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记一新的无颌类化石兼论多鳃鱼类的分类地位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述了云南宜良早泥盆世一新的无颌类化石,高棘四营鱼,新属、新种 (Siyingiu altuspinosa gen.et sp.nov)。在讨论中主要涉及鼻垂体凹的构造和多鳃鱼类的分类地位。笔者认为,多鳃鱼类和盔甲鱼类的鼻垂体孔位于鼻垂体凹的软骨成分中,它没有吸水的功能,只具感觉的功能。多鳃鱼目不应置于鳍甲鱼纲,而应放在头甲鱼纲的盔甲鱼亚纲中。在盔甲鱼亚纲中,南盘鱼不是接近于盔甲鱼目而是接近于多鳃鱼目。  相似文献   

滇东北昭通早泥盆世盔甲鱼类一新属种   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
本文记述了在滇东北昭通早泥盆世Pragian期坡松冲组中发现的盔甲鱼类一新属种,让氏昭通鱼(Zhaotongaspisjanvierigen.etsp.nov.),该属至少具有31对鳃穴,这是迄今为止记述过无颌类中的最高数目。基于昭通标本,建立了盔甲鱼类一新科,昭通鱼科(Zhao-tongaspidae),该科隶属于多鳃鱼目。箭甲鱼属(Antiquisagittaspis)是新科的可能成员。文章认为,昭通鱼科与都匀鱼科(Duyunaspidae)有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

盔甲鱼亚纲(无颌类)的系统发育关系   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
基于对53个形态学特征的讨论,首次开展了无颌类儒甲鱼亚纲的简约性分析,获得了3 个最简约的分支图,其步长为126,一致性指数为0.508,保留指数为0.801。在此基础上,修订了盔甲鱼亚纲的分类。研究结果表明,志留纪兰多维列世至温洛克世的汉阳鱼类、修水鱼类和大庸鱼类属于盔甲鱼亚纲的基干类群。在其余盔甲鱼类中,识别出3个大的单系类群, 分别是真盔甲鱼目、多鳃鱼目和华南鱼目。在盔甲鱼亚纲中,头甲背窗的起源至少发生了两次,一次在多鳃鱼目支系中,另一次在华南鱼目支系中。基于背窗特征而建立的大窗鱼类并不是一个单系类群。盔甲鱼类的年代分布指示该类群的两次辐射演化,分别是兰多维列世特列奇期基干盔甲鱼类和真盔甲鱼目的辐射演化,和早泥盆世洛霍考夫期多鳃鱼目和华南鱼目的辐射演化。  相似文献   

主要采用形态学与比较解剖学的方法,对采自云南曲靖地区下泥盆统西山村组中的1件盔甲鱼类标本进行了详细的形态学研究,建立了多鳃鱼类四营鱼属1新种:宽棘四营鱼(Siyingia perlatuspinosa sp.nov.),并据此修订了四营鱼属的特征。在此基础上,应用分支系统学对多鳃鱼类属一级的系统发育关系进行了重新分析与探讨,确定了四营鱼在多鳃鱼类中的系统发育位置。系统发育分析结果显示,四营鱼(Siyingia)与多鳃鱼(Polybranchiaspis)亲缘关系最近,二者形成了一个单系类群,与宽甲鱼(Laxaspis)+坝鱼(Damaspis)组成的单系类群互为姊妹群。宽棘四营鱼的发现不仅拓宽了四营鱼在华南的时空分布范围,而且丰富了多鳃鱼类的多样性,并为多鳃鱼类的深入研究提供了可靠的化石新证据。  相似文献   

描述了云南曲靖早泥盆世西山村组盔甲鱼类(无颌类)的新发现,包括一新属、新种——惠清驼背鱼(Altigibbaspis huiqingae gen.et sp.nov.),一件属种未定的多鳃鱼科标本,以及张氏真盔甲鱼(Eugaleaspis changi)和小眼南盘鱼(Nanpanaspis microculus)的新材料。驼背鱼在很多方面与多鳃鱼都非常相似,但头甲背面具一特征性的驼背状隆起,其上有一刀刃状的中背脊。中背脊和中背棘在盔甲鱼类里的形态分异度表明,它们除了能够提供游泳方向稳定性外,可能还衍生出了一些附加的功能,例如直立高耸的中背棘能使盔甲鱼在捕食者眼里具有了恐吓性,刀刃状的中背脊可能也起到一些防御的作用。南盘鱼头甲侧缘具有两对非常奇特的侧向延伸的突起;通过对这两对侧突同源性的比较,讨论了南盘鱼的潜在系统分类位置。鉴于南盘鱼奇特的形态,以及它在华南鱼目中相对较早的出现时代,建议暂时把南盘鱼放到一个单属科南盘鱼科,代表了华南鱼目早期分出来的一个支系。  相似文献   

基于在云南曲靖西山村组两个不同产地发现的新材料,对最大的真盔甲鱼类漫游憨鱼(Nochelaspis maeandrine)进行了再描述。憨鱼属(Nochelaspis)与同一层位产出的云南盔甲鱼属(Yunnanogaleaspis)最为相似,但与后者明显不同的是,憨鱼属具有裂隙形的中背孔(长与宽之比大于6),更强壮的内角,粗大的星状纹饰,以及具锯齿的中背孔和头甲边缘。漫游憨鱼的新材料提供了头甲腹面的关键形态学信息:口鳃窗被一个大的外骨骼腹片覆盖,该腹片上装饰着致密细小的瘤点,边缘排列有6对独立的圆形大鳃孔,这些鳃孔由腹片和腹环共同形成。盔甲鱼类的这种情况明显不同于骨甲鱼类,后者的口鳃窗被许多小嵌片或大一些的膜质小骨片覆盖,鳃孔呈裂隙状,并被小皮瓣覆盖,类似于现生的板鳃类。盔甲鱼类和骨甲鱼类的鳃孔与现生的鳐类一样,都开口于腹面,指示它们均为底栖鱼类,生活在具泥沙质基底的安静滨海环境中。  相似文献   

记真盔甲鱼类两新属——兼论真盔甲鱼类系统发育关系   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
本文记述了早泥盆世真盔甲鱼类两新属:憨鱼属(Nochelaspis)和翼角鱼属(Pterogonaspis).真盔甲鱼类是盔甲鱼类的一个单系类群,现有七属十二种,文中运用分支系统学原理对其系统发育关系进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

记述了云南曲靖地区早泥盆世洛霍考夫期华南鱼类一新属———王冠鱼(Stephaspis gen.nov.)。新属发现于西山村组下部致密坚硬的石英砂岩中,其主要特征是:个体较大的华南鱼类,头甲呈长盾形,后缘向后凸出;角发育,侧向延伸,末端向头甲后侧方自然倾斜,内角不发育;具吻突,但不甚发育;中背孔较大,呈纵向椭圆形,前端稍尖,后端圆钝;眶孔较小,圆形,背位;头甲背面具一对背窗,呈狭长椭圆形,靠近头甲侧缘;感觉管系统不甚发育,仅见后眶上管、侧背管、侧横管及背联络管,后眶上管呈V字形;纹饰为细小的粒状瘤点。新属不仅是华南鱼类在西山村组的首次发现,也指示了目前华南鱼类出现的最低层位,为探讨华南鱼类的起源与早期辐射提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

多鳃鱼类一新属及该类鱼感觉沟系统的变异   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文记述了云南曲靖早泥盆世翠峰山组西山村段多鳃鱼类一新属种,变异坝鱼(Damaspis vartus gen.et sp.nov.)文中讨论了多鳃鱼类头甲背部感觉沟系统的基本模式,它的变化和变异。从这个基本模式出发笔者认为三岔鱼科和多鳃鱼科有许多重要的特征相近,似乎应把三岔鱼科和多鳃鱼科隶属于同一个高一级的分类单元即多鳃鱼目,而不应把三岔鱼科置于“华南鱼目”。“华南鱼目”是根据了解还不多的华南鱼属建立的,有些勉强,建议暂不采用。文中首次指出多鳃鱼类的感觉沟系统存在变异现象并认为在确立新类型时,变异是应该考虑的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

记述了云南曲靖潇湘区关底组(志留系罗德洛统)真盔甲鱼类一新属、新种——长孔盾鱼(Dunyu longiforus gen.et sp.nov.),丰富了以梦幻鬼鱼为代表的潇湘脊椎动物群的组成。该新属具真盔甲鱼科的鉴别特征:后眶上管和中背管二者连续过渡,后端两侧辏合呈"U"字形,侧背管仅发出3条侧横管。新属内角缺如,这一特征过去在真盔甲鱼科中仅见于真盔甲鱼属。新属区别于真盔甲鱼属的主要特征有:角向后方延伸,呈棘状或叶状;头甲最宽处位于角末端之前,宽长比小于1.1;中背孔末端超越眶孔后缘连线。基于对秀山真盔甲鱼头甲标本的重新观察,将秀山真盔甲鱼归入盾鱼属。新种区别于秀山盾鱼(Dunyu xiushanensis)的特征有:个体较大,头甲长大于宽;角呈棘状;眶孔位置相对靠前,头甲眶前区与眶后区的长度之比小于0.75;多边形崮状瘤点,较大,长可超过2mm。  相似文献   

Agroinfiltration and PVX agroinfection are two efficient transient expression assays for functional analysis of candidate genes in plants. The most commonly used agent for agroinfiltration is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a pathogen of many dicot plant species. This implies that agroinfiltration can be applied to many plant species. Here, we present our protocols and expected results when applying these methods to the potato (Solanum tuberosum), its related wild tuber-bearing Solanum species (Solanum section Petota) and the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. In addition to functional analysis of single genes, such as resistance (R) or avirulence (Avr) genes, the agroinfiltration assay is very suitable for recapitulating the R-AVR interactions associated with specific host pathogen interactions by simply delivering R and Avr transgenes into the same cell. However, some plant genotypes can raise nonspecific defense responses to Agrobacterium, as we observed for example for several potato genotypes. Compared to agroinfiltration, detection of AVR activity with PVX agroinfection is more sensitive, more high-throughput in functional screens and less sensitive to nonspecific defense responses to Agrobacterium. However, nonspecific defense to PVX can occur and there is a risk to miss responses due to virus-induced extreme resistance. Despite such limitations, in our experience, agroinfiltration and PVX agroinfection are both suitable and complementary assays that can be used simultaneously to confirm each other''s results.  相似文献   

Background Plants are hotbeds for parasites such as arthropod herbivores, which acquire nutrients and energy from their hosts in order to grow and reproduce. Hence plants are selected to evolve resistance, which in turn selects for herbivores that can cope with this resistance. To preserve their fitness when attacked by herbivores, plants can employ complex strategies that include reallocation of resources and the production of defensive metabolites and structures. Plant defences can be either prefabricated or be produced only upon attack. Those that are ready-made are referred to as constitutive defences. Some constitutive defences are operational at any time while others require activation. Defences produced only when herbivores are present are referred to as induced defences. These can be established via de novo biosynthesis of defensive substances or via modifications of prefabricated substances and consequently these are active only when needed. Inducibility of defence may serve to save energy and to prevent self-intoxication but also implies that there is a delay in these defences becoming operational. Induced defences can be characterized by alterations in plant morphology and molecular chemistry and are associated with a decrease in herbivore performance. These alterations are set in motion by signals generated by herbivores. Finally, a subset of induced metabolites are released into the air as volatiles and function as a beacon for foraging natural enemies searching for prey, and this is referred to as induced indirect defence.Scope The objective of this review is to evaluate (1) which strategies plants have evolved to cope with herbivores and (2) which traits herbivores have evolved that enable them to counter these defences. The primary focus is on the induction and suppression of plant defences and the review outlines how the palette of traits that determine induction/suppression of, and resistance/susceptibility of herbivores to, plant defences can give rise to exploitative competition and facilitation within ecological communities “inhabiting” a plant.Conclusions Herbivores have evolved diverse strategies, which are not mutually exclusive, to decrease the negative effects of plant defences in order to maximize the conversion of plant material into offspring. Numerous adaptations have been found in herbivores, enabling them to dismantle or bypass defensive barriers, to avoid tissues with relatively high levels of defensive chemicals or to metabolize these chemicals once ingested. In addition, some herbivores interfere with the onset or completion of induced plant defences, resulting in the plant’s resistance being partly or fully suppressed. The ability to suppress induced plant defences appears to occur across plant parasites from different kingdoms, including herbivorous arthropods, and there is remarkable diversity in suppression mechanisms. Suppression may strongly affect the structure of the food web, because the ability to suppress the activation of defences of a communal host may facilitate competitors, whereas the ability of a herbivore to cope with activated plant defences will not. Further characterization of the mechanisms and traits that give rise to suppression of plant defences will enable us to determine their role in shaping direct and indirect interactions in food webs and the extent to which these determine the coexistence and persistence of species.  相似文献   

目的:研究红花水提取液对系统性硬皮病(SSc)模型小鼠的防治作用及相关机制研究。方法:60只 BALB /C小鼠随机分为对照组、模型组、强的松组、红花低、中、高剂量组,每组10只。对照组背部注射生理盐水,其余5组均背部皮下注射100 μl浓度为 200 μg /ml的注射用盐酸博来霉素,每天1次,连续注射28 d,制备SSc模型;造模同时对照组和模型组给予生理盐水10 ml/kg灌胃,强的松组给予强的松溶液4.5 mg/kg (10 ml/kg)灌胃,红花低、中、高剂量组分别给予红花1.5、3、6 g/kg (10 ml/kg)灌胃,各组均连续灌胃28 d。给药28 d后,取各组小鼠背部注射博来霉素区皮肤组织切片测量真皮厚度,采用水解法检测皮肤组织羟脯氨酸(HYP)含量;采用ELISA法检测皮肤组织结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)、转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)含量及血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)水平。结果:与对照组比较,模型组皮肤真皮厚度,皮肤组织CTGF、TGF-β、HYP含量及血清 IL-6、IL-17 水平明显升高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,强的松组、红花低、中、高剂量组皮肤真皮厚度,皮肤组织 CTGF、TGF-β、HYP含量及血清 IL-6、IL-17水平明显降低(P<0.05)。结论:红花水提取液可改善SSc小鼠皮肤状况(或真皮厚度),其作用机制可能与减轻免疫炎症反应有关。  相似文献   



Plants in over one hundred families in habitats worldwide bear extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). EFNs display a remarkable diversity of evolutionary origins, as well as diverse morphology and location on the plant. They secrete extrafloral nectar, a carbohydrate-rich food that attracts ants and other arthropods, many of which protect the plant in return. By fostering ecologically important protective mutualisms, EFNs play a significant role in structuring both plant and animal communities. And yet researchers are only now beginning to appreciate their importance and the range of ecological, evolutionary and morphological diversity that EFNs exhibit.


This Highlight features a series of papers that illustrate some of the newest directions in the study of EFNs. Here, we introduce this set of papers by providing an overview of current understanding and new insights on EFN diversity, ecology and evolution. We highlight major gaps in our current knowledge, and outline future research directions.


Our understanding of the roles EFNs play in plant biology is being revolutionized with the use of new tools from developmental biology and genomics, new modes of analysis allowing hypothesis-testing in large-scale phylogenetic frameworks, and new levels of inquiry extending to community-scale interaction networks. But many central questions remain unanswered; indeed, many have not yet been asked. Thus, the EFN puzzle remains an intriguing challenge for the future.  相似文献   

The cellular factors involved in mRNA degradation and translation repression can aggregate into cytoplasmic domains known as GW bodies or mRNA processing bodies (P-bodies). However, current understanding of P-bodies, especially the regulatory aspect, remains relatively fragmentary. To provide a framework for studying the mechanisms and regulation of P-body formation, maintenance, and disassembly, we compiled a list of P-body proteins found in various species and further grouped both reported and predicted human P-body proteins according to their functions. By analyzing protein-protein interactions of human P-body components, we found that many P-body proteins form complex interaction networks with each other and with other cellular proteins that are not recognized as P-body components. The observation suggests that these other cellular proteins may play important roles in regulating P-body dynamics and functions. We further used siRNA-mediated gene knockdown and immunofluorescence microscopy to demonstrate the validity of our in silico analyses. Our combined approach identifies new P-body components and suggests that protein ubiquitination and protein phosphorylation involving 14-3-3 proteins may play critical roles for post-translational modifications of P-body components in regulating P-body dynamics. Our analyses provide not only a global view of human P-body components and their physical interactions but also a wealth of hypotheses to help guide future research on the regulation and function of human P-bodies.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Fourcaud T  Jaeger M  Zhang X  Li B 《Annals of botany》2011,107(5):723-727
Over the last decade, a growing number of scientists around the world have invested in research on plant growth and architectural modelling and applications (often abbreviated to plant modelling and applications, PMA). By combining physical and biological processes, spatially explicit models have shown their ability to help in understanding plant–environment interactions. This Special Issue on plant growth modelling presents new information within this topic, which are summarized in this preface. Research results for a variety of plant species growing in the field, in greenhouses and in natural environments are presented. Various models and simulation platforms are developed in this field of research, opening new features to a wider community of researchers and end users. New modelling technologies relating to the structure and function of plant shoots and root systems are explored from the cellular to the whole-plant and plant-community levels.  相似文献   

Chemostats are continuous culture systems in which cells are grown in a tightly controlled, chemically constant environment where culture density is constrained by limiting specific nutrients.1,2 Data from chemostats are highly reproducible for the measurement of quantitative phenotypes as they provide a constant growth rate and environment at steady state. For these reasons, chemostats have become useful tools for fine-scale characterization of physiology through analysis of gene expression3-6 and other characteristics of cultures at steady-state equilibrium.7 Long-term experiments in chemostats can highlight specific trajectories that microbial populations adopt during adaptive evolution in a controlled environment. In fact, chemostats have been used for experimental evolution since their invention.8 A common result in evolution experiments is for each biological replicate to acquire a unique repertoire of mutations.9-13 This diversity suggests that there is much left to be discovered by performing evolution experiments with far greater throughput. We present here the design and operation of a relatively simple, low cost array of miniature chemostats—or ministats—and validate their use in determination of physiology and in evolution experiments with yeast. This approach entails growth of tens of chemostats run off a single multiplexed peristaltic pump. The cultures are maintained at a 20 ml working volume, which is practical for a variety of applications. It is our hope that increasing throughput, decreasing expense, and providing detailed building and operation instructions may also motivate research and industrial application of this design as a general platform for functionally characterizing large numbers of strains, species, and growth parameters, as well as genetic or drug libraries.  相似文献   

S-Adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet or SAM)-dependent methyltransferases (MTase) catalyze the transfer of the activated methyl group from AdoMet to specific positions in DNA, RNA, proteins and small biomolecules. This natural methylation reaction can be expanded to a wide variety of alkylation reactions using synthetic cofactor analogues. Replacement of the reactive sulfonium center of AdoMet with an aziridine ring leads to cofactors which can be coupled with DNA by various DNA MTases. These aziridine cofactors can be equipped with reporter groups at different positions of the adenine moiety and used for Sequence-specific Methyltransferase-Induced Labeling of DNA (SMILing DNA). As a typical example we give a protocol for biotinylation of pBR322 plasmid DNA at the 5’-ATCGAT-3’ sequence with the DNA MTase M.BseCI and the aziridine cofactor 6BAz in one step. Extension of the activated methyl group with unsaturated alkyl groups results in another class of AdoMet analogues which are used for methyltransferase-directed Transfer of Activated Groups (mTAG). Since the extended side chains are activated by the sulfonium center and the unsaturated bond, these cofactors are called double-activated AdoMet analogues. These analogues not only function as cofactors for DNA MTases, like the aziridine cofactors, but also for RNA, protein and small molecule MTases. They are typically used for enzymatic modification of MTase substrates with unique functional groups which are labeled with reporter groups in a second chemical step. This is exemplified in a protocol for fluorescence labeling of histone H3 protein. A small propargyl group is transferred from the cofactor analogue SeAdoYn to the protein by the histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) MTase Set7/9 followed by click labeling of the alkynylated histone H3 with TAMRA azide. MTase-mediated labeling with cofactor analogues is an enabling technology for many exciting applications including identification and functional study of MTase substrates as well as DNA genotyping and methylation detection.  相似文献   

Background Peroxisomes are highly dynamic, metabolically active organelles that used to be regarded as a sink for H2O2 generated in different organelles. However, peroxisomes are now considered to have a more complex function, containing different metabolic pathways, and they are an important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Over-accumulation of ROS and RNS can give rise oxidative and nitrosative stress, but when produced at low concentrations they can act as signalling molecules.Scope This review focuses on the production of ROS and RNS in peroxisomes and their regulation by antioxidants. ROS production is associated with metabolic pathways such as photorespiration and fatty acid β-oxidation, and disturbances in any of these processes can be perceived by the cell as an alarm that triggers defence responses. Genetic and pharmacological studies have shown that photorespiratory H2O2 can affect nuclear gene expression, regulating the response to pathogen infection and light intensity. Proteomic studies have shown that peroxisomal proteins are targets for oxidative modification, S-nitrosylation and nitration and have highlighted the importance of these modifications in regulating peroxisomal metabolism and signalling networks. The morphology, size, number and speed of movement of peroxisomes can also change in response to oxidative stress, meaning that an ROS/redox receptor is required. Information available on the production and detection of NO/RNS in peroxisomes is more limited. Peroxisomal homeostasis is critical for maintaining the cellular redox balance and is regulated by ROS, peroxisomal proteases and autophagic processes.Conclusions Peroxisomes play a key role in many aspects of plant development and acclimation to stress conditions. These organelles can sense ROS/redox changes in the cell and thus trigger rapid and specific responses to environmental cues involving changes in peroxisomal dynamics as well as ROS- and NO-dependent signalling networks, although the mechanisms involved have not yet been established. Peroxisomes can therefore be regarded as a highly important decision-making platform in the cell, where ROS and RNS play a determining role.  相似文献   

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