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Phosphorylation and regulation of beta-catenin by casein kinase I epsilon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
beta-Catenin transduces cytosolic signals to the nucleus in the Wnt pathway. The Wnt ligand stabilizes cytosolic beta-catenin protein, preventing its phosphorylation by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). Serine-33 and -37 of beta-catenin are GSK3 phosphorylation sites that serve as recognition sites for the beta-TRCP-ubiquitin ligase complex, which ultimately triggers beta-catenin degradation. Mutations at those two sites, as well as in Ser-45, stabilize beta-catenin. Recently, casein kinase I epsilon (CKI epsilon) has been shown to be a positive regulator of the Wnt pathway. Its action mechanism, however, remains unknown. Here I show that Ser-45 is phosphorylated not by GSK3 but by CKI epsilon. Axin, a scaffold protein that binds CKI epsilon and beta-catenin, enhances this CKI epsilon-mediated phosphorylation. Overexpression of CKI epsilon in cells increases the amount of beta-catenin phosphorylated at Ser-45. Ser-45 phosphorylated beta-catenin is a better substrate for GSK3, which suggests that CKI epsilon and GSK3 may co-operate in destabilizing beta-catenin. In spite of the fact that CKI epsilon was found as a positive regulator of the Wnt pathway, mutational analysis suggests that mutation of Ser-45 regulates beta-catenin stability by inhibiting the ability of GSK3 to phosphorylate Ser-33 and -37, thereby disrupting the interaction between beta-catenin, beta-TRCP and Axin. I propose that phosphorylation of Ser-45 by CKI epsilon plays an important role in regulating beta-catenin stability.  相似文献   

Axin and the adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC) interact to down-regulate the proto-oncogene beta-catenin. We show that transposition of an axin-binding site can confer beta-catenin regulatory activity to a fragment of APC normally lacking this activity. The fragment containing the axin-binding site also underwent hyperphosphorylation when coexpressed with axin. The phosphorylation did not require glycogen synthase kinase 3beta but instead required casein kinase 1epsilon, which bound directly to axin. Mutation of conserved serine residues in the beta-catenin regulatory motifs of APC interfered with both axin-dependent phosphorylation and phosphorylation by CKIepsilon and impaired the ability of APC to regulate beta-catenin. These results suggest that the axin-dependent phosphorylation of APC is mediated in part by CKIepsilon and is involved in the regulation of APC function.  相似文献   

Casein kinases I (CKI) are serine/threonine protein kinases widely expressed in a range of eukaryotes including yeast, mammals and plants. They have been shown to play a role in diverse physiological events including membrane trafficking. CKI alpha is associated with synaptic vesicles and phosphorylates some synaptic vesicle associated proteins including SV2. In this report, we show that syntaxin-1A is phosphorylated in vitro by CKI on Thr21. Casein kinase II (CKII) has been shown previously to phosphorylate syntaxin-1A in vitro and we have identified Ser14 as the CKII phosphorylation site, which is known to be phosphorylated in vivo. As syntaxin-1A plays a key role in the regulation of neurotransmitter release by forming part of the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complex, we propose that CKI may play a role in synaptic vesicle exocytosis.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of a highly purified aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex from rabbit reticulocytes by the cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase, casein kinase I, has been examined, and the effects of phosphorylation on the synthetase activities were determined. The synthetase complex, purified as described (Kellermann, O., Tonetti, H., Brevet, A., Mirande, M., Pailliez, J.-P., and Waller, J.-P. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11041-11048), contains seven aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and four unidentified proteins and is free of endogenous protein kinase activity. Incubation of the complex with casein kinase I in the presence of ATP results in the phosphorylation of four synthetases, namely, glutamyl-, isoleucyl-, methionyl-, and lysyl-tRNA synthetases. Phosphorylation by casein kinase I alters binding of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex to tRNA-Sepharose. The phosphorylated synthetase complex elutes from tRNA-Sepharose at 190 mM NaCl, while the nonphosphorylated complex elutes at 275 mM NaCl. Phosphorylation by casein kinase I results in a significant inhibition of aminoacylation by the glutamyl-, isoleucyl-, methionyl-, and lysyl-tRNA synthetases; the activities of the nonphosphorylated synthetases remain unchanged. These data indicate that phosphorylation of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in the high molecular weight complex alters the activities of these enzymes. One of the unidentified proteins present in the complex (Mr 37,000) is also highly phosphorylated by casein kinase I. From a comparison of the properties and phosphopeptide pattern of this protein with that of casein kinase I, it appears that the Mr 37,000 protein in the synthetase complex is an inactive form of casein kinase I. This observation provides further evidence for a physiological role for casein kinase I in regulating synthetase activities.  相似文献   

Casein kinase I epsilon (CKIepsilon) is a widely expressed protein kinase implicated in the regulation of diverse cellular processes including DNA replication and repair, nuclear trafficking, and circadian rhythm. CKIepsilon and the closely related CKIdelta are regulated in part through autophosphorylation of their carboxyl-terminal extensions, resulting in down-regulation of enzyme activity. Treatment of CKIepsilon with any of several serine/threonine phosphatases causes a marked increase in kinase activity that is self-limited. To identify the sites of inhibitory autophosphorylation, a series of carboxyl-terminal deletion mutants was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. Truncations that eliminated specific phosphopeptides present in the wild-type kinase were used to guide construction of specific serine/threonine to alanine mutants. Amino acids Ser-323, Thr-325, Thr-334, Thr-337, Ser-368, Ser-405, Thr-407, and Ser-408 in the carboxyl-terminal tail of CKIepsilon were identified as probable in vivo autophosphorylation sites. A recombinant CKIepsilon protein with serine and threonine to alanine mutations eliminating these autophosphorylation sites was 8-fold more active than wild-type CKIepsilon using IkappaBalpha as a substrate. The identified autophosphorylation sites do not conform to CKI substrate motifs identified in peptide substrates.  相似文献   

Condensin I, which plays an essential role in mitotic chromosome assembly and segregation in vivo, constrains positive supercoils into DNA in the presence of adenosine triphosphate in vitro. Condensin I is constitutively present in a phosphorylated form throughout the HeLa cell cycle, but the sites at which it is phosphorylated in interphase cells differ from those recognized by Cdc2 during mitosis. Immunodepletion, in vitro phosphorylation, and immunoblot analysis using a phospho-specific antibody suggested that the CK2 kinase is likely to be responsible for phosphorylation of condensin I during interphase. In contrast to the slight stimulatory effect of Cdc2-induced phosphorylation of condensin I on supercoiling, phosphorylation by CK2 reduced the supercoiling activity of condensin I. CK2-mediated phosphorylation of condensin I is spatially and temporally regulated in a manner different to that of Cdc2-mediated phosphorylation: CK2-dependent phosphorylation increases during interphase and decreases on chromosomes during mitosis. These findings are the first to demonstrate a negative regulatory mode for condensin I, a process that may influence chromatin structure during interphase and mitosis.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA ligase I has been shown to be a phosphoprotein. Dephosphorylation of purified DNA ligase I causes inactivation, an effect dependent on the presence of the N-terminal region of the protein. Expression of full-length human DNA ligase I in Escherichia coli yielded soluble but catalytically inactive enzyme whereas an N-terminally truncated form expressed activity. Incubation of the full-length preparation from E. coli with purified casein kinase II (CKII) resulted in phosphorylation of the N-terminal region and was accompanied by activation of the DNA ligase. Of a variety of purified protein kinases tested, only CKII stimulated the activity of calf thymus DNA ligase I. Tryptic phosphopeptide analysis of DNA ligase I revealed that CKII specifically phosphorylated a major peptide also apparently phosphorylated in cells, implying that CKII is a protein kinase acting on DNA ligase I in the cell nucleus. These data suggest that DNA ligase I is negatively regulated by its N-terminal region and that this inhibition can be relieved by post-translational modification.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that (S)-3,5-dihydroxypenylglycine (DHPG), an agonist for group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), stimulates CK1 and Cdk5 kinase activities in neostriatal neurons, leading to enhanced phosphorylation, respectively, of Ser-137 and Thr-75 of DARPP-32 (dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, 32 kDa). We have now investigated the signaling pathway that leads from mGluRs to casein kinase 1 (CK1) activation. In mouse neostriatal slices, the effect of DHPG on phosphorylation of Ser-137 or Thr-75 of DARPP-32 was blocked by the phospholipase Cbeta inhibitor, the Ca(2+) chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA/AM), and the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporin A. In neuroblastoma N2a cells, the effect of DHPG on the activity of transfected HA-tagged CK1(epsilon) was blocked by BAPTA/AM and cyclosporin A. In neostriatal slices, the effect of DHPG on Cdk5 activity was also abolished by BAPTA/AM and cyclosporin A, presumably through blocking activation of CK1. Metabolic labeling studies and phosphopeptide mapping revealed that a set of C-terminal sites in HA-CK1epsilon were transiently dephosphorylated in N2a cells upon treatment with DHPG, and this was blocked by cyclosporin A. A mutant CK1epsilon with a nonphosphorylatable C-terminal domain was not activated by DHPG. Together, these studies suggest that DHPG activates CK1(epsilon) via Ca(2+)-dependent stimulation of calcineurin and subsequent dephosphorylation of inhibitory C-terminal autophosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase by casein kinase I is markedly enhanced if the enzyme has previously been phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The presence of phosphate in the primary cAMP-dependent protein kinase sites, sites 1a, 1b, and 2 (serine 7), increases the activity of casein kinase I toward residues in the vicinity of these sites. This synergistic phosphorylation correlates with potent inactivation of the glycogen synthase. Analysis of the NH2 terminus of the enzyme subunit indicated that phosphorylation at serine 7 caused serine 10 to become a preferred casein kinase I site and that phosphoserine can be an important recognition determinant for casein kinase I. This finding can also explain how epinephrine stimulation of skeletal muscle provokes significant increases in the phosphorylation state of serine residues, in particular serine 10, not recognized by cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Arrestins play an important role in regulating the function of G protein-coupled receptors including receptor desensitization, internalization, down-regulation, and signaling via nonreceptor tyrosine kinases and mitogen-activated protein kinases. Previous studies have revealed that arrestins themselves are also subject to regulation. In the present study, we focused on identifying potential mechanisms involved in regulating the function of arrestin-3. Using metabolic labeling, phosphoamino acid analysis, and mutagenesis studies, we found that arrestin-3 is constitutively phosphorylated at Thr-382 and becomes dephosphorylated upon beta(2)-adrenergic receptor activation in COS-1 cells. Casein kinase II (CKII) appears to be the major kinase mediating arrestin-3 phosphorylation, since 1) Thr-382 is contained within a canonical consensus sequence for CKII phosphorylation and 2) wild type arrestin-3 but not a T382A mutant is phosphorylated by CKII in vitro. Functional analysis reveals that mutants mimicking the phosphorylated (T382E) and dephosphorylated (T382A or T382V) states of arrestin-3 promote beta(2)-adrenergic receptor internalization and bind clathrin, beta-adaptin, and Src to comparable levels as wild type arrestin-3. This suggests that the phosphorylation of arrestin-3 does not directly regulate interaction with endocytic (clathrin, beta-adaptin) or signaling (Src) components and is in contrast to arrestin-2, where phosphorylation appears to regulate interaction with clathrin and Src. However, additional analysis reveals that arrestin-3 phosphorylation may regulate formation of a large arrestin-3-containing protein complex. Differences between the regulatory roles of arrestin-2 and -3 phosphorylation may contribute to the different cellular functions of these proteins in G protein-coupled receptor signaling and regulation.  相似文献   

Takano A  Shimizu K  Kani S  Buijs RM  Okada M  Nagai K 《FEBS letters》2000,477(1-2):106-112
Genes differentially expressed in the subjective day and night in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) were surveyed by differential display. A gene homologous to human casein kinase 1epsilon (CK1epsilon) was isolated, which initially appeared to be expressed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in a circadian manner. We here describe the cDNA cloning of the rat CK1epsilon and characterization of the protein products. The rCK1epsilon is predominantly expressed in the brain including the SCN, binds and phosphorylates mPer1, mPer2, and mPer3 in vitro, and translocates mPer1 and mPer3, but not mPer2, to the cell nucleus depending on its kinase activity when coexpressed with these Per proteins in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) is a critical component of the 40 S ribosomal subunit that mediates translation initiation at the 5'-m(7)GpppG cap of mRNA. In response to mitogenic stimuli, rpS6 undergoes ordered C-terminal phosphorylation by p70 S6 kinases and p90 ribosomal S6 kinases on four conserved Ser residues (Ser-235, Ser-236, Ser-240, and Ser-244) whose modification potentiates rpS6 cap binding activity. A fifth site, Ser-247, is also known to be phosphorylated, but its function and regulation are not well characterized. In this study, we employed phospho-specific antibodies to show that Ser-247 is a target of the casein kinase 1 (CK1) family of protein kinases. CK1-dependent phosphorylation of Ser-247 was induced by mitogenic stimuli and required prior phosphorylation of upstream S6 kinase/ribosomal S6 kinase residues. CK1-mediated phosphorylation of Ser-247 also enhanced the phosphorylation of upstream sites, which implies that bidirectional synergy between C-terminal phospho-residues is required to sustain rpS6 phosphorylation. Consistent with this idea, CK1-dependent phosphorylation of rpS6 promotes its association with the mRNA cap-binding complex in vitro. Additionally, we show that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) antagonizes rpS6 C terminus phosphorylation and cap binding in intact cells. These findings further our understanding of rpS6 phospho-regulation and define a direct link between CK1 and translation initiation.  相似文献   

Regulation of casein kinase 2 by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of various polycation-stimulated (PCS) phosphatases and of the active catalytic subunit of the ATPMg-dependent (AMDc) protein phosphatase on the activity of casein kinase 2 (CK-2) were investigated by using the synthetic peptide substrate Ser-Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu, whose phosphorylated derivative is entirely insensitive to these protein phosphatases. Previous dephosphorylation of native CK-2 enhances its specific activity 2-3-fold. Such an effect, accounted for by an increase in Vmax, is more readily promoted by the PCS phosphatases than by the AMDc phosphatase. The phosphate incorporated by autophosphorylation could not be removed by the protein phosphatases, suggesting the involvement of phosphorylation site(s) other than the one(s) affected by intramolecular autophosphorylation. The activation of CK-2 by the phosphatase pretreatment is neutralized during the kinase assay; the mechanism of this phenomenon, which is highly dependent on the kinase concentration, is discussed.  相似文献   


Objectives: Leukocyte NADPH oxidase, which is active in neutrophils, is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to O2? by using NADPH as an electron donor. Previously, we reported that casein kinase 2 (CK2), a ubiquitous and highly conserved Ser/Thr kinase, is responsible for p47phox phosphorylation and that phosphorylation of p47phox by CK2 regulates the deactivation of NADPH oxidase.

Methods: Here, we report that the residue Cys196 of p47phox is a target of S-nitrosylation by S-nitrosothiol and peroxynitrite and that this modification enhanced phosphorylation of p47phox by CK2. Results: S-Nitrosylated p47phox enhanced CK2 b subunit binding, presumably due to alterations in protein conformation.

Discussion: Taken together, we propose that S-nitrosylation of p47phox regulates the deactivation of NADPH oxidase via enhancement of p47phox phosphorylation by CK2  相似文献   

H Chong  J Lee  K L Guan 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(14):3716-3727
Activating and inhibitory phosphorylation mechanisms play an essential role in regulating Raf kinase activity. Here we demonstrate that phosphorylation of C-Raf in the kinase activation loop (residues T491 and S494) is necessary, but not sufficient, for activation. C-Raf has additional activating phosphorylation sites at S338 and Y341. Mutating all four of these residues to acidic residues, S338D/Y341D/T491E/S494D (DDED), in C-Raf results in constitutive activity. However, acidic residue substitutions at the corresponding activation loop sites in B-Raf are sufficient to confer constitutive activity. B-Raf and C-Raf also utilize similar inhibitory phosphorylation mechanisms to regulate kinase activity. B-Raf has multiple inhibitory phosphorylation sites necessary for full kinase inhibition where C-Raf requires only one. We examined the functional significance of these inhibitory and activating phosphorylations in Caenorhabditis elegans lin-45 Raf. Eliminating the inhibitory phosphorylation or mimicking activating phosphorylation sites is sufficient to confer constitutive activity upon lin-45 Raf and induce multi-vulva phenotypes in C.elegans. Our results demonstrate that different members of the Raf family kinases have both common and distinct phosphorylation mechanisms to regulate kinase activity and biological function.  相似文献   

Src kinase regulation by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Src and Src-family protein-tyrosine kinases are regulatory proteins that play key roles in cell differentiation, motility, proliferation, and survival. The initially described phosphorylation sites of Src include an activating phosphotyrosine 416 that results from autophosphorylation, and an inhibiting phosphotyrosine 527 that results from phosphorylation by C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and Csk homologous kinase. Dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine 527 increases Src kinase activity. Candidate phosphotyrosine 527 phosphatases include cytoplasmic PTP1B, Shp1 and Shp2, and transmembrane enzymes include CD45, PTPalpha, PTPepsilon, and PTPlambda. Dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine 416 decreases Src kinase activity. Thus far PTP-BL, the mouse homologue of human PTP-BAS, has been shown to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosine 416 in a regulatory fashion. The platelet-derived growth factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinase mediates the phosphorylation of Src Tyr138; this phosphorylation has no direct effect on Src kinase activity. The platelet-derived growth factor receptor and the ErbB2/HER2 growth factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinases mediate the phosphorylation of Src Tyr213 and activation of Src kinase activity. Src kinase is also a substrate for protein-serine/threonine kinases including protein kinase C (Ser12), protein kinase A (Ser17), and CDK1/cdc2 (Thr34, Thr46, and Ser72). Of the three protein-serine/threonine kinases, only phosphorylation by CDK1/cdc2 has been demonstrated to increase Src kinase activity. Although considerable information on the phosphoprotein phosphatases that catalyze the hydrolysis of Src phosphotyrosine 527 is at hand, the nature of the phosphatases that mediate the hydrolysis of phosphotyrosine 138 and 213, and phosphoserine and phosphothreonine residues has not been determined.  相似文献   

C Grose  W Jackson    J A Traugh 《Journal of virology》1989,63(9):3912-3918
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein gpI is the predominant viral glycoprotein within the plasma membranes of infected cells. This viral glycoprotein is phosphorylated on its polypeptide backbone during biosynthesis. In this report, we investigated the protein kinases which participate in the phosphorylation events. Under in vivo conditions, VZV gpI was phosphorylated on its serine and threonine residues by protein kinases present within lysates of either VZV-infected or uninfected cells. Because this activity was diminished by heparin, a known inhibitor of casein kinase II, isolated gpI was incubated with purified casein kinase II and shown to be phosphorylated in an in vitro assay containing [gamma-32P]ATP. The same glycoprotein was phosphorylated when [32P]GTP was substituted for [32P]ATP in the protein kinase assay. We also tested whether VZV gpI was phosphorylated by two other ubiquitous mammalian protein kinases--casein kinase I and cyclic AMP-dependent kinase--and found that only casein kinase I modified gpI. When the predicted 623-amino-acid sequence of gpI was examined, two phosphorylation sites known to be optimal for casein kinase II were observed. Immediately upstream from each of the casein kinase II sites was a potential casein kinase I phosphorylation site. In summary, this study showed that VZV gpI was phosphorylated by each of two mammalian protein kinases (casein kinase I and casein kinase II) and that potential serine-threonine phosphorylation sites for each of these two kinases were present in the viral glycoprotein.  相似文献   

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