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1-Ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) treatment changes the biophysical and biochemical properties of collagen. EDC is known to be able to form an isopeptide bond between carboxyl and amine reactive groups. Surprisingly EDC did not form significant number of isopeptide bonds between intra-collagen and inter-collagen. EDC treatment enhances the helicity of the polyproline II conformation and fibril assembly. The treatment increases the hydrothermal stability, enhances cell viability and inhibit breakdown by bacterial collagenases. EDC treatment is a simple method to manufacture durable biomatrix with desirable properties.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix consists of multifunctional molecules, which are composed of a large numbers of different domains. Clearly these domains and even the entire molecules do not function independently as isolated species, but interact with each other in large networks. In many cases specific regions of the networks may be considered as molecular machines in which the different molecules are arranged in highly defined spatial structures and act in a dynamic, concerted fashion. At present most structural information is limited to single molecules, and dynamics have been measured mainly for pairs of interacting partners in solution. Work needs to be extended to large integrated systems and the functions of molecular machines need to be explored. Electron tomography, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and other biophysical techniques are very promising.  相似文献   

Deposition of type X collagen in the cartilage extracellular matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cultured chick embryo chondrocytes, type X collagen is preferentially deposited in the extracellular matrix, the ratio between type II and type X collagen being about 5 times higher in the culture medium than in the cell layer. When the newly synthesized collagens deposited in slices from the epiphyseal cartilage of 17-day-old embryo tibiae were isolated, type X collagen was always the major species. In agreement with this result the mRNA for type X collagen was the predominant mRNA species purified from the same tissue. When the total collagen (unlabeled) deposited in the epiphyseal cartilage was analyzed, it was observed that type X collagen represented only 1/15 of the type II collagen recovered in the same preparation. The possible explanations for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that acute disruption of fibrillar collagen will decrease myocardial systolic performance without changing cardiomyocyte contractility. Isolated papillary muscles were treated either with plasmin (0.64 U/ml, 240 min) or untreated and served as same animal control. Plasmin treatment caused matrix metalloproteinase activation and collagen degradation as measured by gelatin zymography, hydroxyproline assays, and scanning electron microscopy. Plasmin caused a significant decrease in myocardial systolic performance. Isotonic shortening extent and isometric developed tension decreased from 0.17 +/- 0.01 muscle length (ML) and 45 +/- 4 mN/mm(2) in untreated muscles to 0.09 +/- 0.01 ML and 36 +/- 3 mN/mm(2) in treated muscles (P < 0.05). However, plasmin treatment (0.64 U/ml, 240 min) did not alter shortening extent or velocity in isolated cardiomyocytes. Acute disruption of the fibrillar collagen network caused a decrease in myocardial systolic performance without changing cardiomyocyte contractility. These data support the hypothesis that fibrillar collagen facilitates transduction of cardiomyocyte contraction into myocardial force development and helps to maintain normal myocardial systolic performance.  相似文献   

Heat tolerance of dry cysts of the fairy shrimp Branchipus schaefferi and the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana was studied using rapid (∼100 °C/min) and slow (∼4 °C/min) heating.  相似文献   

In this paper, we model the mechanics of a collagen pair in the connective tissue extracellular matrix that exists in abundance throughout animals, including the human body. This connective tissue comprises repeated units of two main structures, namely collagens as well as axial, parallel and regular anionic glycosaminoglycan between collagens. The collagen fibril can be modeled by Hooke’s law whereas anionic glycosaminoglycan behaves more like a rubber-band rod and as such can be better modeled by the worm-like chain model. While both computer simulations and continuum mechanics models have been investigated for the behavior of this connective tissue typically, authors either assume a simple form of the molecular potential energy or entirely ignore the microscopic structure of the connective tissue. Here, we apply basic physical methodologies and simple applied mathematical modeling techniques to describe the collagen pair quantitatively. We found that the growth of fibrils was intimately related to the maximum length of the anionic glycosaminoglycan and the relative displacement of two adjacent fibrils, which in return was closely related to the effectiveness of anionic glycosaminoglycan in transmitting forces between fibrils. These reveal the importance of the anionic glycosaminoglycan in maintaining the structural shape of the connective tissue extracellular matrix and eventually the shape modulus of human tissues. We also found that some macroscopic properties, like the maximum molecular energy and the breaking fraction of the collagen, were also related to the microscopic characteristics of the anionic glycosaminoglycan.  相似文献   

J Francois 《Biochimie》1985,67(9):1035-1042
The collagen from the mesenteric sheath of the tenebrionid insect Tenebrio molitor was extracted by limited pepsin digestion and purified. This collagen was characterized using CM-cellulose chromatography, sodium-dodecylsulfate disc-gel electrophoresis and aminoacid analysis. This molecule was found to be assembled from three identical alpha chains and could be represented by the formula (alpha) 3. The amino acid composition is characteristic of collagen (one-third glycine, high iminoacid content), with high content of hydroxylysine and low content of alanine. Cyanogen bromide digests of these chains indicated that they are not related to any of the known invertebrate or vertebrate chains of interstitial collagens. The molecular weight (M = 280000D) and length (290 nm) were typical, and the banding patterns of the segment-long-spacing crystallites (SLS) and of the reconstitued fibrils were very similar to type I collagen. The denaturation temperature (Td) was 30.7 degrees C and correlated with the total pyrrolidine content as observed in other collagens (von Hippel & Wong's relation). It was concluded that the collagen from this insect showed the classical biochemical and biophysical features of other invertebrate interstitial "primitive" collagens.  相似文献   

Guanidinium chloride treatment of Sepia officinalis cartilage solubilized a component that contained hydroxyproline. Electron-microscopy observation of rotary-shadowed preparations of this component revealed it to consist of rod-like units themselves consisting of filaments. Dialysis of an acetic acid solution against ATP afforded polymeric aggregates consisting of a succession of two or three thick sections showing transverse electron-opaque banding, separated by thinner sections without banding. Electrophoresis produced a main band of about 140 kDa sensitive to bacterial collagenase. After reduction with mercaptoethanol, electrophoresis afforded a 40-kDa band. Pepsin digestion resulted in additional electrophoretic bands. These data suggest the presence of a collagen in Sepia cartilage with characteristics unlike those of any known collagen.  相似文献   

Denervation or inactivity is known to decrease the mass and alter the phenotype of muscle and the mechanics of tendon. It has been proposed that a shift in the collagen of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the muscle, increasing type III and decreasing type I collagen, may be partially responsible for the observed changes. We directly investigated this hypothesis using quantitative real-time PCR on muscles and tendons that had been denervated for 5 wk. Five weeks of denervation resulted in a 2.91-fold increase in collagen concentration but no change in the content of collagen in the muscle, whereas in the tendon there was no change in either the concentration or content of collagen. The expression of collagen I, collagen III, and lysyl oxidase mRNA in the ECM of muscle decreased (76 +/- 1.6%, 73 +/- 2.3%, and 83 +/- 3.2%, respectively) after 5 wk of denervation. Staining with picrosirius red confirmed the earlier observation of a change in staining color from red to green. Taken with the observed equivalent decreases in collagen I and III mRNA, this suggests that there was a change in orientation of the ECM of muscle becoming more aligned with the axis of the muscle fibers and no change in collagen type. The change in collagen orientation may serve to protect the smaller muscle fibers from damage by increasing the stiffness of the ECM and may partly explain why the region of the tendon closest to the muscle becomes stiffer after inactivity.  相似文献   

It is characteristic of myxobacteria to produce large amounts of extracellular material. This report demonstrates that this material in Myxococcus xanthus is fibrillar and describes the structure and chemical composition of the fibrils. The extracellular matrix fibrils are the mediators of cell-cell cohesion in M. xanthus. As such, the fibrils play an important role in the cell-cell interactions that form the basis for the social and developmental lifestyle of this organism. The fibrils are composed of protein and carbohydrate in a 1.0:1.2 ratio. Combined, the two fractions accounted for greater than 85% of the mass of isolated fibrils, and the fibrils were found to compose up to 10% of the dry weight of cells grown at high density on a solid surface. The polysaccharide portion of the fibrils was shown to be composed of five different monosaccharides: galactose, glucosamine, glucose, rhamnose, and xylose. Glucosamine, one of the component monosaccharides of the fibrils and a known morphogen for M. xanthus, inhibited cohesion to a level near that of Congo red (the positive control for cohesion inhibition). Glucose and xylose also inhibited cohesion but less than did glucosamine. Analysis of the morphology of the fibrils, the periodicities within the distribution of fibril diameters observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy, and the observation of fibrils on hydrated cells strongly suggested that the extracellular matrix of M. xanthus was indeed arranged as fibrils. Furthermore, results suggested that the fibrils were constructed as carbohydrate structures with associated proteins.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts were cultivated within the three-dimensional space of polymerized alginate and collagen, respectively. The in vitro synthesis of collagens and proteoglycans was measured during the first 3 days of culture, and the deposition as well as the ultrastructural organization of newly synthesized extracellular matrix components were examined by electron microscopy. The amount of collagens and proteoglycans synthesized by fibroblasts, embedded in calcium alginate gels as well as in collagen lattices, was lowered as compared to monolayer cultures. Furthermore, it was found that collagen synthesis was reduced to a greater extent in alginate gels than in collagen lattices. On the contrary, total proteoglycan biosynthesis was similarly reduced either in alginate gels or in collagen lattices. At the end of a 3-day-culture period, filamentous material as well as cross-striated banded structures were found extracellularly in the alginate gel. According to their periodicity, their banding pattern, their association with polyanionic matrix components and their sensitivity towards glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes we could distinguish (1) sheets of amorphous non-banded material consisting of irregularly arranged filaments and containing dermatan sulfate-rich proteoglycans (type I structures), (2) sheets of long-spacing fibrils consisting of parallel orientated filaments and containing chondroitin sulfate-rich proteoglycans (= zebra bodies; type II structures), and (3) fibrillar structures with a complex banding pattern different from that of native collagen fibrils (type III structures). In fibroblasts cultured in collagen lattices, we only sporadically found depositions which are identified as type I structures. Using indirect immunoelectron microscopy and monospecific polyclonal antibodies, we localized type VI collagen in type I structures and type II structures. Type III structures can be identified as type I collagen derived as becomes obvious by comparison with segment long spacing crystallites of type I collagen.  相似文献   

The development of the next generation of biomaterials for restoration of tissues and organs (i.e., tissue engineering) requires a better understanding of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and its interaction with cells. Extracellular matrix is a macromolecular assembly of natural biopolymers including collagens, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), proteoglycans (PGs), and glycoproteins. Interestingly, several ECM components have the ability to form three-dimensional (3D), supramolecular matrices (scaffolds) in vitro by a process of self-directed polymerization, "self-assembly". It has been shown previously that 3D matrices with distinct architectural and biological properties can be formed from either purified type I collagen or a complex mixture of interstitial ECM components derived from intestinal submucosa. Unfortunately, many of the imaging and analysis techniques available to study these matrices either are unable to provide insight into 3D preparations or demand efforts that are often prohibitory to observations of living, dynamic systems. This is the first report on the use of reflection imaging at rapid time intervals combined with laser-scanning confocal microscopy for analysis of structural properties and kinetics of collagen and ECM assembly in 3D. We compared time-lapse confocal reflection microscopy (TL-CRM) with a well-established spectrophotometric method for determining the self-assembly properties of both purified type I collagen and soluble interstitial ECM. While both TL-CRM and spectrophotometric techniques provided insight into the kinetics of the polymerization process, only TL-CRM allowed qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the structural parameters (e.g., fibril diameter) and 3D organization (e.g., fibril density) of component fibrils over time. Matrices formed from the complex mixture of soluble interstitial ECM components showed an increased rate of assembly, decreased opacity, decreased fibril diameter, and increased fibril density compared to that of purified type I collagen. These results suggested that the PG/GAG components of soluble interstitial ECM were affecting the polymerization of the component collagens. Therefore, the effects of purified and complex mixtures of PG/GAG components on the assembly properties of type I collagen and interstitial ECM were evaluated. The data confirmed that the presence of PG/GAG components altered the kinetics and the 3D fibril morphology of assembled matrices. In summary, TL-CRM was demonstrated to be a new and useful technique for analysis of the 3D assembly properties of collagen and other natural biopolymers which requires no specimen fixation and/or staining.Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The reaction of singlet oxygen, a putative agent of skin photodamage, with the dermal collagen crosslink histidinohydroxylysinonorleucine (HHL) and its precursor histidine is reported. Reaction studies were performed with both purified HHL and bovine dermal tissue. We demonstrate that singlet oxygen can selectively oxidize HHL and histidine amino acid residues in dermal tissue and that intermediate oxidation products of histidine lead to new crosslink products. A novel mechanism for crosslink formation was proposed to involve nucleophilic addition to a transient imidazolone intermediate formed from singlet oxygen oxidation of the histidine imidazole moiety. The implication for such adduct formation and histidine oxidation in collagen proteins is the expression of aberrant collagen crosslinks, perturbation of the dermal collagen function, and hence an altered dermal state.  相似文献   

Undulin, a novel noncollagenous extracellular matrix protein, was isolated from skin and placenta. In polyacrylamide gels most of the unreduced protein migrates with Mr above 1,000,000 yielding bands A (Mr 270,000), B1 (Mr 190,000), and B2 (Mr 180,000) after reduction. Undulin is biochemically and immunochemically distinct from other previously characterized large matrix glycoproteins. Immunoblotting using monoclonal antibodies suggests that bands A and B are closely related. Electron microscopy reveals undulin as structures consisting of an approximately 80-nm-long-tail with a nodule on one end and with one or two shorter arms on the other. Ultrastructurally immunolabeled undulin is found mainly between densely packed mature collagen fibrils. Indirect immunofluorescence shows bundles of uniform wavy fibers in dense connective tissues superimposable on a subpopulation of type I collagen structures. This suggests that undulin serves a specific yet unknown function in the supramolecular organization of collagen fibrils in soft tissues.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils provide tensile reinforcement for extracellular matrix. In at least some tissues, the fibrils have a paraboloidal taper at their ends. The purpose of this paper is to determine the implications of this taper for the function of collagen fibrils. When a tissue is subjected to low mechanical forces, stress will be transferred to the fibrils elastically. This process was modelled using finite element analysis because there is no analytical theory for elastic stress transfer to a non-cylindrical fibril. When the tissue is subjected to higher mechanical forces, stress will be transferred plastically. This process was modelled analytically. For both elastic and plastic stress transfer, a paraboloidal taper leads to a more uniform distribution of axial tensile stress along the fibril than would be generated if it were cylindrical. The tapered fibril requires half the volume of collagen than a cylindrical fibril of the same length and the stress is shared more evenly along its length. It is also less likely to fracture than a cylindrical fibril of the same length in a tissue subjected to the same mechanical force.  相似文献   

Nothing in biology stimulates the imagination like the development of a single fertilized egg into a newborn child. Consequently, a major focus of biomedical research is aimed at understanding cell differentiation, proliferation, and specialization during child health and human development. However, the fact that the increase in size and shape of the growing embryo has as much to do with the extracellular matrix (ECM) as with the cells themselves, is largely overlooked. Cells in developing tissues are surrounded by a fiber-composite ECM that transmits mechanical stimuli, maintains the shape of developing tissues, and functions as a scaffold for cell migration and attachment. The major structural element of the ECM is the collagen fibril. The fibrils, which are indeterminate in length, are arranged in different tissues in exquisite supramolecular architectures, including parallel bundles, orthogonal lamellae, and concentric weaves. This article reviews our current understanding of the synthesis and assembly of collagen fibrils, and discusses challenging questions about how cells assemble an organized ECM during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of type II and type IX collagen in 17-d-old chicken embryo was studied by immunofluorescence using polyclonal antibodies against type II collagen and a peptic fragment of type IX collagen (HMW), respectively. Both proteins were found only in cartilage where they were co-distributed. They occurred uniformly throughout the extracellular matrix, i.e., without distinction between pericellular, territorial, and interterritorial matrices. Tissues that undergo endochondral bone formation contained type IX collagen, whereas periosteal and membranous bones were negative. The thin collagenous fibrils in cartilage consisted of type II collagen as determined by immunoelectron microscopy. Type IX collagen was associated with the fibrils but essentially was restricted to intersections of the fibrils. These observations suggested that type IX collagen contributes to the stabilization of the network of thin fibers of the extracellular matrix of cartilage by interactions of its triple helical domains with several fibrils at or close to their intersections.  相似文献   

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