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Myelin is phagocytosed by microglia (MG) and to a somewhat lesser extent by peritoneal macrophages (Mϕ) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In serum-free medium opsonization of rat myelin significantly enhances binding and ingestion, more by rat macrophages than by microglia. Furthermore the requirement for opsonization is not restricted to anti-myelin antibodies as the difference in the rate of myelin uptake by macrophages is largely eliminated when they are cultured in 10% fetal calf serum. Binding and ingestion of both myelin and opsonized myelin are inhibited to the same dose-dependent extent by zymosan, oxidized LDL, peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP), opsonized erythrocytes and the anti-CR3 antibody OX42 implicating lectin, scavenger, Fc and complement receptors in the phagocytosis of myelin. Thus while the differential uptake of myelin and opsonized myelin by macrophages would indicate a central role for the Fc receptor, binding inhibition studies implicate a range of membrane receptors which would obviate the need for antigen-antibody complexing to stimulate phagocytosis. Uptake of both myelin preparations by macrophages or microglia is stimulated by interferon-γ and inhibited by TGF-β, and the process of ingestion results in increased nitric oxide release and decreased superoxide production, the effect being more pronounced when myelin is opsonized. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

The study investigates into the role of exogenous nitric oxide (NO) in erythrophagocytosis in rats in vitro. The data indicate that NO enhances the ability of macrophages to adhere and ingest erythrocytes with the rise of nitric oxide concentration in cultural medium. NO influence on red blood cells has been shown to be more significant than its effects on macrophages. The reaction of NO with macrophages results in promotion of initial stages of erythrophagocytosis: macrophages' ability of adhering to the plate and to adhere erythrocytes increases. However, the final stages of erythrophagocytosis are activated just by the influence of NO on red blood cells. Therefore our results have demonstrated that the target point for NO is erythrocyte. We have also confirmed that NO effects are dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis by attached pulmonary macrophages. Effect of phagocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the effect of phagocytosis of polystyrene latex beads on protein synthesis by pulmonary macrophages. To do this we determine the specific radioactivity of extracellular and intracellular free phenylalanine and of phenylalanine released from tRNA and used this information in calculating the rates of protein synthesis. Phagocytosis resulted in an increased rate of protein synthesis irrespective of which precursor specific radioactivity was used in the calculation. The rate of protein synthesis was increased per microgram polyribosomal RNA; but there was no increase in the amount of polyribosomal RNA in phagocytizing macrophages. The increase in the rate of protein synthesis (1.4-fold) was almost identical to the increase (1.3-fold) in the rate of ribosome transit in phagocytizing compared to nonphagocytizing macrophages. The decreased ribosome transit time during phagocytosis occurred without a fall in the average molecular weight of macrophage proteins. We conclude that phagocytosis increases the rate of protein synthesis in attached pulmonary macrophages and that this increased rate of synthesis can be accounted for almost completely by an increased rate of polypeptide chain elongation and/or termination.  相似文献   

Incubation of rabbit alveolar macrophages in hypo-osmotic solutions transiently increases cell volume and inhibits membrane internalization, resulting in an increase in surface receptor number. Since recent reports suggest that hypo-osmotic treatment decreases intracellular pH, and that reduced pH inhibits receptor internalization, pH was measured in hypo-osmotically treated macrophages. We found that cells incubated in iso-osmotic solutions of pH less than 7.2 exhibited a decrease in intracellular pH upon exposure to hypo-osmotic solutions, while cells in iso-osmotic solutions of pH greater than 7.2 had an increase in pH upon exposure to hypo-osmotic solutions. The relative increase in surface receptor number was unaffected by the initial pH or by the direction of change in pH. Incubation of cells in high K+/low Na+ hypotonic buffers induced a persistent increase in cell volume and surface receptor number. Cell volume and surface receptor number fell to baseline values after restoration of isotonicity by the addition of hypertonic sucrose. These manipulations had little effect on intracellular pH. We conclude that the inhibition of membrane internalization observed in cells exposed to hypo-osmotic solutions is independent of changes in intracellular pH. The inhibition of internalization observed in this system may be due directly to forces produced as a consequence of cell swelling.  相似文献   

Severe exercise augments the phagocytic capability of bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAMs) in the absence of pulmonary surfactant, a lung immunity modulator in vivo. This study was to investigate whether the exercise effect on BAM phagocytosis is partially mediated by surfactant components. Male BALB/c mice (9-12 wk old) were divided into control and severe exercise groups. Mice in the exercise group received progressive treadmill running exercise until exhaustion. BAMs and lung lavage supernatant were collected under either sedentary or post-severe exercise conditions. Phagocytosis of IgG/C'-opsonized beads by BAMs was determined in the presence of lavage supernatant. Mannose, a monosaccharide competitor for the carbohydrate recognition domain of surfactant protein A (SP-A), and SP-A antibodies were applied to examine the role of SP-A in the exercise-induced facilitating effects on BAM phagocytosis. BAMs from either control or post-exercise animals had elevated phagocytosis of IgG/C'-opsonized beads when incubated with autologous lung lavage supernatant. The supernatant-mediated increase in BAM phagocytosis of IgG/C'-opsonized beads was dose-dependently inhibited by mannose or SP-A antibodies. In addition, higher concentrations of SP-A inhibitors were needed to inhibit BAM phagocytosis in post-exercise group than that in the control group. We also observed that SP-A inhibitors were ineffective in the absence of lung lavage supernatant. Furthermore, post-exercise, but not control, BAMs displayed time-dependent alterations in their membrane-bound SP-A amount during 30-min incubation with autologous lung lavage supernatant. SP-A plays a major role in the severe exercise-enhanced surfactant-mediated BAM phagocytosis.  相似文献   

We have used endocytic and phagocytic tracers in an EM immunocytochemical study to define the compartments of the phagocytic and endocytic pathways in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Endocytosed BSA-gold appeared successively in early endosomes, spherical endosomal vesicles, a late endosomal tubuloreticular compartment (TC), and terminal lysosomes. The TC appeared as an elaborate structure enriched for the lysosomal membrane glycoproteins Lamp 1 and Lamp 2, and expressing significant levels of rab7, a late endosome-specific GTP-binding protein. The cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor was restricted to specialized regions of the TC that were predominantly adjacent to the Golgi complex. Both the early endosome and the TC had coated bud structures whose composition and function are presently unknown. Phagolysosomes containing latex beads expressed the same membrane antigens and received endocytic tracers simultaneously with the TC. Since the membrane surrounding both organelles was also in direct continuity, we assume that both structures form one functional compartment. Macrosialin, an antigen confined to macrophages and dendritic cells, was heavily expressed in TC and phagolysosomal membranes with low levels being detected in other endosomal compartments and on the cell surface. Treatment of cells with wheat germ agglutinin drastically altered the morphology of the TC, giving rise to sheets of tightly adherent membrane and greatly expanded vesicles, in which cell-associated wheat germ agglutinin was concentrated. The spherical endosomal carrier vesicles loaded with internalized gold tracers clustered nearby, often making contact without fusing. Since the delivery of endocytic tracer to the TC was significantly delayed these experiments suggest that the lectin is somehow preventing the endosome vesicles from fusing with the TC. Collectively, our data argue first that the PLC is equivalent to the "tubular lysosomes" commonly described in macrophages, and second that the meeting of the phagocytic and endocytic pathway occurs in this compartment.  相似文献   

2-Deoxyglucose transport was characterized in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and rabbit alveolar macrophages (AM). The Km was 1 mM for human PMN and 1.6 mM for rabbit AM, and the Vmax was 0.66 x 10(-3) micromoles/45 sec/10(6) PMN and 5.09 x 10(-4) micromoles/45 sec/10(6) AM. The rate of 2-deoxyglucose transport was the same before and after phagocytosis in PMN from normal individuals and three patients with chronic granulomatous disease, as well as rabbit AM. Studies of the kinetics of 2-deoxyglucose transport and intracellular fate of 2-deoxyglucose in human PMN indicate that the nature of the membrane transport system is not altered by phagocytosis. The results support the concept that the plasma membrane is mosaic in character with geographically separate transport and phagocytic sites.  相似文献   

The initial rate of phagocytosis by rabbit alveolar macrophages of paraffin oil emulsions stabilized with albumin was markedly increased by prior incubation of the emulsion with serum. The active component(s) of serum was non-dialyzable and heat-labile and was absent from zymosan-treated serum. Magnesium and calcium were both required for the maximal rate of phagocytosis. At 4 °C or in the presence of 1 mM N-ethylmaleimide, the rate of phagocytosis was less than 2% of the control (37° C) rate. The initial rates of phagocytosis of this emulsion by alveolar macrophages from rabbits injected with Freund's adjuvant were not demonstrably different from those observed with macrophages from normal rabbits. Per of mg of cell protein, polymorphonuclear leukocytes ingested serum-treated emulsion more rapidly than did macrophages, but per cell the rates were not different.  相似文献   

Cell polarization is essential for targeting signaling elements and organelles to active plasma membrane regions. In a few specialized cell types, cell polarity is enhanced by reorientation of the MTOC and associated organelles toward dynamic membrane sites. Phagocytosis is a highly polarized process whereby particles >0.5 microm are internalized at stimulated regions on the cell surface of macrophages. Here we provide detailed evidence that the MTOC reorients toward the site of particle internalization during phagocytosis. We visualized MTOC proximity to IgG-sRBCs in fixed RAW264.7 cells, during live cell imaging using fluorescent chimeras to label the MTOC and using frustrated phagocytosis assays. MTOC reorientation in macrophages is initiated by FcgammaR ligation and is complete within 1 h. Polarization of the MTOC toward the phagosome requires the MT cytoskeleton and dynein motor activity. cdc42, PI3K, and mPAR-6 are all important signaling molecules for MTOC reorientation during phagocytosis. MTOC reorientation was not essential for particle internalization or phagolysosome formation. However Golgi reorientation in concert with MTOC reorientation during phagocytosis implicates MTOC reorientation in antigen processing events in macrophages.  相似文献   

A high proportion of murine resident peritoneal macrophages bear complement receptors 1 and 3 (CR1, CR3) which bind C3b and iC3b components of complement, respectively. By contrast, macrophages derived from bone marrow, blood, and the elicited peritoneal exudate are predominantly CR1+3. To determine if the microenvironment of the normal peritoneal cavity influences CR3 phenotype, we studied the effects of lavage from the cavity on cultures of primary peritoneal exudate macrophages, and on macrophages derived from progenitors in the bone marrow, blood, and peritoneal exudate. The cell-free peritoneal lavage (CFPL), after 24 hr of culture, induced CR3 on primary and culture-derived populations of peritoneal exudate macrophages but had no effect on the CR3 phenotype of macrophages derived from bone marrow or blood. The CR3-inducing activity in CFPL was abolished by heating at 70 degrees C for 30 min and by trypsin, and was not affected by adsorption with EA(IgM)iC3b indicator cells, demonstrating that it is not soluble CR3. Finally, exudate macrophages exposed to CFPL required at least 24 hr before they expressed CR3; such macrophages regenerated CR3 after the receptors were removed by trypsin. The selective effect of the activity in CFPL for peritoneal exudate macrophages indicates that the local microenvironment of the peritoneal cavity can influence the expression of CR3.  相似文献   

Modifications occurring during the transformation of phagosomes into mature phagolysosomes were investigated in osteoclast-like cells (OCLs) and macrophages using latex beads as markers for the isolation of phagosomal compartments (LBC) at different time points after phagocytosis. In OCLs, newly formed LBC acquired cathepsin K, tartarate-resistant phosphatase (TRAP), lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (Lamp-1), and cathepsin D, and rapidly lost annexin II in a time-dependent manner. The levels of Rab7 and c-Src in OCLs initially increased and then gradually decreased during the transformation from early to late endosomal LBC or phagolysosomes. Receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANKL) significantly increased the LBC levels of cathepsin K, TRAP, and c-Src, whereas calcitonin decreased the LBC levels of cathepsin K, TRAP, and Rab7, indicating that the transformation of early to late endosomal elements and lysosomes in OCLs is also regulated by osteoclastogenesis regulatory factors. On the other hand, changes in the LBC levels of Lamp-1, cathepsin D, and annexin II in macrophages were comparable to those in OCLs. However, contrary to osteoclastic LBC, Rab7 levels of macrophage LBC decreased in a time-dependent manner. Macrophage LBC were devoid of cathepsin K, TRAP, and c-Src in all transformation stages. These observations suggest that OCLs and macrophages have different phagosome maturation mechanisms that involve the specific and regulated acquisition of markers from endocytic organelles. The results also demonstrate that the use of LBC is a useful system in which to identify and characterize molecules involved in these different endocytic pathways.  相似文献   

Ingestion of bovine red blood cells opsonized with IgG, by irradiated and control cultures of mouse peritoneal macrophages, was monitored at various times following exposure to 7.5-20 Gy of 60Co. Radiation produced decreases in the percentage of phagocytic cells and reduced the phagocytic index of the macrophages at 6-10 days post-irradiation. Only a small decrease in the phagocytic index of irradiated cultures was noted on day 3 post-irradiation. Cell survival as monitored by cell number and lactic dehydrogenase release as well as the levels of beta-glucuronidase and lysozyme were less sensitive to radiation exposure than was the phagocytic ability of the cultures. Addition of 8-bromo-3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate and prostaglandin E2 to cultures increased the phagocytic ability of both irradiated and control cultures but did not abolish the deficit produced by radiation. The data indicate that in vitro radiation exposure produces time-dependent changes in the ability of mouse peritoneal cells to ingest IgG coated red blood cells.  相似文献   

Macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils use phagocytosis to capture and clear off invading pathogens. The process is triggered by the interaction of ligands on the pathogens' surface with specific phagocytic receptors, including immunoglobulin (FcR) and complement C3bi (CR3) receptors (integrin alpha(M)beta2, Mac1) . Localized actin-filament assembly that acts as the driving force for particle engulfment is controlled by Rho-family small GTPases . RhoA regulates CR3-mediated phagocytosis through a mechanism that is still unclear . Mammalian Diaphanous-related (mDia) formins participate in the generation of a diverse set of actin-remodeling events downstream of RhoA , and mDia1 is recruited around fibronectin-coated beads in a RhoA-dependent manner in fibroblasts . Here, we set out to examine whether mDia proteins are involved in CR3-mediated phagocytosis in macrophages. We show that the RhoA effector mDia1 is recruited early during CR3-mediated phagocytosis and colocalizes with polymerized actin in the phagocytic cup. Interfering with mDia activity inhibits CR3-mediated phagocytosis while having no effect on FcR-mediated phagocytosis. These results indicate a new function for mDia proteins in the regulation of actin polymerization during CR3-mediated phagocytosis.  相似文献   

It is not clear how macrophages respond to exercise when the immune system is previously activated. The aim of the present work was to determine the response of macrophages to exercise in already immunostimulated animals with polar glycopeptidolipids extracted from Mycobacterium chelonae (GPLp-Mc). Results showed an increased phagocytosis and O2 - production in murine macrophages induced by the intraperitoneal administration of 25 mg/kg body weight of GPLp-Mc. In addition exercise stimulated phagocytic activity and decreased the O2 - production of these cells. Unexpectedly, exercise did not potentiate the immunostimulatory effect of GPLp-Mc. However, we can conclude that the effect of exercise is not detrimental to immunostimulated animals.  相似文献   

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