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Quantifying the concentration and purity of a target protein is essential for high‐throughput protein expression test and rapid screening of highly soluble proteins. However, conventional methods such as PAGE and dot blot assay generally involve multiple time‐consuming tasks requiring hours or do not allow instant quantification. Here, we demonstrate a new method based on the Photoactive yellow protein turn Off/On Label (POOL) system that can instantly quantify the concentration and purity of a target protein. The main idea of POOL is to use Photoactive Yellow Protein (PYP), or its miniaturized version, as a fusion partner of the target protein. The characteristic blue light absorption and the consequent yellow color of PYP is absent when initially expressed without its chromophore, but can be turned on by binding its chromophore, p‐coumaric acid. The appearance of yellow color upon adding a precursor of chromophore to the co‐expressed PYP can be used to check the expression amount of the target protein via visual inspection within a few seconds as well as to quantify its concentration and purity with the aid of a spectrometer within a few minutes. The concentrations measured by the POOL method, which usually takes a few minutes, show excellent agreement with those by the BCA Kit, which usually takes ~1 h. We demonstrate the applicability of POOL in E. coli, insect, and mammalian cells, and for high‐throughput protein expression screening.  相似文献   

Locating optimal protein precipitation conditions for complex biological feed materials is problematic. This article describes the application of a series of high‐throughput platforms for the rapid identification and selection of conditions for the precipitation of an IgG4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) from a complex feedstock using only microliter quantities of material. The approach uses 96‐microwell filter plates combined with high‐throughput analytical methods and a method for well volume determination for product quantification. The low material, time and resource requirements facilitated the use of a full factorial Design of Experiments (DoE) for the rapid investigation into how critical parameters impact the IgG4 precipitation. To aid the DoE, a set of preliminary range‐finding studies were conducted first. Data collected through this approach describing Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) precipitation of the IgG4 as a function of mAb concentration, precipitant concentration, and pH are presented. Response surface diagrams were used to explore interactions between parameters and to inform selection of the most favorable conditions for maximum yield and purification. PEG concentrations required for maximum yield and purity were dependant on the IgG4 concentration; however, concentrations of 14 to 20% w/v, pH 6.5, gave optimal levels of yield and purity. Application of the high‐throughput approach enabled 1,155 conditions to be examined with less than 1 g of material. The level of insights gained over such a short time frame is indicative of the power of microwell experimentation in allowing the rapid identification of appropriate processing conditions for key bioprocess operations. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) have been extensively utilized as the production platform for therapeutic proteins including monoclonal antibodies in pharmaceutical industry. For early development, it would be advantageous to rapidly produce large amounts of protein in the same cell line; therefore, development of a CHO transient transfection platform with high protein expression level is highly desirable. Here, we describe the development of such a platform in CHO cells. Polyethylenimine (PEI) was used as the transfection reagent. Different media were screened for the best transfection and expression performance, and UltraCHO was chosen as the best performer. DMSO and lithium acetate (LiAc) were discovered to improve CHO transient transfection expression levels significantly. A 14‐day fed‐batch process was successfully developed to further increase production yield. With an optimized transient transfection process, we were able to express monoclonal antibody (Mab) in CHO cells at a high level, averaging 80 mg/L. The process was successfully scaled up to 10 L working volume in a 20 L wave bioreactor. As expected, the Mabs had similar glycosylation patterns in comparison to the Mabs produced from a stably transfected CHO cell line, while in contrast Mabs expressed transiently from HEK293EBNA cells differed. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 542–551. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With an increased number of applications in the field of the avidin‐biotin technology, the resulting demand for highly‐purified protein avidin has drawn our attention to the purification process of avidin that naturally occurs in chicken egg white. The high‐throughput process development (HTPD) methodology was exploited, in order to evaluate purification process alternatives to commonly used ion‐exchange chromatography. In a high‐throughput format, process parameters for aqueous two‐phase extraction, selective precipitation with salts and polyethylene glycol, and hydrophobic interaction and mixed‐mode column chromatography experiments were performed. The HTPD strategy was complemented by a high‐throughput tandem high‐performance liquid chromatography assay for protein quantification. Suitable conditions for the separation of avidin from the major impurities ovalbumin, ovomucoid, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme were identified in the screening experiments. By combination of polyethylene glycol precipitation with subsequent resolubilization and separation in a polyethylene glycol/sulfate/sodium chloride two‐phase system an avidin purity of 77% was obtained with a yield >90% while at the same time achieving a significant reduction of the process volume. The two‐phase extraction and precipitation results were largely confirmed in larger scale with scale‐up factors of 230 and 133, respectively. Seamless processing of the avidin enriched bottom phase was found feasible by using mixed‐mode chromatography. By gradient elution a final avidin purity of at least 97% and yield >90% was obtained in the elution pool. The presented identification of a new and beneficial alternative for the purification of the high value protein thus represents a successful implementation of HTPD for an industrially relevant purification task. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:957–973, 2015  相似文献   

Rice is an important global crop and represents a vital source of calories for many food insecure regions. Efforts to improve this crop by improving yield, nutritional content, stress tolerance, or resilience to climate change are certain to include biotechnological approaches, which rely on the expression of transgenes in planta. The throughput and cost of currently available transgenic expression systems is frequently incompatible with modern, high‐throughput molecular cloning methods. Here, we present a protocol for isolating high yields of green rice protoplasts and for PEG‐mediated transformation of isolated protoplasts. Factors affecting transformation efficiency were investigated, and the resulting protocol is fast, cheap, robust, high‐throughput, and does not require specialist equipment. When coupled to a high‐throughput modular cloning system such as Golden Gate, this transient expression system provides a valuable resource to help break the “design‐build‐test” bottleneck by permitting the rapid screening of large numbers of transgenic expression cassettes prior to stable plant transformation. We used this system to rapidly assess the expression level, subcellular localisation, and protein aggregation pattern of nine single‐gene expression cassettes, which represent the essential component parts of the β‐cyanobacterial carboxysome.  相似文献   

With increasing timeline pressures to get therapeutic and vaccine candidates into the clinic, resource intensive approaches such as the use of shake flasks and bench‐top bioreactors may limit the design space for experimentation to yield highly productive processes. The need to conduct large numbers of experiments has resulted in the use of miniaturized high‐throughput (HT) technology for process development. One such high‐throughput system is the SimCell? platform, a robotically driven, cell culture bioreactor system developed by BioProcessors Corp. This study describes the use of the SimCell? micro‐bioreactor technology for fed‐batch cultivation of a GS‐CHO transfectant expressing a model IgG4 monoclonal antibody. Cultivations were conducted in gas‐permeable chambers based on a micro‐fluidic design, with six micro‐bioreactors (MBs) per micro‐bioreactor array (MBA). Online, non‐invasive measurement of total cell density, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) was performed. One hundred fourteen parallel MBs (19 MBAs) were employed to examine process reproducibility and scalability at shake flask, 3‐ and 100‐L bioreactor scales. The results of the study demonstrate that the SimCell? platform operated under fed‐batch conditions could support viable cell concentrations up to least 12 × 106 cells/mL. In addition, both intra‐MB (MB to MB) as well as intra‐MBA (MBA to MBA) culture performance was found to be highly reproducible. The intra‐MB and ‐MBA variability was calculated for each measurement as the coefficient of variation defined as CV (%) = (standard deviation/mean) × 100. The % CV values for most intra‐MB and intra‐MBA measurements were generally under 10% and the intra‐MBA values were slightly lower than those for intra‐MB. Cell growth, process parameters, metabolic and protein titer profiles were also compared to those from shake flask, bench‐top, and pilot scale bioreactor cultivations and found to be within ±20% of the historical averages. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 106: 57–67. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An efficient rapid protein expression system is crucial to support early drug development. Transient gene expression is an effective route, and to facilitate the use of the same host cells as for subsequent stable cell line development, we have created a high‐yielding Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) transient expression system. Suspension‐adapted CHO‐K1 host cells were engineered to express the gene encoding Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen‐1 (EBNA‐1) with and without the coexpression of the gene for glutamine synthetase (GS). Analysis of the transfectants indicated that coexpression of EBNA‐1 and GS enhanced transient expression of a recombinant antibody from a plasmid carrying an OriP DNA element compared to EBNA‐1‐only transfectants. This was confirmed with the retransfection of an EBNA‐1‐only cell line with a GS gene. The retransfected cell lines showed an increase in transient expression when compared with that of the EBNA‐1‐only parent. The transient expression process for the best CHO transient cell line was further developed to enhance protein expression and improve scalability by optimizing the transfection conditions and the cell culture process. This resulted in a scalable CHO transient expression system that is capable of expressing 2 g/L of recombinant proteins such as antibodies. This system can now rapidly provide gram amounts of recombinant antibody to supply preclinical development studies that has comparable product quality to antibody produced from a stably transfected CHO cell line. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:132–141, 2014  相似文献   

Product quality analyses are critical for developing cell line and bioprocess producing therapeutic proteins with desired critical product quality attributes. To facilitate these analyses, a high‐throughput small‐scale protein purification (SSP) is required to quickly purify many samples in parallel. Here we develop an SSP using ion exchange resins to purify a positively charged recombinant growth factor P1 in the presence of negatively charged dextran sulfate supplemented to improve the cell culture performance. The major challenge in this work is that the strong ionic interaction between P1 and dextran sulfate disrupts interaction between P1 and chromatography resins. To solve this problem, we develop a two‐step SSP using Q Sepharose Fast Flow (QFF) and SP Sepharose XL (SPXL) resins to purify P1. The overall yield of this two‐step SSP is 78%. Moreover, the SSP does not affect the critical product quality attributes. The SSP was critical for developing the cell line and process producing P1. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:516–520, 2014  相似文献   

The emergence of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies has created a need for faster and more efficient bioprocess development strategies in order to meet timeline and material demands. In this work, a high‐throughput process development (HTPD) strategy implementing several high‐throughput chromatography purification techniques is described. Namely, batch incubations are used to scout feasible operating conditions, miniature columns are then used to determine separation of impurities, and, finally, a limited number of lab scale columns are tested to confirm the conditions identified using high‐throughput techniques and to provide a path toward large scale processing. This multistep approach builds upon previous HTPD work by combining, in a unique sequential fashion, the flexibility and throughput of batch incubations with the increased separation characteristics for the packed bed format of miniature columns. Additionally, in order to assess the applicability of using miniature columns in this workflow, transport considerations were compared with traditional lab scale columns, and performances were mapped for the two techniques. The high‐throughput strategy was utilized to determine optimal operating conditions with two different types of resins for a difficult separation of a mAb monomer from aggregates. Other more detailed prediction models are cited, but the intent of this work was to use high‐throughput strategies as a general guide for scaling and assessing operating space rather than as a precise model to exactly predict performance. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:626–635, 2014  相似文献   

High cell densities for transient transfection with polyethyleneimine (PEI) can be used for rapid and maximal production of recombinant proteins. High cell densities can be obtained by different cultivation systems, such as batch or perfusion systems. Herein, densities up to 18 million cells/mL were obtained by centrifugation for transfection evaluation. PEI transfection efficiency was easily determined by transfected enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) reporter plasmid DNA (pDNA). A linear correlation between fluorescence intensity and transfection efficiency was improved. The transfection efficiency of PEI was highly dependent on the transfection conditions and directly related to the level of recombinant protein. Several factors were required to optimize the transient transfection process; these factors included the media type (which is compatible with low or high cell density transfection), the preculture CHO‐K1 suspension cell density, and the pDNA to PEI level. Based on design of experiment (DoE) analyses, the optimal transfection conditions for 10 × 106 cells/mL in the CHOMACS CD medium achieved 73% transfection efficiency and a cell viability of over 80%. These results were confirmed for the production of transforming growth factor‐beta 1 (TGF‐β1) in a shake flask. The purified TGF‐β1 protein concentration from 60 mL supernatant was 27 µg/mL, and the protein was biologically active.  相似文献   

A robotic high‐throughput displacer screen was developed and employed to identify chemically selective displacers for several protein pairs in cation exchange chromatography. This automated screen enabled the evaluation of a wide range of experimental conditions in a relatively short period of time. Displacers were evaluated at multiple concentrations for these protein pairs, and DC‐50 plots were constructed. Selectivity pathway plots were also constructed and different regimes were established for selective and exclusive separations. Importantly, selective displacement was found to be conserved for multiple protein pairs, demonstrating the technique to be applicable for a range of protein systems. Although chemically selective displacers were able to separate protein pairs that had similar retention in ion exchange but different surface hydrophobicities, they were not able to distinguish protein pairs with similar surface hydrophobicities. This corroborates that displacer‐protein hydrophobic interactions play an important role for this class of selective displacers. Important functional group moieties were established and efficient displacers were identified. These results demonstrate that the design of chemically selective displacers requires a delicate balance between the abilities to displace proteins from the resin and to bind to a selected protein. The use of robotic screening of displacers will enable the extension of chemically selective displacement chromatography beyond hydrophobic displacer‐protein interactions to other secondary interactions and more selective displacement systems. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

A high‐throughput DoE approach performed in a 96‐deepwell plate system was used to explore the impact of media and feed components on main quality attributes of a monoclonal antibody. Six CHO‐S derived clonal cell lines expressing the same monoclonal antibody were tested in two different cell culture media with six components added at three different levels. The resulting 384 culture conditions including controls were simultaneously tested in fed‐batch conditions, and process performance such as viable cell density, viability, and product titer were monitored. At the end of the culture, supernatants from each condition were purified and the product was analyzed for N‐glycan profiles, charge variant distribution, aggregates, and low molecular weight forms. The screening described here provided highly valuable insights into the factors and combination of factors that can be used to modulate the quality attributes of a molecule. The approach also revealed specific intrinsic differences of the selected clonal cell lines ‐ some cell lines were very responsive in terms of changes in performance or quality attributes, whereas others were less affected by the factors tested in this study. Moreover, it indicated to what extent the attributes can be impacted within the selected experimental design space. The outcome correlated well with confirmations performed in larger cell culture volumes such as small‐scale bioreactors. Being fast and resource effective, this integrated high‐throughput approach can provide information which is particularly useful during early stage cell culture development. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:571–583, 2014  相似文献   

Gene editing techniques are becoming powerful tools for modifying target genes in organisms. Although several methods have been developed to detect gene‐edited organisms, these techniques are time and labour intensive. Meanwhile, few studies have investigated high‐throughput detection and screening strategies for plants modified by gene editing. In this study, we developed a simple, sensitive and high‐throughput quantitative real‐time (qPCR)‐based method. The qPCR‐based method exploits two differently labelled probes that are placed within one amplicon at the gene editing target site to simultaneously detect the wild‐type and a gene‐edited mutant. We showed that the qPCR‐based method can accurately distinguish CRISPR/Cas9‐induced mutants from the wild‐type in several different plant species, such as Oryza sativa, Arabidopsis thaliana, Sorghum bicolor, and Zea mays. Moreover, the method can subsequently determine the mutation type by direct sequencing of the qPCR products of mutations due to gene editing. The qPCR‐based method is also sufficiently sensitive to distinguish between heterozygous and homozygous mutations in T0 transgenic plants. In a 384‐well plate format, the method enabled the simultaneous analysis of up to 128 samples in three replicates without handling the post‐polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Thus, we propose that our method is an ideal choice for screening plants modified by gene editing from many candidates in T0 transgenic plants, which will be widely used in the area of plant gene editing.  相似文献   

用鸡β- globin的MAR序列和人看家基因延伸因子1α(hEF-1α)的调控序列以及旱獭RNA稳定与输出序列,构建了重组人尿激酶原(recombinant human pro-urokinase,rhPro - UK)的高效表达载体,在CHO细胞中获得了rhPro - UK的高效稳定表达,rhPro - UK的表达水平达到1299 IU(以百万细胞1d的表达量计).采用阳离子交换层析、疏水层析和凝胶排阻层析的三步工艺纯化表达rhPro - UK的CHO细胞培养上清液,rhPro - UK的纯度达到98%、回收率为60% ~70%.  相似文献   

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