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Mechanisms regulating the population size of the multipotent interstitial cell (i-cell) in Hydra attenuata were investigated. Treatment of animals with 3 cycles of a regime of 24 h in 10-2 M hydroxyurea (HU) alternated with 12 h in culture medium selectively killed 95-99% of the i-cells, but had little effect on the epithelial cells. The i-cell population recovered to the normal i-cell:epithelial cell ratio of I:I within 35 days. Continuous labelling experiments with [3H]thymidine indicate that the recovery of the i-cell population is not due to a change in the length of the cell cycle of either the epithelial cells or the interstitial cells. In control animals 60% of the i-cell population undergo division daily while 40% undergo differentiation. Quantification of the cell types of HU-treated animals indicates that a greater fraction of the i-cells were dividing and fewer differentiating into nematocytes during the first 2 weeks of the recovery after HU treatment. Therefore, the mechanism for recovery involves a shift of the 60:40 division:differentiation ratio of i-cells towards a higher fraction in division until the normal population size of the i-cells is regained. This homeostatic mechanism represents one of the influences affecting i-cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The interstitial cells of hydra comprise a stem cell population, producing at least two classes of terminally differentiated cell types, nerve cells and nematocytes. Exposure to hydroxyurea (HU) results in selective depletion of interstitial cells from the tissue. The surviving cells subsequently recovered to normal levels, and the mechanisms involved in this repopulation were examined. Hydra were treated for varying times with HU such that interstitial cell numbers were reduced to 7 or 35% of normal. Subsequent growth of the epithelial and interstitial cell populations in these animals was monitored. The results indicate that the growth rates of these two cell types were only slightly different from untreated controls during the 4 weeks after HU exposure, implying that repopulation should not have occurred. However, recovery of the interstitial cell population was observed. Further analysis revealed that the interstitial cells in HU animals, unlike normal hydra, were not uniformly distributed in the body column, and were especially reduced in the budding region. In normal animals a constant fraction of the interstitial and epithelial cells are lost into buds. However, as a consequence of this nonuniform distribution a smaller fraction of the interstitial cells are displaced into HU buds, thereby retaining a higher proportion in the adult tissue. Calculations indicate that this mechanism of increased retention is of sufficient magnitude to account for 40-60% of the observed recovery after HU treatment.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the cellular environment on hydra stem cell proliferation and differentiation was investigated by introduction of interstitial cells into host tissue of defined cellular composition. In epithelial tissue lacking all non-epithelial cells the interstitial cell population did not grow but differentiated into nerve cells and nematocytes. In host tissue with progressively increased numbers of nerve cells growth of the interstitial cell population was positively correlated to the nerve cell density. In agreement with previous observations (Bode et al. 1976), growth of the interstitial cell population was also found to be negatively correlated to the level of interstitial cells present. The strong correlation between the growth of the interstitial cell population and the presence of interstitial cells and nerve cells implies that interstitial cell proliferation is controlled by a feedback signal from interstitial cells and their derivatives. Our results suggest that the cellular environment of interstitial cells provides cues which are instrumental in stem cell decision making. Offprint requests to: T.C.G. Bosch  相似文献   

The role of interstitial cell migration in the formation of newly differentiated nerve cells was examined during head regeneration in Hydra magnipapillata. When distal tissue was removed from the body of a wild-type strain (105), nerve cell differentiation occurred at a rapid rate during the first 48 hr of regeneration, slowing after this point. Rapid nerve cell differentiation was due primarily to migration of interstitial cells, some of which appeared to be nerve cell precursors, into the regenerating head. The migration decreased considerably after the first 48 hr of regeneration. In reg-16, a mutant strain deficient in head regeneration, no migration of interstitial cells and hence no new nerve cell differentiation were observed in the regenerating tip. However, the interstitial cells of reg-16 were observed to migrate into regenerating tissue of strain 105. These observations suggest that the migration of nerve cell precursors plays an important role when the new nerve net is being established during head regeneration.  相似文献   

The distribution of interstitial stem cells along the Hydra body column was determined using a simplified cloning assay. The assay measures stem cells as clone-forming units (CFU) in aggregates of nitrogen mustard inactivated Hydra tissue. The concentration of stem cells in the gastric region was uniform at about 0.02 CFU/epithelial cell. In both the hypostome and basal disk the concentration was 20-fold lower. A decrease in the ratio of stem cells to committed nerve and nematocyte precursors was correlated with the decrease in stem cell concentration in both hypostome and basal disk. The ratio of stem cells to committed precursors is a sensitive indicator of the rate of self-renewal in the stem cell population. From the ratio it can be estimated that <10% of stem cells self-renew in the hypostome and basal disk compared to 60% in the gastric region. Thus, the results provide an explanation for the observed depletion of stem cells in these regions. The results also suggest that differentiation and self-renewal compete for the same stem cell population.  相似文献   

In an attempt to isolate unipotent stem cells (progenitors to the nerve cells, nematocytes, gland cells, and gametes) from Hydra oligactis females, animals were treated with a drug (hydroxyurea, HU) that preferentially lowers or eliminates the interstitial stem cells, leaving the epithelial tissue intact. In this epithelial environment, interstitial cells remaining after treatment will proliferate and differentiate, permitting a long-term analysis of their developmental capabilities. Following treatment of females with HU, animals were isolated that contained interstitial cells that gave rise to eggs only. Two clones of animals containing these cells were propagated for several years and the growth and differentiation behavior of the interstitial cells examined in their asexually produced offspring. During this time, the cells displayed an extensive proliferative capacity (classifying them as stem cells) and remained restricted to egg differentiation. It is proposed that both the sperm- and the egg-restricted stem cells arise from a multipotent stem cell, which also gives rise to the somatic cells (see above), and that, in hydra, sex is ultimately determined by interactions between cells of the two germ cell lineages.  相似文献   

Stem cells in Hydra represent one of the phylogenetically most ancient stem cell systems and, therefore, provide information for reconstructing the early history of stem cell control mechanisms. Hydra's interstitial stem cells are multipotent and differentiate into both somatic cell types and germ line cells. Although it is well accepted that cells of the interstitial cell lineage are migratory, the in vivo migratory potential of multipotent interstitial stem cells has never been explored. Combining in vivo tracing of genetically labeled interstitial stem cells and tissue transplantation, we show that in contrast to precursor cells, multipotent interstitial stem cells are stationary. Only when exposed to tissue depleted of the interstitial cell lineage, interstitial stem cells start to migrate and to repopulate emptied stem cell niches. We conclude that multipotent interstitial stem cells in Hydra are static and that microenvironmental cues including signals derived from the interstitial cell lineage or from niche cells can trigger a shift in collective stem cell behavior to start migration.  相似文献   

Summary Interstitial cells of hydra are small undifferentiated cells containing an abundance of free ribosomes and few other cytoplasmic organelles. They are capable of differentiating into epitheliomuscular, digestive, glandular, nerve cells, and cnidoblasts. Developing epitheliomuscular and digestive cells acquire bundles of filaments, 50 Å in diameter, which later are incorporated into the muscular processes. Early gland cells develop an elaborate rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and one or more Golgi apparatus. Secretory granules originate in the Golgi region eventually filling the apex of the cell. Neurons are recognized first by the presence of an elaborate Golgi apparatus, absence of a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum, and later the appearance of cytoplasmic processes. The most striking feature of nematocyst formation by cnidoblasts is the presence of a complex distribution system between protein synthesizing rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and the nematocyst. This system consists of connections between cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum with smooth Golgi vesicles which in turn are connected to minute tubules, 200 Å in diameter. The tubules extend from the Golgi region around the nematocyst finally entering the limiting membrane of the nematocyst. It is suggested that the interstitial cells of hydra represent a model system for the investigation of many aspects of cell differentiation.This work was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute (TlCA-5055) and from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (AM-03688), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health, Education and Welfare.The author is indebted to Dr. Russell J. Barrnett for his guidance and interest throughout this investigation.  相似文献   

The interstitial cell system of hydra contains multipotent stem cells which can form at least two classes of differentiated cell types, nerves and nematocytes. The amount of nerve and nematocyte production varies in an axially dependent pattern along the body column. Some interstitial cells can migrate, which makes it conceivable that this observed pattern of differentiation is not the result of regionally specified stem cell commitment, but rather arises by the selective movement of predetermined cells to the correct site prior to expression. To assess this latter possibility quantitative information on the dynamics of interstitial cell migration was obtained. Epithelial hydra were grafted to normal animals in order to measure (1) the number of cells migrating per day, (2) the location of these cells within the host tissue, and (3) the axial directionality of this movement. Tissue properties such as axial position and the density of cells within the interstitial spaces of the host were also tested for their possible influence on migration. Results indicate that there is a considerable traffic of migrating interstitial cells and this movement has many of the characteristics necessary to generate the position-dependent pattern of nerve differentiation.  相似文献   

The origin of the gland cells in asexually reproducing adult hydra is unclear. There is evidence suggesting that the gland cells are a self-renewing population as well as contrary evidence suggesting that they must arise from another cell type. We have reexamined the question and found the latter to be the case. Analysis of ectoderm/endoderm chimeras in which the ectoderm was labeled with [3H]thymidine indicates a precursor for gland cells in the ectoderm which migrates into the endoderm. Analysis of grafts between labeled lower halves and unlabeled upper halves of animals indicates the migratory precursor is either a large or a small interstitial cell. Measurement of the cell cycle times of the gland cells and the epithelial cells provided further support. The cell cycle time of the gland cells appears to be longer than that of the epithelial cells of the endoderm throughout the animal. This means that in the steady-state growth condition of hydra tissue, the gland cells cannot maintain their population size simply by cell division. These results and other data suggest the following dynamics for the gland cell population. Gland cells arise by differentiation from large interstitial cells, undergo a limited number of cell divisions, and then become postmitotic.  相似文献   

Although interstitial cells of hydra can migrate either apically or basally along the body column, there is a distinct bias toward apical cell accumulation. This apical bias could be produced by a local vectorial property of the tissue or it may be controlled by a more global property, such as a signal from the apical head region. The migration behavior of BrdU-labeled interstitial cells was examined in several types of grafts to distinguish between these two general types of migration control. Grafting BrdU-labeled midgastric region tissue into a host in either the normal or the reverse orientation had no effect on the apical bias, indicating that a local vectorial cue was probably not guiding cells apically. In grafts with heads or with feet at both ends of the body column, there was no directional bias in migration if the labeled tissue was equidistant from both ends. In the two-headed grafts, if the labeled tissue was closer to one end, there was a bias in the direction of the closer head. The results suggest that a graded signal emanating from the head creates the apical bias and may attract cells via chemotaxis. The apical bias is enhanced in decapitated animals regenerating a head, indicating that the attracting signal is present and is possibly stronger in regenerating heads. The signal for cell migration may be involved in a patterning process underlying head regeneration.  相似文献   

γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase (EC activity is described in the coelenterate, Hydraattenuata, using the substrate γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide. The properties of the γ-glutamyl donor required for binding to the transpeptidase were investigated by measuring the ability of GSH analogs to inhibit the release of p-nitroaniline. Whereas no binding was observed when the γ-glutamyl moiety was altered, analogs with substitution in the Cys residue were capable of binding to the enzyme. A specificity for the Gly residue was indicated because analogs containing Leu or Tyr in place of Gly exhibited decreased binding capacities for the hydra transpeptidase. A comparison of these data with those obtained using the same analogs in the GSH induced feeding response bioassay shows that γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and the GSH receptor for the hydra feeding response have different specificities.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrozoa replace used-up nematocytes (cnidocytes) by proliferation and differentiation from interstitial stem cells (i cells). Repeated pulsed exposure ofHydra to elevated levels of unprotonated ammonia leads to successive loss of the various types of nematocytes: first of the stenoteles, then of the isorhizas and finally of the desmonemes. The loss is due to deficits in supply; the number of nematoblasts and differentiating intermediates is reduced. In the hydroidHydractinia the main process leading to numerical reduction was observed in vivo: mature nematocytes as well as precursors emigrate from their place of origin into the gastrovascular channels where they are removed by phagocytosis. This is a regular means by which these animals down-regulate an induced surplus of nematocytes. With lower effectiveness, pulses of methylamine, trimethylamine and glutamine also induce elimination of the nematocyte lineages. In the long term the population of nerve cells, which are permanently but slowly renewed from interstitial neuroblasts, decreases, too. After 2 months of daily repeated treatment the density of the Arg-Phe-amide-positive nerve cells was reduced to 50% of its normal level. Thus, ammonia induces down-regulation of all interstitial cell lineages. The temporal sequence of the ammonia-induced loss reflects the diverse rates with which the various i cell descendants normally are renewed.  相似文献   

The stability of sexual phenotype was examined in a single clone of Hydra oligactis males maintained at two culture temperatures, 18 and 22 degrees C. At these temperatures animals of this species do not reproduce sexually, but reproduce asexually by budding, and males and females are morphologically indistinguishable. When the temperature is lowered to 10 degrees C gametogenesis is induced and sexual phenotype can be assayed. Males cultured for several years at 18 degrees C expressed a stable sexual phenotype when induced to undergo gametogenesis; males remained male. Those cultured at 22 degrees C for 1 year, however, expressed a low frequency of sex reversal from male to female; males ceased sperm differentiation and began producing eggs. Male sex reversal in cultures maintained at the higher temperature was correlated with the loss of a specific subpopulation of interstitial cells, those that bind the monoclonal antibody, AC2, which labels cells specific to the spermatogenic pathway in H. oligactis males. When interstitial cells restricted to this pathway were reintroduced into sex-reversed males (phenotypic females), the male phenotype was reestablished and animals reverted to sperm production. To further investigate the role of AC2+ cells in the masculinization of females, normal males (containing AC2+ cells) and sex-reversed males (lacking AC2+ cells) were grafted to females. In grafts between normal males and females, egg production ceased and sperm differentiation ensued, whereas those between sex-reversed males and females continued to produce eggs. Thus, the presence of AC2+ interstitial cells is strictly correlated with male sexual phenotypes and it is only in their absence that the female phenotype is expressed.  相似文献   

Hydralittoralis exhibits high γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, i.e., about 12% of the activity (determined with glutathione) of rat kidney. Histochemical studies show that the enzyme is located mainly in the gastric and sub-hypostome regions; the enzyme is also present in the tentacles and basal disc. These results and the presence of other enzymes of the γ-glutamyl cycle suggest that the cycle plays a role in the metabolism of glutathione in hydras and that γ-glutamyl transpeptidase may function in their digestive and absorptive processes and possibly also in the behavioral response to glutathione.  相似文献   

Silencing of developmental genes in Hydra.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

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