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In gynodioecious species, male steriles co-occur with hermaphrodites. Usually, the male sterile trait is maternally inherited, hence it is called Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS). Nuclear loci restore male fertility in combination with their ‘own’ specific cytoplasmic types. In theory, two fitness components are important for the maintenance of this breeding system: a fitness advantage of the male steriles, and costs of restoration. The costs of restoration are alleged negative pleiotropic effects of restorer alleles. In this study the effects of different CMS types on plant performance and the cost of restoration were assessed in two experiments with Plantago lanceolata L. Biomass production differed significantly between the CMS types studied. In order to assess the costs of restoration, hermaphrodites with or without restorer alleles for a CMS type other than its own were compared. The studied restorer alleles caused a reduction in weight per seed, but the number of seeds produced was unaffected. The estimated cost of restoration measured as reduction of seed biomass was 13% for restorer alleles for CMSI. However, in the second experiment no pleiotropic effects of restorer alleles were detected, either because the assumptions for the experimental set-up were not valid or the costs of restoration may not always be expressed.  相似文献   

The genus Plantago is particularly interesting for evolutionary studies because of its wide range of mating systems. We have developed primers for five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from P. lanceolata. All five loci amplified and were polymorphic in the two populations examined, Lowsteads Beach in the United Kingdom and Duke in the United States. These new markers will allow a comparison of population structure between the outcrossing species P. lanceolata, and the highly selfing species P. major.  相似文献   

Wound healing requires cells that increase both collagen production as a result of inflammatory events and regeneration of epithelial tissue. The Plantago species of herbs have been used in traditional treatment of skin disorders and infectious diseases, and digestive, respiratory, reproductive and circulatory conditions. We investigated the efficacy of different concentrations of Plantago lanceolata L. extract (PLE) for wound healing owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcerative, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. We used 72 mice in four groups of 18. An excisional 1 cm wound was created in the skin on the back of the mice in all groups. An ointment containing 10% PLE was applied to the wound in group 1, an ointment containing 20% PLE was applied in group 2 and vaseline was applied in group 3. In group 4, no treatment was applied to the wound. On days 7, 14, and 21 of the experiment, six animals in each group were sacrificed after the wounds were photographed and specimens from the wound sites were examined. On day 14, epithelialization was more prominent in group 2, while vascularization and collagen deposition was more advanced in groups 1 and 2 compared to the other groups. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that TGF-β1 expression was elevated on day 14 in all groups; however, this elevation was more limited in groups 1 and 2 than in groups 3 and 4. Although ANGPT-2 expression increased in groups 1 and 4 on day 14, it decreased significantly in groups 2 and 3. We found that different concentrations of PLE exhibited positive effects on wound healing. Application of 10% PLE ointment may be a useful strategy for wound healing.  相似文献   

Changes in root-associated Fe(III) reductase activity and Fe concentration during recovery from temporary iron starvation were investigated in hydroponically grown Plantago lanceolata L. Within two days, interruption of the Fe supply resulted in enhanced rates of reduction by intact plant roots. Transfer of iron deficient plants to a solution containing various amounts of chelated Fe caused a transient increase in reduction activity before the rates declined to a level determined by the amount of Fe added. Repression of root-associated redox activity was independent of the Fe concentration in the preculture. When iron deficient plants were submitted to a supply of Fe localized to a part of the root system (split-root plants), the decrease in reduction rates was much more pronounced in the Fe-deprived portion of the roots than in the Fe-supplied one. No correlation was observed between root Fe concentration and Fe(III) reductase activity. Continued growth of split-root plants in the +Fe/-Fe regime increased the reduction rates of the +Fe-grown portion of the root system over the rates in iron sufficient plants with non-divided roots. The results are discussed in relation to putative factors mediating intra- and interorgan regulation of iron nutrition.  相似文献   

Changes in root-associated Fe(III) reductase activity and Fe concentration during recovery from temporary iron starvation were investigated in hydroponically grown Plantago lanceolata L. Within two days, interruption of the Fe supply resulted in enhanced rates of reduction by intact plant roots. Transfer of iron deficient plants to a solution containing various amounts of chelated Fe caused a transient increase in reduction activity before the rates declined to a level determined by the amount of Fe added. Repression of root-associated redox activity was independent of the Fe concentration in the preculture. When iron deficient plants were submitted to a supply of Fe localized to a part of the root system (split-root plants), the decrease in reduction rates was much more pronounced in the Fe-deprived portion of the roots than in the Fe-supplied one. No correlation was observed between root Fe concentration and Fe(III) reductase activity. Continued growth of split-root plants in the +Fe/-Fe regime increased the reduction rates of the +Fe-grown portion of the root system over the rates in iron sufficient plants with non-divided roots. The results are discussed in relation to putative factors mediating intra- and interorgan regulation of iron nutrition.  相似文献   

  • 1 Foraging patterns of specialist (Junonia coenia Hubner: Nymphalidae) and generalist (Spilosoma congrua Wlk.: Arctiidae) caterpillars on five genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.: Plantaginaceae) were examined in an experimental garden.
  • 2 Movement by the specialists reflected declining availability of new leaves. When direct sunlight was available, these caterpillars were usually exposed to it.
  • 3 Although the generalists also preferred new leaves, they spent less than 50% of their time on the plantain and changed location more frequently than the specialists. They often hid at the base of plants or under leaves.
  • 4 Plant genotype influenced the apparency of the specialists and damage by the herbivores.

PCR markers distinguish Plantago major subspecies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plantago major plants from several Scottish and Dutch locations were surveyed for their genetic variation using PCR markers, namely RAPD analysis, anchored inter-SSR PCR, and chloroplast PCR followed by RFLP analysis. The RAPD and inter-SSR markers showed a differentiation between the two subspecies of P. major. These results are discussed in relation to earlier results using allozyme electrophoresis, DNA fingerprinting, and chloroplast RFLP analysis. Received: 15 June 1997 / Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

Detailed pollen analytical investigations at a Neolithic lake dwelling site on Lake Chalain, Jura, France, show very characteristic variation in the Plantago lanceolata and P. major/media pollen curves in the period during which settlements are recorded (3030–2630 cal. B.C.). At first, P. lanceolata is the more important taxon but P. major/media representation gradually rises, to become the more important taxon in the uppermost settlement phase. After considering the present day ecology and phytosociology of the Plantago species in question, i.e. P. lanceolata, P. major and P. media, and the available archaeozoological and archaeological information, it is suggested that the changes in the representation of these two pollen taxa are the result of a change in the farming economy, at ca. 2800 cal. B.C., which involved a substantial rise in the numbers of domesticated grazing animals and more intensive land use.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L. (ribwort plantain) produces two costly terpenoid secondary plant compounds, the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol. We performed an artificial selection experiment to investigate direct and correlated responses to selection on the constitutive level of iridoid glycosides in the leaves for four generations. Estimated realized heritabilities (±SE) were 0.23 ± 0.07 and 0.23 ± 0.04 for upward and downward selection, respectively. The response to upward selection was caused by selection for a developmental pattern characterized by the production of fewer leaves that on average contain more iridoids, and by selection for a development‐independent increase in the level of these compounds. Significant correlated responses were observed for plant growth form. Upward selection resulted in plants with larger sized, but fewer leaves, fewer side rosettes, and fewer spikes, corresponding to a previously distinguished ‘hayfield’ ecotype, whereas downward selection produced the opposite pattern, corresponding to a ‘pasture’ ecotype. This indicates that the level of iridoid glycosides is genetically correlated with morphological traits in P. lanceolata, and is part of the complex of genetically correlated traits underlying the two ecotypes. The genetic association between iridoid level and growth forms suggests that there may be constraints to the simultaneous evolution of resistance to generalist insects (by iridoid glycosides) and to larger grazers (by a high production rate of prostrate leaves and inflorescences) in open grazed habitats where the ‘pasture’ ecotype is found.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a breeding system in which hermaphrodites coexist with male steriles. Theoretical models predict that without any compensation in female fitness male steriles will disappear from a population due to their reproductive disadvantage. In the present study I investigated whether male-sterile (MS), partially male-sterile (IN), and hermaphroditic (H) plants of Plantago lanceolata differed in reproductive growth and allocation. Offspring of three interpopulation crosses segregating all three sex morphs were grown under nitrogen-limited conditions in a growth chamber. Independent of the genetic background MS plants attained a higher vegetative and reproductive dry mass and a higher reproductive output than H plants, whereas IN plants had intermediate values. When corrected for the mass of the pollen, the dry mass differences between the sex morphs were much reduced but still present. However, when whole-plant allocation was expressed on the basis of nitrogen, the differences between the sex morphs disappeared. Thus the sex morphs took up similar amounts of nitrogen but distributed them differently. The MS and IN plants used the nitrogen saved by not producing pollen for additional vegetative as well as reproductive growth. The data presented in this study suggest that resource compensation is one of the main mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of MS and IN plants in gynodioecious P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the coexistence of hermaphrodites and male steriles, is frequent in populations of Plantago lanceolata L. A condition for the maintenance of gynodioecy in an obligatory outbreeding species like this is an increase in female fitness in male steriles compared with hermaphrodites. One of the possible underlying mechanisms, a lower cyanide-resistant respiration in male steriles, which could lead to a higher metabolic efficiency, was investigated. For the experiments adult plants were used, because the effects which compensate for male sterility have been found in characters like seed production and longevity. No general correlation between sex phenotype and cyanide-resistant respiration capacity, or with any other respiration component, was found. Only in a single cross a strong correlation between cyanide-resistant respiration activity and sex phenotype was established, male steriles possessing the higher activity. The conclusion from these experiments is that there is no pleiotropic relationship between respiration levels and sex phenotype. The strongly significant correlation mentioned is ascribed to chromosomal linkage.  相似文献   

The effects of different ratios of red to far-red light (R/FR-ratio) and of exogenously applied growth regulators on the morphology of plants from sun and shade populations were studied. Large differences in growth form were found between populations adapted to either sun or shaded habitats. Low R/FR-ratios, simulating vegetation shade, induced a growth form similar to that of plants from the shade population. High R/FR-ratios, simulating sunlight, had the opposite effect. Most morphological differences between shade and sun populations and effects of low R/FR-ratios on growth form could be mimicked by exogenously applied gibberellin (GA3). In contrast, application of a gibberellin inhibitor (CCC) induced a growth form similar to that of the sun population and of plants grown under a high R/FR-ratio. Interactions between genetic background, the R/FR-ratio, and hormone treatment, were small and the factors exerted their action independently. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of developmental constraints on the evolvability of optimal phenotypes and the plastic responses therein.  相似文献   

  • 1 The simultaneous effects of daytime temperature (20°C versus 30°C) and leaf age (new versus intermediate-aged) on a generalist insect herbivore were examined. Fourth-instar Spilosoma congrua caterpillars were tested on plantain (Plantago lanceolata), one of this lepidopteran species’host plants, for which the major defensive chemicals, iridoid glycosides (aucubin and catalpol), could be quantified.
  • 2 Cool temperature depressed amount of food eaten, amount of frass, and consumption and growth rates, and increased the proportion of time spent in the non-feeding period (from head-capsule slippage to ecdysis).
  • 3 Average iridoid glycoside concentration was 2.8% dry weight (d.w.) in new leaves and 1.6% d.w. in intermediate-aged leaves. When fed new leaves, the caterpillars had a higher efficiency of conversion of ingested food to biomass and a higher growth rate than those fed intermediate-aged leaves. Furthermore, the proportion of time spent in the non-feeding period was prolonged by a diet of intermediate-aged leaves.
  • 4 A second experiment showed that the percentage dry weight of aucubin, catalpol and total iridoid glycosides increased over 24 h in incubated, excised leaves, which meant that the caterpillars in the first experiment experienced somewhat higher iridoid glycoside concentrations than the levels in fresh leaves.
  • 5 Overall, these results indicate that this generalist should prefer new plantain leaves over older leaves even though new leaves contain higher concentrations of iridoid glycosides.

The involvement of pyridine nucleotides in the reduction of extracytoplasmatic electron acceptors by iron-deficient Plantago lanceolata L. roots has been examined by measuring the changes in NAD(P)H and NAD(P) induced by various external acceptors. Exposure of the plants to FeEDTA, ferricyanide, ferric citrate or hexachloroiri-date resulted in a transient decrease in NADPH and an increase in NAD. No major differences in this pattern were observed between acceptors which were assumed to be reduced by different enzymes. The application of the membrane-permeable oxidant nitro blue tetrazolium led to similar changes in reduced and oxidized pyridine nucleotides and decreased the reduction of external acceptors. The amino acid analog p -fluorophenylalanine caused a transient decline in both NADPH level and NADPH/ NADP ratio and a decrease in the ratio of NADH to NAD without affecting the level of NADH. Exposure of the plants to the translation inhibitor cycloheximide increased both NADH and NADPH concentrations. A comparison of the redox activities and pyridine nucleotide fractions after inhibitor treatment revealed that the constitutive, but not iron stress-induced redox activity correlates with NADPH levels. These results are interpreted as confirming that the redox systems on the root plasma membrane are separately regulated. Possible metabolic reactions during the reduction processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Differences between individuals collected from sun and shade populations could result from either somatic or genetic differences, particularly in populations of perennial plants. Our objective in this study was to separate somatic from genetic differences. We collected Anthoxanthum odoratum and Plantago lanceolata from sun and shade populations and made measurements on both vegetatively propagated clones and seed progeny from each clone. The parental populations differed in a wide range of physiological and morphological traits. However, only photosynthetic capacity was significantly different between both the original sun and shade populations and their seed progeny. In both species, plants from the sun population had higher photosynthetic capacities than those from the shade population when grown in a common environment. This demonstrates that there was genetic differentiation between the sun and shade populations. Photosynthetic capacity of parents and offspring also differed, suggesting a somatic effect. Since many of the original clones were virus-infected, but all but one of the offspring were virus-free, this might have been a result of virus infection. However, in spite of the fact that the parents and offspring clones were propagated vegetatively so that the plants were at the same developmental stage at the time of measurement, we cannot rule out the possibility that differences in age of cell lines could also have been a factor.  相似文献   

 Seven sorghum restorer lines that differentially restore (or maintain) the A1 and A2 cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) cytoplasms were studied by RFLP analyses of their mtDNAs and RAPD analyses of their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and total DNA to understand nuclear mitochondrial combinations that are present in these lines. RFLP data from 11 mitochondrial gene probes were inadequate to classify these seven lines. However, the analysis of RAPD profiles of total DNA could distinguish these lines on the basis of their ability to restore completely or partially the fertility in the A1/A2 CMS cytoplasms. Interestingly, RAPD profiles of mtDNAs of these lines also followed the same pattern as that of the total DNA. These results indicate that the different restorer lines possess specific nuclear-cytoplasm combinations. Further, the results also show that the RAPD technique can be used to identify markers for different cytoplasms used in CMS. Received: 26 August 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

To determine the evolutionary importance of parental environmental effects in natural populations, we must begin to measure the magnitude of these effects in the field. For this reason, we conducted a combined growth chamber-field experiment to measure parental temperature effects in Plantago lanceolata. We grew in the field offspring of controlled crosses of chamber-grown parents subjected to six temperature treatments. Each treatment was characterized by a unique combination of maternal prezygotic (prior to fertilization), paternal prezygotic, and postzygotic (during fertilization and seed set) temperatures. Offspring were followed for three years to measure the effects of treatment on several life-history traits and population growth rate, our estimate of fitness. Parental treatment influenced germination, growth, and reproduction of newborns, but not survival or reproduction of offspring at least one year old. High postzygotic temperature significantly increased germination and leaf area at 17 weeks by approximately 35% and 2%, respectively. Probability of flowering and spike production in the newborn age class showed significant parental genotype x parental treatment interactions. High postzygotic temperature increased offspring fitness by approximately 50%. The strongest contributors to fitness were germination and probability of flowering and spike production of newborns. A comparison of our data with previously collected data for chambergrown offspring shows that the influence of parental environment on offspring phenotype is weaker but still biologically meaningful in the field. The results provide evidence that parental environment influences offspring fitness in natural populations of P. lanceolata and does so by affecting the life-history traits most strongly contributing to fitness. The data suggest that from the perspective of offspring fitness, natural selection favors parents that flower later in the flowering season in the North Carolina Piedmont when it is warmer. Genotypic-specific differences in response of offspring reproductive traits to parental environment suggest that parental environmental effects can influence the rate of evolutionary change in P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

Fitness costs of defense are often invoked to explain the maintenance of genetic variation in levels of chemical defense compounds in natural plant populations. We investigated fitness costs of iridoid glycosides (IGs), terpenoid compounds that strongly deter generalist insect herbivores, in ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) using lines that had been artificially selected for high and low leaf IG concentrations for four generations. Twelve maternal half-sib families from each selection line were grown in four environments, consisting of two nutrient and two competition treatments. We tested whether: (1) in the absence of herbivores and pathogens, plants from lines selected for high IG levels have a lower fitness than plants selected for low IG levels; and (2) costs of chemical defense increase with environmental stress. Vegetative biomass did not differ between selection lines, but plants selected for high IG levels produced fewer inflorescences and had a significantly lower reproductive dry weight than plants selected for low IG levels, indicating a fitness cost of IG production. Line-by-nutrient and line-by-competition interactions were not significant for any of the fitness-related traits. Hence, there was no evidence that fitness costs increased with environmental stress. Two factors may have contributed to the absence of higher costs under environmental stress. First, IGs are carbon-based chemicals. Under nutrient limitation, the relative carbon excess may result in the production of IGs without imposing a further constraint on growth and reproduction. Second, correlated responses to selection on IG levels indicate the existence of a positive genetic association between IG level and cotyledon size. At low nutrient level, a path analysis based on family means revealed that in the presence of competitors, the negative direct effect of a high IG level on aboveground plant dry weight was partly offset by a positive direct effect of the associated larger cotyledon size. This indicates that fitness costs of defense may be modulated by environment-specific fitness effects of genetically associated traits.  相似文献   

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