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At a new Middle Triassic vertebrate track site, Borgholzhausen sports field in the central Teutoburger Wald (NW Germany), 36 superimposed track horizons were discovered in the Graue Zwischenmittel beds of the Oolith Member (Lower Muschelkalk Formation, Bithynian substage, Middle Triassic). The track-bearings beds consist of micritic laminites with a variety of sediment surface marks. They document extensive tidal flat facies along the northern margin of the Rhenish Massif. The track inventory consists ofRhynchosauroides peabodyi (Faber) andProcolophonichnium haarmuehlensis (Holst, Smit &; Veenstra), as well as scratch marks, drag marks, and an unidentified tetrapod track. TheR. peabodyi ichnofacies is associated with the moist carbonates of intertidal ponds. The tracks in this facies show a variety of preservational types and were left by reptiles such as prolacertilians.P. haarmuehlensis, on the other hand, was produced by small terrestrial reptiles, and theP. haarmuehlensis ichnofacies originated in the partially dry intertidal to supratidal carbonates. Borgholzhausen sports field and other new localities indicate that tracks of both ichnotaxa are widespread in several stratigraphic units of the Lower and Middle Muschelkalk along the northern margin of the Rhenish Massif and represent megatracksites.  相似文献   

A fossil fish fauna from an erratic Wealden clay deposit in the tillitic cliff of Lobber Ort (Isle of Rügen/GDR) is described (Hybodus sp.,Polyacrodus sp.,Lissodus rugianus n. sp.,Lepidotes cf.mantelli Agassiz,Lepidotes sp., Pycnodontiformes fam., gen. et sp. indet). The fauna indicates brackish-fresh water conditions and resembles those from British Purbeck and Wealden deposits and from the Wealden deposits of Hannover. The exceptional environmental features within the depositional area of the NW-European Wealden facies have obviously accelerated speciation processes within the genusLissodus Brough 1935 during the Earliest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Lüdi  Werner 《Plant Ecology》1954,5(1):161-168
Ohne ZusammenfassungManuskript eingegangen am 30.X.1953.  相似文献   

A new species ofTillandsia is described and discussed in regard to related species.

From the Upper Paleocene/Lowermost Eocene Fur Formation (Moler) of NW Jutland, Denmark, a dipteran larva (fourth instar) is described. On grounds of its morphology and dimensions the specimen can be assigned to the family Chironomidae (non-biting midges). Owing to the mode of development of this family in aquatic habitats, a transport of the larva by wind or active flight to its place of burial can be excluded. Instead, the larva could have been a leftover of a fish meal or transported by currents. The specimen is the first representative of chironomids in the Fur Formation and, additionally, the first wingless stage described from these deposits.  相似文献   

The position of the olfactory bulbs inMugil auratus Risso resembles that of the Salmonide-type. However, the bulbs are distinctly displaced from the corpora striata. This displacement is caused by a growth in length of the secondary olfactory tracts, which seems to start at a later stage of development of the brain. Thus, there is a similarity to the considerable displacement of bulbs found in species belonging to the Cyprinide-type. The peculiar position of the olfactory bulbs inMugil auratus, however, does not necessarily represent a transitional stage to the Cyprinide-type. The following problems are discussed: (a) the two types of positions of the olfactory bulbs occurring in Teleostomi; (b) whether or not these two types are related only to morphological differences; (c) the possible physiological conditions for the displacement of the olfactory bulbs. It may be assumed thatMugil auratus is well suited for electrophysiological investigations on the action potentials of the primary and secondary olfactory fibers.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Aus dem Eulitoral der deutschen Nordseeküste wurden auf Grund von Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1966, 1967 und 1968 insgesamt 85 Arten der Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria) erfaßt. Wichtigste Untersuchungsgebiete sind die Inseln Sylt, Amrum, Helgoland und Rømø. Die bevorzugten Lebensräume sind auf Sylt mittellotische Sandhänge und diesen vorgelagerte, sandige, vorwiegend lenitische Wattengebiete. 73 von den in der Nordsee nachgewiesenen 85 Arten sind Sandbewohner, sieben Arten sind Schlickbewohner und nur fünf Species sind Phytalformen.2. 29 Arten sind neu. Zahlreiche bislang nur unvollständig bekannte Species wurden genauer erfaßt. Der Schwerpunkt der morphologisch-systematischen Untersuchungen liegt auf der Gruppe der Schizorhynchia.3. Von den Eukalyptorhynchia wurden 39 Arten nachgewiesen. Innerhalb der Familien Polycystidae, Koinocystidae, Cystiplanidae und Gnathorhynchidae werden neue Gattungen und Arten beschrieben. Besonders auffällig ist der Artenzuwachs bei den Gnathorhynchidae, für die zahlreiche neue Merkmalskombinationen (Rüssel) nachgewiesen wurden.4. Von den Schizorhynchia wurden 47 Arten erfaßt. Es wurden sechs neue Gattungen errichtet. Die Familiendiagnose der Schizorhynchidae wurde geändert. Innerhalb der formenreichen GattungProschizorhynchus wurden auf Grund der Ausprägung der männlichen Kulikularorgane zwei UntergattungenP. Proschizorhynchus undP. Proschizorhynchella unterschieden. Für die neue GattungNeoschizorhynchus wurden die kürzesten, bislang bekannten Spaltrüssel, kombiniert mit Besonderheiten der männlichen Organe, beschrieben. Je ein Bestimmungsschlüssel ist für die umfangreichen GattungenCarcharodorhynchus undThylacorhynchus aufgestellt worden, der sich auf neu entdeckte Merkmalskombinationen stützt.5. Die Karkinorhynchidae wurden auf Grund der Ausformung der lateralen Drüsensäcke und der Konstruktion des Kopulationsorgans in die neuen Unterfamilien Karkinorhynchinae und Cheliplaninae aufgeteilt. Die GattungKarkinorhynchus wurde in zwei Untergattungen(K. Karkinorhynchus undK. Karkinorhynchides) gespalten. Innerhalb der nah verwandten, formenreichen GattungenCheliplana undRhinepera gelang der Nachweis weiterer neuer Species.6. Die Diascorhynchidae wurden um die neue GattungDiascorhynchides vermehrt, die durch stark asymmetrische Rüsselhaken und einzelne Stilettstacheln von der bisher einzigen GattungDiascorhynchus unterschieden ist.
Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria) from the eulittoral beaches of the German North Sea coast
In the eulittoral beaches of the German North Sea coast 85 species of Kalyptorhynchia were found during investigations in 1966, 1967 and 1968. Studies were carried out mainly on the North Sea islands of Sylt, Amrum, Helgoland (Germany) and Rømø (Denmark). At Sylt, most species were found in more or less exposed beach slopes and in the adjacent sheltered sand flats on the east coast. 73 of the 85 species found in the North Sea are psammobiontic, 7 species prefer muddy substrata, and only 5 species live in the phytal. 29 new species are described. Many other species which were, hitherto, known only incompletely, have been studied in more detail. The Schizorhynchia are the group around which the present study centres. Eukalyptorhynchia (39 species): In the families Polycystidae, Koinocystidae, Cystiplanidae and Gnathorhynchidae new genera and species are described. Particularly notable is the addition of species to the Gnathorhynchidae, where many new combinations of characters for the proboscis have been discovered. Schizorhynchia (47 species): 6 new genera are established. The diagnosis of the Schizorhynchidae is modified. In the large genusProschizorhynchus, 2 subgenera (P. Proschizorhynchus andP. Proschizorhynchella) are distinguished according to the structure of the male cuticular apparatus. In the new genusNeoschizorhynchus the shortest muscular tongues known to date are described. Particular emphasis is laid upon the fact that they occur in combination with specific features of the male organs. For the large generaCarcharodorhynchus andThylacorhynchus a systematic key is given, which is founded on newly discovered combinations of morphological characters. The Karkinorhynchidae are subdivided into the new subfamilies, Karkinorhynchinae and Cheliplaninae, based on the form of the lateral proboscis gland sacs and the construction of the copulatory organ. The genusKarkinorhynchus is split into the subgeneraK. Karkinorhynchus andK. Karkinorhynchoides. Further new species within the closely related generaCheliplana andRhinepera are described. To the Diascorhynchidae is added the new genusDiascorhynchides, which differs from the hitherto single genusDiascorhynchus by pronounced asymmetric proboscis hooks and single stilett spines.

Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen älm äußere Längsmuskeln - ärm äußere Ringmuskeln - ap Apex - as accessorisches Sekretorgan bzw. dessen Ausfuhrgang - b Bursa (b 1b n bursale Drüsen) - b a Basalmembran - bas Basalteil - c Cirrus - cb cellules bordantes (=Kanalzellen) - de Ductus ejaculatorius - drü Drüsen, Drüsenorgan - dsp Ductus spermaticus - dv Divarikator - e Epidermis - ek Endkegel - ep Epithel - fd Frontaldrüse - fl Flügel - g Germar - ga gemeinsames Genitalatrium - ge Gehirn - gn Genitalkanal - Geschlechtsöffnung - h Haken - Häkchen - ilm innere Längsmuskeln - irm innere Ringmuskeln - k Kopulationsorgan - ka Kanal - kk Körnerkolben - ksb Kornsekretblase - ksd Kornsekretdrüse - l Leiste im Kopulationsorgan - la lateraler Drüsensack - lm Längsmuskel - ma männliches Genitalatrium - mb muskulöser Beutel - md basophile Drüse - Mundöffnung - mu Muskel - mw Muskelwulst - mz Muskelzapfen - na Nadeln - ne Nebenapparat - o Oesophagus - ö Öffnung - p Pharynx - pa Parenchym - pe Penispapille - po postrostraler Bulbus - pt Pharynxtasche - ra Radiärmuskel - rm Ringmuskel - rt Rüsseltasche - s Stilett (s a ,s i äußeres, inneres Stilett) - sd eosinophile Drüse - ser Sekretrohr - si Spermien - sp Septum - spi Spitze - spor Sporozoon - Stützgewebe - schw Schwanz, -drüsen - t Hoden - u Uterus - v Vitellar - va Vagina - vd Vas deferens - vg Vesicula granulorum - vi Vitelloduct - Öffnung der Vagina externa - vs Samenblase - vu Vakuole, Vakuolengewebe - w weiblicher Genitalkanal, Ovidukt - wa weibliches Atrium - z Zellkern Gefördert durch eine Sachbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Schwerpunktprogramm Litoralforschung — Abwassereinflüsse in Küstennähe.  相似文献   

Two insufficiently known Middle Devonian columnariid species from the collection ofC. Schlüter are redescribed and figured for the first time.Columnaria devonica Schlüter 1889 is regarded as conspecific withC. sulcata Goldfuss 1826, andSpongophyllum tabulosum Schlüter 1889 has to be treated as valid name for the younger synonymColumnaria cacotropia Glinski 1955.  相似文献   

Six species of Upper Cretaceous ostracods of the genusPolycope Sars are described, three of which are new. The well preserved shells come from siliceous chalk nodules — erratics of Campanian to Maastrichtian age — and from a boulder of Upper Turonian chalk embedded in a Pleistocene till at Nossentin near Malchow/NE Germany. Their origin is the Danish Polish Trough in the middle and southern Baltic Sea. Due to the large variability of morphological details a wide definition of the genusPolycope as given here is preferred.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus Bodenproben der alpinen Stufe des Mt. Kenya werden zwei neue Heterokonten beschrieben. Pleurochloris polyphem unterscheidet sich vonPleurochloris magna durch auffallend große, spindelförmige Zoosporen, deren Stigma außerhalb des Chromatophors im Zytoplasma liegt und aus einem Aggregat von Karotinoidkristallen besteht. Heterococcus Clavatus besitzt gegenüberH. vesiculosus stark verlängerte, keulenförmige Endzellen mit nur 8–10 Chromatophoren.Herrn Professor Dr.Lothar Geitler zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Five new species ofAnthemis sect.Anthemis from the Flora Iranica region are described:A. gillettii (subsect.Anthemis) from NW. Iraq and adjacent Iran is allied toA. damascena.—A. kurdica (subsect.Anthemis) also grows in Iraqi Kurdistan.—A. hamrinensis (subsect.Rascheyana; akin toA. plebeia) is distributed in the Jabal Hamrin region at the extreme outer margin of the Zagros chains.—A. kandaharica (subsect.Anthemis) andA. freitagii (subsect.Rascheyana) are distributed in Afghanistan.
Anschrift des Herausgebers: Hofrat Univ.-Prof. Dr.Karl Heinz Rechinger, Beckgasse 22, A-1130 Wien, Österreich.  相似文献   

Four new species ofJacaranda have been found in the coastal mountain-ranges of SE-Brazil where they occupy characteristic ecological positions.J. montana andJ. subalpina are related toJ. puberula agg.,J. pulcherrima shows affinities toJ. ulei but also toJ. subalpina. J. crassifolia is very distinct and possibly related toJ. obovata.

The new genus and speciesGrzegorzewskia erratica n.gen. n.sp. from a “Mid-Silurian” erratic boulder of the locality “Brodtener Ufer” (at the shore of the Baltic Sea) near Travemünde, Germany, is described. It is attributed to the family LechritrochoceratidaeFlower inFlower &Kümmel 1950 (Nautilida) which is characterized by dextrally coiled torticone conchs. The new genus and species is distinguished from all other members of the family by its smooth surface, the depressed conch section, and the formation of a ventral rounded keel, as well as by the initial part of the conch which deviates extremely from the axis of coiling. The early ontogenesis of the Lechritrochoceratidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The hexactinellid sponge fauna, which is described here for the first time, originates from the “Septarienton” (Rupelium, Oligocene) of the “Kirchenziegeleigrube” near Bad Freienwalde (NE Germany). This fauna includes lyssacinosan, as well as hexactinosan species, represented byAsconema oligocaena n. sp. (Hexasterophora, Lyssacinosa), the first occurrence of this genus from the fossil record,Aphrocallistes sp. (Hexasterophora, Hexactinosa), andHyalonema sp. (Amphidiscophora). The three-dimensional, pyritic body-preservation of these non-rigid sponges suggests fossiliyzation by rapid burial. Episodic mudflows are suggested to be responsible for this. The environment of deposition is suggested to have been a moderately shallow shelf, possibly in the distal range of a delta, characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates and no turbulence, except when disturbed by episodic mudflows. Low energy conditions are a precondition for the settlement of the described Hexactinellida.  相似文献   

From the Upper Triassic (Norian) reef limestones north and west of Antalya (Taurus Mts., Turkey) the red algae (Solenoporaceans)Solenopora undata n. sp.,Parachaetetes clatratus n. sp.,Parachaetetes riedeli n. sp.,Parachaetetes tauricus n. sp., andTauristorea parallela n. gen., n. sp. are described.Tauristorea is characterized by cells orientated parallel to the Substrate (vertically to the growth direction of the alga). InSolenopora undata andParachaetetes clatratus some cavity structures occur, whose function as reproductive organs are discussed.  相似文献   

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