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The histochemical distribution of hyaluronan was analysed in various urogenital organs of male and female (non-pregnant and pregnant) rats by use of a hyaluronan-binding protein and avidin biotin/peroxidase staining. Microwave-aided fixation was used to preserve the extracellular location of hyaluronan. The concentrations of hyaluronan in the different tissues were measured with a highly sensitive radio-assay. Hyaluronan accumulated predominantly in the connective tissue around smooth muscle fibres and in the subepithelial lamina propria. Abundant hyaluronan also occurred in perivascular and perineural connective tissue. In the female urogenital organs, hyaluronan content was high in the vagina and urinary bladder, and highest in the vagina during pregnancy. In the uterus, the surface epithelium of the endometrium stained intensely. In the ovary, the zona pellucida of the oocyte and the theca interna cell layer of the follicles and the follicular fluid of mature follicles exhibited prominent staining. The corpus luteum was devoid of hyaluronan, whereas enlarged corpora lutea of pregnancy exhibited weak, patchy staining. In male urogenital organs, staining for hyaluronan was absent from the testis and epididymis, whereas the erectile connective tissue of the penis stained intensely. The hyaluronan concentrations were high in penile tissue and urinary bladder, while testis, epididymis and the ductus deferens contained only little hyaluronan.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to discuss new procedures of the isolation of Hyaluronan. Hyaluronic acid can be obtained from human umbilical cord residual, which is obtained from other biopharmaceutical productions. The route involves treatment of human umbilical cord residuals with sodium chloride solution, followed by ammonium quaternary salt solution precipitation; the solid is re-suspended in calcium chloride solution in order to dissociate the hyaluronan ammonium quaternary salt complex followed by ethanol-induced precipitation to give a product. The product was purified four times by chloroform extraction, and characterized by chemical methods such as the Blumenkrantz and Asboe-Hansen uronic technique for uronic acid determination, Elson Morgan qualitative tests for hexosamines, intrinsic viscosity, ion-exchange chromatography, and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The results showed that the product might be used in the formulation of ointment, lotion and cream for the treatment of skin diseases.  相似文献   

High molecular weight hyaluronan (M r 400 000) obtained from human umbilical cord was depolymerized by sonication for 10 h into small molecules and finally into molecules of constant size (M r 11 000). The molecular size of the depolymerized hyaluronan was unaltered even under different conditions of sonication. After sonication, the main sugar residues at the reducing and non-reducing termini of depolymerized hyaluronan wereN-acetylglucosamine (86%) and glucuronic acid (98%), respectively. Hyaluronans derived from rooster comb (M r 1×106) andStreptococcus zooepidemicus (M r 1.2×106) were deploymerized into molecules of different but characteristic sizes by sonication. On the other hand, neither chondroitin sulfate nor glycogen was depolymerized by sonication. These results suggest that high molecular weight hyaluronan may have some weak linkages related toN-acetylglucosamine in the chain, which are extremely sensitive to sonication. At present, however, the nature of these linkages is still unclear.Abbreviations HA hyaluronan - PA 2-aminopyridine  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if a circadian rhythm in plasma hyaluronan concentration [HA] exists in the absence of physical activity, and if plasma [HA] is associated with feeding in human subjects. Five persons were studied under standardized conditions, blood samples being taken between 0600 and 2200 hours at 30-min intervals. Any orthostatic challenge and muscle activity was abolished by immobilization by a 6° head-down bed-rest, and the effect of a quasi-continuous ingestion of energy compared a normal, three-portion diet of equivalent energy content or to fasting. Reproducibility of HA profiles on two consecutive half-days was also studied. A highly sensitive immunoassay was used to determine plasma [HA]. The data indicated that without physical activity and without food ingestion, [HA] was unchanged and displayed no diurnal rhythm. In addition, we observed that [HA] increased after the first food intake, peaking after 60 min, and concluded from our results that without ingestion of a larger meal, and sessions of postural or muscle activity, no circadian plasma [HA] rhythm exists. Accepted: 10 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary During in vitro culture arterial smooth muscle cells of adult rats are able to produce a platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-like protein and to promote their own growth in an autocrine manner. Here, this process has been studied using suramin, a polyanionic drug that has been reported to interfere with the cellular binding of several growth factors. Our results indicate that suramin speeds up the transition of the cells from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype early in primary culture. It inhibits the binding of PDGF to the cells, displaces PDGF bound to the cell surface, and slows down the degradation of PDGF internalized by the cells. It reduces the specific activities of the lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase, -N-ace-tylglucosaminidase and -glucuronidase, and gives rise to an accumulation of lysosomes with myelin-like inlcusions. It blocks PDGF- and serum-induced DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation in secondary cultures, but lacks a distinct inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis in primary cultures under serum-free conditions. The results suggest that the PDGF-like protein produced by the smooth muscle cells under the latter conditions may bind to its receptor and exert its autocrine effect intracellularly, without prior release into the pericellular space.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was found extensively in the small intestine of both non-mammalian and mammalian vertebrates using radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. By radioimmunoassay, the levels of CGRP in rats, mice, chickens, bullfrogs and rainbow trout were found to range from 91.5 to 419.1 ng/g tissue. To localize CGRP in the small intestine, we used three different tissue preparations for immunocytochemistry: whole-mount preparations, and frozen and Paraplast sections. The combination of three tissue preparations made it easier to visualize the three-dimensional structure and reduced the possibility of missing the immunoreaction. Immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the plexi in the mammalian species. Dense and regular networks of CGRP fibers were observed in the smooth muscle layers, when examined in whole-mount preparations. In non-mammalian species, however, immunoreactive cell bodies could not be detected, although immunoreactive fibers were present, forming less dense and regular networks. Our results indicate that CGRP-immunoreactive fibers are present in the smooth muscle layers of the intestine from fish to mammals, suggesting that CGRP may be involved in regulating gastrointestinal smooth muscles in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase known as RON appears to play a role in the progression of human carcinomas, and is associated with a poor patient prognosis. Our current study demonstrates that RON expression in MCF-10A breast epithelial cells lead to an alteration of cell-surface hyaluronan compared to the parental cells. We found that hyaluronan was important for initial cell attachment to poly-d-lysine-coated coverslips, but did not contribute to the process of cell spreading. Previous data implied that the Src kinase was important for spreading but not the initial attachment of 10A cells, and here we demonstrate Src activation was also not necessary for hyaluronan production in these cells.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructure of the bladder musculature after first inducing hypertrophy by means of urethral obstruction and subsequently removing the obstruction. With hypertrophy the bladder musculature increases ten-fold or more in volume; after de-obstruction approximately 4/5 of the hypertrophic muscle weight and volume is lost within six weeks. In spite of this very large decrease in muscle mass there is no degeneration of muscle cells or nerve endings or of other cell types in the de-obstructed bladder either at 5 days or at 6 weeks. The individual muscle cells are smaller in size than in the hypertrophic bladder but still larger than control muscle cells. The decrease in muscle cell size is more substantial than the decrease in muscle cell surface. There are no lysosomes or other signs of intracellular degradation in any cells of the muscle layer. The musculature contains a very large amount of intercellular material, mainly collagen. This study documents the great plasticity of the musculature in the reduction of muscle mass after de-obstruction. However, some of the fine structural features are almost as different from the controls as in the hypertrophic muscle.  相似文献   

Summary It was previously demonstrated that the two chemically related peptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) both occur in the pancreas. We have now examined the cellular localization of CGRP and IAPP in the rat and the mouse pancreas. We found, in both the rat and the mouse pancreas, CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibers throughout the parenchyma, including the islets, with particular association with blood vessels. CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibers were regularly seen within the islets. In contrast, no IAPP-immunoreactive nerve fibers were demonstrated in this location. Furthermore, in rat islets, CGRP immunoreactivity was demonstrated in peripherally located cells, constituting a major subpopulation of the somatostatin cells. Such cells were lacking in the mouse islets. IAPP-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in rat and mouse islet insulin cells, and, in the rat, also in a few non-insulin cells in the islet periphery. These cells seemed to be identical with somatostatin/CGRP-immunoreactive elements. In summary, the study shows (1) that CGRP, but not IAPP, is a pancreati neuropeptide both in the mouse and the rat; (2) that a subpopulation of rat somatostatin cells contain CGRP; (3) that mouse islet endocrine cells do not contain CGRP; (4) that insulin cells in both the rat and the mouse contain IAPP; and (5) that in the rat, a non-insulin cell population apparently composed of somatostatin cells stores immunoreactive IAPP. We conclude that CGRP is a pancreatic neuropeptide and IAPP is an islet endocrine peptide in both the rat and the mouse, whereas CGRP is an islet endocrine peptide in the rat.  相似文献   

The importance of glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA) and its receptor CD44 in cell proliferation is becoming increasingly evident. Expression of the genes coding for hyaluronan synthase 1 (HAS1), HAS2, HAS3, CD44, fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), and FGF receptor-1 (FGFR-1) and the histological evidence for increases of HA and CD44 were investigated in an experimental rat model of cardiac hypertrophy. The abdominal aorta was ligated to induce cardiac hypertrophy, and mRNAs prepared from heart tissue were analyzed after 1, 6, and 42 days. The total concentration of HA was quantified, and HA and CD44 were studied histochemically. The expression of HAS1, HAS2, CD44, and FGF-2 was considerably up-regulated at days 1 and 6 and returned to basal levels after 42 days. FGFR-1 was up-regulated at day 1 but at basal levels once more at days 6 and 42. The concentration of HA significantly increased in aorta-ligated rats. Histochemical analysis showed increased expression of CD44 in hypertrophied myocardium mainly in and around the coronary arteries. These results agree well with other studies of tissue growth (malignancies and wound healing). The increase of HA, its synthases, and receptor in parallel with FGF-2 and its receptor illustrates their complicated interplay in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. The up-regulation of both HAS1 and HAS2 indicates the importance of HA production in the hypertrophic process and the possibility that HA is needed for two different purposes for the heart to be able to adapt to the increased afterload caused by aortic ligature. This research received financial support from the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation. The authors declare no conflicting financial interests.  相似文献   

The use of 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) microenvironments to deliver growth-inductive signals for tissue repair and regeneration requires an understanding of the mechanisms of cell–ECM signaling. Recently, hyaluronic acid (HA) has been incorporated in collagen matrices in an attempt to recreate tissue specific microenvironments. However, it is not clear how HA alters biophysical properties (e.g. fibril microstructure and mechanical behavior) of collagen matrices or what impact these properties have on cell behavior. The present study determined the effects of varying high molecular weight HA concentration on 1) the assembly kinetics, fibril microstructure, and viscoelastic properties of 3D type I collagen matrices and 2) the response of human dermal fibroblasts, in terms of morphology, F-actin organization, contraction, and proliferation within the matrices. Results showed increasing HA concentration up to 1 mg/ml (HA:collagen ratio of 1:2) did not significantly alter fibril microstructure, but did significantly alter viscoelastic properties, specifically decreasing shear storage modulus and increasing compressive resistance. Interestingly, varied HA concentration did not significantly affect any of the measured fibroblast behaviors. These results show that HA-induced effects on collagen matrix viscoelastic properties result primarily from modulation of the interstitial fluid with no significant change to the fibril microstructure. Furthermore, the resulting biophysical changes to the matrix are not sufficient to modulate the cell–ECM mechanical force balance or proliferation of resident fibroblasts. These results provide new insight into the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to microenvironmental cues and the use of HA in collagen-based biomaterials for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemical localization of 14 kDa -galactoside-binding lectin in various organs of adult rat was achieved using a monospecific antibody raised against lectin purified from rat lung. The antibody-stained cells were formed into small aggregates, thin fascicles, or thick bundles in the walls of blood vessels, gastrointestinal tracts and urogenital organs. From the patterns of distribution, as well as their organization, these immunoreactive cells were regarded as smooth muscle cells. This was confirmed by a double immunofluorescence study using a mixture of anti 14 kDa lectin and anti -smooth muscle-specific actin antibodies. Strong 14 kDa lectin immunoreactivity was seen in the pericellular matrix of smooth muscle cells in intact organs as well as in detergent-treated organs from which all cellular components were extracted. From these findings, it is suggested that the 14 kDa lectin may be externalized by smooth muscle cells into their pericellular matrix and participate in the crosslinking of the complementary glycoconjugate(s) localized at that site. The macromolecular complex of glycoconjugates thus formed around smooth muscle cells may play a role in anchoring smooth muscle cells to the pericellular connective tissue thereby permitting the force of muscle contraction to be efficiently transmitted to the surrounding connective tissue proper.  相似文献   

Summary A complex network of atrial natriuretic factor-producing cells has been delineated by biochemical and morphological techniques in the rat ventricular myocardium. The chordae tendineae spuriae (CTS; false tendons) contain ANF mRNA and the ANF propeptide (Asn 1-Tyr 126) as assessed by Northern blot analysis, high-pressure liquid chromatography and immunohisto- and -cytochemistry, using three different affinity-purified antibodies: monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against C-terminal ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126) and polyclonal antibodies against N-terminal ANF (Asp 11-Ala 37). Two types of cells harboring ANF-containing secretory granules constitute the CTS: the majority (Purkinje type I) have ultrastructural similarities with both atrial and classical Purkinje fibers. Purkinje type-II fibers resemble working ventricular cardiocytes. Both cell types harbor a large paranuclear Golgi complex. The subendocardial Purkinje network is also made up of these two cell types. In this location, Purkinje type-I fibers form cable-like structures while Purkinje type-II fibers are either located beneath the former or abut directly on the endocardium. The latter are not separated from adjacent working ventricular cardiocytes by connective tissue septa. Coronary arteries and arterioles, as in birds, are surrounded by a cushion of Purkinje type-II fibers which blend with the surrounding myocardium. These results indicate that, in the rat, the entire intraventricular conduction system is constituted of endocrine cells producing ANF.Supported by a Medical Research Council of Canada Group Grant to the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Hypertension, by the National Research Council of Canada, the Pfizer Company (England), Bio-Méga Inc. and the Canadian Heart Foundation  相似文献   

Summary An immunocytochemical study by light- and electron microscopy using the antibody against rat hepatic fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) revealed the brush cells in the gastric epithelium of rats to be intensely immunoreactive. The immunoreactive cells were present in a group in the distal wall of the groove between forestomach and glandular stomach, as well as scattered singly in the surface and foveolar epithelia of the glandular stomach. Almost all immunoreactive brush cells had a thin basal process in contact with the basement membrane. No secretory granules with dense cores, similar to those of endocrine cells, were observed in the brush cells. The specific appearance of FABP-immunoreactivity in the brush cell indicates that this cell type is a distinct entity from other epithelial cells in the stomach and that FABP is a useful histochemical marker of the brush cells. FABP may be involved in the specific function(s) of this cell type related to fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HA) is an abundant matrix component between keratinocytes of the epidermis in vivo, but its function there remains unclear. We used a lift culture model, in which rat epidermal keratinocytes (REKs) stratify at an air-liquid interface, to ask whether HA may regulate epidermal proliferation and/or differentiation. In this model, early markers of differentiation (keratin 10), and later markers (profilaggrin, keratohyalin granules, cornified layers) are faithfully expressed, both temporally and spatially. HA, measured using two different analytical techniques, accumulated to high levels only in the presence of an intact basement membrane that seals the epidermal compartment. To test whether HA has a functional role in differentiation, Streptomyces hyaluronidase (StrepH, 1 U/ml; digests >95% of HA within 4 h) was added daily to lift cultures during stratification time-course experiments over 5 days. In StrepH-treated cultures, the expression of profilaggrin and the number and size of keratohyalin granules were significantly increased relative to controls using semiquantitative histological analyses. The StrepH-related accumulation of K10 protein and profilaggrin/filaggrin were confirmed by Western analyses. Thus, it appears that the presence of intercellular HA in the epidermis acts as a brake upon intracellular events that occur during keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

During inflammation, the covalent linking of the ubiquitous extracellular polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA) with the heavy chains (HC) of the serum protein inter alpha inhibitor (IαI) is exclusively mediated by the enzyme tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)-stimulated-gene-6 (TSG-6). While significant advances have been made regarding how HC-modified HA (HC-HA) is an important regulator of inflammation, it remains unclear why HC-HA plays a critical role in promoting survival in intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia while exerting only a modest role in the outcomes following intratracheal exposure to LPS. To address this gap, the two models of intraperitoneal LPS-induced endotoxic shock and intratracheal LPS-induced acute lung injury were directly compared in TSG-6 knockout mice and littermate controls. HC-HA formation, endogenous TSG-6 activity, and inflammatory markers were assessed in plasma and lung tissue. TSG-6 knockout mice exhibited accelerated mortality during endotoxic shock. While both intraperitoneal and intratracheal LPS induced HC-HA formation in lung parenchyma, only systemically-induced endotoxemia increased plasma TSG-6 levels and intravascular HC-HA formation. Cultured human lung microvascular endothelial cells secreted TSG-6 in response to both TNFα and IL1β stimulation, indicating that, in addition to inflammatory cells, the endothelium may secrete TSG-6 into circulation during systemic inflammation. These data show for the first time that LPS-induced systemic inflammation is uniquely characterized by significant vascular induction of TSG-6 and HC-HA, which may contribute to improved outcomes of endotoxemia.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of binding sites for atrial natriuretic peptide in cardiac ventricles of several mammalian species, including rat and human, was determined by in vitro autoradiography. The results revealed a unique anatomic localization of atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites to endomural vessels (Thebesian vessels), which communicate directly with the ventricular chambers. Digital image analysis indicated that these vascular channels possessed binding site densities comparable to those of the renal glomeruli a major target site for circulating atrial natriuretic peptide. In contrast, no specific labeling of branches of the coronary arteries and veins was detected. The discrete localization of atrial natriuretic peptide binding sites to this primitive cardiac circulatory system allows speculation as to the role of this hormone in the regulation of endocardialcirculation during cardiac development, normal ventricular function, and in coronary insufficiency.  相似文献   

To follow the biodistribution of exogenous hyaluronan in tumor-bearing animals, a total of seventeen inbred rats with hepatic metastases from a colonic adenocarcinoma received 125I-labelled hyaluronan by intravenous injections. Group I received only labeled hyaluronan (25 g), whereas group II received 2.5 mg chondroitin sulphate prior to labeled hyaluronan, to block receptor uptake in normal liver endothelial cells. Animals in group III received intravenous, as well as intraperitoneal chondroitin sulphate (2.5 mg), to see if a better and prolonged blocking could be achieved. Radioactivity was visualized by whole body autoradiography, using phosphorimaging and the average radioactivity determined as phosphoimaging density units of the total area of hepatic metastases, normal liver, and skeletal muscle by computer-based image analysis. At 5 h, tumors in groups II and III showed higher uptake (4.8 ±1.8, P = .01 and 3.6 ±1.1, P = .01, respectively), in comparison to group I (1.8 ±0.6), and the mean normal liver/tumor concentration ratio was reduced from 21.4 ±10.1 in group I to 5.7 ±2.7 in group II and 3.5 ±1.1 in group III (P = .008 and P = .01, respectively).Our study shows that hyaluronan targets liver metastases of a colon adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, chondroitin sulphate pretreatment increases tumor uptake, while uptake at normal receptor sites is significantly reduced. The results also suggest that after blocking of normal hyaluronan/chondroitin sulphate receptors in healthy tissue, hyaluronan may be used to deliver drugs to specific hyaluronan receptor-positive sites of pathology.  相似文献   

Summary The cytoarchitecture of the medial layer of rat thoracic aorta was examined by scanning electron microscopy after removal of the connective tissue. The outermost lamella showed a lattice-like structure of muscle bundles of closely apposed smooth muscle cells (SMCs), whereas the inner lamellae consisted of more-or-less continuous muscle sheets of vaguely defined subgroups of parallel SMCs. Longitudinal rows of ridges ran along the adventitial surface of these muscle bundles and sheets. The SMCs of the outermost lamella, were 5.1 m wide, and varied in shape, whereas those of the inner lamellae, were 52.7 m long, 2.6 m wide and 4.1 m thick, and were elongated, spindle-shaped cells with serrated outlines. These latter SMCs extended obliquely, and partially overlapped each other. The surface of the SMCs in the outermost lamella exhibited a rugged texture, with nodular protrusions and oblique and longitudinal laminar folds, while the inner lamellar cells showed longitudinal laminar folds and finger-like processes on both sides of the ridges, pointing in opposite directions to the ridges. The angle of deviation from the transverse axis of the vessel, of the muscle bundles and subgroups in the outermost lamella, was 33.6°, in the second and third lamellae, 22.5°, and in the innermost lamellae, 12.8°. The mean angle of the muscle bundle and subgroup arrangement, with respect to the long axis of the vessel, however, was basically 90° in all lamellae.  相似文献   

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