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In order to determine the type of somatosensory information for postural control that is most affected by neuropathy, we compared the relative effects of three methods of sway-referencing the surface in a group of subjects with profound loss of somatosensory function associated with sensory polyneuropathy from diabetes with age-matched control subjects. Sway-referencing disrupted somatosensory feedback for postural control by servo-controlling the dorsi- and plantar-flexion rotation of the support surface in proportion to anterior-posterior excursion of (1) ankle angle, (2) center of body mass (CoM) angle or (3) filtered center of pressure (CoP). Postural sway in subjects with somatosensory loss was significantly larger than normal on a firm surface but not on the sway-referenced surfaces, suggesting that sway-referencing disrupts somatosensory information for postural control already disrupted by neuropathy. Control subjects standing on any sway-referenced surface swayed significantly more than neuropathy subjects who stood on a firm surface, suggesting that sway-referencing disrupts more somatosensory information than disrupted by severe neuropathy. CoP sway-referencing was less sensitive than ankle or CoM sway-referencing for distinguishing postural sway in subjects with somatosensory loss from age-matched control subjects. Given that filtered CoP sway-referencing disrupts the ability to utilize somatosensory information related to surface reactive force to a greater extent than the other two methods of sway-referencing, then these results support the hypothesis that subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have lost more CoP information, than ankle or CoM angle information, for controlling postural sway in stance.  相似文献   

Diabetic neuropathy is related to joint stiffness during late stance phase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The majority of plantar ulcers in the diabetic population occur in the forefoot. Peripheral neuropathy has been related to the occurrence of ulcers. Long-term diabetes results in the joints becoming passively stiffer. This static stiffness may translate to dynamic joint stiffness in the lower extremities during gait. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate differences in ankle and knee joint stiffness between diabetic individuals with and without peripheral neuropathy during gait. Diabetic subjects with and without peripheral neuropathy were compared. Subjects were monitored during normal walking with three-dimensional motion analysis and a force plate. Neuropathic subjects had higher ankle stiffness (0.236 N.m/deg) during 65 to 80% of stance when compared with non-neuropathic subjects (-0.113 N.m/deg). Neuropathic subjects showed a different pattern in ankle stiffness compared with non-neuropathic subjects. Neuropathic subjects demonstrated a consistent level of ankle stiffness, whereas non-neuropathic subjects showed varying levels of stiffness. Neuropathic subjects demonstrated lower knee stiffness (0.015 N.m/deg) compared with non-neuropathic subjects (0.075 N.m/deg) during 50 to 65% of stance. The differences in patterns of ankle and knee joint stiffness between groups appear to be related to changes in timing of peak ankle dorsiflexion during stance, with the neuropathic group reaching peak dorsiflexion later than the non-neuropathic subjects. This may partially relate to the changes in plantar pressures beneath the metatarsal heads present in individuals with neuropathy.  相似文献   

Time to stabilization (TTS) has been introduced as a method to analyze dynamic postural stability during jump and landing tasks, but has also been applied during the transition task from double-leg stance (DLS) to single-leg stance (SLS). However, the application of the originally described TTS technique during the latter task has some important limitations. The first goal of this study was to present an adapted version of the TTS technique to provide an effective alternative method to better analyze postural stability during the transition from DLS to SLS. The second goal was to study the influence of pathology and different speeds on postural stability outcomes. Fifteen healthy control subjects and 15 subjects with chronic ankle instability (CAI) performed the transition task on their preferred speed and as fast as possible, with eyes open and with eyes closed. Subjects with CAI performed the transition significantly slower when moving at their preferred speed with eyes closed. The time subjects needed to reach a new stability point was not discriminative between groups and largely dependent on movement speed. However, the amount of sway after this new stability point was significantly increased in the CAI group and when eyes were closed. The results of this study suggest that subjects with CAI have a decreased ability to overcome the postural perturbation created by the voluntary movement from DLS to SLS. Focusing only on TTS during the transition from DLS to SLS may lead at least in some cases to misinterpretations when assessing postural stability.  相似文献   

Ankle osteoarthritis is a debilitating condition affecting about 1% of the population with approximately 50,000 new instances annually. One treatment is total ankle arthroplasty (TAA), however, its effects on balance are not well understood. This study analyzed balance over a two-year period following TAA. 408 subjects (177 left, 231 right ankles) diagnosed with end-stage ankle osteoarthritis performed quiet standing trials while center of pressure (COP) data were collected. Data were compared across three time points (pre-op, 1-year, and 2-years post-op) and between surgical and non-surgical limbs using a linear mixed model with significance set at P = 0.05. COP excursions in the feet-together condition were not significantly different between limbs after 2 years in anteroposterior or mediolateral directions (P = 0.06, 0.08) after being significantly different between limbs in the anteroposterior (P = 0.014) and mediolateral direction (P < 0.001) pre-op. The vertical ground reaction force significantly decreased across time in the non-surgical limb, while reciprocally increasing in the surgical limb (P < 0.001). After 2 years, no significant difference in vertical ground reaction force between limbs existed (P = 0.20). Limb asymmetry indices decreased at each time point in both conditions (all P < 0.001) and were not significantly different from zero after 2 years in the feet-together condition (P = 0.290). In conclusion, surgical limb balance improved compared to pre-op, resulting in increased symmetry between limbs after 2 years. Vertical ground reaction forces on both limbs converge and limb asymmetry indices approach zero two years post-op. Differences in the COP excursion-loading symmetry relationship between limbs could be useful for identifying instability in other pathologies.  相似文献   

Maintenance of human upright stance requires the acquisition and integration of sensory inputs. Conventional measures of sway have had success in identifying age- and some disease-related changes, but remain unable to address the complexities and dynamics associated with postural control. We investigated the effects of vision, surface compliance, age, and gender on the spectral content of center of pressure (COP) time series. Sixteen healthy young (age 18-24) and older participants (age 55-65) performed trials of quiet, upright stance under different vision (eyes open vs. closed) and surface (hard vs. compliant) conditions. Spectral analyses were conducted to describe COP mean normalized power in discretized bands. Effects of the two sensory modalities and age were distinct in the antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions, and a reorganization of spectral content was evident with increasing task difficulty (eyes open vs. closed and hard vs. compliant surface) and among older adults. These results indicate that vision and surface compliance are predominantly associated with responses from musculature associated with antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions of sway, respectively. Finally, distinguishing between the contributions of different afferent systems to the postural control system using the spectral content of sway bi-directionally may help in diagnosing individuals with balance impairments.  相似文献   

The study investigated the destabilization effect on multi-segment physiological tremors and coordinative control for a postural-suprapostural task under different stance conditions. Twenty volunteers executed postural pointing from a level surface and a seesaw balance board; meanwhile, physiological tremors of the whole postural system and fluctuation movements of fingertip/stance surface were recorded. In reference to level stance, seesaw stance led to much fewer tremor increments of the upper limb and less fluctuation movement of the fingertip than tremor increment of the lower limb and rolling movement of the stance surface. Tremor coupling between the adjacent segments organized differentially with stance surface. In reference to level stance, seesaw stance reinforced tremor coupling of the upper limb but enfeebled the coupling in the arm-lumbar and calf-foot complexes. Stance-related differences in physiological tremors could be explained by characteristic changes in the primary and secondary principal components (PC1 and PC2), with relatively high communality with segment tremors of the lower and upper limbs, respectively. Seesaw stance introduced a prominent 4-8Hz spectral peak in PC1 and potentiated 1-4Hz and 8-12Hz spectral peaks of PC2. Structural reorganization of physiological tremors with stance configuration suggests that seesaw stance involves distinct suprapostural and postural synergies for regulating degree of freedom in joint space.  相似文献   

We aimed to verify whether the static phase after a single leg drop jump (DJ) landing on a force plate may serve as a proxy for a single leg stance (SLS) balance task, as this would increase the application possibilities of landing tasks in the evaluation of sensorimotor function in relation to injury rehabilitation or performance assessment.  相似文献   

While occupational back-support exoskeletons (BSEs) are considered as potential workplace interventions, BSE use may compromise postural control. Thus, we investigated the effects of passive BSEs on postural balance during quiet upright stance and functional limits of stability. Twenty healthy adults completed trials of quiet upright stance with differing levels of difficulty (bipedal and unipedal stance; each with eyes open and closed), and executed maximal voluntary leans. Trials were done while wearing two different BSEs (SuitX™, Laevo™) and in a control (no-BSE) condition. BSE use significantly increased center-of-pressure (COP) median frequency and mean velocity during bipedal stance. In unipedal stance, using the Laevo™ was associated with a significant improvement in postural balance, especially among males, as indicated by smaller COP displacement and sway area, and a longer time to contact the stability boundary. BSE use may affect postural balance, through translation of the human + BSE center-of-mass, restricted motion, and added supportive torques. Furthermore, larger effects of BSEs on postural balance were evident among males. Future work should further investigate the gender-specificity of BSE effects on postural balance and consider the effects of BSEs on dynamic stability.  相似文献   


There are a limited number of studies that have investigated sitting posture during infancy and the contribution of the sensory systems. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of altered visual and somatosensory signals on infant sitting postural control. Thirteen infants (mean age?±?SD, 259.69?±?16.88?days) participated in the study. Initially, a single physical therapist performed the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale to determine typical motor development. Then the child was placed onto a force platform under four randomized conditions: (a) Control (C) – sat independently on the force plate, (b) Somatosensory (SS) – Sat independently on a foam pad (low density), (c) Visual (VS) – sat independently on the force plate while the lights were turned off creating dim lighting, and (d) Combination of b and c (NVSS). Center of pressure (COP) data from both the anterior-posterior (AP) and the medial-lateral (ML) directions were acquired through the Vicon software at 240?Hz. The lights off conditions, both VS and NVSS, lead to increased Root Mean Square (RMS) and Range values in the AP direction, as well as increased Lyapunov Exponent (LyE) values in the ML direction. Altered visual information lead to greater disturbances of sitting postural control in typically developing infants than altered somatosensory information. The lights off conditions (VS and NVSS), unveiled different control mechanisms for AP and ML direction during sitting. Thus, the present findings confirm the dominance of vision during the early acquisition of a new postural accomplishment.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of stance width on postural movement pattern and activation timing of postural muscles during unilateral arm abduction. Thirty-two healthy subjects abducted the right arm at their own timing. Stance width was 0, 9, 18 or 27 cm. Movement angles of leg lateral inclination and trunk lateral flexion to the leg in the frontal plane were analyzed. Based on movement angles at 0 cm width, subjects were classified into three groups: contralateral whole body leaning (CWBLg); ipsilateral trunk flexion (ITFg); and contralateral trunk flexion (CTFg). A high correlation between the movement angles was obtained at 0 cm width (r = 0.82). With increasing stance width, postural movement pattern in the ITFg shifted to patterns characterized by lateral flexion of the trunk toward the side opposite to arm movement, and movement angle of leg-inclination in ITFg and CWBLg decreased. At 0 cm width, left gluteus medius and tensor fascia latae were activated significantly about 40 ms ahead of the right middle deltoid in CWBLg and CTFg, but not in ITFg. However, preceding activation became prominent (about 20 ms) in ITFg for wide stances. Moreover, bilateral activation of the tensor fascia latae was observed in CTFg for all widths.  相似文献   

Preserving upright stance requires central integration of the sensory systems and appropriate motor output from the neuromuscular system to keep the centre of pressure (COP) within the base of support. Unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder (UPVD) causes diminished stance stability. The aim of this study was to determine the limits of stability and to examine the contribution of multiple sensory systems to upright standing in UPVD patients and healthy subjects. We hypothesized that closure of the eyes and Achilles tendon vibration during upright stance will augment the postural sway in UPVD patients more than in healthy subjects. Seventeen UPVD patients and 17 healthy subjects performed six tasks on a force plate: forwards and backwards leaning, to determine limits of stability, and upright standing with and without Achilles tendon vibration, each with eyes open and closed (with blackout glasses). The COP displacement of the patients was significantly greater in the vibration tasks than the controls and came closer to the posterior base of support boundary than the controls in all tasks. Achilles tendon vibration led to a distinctly more backward sway in both subject groups. Five of the patients could not complete the eyes closed with vibration task. Due to the greater reduction in stance stability when the proprioceptive, compared with the visual, sensory system was disturbed, we suggest that proprioception may be more important for maintaining upright stance than vision. UPVD patients, in particular, showed more difficulty in controlling postural stability in the posterior direction with visual and proprioceptive sensory disturbance.  相似文献   

The study investigates the role of lateral muscles and changing stance conditions in anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). Subjects stood laterally to an aluminum pendulum released by an experimenter and were required to stop it with their right or left hand. Stance conditions were manipulated by having the subjects stand in the following positions: on a single limb (SS), with feet together (narrow base of support, NB), and with feet shoulder width apart (regular base of support, RB). Bilateral EMG activity of dorsal, ventral, and lateral trunk and leg muscles and ground reaction forces were recorded and quantified within the time intervals typical of APAs. Anticipatory postural adjustments were seen in all experimental conditions, and their magnitudes depended on the stance and the side of perturbation. Accordingly, APAs in lateral muscles increased on the side of perturbation in SS condition, while simultaneous activation of dorsal muscles occurred on the contralateral side. Smaller APAs were seen in lateral muscles in conditions with a wider base of support (NB, RB) and APAs in dorsal muscles were smaller in NB – in comparison to RB – stance. The results of the present study provide new data on the role of lateral, ventral, and dorsal muscles in anticipatory postural control when dealing with lateral perturbations in conditions of postural instability.  相似文献   

The postural stability on a seesaw generating anterior–posterior instability with the eyes open (EO) and then the eyes closed (EC) in young healthy subjects (n = 28) before and 6 min after the maximum bicycle exercise (Wingate test) performed using lower limbs (“leg exercise”) or upper limbs (“hand exercise”) was investigated. It was found that “hand exercise” caused the same increase in average velocity (V, mm/s) and in the average range of sway of the centre of pressure (Qy, mm) as “leg exercise.” However, the duration of V recovery (EC: 2 min 30 s and 50 s; EO: 60 s and 40 s after “leg exercise” and “hand exercise,” respectively) and Qy (EC: 1 min 10 s and 30 s after “leg exercise” and “hand exercise,” respectively; EO: no changes from baseline) was shorter after “hand exercise.” In the presence of visual information, the increment in V decreased more than 2 times after “leg exercise” (+100.5% and + 40.5%, p < 0.01 for EC and EO, respectively) and after “hand exercise” (+73.0% and +30.3%, p < 0.01 for EC and EO, respectively). Moreover, Qy after both exercises remained at the initial level under EO conditions but significantly increased under EC conditions (+42.8%, p < 0.01 after “leg exercise” and +40.3%, p < 0.01 after “hand exercise”). Thus, the maximum exercise for the muscles of the upper limbs causes the same reduction in postural stability as analogous exercise for the muscles of the lower limbs, but the recovery period after “hand” exercise was shorter. The presence of visual information allows the baseline maintenance of postural stability and significantly reduces the strain of postural regulation while standing on a movable support after the maximum “leg exercise” and “hand exercise.”  相似文献   

Postural stability has traditionally been examined through spatial measures of the center of mass (CoM) or center of pressure (CoP), where larger amounts of CoM or CoP movements are considered signs of postural instability. However, for stabilization, the postural control system may utilize additional information about the CoM or CoP such as velocity, acceleration, and the temporal margin to a stability boundary. Postural time-to-contact (TtC) is a variable that can take into account this additional information about the CoM or CoP. Postural TtC is the time it would take the CoM or CoP, given its instantaneous trajectory, to contact a stability boundary. This is essentially the time the system has to reverse any perturbation before stance is threatened. Although this measure shows promise in assessing postural stability, the TtC values derived between studies are highly ambiguous due to major differences in how they are calculated. In this study, various methodologies used to assess postural TtC were compared during quiet stance and induced-sway conditions. The effects of the different methodologies on TtC values will be assessed, and issues regarding the interpretation of TtC data will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The glucose concentration of the airway surface liquid (ASL) is much lower than that in blood and is tightly regulated by the airway epithelium. ASL glucose is elevated in patients with viral colds, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. Elevated ASL glucose is also associated with increased incidence of respiratory infection. However, the mechanism by which ASL glucose increases under inflammatory conditions is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of proinflammatory mediators (PIMs) on the mechanisms governing airway glucose homeostasis in polarized monolayers of human airway (H441) and primary human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells. Monolayers were treated with TNF-α, IFN-γ, and LPS during 72 h. PIM treatment led to increase in ASL glucose concentration and significantly reduced H441 and HBE transepithelial resistance. This decline in transepithelial resistance was associated with an increase in paracellular permeability of glucose. Similar enhanced rates of paracellular glucose flux were also observed across excised trachea from LPS-treated mice. Interestingly, PIMs enhanced glucose uptake across the apical, but not the basolateral, membrane of H441 and HBE monolayers. This increase was predominantly via phloretin-sensitive glucose transporter (GLUT)-mediated uptake, which coincided with an increase in GLUT-2 and GLUT-10 abundance. In conclusion, exposure of airway epithelial monolayers to PIMs results in increased paracellular glucose flux, as well as apical GLUT-mediated glucose uptake. However, uptake was insufficient to limit glucose accumulation in ASL. To our knowledge, these data provide for the first time a mechanism to support clinical findings that ASL glucose concentration is increased in patients with airway inflammation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the modulation of somatosensory processing during stance and locomotion, sural nerve somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded during both stance and different phases of the step-cycle.Characteristic sequences of negative-positive waves were elicited, consisting of an early component, N40, presumably of subcortical origin, followed by a P50-N80-P220 complex of cortical origin. The N40 and N40-P50 components had similar amplitudes in both gait and stance. However, the P50-N80 component was attenuated whereas the N80-P220 complex became biphasic during gait. Within the step-cycle, amplitudes of the cortical components P50-N80 and N80-P110 were larger prior to footfall and smaller at the beginning of the support phase.The results demonstrate that locomotion produces a modulatory effect on somatosensory input at a cortical level. Within the step-cycle, excitability of the somatosensory cortex is increased during the middle and late swing phases and decreased during the support phase. Such modulation may contribute to an improved detection of foot contact at touchdown.  相似文献   

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