c F 8-propyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - [I,E] BChl c F 8-isobutyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - Car carotenoids  相似文献   

In hippocampal neurons, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current via G protein. We identified the K+ channel activated by 5-HT (K5-HT channel) and studied the effects of G protein subunits and nucleotides on the K+ channel kinetics in adult rat hippocampal neurons. In inside-out patches with 10 m 5-HT in the pipette, application of GTP (100 m) to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane activated an inwardly rectifying K+ channel with a slope conductance of 36±1 pS (symmetrical 140 mm K+) at –60 mV and a mean open time of 1.1±0.1 msec (n=5). Transducin activated the (K5-HT) channels and this was reversed by -GDP. Whether the K5-HT channel was activated endogenously (GTP, GTPS) or exogenously (), the presence of 1 mm ATP resulted in a 4-fold increase in channel activity due in large part to the prolongation of the open time duration. These effects of ATP were irreversible and not mimicked by AMPPMP, suggesting that phosphorylation might be involved. However, inhibitors of protein kinases A and C (H-7, staurosporine) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin 25) failed to block the effect of ATP. These results show that G activates the G protein-gated K+ channel in hippocampal neurons, and that ATP modifies the gating kinetics of the channel, resulting in increased open probability via as yet unknown pathways.  相似文献   

Summary The air-blood barrier was studied in replicas of freeze-fractured lung biopsies collected from healthy human subjects. Adjacent pneumocytes display a belt-like network composed of 3–7 superimposed ridges (fibrils) on the P face and complementary grooves on the E face, i.e., a structure corresponding to a tight junction. On the other hand, adjacent capillary endothelial cells show a continuous system of 2–4 membrane foldings. These appear mainly as smooth surfaced crests on the P face; on the E face furrows are seen, at the bottom of which a row of particles is situated. This arrangement suggests a leaky type of junction. Discontinuous occluding junctions are located in the pericytic venular segment of the alveolar vessels. The present findings are in agreement with previous physiological and ultrastructural tracer studies locating the main part of the diffusion barrier for small polar solutes and proteins in the alveolar epithelium. Communicating junctions are demonstrated between type I and type II pneumocytes, indicating intercellular cooperation between these cells of common embryonic origin, but which fulfill different functions in the adult. In the endothelium of the non-muscular alveolar vessels communicating junctions are lacking. Desmosomes occur in the epithelium between type I and type II pneumocytes; square arrays of particles characterize the plasma membrane of type I pneumocytes.A portion of this work was presented in partial fulfillment for the degree of Dr. med., Hannover Medical School  相似文献   

We determined the enzymatic activity and crude subcellular distribution of four exopeptidases: Dipeptidylaminopeptidase IV (DAP-IV), Alanyl aminopeptidase (AAP), Prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP) and -Glutamyl transpeptidase (GTP), and two endopeptidases: Postproline endopeptidase (PEP) and Trypsin-like peptidase (T-L P) in pars compacta (SNPC) and pars reticulata (SNPR) of substantia nigra, caudate-putamen (CAU) and cerebral cortex (CC) of the rat brain. We found: 1) DAP-IV activity is comparatively higher in SNPC and it is equally distributed in the postmitochondrial precipitate (PR) and supernatant (SN) fractions of SNPC, CAU and CC but higher in the SN from SNPR. 2) CC shows the highest activity of AAP and its activity is mainly located in the SN from all areas. 3) The activity of PAP is comparatively higher in SNPC and it is exclusively located in the SN from all areas. 4) GTP activity is similar in all areas but its predominance is in the SN for SNPC and SNPR, and in the PR for CAU and CC. 5) CAU has higher PEP activity (higher in the PR) than CC (higher in the SN); no activity is detected in the substantia nigra. 6) The activity of a Trypsin-like peptidase is the highest in SNPC and SNPR; this activity have some predominance in the SN and higher predominance in the same fraction from CAU and CC.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method, using only two chromatographic steps, is described for the purification and preparation of enolase isoenzymes from human and beef brain extracts. In the first step, a crude enolase was obtained by chromatography on Q-Sepharose Fast Flow column. The crude fraction was then purified by high performance anion exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. enolase obtained in this manner was shown to be homogeneous by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by high performance gel permeation chromatography. The yield of enolase by this method was 7–8 mg of pure enzyme per 100 g of brain.  相似文献   

The method for the assay of glutamine synthetase (GlnS) relies on the -glutamyl transferase reaction, i.e. the formation of glutamyl--hydroxamate from glutamine and hydroxylamine, and the chromatographic separation of the reaction product from the reactants. The method is not only simple and reliable, but also has a sensitivity comparable to those methods applying radioactively labelled substrates. This new procedure has been applied to the assay of GlnS in cultured rat cortical astroglial cells which have been treated with a homologous series of , -bis-(dimethylamino)alkanes. Effects of these drugs on astroglial development are reported.  相似文献   

The relative proportions of -helix, -sheet, and unordered form in -lactoglobulin A and B were examined in solutions of urea, guanidine, and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In the curve-fitting method of circular dichroism (CD) spectra, the reference spectra of the corresponding structures determined by Chen et al. (1974) were modified essentially according to the secondary structure of -lactoglobulin B predicted by Creamer et al. (1983), i.e., that the protein has 17% -helix and 41% -sheet. The two variants showed no appreciable difference in structural changes. The reduction of disulfide bridges in the proteins increased -sheet up to 48% but did not affect the -helical proportion. The -helical proportions of nonreduced -lactoglobulin A and B were not affected below 2 M guanidine or below 3 M urea, but those of the reduced proteins began to decrease in much lower concentrations of these denaturants. By contrast, the -helical proportions of the nonreduced and reduced proteins increased to 40–44% in SDS. The -sheet proportions of both nonreduced and reduced proteins, which remained unaffected even in 6 M guanidine and 9 M urea, decreased to 24–25% in SDS.  相似文献   

Willoughby  Nick  Grimble  Robin  Ellenbroek  Wim  Danso  Elijah  Amatekpor  Julius 《Hydrobiologia》2001,458(1-3):221-234
The Government of Ghana has recently declared five coastal wetlands to be Ramsar sites. This requires the wise use of wetlands of international importance for bird habitat, but does not preclude human habitation or ecologically friendly development. The sites are Muni-Pomadze, Densu Delta, Sakumo, Songor and Keta. An attempt was made to identify and assess a range of development options for initiation within the sites that would be compatible with the environmental concerns of Ramsar, while also being technically and economically viable and socially acceptable to the communities in the sites. The appraisal included developing a detailed understanding of the physical, biological, human and institutional resources of the areas, the land uses and prevailing livelihood systems of local people, and the pressures placed on the natural resources of the wetlands. Many of the developments nominated by stakeholders were rejected, but twenty topics passed the initial tests. These were considered in more detail using information collected for the study by national specialists. Most of the options were considered suitable for local level implementation by community groups or local entrepreneurs. Government assistance will be needed to ensure an enabling institutional framework for small-scale business development is provided.  相似文献   

The specialized reproductive functions of angiosperm pistils are dependent in part upon the regulated activation of numerous genes expressed predominantly in this organ system. To better understand the nature of these pistil-predominant gene products we have analyzed seven cDNA clones isolated from tomato pistils through differential hybridization screening. Six of the seven cDNAs represent sequences previously undescribed in tomato, each having a unique pistil- and/or floral-predominant expression pattern. The putative protein products encoded by six of the cDNAs have been identified by their similarity to sequences in the database of previously sequenced genes, with a seventh sequence having no significant similarity with any previously reported sequence. Three of the putative proteins appear to be targeted to the endomembrane system and include an endo--1,4-glucanase which is expressed exclusively in pistils at early stages of development, and proteins similar in sequence to -thionin and miraculin which are expressed in immature pistils and stamens, and in either sepals or petals, respectively. Two other clones, similar in sequence to each other, were expressed primarily in immature pistils and stamens and encode distinct proteins with similarity to leucine aminopeptidases. An additional clone, which encodes a protein similar in sequence to the enzyme hyoscyamine 6--hydroxylase and to other members of the family of Fe2+/ascorbate-dependent oxidases, was expressed at high levels in pistils, stamens and sepals, and at detectable levels in some vegetative organs. Together, these observations provide new insight into the nature and possible functional roles of genes expressed during reproductive development.  相似文献   

Summary Few clinical responses have occurred in preliminary studies using the cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interferon (IFN) in cancer patients. This may be related to the observation that many malignant cell lines are resistant to lysis by these cytokinesin vitro. Resistance to lysis by TNF or IFN in many cells is controlled by a protein-synthesis-dependent mechanism, such that when protein synthesis is inhibited cells become sensitive to lysis by these cytokines. Because there is some evidence that TNF and IFN act through different lytic mechanisms and are opposed by different resistance mechanisms, we treated a panel of eight cell lines, five derived from human cervical carcinomas (ME-180, MS751, SiHa, HT-3, and C-33A) and three derived from ovarian carcinomas (Caov-3, SK-OV-3, and NIH: OVCAR-3) with both TNF and IFN to determine whether such combination treatment might maximizein vitro cell lysis. Our results showed that pretreatment with IFN followed by exposure to TNF in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors increased lysis of seven of the eight cell lines above that seen with either TNF or IFN and inhibitors of protein synthesis. Only the cell line C-33A was resistant to lysis by TNF and IFN, when exposed to these agents both alone and in combination with protein synthesis inhibitors. Clinically, combining the cytokines TNF and IFN with protein synthesis inhibitors may maximize thein vivo lytic effects of these cytokines.Supported by American Cancer Society Career Development Award 90-221  相似文献   

Efflux of glutathione (GSH) and GSH-conjugates from cultured rat liver epithelial cell lines; the non-tumorigenic ARL-15C1 and the -glutamyl transpeptidase containing, tumorigenic ARL-16T2, has been assessed under basal condition and during chronic treatment with 75 and 150 M ethacrynic acid (EA). The intracellular level of GSH increased in proportion to EA concentration during chronic exposure. The rates of GSH and GSH-EA conjugate efflux increased with intracellular GSH in both ARL cell lines.Glutathione-S-transferase activity measured with EA as substrate increased over the experimental time course after treatment with 150, but not 75 M EA. When intracellular GSH content was increased by treatment with the cysteine pro-drug, 2-L-oxothiazolidine 4-carboxylic acid, the rate of GSH efflux was increased, but not the rate of GS-EA conjugate export. Inhibition of -glutamyl transpeptidase by acivicin (AT-125) increased the GSH and GS-EA conjugate efflux rate in ARL-16T2 cells by factors of approximately 2 and 15, respectively. Acivicin treatment of ARL-16T2 cells chronically treated with EA elevated GSH efflux rate by 10-fold and GS-EA efflux by 40-fold versus control samples. These studies show that GSH and GSH conjugate efflux are accomplished as independently regulated processes. Efflux of GSH is enhanced by increased in racellular GSH, but increase in the conjugate transport rate requires the presence of the GSH conjugate. The response of the efflux process to treatment with a chronic GSH depleting agent was identical in two cell lines in which the metabolic fate of glutathione is known to differ fundamentally.Abbreviations GSH reduced glutathione - GSSG oxidized glutathione - GS-EA the glutathione conjugate of ethacrynic acid - EA ethacrynic acid - CDNB 1-chloro 2,4-dinitrobenzene - HBS HEPES buffered saline - OTC 2-L-oxothiazolidine 4-carboxylic acid - CYSSG cysteinyl-glutathione mixed disulfide - FDNB 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene - GCS -glutamyl cysteine synthetase - GST glutathione-S-transferase - BCA bicinchoninic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PCA perchloric acid  相似文献   

Summary Previously, we reported the isolation of a new microbial strain,Flavobacterium sp. DS5 (NRRL B-14859) which converted oleic and linoleic acids to their corresponding 10-keto- and 10--ydroxy-fatty acids. The hydration enzyme seemed to be specific to the C-10 position. Now we have identified, by GC/MS, NMR, and FTIR, the bioconversion products from -linolenic acid as 10-hydroxy-12(Z), 15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid and from -linolenic acid as 10-hydroxy-6(Z), 12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid. Products from 9(E)-unsaturated fatty acids were also identified as their corresponding 10-hydroxy or 10-keto fatty acids. From these results, it is concluded that strain DS5 hydratase is indeed a C-10 positional-specific enzyme and prefers an 18-carbon mono-unsaturated fatty acid. Among the C18 unsaturated fatty acids, an additional double bond on either side of the C-9 position lowers the enzyme hydration activity.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the sequence of a rat A3/A1-crystallin complementary DNA (cDNA) clone and the (partial) sequence of the human B3-crystallin gene. Calculation of the ratio of silent to nonsynonymous substitution between orthologous A3/A1-, B3-, and other - and -crystallin sequences revealed that the region encoding the two globular domains of the A3/A1-crystallin sequence is the best conserved during evolution, much better than the corresponding region of the B1-, B3-, or the -crystallin sequences, and even better (at least in the rodent/frog comparison) that the well-conserved A-crystallin sequence. Remarkably, the rate of change of the A3/A1-crystallin coding sequence does not differ in the rodent and primate lineages, in contrast with previous findings concerning the evolution rates of the A- or -crystallin sequences in these two lineages. Comparison of the regions that encode the four motifs of the -crystallin between orthologous mammalian sequences showed that the extent of nonsynonymous substitution in each of these four homologous motif regions is the same. However, when the orthologous -crystallin genes of more distantly related species (mammals vs chicken or frog) are compared, the extent of nonsynonymous substitution is higher in the regions encoding the external motifs I and III than in the regions encoding the internal motifs II and IV. This phenomenon is also observed when paralogous members of the /-crystallin supergene family are compared.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida variants were characterized for alterations in their cell surface structure and used to examine reconstitution of the surface protein layer (A-layer). Variants lacking outer membrane O-polysaccharide were devoid of A-layer and excreted stainable floret-like material of the surface protein (A-protein). One variant, showing partial loss of O-polysaccharide, was associated with a disrupted A-layer and excretion of some A-protein. Variants lacking A-protein but possessing O-polysaccharide rapidly absorbed and concentrated sufficient excreted A-protein at the cell surface to coat the cells with a single confluent layer. Although differences in electrophoretic mobilities of A-proteins and O-polysaccharides from typical and atypical strains were evident, the different A-proteins and A-protein-deficient variants were interchangeable for reconstitution of a surface protein layer. No association of A-protein with cell surfaces of unrelated gram-negative bacteria was observed.Abbreviations A-layer additional surface protein layer - A-protein surface protein - Ast Aeromonas salmonicida typical - Asa Aeromonas salmonicida atypical - A- phenotypically A-protein-negative variant - O- phenotypically O-polysaccharide-negative variant - Owk phenotypically O-polysaccharide weak variant - BHI brain heart infusion - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

Neurohormone C (NC) is a glycopeptide isolated from bovine hypothalamus, which inhibits Ca-calmodulin (CaM)-dependent cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) and is a regulator of Ca in the cell. Distribution of [45Ca]CaCl2 in the mitochondria and reticulum (SR) of heart and brain mitochondria and changes of Ca-binding proteins in these organelles under NC influence have been studied in the myocardium before and after isoproterenol-induced necrosis. Intraperitoneal administration of 80–100 mU of PDE inhibitory activity of NC to rats did not cause any noticeable changes in the protein content of intracellular organelles, but altered the affinity of certain proteins to45Ca2+. This property of NC was especially noticable after isoproterenol necrosis. Necrotic injury of the myocardium induced Ca2+ storage in the mitochondria and SR of brain, and decreased the Ca2+ concentration in myocardial mitochondria. NC injection to the animals with necrosis was followed by Ca2+ release from all the studied organelles.  相似文献   

Summary Although fluoride-labile protecting groups and linkers have been developed in solid-phase peptide synthesis to add an extra level of orthogonality, fluoride ions were found to convert -peptides to their corresponding - or -peptides in Glu(OtBu)- and Asp(OtBu)-containing peptidyl resins. Different peptide sequences and fluoride reagents were examined to determine the scope of this side reaction. CZE analysis was found to be a useful analytical technique to characterize peptides with respect to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The relative potency of interferon (IFN), interferon (IFN), and interferon (IFN) in inducing the expression of HLA class I antigens, as well as their capacity to counteract the inhibition induced by glucocorticoid hormones on HLA class I antigen expression, were analysed in the human melanoma cell line M14, both at membrane and at mRNA level. The data obtained indicate that (a) IFN enhance with different potency (IFN>IFN>IFN) the expression of HLA class I antigens in M14 cells, (b) prednisone inhibits HLA class I antigen expresion, (c) glucocorticoid hormones, when associated with IFN or IFN, inhibit the HLA class I enhancement induced by IFN alone, and ffinally, (c) the association between 1 M prednisone or 1 M deflazacort and IFN seems to potentiate the enhancing capacity of IFN on the expression of HLA class I molecules at the mRNA level. These findings, if confirmed, might indicate that IFN and glucocorticoid hormones are not mutually exclusive in the management of human melanoma.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and cytoarchitectonic pattern of the magno- and parvocellular hypothalamic nuclei of the cobra, Naja naja, are described at the light-microscopic level. With respect to their tinctorial affinity to paraldehyde fuchsin (AF) as a representative of the Gomori-type of stains, the magnocellular neurons belong to the AF-positive and the parvocellular neurons to the AF-negative elements. In addition to the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei proper, two accessory aggregations of magnocellular neurons, the nucleus retrochiasmaticus and nucleus circularis, can be identified. Although in a peculiar location, they may be regarded as subunits of the supraopticoparaventricular neurosecretory complex. As many as 22 AF-negative nuclear areas are identified in the hypothalamus of the cobra. The nucleus periventricularis hypothalami of earlier authors is subdivided into several circumscribed neuronal complexes. The nucleus arcuatus, nucleus hypothalamicus lateralis and nucleus lateralis recessus infundibuli are well developed. An attempt is made to interpret the significance of these nuclei on a comparative and phylogenetic basis.On leave from the Department of Zoology, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India  相似文献   

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