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古秋娥  王家林 《蛇志》2008,20(1):13-17
目的 研究广西人群中亚健康的分布情况,并探讨亚健康的标准.方法 采用自行设计的广西人群亚健康现状调查问卷对广西学生、教师、社会人群和农村人群进行调查.结果 (1)广西不同人群间在总体、生理、心理和生活习惯方面差异存在统计学意义(均P<0.01);在社会适应方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中农村人群亚健康情况最严重.(2)不同性别人群间仅生理方面女性比男性亚健康情况严重.(3)不同民族人群间亚健康情况差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05).(4)不同婚姻状态人群间在总体、生理、心理和生活习惯方面差异存在统计学意义(均P<0.01);社会适应方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中离婚者最严重.(5)不同职业人群间在总体、生理、心理和生活习惯方面差异存在统计学意义(均P<0.01);社会适应方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中商人亚健康情况最严重,农民次之.(6)不同文化程度人群间在总体、生理、心理、社会适应和生活习惯方面差异均存在统计学意义(均P<0.01),其中在总体、生理、心理和社会适应方面,小学文化程度者最严重,在生活习惯方面研究生最严重.(7)不同目前状态人群间在总体、生理、心理、社会适应和生活习惯方面差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01和P<0.05),其中待业和下岗者最严重.(8)以不同人群亚健康问卷得分大于其相应的第95%位数数值作为标准判定亚健康.结论 应针对广西人群中亚健康分布情况开展亚健康教育,提出了广西不同人群的亚健康标准.  相似文献   

黎育佐 《蛇志》2008,20(1):83-84
根据世界卫生组织的定义,健康是指人体的生理、心理以及社会适应能力处于平衡的完整状态.2004年该组织公布的数据表明,全球80%的人群处在亚健康状态.亚健康每年都给社会带来巨大的经济损失.为亚健康人群提供科学有效的护理方式已成为急需解决的重要课题.  相似文献   

李清涛  张朝晖 《蛇志》2013,(4):464-465
前苏联学者N.布赫曼在20世纪80年代曾指出,人体除了健康状态和疾病状态之外,还有一种非健康、非疾病的状态,又称第三状态,国内学者称为"亚健康",即经系统检查后未发现有疾病,而"病人"自己确实感觉到了躯体和心理上的种种不适的状态。WHO的一项全球性调查表明,75%的人处于亚健康状态;在我国,亚健康状态人群比例也达到50%~60%。而且,亚健康状态人群比例在许多国家和地区呈上升趋势——亚健康已成为21世纪人类健康的主要威胁。  相似文献   

认识亚健康走出亚健康让生命更精彩   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
古秋娥 《蛇志》2006,18(1):81-83
亚健康,是国际医学界20世纪80年代后半期的医学新思维,是现代医学的一大进步。医学界已经把“亚健康”列为21世纪人类健康的头号大敌。据世界卫生组织一项全球调查结果告诉我们,真正健康的人仅占5%,经医生检查,诊断为疾病的人也只占20%,75%的人处于亚健康状态。我国预防医学会的数据也表明:目前处于亚健康状态的中国人的比例已上升75%。而据我国一项专题调查显示,某市高级职称的中年知识分子中,竟有高达75.3%的人处于亚健康状态,主要表现为“三高”、“三易”。“三高”即高血脂、高血糖、高血粘度,“三易”即易疲劳、易感冒及易有各种不适(如慢性咽痛、失眠、消化功能障碍)。—编者摘自互联网  相似文献   

经三年的室内试验观察,探讨了截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)原始繁殖蚁的分飞与温度、湿度、气压的关系.结果表明,该种白蚁分飞时适应的温度、湿度、气压范围较广,分飞时温度一般在25℃~30℃,相对湿度介于70%~90%,气压幅度在999百帕(hPa)~1006百帕(hPa)之间.温度在27℃~30℃之间较适宜,该种白蚁分飞次数较多,其中,28℃~29℃分飞次数最多,占总分飞次数的48.89%.相对湿度在70%~85%范围内分飞次数较多,其中相对湿度在75%~80%范围内分飞次数最多,占总分飞次数的35.35%.气压在1003百帕(hPa)~1005百帕(hPa)之间分飞次数较多,其中气压在1004百帕(hPa)~1005百帕(hPa)之间分飞次数最多,占总分飞次数的35.59%.  相似文献   

广西部分地区1990年蛇伤399例流行病学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王乃平  李其斌 《蛇志》1991,3(2):4-8
为摸清广西1990年蛇伤发病情况,对广西东南西北中的罗城、三江等13个县市一些乡的部分地区进行了初步调查。调查总人口约35万人,蛇伤数399人,平均发病率为千分之1.14其中男性297人,占74.4%,女性102人,占25.6%。死亡12人,死亡率3%。致伤蛇种按发生率的高低依次为眼镜蛇(26.3%),竹叶青(17.8%),烙铁头(13.3%),蝰蛇(8.3%),银环蛇(7.8%),五步蛇(4.5%),金环蛇(1.5%),海蛇(1.5%),眼镜王蛇(0.8%),以及白头蝰(0.8%).在12例死亡病例中,银环蛇致死者占将近一半。广西全年均有蛇伤发生,但以5、6、7、8月为高峰。由于受伤者绝大多数为农民(80.7%),因此蛇伤的发生地点多在田里、山上和山间小路上(共占47.9%),其次为蛇入家中或捕蛇时被吱(分别占11.5%和9.5%).  相似文献   

未婚阴道炎女性阴道分泌物检查结果调查   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的了解未婚女性阴道炎患者阴道分泌物检出情况。方法自愿接受本次调查的未婚有性生活史疑似阴道炎女性293名,对其进行阴道分泌物检查,内容包括念珠菌、支原体、衣原体、细菌性阴道病(BV)、滴虫、淋病等。结果病原体检出率为75.77%,21~25岁感染率最高(90.10%);感染率序位:解脲支原体(58.36%)>念珠菌(35.15%)>BV(16.04%)>人型支原体(14.33%)>衣原体(10.92%)>滴虫(2.39%)>淋病(0.68%)。单一病原体感染占32.08%,复合感染占43.00%。结论未婚女性阴道分泌物病原体种类多、检出率高,混合感染率高,应加强对这一人群生殖健康方面的监控。  相似文献   

周小红 《蛇志》2014,(2):237-239
<正>我国耐多药结核病(MDR-TB)疫情相当严重,"第五次全国结核病流行病学抽样调查"结果显示,每年新发MDRTB患者约12万人,占新发结核病患者数的5.7%,占复治结核病患者数的26%[1]。该病服药周期长,药物复杂,花费大,加上社会因素,患者的心理、生理、经济、家庭都承受着巨大的压力,MDR-TB已成为严重公共卫生问题和社会问题,是有效控制结核病的主要障碍[2]。现就其临床护理进展综述  相似文献   

目的了解云南省怒江州少数民族农村妇女阴道微生态状况,针对现状加强对云南少数民族农村妇女生殖健康教育,改善其生活习惯。方法选取云南省怒江州3个自然村106名少数民族农村妇女作为研究对象,同期体检的120名昆明市健康妇女作对照。常规妇检采集阴道分泌物,进行H2O2含量检测、革兰染色后10×100倍油镜下观察,进行阴道微生态学评价(包括阴道菌群密集度、多样性、炎性反应状况)。结果对106例受检者筛查发现,阴道微生态正常者19例(占17.92%),阴道微生态失衡者(菌群异常、菌群抑制及菌群增殖过度)87例(占82.07%),乳酸杆菌检出率为16.04%;120名昆明健康体检妇女微生态正常者70例(占58.33%),阴道微生态失调50例(占41.66%),乳酸杆菌检出率为59.17%,经比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论云南省怒江州少数民族农村妇女阴道微生态状况较城市人群差,应加强对云南农村少数民族妇女生殖健康知识的普及,改善其生殖健康状况。  相似文献   

目的为了了解外出务工人群的结核病疫情状况,进一步加强对这部分人群结核病的控制工作。方法利用大多外出务工人员春节前集中返乡与家人团聚的时机,对有咳嗽、咳痰超过3周等可疑肺结核病症状者进行摸底调查和造册登记,并由县(区)疾控中心组织免费检查,对确诊患者进行免费抗结核治疗。结果 4年中调查返乡务工人员102万余人次,有可疑肺结核症状者占2.56%,共确诊活动性肺结核患者346例,其中涂阳108例,初治涂阴238例,男女之比为2.15∶1,以青壮年人群为主,20~39岁占73.99%;年均涂阳和活动性肺结核登记率分别为10.59/10万和33.92/10万,涂阳比例为31.21%,其中初治涂阳比例为95.37%。结论外出务工人员是结核病的高发人群,应加强外出务工人员的结核病防治工作,利用外出务工人员春节集中返乡的有利时机开展肺结核病线索调查是主动发现病人的有效方法。  相似文献   

赖碧丹  邓征宇  孙奇 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1520-1530
广西是报春苣苔属植物的世界分布中心,特有种较多。该研究针对线叶报春苣苔(Primulina linearifolia)、条叶报春苣苔(P. ophiopogoides)、刺齿报春苣苔(P. spinulosa)、大根报春苣苔(P. macrorhiza)、线萼报春苣苔(P. linearicalyx)、癞叶报春苣苔(P. leprosa)、桂中报春苣苔(P. guizhongensis)、百寿报春苣苔(P. baishouensis),八种广西特有种的开花物候期、开花动态、子房发育情况、花粉活性等开花生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)八种广西特有报春苣苔属植物在野外及人工环境下部分种在花期、单株开花量、单花开放持续时间具有显著性差异。人工栽培植株在单株开花量、单花开放持续时间要优于野生植株。(2)不同物种的单花花期长短不同,为3~14 d。雄蕊在花蕾阶段已经基本完成生长。雌雄蕊成熟期不一致,雄蕊先于雌蕊成熟。(3)花冠半开放至完全打开阶段的花粉活性最高,均在90%以上。(4)花冠完全开放阶段的柱头可授性最强。(5)自花授粉不能结实,异花授粉可正常结实,自交种子发芽率在80%以上。综上结果不仅为解决珍稀物种的繁殖障碍和保存种质资源提供了数据支持,而且对后续提高报春苣苔属的杂交育种成功率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Shan D  Ge Z  Ming S  Wang L  Sante M  He W  Zhou J  Liu S  Wang L 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21839


To describe the quality of life and related factors in HIV-positive spouses undergoing ART from discordant couples.


A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,009 HIV-positive spouses from serodiscordant couples in Zhumadian, Henan Province, between October 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009. HIV-positive spouses were interviewed by local health professionals. Quality of life was evaluated by WHOQOL (Chinese Version). A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze the related factors.


The majority of subjects were female (56.39%), had received a high school education (44%), were of Han ethnicity (98.41%), and were farmers (90.09%); the median time period of receiving ART was 3.92 years. The physical, psychological, social, and environmental QOL scores of the subjects were 12.91±1.95, 12.35±1.80, 13.96±2.43, and 12.45±1.91 respectively. The multiple linear regression model identified the physical domain related factors to be CD4 count, educational level, and occupation; psychological domain related factors include age, educational level, and reported STD symptom; social domain related factors included education level; and environmental domain related factors included education level, reported STD symptoms, and occupation.


Being younger, a farmer, having a lower level of education, a reported STD symptom, or lower CD4 count, could decrease one''s quality of life, suggesting that the use of blanket ART programs alone may not necessarily improve quality of life. Subjects received lower scores in the psychological domain, suggesting that psychological intervention may also need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

The authors examined students of specialized secondary education institutions of Syktyvkar during a three-year-long period. Some morphofunctional indices are worse in them than in similar cohorts in Central Russia. The unfavorable environmental situation impaired tolerance to hypoxemia, cardiac rhythm regulation, central hemodynamics, and balance of autonomic processes and affected dynamics of the physiological status of the body during social adaptation to learning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine health-related quality of life among Croatian HIV infected individuals, and to assess the impact of socio-demographic and disease-related variables on health-related quality of life. This was a crosssectional study of 111 HIV-infected adults who received care at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb, Croatia. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire for HIV brief version (WHOQOL-HIV BREF) was used to assess each patient's quality of life. Ratings of quality of life differed across age, marital status, level of education, health status and "currently ill" status. Subjects who perceived themselves as not ill and their health status as better reported better quality of life for all quality of life domains (p < 0.01). Subjects who were in relationships gave higher ratings for the social relationships domain (p < 0.01). Subjects with higher level of education gave significantly higher ratings within the independence (p < 0.05) and environment (p < 0.01) domains. Younger subjects perceived their psychological state as better (p < 0.05). The findings demonstrate a moderate degree of overall quality of life (X = 112.2; SD = 18.92) with main concerns related to social relationships. These results highlight the need for better access to psychosocial support and medical and legal services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Croatia.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析淋巴瘤幸存者复发恐惧(FCR)的影响因素,并分析认知行为干预对患者生活质量和心理状态的影响。方法:本次研究为回顾性调查研究,选取2018年7月~2021年6月期间我院收治的淋巴瘤患者80例,根据病历资料获取患者婚姻状况、疾病分期、工作状况、年龄、治愈时间、文化程度、疾病类型、性别、医疗费用承担情况、家庭人均月收入。采用多因素Logistic回归分析淋巴瘤幸存者FCR的影响因素。将80例淋巴瘤患者分为对照组和干预组,各为40例。对照组给予常规处理,干预组在此基础上接受认知行为干预,对比两组生活质量和心理状态变化。结果:淋巴瘤幸存者FCR总分为(86.90±5.96)分。不同婚姻状况、年龄、疾病分期、家庭人均月收入的患者FCR总分对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示家庭人均月收入、婚姻状况、疾病分期、年龄是淋巴瘤幸存者FCR的影响因素(P<0.05)。干预后,两组生理职能、躯体疼痛、精神健康、生理功能、总体健康、情感职能、活力、社会功能维度评分均较干预前升高,且干预组高于对照组(P<0.05)。干预组干预后的恐惧疾病进展简化量表(FoP-Q-SF)评分低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:淋巴瘤幸存者的FCR应得到重视,尤其针对年龄偏低、婚姻状况为离异/未婚/丧偶、家庭人均月收入偏低、疾病分期高的人群,给予认知行为干预后,可提高患者的生活质量和心理状态。  相似文献   

Interest of human adaptability to city life is one of the most principal topics of physiological anthropology. Especially, cultural adaptation and flowing stresses by itself is the most important viewpoint of human adaptability in the recent modern life. In this paper, the authors reviewed the keywords of physiological anthropology, especially with the focus on techno-adaptability, and presented our experimental trials to study physiological polymorphism of cardio-vascular reactivity to mental stresses. We scoped the psychological stresses by means of mental tasks as an experimental model of techno-stress. Techno-stress was defined as not only from inadequate interface of man-machine system, but also from increased social complexity owing to highly advanced technological social system. In the experimental trial, we observed different types of cardio-vascular responses to several mental tasks. Blood pressure rose significantly during the tasks. However, contribution of change in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance on it was not the same between subgroups of the subjects.  相似文献   

Social relationships are a fundamental aspect of life, affecting social, psychological, physiological, and behavioral functions. While positive social interactions can attenuate stress and promote health, the social environment can also be a major source of stress when it includes social disruption, confrontation, isolation, or neglect. Social stress can impair the basal function and stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, impairing function of multiple biological systems and posing a risk to mental and physical health. In contrast, social support can ameliorate stress-induced physiological and immunological deficits, reducing the risk of subsequent psychological distress and improving an individual's overall well-being. For better clinical treatment of these physiological and mental pathologies, it is necessary to understand the regulatory mechanisms of stress-induced pathologies as well as determine the underlying biological mechanisms that regulate social buffering of the stress system. A number of ethologically relevant animal models of social stress and species that form strong adult social bonds have been utilized to study the etiology, treatment, and prevention of stress-related disorders. While undoubtedly a number of biological pathways contribute to the social buffering of the stress response, the convergence of evidence denotes the regulatory effects of oxytocin in facilitating social bond-promoting behaviors and their effect on the stress response. Thus, oxytocin may be perceived as a common regulatory element of the social environment, stress response, and stress-induced risks on mental and physical health. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

Despite accumulating evidence, previous studies have not clearly separated the contribution of community-level social capital on mental health from that of individual-level social support. We examined the association between community-level social capital and psychological distress in a sample of older Japanese individuals, taking into account the effects of individual-level social capital and social support. We collected data via a cross-sectional survey among all residents aged ≥65 in three rural municipalities in Okayama Prefecture. We measured two components of social capital in the questionnaire: perceptions of trust and reciprocity in the community. Community-level social capital was obtained by aggregating individual responses and calculating the proportion of subjects reporting mistrust and lack of reciprocity. Psychological distress was assessed by the Kessler Psychological Distress scale. We calculated risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for psychological distress using two-level Poisson regression models (9,761 individuals nested within 35 communities). The prevalence of psychological distress was 39.8%. Low community-level social capital was associated with psychological distress, even after controlling for individual-level social support, age, sex, educational attainment, frequency of alcohol consumption, smoking status, body mass index, marital status, socioeconomic status, and number of cohabiters. The adjusted RRs per 10% increase of the proportion of mistrust and lack of reciprocity in the communities were 1.23 (95% CI: 1.01–1.51) and 1.12 (95% CI: 1.02–1.24), respectively. Lower levels of community-level social capital are associated with psychological distress among the Japanese elderly population, even after adjusting for individual-level perceptions of social capital and social support.  相似文献   

目的:在教育理论的指导下,通过问卷调查的形式对一年级学生的生活、学习、心理健康状况等方面的适应性问题进行调研。方法:采用随机抽样的原则,以抽到的班级所有符合条件的大学新生作为调查对象。采用自制的一般人口学特征问卷、高考志愿填报情况调查表、教学软硬件建设满意度调查表、目前学习状况及未来就业去向调查表、症状自评量表对46名大学新生进行调查。结果:调查班级学生中,多数学生来自农村家庭;与"70版、80后"相比,"90后"学生在职业选择方面具有更多的自主选择权;对学校在软硬条件方面亦提出更高的要求;受限于近期个人目标,缺乏长远人生目标,可持续发展能力差。心理问题阳性检出率为24%,排名在前4位的心理健康问题依次是:强迫、抑郁、焦虑、躯体化,男女生表现个有不同。结论:传统教育思维仍试图在极短时间里完成适应性教育工作,致使抽象理论与学生现实需求相脱节。陌生的环境、迥然不同的学习方式、全方位转变的人际关系使得新生心理问题出现叠加性、多重性的特点。相关部门应改变适应教育模式,建立新生适应教育活动的长期反馈机制和评估体系,才能更好的服务于新生教育工作。  相似文献   

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has become a concept commonly used in the related research. Using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire for Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF), this study evaluated the Quality of Life (QOL) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Zhejiang province, China, and assessed the influences of demographic, laboratory and disease-related variables on QOL. This cross-sectional study was conducted among PLWHA aged ≥ 18 years in Taizhou municipality, Zhejiang province, China, between August 1 and October 31, 2014. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze the influential factors. Of 403 subjects, 72.48% were male, 72.46% had received a high- school or above education, 94.79% were of Han ethnicity, and 65.51% were non farmers. The total score of QOL was 15.99±1.99. The scores of QOL in physiological, psychological, social relation, and environmental domains were 14.99 ±2.25, 14.25 ±2.12, 13.22 ±2.37, and 13.31 ±1.99 respectively. Except the total score of QOL and the score of environmental domain (p<0.05), the scores in other domains had no significant difference with the results of the national norm level. The multiple linear regression model identified the physical domain related factors to be age (β = -0.045), CD4 count (β = 0.002), and ART adherence(β = 1.231). And it also showed that psychological domain related factors included CD4 count (β = 0.002) and WHO clinical stage (β = -0.437); social domain related factors included WHO clinical stage (β = -0.704) and ART adherence (β = 1.177); while environmental domain related factors included WHO clinical stage (β = -0.538), educational status(β = 0.549) and ART adherence(β = 1.078).Those who are young, with higher level of education, higher CD4 count and good access and adherence of ART, are likely to have better QOL among PLWHA in Zhejiang province. This suggests that in addition to ART, many other factors should be taken into consideration to improve the QOL of PLWHA. The relatively lower scores the subjects received in social relation and environmental domains also suggest that social relation and environmental interventions need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

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