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During embryogenesis, paraxial mesoderm cells contribute skeletal muscle progenitors, whereas cardiac progenitors originate in the lateral splanchnic mesoderm (SpM). Here we focus on a subset of the SpM that contributes to the anterior or secondary heart field (AHF/SHF), and lies adjacent to the cranial paraxial mesoderm (CPM), the precursors for the head musculature. Molecular analyses in chick embryos delineated the boundaries between the CPM, undifferentiated SpM progenitors of the AHF/SHF, and differentiating cardiac cells. We then revealed the regionalization of branchial arch mesoderm: CPM cells contribute to the proximal region of the myogenic core, which gives rise to the mandibular adductor muscle. SpM cells contribute to the myogenic cells in the distal region of the branchial arch that later form the intermandibular muscle. Gene expression analyses of these branchiomeric muscles in chick uncovered a distinct molecular signature for both CPM- and SpM-derived muscles. Islet1 (Isl1) is expressed in the SpM/AHF and branchial arch in both chick and mouse embryos. Lineage studies using Isl1-Cre mice revealed the significant contribution of Isl1(+) cells to ventral/distal branchiomeric (stylohyoid, mylohyoid and digastric) and laryngeal muscles. By contrast, the Isl1 lineage contributes to mastication muscles (masseter, pterygoid and temporalis) to a lesser extent, with virtually no contribution to intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles or extraocular muscles. In addition, in vivo activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in chick embryos resulted in marked inhibition of Isl1, whereas inhibition of this pathway increased Isl1 expression. Our findings demonstrate, for the first time, the contribution of Isl1(+) SpM cells to a subset of branchiomeric skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the left-right asymmetry gene Pitx2 has been shown, in mice, to result in right isomerism with associated defects that are similar to that found in humans. We show that the Pitx2c isoform is expressed asymmetrically in a presumptive secondary heart field within the branchial arch and splanchnic mesoderm that contributes to the aortic sac and conotruncal myocardium. Pitx2c was expressed in left aortic sac mesothelium and in left splanchnic and branchial arch mesoderm near the junction of the aortic sac and branchial arch arteries. Mice with an isoform-specific deletion of Pitx2c had defects in asymmetric remodeling of the aortic arch vessels. Fatemapping studies using a Pitx2 cre recombinase knock-in allele showed that daughters of Pitx2-expressing cells populated the right and left ventricles, atrioventricular cushions and valves and pulmonary veins. In Pitx2 mutant embryos, descendents of Pitx2-expressing cells failed to contribute to the atrioventricular cushions and valves and the pulmonary vein, resulting in abnormal morphogenesis of these structures. Our data provide functional evidence that the presumptive secondary heart field, derived from branchial arch and splanchnic mesoderm, patterns the forming outflow tract and reveal a role for Pitx2c in aortic arch remodeling. Moreover, our findings suggest that a major function of the Pitx2-mediated left right asymmetry pathway is to pattern the aortic arches, outflow tract and atrioventricular valves and cushions.  相似文献   



In vertebrates, the skeletal elements of the jaw, together with the connective tissues and tendons, originate from neural crest cells, while the associated muscles derive mainly from cranial mesoderm. Previous studies have shown that neural crest cells migrate in close association with cranial mesoderm and then circumscribe but do not penetrate the core of muscle precursor cells of the branchial arches at early stages of development, thus defining a sharp boundary between neural crest cells and mesodermal muscle progenitor cells. Tendons constitute one of the neural crest derivatives likely to interact with muscle formation. However, head tendon formation has not been studied, nor have tendon and muscle interactions in the head.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Reinvestigation of the relationship between cranial neural crest cells and muscle precursor cells during development of the first branchial arch, using quail/chick chimeras and molecular markers revealed several novel features concerning the interface between neural crest cells and mesoderm. We observed that neural crest cells migrate into the cephalic mesoderm containing myogenic precursor cells, leading to the presence of neural crest cells inside the mesodermal core of the first branchial arch. We have also established that all the forming tendons associated with branchiomeric and eye muscles are of neural crest origin and express the Scleraxis marker in chick and mouse embryos. Moreover, analysis of Scleraxis expression in the absence of branchiomeric muscles in Tbx1−/− mutant mice, showed that muscles are not necessary for the initiation of tendon formation but are required for further tendon development.


This results show that neural crest cells and muscle progenitor cells are more extensively mixed than previously believed during arch development. In addition, our results show that interactions between muscles and tendons during craniofacial development are similar to those observed in the limb, despite the distinct embryological origin of these cell types in the head.  相似文献   

Disheveled (Dvl) is a key regulator of both the canonical Wnt and the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Previous genetic studies in mice indicated that outflow tract (OFT) formation requires Dvl1 and 2, but it was unclear which pathway was involved and whether Dvl1/2-mediated signaling was required in the second heart field (SHF) or the cardiac neural crest (CNC) lineage, both of which are critical for OFT development. In this study, we used Dvl1/2 null mice and a set of Dvl2 BAC transgenes that function in a pathway-specific fashion to demonstrate that Dvl1/2-mediated PCP signaling is essential for OFT formation. Lineage-specific gene-ablation further indicated that Dvl1/2 function is dispensable in the CNC, but required in the SHF for OFT lengthening to promote cardiac looping. Mutating the core PCP gene Vangl2 and non-canonical Wnt gene Wnt5a recapitulated the OFT morphogenesis defects observed in Dvl1/2 mutants. Consistent with genetic interaction studies suggesting that Wnt5a signals through the PCP pathway, Dvl1/2 and Wnt5a mutants display aberrant cell packing and defective actin polymerization and filopodia formation specifically in SHF cells in the caudal splanchnic mesoderm (SpM), where Wnt5a and Dvl2 are co-expressed specifically. Our results reveal a critical role of PCP signaling in the SHF during early OFT lengthening and cardiac looping and suggest that a Wnt5a→ Dvl PCP signaling cascade may regulate actin polymerization and protrusive cell behavior in the caudal SpM to promote SHF deployment, OFT lengthening and cardiac looping.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells migrate in a precisely segmented manner to form cranial ganglia, facial skeleton and other derivatives. Here, we investigate the mechanisms underlying this patterning in the axolotl embryo using a combination of tissue culture, molecular markers, scanning electron microscopy and vital dye analysis. In vitro experiments reveal an intrinsic component to segmental migration; neural crest cells from the hindbrain segregate into distinct streams even in the absence of neighboring tissue. In vivo, separation between neural crest streams is further reinforced by tight juxtapositions that arise during early migration between epidermis and neural tube, mesoderm and endoderm. The neural crest streams are dense and compact, with the cells migrating under the epidermis and outside the paraxial and branchial arch mesoderm with which they do not mix. After entering the branchial arches, neural crest cells conduct an "outside-in" movement, which subsequently brings them medially around the arch core such that they gradually ensheath the arch mesoderm in a manner that has been hypothesized but not proven in zebrafish. This study, which represents the most comprehensive analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in any vertebrate, suggests a dual process for patterning the cranial neural crest. Together with an intrinsic tendency to form separate streams, neural crest cells are further constrained into channels by close tissue apposition and sorting out from neighboring tissues.  相似文献   

Pitx2, a paired-related homeobox gene that encodes multiple isoforms, is the gene mutated in the haploinsufficient Rieger Syndrome type 1 that includes dental, ocular and abdominal wall anomalies as cardinal features. Previous analysis of the craniofacial phenotype of Pitx2-null mice revealed that Pitx2 was both a positive regulator of Fgf8 and a repressor of Bmp4-signaling, suggesting that Pitx2 may function as a coordinator of craniofacial signaling pathways. We show that Pitx2 isoforms have interchangeable functions in branchial arches and that Pitx2 target pathways respond to small changes in total Pitx2 dose. Analysis of Pitx2 allelic combinations that encode varying levels of Pitx2 showed that repression of Bmp signaling requires high Pitx2 while maintenance of Fgf8 signaling requires only low Pitx2. Fate-mapping studies with a Pitx2 cre recombinase knock in allele revealed that Pitx2 daughter cells are migratory and move aberrantly in the craniofacial region of Pitx2 mutant embryos. Our data reveal that Pitx2 function depends on total Pitx2 dose and rule out the possibility that the differential sensitivity of target pathways was a consequence of isoform target specificity. Moreover, our results uncover a new function of Pitx2 in regulation of cell motility in craniofacial development.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis, heart and skeletal muscle progenitor cells are thought to derive from distinct regions of the mesoderm (i.e. the lateral plate mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm, respectively). In the present study, we have employed both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems in the avian embryo to explore how mesoderm progenitors in the head differentiate into both heart and skeletal muscles. Using fate-mapping studies, gene expression analyses, and manipulation of signaling pathways in the chick embryo, we demonstrate that cells from the cranial paraxial mesoderm contribute to both myocardial and endocardial cell populations within the cardiac outflow tract. We further show that Bmp signaling affects the specification of mesoderm cells in the head: application of Bmp4, both in vitro and in vivo, induces cardiac differentiation in the cranial paraxial mesoderm and blocks the differentiation of skeletal muscle precursors in these cells. Our results demonstrate that cells within the cranial paraxial mesoderm play a vital role in cardiogenesis, as a new source of cardiac progenitors that populate the cardiac outflow tract in vivo. A deeper understanding of mesodermal lineage specification in the vertebrate head is expected to provide insights into the normal, as well as pathological, aspects of heart and craniofacial development.  相似文献   

The second heart field (SHF) is indicated to contribute to the embryonic heart development. However, less knowledge is available about SHF development of human embryo due to the difficulty of collecting embryos. In this study, serial sections of human embryos from Carnegie stage 10 (CS10) to CS16 were stained with antibodies against Islet‐1 (Isl‐1), Nkx2.5, GATA4, myosin heavy chain (MHC) and α‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA) to observe spatiotemporal distribution of SHF and its contribution to the development of the arterial pole of cardiac tube. Our findings suggest that during CS10 to CS12, SHF of the human embryo is composed of the bilateral pharyngeal mesenchyme, the central mesenchyme of the branchial arch and splanchnic mesoderm of the pericardial cavity dorsal wall. With development, SHF translocates and consists of ventral pharyngeal mesenchyme and dorsal wall of the pericardial cavity. Hence, the SHF of human embryo shows a dynamic spatiotemporal distribution pattern. The formation of the Isl‐1 positive condense cell prongs provides an explanation for the saddle structure formation at the distal pole of the outflow tract. In human embryo, the Isl‐1 positive cells of SHF may contribute to the formation of myocardial outflow tract (OFT) and the septum during different development stages.  相似文献   

Recent knockout experiments in the mouse generated amazing craniofacial skeletal muscle phenotypes. Yet none of the genes could be placed into a molecular network, because the programme to control the development of muscles in the head is not known. Here we show that antagonistic signals from the neural tube and the branchial arches specify extraocular versus branchiomeric muscles. Moreover, we identified Fgf8 as the branchial arch derived signal. However, this molecule has an additional function in supporting the proliferative state of myoblasts, suppressing their differentiation, while a further branchial arch derived signal, namely Bmp7, is an overall negative regulator of head myogenesis.  相似文献   

The objective of these experiments was to determine the embryonic origins of craniofacial and cervical voluntary muscles and associated connective tissues in the chick. To accomplish this, suspected primordia, including somitomeres 3-7, somites 1-7, and cephalic neural crest primordia have been transplanted from quail into chick embryos. Quail cells can be detected by the presence of a species-specific nuclear marker. The results are summarized as follows: (table; see text) These results indicate that muscles associated with branchial arch skeletal structures are derived from paraxial mesoderm, as are all other voluntary muscles in the vertebrate embryo. Thus, theories of vertebrate ontogeny and phylogeny based in part on proposed unique features of branchiomeric muscles must be critically reappraised. In addition, many of these cephalic muscles are composites of two separate primordia: the myogenic stem cells of mesodermal origin and the supporting and connective tissues derived from the neural crest or lateral plate mesoderm. Defining these embryonic origins is a necessary prerequisite to understanding how the mesenchymal primordia of cephalic muscles and connective tissues interact to form patterned, species-unique musculoskeletal systems.  相似文献   

During vertebrate embryogenesis, the newly formed mesoderm is allocated to the paraxial, intermediate, and lateral domains, each giving rise to different cell and tissue types. Here, we provide evidence that the forkhead genes, Foxc1 and Foxc2, play a role in the specification of mesoderm to paraxial versus intermediate fates. Mouse embryos lacking both Foxc1 and Foxc2 show expansion of intermediate mesoderm markers into the paraxial domain, lateralization of somite patterning, and ectopic and disorganized mesonephric tubules. In gain of function studies in the chick embryo, Foxc1 and Foxc2 negatively regulate intermediate mesoderm formation. By contrast, their misexpression in the prospective intermediate mesoderm appears to drive cells to acquire paraxial fate, as revealed by expression of the somite markers Pax7 and Paraxis. Taken together, the data indicate that Foxc1 and Foxc2 regulate the establishment of paraxial versus intermediate mesoderm cell fates in the vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are indispensable for the development of the cardiac outflow tract (OFT). Here, we show that mice lacking Smad4 in NCCs have persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA), severe OFT cushion hypoplasia, defective OFT elongation, and mispositioning of the OFT. Cardiac NCCs lacking Smad4 have increased apoptosis, apparently due to decreased Msx1/2 expression. This contributes to the reduction of NCCs in the OFT. Unexpectedly, mutants have MF20-expressing cardiomyocytes in the splanchnic mesoderm within the second heart field (SHF). This may result from abnormal differentiation or defective recruitment of differentiating SHF cells into OFT. Alterations in Bmp4, Sema3C, and PlexinA2 signals in the mutant OFT, SHF, and NCCs, disrupt the communications among different cell populations. Such disruptions can further affect the recruitment of NCCs into the OFT mesenchyme, causing severe OFT cushion hypoplasia and OFT septation failure. Furthermore, these NCCs have drastically reduced levels of Ids and MT1-MMP, affecting the positioning and remodeling of the OFT. Thus, Smad-signaling in cardiac NCCs has cell autonomous effects on their survival and non-cell autonomous effects on coordinating the movement of multiple cell lineages in the positioning and the remodeling of the OFT.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a population of multipotent cells that migrates extensively throughout vertebrate embryos to form diverse structures. Mice mutant for the de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3b exhibit defects in two neural crest derivatives, the craniofacial skeleton and cardiac ventricular septum, suggesting that DNMT3b activity is necessary for neural crest development. Nevertheless, the requirement for DNMT3b specifically in neural crest cells, as opposed to interacting cell types, has not been determined. Using a conditional DNMT3b allele crossed to the neural crest cre drivers Wnt1-cre and Sox10-cre, neural crest DNMT3b mutants were generated. In both neural crest-specific and fully DNMT3b-mutant embryos, cranial neural crest cells exhibited only subtle migration defects, with increased numbers of dispersed cells trailing organized streams in the head. In spite of this, the resulting cranial ganglia, craniofacial skeleton, and heart developed normally when neural crest cells lacked DNMT3b. This indicates that DNTM3b is not necessary in cranial neural crest cells for their development. We conclude that defects in neural crest derivatives in DNMT3b mutant mice reflect a requirement for DNMT3b in lineages such as the branchial arch mesendoderm or the cardiac mesoderm that interact with neural crest cells during formation of these structures.  相似文献   

Mutation of sucker (suc) disrupts development of the lower jaw and other ventral cartilages in pharyngeal segments of the zebrafish head. Our sequencing, cosegregation and rescue results indicate that suc encodes an Endothelin-1 (Et-1). Like mouse and chick Et-1, suc/et-1 is expressed in a central core of arch paraxial mesoderm and in arch epithelia, both surface ectoderm and pharyngeal endoderm, but not in skeletogenic neural crest. Long before chondrogenesis, suc/et-1 mutant embryos have severe defects in ventral arch neural crest expression of dHAND, dlx2, msxE, gsc, dlx3 and EphA3 in the anterior arches. Dorsal expression patterns are unaffected. Later in development, suc/et-1 mutant embryos display defects in mesodermal and endodermal tissues of the pharynx. Ventral premyogenic condensations fail to express myoD, which correlates with a ventral muscle defect. Further, expression of shh in endoderm of the first pharyngeal pouch fails to extend as far laterally as in wild types. We use mosaic analyses to show that suc/et-1 functions nonautonomously in neural crest cells, and is thus required in the environment of postmigratory neural crest cells to specify ventral arch fates. Our mosaic analyses further show that suc/et-1 nonautonomously functions in mesendoderm for ventral arch muscle formation. Collectively our results support a model for dorsoventral patterning of the gnathostome pharyngeal arches in which Et-1 in the environment of the postmigratory cranial neural crest specifies the lower jaw and other ventral arch fates.  相似文献   

Late-stage Pitx2(+/LacZ) mouse embryos stained with x-gal appeared to have blue muscles, suggesting that Pitx2 expression specifically marks some phase of the myogenic progression or muscle anlagen formation. Detailed temporal and spatial analyses were undertaken to determine the extent and onset of Pitx2 expression in muscle. Pitx2 was specifically expressed in the vast majority of muscles of the head and trunk in late embryos and adults. Early Pitx2 expression in the cephalic mesoderm, first branchial arch and somatopleure preceded specification of head muscle. In contrast, Pitx2 expression appeared to follow muscle specification events in the trunk. However, Pitx2 expression was rapidly upregulated in these myogenic structures by E10.5. Upregulation correlated tightly with the apposition of a non-myogenic, Pitx2-expressing, cell cluster lateral to the dermomyotome. This cluster first appeared at the forelimb level at E10.25, gradually elongated in the posterior direction, appeared to aggregate from delaminated cells emanating from the ventrally located somatopleure, and was named the dorsal somatopleure. Immunohistochemistry on appendicular sections after E10.5 demonstrated that Pitx2 neatly marked the areas of muscle anlagen, that Pax3, Lbx1, and the muscle regulatory factors (MRFs) stained only subsets of Pitx2(+) cells within these areas, and that virtually all Pitx2(+) cells in these areas express at least one of these known myogenic markers. Taken together, the results demonstrate that, within muscle anlagen, Pitx2 marks the muscle lineage more completely that any of the known markers, and are consistent with a role for Pitx2 in muscle anlagen formation or maintenance.  相似文献   

In the developing limb, Bmp4 is expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and underlying mesoderm. Insight into the function of Bmp4 in limb development has been hampered by the early embryonic lethality of Bmp4 null embryos. We directly investigated Bmp4 using a conditional null allele of Bmp4 and the Prx1(cre) transgene to inactivate Bmp4 in limb bud mesoderm. The limb bud mesoderm of Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants was defective in production of Bmp4 but still competent to respond to Bmp signaling. Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutant embryos had defective digit patterning including hindlimb preaxial polydactyly with posterior digit transformations. The Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants also had postaxial polydactyly with digit five duplications. Bmp4 mutant limbs had delayed induction and maturation of the AER that resulted in expanded Shh signaling. Moreover, the AER persisted longer in the Bmp4 mutant limb buds exposing the forming digits to prolonged Fgf8 signaling. Our data show that Bmp4 in limb mesoderm regulates AER induction and maturation and implicate signaling from the AER in regulation of digit number and identity.  相似文献   

Tetrapod limbs, forelimbs and hindlimbs, emerge as limb buds during development from appropriate positions along the rostro-caudal axis of the main body. In this study, tissue interactions by which rostro-caudal level-specific limb initiation is established were analyzed. The limb bud originates from the lateral plate located laterally to the paraxial mesoderm, and we obtained evidence that level-specific tissue interactions between the paraxial mesoderm and the lateral plate mesoderm are important for the determination of the limb-type-specific gene expression and limb outgrowth. When the wing-level paraxial mesoderm was transplanted into the presumptive leg region, the wing-level paraxial mesoderm upregulated the expression of Tbx5, a wing marker gene, and down regulated the expression of Tbx4 and Pitx1, leg marker genes, in the leg-level lateral plate. The wing-level paraxial mesoderm relocated into the leg level also inhibited outgrowth of the hindlimb bud and down regulated Fgf10 and Fgf8 expression, demonstrating that the wing-level paraxial mesoderm cannot substitute for the function of the leg-level paraxial mesoderm in initiation and outgrowth of the hindlimb. The paraxial mesoderm taken from the neck- and flank-level regions also had effects on Tbx5/Tbx4 expression with different efficiencies. These findings suggest that the paraxial mesoderm has level-specific abilities along the rostro-caudal axis in the limb-type-specific mechanism for limb initiation.  相似文献   

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