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Development of the cardiac, respiratory, and motor activities in rat fetuses with preserved placental circulation was studied at the 16th, 18th, and 20th gestation days. The presence of three main movement types has been found: complexes of generalized activity, local movements, and jerks. In development of respiratory function, there is observed a gradual transition from individual inspirations to series of breathing movements and then to formation of periodic breathing episodes. At the studied period, the heart rate has been found to increase. The existence of the slow-wave modulations of the heart rate with a period of 2040 s has been revealed. Analysis of interrelations between the respiratory and motor systems has shown that in the 16-day fetuses, each breathing movement is accompanied by extensor jerk. By the 20th days of embryonic development (E20), uncoupling of the respiratory and motor activities occurs. Comparison of the activity observed in the cardiac and somatomotor systems has shown that at E16, the cardiac rhythm fluctuations do not depend on the motor excitation jerks. In the 18-day fetuses, brief slowing down (decelerations) of the cardiac rhythm appeared during the motor activity jerks, whereas at E20, on the contrary, an increase of frequency (accelerations) of the cardiac rhythm occurred.  相似文献   

Parameters of motor, respiratory and cardiac activities were studied in rat embryos (E17-20) after changes in activity level of catecholaminergic systems. To produce conditions for excessive level of catecholamines, the animal were administered individually with preparation of L-DOPA at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg. Also studied was action of L-DOPA after blockade of D1-(antagonist - SCH-23390, 0.1 mg/kg), D2-(antagonist - sulpiride, 50 mg/kg) dopaminic, and beta2-(antagonist - propranolol, 1 mg/kg) adrenergic receptors. It was found out in E17-18 that the DOPA administration regardless of dose, while in E19-20 dose-dependently produces continuous generalized activity. Between E18 and E19, ontogenetically new is the appearance in 92 % of embryos of stereotypical head movements (circular movements, lateral and dorso-ventral flexions) following in the nearsecond rhythm. Injection of DOPA to rat embryos increased 2-6 times the number of respiratory movements by the gasping type in E17-20 and decreased the amount of episodes of continuous rhythmical respiration in E19-20. No significant heart rate changes were observed after introduction of DOPA to E17-20. There was noted a tendency for a weak acceleration of the heart rate. The changes in activities of the motor and respiratory systems due to a rise of catecholamine level are not connected with activation of the dopamine system, as they are not reduced by blockade of dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Parameters of motor, respiratory, and cardiac activities were studied in rat embryos (E17–20) after changes in activity level of catecholaminergic systems. To conditions for excessive level of catecholamines, the animals were administered individually with L-DOPA at doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg. Also studied was action of L-DOPA after blockade of D1-(antagonist—CHS-23390, 0.1 mg/kg), D2-(antagonist—sulpiride, 50 mg/kg) dopaminic, and β2-(antagonist—propranolol, 1 mg/kg) adrenergic receptors. It was found in E17–18 that the DOPA administration regardless dose, while in E19–20 dose-dependently produces continuous generalized activity. Between E18 and E19, ontogenetically novel is the appearance in 92% of embryos of stereotypical head movements (circular movements, lateral and dorsoventral flexions) following in the near-second rhythm. Injection of DOPA to rat embryos increased 2–6 times the number of respiratory movements of the gasping time in E17–20 and decreased the amount of episodes of continuous rhythmical respiration in E19–20. No significant heart rate changes were observed after introduction of DOPA to E17–20. There was noted a tendency for a weak acceleration of the heart rate. The changes in activities of the motor and respiratory systems due to a rise of catecholamine level are not connected with activation of the dopamine system, as they are not reduced by blockade of dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the organization of the spontaneous motor activity during first 2 weeks of postnatal life of rats Rattus norvegicus (var albin.) by means of prolonged EMG recording from the gastrocnemius muscle and by computer analysis. Complexes of prolonged activity with a period of about 1 min, intracomplex periodicity of short pulses with a frequency 1/sec and periodicity of separate short bursts arranged into series with intervals between them of approximately 8-12 sec were observed. It was found that the main rhythm of these forms of excitation remains relatively unchanged during postnatal ontogenesis. The number of periods filled by series of short bursts decreases in postnatal development of animals, whereas the number of periods of a complete rest lasting for 1 1/2 and more minutes increases. These findings were compared with the development of sleep--wakefulness cycle in early postnatal ontogenesis.  相似文献   

CDP-Choline:1,2-diglycerolcholinephosphotransferase (EC, cholinephosphotransferase) activities were determined in subcellular fractions prepared from rat embryos, placentas, or yolk sacs obtained on the fourteenth day of gestation. It was found that, in all of the tissues studied, cholinephosphotransferase activity (1) copurified with NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity (EC, (2) was maximal around pH 8.0; (3) was stimulated by MgCl2, exogenous diolein, and cytidine diphosphocholine (CDP-choline); and (4) was highest in homogenates of placentas, lowest in those of embryos, and intermediate in those of yolk sacs. These data substantiate, for the first time, that the early mammalian (rat) embryo, placenta, and yolk sac have the ability to synthesize phospholipids de novo.  相似文献   

The action of cathecholamines within the CNS is important for the expression of numerous vegetative and behavioral functions. To understand the role these amines play, it is necessary to measure changes in the levels of these transmitter substances by utilizing new developments and methodology in the behaving animal. Utilizing new developments in methodology, it is possible to measure the release of amines into perfusates obtained from specific sites in the brain of the rat under basal and evoked conditions without prior purification or concentration.Using the push-pull perfusion technique, perfusates were obtained from the hypothalamus and caudate nucleus and analyzed by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. It is possible to readily determine basal release of dopamine from the caudate nucleus. Detection of both dopamine and noradrenaline is possible under ephedrine stimulated conditions from both the caudate nucleus and the hypothalamus. Although levels of serotonin (5-HT) were detected in brain perfusates, it may not be of neuronal origin. It may be possible to use these techniques to delineate the roles these amines play in various physiological functions.  相似文献   

Relaxation responses to the beta-adrenoceptor agonists: isoprenaline (non selective), salbutamol (beta 2-selective) and noradrenaline (plus phentolamine 10(-5) M) (beta 1-selective) have been obtained on rat lung parenchymal strips in the absence and presence of pargyline and tropolone (monoamino-oxidase and catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors), cocaine (neuronal uptake blocking agent), corticosterone (extraneuronal uptake inhibitor) as well as in reserpinized rat. Responses to these beta-adrenergic agonists were not potentiated in the presence of any of these inhibitors. This indicates that endogenous catecholamines, enzymatic or uptake processes, do not modulate beta-adrenoceptor mediated responses of rat lung strip and demonstrates that there is no correlation between neuronal uptake/beta 1-adrenoceptors and extraneuronal uptake/beta 2-adrenoceptor mediated responses, as had previously been suggested.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of the tridecapeptide neurotensin [NT(1-13)] and its fragments, NT(1-7) and NT(8-13), on endogenous glutamate release from rat cortical slices, were evaluated. NT(1-13) (100-1000 nM) slightly increased spontaneous glutamate release, while it was ineffective at 1 and 10 nM concentrations. Neither the biologically active NT fragment NT(8-13) nor the inactive one NT(1-7) affected basal glutamate release. NT(1-13) (1-1000 nM) enhanced potassium (35 mM)-evoked glutamate release displaying a bell-shaped concentration response curve. In addition NT(8-13) (10 nM) increased K+-evoked-glutamate release similarly to the parent peptide (10 nM), while the biologically inactive fragment NT(1-7) (10-100 nM) was ineffective. The effects of NT(1-13) and NT(8-13) were fully counteracted by the selective neurotensin receptor antagonist SR48692 (100 nM). These findings suggest that NT plays a role in regulating cortical glutamate transmission.  相似文献   

To determine if catecholamines were present in bovine luteal tissue, corpora lutea (CL) were obtained during the mid-luteal phase (Days 10-12) and the concentration of dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Both DA and NE were detected in luteal tissue at mean concentrations of 41.9 +/- 5.73 and 10.2 +/- 2.51 ng/g for DA and NE, respectively. These concentrations represented a luteal content of 306.6 +/- 66.88 ng/CL for DA and 70.5 +/- 16.88 ng/CL for NE. In vitro, DA at concentrations of 1.0 mM to 0.01 mM stimulated the production of progesterone (P4, p less than 0.05). The response to DA was inhibited by propranolol (a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, p less than 0.05) but not by phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine (alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists), or haloperidol (a DA receptor antagonist, p greater than 0.05). Neither L-tyrosine nor L-dopa altered P4 production (p greater than 0.05). Inhibition of DA beta-hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of DA to NE by FLA-63 blocked the DA-induced increases in luteal P4 production (p less than 0.05). These results demonstrate the existence of DA and NE in bovine luteal tissue and indicate that exogenous DA can be converted to NE in luteal tissue. The results support a physiological role for catecholamines in the stimulation of bovine luteal function.  相似文献   

Electrostimulatory forms of therapy can reduce angina that arises from activation of cardiac nociceptive afferent fibers during transient ischemia. This study sought to determine the effects of electrical stimulation of left thoracic vagal afferents (C(8)-T(1) level) on the release of putative nociceptive [substance P (SP)] and analgesic [dynorphin (Dyn)] peptides in the dorsal horn at the T(4) spinal level during coronary artery occlusion in urethane-anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. Release of Dyn and SP was measured by using antibody-coated microprobes. While Dyn and SP had a basal release, occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery only affected SP release, causing an increase from lamina I-VII. Left vagal stimulation increased Dyn release, inhibited basal SP release, and blunted the coronary artery occlusion-induced release of SP. Dyn release reflected activation of descending pathways in the thoracic spinal cord, because vagal afferent stimulation still increased the release of Dyn after bilateral dorsal rhizotomy of T(2)-T(5). These results indicate that electrostimulatory therapy, using vagal afferent excitation, may induce analgesia, in part, via inhibition of the release of SP in the spinal cord, possibly through a Dyn-mediated neuronal interaction.  相似文献   

CDP-Choline:1,2-diglycerolcholinephosphotransferase (EC, cholinephosphotransferase) activities were determined in subcellular fractions prepared from rat embryos, placentas, or yolk sacs obtained on the fourteenth day of gestation. It was found that, in all of the tissues studied, cholinephosphotransferase activity (1) copurified with NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity (EC, (2) was maximal around pH 8.0; (3) was stimulated by MgCl2, exogenous diolein, and cytidine diphosphocholine (CDP-choline); and (4) was highest in homogenates of placentas, lowest in those of embryos, and intermediate in those of yolk sacs. These data substantiate, for the first time, that the early mammalian (rat) embryo, placenta, and yolk sac have the ability to synthesize phospholipids de novo.  相似文献   

The regulation of the glucose transport system by catecholamines and insulin has been studied in isolated rat cardiomyocytes. In the basal state, 1-isoproterenol exhibited a biphasic concentration-dependent regulation of 3-O-methylglucose transport. At low concentrations (less than 10 nM), isoproterenol induced a maximal inhibition of 65-70% of the basal rates, while at higher concentrations (greater than 10 nM) a 25-70% stimulation of transport was observed. In the presence of adenosine deaminase, the inhibition of isoproterenol at low doses was attenuated. No effect of adenosine deaminase was observed on the stimulation of transport at high doses of isoproterenol. The inhibitory effect of isoproterenol returned when N6-phenylisopropyladenosine (a non-metabolizable analog of adenosine) was included along with adenosine deaminase. Dibutyryl cAMP and forskolin both inhibited basal transport rates. In the presence of maximally stimulating concentrations of insulin, cardiomyocyte 3-O-methylglucose transport was generally elevated 200-300% above basal levels. In the presence of isoproterenol, insulin stimulation was inhibited at both high and low concentrations of catecholamine, with maximum inhibition occurring at the lowest concentrations tested. When cells were incubated with both adenosine deaminase and isoproterenol, the inhibition of the insulin response was greater at all concentrations of catecholamine and was almost completely blocked at isoproterenol concentrations of 10 nM or less. Dibutyryl cAMP inhibited the insulin response to within 10% of basal transport levels, while forskolin completely inhibited all transport activity in the presence of insulin. These results suggest that catecholamines regulate basal and insulin-stimulated glucose transport via both cAMP-dependent and cAMP-independent mechanisms and that this regulation is modulated in the presence of extracellular adenosine.  相似文献   

AimsTo investigate the ability of melatonin (MEL) to suppress adrenomedullary catecholamine (CAT) release in the rat, with pyridoxal (PL) being used as an adrenomedullary stimulus and liver and gastrocnemius muscle glycogenolysis acting as indices of CAT release.Main methodsMEL (1–4 mg/kg, i.p.) and PL (300 mg/kg, i.p.) were administered separately or together to male Sprague–Dawley rats (275–300 g), and blood samples for the assay of plasma glucose and CATs were periodically collected for up to 3 h after PL. Immediately thereafter, the liver and gastrocnemius muscle were surgically removed and used for the assay of glycogen. The role of adrenoceptors in PL-induced glycogenolysis was examined by parallel experiments in which idazoxan (IDX, 1 mg/kg), propranolol (PRO, 2 mg/kg) or metoprolol (MET, 2 mg/kg) were administered alongside MEL. In addition, MEL (4 mg/kg) was co-administered with taurine (TAU, 2.4 mmol/kg), a known adrenomedullary membrane stabilizer.Key findingsMEL attenuated the release of adrenomedullary CATs and accompanying liver and gastrocnemius muscle glycogenolysis due to PL in a dose-dependent manner. A co-treatment with MEL and an adrenoceptor blocker had a greater attenuating effect on PL-induced glycogenolysis and hyperglycemia than MEL but without impinging on the CAT levels seen with MEL alone. Evidence of maximal inhibitory action by MEL on PL-induced plasma CAT elevation was suggested by the about equal levels of plasma CATs after treatments with MEL and with MEL plus TAU.SignificanceThe present study demonstrates the modulatory effect of MEL of exogenous origin on adrenomedullary CAT secretion when present in supraphysiological concentrations.  相似文献   

A subcellular fraction enriched in plasma membranes and relatively poor in other subcellular membranes was isolated from homogenates of rat embryos obtained on the 15th day of gestation. Characterization of this fraction revealed a paucity of stearate, arachidonate and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids relative to palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids, in total phospholipids. Estimation of phospholipase A activity revealed that phospholipase A1 and A2 were present in plasma membranes from rat embryos. A relatively high lysophospholipase activity was also found in the PM-rf, and may be the metabolic basis for the paucity of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the embryo-derived plasma membranes.  相似文献   

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