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Mycobacterium genavense infection in normal and immunodeficient mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mycobacterium genavense is a recently described microorganism causing disseminated infections in AIDS patients. In this study, we investigate its pathogenicity in mice and some mechanisms of the host response to this bacterium. Following an intravenous challenge of 10(6) organisms, M. genavense grew progressively in the spleens and livers of BALB/c and CBA mice over at least an 8-month period. Granulomas were present in the spleens, livers and lungs of the animals. The numbers of bacteria recovered from the spleens and livers were higher in BALB/c (Bcg(s)) than in CBA (Bcg(r)) mice from day 30. The role of the Bcg gene, in the early phase of infection, was supported by the fact that the bacterial load, on day 15, was higher in BALB/c than in the congenic C.D2 (Bcg(r)) mice. The role of T cells in the host response was suggested by the high susceptibility of nude mice to M. genavense infection. In vivo depletion experiments in CBA mice indicated that gamma interferon and both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells participate in the containment of the bacterial load.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are common causes of diarrhea in animals and humans. Little is known, however, about the components of the host response to these viruses. Rotavirus infection was studied in athymic mice experimentally infected with murine rotavirus. Neonatal T-cell-deficient mice experienced a self-limited gastrointestinal infection which was identical to that observed in age-matched immunocompetent mice. Adult T-cell-deficient seronegative mice and age-matched normal mice showed a similar extent of resistance to symptomatic rotavirus infection. In both cases, the infection was resolved without the generation of antirotavirus antibody. These studies indicate that host defense against murine rotavirus requires neither functional T-lymphocytes nor specific antiviral antibody.  相似文献   

In nude mice experimentally infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), the numbers of early and later plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) generated in the spleen were 7 to 20 times and 2 to 163 times, respectively, greater than those in non-infected nude mice, when SRBC were given at day 0 to day 21 postinfection. Splenic theta-positive lymphocytes in infected nude mice were shown to increase only at day 10 or more postinfection. PFC response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, a T cell-independent antigen, was not modified in MHV-infected nude mice.  相似文献   

Chronic rotavirus infection of an infant with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) was studied by virological examinations in association with long-term observation of his symptoms and immune status. During eleven months of hospitalization, the patient was suffering from incurable severe diarrhea with persisting excretion of rotaviruses detected by electron microscopy and the reversed-passive hemagglutination (R-PHA) test and had transient hepatitis symptom despite multiple administrations of human gammaglobulin and high calorie fluids. The detected viruses were morphologically recognized as rotavirus with double capsid structure. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic (PAGE) analysis of their genomic RNAs showed the long electropherotype of group A virus with abnormal migration profiles changing considerably from the early to the late phase of illness: (1) The 11th segment became undetectable; (2) the molecular weight of the 6th segment slightly increased; (3) seven to fourteen extra segments appeared; and (4) PAGE patterns of viral genomic RNAs changed every three or four months. These findings suggest that chronic infection with rotavirus accompanied the generation of extra viral genomic segments and their unusual assortments in an immunodeficient host.  相似文献   

The in vivo persistence, immunogenicity and pathogenicity of a recently described temperature-sensitive (ts) strain from Neospora caninum, NCts-8, was investigated in normal and immunodeficient mice. Groups of BALB/c and SCID/Bg mice were infected s.c. with 5 x 10(6) wild-type NC-1, control NCts-8 (pass 0) or NCts-8 tachyzoites prepared at four in vitro passage levels (pass 7, 13, 21 and 28). For persistence and immunogenicity studies, BALB/c mice were bled and sacrificed at 4, 6 or 8 weeks p.i. Sera were analysed by IFAT and brain tissues examined for lesions by histology and tested for parasite presence by PCR. For pathogenicity studies, SCID/Bg mice were monitored by clinical signs and survival time. Results from parasite persistence experiments demonstrated microscopic lesions and PCR positive brain tissues in NC-1 infected mice. In contrast, brain tissues from NCts8-infected groups were consistently negative by histology and PCR. Based on IFAT titres, all parasite strains were immunogenic, although parasite-specific IgG levels were lower in the NCts-8 infected groups. Results from pathogenicity studies in SCID/Bg mice demonstrated a significantly (P < 0.0001) longer mean survival time in NCts-8 vs NC-1 infected groups. In addition, there was no significant difference in mean survival time between control NCts-8 and experimental passage NCts-8 infected mice. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the NCts-8 strain maintains a stable phenotype following multiple passages in vitro, and possesses an attenuated, shorter persistence phenotype in vivo compared with the parental wild-type NC-1.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is characterization of Hepatitis A experimental model obtained for the first time in rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) infected with fecal isolate from a patient with Hepatitis A (HAV-H1). Monkeys were susceptible to oral and intravenous routes of HAV inoculation. The disease could be reproduced regularly in 4 passages as a result of which HAV strain continuously pathogenic for M. mulatta has been established. All 17 infected monkeys developed Hepatitis A with characteristic (except jaundice) patterns: shedding of virus with the stool, elevations of serum alanine aminotransferase level, appearance of IgM anti-HAV, morphological changes developed in the liver. Our data have demonstrated that the course of experimental Hepatitis A infection in M. mulatta is similar (in many respects) to that observed in man.  相似文献   

Progressive hepatitis in athymic nude (nu/nu) mice due to a low-virulent mouse hepatitis virus, MHV-2 cc, was examined for involvement of immunocytes and serum antibodies. At 3 to 6 weeks postinoculation (p.i.) a considerable number of Mac 1- and asialo GM1-positive cells were accumulated in the affected liver and spleen. There were also some Thy-1-positive cells. Later than 2 weeks p.i., serum IgG and IgM antibodies were detected in parallel with virus-neutralizing activity, while the IgG levels were lower than those of infected euthymic (nu/+) littermates. By transfer of the infected nu/nu mouse serum, the recipient euthymic mice acquired resistance to lethal challenge infection with a virulent virus, MHV-2.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma-deficient (IFN-gamma(-/-)) mice inoculated with intermediate doses of a slowly replicating strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus become chronically infected. In such mice a hypercompensated CTL response is observed that partially controls virus replication. Here we have investigated whether CD4(+) Th cells are required to establish and maintain this new equilibrium. The absence of IFN-gamma does not impair the generation of IL-2-producing CD4(+) cells, and depletion of these cells precipitates severe CD8(+) T cell-mediated immunopathology in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice, indicating an important role of CD4(+) T cells in preventing this syndrome. Analysis of organ virus levels revealed a further impairment of virus control in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice following CD4(+) cell depletion. Initially the antiviral CTL response did not require CD4(+) cells, but with time an impaired reactivity toward especially the glycoprotein 33--41 epitope was noted. Enumeration of epitope-specific (glycoprotein 33--41 and nucleoprotein 396--404) CD8(+) T cells by use of tetramers gave similar results. Finally, limiting dilution analysis of CTL precursors reveal an impaired capacity to sustain this population in CD4(+)-depleted mice, especially in mice also deficient in IFN-gamma. Thus, our findings disclose that T cell help is required to sustain the expanded CTL precursor pool required in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice. This interpretation is supported by mathematical modeling that predicts an increased requirement for help in IFN-gamma(-/-) hosts similar to what is found with fast replicating virus strains in normal hosts. Thus, the functional integrity of CD8(+) effector T cells is one important factor influencing the requirement for T cell help during viral infection.  相似文献   

The progression of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was studied in ddY mice infected intraperitoneally with the Fukuoka-1 strain, a transmissible agent isolated from a CJD patient in Japan. Infectivity became detectable simultaneously in the brain, the spleen and the liver, i.e. 19 weeks after inoculation. Infectivity titer ranged from 10(2) to 10(3) LD50/g in all three organs up to 35 weeks, in contrast to intracerebrally infected mice in which the content of infectious CJD agent is higher in the brain than in the liver and the spleen. Cuffs appeared in the brain roughly four times in the period from 3 to 37 weeks after inoculation. The observed infectivity was discussed in relation to the appearance of cuffs in the brain.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in vitro study of follicular dynamics of primordial and primary follicular stages is limited because in vitro culture systems for these follicles are lacking, both in domestic animal species and in human. Therefore, additional insights might be generated by grafting ovarian tissue into immunodeficient mice to study activation and maturation of early follicular stages. A considerable amount of data has already been gathered in laboratory animals and through clinical application of human assisted reproduction technologies where live births were reported recently after the use of (cryopreserved) ovarian grafts. However, given that human preantral follicles are difficult to obtain and that there are many similarities between the bovine and human species with regard to ovarian physiology, the bovine model offers exciting additional prospects and is therefore discussed in more detail. This review will focus on recent developments related to preantral follicle and (repeated) ovarian tissue retrieval and xenotransplantation of (bovine) ovarian tissue strips to immunodeficient mice as a model to study preantral follicular dynamics. Different grafting strategies will be discussed as well as the consequences of this procedure on the viability and dynamic behavior of the grafted tissue and follicles.  相似文献   

The host-mediated antiviral effect of two biological response modifiers (BRM), OK-432 and PS-K, against murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) was evaluated in normal and immunologically deficient mice of the same litters. In normal littermate mice, BALB/c (nu/+) or C57BL/6 (bg/+), the BRM-induced resistance against MCMV infection was evidenced by increase in fifty percent lethal doses, decrease in titers of viruses replicated in the target organs and augmentation of natural killer (NK) cell activity of the spleen cells. In T cell-deficient, athymic nude mice, BALB/c (nu/nu), the protective effect was manifested by prolongation of the survival, decrease in the virus titers, and increase in the NK-cell activity, but without decrease in mortality. In NK cell-deficient, beige mutant mice, C57BL/6 (bg/bg), the BRM-induced protection was nullified or minimized, and there was little difference in those parameters between BRM-treated and untreated mice. However, with higher doses of OK-432, but not PS-K, or with sublethal doses of MCMV, the NK cell activity was slightly augmented in the beige mutant mice. Thus both NK cell and T cell activity are essential for mice to overcome acute MCMV infection and it is likely that the protective effect of BRM manifests itself fully, at least in immunologically intact mice.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are important pathogens of human infants and the infants of many animal species. The disease produced by these viruses can be described as an acute, self-limiting diarrheal disease, with virus replication localized to the differentiated epithelial enterocytes of the small intestine. Immunologically normal infants shed virus for approximately 5 to 12 days after the onset of infection. Recently, it has been shown that rotavirus can produce a chronic infection in severely immunocompromised children, with virus shedding and intermittent diarrhea lasting from 6 weeks to 2 years (G. A. Losonsky, J. P. Johnson, J. A. Winkelstein, and R. H. Yolken, J. Clin. Invest. 76:2362-2367, 1985; F. T. Saulsbury, J. A. Winkelstein, and R. H. Yolken, J. Pediatr. 97:61-65, 1980). These findings point to an important role for the immune system in recovery from the disease. The study described here examined the outcome of murine rotavirus infection in mice with severe combined B- and T-cell immunodeficiency (SCID) and in immunologically normal seronegative BALB/c mice. Persistent rotavirus infection was established in all mice with SCID which had been inoculated orally as pups. Low levels of virus replication and constant fecal virus shedding characterized the chronic infection. This is the first report of a persistent rotavirus infection in an animal model.  相似文献   

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