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Rhodospirillum rubrum grown in continuous culture with glutamate as the sole fixed C and N source produced no nitrogenase, and the cultures were characterized by high extracellular ammonium concentrations. Addition of organic acids derepressed nitrogenase. Glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, malate dehydrogenase, nitrogenase, and ammonium were assayed before and after malate addition.  相似文献   

Glyoxylate, formed as a result of allantoin degradation, is converted by Hyphomicrobium species to glycerate via tartronate semialdehyde. Glyoxylate carboligase and tartronate semialdehyde reductase, the two enzymes involved, are present only in cells grown on allantoin as nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Seven organic compounds containing nitrogen were tested as potential sources of nitrogen for five different species of freshwater algae. The chlorococcal green algae Selenastrum and Ankistrodesmus were the most versatile with regard to nitrogen sources; the diatom Cyclotella also grew well upon some organic nitrogen compounds. The desmid Arthrodesmus grew fast only on urea, while Cryptomonas did not grow well upon any of the organic compounds tested.
More information is needed before the potential importance of organic nitrogen sources for freshwater phytoplankton can be assessed.  相似文献   

alpha-Chymotrypsin serves as a sole carbon source, sole nitrogen source, and as sole carbon plus nitrogen source for wild-type Escherichia coli in a totally defined medium. Hence, a mammalian host for E. coli may supply the necessary carbon and nitrogen nutrients for the microorganism. Growth is most rapid when chymotrypsin is a sole nitrogen source and least rapid with chymotrypsin as a carbon source. The approximate doubling times for E. coli utilizing chymotrypsin as a nitrogen source, carbon plus nitrogen source, and carbon source are 1.6, 4.6, and 11.3 h, respectively. The activity of the residual enzyme in the culture supernates falls off asymptotically over the source of time, as followed by cleavage of glutaryl-L-phenylalanine-p-nitroanilide. Chymotrypsin hydrolyzes succinyl-L-ala-L-ala-p-nitroanilide, the elastase substrate, to some extent. Peptidases do not appear to be secreted that hydrolyze such model substrates as benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide, the tryptic and cathepsin B substrate, L-leucine-p-nitroanilide, the leucine amino-peptidase substrate, or L-lysine-p-nitroanilide, the aminopeptidase B substrate. Growth of E. coli is generally directly related to the loss of chymotryptic activity in the medium. Hence, autolysis of chymotrypsin, i.e., self-degradation, is an important factor for the availability of degradation products of the enzyme to the bacterium for growth purposes. Accordingly, the degradation of a host protein by autolysis presents an opportunity for E. coli to survive during periods of host nutritional crisis by utilization of the degradation peptides that are produced during autolysis.  相似文献   

Thiobacillus thiooxidans DSM 504 was shown to grow with adenine, hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid as sole sources of nitrogen. Growth with these compounds was observed after lag periods of varying lengths, unless the cells had been previously grown with the same purine base. The disappearance of adenine was accompanied by a temporary accumulation of hypoxanthine in the medium. The utilization of purines was inhibited by ammonia (1 mM). Guanine, pyrimidines and some other organic compounds were not utilized.Non-standard abbreviation U-14C uniformly labeled by 14C  相似文献   

McAuley  P. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):369-376
Supply of amino acids may be important in controlling cell division of Chlorella symbiotic with green hydra. Freshly isolated symbionts display characteristics of N-limited algae, and low pH in perialgal vacuoles and high levels of host glutamine synthetase (GS) limit uptake of ammonium. Movement of tritiated amino acids from host to algal pools suggests that symbiotic algae utilize amino acids derived from host digestion of prey. Amounts are significant in relation to host and algal amino acids pools. During host starvation, glutamine produced by host GS may be important as a nitrogen supply to the algae, which take up this amino acid at high rates at low pH.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium strain isolated from stem nodules of the legume Sesbania rostrata was shown to grow on atmospheric nitrogen (N(2)) as the sole nitrogen source. Non-N(2)-fixing mutants isolated directly on agar plates formed nodules that did not fix N(2) when inoculated into the host plant.  相似文献   

The maximum growth rate of Trichosporon cutaneum CBS 8111 in chemostat cultures was 0.185 h-1 on ethylamine and 0.21 h-1 on butylamine, that of Candida famata CBS 8109 was 0.32 h-1 on putrescine.The amine oxidation pattern of the ascomycetous strains studied, viz. Candida famata CBS 8109, Stephanoascus ciferrii CBS 4856 and Trichosporon adeninovorans CBS 8244 was independent of the amine that had been used as the growth substrate. It resembled that of benzylamine/putrescine oxidase found in other ascomycetous yeasts. However, differences in pH optimum and substrate specificity were observed between the amine-oxidizing systems of these three species.The amine oxidation pattern of cell-free extracts of Trichosporon cutaneum CBS 8111 varied with the amine that was used as growth substrate. The enzyme system produced by Cryptococcus laurentii CBS 7140 failed to oxidize isobutylamine and benzylamine, and showed a high pH optimum.The synthesis of amine oxidase in the four yeast strains studied was not repressed by ammonium chloride and was weakly repressed by glucose but was strongly repressed if both compounds were present in the growth medium.  相似文献   

All five L‐amino acids tested (L‐serine, L‐lysine, L‐leucine, L‐cysteine and L‐arginine) were used by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as sole nitrogen source. Among these, L‐Cys was special as it has not been reported before. While these amino acids could be used in the dark only in the presence of acetic acid, in conditions of light they could support the growth of C. reinhardtii without the supplementation of acetic acid. When cultured in the TAP‐N medium, the chlorophyll content was found to be lower in the dark, but higher in the light for the cells grown with L‐Arg than with other four amino acids. Exogenously supplied L‐Ser and L‐Lys did not accumulate in the cells, demonstrating that they were used by supplying ammonium to the cells from the activity of an extracellular deaminase. Further results showed that the induction of the extracellular deaminase activity required a period of nitrogen starvation, regardless of the medium containing acetic acid or not. Results also showed that the uptake of L‐Cys was similar to L‐Leu, most likely via passive diffusion. When L‐Cys and L‐Leu were supplied together to the nitrogen‐starved cells, the absorption of L‐Cys did not affect the uptake of L‐Leu.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen organic acids were examined for their abilities to support the growth and anthocyanin accumulation by suspension cultures of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) using ammonium as the sole nitrogen source. Glutarate, adipate, pimelate, azelate, cinnamate, and phthalate were toxic to the culture. They prevented growth and anthocyanin accumulation at 5 mM or less in media that were otherwise adequate for growth. Succinate, fumarate, malate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, maleate, malonate, tartarate, and citrate all supported growth and anthocyanin accumulation but in varying amounts. The growth achieved in medium containing 20 mM acid was higher at an initial pH of 5.5 than at an initial pH of 4.5. The growth achieved was dependent on the organic acid used, its concentration, and the initial pH of the medium. When growth occurred the final pH was higher than the initial pH with most of the acids. Anthocyanin accumulation was greatest with succinate at 14 to 20 mM at an initial pH of 4.2 or 4.3 and declined when the initial pH was above 4.3. These studies were supported by grants from General Foods Corporation and the W. Alton Jones Foundation.  相似文献   

The effect of the source of nitrogen nutrition (ammonium or nitrate), onthe response of pea plants to a moderate saline stress (30 mMNaCl)was studied. Growth declined under saline stress but nitrate-fed plants wereless sensitive to salinity than ammonium-fed plants. This different sensitivitywas due mainly to a better maintenance of root growth in nitrate-fed plants.Organic nitrogen content decreased significantly in roots of ammonium-fedplants. Water relations changed slightly under saline stress leading to adecrease in stomatal conductance, which was correlated to a decline in carbonassimilation rates regardless of nitrogen source. Salinity affects the uptakeofseveral nutrients in a different way, depending on the nitrogen source. Thus,chloride was accumulated mainly in nitrate-fed plants, displacing nitrate,whereas sodium was accumulated mainly in ammonium-fed plants, especially inroots, displacing other cations such as ammonium and potassium. It is concludedthat the nitrogen source (ammonium or nitrate) is a major factor affecting pearesponses to saline stress, plants being more sensitive when ammonium is thesource used. The different sensitivity is discussed in terms of a competitionfor energy between nitrogen assimilation and sodium exclusion processes.  相似文献   

The synthetic organophosphonates 3-aminopropylphosphonic acid and 4-aminobutylphosphonic acid were utilized as sole nitrogen sources by an environmental bacterial isolate by a previously unreported pathway which did not involve cleavage of the carbon-phosphorus bond. The organism also appeared to possess a novel organophosphenate uptake system which was independent of the phosphate status of the cell.  相似文献   

Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), the eicosanoid biomediators synthesized from arachidonic acid by cytochrome P450 epoxygenases, are inactivated in many tissues by conversion to dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (DHETs). However, we find that human skin fibroblasts convert EETs mostly to chain-shortened epoxy-fatty acids and produce only small amounts of DHETs. Comparative studies with [5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-(3)H]11,12-EET ([(3)H]11,12-EET) and [1-(14)C]11,12-EET demonstrated that chain-shortened metabolites are formed by removal of carbons from the carboxyl end of the EET. These metabolites accumulated primarily in the medium, but small amounts also were incorporated into the cell lipids. The most abundant 11, 12-EET product was 7,8-epoxyhexadecadienoic acid (7,8-epoxy-16:2), and two of the others that were identified are 9, 10-epoxyoctadecadienoic acid (9,10-epoxy-18:2) and 5, 6-epoxytetradecaenoic acid (5,6-epoxy-14:1). The main epoxy-fatty acid produced from 14,15-EET was 10,11-epoxyhexadecadienoic acid (10, 11-epoxy-16:2). [(3)H]8,9-EET was converted to a single metabolite with the chromatographic properties of a 16-carbon epoxy-fatty acid, but we were not able to identify this compound. Large amounts of the chain-shortened 11,12-EET metabolites were produced by long-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase-deficient fibroblasts but not by Zellweger syndrome and acyl CoA oxidase-deficient fibroblasts. We conclude that the chain-shortened epoxy-fatty acids are produced primarily by peroxisomal beta-oxidation. This may serve as an alternate mechanism for EET inactivation and removal from the tissues. However, it is possible that the epoxy-fatty acid products may have metabolic or functional effects and that the purpose of the beta-oxidation pathway is to generate these products.  相似文献   

Poly(gamma-D-glutamic acid) (PGA)-producing strains of Bacillus species were investigated to determine their ability to contribute to reducing the amount of ammonium nitrogen in liquid manures and their ability to convert some of the ammonium into this polyamino acid as a transient depot for nitrogen. Organisms that do these things should help solve the serious environmental problems which are caused by the use of large amounts of liquid manure resulting from intensified agriculture; these problems are mainly due to the high content of ammonium nitrogen. Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 9945 and Bacillus subtilis were able to grow in liquid manure and to produce PGA in the presence of sodium gluconate. On artificial liquid manure these two strains were able to produce 0.85 and 0.79 g of PGA per liter, respectively. Under conditions that are found in intensified farming situations the ammonia content was reduced within 48 h from 1.3 to 0.75 g/liter. One mutant of B. subtilis 1551 impaired in the catabolism of PGA was obtained after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. This mutant produced PGA at a final concentration of 4.8 g/liter, whereas the wild type produced only 3.7 g/liter.  相似文献   

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