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We give a brief review of the literature concerning the ultra-short pulse ionisation of fullerenes in the gas phase. Emphasis is placed on the excitation time dependence of different ionisation regimes as manifested by photoelectron spectroscopy. The ionisation rates are modelled for the intermediate situation where the excitation energy is equilibrated between electronic degrees of freedom but not yet coupled to vibrational degrees of freedom. The model is shown to describe many aspects of the experiments. New results are presented on the intra-cluster molecular fusion of fullerene molecules when van der Waals bound clusters of fullerenes are exposed to ultra-short laser pulses. Pump-probe measurements give a decay time constant for the intra-cluster fusion reaction of 520 +/- 55 fs. A comparison with monomer ionisation results suggests that the time window for the fusion reaction is influenced by the coupling of the electronic excitation energy to vibrational degrees of freedom of the molecules in the cluster.  相似文献   

We present a method to produce vascular disruptions within rat brain parenchyma that targets single microvessels. We used two-photon microscopy to image vascular architecture, to select a vessel for injury and to measure blood-flow dynamics. We irradiated the vessel with high-fluence, ultrashort laser pulses and achieved three forms of vascular insult. (i) Vessel rupture was induced at the highest optical energies; this provides a model for hemorrhage. (ii) Extravasation of blood components was induced near the lowest energies and was accompanied by maintained flow in the target vessel. (iii) An intravascular clot evolved when an extravasated vessel was further irradiated. Such clots dramatically impaired blood flow in downstream vessels, in which speeds dropped to as low as approximately 10% of baseline values. This demonstrates that a single blockage to a microvessel can lead to local cortical ischemia. Lastly, we show that hemodilution leads to a restoration of flow in secondary downstream vessels.  相似文献   

Results are presented from three-dimensional numerical simulations carried out to study different regimes of proton acceleration from plane targets (such as double- and single-layer foils, homogeneous foils of light and heavy ions, and mass-limited targets) irradiated by laser pulses of moderate intensity. It is shown that, in the interaction of a laser pulse having an energy of about 20 J with mass-limited targets consisting of heavy ions and protons, it is possible to generate a monoenergetic proton beam with an energy of about 150 MeV.  相似文献   

Intracellular effect of ultrashort electrical pulses   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A simple electrical model for biological cells predicts an increasing probability for electric field interactions with cell substructures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells when the electric pulse duration is reduced into the sub-microsecond range. The validity of this hypothesis was verified experimentally by applying electrical pulses with electric field intensities of up to 5.3 MV/m to human eosinophils in vitro. When 3-5 pulses of 60 ns duration were applied to human eosinophils, intracellular granules were modified without permanent disruption of the plasma membrane. In spite of the extreme electrical power levels applied to the cells thermal effects could be neglected because of the ultrashort pulse duration. The intracellular effect extends conventional electroporation to cellular substructures and opens the potential for new applications in apoptosis induction, gene delivery to the nucleus, or altered cell functions, depending on the electrical pulse conditions.  相似文献   

Optical tweezers are a powerful tool for the study of single biomolecules. Many applications require that a molecule be held under constant tension while its extension is measured. We present two schemes based on scanning-line optical tweezers to accomplish this, providing all-optical alternatives to force-clamp traps that rely on electronic feedback to maintain constant-force conditions for the molecule. In these schemes, a laser beam is rapidly scanned along a line in the focal plane of the microscope objective, effectively creating an extended one-dimensional optical potential over distances of up to 8 microm. A position-independent lateral force acting on a trapped particle is created by either modulating the laser beam intensity during the scan or by using an asymmetric beam profile in the back focal plane of the microscope objective. With these techniques, forces of up to 2.69 pN have been applied over distances of up to 3.4 microm with residual spring constants of <26.6 fN/microm. We used these techniques in conjunction with a fast position measurement scheme to study the relaxation of lambda-DNA molecules against a constant external force with submillisecond time resolution. We compare the results to predictions from the wormlike chain model.  相似文献   

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) with 5‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is known to be limited for applications in tumours of large volume mainly due to the limited penetration of topical photosensitization. The results show that micro‐holes created using a femtosecond laser before PDT significantly increased the depth of PDT effect in the healthy tissue. The combination of ultrashort laser ablation technique with PDT showed an important scientific breakthrough related to transportation and delivery of drugs into the deeper regions of the tissue. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The study explored the effect of ambient oxygen on mammalian cell survival after exposure to 10 ns duration, high voltage electrical pulses (nsEP, 80-90 or 120-130 kV/cm; 200-400 pulses per exposure). Cell samples were equilibrated with pure nitrogen, atmospheric air, or pure oxygen prior to the nsEP treatment and were returned to the incubator (air + 5% CO2) shortly after the exposure. The experiments established that survival of hypoxic Jurkat and U937 cells exceeded that of air-equilibrated controls about twofold (P < .01). Conversely, saturation of the medium with oxygen prior to exposure decreased Jurkat cell survival about 1.5 times, P < .01. Attenuation of the cytotoxic effect under hypoxic conditions resembled a well-known effect of oxygen on cell killing by sparsely ionizing radiations and may be indicative of the similarity of underlying cell damage mechanisms.  相似文献   

Non-invasive manipulation of live cells is important for cell-based therapeutics. Herein we report on the uniqueness of using high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses for reversibly permeabilizing mammalian cells for biopreservation applications. When mammalian cells were suspended in a impermeable hyperosmotic cryoprotectant sucrose solution, femtosecond laser pulses were used to transiently permeabilize cells for cytoplasmic solute uptake. The kinetics of cells exposed to 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 M sucrose, following permeabilization, were measured using video microscopy, and post-permeabilization survival was determined by a dual fluorescence membrane integrity assay. Using appropriate laser parameters, we observed the highest cell survival for 0.2 M sucrose solution (>90%), with a progressive decline in cell survival towards higher concentrations. Using diffusion equations describing the transport of solutes, the intracellular osmolarity at the inner surface of the membrane (x = 10 nm) and to a diffusive length of x = 10 microm was estimated, and a high loading efficiency (>98% for x = 10 nm and >70% for x = 10 microm) was calculated for cells suspended in 0.2 M sucrose. This is the first report of using femtosecond laser pulses for permeabilizing cells in the presence of cryoprotectants for biopreservation applications.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation spectra from laser targets irradiated with ultrashort laser pulses with intensities of up to ~1019 W/cm2 are presented. The continuous spectra of hard X-ray emission from Ta and Al targets and the line spectrum of copper were measured. The temperature of fast electrons was obtained from the measured hard X-ray spectra, and the Kα radiation yield from Ta was measured. The energy conversion efficiency of laser radiation into the copper characteristic radiation was obtained from the measured yield of Kα radiation.  相似文献   

Intracellular effects of submicrosecond, megavolt-per-meter pulses imply changes in a cell's plasma membrane (PM) and organelle membranes. The maximum reported PM transmembrane voltage is only 1.6 V and phosphatidylserine is translocated to the outer membrane leaflet of the PM. Passive membrane models involve only displacement currents and predict excessive PM voltages (∼25 V). Here we use a cell system model with nonconcentric circular PM and organelle membranes to demonstrate fundamental differences between active (nonlinear) and passive (linear) models. We assign active or passive interactions to local membrane regions. The resulting cell system model involves a large number of interconnected local models that individually represent the 1), passive conductive and dielectric properties of aqueous electrolytes and membranes; 2), resting potential source; and 3), asymptotic membrane electroporation model. Systems with passive interactions cannot account for key experimental observations. Our active models exhibit supra-electroporation of the PM and organelle membranes, some key features of the transmembrane voltage, high densities of small pores in the PM and organelle membranes, and a global postpulse perturbation in which cell membranes are depolarized on the timescale of pore lifetimes.  相似文献   

Ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (ex vivo CLSM) provides rapid, high-resolution imaging and immunofluorescence examinations of the excised tissues. We aimed to evaluate the applicability of ex vivo CLSM in histomorphological and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) examination of pemphigus vulgaris (PV). 20 PV sections were stained with fluorescent-labeled anti-IgG and anti-C3 using various dilutions and incubation periods. Subsequently, the determined ideal staining protocol was applied on 20 additional PV and 20 control sections. Ex vivo CLSM identified intraepidermal blisters and acantholytic cells in 80% and 60% of PV patients, respectively. The sensitivity of ex vivo CLSM in detecting intraepidermal fluorescence was 90% both with IgG and C3. The specificity of staining for IgG and C3 was 70% and 90%, respectively. Histomorphological and immunofluorescence features of PV could be detected within the same ex vivo CSLM session showing a comparable performance to conventional histopathology and DIF microscopy.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a capillary discharge is studied to achieve optimum conditions for the guiding of ultrashort intense laser pulses. A dynamic regime is revealed in which, after a short transient process, the discharge plasma is in dynamic and thermal equilibrium. Such plasma configuration is stable against MHD perturbations. It is shown that the radial inhomogeneity of the discharge plasma composition can provide the improvement of the focusing properties of a plasma waveguide. The radius of the region where electromagnetic radiation is localized is governed by a contact discontinuity between the plasma that initially fills the channel and the plasma that is produced due to ablation of the capillary wall material.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the many recent advances at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) at the University of Michigan in multi-MeV ion beam generation from the interaction of short laser pulses focused onto thin foil targets at intensities ranging from 1017 to 1019 W/cm2. Ion beam characteristics were studied by changing the laser intensity, laser wavelength, target material, and by depositing a well-absorbed coating. We manipulated the proton beam divergence using shaped targets and observed nuclear transformation induced by high-energy protons and deuterons. Qualitative theoretical approaches and fully relativistic two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations modeled energetic ion generation. Comparison with experiments sheds light on ion energy spectra for multi-species plasma, the dependences of ion-energy on preplasma scale length and solid density plasma thickness, and laser-triggered isotope yield. Theoretical predictions are also made with the aim of studying ion generation for high-power lasers with the energies expected in the near future, and for the relativistic intensity table-top laser, a prototype of which is already in operation at CUOS in the limits of several-cycle pulse duration and a single-wavelength spot size.  相似文献   

Ultrashort pulse lasers offer great promise for tissue resection with exceptional precision and minimal thermal damage. Surgery in the bowel requires high precision and minimal necrotic tissue to avoid severe complications such as perforation. The deployment of ultrashort lasers in minimally invasive or endoscopic procedures has been hindered by the lack of suitable optical fibres for high peak powers. However, recent developments of hollow core microstructured fibres provide potential for delivery of such pulses throughout the body. In this study, analysis of laser ablation via a scanning galvanometer on a porcine colon tissue model is presented. A thermally damaged region (<85 μm) and fine depth control of ablation using the pulse energies 46 and 33 μJ are demonstrated. It is further demonstrated that such pulses suitable for precision porcine colon resection can be flexibly delivered via a hollow core negative curvature fibre (HC‐NCF) and again ablation depth can be controlled with a thermally damaged region <85 μm. Ablation volumes are comparable to that of early stage lesions in the inner lining of the colon. This study concludes that the combination of ultrashort pulses and flexible fibre delivery via HC‐NCF present a viable route to new minimally invasive surgical procedures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The threat of emerging pathogens and microbial drug resistance has spurred tremendous efforts to develop new and more effective antimicrobial strategies. Recently, a novel ultrashort pulsed (USP) laser technology has been developed that enables efficient and chemical-free inactivation of a wide spectrum of viral and bacterial pathogens. Such a technology circumvents the need to introduce potentially toxic chemicals and could permit safe and environmentally friendly pathogen reduction, with a multitude of possible applications including the sterilization of pharmaceuticals, blood products, and the generation of attenuated or inactivated vaccines.  相似文献   

The dynamical translocation of lipids from one leaflet to another due to membrane permeabilization driven by nanosecond, high-intensity (> 100 kV/cm) electrical pulses has been probed. Our simulations show that lipid molecules can translocate by diffusion through water-filled nanopores which form following high voltage application. Our focus is on multiple pulsing, and such simulations are relevant to gauge the time duration over which nanopores might remain open, and facilitate continued lipid translocations and membrane transport. Our results are indicative of a N½ scaling with pulse number for the pore radius. These results bode well for the use of pulse trains in biomedical applications, not only due to cumulative behaviors and in reducing electric intensities and pulsing hardware, but also due to the possibility of long-lived thermo-electric physics near the membrane, and the possibility for pore coalescence.  相似文献   

Both sexually mature and sexually regressed male golden hamsters were transferred to asymmetric skeleton photoperiods with night interruptions of varying duration, the short pulses occurring 14 h after "dawn." Testicular function and accompanying changes in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone and spermatogenesis were observed. Sexually regressed animals exposed to a night-break of 6 seconds (sec) or longer exhibited maximal testicular development with a rapid rise in FSH secretion followed by a slower, more variable rise in LH. Full testicular size was achieved after 8 weeks. Night-breaks of 250 milliseconds (msec) or 1 sec induced testicular development and spermatogenesis but at a slower rate: levels of FSH and LH were still rising at the end of the experiment. Complete testicular maintenance was achieved by night-breaks of 1 sec or longer. Partial testicular regression was observed with a night-break of 250 msec. Night-breaks (60 sec) given less frequently than daily also stimulated testicular function and a night-break every 7 days increased FSH and LH secretion in sexually regressed hamsters, causing testicular development at a submaximal rate. Night-breaks given more frequently induced rapid testicular growth. Almost complete testicular maintenance of sexually mature hamsters was achieved with a 60-sec night-break at weekly intervals. Symmetric skeleton photoperiods also triggered testicular development in sexually regressed hamsters, with two 1-sec light pulses (14 h apart) being almost as effective as a normal long day. No difference in reproductive function was observed between animals on long days (14L:10D) and those exposed to maximally stimulatory skeleton photoperiods.  相似文献   

UV laser crosslinking is a potentially powerful tool to investigate transient DNA-protein interactions and binding kinetics in intact cells. As the processes underlying UV laser crosslinking are not fully understood, we have performed a study of the influence of laser pulses with different physical parameters on crosslinking of the progesterone receptor to an oligonucleotide containing a hormone-responsive element. We also studied the influence of the various parameters on the amount of laser-irradiated DNA that can be correctly primer extended as an operational measurement of DNA integrity. A strong influence of pulse intensity and pulse length on the crosslink yield was found, likely due to a change in the 'two photon' processes responsible for crosslinking. The highest efficiency of protein crosslinking to DNA was achieved with femtosecond pulses and should be sufficient to enable use of this technique for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

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