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该研究在申遗文本和大量文献资料的基础上,以峨眉山世界遗产地原生植物及植被群落为研究对象,从物种多样性、物种组成、植物区系、植被类型及垂直分布格局等方面,分析论证了峨眉山世界遗产地植物多样性的全球突出普遍价值,并简要概述了当前峨眉山世界遗产地植物受威胁状况以及在保护与发展中出现的问题。结果表明:(1)峨眉山世界遗产地目前拥有高等植物242科3 200种以上,特有植物、孑遗植物种类丰富。(2)与中国其他湿润性亚热带山地森林垂直带谱相比,峨眉山亚热带森林植被类型完整,常绿阔叶林东部类型在山地垂直带谱中占据显著地位,海拔上限最高,跨度最大,具有典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林东部亚区森林群落特点。(3)植物区系复杂,既有热带、亚热带和温带植物区系成份,又有中国—日本与中国—喜马拉雅植物区系分布。(4)受人为活动(旅游发展、基础设施建设等)和自然扰动(气候变暖、地质灾害等)影响,峨眉山世界遗产地植物多样性下降明显,珍稀濒危植物受威胁程度增加,典型群落面积退化,稳定性降低。建议在划定珍稀植物保护区,对植物栖息地进行专门保护的基础上,开展植物多样性、环境因子、人为活动动态监测,预见性地保护其突出普遍价值,实现世界遗产地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

自然保护地是生物多样性及其生物生态过程保护的最有效手段,世界自然遗产地是全球最具有保护价值的自然保护地。神农架世界自然遗产地以其丰富的动植物多样性和独特的生物生态过程,维持着北亚热带山地生态系统的功能和稳定性。目前,尚缺乏对神农架世界自然遗产地全球突出普遍价值的深入研究和论证,仍不清楚其突出普遍价值及其在全球的代表性。本研究在收集整理神农架历史文献资料的基础上,基于对神农架地区长达近20年的调查研究和数据积累,依据"实施《世界遗产公约》操作指南",从动植物多样性及其栖息地、生物群落及其生物生态学过程等方面,分析论证了神农架世界自然遗产地的全球突出普遍价值。神农架保存了完好的原始常绿落叶阔叶混交林,典型代表并展示了北半球常绿落叶阔叶混交林生态系统的生物生态学过程,拥有北亚热带典型的山地垂直自然带谱,在东方落叶林生物地理省具有唯一性和代表性;是温带植物区系分化、发展和集散的重要地区和世界上落叶木本植物最丰富的地区,突出反映了北亚热带生物群落的生物进化与演替的进程;是众多古老孑遗物种的避难所,也是国际珍稀濒危物种和中国特有种的重要栖息地。研究结果表明,神农架世界自然遗产地在生物多样性、生态系统类型、生物演化等方面为全球同纬度杰出代表。本研究明确了神农架世界自然遗产地在全球背景下的突出普遍价值,为科学合理地监测和保护全球同纬度地区北亚热带生物多样性和生态系统功能提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

海南鹦哥岭的种子植物区系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海南鹦哥岭保存了我国华南地区面积最大和最原始的热带雨林。2003–2006年间, 作者通过近4个月的野外调查, 对该地区植物物种多样性进行了研究, 以期阐明其种子植物区系组成及其在中国植物物种多样性研究及保育中的重要性。结果如下: 该地区共有野生种子植物173科825属1,706种(含变种)。该地植物区系成分热带性质较强, 在属的水平上, 泛热带和热带亚洲成分占优势, 各占非世界属总数的25.28%和32.36%; 中国特有属8个, 占非世界属总数的1.01%, 其中海南特有属2个, 分别为多核果属(Pyrenocarpa)、盾叶苣苔属(Metapetrocosmea)。在种的水平上, 热带成分占非世界种总数的70.50%, 处于明显优势地位; 中国特有种474种, 占非世界种总数的28.42%, 其中海南特有种149种, 占中国特有种的31.44%。鹦哥岭的植物区系在组成上具有较强的特殊性, 主要表现在不但具有较多的特殊类群, 而且是亚热带植物种类与典型热带植物种类、干热性植物种类与湿热性植物种类相互渗透的交汇地带, 在植物区系地理研究方面具有重要意义。最后作者还讨论了该地区与邻近4个地区植物区系的联系, 认为鹦哥岭与吊罗山的种子植物区系相似性最大, 而与鼎湖山、西双版纳的种子植物区系相比, 鹦哥岭表现出更强的热带性。  相似文献   

为了研究神农架世界自然遗产地的种子植物区系特征,基于Phylomatic建立时间树并综合多学科证据,探讨了该区系种子植物科属起源的时间特征。结果发现,神农架世界自然遗产地裸子植物占中国华中山地分布中心属和种的67%和74%,是中国裸子植物分布中心之一;被子植物科的基部类群科占中国的85%;种子植物单型科(仅含1属1种)占中国的42%;拥有中国特有属56属,占中国特有属总数的23%,很多为古老特有属;神农架世界自然遗产地还分布有中国超过50%的东亚-北美间断分布属。这些事实表明神农架世界自然遗产地种子植物区系起源古老,且有连续的传代线,是神农架世界自然遗产地突出普遍价值的重要体现。  相似文献   

在对植物调查研究的基础上,对长江中游(湖北、湖南为主)的植物区系、植被、生物多样性保护及保护对策进行了系统的论述。根据两省土著种子植物名录统计,本区共有202科1476属7037种(包括种下等级),其中裸子植物7科30属64种;被子植物196科1445属6973种。以鄂湘为代表的华中区分布类型复杂、物种丰富、起源古老,而且特有的科、属、种多,特有度高。北温带木本植物属高度集中,体现了长江中游具有古第三纪.泛北极植物区系的代表性。拥有众多的东亚特有属、东亚.北美间断分布属和中国特有属,它们既是本地植物区系的特色,也代表了中国植物区系的核心。本地中山以亮叶水青冈(Fagus lucida)为主的阔叶林系第三纪.泛北中生落叶阔叶林的后裔。在植被区划上,本区属于常绿阔叶林区域,包括北亚热带常绿阔叶.落叶阔叶混交林地带及中亚热带常绿阔叶林两个植被地带。后者分为北部典型常绿阔叶林亚地带,南部含华南植物区系成分的常绿阔叶林亚地带。本区主要的自然植被类型(以原生类型为主)有171个类型(相当于群系formations)。从生物多样性保护的三个层次上(物种、群落、景观)对保护现状、特点、保护方针和策略等进行了探讨并提出了建议。  相似文献   

海南和台湾蕨类植物多样性及其大陆性特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
海南和台湾是我国南部和东部两个最重要的大陆性岛屿,具有极为丰富的蕨类植物多样性。特有现象揭示着植物区系和植物多样性的历史,间断分布揭示着与邻近或相关植物区系的联系;特别是在岛屿地区,这种现象和意义尤其明显。海南有蕨类植物区系55科、135属、466种,其中特有种有32种,台湾蕨类植物区系57科、142属、599种,其中特有种达66种。在海南与台湾两地,有共有属104属,共有种仅有176种。台湾海峡出现始于晚白垩世,持续至第四纪;琼州海峡出现于早第四纪,因此,两地的特有现象远少于种子植物(台湾有801种,海南有501种),原因与蕨类植物具有更广的散布性相关,而且在被子植物中起重要作用的物种生物学障碍(机制)在蕨类是缺乏的;形态学的、生殖生物学特征导致蕨类植物具有较缓慢的物种演化历史和较低的灭绝率(Smith,1972)。海南和台湾蕨类植物区系的比较还表明,地理位置和海拔高度对植物区系的物种分化和物种多样性产生了极大的影响。  相似文献   

海南植物区系的多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张宏达 《生态科学》2001,20(1):1-10
记载海南维管束植物的多样性,表明蕨类植物区系已有古生代和中生代的孑遗,又有白垩纪以来的现代蕨类,它们都存在着许多特有种;裸子植物则以泛热带成分及华夏成分为主;有花植物包括全球植物区系8个植物区的成分,而以热带成分全球性分布成分最多。最后,文章分析了海南植物区系多样性的地史背景及自然条件的因素。  相似文献   

海南植物区系的多样性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
张宏达 《生态科学》2001,20(Z1):1-10
记载海南维管束植物的多样性,表明蕨类植物区系已有古生代和中生代的孑遗,又有白垩纪以来的现代蕨类,它们都存在着许多特有种;裸子植物则以泛热带成分及华夏成分为主;有花植物包括全球植物区系8个植物区的成分,而以热带成分及全球性分布成分最多。最后,文章分析了海南植物区系多样性的地史背景及自然条件的因素。  相似文献   

记载海南维管束植物的多样性,表明蕨类植物区系已有古生代和中生代的孑遗,又有白垩纪以来的现代蕨类,它们都存在着许多特有种;裸子植物则以泛热带成分及华夏成分为主;有花植物包括全球植物区系8个植物区的成分,而以热带成分及全球性分布成分最多。最后,文章分析了海南植物区系多样性的地史背景及自然条件的因素。  相似文献   

神农架世界自然遗产地在生物多样性、栖息地和生态学过程上具有全球意义,属于北方温带落叶林生物群区。北方温带落叶林是世界落叶木本植物种类最为丰富的生物群区。本文选取该群区最具代表性的82个仅有落叶成分的属,对比分析了相关种、属在世界、中国、欧洲、北美、美国大烟山(Great Smoky Mountains)、日本Ogawa森林保护区(Ogawa Forest Reserve)和神农架世界自然遗产地的分布情况,重点分析了神农架世界自然遗产地落叶树种的多样性和代表性,为神农架世界自然遗产地突出普遍价值的认定提供重要证据,并为其科学管理提供理论依据。结果表明:神农架有62个落叶属,分别占中国和世界仅有落叶成分属的86%和76%;落叶种225个,分别占中国和世界的21%和7%。美国大烟山和日本Ogawa森林保护区亦属于典型的北方温带落叶林,然而,二者的落叶木本植物种、属多样性均低于神农架世界自然遗产地。这说明神农架世界自然遗产地是世界落叶木本植物集中分布地,其多样性和代表性具有全球意义。青藏高原的隆起导致中国中东部气候温暖湿润,地形复杂多变,而且该区域与亚热带热带植物区系落叶成分联系紧密,这可能是导致神农架植物区系具有丰富的落叶木本成分的生物地理成因。  相似文献   

To better identify biodiversity hotspots for conservation on Hainan Island, a tropical island in southern China, we assessed spatial variation in phylogenetic diversity and species richness using 18,976 georeferenced specimen records and a newly reconstructed molecular phylogeny of 957 native woody plants. Within this framework, we delineated bioregions based on vegetation composition and mapped areas of neoendemism and paleoendemism to identify areas of priority for conservation. Our results reveal that the southwest of Hainan is the most important hot spot for endemism and plant diversity followed by the southeast area. The distribution of endemic species showed a scattered, rather than clustered, pattern on the island. Based on phylogenetic range‐weighted turnover metrics, we delineated three major vegetational zones in Hainan. These largely correspond to natural secondary growth and managed forests (e.g., rubber and timber forests) in central Hainan, old‐growth forests and natural secondary growth forest at the margins of Hainan, and nature reserves on the island (e.g., Jianfeng and Diaoluo National Nature Reserves). Our study helps to elucidate potential botanical conservation priorities for Hainan within an evolutionary, phylogenetic framework.  相似文献   

Hainan, the second largest island of China, has the most extensive and best preserved tropical forests of this country. A network of 68 protected areas (54 of them are terrestrial) provides in situ conservation for the unique ecosystems of the island. We: (1) discuss an updated check-list of seed-plant species that are endemic to Hainan, (2) evaluate the extent to which the endemic flora has been the subject of molecular studies, and (3) investigate the conservation status of these species. We recognize 397 endemic species on the island, 271 of which are reported in the protected areas, and 144 of which have been Red-Listed (85 assigned to the Critically Endangered (40) or Endangered (45) IUCN categories). The families with the highest number of endemics are Rubiaceae (33 species), Lauraceae (27 species), and Poaceae (26 species). The island has only seven endemic genera, all of which are unispecific. Compared with other tropical islands, Hainan has a low number of endemics but our preliminary observations suggest that the island has a highly disharmonic flora when compared with that from the mainland. Nevertheless, most of the major clades of the seed-plant tree of life with representatives in China also have endemic species on the island. We argue that the low levels of endemism reflect the continental nature of Hainan and the fact that several areas of the island have not been fully inventoried. We were unable to find a single molecular systematic study focusing exclusively on the Hainan endemics; however, 24 of the endemic species have been included in phylogenetic studies targeting particular genera or families. Future research/conservation actions for the endemic flora of Hainan should focus in developing: (1) a red-list that assesses all 397 endemic species, (2) comprehensive floristic studies for the protected areas, (3) molecular phylogenetic and conservation genetic studies with a primary focus on the endemics, (4) studies to understand what ecological interactions are important in the biology of the endemic species, and (5) eco-geographical studies to identify Important Biodiversity Zones of endemism within Hainan and therefore potential new protected areas.  相似文献   

Aims Mountains contain broad environmental gradients, which are to be an outstanding universal value representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of zonal vegetation along the elevation gradients. Exploring the biological and ecological value of the vegetation zonation along the elevation gradients of Chinese mountain natural heritage site is important for biodiversity conservation and management.Methods Based on the community survey data of the six vegetation zonation along the elevational gradients in Shennongjia, the global land use dataset, and the literature data of the communities along the altitudinal gradients of other natural heritage sites and the nominated world natural heritage sites in Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographic Province by Udvardy, we explored the outstanding universal value of the zonal vegetation along the altitude gradients by the methods of spatial analysis.Important findings Shennongjia heritage site preserves the intact vegetation zonation of the typical Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographical Province in the Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World by Udvardy, including evergreen broad-leaved forests (South Slope of the Heritage Site), evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests, deciduous broad-leaved forests, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, coniferous forests and subalpine shrub and meadow along the elevation gradients. The altitudinal zonation of vegetation in the Shennongjia heritage site represented a variety of bio-ecological processes, such as the turnover of the dominant trees along the altitudinal gradients, and is an outstanding example of the ongoing ecological processes occurring in the development of intact subtropical mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Aims Mountains contain broad environmental gradients, which are to be an outstanding universal value representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of zonal vegetation along the elevation gradients. Exploring the biological and ecological value of the vegetation zonation along the elevation gradients of Chinese mountain natural heritage site is important for biodiversity conservation and management. Methods Based on the community survey data of the six vegetation zonation along the elevational gradients in Shennongjia, the global land use dataset, and the literature data of the communities along the altitudinal gradients of other natural heritage sites and the nominated world natural heritage sites in Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographic Province by Udvardy, we explored the outstanding universal value of the zonal vegetation along the altitude gradients by the methods of spatial analysis. Important findings Shennongjia heritage site preserves the intact vegetation zonation of the typical Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographical Province in the Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World by Udvardy, including evergreen broad-leaved forests (South Slope of the Heritage Site), evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests, deciduous broad-leaved forests, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, coniferous forests and subalpine shrub and meadow along the elevation gradients. The altitudinal zonation of vegetation in the Shennongjia heritage site represented a variety of bio-ecological processes, such as the turnover of the dominant trees along the altitudinal gradients, and is an outstanding example of the ongoing ecological processes occurring in the development of intact subtropical mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in the Northern Hemisphere. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

海南铜铁岭地区植被和种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海南铜铁岭地区植被类型为热带低地雨林,其垂直分布变化不太明显。该地区共有野生种子植物161科、664属、1243种(含变种)。该区系热带性质强烈,其中泛热带和热带亚洲成分占优势,各占总属数(除去世界属)的28.64%和28.01%;在种级水平上,热带成分占绝大多数;本地区中国特有种279种,占总种数的22.65%,其中海南特有植物121种,占该地区中国特有种的43.37%。讨论了该地区与临近4个不同纬度地区植物区系的关系。  相似文献   

Both the continental or island origin of Hainan, and the Indo-Malaysian or East Asian affinity of its flora, are debatable. In this study, 196 families, 1283 genera and 3894 species of Hainan plants were recognized. Patterns of seed plant distribution were quantified at the generic and the family levels. The floras of Vietnam, and the adjacent Guangxi and Guangdong provinces of mainland China, were compared with Hainan. The results showed that the flora of Hainan Island is dominated by families and genera with tropical distributions. Among its floristic elements, tropical Asian distributions make up 23.85% of the total flora, while East Asian distributions contribute only 3.74%. There are only 7 genera and c. 10% of species endemic to Hainan Island. The Hainan flora has strong similarities to the flora of Vietnam at the family and the generic levels, and also to the flora of Guangxi, but less with the adjacent Guangdong province. The main conclusions are: Hainan’s flora is tropical in nature with a strongly tropical Asian affinity, and it has very low endemism at the generic and species levels, which implies a continental origin. We conjecture that Hainan Island could have been adjacent to northern Vietnam and the Guangxi at least in Eocene. This suggestion is supported by palaeobotanical, palaeomagnetic and volcanism studies.  相似文献   

海南岛维管植物物种多样性的现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带岛屿的植物多样性一直是全球生物多样性保护的重点和热点。海南岛地处热带北缘, 是中国的第二大岛屿, 具有丰富的植物多样性。经过近几十年的考察研究, 关于海南岛的植物物种数量出现了多个版本。本文通过文献梳理和野外考证的方法进行了全面的植物多样性调查, 以确定其维管植物种数。结果表明: 截止到2015年12月, 海南岛记录并能考证实物或标本的维管植物共有6,036种, 包括野生种4,579种(含特有植物483种和珍稀濒危植物512种)、外来逸生及归化植物163种(含外来入侵种57种)、外来引种的纯栽培植物1,294种。自1964-1977年《海南植物志》出版至今, 新增野生及引种的栽培植物所占的比例均较大, 分别占海南岛野生和栽培植物总种数的35.9%和75.9%。本文还对其中1,220种的拉丁学名进行了异名处理等的订正。  相似文献   

The cryptogamic flora of an isolated rainforest fragment in Tasmania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cryptogamic flora of a small isolated natural fragment of rainforest in south-eastern Tasmania has retained its rainforest character but has been modified in comparison to the flora of large, well-buffered rainforest stands. There is a high proportion of widespread wet forest species and many typical rainforest lichens and bryophytes are absent or represented only by depauperate and/or sterile individuals. The relative proportions of hepatics to mosses is reversed compared with that normally found in rainforest and there is a much lower diversity in the bryophyte flora. In spite of these modifications, the flora of the rainforest fragment is quite distinct from that of the surrounding sclerophyll vegetation. The community acts as a refuge for many species and contributes significantly to the overall biodiversity of the area. The site is very important for biological conservation but the data suggest that the ecosystem is extremely fragile and must be protected from future disturbance if its rainforest flora is to survive. The new combination, Bacidia vallatula (Jatta) Kantvilas, is proposed, and the lichen Byssoloma subdiscordans (Nyl.) P. James is recorded from Tasmania for the first time.  相似文献   

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