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We assessed the importance of host trees in influencing invasion patterns of the alien tree Schinus molle L. ( Anacardiaceae ) in semi-arid savanna in South Africa. Recruitment of S. molle is dependent on trees in its invaded habitat, particularly Acacia tortilis Hayne. Another leguminous tree, the invasive alien mesquite ( Prosopis sp.), has become common in the area recently, but S. molle rarely recruits under canopies of this species. Understanding of the association between these species is needed to predict invasion dynamics in the region. We conducted experiments to test whether: (i) seedling survival of S. molle is better beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite canopies; (ii) growth rates of S. molle seedlings are higher beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite. Results showed that growth and survival of S. molle did not differ significantly beneath the native A. tortilis and the alien Prosopis species. This suggests that microsites provided by canopies of mesquite are as good for S. molle establishment as those provided by the native acacia. Other factors, such as the failure of propagules to arrive beneath mesquite trees, must be sought to explain the lack of recruitment beneath mesquite.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plants possessing generalized dispersal syndromes are likely to be more invasive than those relying on specialist dispersal agents. To address this issue on a local and regional scale, avian seed dispersal of the invasive alien Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.) was assessed in forests and spoil areas of South Carolina and along forest edges in Louisiana during the 1997–99 fruiting seasons. Tallow trees in these floristically distinct habitats had a few common and many casual visitors, and considerable species overlap among habitats was found. However, bird species differed in the importance of dispersing and dropping seeds among habitats. Important dispersal agents common to forests and spoil areas of South Carolina included Northern Flicker, American Robin and Red‐winged Blackbird, whereas Red‐bellied Woodpecker and European Starling were important in the former and latter habitat, respectively. In Louisiana, Red‐bellied Woodpecker, American Robin, Northern Cardinal and Eastern Bluebird dispersed many seeds. Nearly all species foraging on seeds were winter residents. Estimated numbers of seeds dispersed and dropped were higher in spoil areas of South Carolina than in Louisiana because of higher numbers of individuals per visit, higher seed consumption and seed dropping rates, and longer foraging durations. Within South Carolina, more seeds were dispersed and dropped in spoil areas than in forests because of higher numbers of birds per visit. These findings show that among habitats, tallow tree attracts diverse but variable coteries of dispersal agents that are qualitatively similar in seed usage patterns. We suggest that its generalized dispersal syndrome contributes to effective seed dispersal by many bird species throughout its range. Effects of differential avian use among locales may include changes in local bird communities, and differing tallow tree demographics and invasion patterns.  相似文献   

Determining the potential range of invasive alien species under current conditions is important. However, we also need to consider future distributions under scenarios of climate change and different management interventions when formulating effective long‐term intervention strategies. This paper combines niche modelling and fine‐scale process‐based modelling to define regions at high risk of invasion and simulate likely dynamics at the landscape scale. Our study species is Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree; Anacardiaceae), a native of central South America, introduced to South Africa in about 1850 where it was widely planted along roads. Localities of planted and naturalized trees were mapped along 5380 km of roads – a transect that effectively samples a large part of western South Africa. Correlative modelling was used to produce profiles of present and future environmental conditions characterizing its planted and naturalized ranges. A cellular‐automata simulation model was used to estimate the dynamics of S. molle under future climates and different management scenarios. The overall potential range of S. molle in the region is predicted to shrink progressively with predicted climate change. Some of the potential range of S. molle defined based on current conditions (including areas where it is currently highly invasive) is likely to become less favourable. The species could persist where it is well established long after conditions for recruitment have deteriorated. Some areas where the species is not widely naturalized now (notably the fynbos biome) are likely to become more favourable. Our modelling approach allows for the delineation of areas likely to be invaded in future by considering a range of factors at different scales that mediate the interplay of climatic variables and other drivers that define the dimensions of human intervention such as distance from planted trees and the density of planted plants, both of which affect propagule pressure.  相似文献   

Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson (=Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel) is one of the worst invasive alien species in China. Since A. adenophora was first noticed in Yunnan Province of China in the 1940s, its rapid spread has caused an ecological problem in south‐western China. Understanding its historical invasion pattern and its potential for further spread is needed to plan the management of the species. We reconstructed the historical process of its invasion and analysed its ecological preferences in the invaded region. After a lag phase of 20 years (1940–60), A. adenophora spread rapidly throughout the south and middle subtropical zones in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangxi, China, with an average expansion rate of 20 km per year. It spread relatively slowly in north subtropical areas, with an average expansion rate of 6.8 km per year. It has not established in warm temperate areas within the invaded regions. Although range expansion in Yunnan stopped after 1990, the expansion of its range into neighbouring provinces indicates that A. adenophora has not reached the full potential of its distribution and its range is still rapidly expanding within China. We applied ecological niche modelling (GARP — Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Prediction) to predict potential invasion areas in mainland China on the basis of occurrence points within colonized areas where A. adenophora has reached equilibrium. The predictions, confirmed by the range of values of four key environmental parameters, generally match the parameters of the geography and ecology in the invaded region. Southern and south‐central China have climatic conditions suggestive of a high potential for invasion by A. adenophora. Climatic conditions in northern and western China appear unsuitable for A. adenophora. Urgent measures should be taken to prevent this species from further spreading into the vast areas of potential habitat in southern and south‐central China.  相似文献   

Knowledge of propagation mechanisms is important for understanding the invasion ecology and management of invasive plants in order to restore invaded lands. The identification of recruitment pathways is one of the keys to understanding dispersal mechanisms and determining invasive plant control strategies. The objective of this study was to characterize the recruitment processes of Schinus terebenthifolius, one of the most serious plant invaders in Reunion Island’s lowlands. Surprisingly, little attention was given in literature to vegetative propagation by suckering as a dispersal mechanism. Yet, field observations on abandoned farmland and riverbanks combined with germination experiments have shown major differences in recruitment patterns between wet and dry areas. On abandoned dryland farms, seedling emergence is 35 times less than on riverbanks and is replaced by suckering. Birds facilitated seed germination, but their role in seed dispersal (ornithochory) appeared minor and restricted to the formation of satellite invasion foci. Water movement appears to be a more efficient vector than ornithochory because it aids seed transportation (hydrochory), seed germination, and suckering on riverbanks. Control and restoration programs must distinguish the two kinds of recruitment that impact on short‐ and long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Naturalization of Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) has been observed in semi arid savanna of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. However, with high dispersal ability, the species is expected to achieve greater densities and invade more widely. The study involved a field manipulation experiment over 14 months using a factorial block design to examine transplanted seedlings in different savanna environments. The experiments examine the effects of soil type (sandy and clay), microsite, and herbivores on seedling performance (establishment, growth and survival). Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse and individually transplanted into four treatment groups: in open grassland, under tree canopies, and with and without cages to exclude large herbivores (cattle and game). The same experiment was repeated in two different soil types: coarse sand and fine-textured clay soil. Results suggest that protection provided by canopies of large indigenous Acacia trees facilitates S. molle invasion into semi-arid savanna. In the field, S. molle seedlings performed considerably better beneath canopies of indigenous Acacia trees than in open areas regardless of soil type. Whether exposed or protected from large herbivores, no seedlings planted in open grassland survived the first winter. Although, seedlings grew better and had higher survival rates beneath tree canopies than in the open sites, exposure to large herbivores significantly decreased heights and canopy areas of seedlings compared with those protected from large herbivores. The effect was greater on clay soil than on sandy soil. The results suggest that low temperature (frost), and possibly inter-specific competition with grasses, may limit S. molle seedling establishment, survival and growth away from tree canopies in semi arid savannas. Low soil nutrient status and browsing may also delay growth and development of this species. The invasive potential of S. molle is thus greatest on fertile soils where sub-canopy microsites are present and browsing mammals are absent.  相似文献   

Schinus molle L. is popularly known as “peppertree” and presents high essential oil contents with a pleasant spicy scent. Its fruits are used in beverages or dried and ground as a substitute for pepper. Air-dried samples of 11 Brazilian populations of S. molle were extracted using steam distillation and analyzed using GC and GC–MS. A total of 22 volatile compounds were detected and identified. Four groups were formed by the Average Linkage cluster analysis. The first group was characterized by the compound sabinene; the second, which was the largest group, was characterized by the presence of α- and β-pinene; the third group comprised the samples corresponding to the São Borja population and was characterized by the high contents of α-cadinol; and the fourth group was characterized by the high concentrations of myrcene.  相似文献   

Aim Propagule size and output are critical for the ability of a plant species to colonize new environments. If invasive species have a greater reproductive output than native species (via more and/or larger seeds), then they will have a greater dispersal and establishment ability. Previous comparisons within plant genera, families or environments have conflicted over the differences in reproductive traits between native and invasive species. We went beyond a genus‐, family‐ or habitat‐specific approach and analysed data for plant reproductive traits from the global literature, to investigate whether: (1) seed mass and production differ between the original and introduced ranges of invasive species; (2) seed mass and production differ between invasives and natives; and (3) invasives produce more seeds per unit seed mass than natives. Location Global. Methods We combined an existing data set of native plant reproductive data with a new data compilation for invasive species. We used t‐tests to compare original and introduced range populations, two‐way ANOVAs to compare natives and invasives, and an ANCOVA to examine the relationship between seed mass and production for natives and invasives. The ANCOVA was performed again incorporating phylogenetically independent contrasts to overcome any phylogenetic bias in the data sets. Results Neither seed mass nor seed production of invasive species differed between their introduced and original ranges. We found no significant difference in seed mass between invasives and natives after growth form had been accounted for. Seed production was greater for invasive species overall and within herb and woody growth forms. For a given seed mass, invasive species produced 6.7‐fold (all species), 6.9‐fold (herbs only) and 26.1‐fold (woody species only) more seeds per individual per year than native species. The phylogenetic ANCOVA verified that this trend did not appear to be influenced by phylogenetic bias within either data set. Main conclusions This study provides the first global examination of both seed mass and production traits in native and invasive species. Invasive species express a strategy of greater seed production both overall and per unit seed mass compared with natives. The consequent increased likelihood of establishment from long‐distance seed dispersal may significantly contribute to the invasiveness of many exotic species.  相似文献   

Predicting the probability of successful establishment and invasion of alien species at global scale, by matching climatic and land use data, is a priority for the risk assessment. Both large- and local-scale factors contribute to the outcome of invasions, and should be integrated to improve the predictions. At global scale, we used climatic and land use layers to evaluate the habitat suitability for the American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana , a major invasive species that is among the causes of amphibian decline. Environmental models were built by using Maxent, a machine learning method. Then, we integrated global data with information on richness of native communities and hunting pressure collected at the local scale. Global-scale data allowed us to delineate the areas with the highest suitability for this species. Predicted suitability was significantly related to the invasiveness observed for bullfrog populations historically introduced in Europe, but did not explain a large portion of variability in invasion success. The integration of data at the global and local scales greatly improved the performance of models, and explained > 57% of the variance in introduction success: bullfrogs were more invasive in areas with high suitability and low hunting pressure over frogs. Our study identified the climatic factors entailing the risk of invasion by bullfrogs, and stresses the importance of the integration of biotic and abiotic data collected at different spatial scales, to evaluate the areas where monitoring and management efforts need to be focused.  相似文献   

濒危树种闽楠种子和幼苗生态学研究   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28  
吴大荣  王伯荪 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1751-1760
从1995至1998年,通过种子收集器布设、不同程度圈围的样方处理、实验室和野外发芽实验、相邻格子样方调查和土壤中种子的筛选等一系列方法,对福建罗卜岩闽楠种子质资源保护区内闽楠为优势的常绿阔叶林群落中闽楠种群的果实、种子库、种子散布、果实/种子捕良、种子萌发和幼苗存活等进行了研究。结果表明:1995至1996年果实量为116个/m^2,成熟高峰期在1996年1月中旬。1997年至1998年为103个/m^2,成熟高峰期在1997年12月中旬。1997年至1998年,绝大部分(90.1%)的果实直接从母树上掉落,低于9.5%的果实由鸟类传播。实验室的种子发芽率为93%,而在野外仅为12%。野外发芽率低多由种子霉烂引起。闽楠的种子寿命较短,其种子在次年4月初开始萌发,7月之后地面种子即丧夫活力。动物捕食不仅影响种子的存活,同时也影响幼苗的死亡率,未经圈围与样地中被取食的果实和幼苗数量有显著差异。在新形成的林窗中或远离母树均降低了果实的迁移和幼苗的死亡率。但各因素交互作用有所不同。密度相关效应发生在2-3个月的幼苗阶段,之后,密度高低对果实被取食和幼苗死亡没有显著的影响。这些结果表明,闽楠种子和幼苗经历较大的环境压力,即在高湿度生境中母树树冠下的种子不仅易受到土壤病原菌的感染,同样容易遭受动物所捕食,从而导致较低的野外种子发芽率和幼苗存活率。这是闽楠致濒的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Rooikrans Acacia cyclops is an aggressive invasive tree that threatens natural resources in South Africa. The seeds of A. cyclops have a prominent aril which attracts birds that ingest the seeds and disperse them endozoochorously. Two biological control agents, a Seed Weevil Melanterius servulus and a Flower‐galling Midge Dasineura dielsi, were released on A. cyclops in 1991 and 2002, respectively. Together these agents have substantially reduced seed production and generally far lower numbers of seeds are now available to birds. A consequence of this transition from historically bounteous quantities of seeds to scanty seed availability is that birds may no longer associate with the trees and seed dispersal may be disproportionately reduced. To assess whether this has happened, seed attrition was measured by comparing the amount of seeds that disappeared from two groups of branches, one available to birds and the other enclosed in bird netting. Other types of granivores (mainly field mice) were excluded from both groups of branches with a plastic funnel placed around the stems. Mature seeds were also harvested and fed to caged bird species to determine gut retention times and germination rates of ingested seeds. Attrition rates of seeds showed that birds continue to remove seeds but that only a proportion of the crop is taken. Only two frugivorous species (Knysna Turaco Tauraco corythaix and Red‐winged Starling Onychognathus morio) and two granivorous species (Red‐eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata and Laughing Dove Streptopelia sengalensis) ingested A. cyclops seeds during feeding trials. Ingestion by birds enhanced seed germination except for those ingested by Laughing Doves. There were no apparent effects of length of gut passage time and avian body size on seed germination rates. Despite the diminished seed resource due to biological control agents, birds continue to disperse A. cyclops seeds.  相似文献   

Invasive species often cause the decline of native prey or competitors. We highlight a contrasting example of the large-scale recovery of a native species and the concurrent decline and likely displacement of an established invasive competitor. Invasive American mink Mustela vison became widespread in the British Isles at the same time as native Eurasian otters Lutra lutra were declining as a result of water pollution. In common with other invasive predators, mink cause conservation problems for a range of native prey species, most notably water voles Arvicola terrestris . Recent trends in the distribution of native otters and invasive mink in north-east England were examined using a novel regression modelling approach to analyse presence/absence data from field surveys, corroborated by contemporary predator culling records. Between 1991 and 2002, the percentage of sites where mink signs were found decreased from 80% to 20%, while otter signs increased from 18% to 80%. Annual indices of mink captures on shooting estates increased between 1980 and 1996, but were followed by a decline thereafter. Indices of the incidence of native otters were significantly related to those indicating the decline or displacement of invasive mink. This large-scale field study is supportive of localized experimental evidence for the return of dominant, native otters being concurrent with the decline of the invasive alien mink. The recovery of a dominant native species may represent a reversal of the mesopredator release that allowed invasive mink to establish and may eventually serve to mitigate their impact on native prey species.  相似文献   

Aim The highly adaptable estuarine crab (Carcinus maenas) has successfully invaded five temperate geographic regions outside of its native Europe. Here, we determine which environmental factors predict the current distribution of C. maenas and what the potential geographic range of this species might be. We also investigated whether the invasion potential of C. maenas differs with respect to the origin of a native subpopulation. Location Models were developed using global observation records of C. maenas. Methods Boosted regression trees were used to model observations from the (1) native, (2) invasive, (3) southern European, (4) northern European and (5) the combined native and invasive geographic ranges of C. maenas. Results Most established invasions were predicted mainly based on temperature. Interestingly, the environment encountered by established invasions failed to predict the majority of northern European populations; suggesting that invasion potential may differ between distinct native populations. Supporting this suggestion, a model of northern European populations, distinguished from southern European populations based on genetic structure, only predicted established invasions south of Nova Scotia. By contrast, a model of southern European populations predicted most established invasions. Main conclusions These results suggest that invasion potential depends on the European origin of an invasive population and that most invasions have arisen from southern Europe. Finally, a model based on combined native and invasive ranges of C. maenas identified potential geographic range extension along many currently invaded coastlines and the potential invasion of countries like Chile, China, Russia, Namibia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of an exotic species will affect its ability to become naturalized and invasive in non-native habitats. Rhododendron ponticum is an ecologically damaging exotic weed in the British Isles, which spreads predominantly by seed. I investigated how inbreeding and outcrossing affect seed production and germination in a wild population of this species in Ireland. Experimental manipulations revealed low fruit and seed set when insects were excluded from flowers, suggesting that this species has limited capability for spontaneous autogamy. Hand-pollination treatments showed that, although flowers are self-compatible (with self and same plant pollen), higher levels of seed set occur following outcrossing (xenogamy). There was no significant difference in rate of germination of seeds from inbred or outcrossed treatments. The addition of xenogamous pollen to open flowers did not increase fruit or seed set, suggesting that flowers in this population are not pollen limited: native generalist pollinators, mainly bumblebees ( Bombus spp.), are providing an adequate pollinator service. This work demonstrates that outcrossing increases seed set and pollinators are required to facilitate this. Hence, generalist native pollinators can promote invasion by exotic plants. Native pollinators can clearly play an important part in alien species invasion.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 373–381.  相似文献   

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