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Previous studies in insects demonstrated that leg coordination changes following complete ablation of distal limb segments. However, normal coordination was restored when small peg leg prostheses were attached to leg stumps to permit substrate contact. We have adapted this paradigm to preserve appropriate leg mass and inertia by severing all nerves and muscle tendons in the femur of the cockroach hind leg and converting the animals own limb into a peg leg. Recordings of muscle activities and leg movements before and after denervation showed that: (1) the peg leg is actively used in walking and regular bursts occur in motoneurons to leg extensor muscles; (2) driving of motoneuron activity is sufficient to produce fictive bursting in a muscle whose tendon (apodeme) is cut in the ablation; and (3) similar motoneuron activities are found in walking on an oiled glass surface, when the effects of body weight and mechanical coupling are minimized. When distal segments were completely severed in these preparations, leg use and muscle bursting were disrupted but could be restored if the stumps were pressed against the substrate. These results support the hypothesis that feedback from receptors in proximal leg segments indicating forces allows for active leg use in walking.  相似文献   

Williams  R. B. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):539-545
Three types of organ (acrorhagi and catch tentacles in sea anemones, and sweeper tentacles in corals) are described with regard to both morphology and aggressive function. Species known to possess such organs are listed. Research on the functions of these particular organs is reviewed and some exceptions to their usual behaviour patterns are highlighted. Further research on allogeneic recognition might shed more light on the phylogeny of anemones and corals.  相似文献   


Purpose:?Localized mechanical vibration, applied directly to a muscle, is known to have powerful, duration-dependent effects on the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Here, the conditioning of the function of the spindle reflex arc via vibration was examined with considerations for use as a non-invasive, sensorimotor research tool.

Methods:?Muscle spindle function was examined with patellar tendon taps prior to and following exposure to muscle vibration applied to the quadriceps femoris for acute (<5?s) and prolonged (20?min) durations. Surface electromyography (sEMG), torque, and accelerometry signals were obtained during the taps to quantify various measures of reflex magnitude and latency.

Results:?Our findings suggest that acute vibration had no effect on normalized reflex torque or sEMG amplitude (p?>?0.05), but increased total reflex latency (p?=?0.022). Alternatively, prolonged vibration reduced normalized reflex torque and sEMG amplitude (p?<?0.001), and increased reflex latency (p?<?0.001).

Conclusions:?Our findings support the use of prolonged vibration as a practical means to decrease the function of the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Overall, this suppressive effect was evident in the majority of subjects, but the extent was variable. This approach could potentially be used to help delineate the muscle spindle’s role in various sensory or motor tasks in which more direct measures are not feasible. Acute vibration, however, did not potentiate muscle spindle function as hypothesized. Rather, our results suggest that acute vibration increased total reflex latency. Accordingly, potential mechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Spine catch ligaments of a sea urchin Arbacia punctulata were extended under constant load. Ligaments from an undisturbed animal may show any extension rate from zero (catch state) to rapid extension to failure. Replacing the preparation bath with Ca2+- and Mg2+-free sea water reversibly abolishes the catch state. The fine structure of the outer muscle layer and inner ligament cone associated with the spine base is described. The unstriated paramyosin muscles bear thin flanges and form compact interlocking rows. Subsurface cisternae are associated with the plasma membrane. The muscles are innervated by glia-free axons ending in bulbous terminals containing lucent synaptic vesicles. The ligament comprises cylindrical bundles of collagen fibrils: one or more minute muscle fibers (paramyosin) lie parallel with and closely adjoining each bundle. The mean diameter of these muscles is 0.3 μg and they occupy 2–3 % of the ligament's cross-sectional area. Axons containing electronopaque secretory droplets accompany the muscles between the collagen bundles: the cell bodies of these neurones generally lie on the outer surface of the ligament. When an urchin points a spine, the ligament on the side of the contracting spine muscle shortens but does not buckle. A function of the intraligamental muscles is to effect this non-buckled shortening. The catch mechanism (which resides entirely within the ligament) may be due either to the intraligamental muscles and/or to a locked polymer mechanism in which matrix molecules between collagen fibrils are reversibly crosslinked by divalent cations.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - A major component of slowly reversible hearing loss which develops with sustained exposure to noise has been attributed to release of ATP in the cochlea activating P2X2...  相似文献   

Summary Sartorius muscles were exposed to a hypertonic Ringer's fluid containing 400mm glycerol and subsequently returned to normal Ringer's fluid. Employing lanthanum as an extracellular marker and after suitable preparation, sections of muscle fibers were examined with an electron-microscope. Extensive alteration in transverse tubular morphology occurs after glycerol treatment. The number of sites at the Z line level usually containing complete triads decreases by about two-thirds. In about half of the sites with altered morphology no transverse tubules were present, while in the other half the sites were completely empty. Fibers at all depths in glycerol-treated muscles were equally affected. The remnants of the transverse tubules which remain were not very accessible to extracellular lanthanum. Estimates based on measurements of the presence or absence of lanthanum indicate that glycerol treatment disconnects 90% of the transverse tubules from the external solution. The remaining tubules connected to the external solution are largely but not entirely located in a surface layer of about one-tenth the fiber radius in depth.  相似文献   

Thermal adaptation of α-amylases: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The temperature adaptation of α-amylase can be gained by different adjustments in protein structure with consecutive effects on the stability and flexibility of the protein. In this review, meso, thermo and cold-active α-amylases have been compared with respect to their structure and intramolecular interactions. With decrease in temperature, the number of ionic interactions also decreases, leading to greater flexibility of proteins. It has also been observed that the proline and arginine content is higher in thermophilic amylases as compared to meso and psychrophilic amylases, increasing the rigidity and structural stability of protein molecule.  相似文献   

Halorhodospira halophila, one of the most-xerophilic halophiles, inhabits biophysically stressful and energetically expensive, salt-saturated alkaline brines. Here, we report an additional stress factor that is biotic: a diminutive Candidate-Phyla-Radiation bacterium, that we named ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ M39-6, which predates H. halophila M39-5, an obligately photosynthetic, anaerobic purple-sulfur bacterium. We cultivated this association (isolated from the hypersaline alkaline Lake Hotontyn Nur, Mongolia) and characterized their biology. ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ is the first stably cultivated species from the candidate class-level lineage Gracilibacteria (order-level lineage Absconditabacterales). Its closed-and-curated genome lacks genes for the glycolytic, pentose phosphate- and Entner–Doudoroff pathways which would generate energy/reducing equivalents and produce central carbon currencies. Therefore, ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ is dependent on host-derived building blocks for nucleic acid-, protein-, and peptidoglycan synthesis. It shares traits with (the uncultured) ‘Ca. Vampirococcus lugosii’, which is also of the Gracilibacteria lineage. These are obligate parasitic lifestyle, feeding on photosynthetic anoxygenic Gammaproteobacteria, and absorption of host cytoplasm. Commonalities in their genomic composition and structure suggest that the entire Absconditabacterales lineage consists of predatory species which act to cull the populations of their respective host bacteria. Cultivation of vampire : host associations can shed light on unresolved aspects of their metabolism and ecosystem dynamics at life-limiting extremes.  相似文献   

Substantial differences in both life-table characteristics and reproductive patterns distinguish bdelloid from monogonont rotifers. Bdelloids reproduce only asexually, whereas most monogononts are cyclical parthenogens. We explore some of the adaptive consequences of these life-history differences using a computer model to simulate the evolutionary acquisition of new beneficial mutations. A one-locus mutation-selection regime based on the life-history characteristics of bdelloids indicates that asexuals can maintain higher levels of both allelic and genotypic diversity over a longer time period than obligate sexuals. These results are produced by differences in the magnitude of random genetic drift (RGD) associated with the different types of reproduction. Cyclical parthenogens have significantly higher evolutionary rates than sexual forms in a single-locus model, but incorporate beneficial mutations more slowly than sexuals in a two-locus simulation. Our results are therefore strongly influenced by the number of loci being evaluated as well as the pattern of reproduction. The asexual life history was found to maintain higher levels of allelic diversity than any pattern including sexual reproduction. This intriguing finding is amplified as the number of loci undergoing selection is increased. We end by considering the adaptive consequences of the remarkably divergent life histories found in typical bdelloid and monogonont rotifers.  相似文献   

In this brief report, a ‘distributed’ computer model of skeletal muscle is described, and its predictions regarding muscle force and EMG are presented. The force and myo-electric signals are produced as the sum of the contributions of independently activated motor units possessing a distribution of properties. The results of the simulation as well as theoretical study show that: (a) asynchronous activity of motor units can be responsible for the fairly regular oscillations observed in muscle tremor; (b) the use, in the case of muscle, of the limit theorem for the superposition of independent point processes leads to erroneous conclusions with respect to the frequency characteristics of the muscle force waveform, and possibly, with regard to those of the EMG.  相似文献   

Consideration of nitrogen fixation adds a positive nonlinear feedback to plankton ecosystem models. We investigate the consequences of this feedback for secondary phytoplankton blooms and the response of phytoplankton dynamics to physical forcing. The dynamics of phytoplankton, Trichodesmium (the nitrogen fixer), and nutrients is modeled with a system of three differential equations. The model includes two types of nonlinear interactions: the competition of phytoplankton and Trichodesmium for light, and the positive feedback resulting from Trichodesmium recycling. A typical simulation of the model in time, with forcing by a varying mixed-layer depth, reveals a clear successional sequence including a secondary or ‘echo’ bloom of the phytoplankton. We explain this sequence of events through the stability analysis of three different steady states of the model. Our analysis shows the existence of a critical biological parameter, the ratio of normalized growth rates, determining the occurrence of ‘echo’ blooms and the specific sequence of events following a physical perturbation. The interplay of positive and negative feedbacks appears essential to the timing and the type of events following such a perturbation.  相似文献   

This article is an extract of a presentation given at the LIMS conference in the Hague June 4, 1997 [S.M. Fransen et al., Presentation given at the conference LIMS 97, June 4 1997 in the Hague.]. It describes the project steps for the LIMS project in the Danish company Novo Nordisk, with focus on vendor evaluation, validation and implementation of a ‘Standard’ LIMS software. The main project steps are described and experiences gained are discussed.  相似文献   

Glaucoma, one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness, is characterized by progressive degeneration of optic nerves and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). In the mammalian retina, excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) is expressed in neural cells, including RGCs, and the loss of EAAC1 leads to RGC degeneration without elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). In the present study, we found that expressions of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1-R) and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) are increased in RGCs and retinal Müller glia in EAAC1-deficient (KO) mice. The orally active AT1-R antagonist candesartan suppressed TLR4 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expressions in the EAAC1 KO mouse retina. Sequential in vivo retinal imaging and electrophysiological analysis revealed that treatment with candesartan was effective for RGC protection in EAAC1 KO mice without affecting IOP. In cultured Müller glia, candesartan suppressed LPS-induced iNOS production by inhibiting the TLR4-apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 pathway. These results suggest that the renin–angiotensin system is involved in the innate immune responses in both neural and glial cells, which accelerate neural cell death. Our findings raise intriguing possibilities for the management of glaucoma by utilizing widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure, in combination with conventional treatments to lower IOP.Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss in the world. It is estimated that glaucoma affects nearly 70 million individuals worldwide, including at least 6.8 million who are bilaterally blind.1, 2 The disease is characterized by the progressive degeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons, together with visual field loss, which are usually associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Glaucoma is affected by multiple genes and environmental factors, and there are several inherited and experimentally induced animal models of high IOP glaucoma.3 On the other hand, normal tension glaucoma (NTG) is a subtype of glaucoma that presents with statistically normal IOP. The prevalence of NTG is reported to be higher among the Japanese than among Caucasians.4, 5 This raises a major problem that is faced by medical and public health sectors in Japan because simple screening programs based on detection of elevated IOP are not effective in a population where NTG is highly prevalent. In addition, these findings suggest a possibility that non-IOP-dependent factors may contribute to disease progression and that elucidating such factors is necessary to better understand the pathogenesis of glaucoma, especially in the context of NTG.5, 6It is well known that an immoderate release of excitatory amino acids, such as glutamate, can cause neuronal cell death. An excessively high extracellular concentration of glutamate chronically activates glutamate receptors and allows calcium entry into the cell causing an uncontrolled elevation of intracellular calcium levels.7, 8 The glutamate transporter is the only mechanism for removal of glutamate from the extracellular fluid in the retina.9 In the inner plexiform layer where synapses exist across RGCs, at least three transporters are involved in this task: glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1) located in the bipolar cell terminals; excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) in RGCs; and glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) in Müller glial cells.10, 11 We previously reported that GLAST and EAAC1 knockout (KO) mice show progressive RGC loss and optic nerve degeneration without elevated IOP, and not only glutamate neurotoxicity but also oxidative stress is involved in its mechanism.6 Glutamate neurotoxicity and oxidative stress have been proposed to contribute to retinal damage in various eye diseases including glaucoma.12 Together with the downregulation of glutamate transporters and glutathione levels observed in glaucoma patients,13 these mice seem to be useful as the animal models of NTG.6, 7, 11, 14Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) has key roles in human diseases closely related to the dysfunction of cellular responses to oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stressors, including neurodegenerative diseases.15 We previously reported that ASK1 KO mice are less susceptible to ischemic injury and optic nerve injury.16, 17 In addition, RGC degeneration was partly suppressed in GLAST/ASK1 double KO mice.14 Thus, interruption of ASK1 pathways could be beneficial for RGC protection during retinal degeneration including glaucoma. Furthermore, ASK1 directly binds to Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and regulates the innate immune responses during neuroinflammation.18The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) has a major role in the cardiovascular system.19 Renin, a proteolytic enzyme primarily released by the kidneys, cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (AngI). AngI is further processed by angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE/ACE2) to different angiotensin cleavage products. Among them, angiotensin II (AngII) is the principal effector molecule of the RAS, acting on its target cells mainly via AngII type 1 receptor (AT1-R).20 In addition, AngII induces TLR4 expression in various cell types.21, 22 Modulators of the RAS, such as ACE inhibitors or AT1-R antagonists, are utilized as prescribed drugs to treat high blood pressure.23 A recent study showed that candesartan, an AT1-R antagonist, protected rat retinal neurons from ischemia-reperfusion injury,24 but the detailed mechanisms are still unknown. Interestingly, polymorphisms in AngII receptors are reported in glaucoma patients,25 and ACE inhibitors may suppress the progression of visual field defects in NTG patients.26 These results suggest a possibility that the RAS is implicated in RGC death by an IOP-independent mechanism. In the present study, we show neuroprotective effects of candesartan in EAAC1 KO mice, an animal model of NTG, and we report a novel pathway for neuroprotection that involves innate immune responses in retinal glial cells.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions likely affect physiology and behaviour of mice used for life sciences research on Earth or in Space. Here, we analysed the effects of cage confinement on the weightbearing musculoskeletal system, behaviour and stress of wild-type mice (C57BL/6JRj, 30 g b.wt., total n = 24) housed for 25 days in a prototypical ground-based and fully automated life support habitat device called “Mice in Space” (MIS). Compared with control housing (individually ventilated cages) the MIS mice revealed no significant changes in soleus muscle size and myofiber distribution (type I vs. II) and quality of bone (3-D microarchitecture and mineralisation of calvaria, spine and femur) determined by confocal and micro-computed tomography. Corticosterone metabolism measured non-invasively (faeces) monitored elevated adrenocortical activity at only start of the MIS cage confinement (day 1). Behavioural tests (i.e., grip strength, rotarod, L/D box, elevated plus-maze, open field, aggressiveness) performed subsequently revealed only minor changes in motor performance (MIS vs. controls). The MIS habitat will not, on its own, produce major effects that could confound interpretation of data induced by microgravity exposure during spaceflight. Our results may be even more helpful in developing multidisciplinary protocols with adequate scenarios addressing molecular to systems levels using mice of various genetic phenotypes in many laboratories. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) Consortium and the academic programs born from its creation have been wildly successful in their initial ventures. These achievements are marked by feedback from across the EvoS campuses, the resultant scholarly work produced by participating students, and faculty collaborations spurred by exposure to the organization. The success of EvoS is probably best marked by the recent National Science Foundation grant (CCLI Award #0817337), awarded jointly to SUNY New Paltz and Binghamton University, with the purpose of expanding EvoS beyond the bounds of these two institutions. A particularly noteworthy element of many EvoS programs is the role of Evolutionary Psychology (EP), a perspective in the behavioral sciences that addresses questions of human behavior from the perspective of evolution. In light of several forms of data, including analyses of a variety of disciplines drawn on from evolutionary psychologists in their work, we argue that evolutionary psychologists may well be the most naturally interdisciplinary scholars within the behavioral sciences, making them highly appropriate for inclusion in EvoS. But our research shows not only promise regarding the relationship between EP and EvoS—challenges are raised as well. We present additional data showing that EP is currently represented disproportionately within the EvoS world—a fact that clearly shows that there are currently limitations to the potential impact of EvoS in modern academia. Scholars from other disciplines, particularly within the humanities and social sciences, seem to be missing the evolution revolution. Implications regarding how EvoS can broaden its scope to be even more powerful in its integrative scope are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Kumanasamuha a new genus of Dematiaceae is described, collected growing as saprophyte on unidentified wood, from Pakhal forest, withK. sundara as type.  相似文献   

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