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本文根据昆虫飞行的特点,模拟昆虫飞行的实验装置,由飞行磨、单片机及微型计算机组成,编辑设计飞行监控软件,该程序分为三个模块:系统监控程序模块;时钟程序模块和信号处理程序模块。利用微机适时采集飞行数据,记录和分析监测结果,模拟昆虫的飞行速度和持续时间。  相似文献   

适用于蚜虫等微小昆虫的飞行磨系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一套采用计算机进行控制和数据采集的适用于蚜虫等微小昆虫的飞行磨系统。该系统能同时对32头昆虫进行飞行测试,并对测试数据进行自动分析处理。利用该飞行磨系统对不同日龄禾缢管蚜的飞行能力进行了初步测试。结果表明,禾缢管蚜在第1至第5日龄的飞行能力最强,明显高于第7和第9日龄。平均飞行时间在各日龄之间差异不显著,但平均飞行速度随日龄的增加而逐渐降低。本文对飞行磨结构、数据采集接口板电路原理和软件流程设计等方面均进行了较为详细的介绍。并简要介绍了不同日龄禾缢管蚜的飞行能力测试结果。对开展微小型昆虫的飞行行为学研究具有较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

昆虫吊飞试验的微机记录系统介绍   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 自1953年Hocking装置了测定昆虫飞翔能力的飞行磨之后,经过实践,利用飞行磨对昆虫进行吊飞研究的技术不断得到改进。目前,已被广泛应用于研究各种昆虫的飞翔特性,如飞翔能力,人工饲养个体与野生虫源的虫质比较,能源物质的利用以及飞行控制机制等,为我们提供了大量有关昆虫飞翔的研究资料。但以往吊飞试验的记录装置(波纹记录)不够精确,  相似文献   

早在3亿年前,昆虫已经翱翔在辽阔的天空,成为最早在空中飞行的动物,并且在今天仍然延续着它们的飞行史。经过了漫长且充满变数的进化,昆虫获得了令人惊叹的飞行技巧,如飞行速度快、距离长、耗能少、灵活性强等,尤其它们高度的飞行灵活性是任何现有的飞行器都无法比拟的。  相似文献   

早在3亿年前,昆虫已经翱翔在辽阔的天空,成为最早在空中飞行的动物,并且在今天仍然延续着它们的飞行史。经过了漫长且充满变数的进化,昆虫获得了令人惊叹的飞行技巧,如飞行速度快、距离长、耗能少、灵活性强等,尤其它们高度的飞行灵活性是任何现有的飞行器都无法比拟的。  相似文献   

模仿昆虫扑翼飞行的飞行器具有重量轻、质量小、噪音低、效率高、隐蔽性好等优点,在军用、民用领域被广泛地关注与应用.枯叶蛱蝶是典型的扑翼昆虫,在连续上升飞行过程中会出现停顿和跃升的现象.为了研究停顿和跃升现象的产生原因,对枯叶蛱蝶的翅型和扑翼行为进行了力学分析.通过测量鳞翅结构参数,记录飞行行为,运用能量守恒与动量守恒原理,考虑生物能的作用,视空气为不可压缩颗粒,建立了数学模型模拟枯叶蛱蝶飞行情况.结果表明,扑翼行为通过改变飞行动力的动量和分力大小来影响枯叶蛱蝶的飞行轨迹,鳞翅形状则通过改变飞行动力的大小来影响枯叶蛱蝶的飞行轨迹,扑翼行为导致停顿和跃升现象的产生.本文为设计扑翼型飞行器提供了力学仿生学基础与生物学模型,为进一步设计出更优化的仿生飞行器提供科学依据.  相似文献   

粘虫飞行与产卵的关系   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
罗礼智  李光博 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):284-289
利用昆虫飞行数据微机采集系统对粘虫Mytkimna separata(W&lker)蛾飞行能力的测定结果表明:产卵前,雌蛾的飞行能力随蛾龄的增长而增加;产卵后,以产卵l天后的飞行能力最强,之后随产卵历期延长和产卵量的增加而下降。产卵超过6天或1 200粒的成虫飞行能力已基本丧失。由此认为:粘虫蛾的迁飞是在产卵前进行;成虫的飞行能力与卵巢发育同步,因而在粘虫中可能不存在卵子发生飞行拮抗症。最后对粘虫产卵后仍具有一定飞行能力的生物学意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

昆虫飞行肌蛋白质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
昆虫飞行肌的肌原纤维不仅含有粗肌丝、细肌丝、纤肌丝,还含有很多其它蛋白质参与肌原纤维的组装和调节,文章介绍了10余种蛋白质的结构、功能及其在肌原纤维中的位置和功能,对于了解昆虫飞行肌的发育和探索昆虫飞行能力差异的原因具有重要意义。  相似文献   

细胞凋亡是多细胞生物体内由激素刺激,基因调控,蛋白调节的一个主动的程序化死亡过程,对生物体特定组织功能的发生、发展、衰老及退化等具有重要作用。而昆虫飞行肌细胞凋亡对昆虫迁飞行为尤为重要,它直接决定迁飞性昆虫能否选择更适宜的寄主植物和生活条件,进而影响到对农作物的危害地域和严重程度。本文在近年来昆虫细胞凋亡的研究基础上,从分子生物学的角度,综述了调控昆虫飞行肌细胞凋亡的相关基因和蛋白质的研究进展,探讨了昆虫飞行肌细胞凋亡发生与调控的分子生物学机制。  相似文献   

飞行动物飞行机理的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
飞行动物飞行机理的探索刘德明肖凤翔(山西省大同浑源师范,037400)赵福琴(山西省大同浑源一中)在动物世界中有许多种类的动物具有飞行能力。在动物进化发展的过程中,昆虫是最先获得飞行能力的。在脊椎动物方面,中生代的翼龙是著名的能飞行的爬行动物,但已于...  相似文献   

Abstract Factors affecting the flight potential of Choristoneura conflictana, an insect that undergoes cyclical changes in population density, are investigated using computer‐linked flight mills. Female and male moths are flown for a 12‐h period and the longest single flight and total flight distance of each moth is recorded. After flight bioassays, moths are subjected to lipid extraction with a soxhlet apparatus to determine the effect of body lipid content on flight. Larger C. conflictana moths fly farther than smaller moths. Female C. conflictana fly farther than male moths but the effects of both mating status and moth age on the distance flown are dependent on sex. Mated females fly farther than virgins and older females fly farther than young females but these relationships do not occur in males. Body lipid content affects the distance flown by both females and males through a significant interaction with sex and age. The factors examined in this study will vary with density in natural populations and are predicted to be important indicators of flight potential and dispersal in this species.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在阐明二点委夜蛾的飞行行为特征,丰富二点委夜蛾飞行生物学理论,提高其预测预报水平。【方法】利用昆虫飞行磨被动吊飞系统和主动飞行监测系统,系统研究了二点委夜蛾Athdtis lepigone(M(o|¨)schler)被动飞行能力和主动飞行意愿。【结果】成虫具有较强的被动飞行潜力。室内连续吊飞80 h,雌雄蛾最远飞行距离分别达106.71 km和148.32 km,最长飞行时间分别达43.05 h和40.01h,最快飞行速度分别达7.60 km/h和8.14 km/h。雄蛾飞行潜力显著强于雌蛾,体现在飞行距离和飞行时间显著高于雌蛾,但飞行速度差异不显著。成虫蛾龄显著影响成虫飞行能力。对不同蛾龄成虫吊飞12 h的结果表明,1日龄即具备一定的飞行能力,之后逐渐增强,3日龄时飞行能力最强,雌雄蛾平均飞行距离分别为29.61 km和27.55 km,飞行时间分别为10.04 h和9.46 h,平均飞行速度分别达2.76 kn/h和2.46km/h,4日龄成虫飞行能力开始下降,但不同性别间成虫飞行能力差异不显著。蛾龄间飞行能力差异主要是由于不同蛾龄成虫的强、弱飞行个体比例不同。二点委夜蛾主动飞行呈现明显的节律行为,飞行活动主要集中在暗期(19:00—次日5:00),在光期(5:00—19:00)基本不飞行。成虫初羽化(1日龄)主动飞行意愿增强,之后飞行活动减少,但产卵开始时主动飞行活动又开始增强,到7日龄达到峰值。【结论】二点委夜蛾成虫具有较强的飞行能力,其飞行能力受蛾龄,雌雄等因素影响;飞行具有明显的节律性。  相似文献   

Flight in insects can be long-range migratory flights, intermediate-range dispersal flights, or short-range host-seeking flights. Previous studies have shown that flight mills are valuable tools for the experimental study of insect flight behavior, allowing researchers to examine how factors such as age, host plants, or population source can influence an insects'' propensity to disperse. Flight mills allow researchers to measure components of flight such as speed and distance flown. Lack of detailed information about how to build such a device can make their construction appear to be prohibitively complex. We present a simple and relatively inexpensive flight mill for the study of tethered flight in insects. Experimental insects can be tethered with non-toxic adhesives and revolve around an axis by means of a very low friction magnetic bearing. The mill is designed for the study of flight in controlled conditions as it can be used inside an incubator or environmental chamber. The strongest points are the very simple electronic circuitry, the design that allows sixteen insects to fly simultaneously allowing the collection and analysis of a large number of samples in a short time and the potential to use the device in a very limited workspace. This design is extremely flexible, and we have adjusted the mill to accommodate different species of insects of various sizes.  相似文献   

In Locusta migratoria suspended from a flight balance, flight speed relative to the air and the lift were recorded throughout adult life. During continuous flight at all ages flight speed and lift decrease, but during maturation both aerodynamic parameters increase. These parameters appear to be dominated by the wing-stroke frequency in a more or less constant relationship. Locusts only 2 days old can maintain altitude in free flight. It is concluded that the basic neuronal flight pattern is determined at the last moult and that only the motoroutput frequency increases to approximately match the body weight, which increases with age.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) influences many aspects of insect biology, including oogenesis‐flight syndrome tradeoffs between migration and reproduction. Drawing on studies of many migratory insects, we posed the hypothesis that JH influences migratory capacity and oogenesis in the rice leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. We treated adults moths (days 1, 2 and 3 postemergence) with the JH analog (JHA), methoprene, and then recorded the influences of JHA treatments on reproduction. JHA treatment on day 1 postemergence, but not on the other days, shortened the preoviposition period, although JHA did not influence total fecundity, oviposition period, or longevity. We infer day 1 postemergence is the JH‐sensitive stage to influence reproduction. Therefore, we treated moths on day 1 postemergence with JHA and recorded flight capacity, flight muscle mass, and triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation. JHA treatments did not influence flight speed, but led to reductions in flight durations and flight distances. At day 3 posttreatment (PT), JHA‐treated females flew shorter times and less distance than the controls; JHA‐treated males, however, only flew shorter times than the controls. JHA treatments led to reductions in flight muscle mass in females at days 2–3 PT and reductions in TAG content in females at day 3 PT, but, these parameters were not influenced by JHA in males. These findings strongly support our hypothesis, from which we infer that JH is a major driver in C. medinalis oogenesis‐flight syndrome tradeoffs. Our data also reveal a JH‐sensitive stage in adulthood during which JH influences the oocyte‐flight syndrome in C. medinalis.  相似文献   

The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of fruit and vegetable production that has become established in 42 countries in Africa after its first detection in 2003 in Kenya. It is likely that this rapid expansion is partly due to the reported strong capacity for flight by the pest. This study investigated the tethered flight performance of B. dorsalis over a range of constant temperatures in relation to sex and age. Tethered flight of unmated B. dorsalis aged 3, 10 and 21 days was recorded for 1 h using a computerized flight mill at temperatures of 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Variations in fly morphology were observed as they aged. Body mass and wing loading increased with age, whereas wing length and wing area reduced as flies aged. Females had slightly larger wings than males but were not significantly heavier. The longest total distance flown by B. dorsalis in 1 h was 1559.58 m. Frequent short, fast flights were recorded at 12 and 36 °C, but long-distance flight was optimal between 20 and 24 °C. Young flies tended to have shorter flight bouts than older flies, which was associated with them flying shorter distances. Heavier flies with greater wing loading flew further than lighter flies. Flight distances recorded on flight mills approximated those recorded in the field, and tethered flight patterns suggest a need to factor temperature into the interpretation of trap captures.  相似文献   

温度和湿度对麦长管蚜飞行能力的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
利用计算机控制的微小昆虫飞行磨系统测定了温度、湿度对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae飞行能力的影响。结果表明,适于飞行的温度为12~22℃,湿度为60%~80%。在温度8℃以下或25℃以上,其飞行能力明显降低。在温度18℃时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行时间、飞行距离最大分别为3.101 h、3.676 km。在相对湿度40%、60%和80%时,飞行时间分别为1.573 h、2.272 h和3.032 h,飞行距离与湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。飞行速度随温度的增高而加快,在相对湿度60%左右时,麦长管蚜的平均飞行速度较快。在20℃,相对湿度80%条件下,单个个体的最大飞行时间、最大飞行距离和最大飞行速度可达14.32 h、22.51 km和1.57 km/ h,表现出麦长管蚜具有较强的飞行能力。  相似文献   

We have studied the nocturnal flight behaviour of the common swift (Apus apus L.), by the use of a tracking radar. Birds were tracked from Lund University in southern Sweden during spring migration, summer roosting flights and autumn migration. Flight speeds were compared with predictions from flight mechanical and optimal migration theories. During spring, flight speeds were predicted to be higher than during both summer and autumn due to time restriction. In such cases, birds fly at a flight speed that maximizes the overall speed of migration. For summer roosting flights, speeds were predicted to be lower than during both spring and autumn since the predicted flight speed is the minimum power speed that involves the lowest energy consumption per unit time. During autumn, we expected flight speeds to be higher than during summer but lower than during spring since the expected flight speed is the maximum range speed, which involves the lowest energy consumption per unit distance. Flight speeds during spring were indeed higher than during both summer and autumn, which indicates time-selected spring migration. Speeds during autumn migration were very similar to those recorded during summer roosting flights. The general result shows that swifts change their flight speed between different flight behaviours to a smaller extent than expected. Furthermore, the difference between flight speeds during migration and roosting among swifts was found to be less pronounced than previously recorded.  相似文献   

The Asian Long‐horned Beetle (ALB) is a highly polyphagous species invasive in North America and Europe. This species has been reported to have low dispersing potential, but long‐distance dispersal could occasionally happen. We conducted a preliminary study on laboratory‐reared adults from invasive populations to measure the flying potential of beetles using computer‐linked flight mills. Under standardized conditions, ALB was capable of flying over longer distances than previously described. The highest distance recorded over an adult lifespan outreached 14 km. Flight mill method is therefore useful to estimate the maximum physiological flight abilities of the species that should be taken into account to improve management of invasive populations.  相似文献   

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