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无尾两栖类的幼体蝌蚪是很好的水体污染指示物种,近年来,国内这方面的研究也越来越多.本文总结了研究生论文和部分已发表论文中本类研究的常见错误,指出实验设计中需要注意的重要问题.在实验动物的选择上可以尽量选择发育迅速的常见种蝌蚪以缩短实验周期、减少实验成本.为保证各个处理组之间结果的可比较性和实验的可重复性,需要选择发育期相近、体型大小相似的个体进行实验.我们建议使用Gosner于1960年提出的发育分期方法描述蝌蚪发育期;在试剂选用上,建议根据农药成分购买相应化学试剂进行针对性实验,以掌握各种药物对蝌蚪的影响;在对实验材料描述时必须采用通用名,并说明组成成分及浓度,而且对于主要成分应该用化学名描述;实验设计中应该注意设置合理的对照;数据分析上需要注意参数与非参数统计方法的选择,对于重复测量的符合假设数据应该使用重复测量的方差分析.  相似文献   

在动物学、动物生理学和生态学等学科的研究中 ,常常需要对所研究的动物个体进行标记 ,以便于对其个体活动的追踪研究观察。在有关研究工作中 ,目前使用多种标记法 ,如烙印法、同位素示踪法等。在对蛙类的研究实践过程中 ,我们找到了针对蛙类研究的一种简单易行的标记法——划蹼法和切趾 (指 )法。由于蛙类个体小 ,较为脆弱。烙印等方法容易对其造成伤害 ,影响其生存 ,同时也不易进行操作。尤其是在蝌蚪变态期不易进行有效的标记 ,给追踪观察造成极大的困难。我们经过对中国林蛙的标记试验探索 ,找到了一种简单易行的标记方法。即采用划去蛙…  相似文献   

无尾两栖类繁殖生态研究的内容和方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广大中学生物学教师都有进行科学研究的愿望,但往往限于条件和苦于不熟悉方法,愿望难以实现。现就无尾两栖类繁殖生态研究的内容和方法作一介绍,供教师在进行当地某种无尾两栖类研究时参考。 (一)繁殖地点一般讲无尾两栖类的繁殖地点并不太隐蔽,多数种类是在水中繁殖,有的在静水内,有  相似文献   

脊椎动物的性腺发育一直是生物学领域研究的热点,无尾两栖动物因其胚胎发育的独立性和易观察性而成为发育生物学研究领域的良好材料,并取得了许多成果.本文综述了无尾两栖类原始性腺形成、性腺分化、精巢和卵巢的发育,以及配子发生等方面的研究进展.无尾两栖类原始性腺形成主要发生在鳃盖褶和后肢芽形成时期,不同物种略有不同;性腺分化通常...  相似文献   

虞世嘉  钱晓薇 《遗传》1991,13(5):19-21
本文应用腹腔注射活性炭吸附1dUR的方法制成骨髓细胞SCE标本,测定出泽蛙、虎纹蛙、黑斑蛙和中华大蟾蛛的SCE值(雄雌)分别为7.81士0.42,8.02土0.45,4.76士0.28,4.54士0.32,8.79士0.34,8.38士0.42和7.42士0.48、7.91士0.46,表明无尾两栖类体细胞的SCE值是比较高的。本文还观察了SCE在染色体上的分布,结果表明SCE的分布与染色体的长度有一定的关系。  相似文献   

食物资源的利用是无尾两栖类生态学研究的一个重要组成部分,针对食物资源的竞争策略和食物资源竞争对群落结构的影响都有比较深入的研究,本文总结近年来本领域的理论成果与发展动态,并对我国的研究现状和未来作了讨论.  相似文献   

十一种无尾两栖类分带核型的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭超文  董永文 《遗传》1992,14(4):29-32
本文比较研究11种无尾两栖类的c带型和人Ag-NORs,并报道三种核型(淡肩角蟾,秦岭雨蛙和湖北金线蛙),结果:(1) 弹琴蛙仅大型染色体着丝点区C带正染,其余10个物种的所有染色体均有明显的着丝点C带,并分别具有数目不等的端部C带或插入型C带。其中天台蛙的C带尤为发达。(2) 中华大蟾蛛有3对Ag-NORs,大树蛙两对,其余9个种均显示1对。(3)新报三种核型中,淡肩角蟾租湖北金线蛙2n=26,N.F=52。淡肩角蟾由6对大型的和7对小型的染色休组成,湖北金线蛙大小型染色体分别为5对和8对。秦岭雨蛙2n=24,含大小型染色休各6对,其N.F=48。三个物种均未见有异型性染色体。  相似文献   

鸣叫行为是无尾两栖类常见的行为,对其生存和繁殖具有重要意义.虽然目前没有一致的证据,但研究结果暗示了很多无尾两栖类动物的广告和攻击鸣叫行为与其体内雄激素水平密切相关.已有的研究表明,雄激素对无尾类发声器官的肌肉以及运动神经元有重要影响.另外,在无尾类脑部与发声的相关核团中发现雄激素受体的表达.注射精氨酸加压素(AVT)也可以增加蛙类的广告鸣叫及降低释放鸣叫.这些都暗示了激素对无尾类鸣叫行为具有重要作用,但其确切机制尚不清楚.本文通过对已做相关研究的所有物种进行系统发育分析,发现中枢神经与鸣叫行为相关的精氨酸加压素系统具有高度的进化保守性,而与鸣叫相关的性激素作用系统可能是多次独立起源的.  相似文献   

寄生蛙类肠道的肠肾虫)Nyctotheran),国外报道较多,特别是印度和亚洲其他国家的研究较多 ,记述了近 100种1-5.    相似文献   

辽宁西部早白垩世一新的有尾两栖类   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
辽宁葫芦岛市九佛堂组发现一批有尾两栖类化石。经初步研究建立一新属种:钟健辽西iaoxitriton zhongjiani gen.et sp.nov.辽西是东亚中生代有尾两栖类的首次发现,上中中新世中新原螈外有尾两栖类化石的唯一报道。它代表一类小型的较原始的有尾两栖类,其头骨特征犁骨齿列形态等与小鲵科的Batrachuperus比较相似,辽西深入研究将对有尾两栖类的起源、早期演化,及其地理迁徒提供  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Leiothrix (Eriocaulaceae) is restricted to South America and contains 37 taxa. The genus is most species-rich in the mountains of Minas Gerais, where 25 species occur, 19 of them in the Serra do Cipó. Leiothrix taxa that inhabit different microhabitats exhibit a number of reproductive modes. Rhizomatous taxa produce seeds plentifully; therefore, this group were defined as rhizomatous seed-producing. The pseudoviviparous reproductive mode was divided into canopy-forming and rooted. In the first, ramets remain attached to a parental rosette suspended by scapes, whereas in the second, ramets take root and may or may not remain attached to a parental rosette. In this study, it is proposed that microenvironmental heterogeneity is an important factor generating and maintaining reproductive modes in Leiothrix. METHODS: Soil analyses and vegetation cover estimates were performed for five Leiothrix taxa occurring in 19 areas along the Serra do Cipó. In these 19 points of the Serra do Cipó, soil data were collected from 27 populations of each species, and vegetation cover data were collected from 20 populations, due to fire that occurred in the region and destroyed most of the vegetation. For each population, three replicates were made. A discriminant function analysis was performed, in an attempt to test the effect of microhabitat features in the differentiation of the reproductive modes. KEY RESULTS: Discriminant function analyses separated the three groups of reproductive modes based mainly on percentage vegetation cover. The pseudoviviparous canopy-forming group occurs under densely crowded conditions, while the pseudoviviparous rooted and rhizomatous seed-producing groups occur in areas with sparse vegetation cover. However, the group pseudoviviparous rooted occurs in soils constituted of exposed sand, while the rhizomatous seed-producing group occurs, frequently, on mat-forming mosses. CONCLUSIONS: Microenvironmental heterogeneity, specifically heterogeneity in percentage cover of vegetation, appears to have influenced the generation and maintenance of reproductive modes in Leiothrix. Reproductive variation within Leiothrix taxa occupying different microenvironments results from a response to fine-scale habitat variation. Therefore, it is proposed that ecological speciation is an important process in adaptive radiation in this genus.  相似文献   

Anuran reproductive activities in xeric environments are strongly influenced by local rainfall and temperatures. Anuran species that inhabit the Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil demonstrate numerous behavioral and reproductive strategies that avoid or minimize the negative effects of elevated temperatures and scarce water resources on egg development. Among the various anuran species found in the Caatinga region, members of the family Leptodactylidae demonstrate the greatest number of reproductive modes adapted to a terrestrial life style while most of the Hylidae species are more susceptible to variations in water availability. Laying eggs in foam nests is a common strategy among species that inhabit environments with open vegetation forms and water resources that are restricted to only short periods during the year. Data concerning anuran communities in the localities examined here indicated a greater diversity of reproductive modes in ponds with more diverse vegetation structures and longer periods of water availability indicating that the deeper the temporary ponds (permitting a longer hydroperiod) the more diverse will be the aquatic and bordering vegetation, and the richer will be the diversity of anuran species observed and the number of reproductive modes encountered there.  相似文献   

Annual activity patterns of anurans in a seasonal neotropical environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. Aichinger 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):583-592
Summary At Panguana, a study in the upper Amazon basin, 7 different aquatic breeding sites of anurans were investigated from Nov. 1, 1981 to Oct. 31, 1982. Rainfall in this area is seasonal. Only 20% of the total annual precipitation was maesured during the dry period, which lasted from mid-March until mid-September 1982. The reproductive periods of the species were highly affected by the rainfall distribution. Calling males and/or gravid females of 46 species were found during the study period. 37.0% of the anuran species were exclusively, and 43.5% predominantly, active during the rainy season. Plots of 100 m2 were established at 6 aquatic sites in primary rainforest. A total of 2126 frogs was counted; 93.2% of these were made during the rainy season. A maximum of 378 individuals were found during one check in the plot at the permanent pond. At this site high concentrations of individuals and large choruses were found at the beginning of the rainy season. As soon as favourable temporary aquatic sites were established, reproductive activities decreased at the permanent pond and increased at temporary breeding sites.  相似文献   

戚文华  蒋雪梅  杨承忠  郭延蜀 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6548-6559
2006年4—12月和2007年3—11月在四川省铁布自然保护区观察和统计了野生梅花鹿的繁殖行为,包括发情交配、产仔、发情吼叫、爬跨及其昼夜节律行为等。结果表明,四川梅花鹿为季节性发情动物,发情交配行为发生在9月上旬至12月中旬,集中在10—11月(占(86.99±3.24)%)。四川梅花鹿发情交配日期最早见于9月8日,最晚为12月16日,跨度约90—100 d(±6 d,n=90)。雌鹿交配日期与其繁殖经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿交配日期稍微早于初次配种雌鹿。雄鹿发情吼叫和爬跨行为具有明显的昼夜节律性,各有2个高峰期(05:00—08:00和18:00—21:00),夜间有小节律的发情吼叫和爬跨时期。U-test检验表明发情吼叫频次和爬跨频率在昼夜间有极显著差异(P0.01)。雄鹿吼叫行为与其交配行为具有高度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.8r1.0,P0.05),主雄、次雄和群外单身雄鹿的昼夜吼叫次数有极显著差异(P0.01)。雌鹿产仔期从4月下旬开始到7月下旬结束,集中在5—6月(占(91.51±4.96)%),产仔日期最早见于4月29日,最晚为7月28日,跨度约80—90 d(±5 d,n=130)。梅花鹿产仔日期与其分娩经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿产仔日期早于初次繁殖雌鹿。雌鹿每胎产1—2个幼仔,单双胎率分别为98.86%(±6.96%,n=129)和1.01%(±0.07%,n=1)。妊娠期和哺乳期梅花鹿采食行为分配占较大比率,其次是卧息和移动,哺乳期采食行为分配低于妊娠期,这与妊娠期正逢冬季,食物资源相对匮乏有关,而哺乳期恰逢夏季,植物生长旺盛,食物资源相对丰富。  相似文献   

The higher-level relationships of anurans have been explored by numerous studies, producing a variety of hypotheses. The relationships of the basal anurans ('archaeobatrachians') are, however, poorly known . In part, this may be because the adult morphology of basal anurans is derived and therefore may not provide suitable phylogenetic signal. Recently, several authors have shown the phylogenetic utility of information derived from anuran larvae. In this paper we conduct separate and combined analyses of anuran relationships based on adult and larval morphology. Our combined results suggest that anurans form two major clades − the pipoids and all other frogs. Evidence also suggests that, taken together, Neobatrachia and Pelobatoidea form a monophyletic group. We discuss support for various groupings as shown by the different data sets. We also comment on the consequences of our phylogenetic hypothesis for the interpretation of reduction of vertebral elements and evolution of Orton's tadpole types in anurans.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 139 , 129−155.  相似文献   

A transect was used to investigate the pattern of altitudinal species turnover shown by the rich fauna of frogs and toads in southeastern Tanzania, and to compare the pattern with those shown by transects taken further south. The transect, taken from the Udzungwa range to the southeastern coast, was divided into 50 m intervals. As with the southern transects, there appears to be a major grouping into lowland and highland sets, with opposing and overlapping subtraction margins that form a replacement‐transition zone. A distributionally complex assemblage of species occurs in this zone. When a similarity value (the Dice‐S?rensen index, expressed as a percentage) taken between the montane ridge and lowland faunas was compared with those of the southern transects, a markedly higher species turnover (low similarity value) is shown in Tanzania. Both lowland and highland faunas have more species than equivalent faunas to the south; the highland fauna is particularly rich in genera not known to occur further south. Yet overall, the pattern of altitudinal turnover shown in the Tanzanian transect is in agreement with the pattern shown in the southern transects. The transects discussed in this paper, combined with other evidence, suggest a need for re‐evaluating the common practice of including all sub‐Saharan Africa in a single so‐called Afrotropical Region.  相似文献   

Three middle Eocene localities (Silica North, Silica South, Black Crow) recently discovered in Namibia have produced terrestrial faunas that rank among the few known from the period of insulation of Africa (Aptian-early Miocene). Collectively, the three localities have yielded anuran amphibians (one pipid frog, the earliest assemblage [three taxa] of ranoid frogs in Africa, one indeterminate family) and squamate reptiles (an amphisbaenian ‘lizard’, a snake that likely represents a colubroid, and two indeterminate ‘lizards’). These Eocene faunas suggest that ranoids, colubroids and African pipids are autochthonous to Africa. However, whereas pipids are vicariants inherited from West Gondwana, ranoids and colubroids (if really autochthonous) originated in Africa from unknown stems. Silica North and Silica South correspond to aquatic environments, permanent fresh water being present in the first locality; the environment of Black Crow was drier.  相似文献   

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