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Prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) have been eliminated from over 95% of their historic range in large part from direct eradication campaigns to reduce their purported competition with cattle for forage. Despite the longstanding importance of this issue to grassland management and conservation, the ecological interactions between cattle and prairie dogs have not been well examined. We address this issue through two complementary experiments to determine if cattle and prairie dogs form a mutualistic grazing association similar to that between prairie dogs and American bison. Our experimental results show that cattle preferentially graze along prairie dog colony edges and use their colony centers for resting, resembling the mutualistic relationship prairie dogs have with American bison. Our results also show that prairie dog colonies are not only an important component of the grassland mosaic for maintaining biodiversity, but also provide benefits to cattle, thereby challenging the long-standing view of prairie dogs as an undesirable pest species in grasslands.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae are important primary producers in a variety of environments, yet their distribution and response to environmental change in saline lakes are poorly understood. In this study, the community structure of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae in the water and surface sediments of six lakes and one river on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were investigated with the 23S rRNA gene pyrosequencing approach. Our results showed that salinity was the major factor controlling the algal community composition in these aquatic water bodies and the community structures of water and surface sediment samples grouped according to salinity. In subsaline–mesosaline lakes (salinity: 0.5–50 g L?1), Cyanobacteria (Cyanobium, Synechococcus) were highly abundant, while in hypersaline lakes (salinity: >50 g L?1) eukaryotic algae including Chlorophyta (Chlorella, Dunaliella), Bacillariophyta (Fistulifera), Streptophyta (Chara), and Dinophyceae (Kryptoperidinium foliaceum) were the major members of the community. The relative abundance ratio of cyanobacteria to eukaryotic algae was significantly correlated with salinity. The algae detected in Qinghai–Tibetan lakes exhibited a broader salinity range than previously known, which may be a result of a gradual adaptation to the slow evolution of these lakes. In addition, the algal community structure was similar between water and surface sediment of the same lake, suggesting that sediment algal community was derived from water column.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Between the initial colonization of North America and the European settlement period, Indigenous American land use practices shaped North American landscapes...  相似文献   

In aquatic ecosystems, predation is affected both by turbulence and visibility, but the combined effects are poorly known. Both factors are changing in lakes in the Northern Hemisphere; the average levels of turbulence are predicted to increase due to increasing wind activities, while water transparency is decreasing, e.g., due to variations in precipitation, and sediment resuspension. We explored experimentally how turbulence influenced the effects of planktivorous fish and invertebrate predators on zooplankton when it was combined with low visibility caused by high levels of water color. The study was conducted as a factorial design in 24 outdoor ponds, using the natural zooplankton community as a prey population. Perch and roach were used as vertebrate predators and Chaoborus flavicans larvae as invertebrate predators. In addition to calm conditions, the turbulent dissipation rate used in the experiments was 10−6 m2 s−3, and the water color was 140 mg Pt L−1. The results demonstrated that in a system dominated by invertebrates, predation pressure on cladocerans increased considerably under intermediate turbulence. Under calm conditions, chaoborids caused only a minor reduction in the crustacean biomass. The effect of fish predation on cladocerans was slightly reduced by turbulence, while predation on cyclopoids was strongly enhanced. Surprisingly, under turbulent conditions fish reduced cyclopoid biomass, whereas in calm water it increased in the presence of fish. We thus concluded that turbulence affects fish selectivity. The results suggested that in dystrophic invertebrate-dominated lakes, turbulence may severely affect the abundance of cladocerans. In fish-dominated dystrophic lakes, on the other hand, turbulence-induced changes in planktivory may considerably affect copepods instead of cladocerans. In lakes inhabited by both invertebrates and fish, the response of top-down regulation to turbulence resembles that in fish-dominated systems, due to intraguild predation. The changes in planktivorous predation induced by abiotic factors may possibly cascade to primary producers.  相似文献   

Fred Cooke 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):211-222
Capsule A comparison between North American and European ornithology shows many differences between the two.

While local knowledge was developed over millennia in Europe, in North America much was originally learned from the indigenous people. Knowing the food value of wild game was essential to survival and led to a strong tradition of wildlife management in North America. However, there was also systematic exploration of the local avifauna by museum-based collectors. This dual origin of ornithology is still detectable today. North American ornithology, particularly through the introduction of the Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1917, is strongly influenced by federal, state and provincial governments who have a statutory responsibility for the protection of wild birds. Because the USA and Canada, and more recently Mexico, are responsible for the administration of the Act, many initiatives in bird conservation involve international co-operation, starting initially with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, but now extended to all species of birds. Many partnerships involving government, professional and amateur ornithologists (e.g. Bird Studies Canada) have resulted in monitoring of bird populations similar to that done by the BTO. However, there still seems to be a paucity of population studies and survey information in the mainstream ornithological journals in North America.  相似文献   

A palynological study was carried out on four Italian Miocene‐Pliocene sections ranging in age from uppermost Tortonian to Zanclean located on the Adriatic side of the North‐Central Apennines. The study documents the Mediterranean isolation, the salinity crisis (s.s), the “lago‐mare”; event and the re‐establishment of open‐marine conditions in the Mediterranean at the beginning of the Pliocene. From a climatic point of view, a transition from subtropical/warm‐temperate conditions during the Messinian to warm‐temperate/temperate conditions during the Zanclean is recorded. The presence of a lower thermic level, with respect to the Messinian, the re‐establishment of open‐marine conditions and the uplift of the Apennines were major factors controlling paleoenvironmental variations during the Zanclean. The latter is also characterized by cyclic temperature oscillations. Correlations with coeval sections in the Mediterranean area confirm the existence of latitudinal climatic gradients within the studied area.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the seed and seedling ecology of the piñon and juniper woodlands of western North America is essential for understanding both the northward migration and expansion of the woodlands during the Holocene (< 11,500 B.P.), and the accelerated expansion of the woodlands since settlement of the West by Anglo-Americans around 200 years ago. We follow the fates of seeds and seedlings of the different piñon and juniper species within the woodlands from seed development to seedling establishment, and discuss the implications of this information for the past and present expansion of the woodlands. While seed development requires about two and one-half years in pinons, it is species-dependent in junipers and can take one, two, or even three years. Substantial seed losses can occur during seed development due to developmental constraints, and before or after seed maturation as a result of insects, pathogens, or predatory animals. In piñon pines, the primary seed dispersers are scatterhoarding birds (corvids) and rodents that harvest seeds from the trees or after seed fall and cache them in the soil. In contrast, most junipers appear to be dispersed primarily by frugivorous birds and mammals that ingest the seeds and defecate them onto the soil surface. We have recently documented that scatter-hoarding rodents also disperse juniper seeds. Disperser effectiveness, or the contribution a disperser makes to the future reproduction of a plant population, may vary among species of piñons and especially junipers. Piñon seeds are short-lived and exhibit little dormancy, and they probably only germinate the spring following dispersal. Juniper seeds are long-lived and seed dispersal can occur over one or more years. Seed germination can be delayed for several years due to impermeable seed coats, embryo dormancy, or the presence of inhibitors. Seedling establishment of piñon pines is facilitated by nurse plants but, while junipers often establish beneath nurse plants, they are capable of establishing in open environments. In the southwestern United States, higher establishment of juniper occurs in open environments due to more favorable precipitation, and competition may be more important than facilitation in determining establishment. When considering the mechanisms involved in the past and present expansion of the woodlands, short-distance dispersal, local population growth, and long-distance dispersal are all important. Different classes of dispersers, some of which appear to have coevolved with the tree species, appear to be responsible for local (short-distance) vs. long-distance dispersal in pinons and junipers. Because ecotones form the interface between the woodlands and adjacent communities, they can provide valuable information on both the seed dispersal and seedling establishment processes responsible for tree expansion. Disturbance regimes and, recently, the effects of humans on those regimes have major effects on the expansion and contraction of the woodlands. Before Anglo-American settlement, fires occurred as frequently as every 50–100 years throughout much of the woodlands. During this century, fire frequencies have been reduced due to the indirect effects of livestock grazing and the direct effects of removing Native Americans from the ecosystem and implementing active fire-prevention programs. The result has been an increase in tree-dominated successional stages at the expense of grass-dominated stages. Various management techniques, including controlled burning and chaining, have been implemented to reduce tree dominance, but their effects depend largely on the life histories of the tree species and the disturbance characteristics. Several areas relating to the seed and seedling ecology of the piñon and juniper require additional research if we are to truly understand the dynamics of the woodlands.  相似文献   

Payette  Serge  Pilon  Vanessa  Frégeau  Mathieu  Couillard  Pierre-Luc  Laflamme  Jason 《Ecosystems》2021,24(8):1906-1927

Stand-scale gap-phase dynamics is generally viewed as the main driver of development in mesic deciduous forests of the temperate biome. Soil charcoal of temperate forests in eastern North America are unnoticed in most surveys, thus explaining why fire is undervalued as a driver of forest succession. The extent to which gap-phase, fire, or other processes are responsible for the regeneration and maintenance of mesic deciduous forests is unknown because paleoecological evidence is lacking. We tested the fire-driven succession hypothesis on the development of this major forest type. Based on charcoal 14C dates of two sites, 44 and 55 fires occurred since early Holocene, with a mean interval of 170 to 215 years. The vegetation of both sites followed comparable post-glacial trajectories consisting of three distinct periods. Conifers dominated the two first periods during 5200–6000 years and were replaced by hardwoods–conifers over the last 3500 years. The first period was represented by boreal conifers, whereas the second period, dominated by white pine (Pinus strobus) forests, persisted during 3000–4300 years. The third period marked the development of hardwood (sugar maple, Acer saccharum) forests. Fires occurred continuously on the sites since early Holocene likely under dry conditions during the conifer periods and cooler and moister conditions during the hardwood–conifer period. Recurrent fires appear with climate as key drivers of the long-term dynamics of several temperate forests in eastern North America. Similar studies on other temperate forests should be pursued to test the hypothesis of climate–fire interactions influencing tree composition change.


Most glaciers in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are retreating, and glacier melt has been emphasized as the dominant driver for recent lake expansions on the Tibetan Plateau. By investigating detailed changes in lake extents and levels across the Tibetan Plateau from Landsat/ICESat data, we found a pattern of dramatic lake changes from 1970 to 2010 (especially after 2000) with a southwest-northeast transition from shrinking, to stable, to rapidly expanding. This pattern is in distinct contrast to the spatial characteristics of glacier retreat, suggesting limited influence of glacier melt on lake dynamics. The plateau-wide pattern of lake change is related to precipitation variation and consistent with the pattern of permafrost degradation induced by rising temperature. More than 79% of lakes we observed on the central-northern plateau (with continuous permafrost) are rapidly expanding, even without glacial contributions, while lakes fed by retreating glaciers in southern regions (with isolated permafrost) are relatively stable or shrinking. Our study shows the limited role of glacier melt and highlights the potentially important contribution of permafrost degradation in predicting future water availability in this region, where understanding these processes is of critical importance to drinking water, agriculture, and hydropower supply of densely populated areas in South and East Asia.  相似文献   

The concentration of airborne spores of Cladosporium and Alternaria has been investigated at five monitoring stations situated in cities from the foot of the Tatra Mountains to central Poland along a south-north transect (Zakopane, Kraków, Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa, Pozna) i.e. from a height of 900 m to 80 m above sea level. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed by means of five Burkard volumetric spore traps.Cladosporium spores were dominant at all the stations. The highest Cladosporium and Alternaria spore concentrations were observed at all the sites in July and August, except at Warszawa in both years and at Pozna in 1995 where the maximum of Cladosporium spores occurred in June and July, and at Ostrowiec witokrzyski in 1995 where the maximum was found in July, August and September.Fungal spore concentrations in Zakopane and Kraków were significantly lower than those in Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa and Pozna and periods of abundant Cladosporium spore occurrence were different in these two groups of monitoring stations.  相似文献   

Woody plant expansion, particularly eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.), has been a major threat to Louisiana calcareous prairies. Previous studies have shown that woody plant expansion into grasslands is associated with an increase in soil heterogeneity. We studied the within site spatial variability and among site differences of surface (0–15 cm depth) soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and Mehlich III extractable Ca, Mg, K, Fe and Mn from three remnant prairie-forest associations in Winn Parish, Louisiana. The prairie soil was consistently basic (pH > 7.0) and the forest soil was acidic (pH < 7.0) while the transition soil was neutral (pH = 7.0). A nonparametric statistical test for the equality of medians among sites showed the median values of the soil attributes differed (α = 0.05) except for soil Ca and Fe. The similarity in Ca concentration among sites was attributed to the calcareous parent material common to the three sites. Geostatistical analysis showed that spatial dependence was expressed over a range of 20–30 m for most of the soil attributes considered. Semivariogram shapes were similar among sites, suggesting the greater control of soil parent material on the observed spatial soil pattern. Shorter range of variation emerged only for soil pH when soil data from the forest and transition were deleted, indicating the scaling characteristics of soil pH and its susceptibility to plant induced changes. It is concluded that soil pH can be used as an index to determine prairie-forest boundary, and to access the impact of eastern red cedar on these and similar sites derived from calcareous parent material. Further, results from this study can be used for designing future ecological studies within the prairie by taking the soil spatial variability into account.  相似文献   

The remains of cladocerans were examined from the surface sediments of 51 freshwater sites along a north–south transect spanning Alaska. We identified 27 cladoceran taxa from the sediments, consisting primarily of littoral chydorid species. Variations in cladoceran assemblages were related to measured physical and chemical variables using multivariate techniques. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that lake depth, total phosphorus (TP), and altitude all had a significant influence in determining the composition of cladoceran assemblages. Cladoceran communities in tundra and forest-tundra lakes, which were relatively shallow and nutrient-poor, had relatively low abundances of pelagic Cladocera, and were primarily composed of several littoral chydorid species. Among pelagic cladoceran species, there was a distinct shift in dominance from the Bosminidae in lakes in the southern boreal forest region to Daphniidae in lakes in the northern boreal forest. Daphnia dominated lakes had significantly higher total phosphorus, specific conductivity, and calcium concentrations than lakes dominated by Eubosmina. Overall, the relative importance of physical and chemical factors in structuring cladocerans is similar to other previously studied regions, and suggests the Cladocera may be useful as ecological and paleoenvironmental indicators in this region.  相似文献   

Pelagic, littoral, and terrestrial resources can all play a role in supporting consumers in lakes. The role of benthic algal-derived food web pathways in lakes is perhaps the least understood because limnologists have historically focused on pelagic (open-water) production and processes. We compiled carbon stable isotope data from 546 fish populations (75 lakes), and used a two end-member mixing model to calculate littoral–benthic reliance for each fish species in each lake. Fish littoral–benthic reliance values were averaged by lake to assess overall fish species benthic reliance for each lake. Lake-specific mean littoral reliance (BRL; fish species not weighted according to production or biomass) averaged 57% and was independent of lake morphological and limnological attributes. For these same lakes, water column nutrients, light, and morphometry data were used to estimate whole-lake benthic algal and phytoplankton primary production. On average, benthic algae comprised 36% of whole-lake primary production (BPf = 0.36). BPf and BRL were weakly correlated: BRL tends to be high even in large/deep lakes in which benthic algae is a minor contributor to whole-lake primary production. The high littoral–benthic contribution to individual fish species appears to reflect the high concentration of fish species diversity in the littoral zone. Our work cannot be extrapolated to whole-lake fish production. However, the result is consistent with other work indicating that most fish species inhabit the littoral zone, whereas relatively few exclusively inhabit the pelagic. Our results suggest that it takes less primary production to support a single fish species in the littoral zone than is required to support a species in the pelagic.  相似文献   

Science in Latin America has experienced vigorous growth in the past decade, as demonstrated by the fact that the Latin American share of the world's scientific publications increased from 1.8% in 1991-1995 to 3.4% in 1999-2003. Significant growth has also taken place in the numbers of PhDs in science and engineering (S&E) awarded in Latin American countries in recent years, including those in the natural sciences. Importantly, albeit at different rates, growth has been verified in almost all countries in the region, indicating a general effort to promote the development of S&E. In most research fields, however, the recognition or relative impact of Latin American science, as measured by the average number of citations received by published articles (CpP), is still below world averages and much lower than in developed nations. We show that average CpP values for a set of 34 representative developing and developed countries correlate significantly with gross expenditure in research and development (GERD), with gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and with the number of researchers per million inhabitants (RpM). Among those countries, Latin American nations present some of the lowest average values of CpP (<6), GERD (< or =1% of GDP) and RpM (<2,000). We also examined recent trends in scientific activity in Latin America, with focus on the natural sciences and on biochemistry and molecular biology (BMB). In terms of citation scores, publications in BMB compare favorably to those in other research fields within Latin America. At the same time, however, Latin American BMB is one of the areas for which relative impact--compared to developed nations or normalized to world averages--is lowest. These observations clearly indicate the need to establish effective policies to increase competitiveness in terms of the quality and international recognition of Latin American natural sciences in general, and BMB in particular, as opposed to merely increasing the absolute numbers of publications or the numbers of PhDs awarded in the region.  相似文献   

The emerging antibiotic resistance genes in the aquatic environment have aroused public concern. As β-lactam is the most widely used group of antibiotics, β-lactam resistance genes were selected to investigate their distribution and diversity in the activated sludge from 15 geographically different sewage treatment plants (STPs) of China, Singapore, USA, and Canada. Specific PCR and quantitative real-time PCR (q-PCR) were used to investigate the occurrence and abundance of nine β-lactam resistance genes. Five genes (OXA-1, OXA-2, OXA-10, ampC, and TEM-1) were detected in most of the sludge collected, while three genes (mecA, CTX-M-1, and SME) were not found in any sludge sample. The total abundances of the six detected β-lactam resistance genes in the 15 STPs varied from 5.34?×?10(1) copies/ng DNA (ampC) to 5.49?×?10(4) copies/ng DNA (OXA-1). Overall, OXA-1 had the highest total concentration, followed by IMP and OXA-10. Noticeably, the abundances of TEM-1 in Chinese STPs were generally higher than those in the STPs of other countries, while the abundances of OXA-2 and IMP in the STPs of North America were much greater than those of East Asia. A total of 78 clones carrying β-lactam resistance genes were randomly selected from six clone libraries for phylogenetic diversity analysis; the similarity of these cloned genes to known β-lactam resistance genes with sequence identities ranged from 96% to 100%. Furthermore, OXA-1, ampC, and IMP were found to be more diverse than the other β-lactam resistance genes.  相似文献   

A new and specific HPLC–DAD method for the direct determination of Prulifloxacin and its active metabolite, Ulifloxacin, in human plasma has been developed. Plasma samples were analysed after a simple solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up using a new HILIC stationary phase based high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column and an ammonium acetate buffer (5?mM, pH 5.8)/acetonitrile (both with 1% Et3N, v/v) mobile phase in isocratic elution mode, with Danofloxacin as the internal standard. Detection was performed using DAD from 200 to 500?nm and quantitative analyses were carried out at 278?nm. The LOQ of the method was 1?μg/mL of the cited analytes and the calibration curve showed a good linearity up to 25?μg/mL. For both analytes the precision (RSD%) and the trueness (bias%) of the method fulfil with International Guidelines. The method was applied for stability studies, at three QC concentration levels, in human plasma samples stored at different temperature of?+?25,?+?4 and ?20?°C in order to evaluate plasma stability profiles.  相似文献   

Plectorthis is a commonly reported Late Ordovician brachiopod genus from Laurentia and several other tectonic plates. Examination of shells from the Cincinnati Arch type area shows that species previously assigned to the genus have a considerable range of variability, such as ribbing style, shell outline, and musculature. The type species, Orthis plicatella Hall, 1847 is characterized by generally simple costae, with double-rowed aditicules on each rib, and a cordate ventral muscle field. Some species previously attributed to Plectorthis have a subtriangular ventral muscle field and hence a closer affinity to the plaesiomyid genus Austinella. Orthis fissicosta is here demoted to a subspecies of Plectorthis plicatella based on its similar ribbing style to some specimens of the type species. In Laurentia, Plectorthis first appeared in the Darriwilian–Sandbian boundary interval, achieved a relatively high species diversity and wide paleogeographic distribution in pericratonic seas during the early Katian; the subequatorial species attained a notably larger shell than those in the higher paleotropics. The genus did not invade the intracratonic basins of Laurentia and became extinct by the late Katian.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Research on effects of key weather stimuli influencing waterfowl migration during autumn and winter is limited. We investigated relationships between changes in relative abundances of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and other dabbling ducks (Anas spp.) and weather variables at midlatitude locations in North America. We used waterfowl survey data from Missouri Conservation Areas and temperature and snow cover data from the Historical Climatology Network to evaluate competing models to explain changes in relative abundance of ducks in Missouri, USA, during autumn-winter, 1995–2005. We found that a cumulative weather severity index model (CumulativeWSI; calculated as mean daily temp - degrees C + no. of consecutive days with mean temp ≤ 0° C + snow depth + no. of consecutive days with snow cover) had the greatest weight of evidence in explaining changes in relative abundance of ducks. We concluded the CumulativeWSI reflected current and cumulative effects of ambient temperatures on energy expenditure by ducks, and snow cover and wetland icing, on food availability for ducks. The CumulativeWSI may be useful in determining potential changes in autumn-winter distributions of North American waterfowl given different climate change projections and associated changes in habitat conservation needs. Future investigations should address interactions between CumulativeWSI and landscape habitat quality, regional waterfowl populations, hunter harvest, and other anthropogenic influences to increase understanding of waterfowl migration during autumn-winter.  相似文献   

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