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低覆盖度固沙林的乔木分布格局与防风效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低覆盖度植被是我国干旱、半干旱区经过漫长的自然演替过程逐步发育形成且广泛分布的植被类型。前人研究认为,植被覆盖度达到40%为固定沙地,40%-20%为半固定-半流动沙地。但在实践观察中发现:在低密度(或覆盖度)时,灌丛的水平分布格局对固定流沙和阻止风沙流的作用差异显著。在干旱区、半干旱区,存在着大量天然的乔木疏林,其覆盖度均在低于40%,地表处于半流动状态,而配置成行带式后,即使覆盖度降低到20%时,地面也不会出现风蚀现象。因此,在内蒙古浑善达克沙地,针对覆盖度在20%左右的乔木疏林,同时测定了随机与行带式两种分布格局的防风阻沙效果。结果表明:(1)在不同的对照风速下,行带式配置的林内的相对风速均低于随机分布,其中在200 cm高度处行带式配置的平均相对风速比随机分布的低53.89%,在50 cm高度处低36.82%;(2)行带式林内的水平风速流场变化有一定规律,而随机分布林内风速流场变化主要受树冠在空间的分布影响,变化非常复杂;(3)随机分布的疏林内出现风速超过旷野对照的现象,在50 cm和200 cm的两个观测高度上分别有约27.45%和22.55%的风速测定值超过对照风速,说明出现明显的局部风速"抬升"现象,形成了强的涡流;(4)行带式配置林内的平均地表粗糙度达到1.01 cm,比随机分布的疏林内增大约5倍之多;(5)总体而论,行带式分布格局第1带降低风速的作用最显著,第2带及其以后各带间的风速均比第1带后的风速小,但逐带降低的叠加效益不明显;(6)由于乔木基本(枝下高)没有枝条对风的阻碍,乔木行带式固沙林在迎风面的第1林带的基部有一定的风力"抬升"作用,对林带基部地面产生较强的侵蚀作用,多数第1带树木的根系被侵蚀裸露,过境的风沙流只能在林带后树冠外侧堆积;(7)随机分布林内在许多位置出现了非常低的地表粗糙度,地表粗糙度低的位置基本与风速"抬升"区相吻合,这种"抬升"区形成的强的涡流是疏林内出现风蚀坑的重要因素,这也是浑善达克沙地出现榆树与风蚀坑相间分布的主要原因。  相似文献   

行带式柠条固沙林防风效果   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
传统观点研究认为:植被覆盖度低于40%,沙地处于半固定半流动状态.但在实践观察中发现:在低密度(或覆盖度)时,灌丛的水平分布格局对固定流沙和阻止风沙流的作用差异显著。以低覆盖度(20%-25%)的柠条固沙林为研究对象,采用多点式自记风速仪(GB-228),在2。4月份的盛风季节,测定了行带式配置和随机分布的柠条固沙林以及完整的行带式配置和其中一带出现缺口的行带式固沙林内不同部位、不同高度的风速.统计分析风速测定结果发现:(1)当覆盖度在20%-25%时,行带式配置的柠条固沙林内的防风效果比同覆盖度随机分布的在20cm高处高48.4%;50era高处高30.7%;200cm高处高27.4%,且风速越大,行带式配置降低风速的效果越显著,当200cm高风速达到6—7m/s时,行带式的平均防风效果比同覆盖度随机分布的高48.2%;反映出在低覆盖度时,灌丛的水平分布格局成为制约固沙林沙防风效果的重要因素,行带式配置具有显著的防风效果;(2)在灌丛与灌丛之间形成的类似“狭管”流场的局部,有提升风速的作用,导致其林内观测的风速有约41.3%的观测结果超过旷野对照风速,行带式配置的柠条固沙林内没有一个观测结果超过对照风速;这个结果反映出随机分布的柠条固沙林内流场结构复杂、变化多样,也成为低覆盖度时,沙地处于半固定、半流动状态,疏林内同时存在风蚀和积沙和缺口处风速升高的重要因素;(3)行带式配置林内地表粗糙度比随机配置的高5.4-114.4倍,说明行带式配置具有显著的防止风蚀、固定流沙的作用;(4)行带式林内出现断带缺口处,其缺口处的风速降低有明显的累加现象;风速抬升现象在一定程度受到制约。这些结果为发展低覆盖度行带式配置的固沙林提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

低覆盖度灌木群丛的水平配置格局与固沙效果的风洞试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对覆盖度为18%~20%的灌木固沙疏林,在风洞内,模拟了行带式、等株行距和随机不均匀等3种水平配置格局的风力侵蚀机理和固沙效果.结果表明:1.当风速为10m/s时,行带式内吹风30min后不出现风蚀,等株行距和随机模式内分别在吹风8min和3min出现风蚀;2.当风速增大为15m/s时,行带式仅在模式内出现微弱的风蚀和积沙,吹风30min后形成稳定的凹月形沙面,最大蚀、积厚度为0.4cm和0.7cm,没有形成风沙流,而等株行距和随机模式则出现强风沙流,吹风30min后,模式内65.57%和66.96%的沙被吹走;3.等株行距主要风蚀灌空隙丛间的沙面,随机配置主要风蚀灌丛分布的大空隙间的沙面,而在灌丛相对集中的部位积沙,因此形成非常复杂的沙面形状.  相似文献   

建立植物功能性状与群落动态之间的关联是功能生态学的核心问题之一。本文基于鼎湖山1.44 ha塔吊样地的两次调查数据, 通过采集样地内所有4,142株个体的6种植物功能性状, 对比分析了个体水平植物功能性状和物种水平功能性状均值对不同垂直层次(灌木层、亚冠层和林冠层)个体生长的影响差异。首先, 分析了不同垂直层次下各植物功能性状的变化趋势; 其次, 计算了不同垂直层次下各植物功能性状的种内和种间变异水平; 最后, 运用结构方程模型探讨了植物功能性状、光竞争以及地下竞争对不同垂直层次树木生长的影响。结果表明: (1)不同垂直层次下的植物功能性状表现出明显的分异, 由灌木层至林冠层, 叶面积、比叶面积和能量供求关系指数显著降低, 而叶片厚度和叶片干物质含量显著升高; (2)不同垂直层次下植物功能性状的种间变异均大于种内变异, 且林冠层的种内功能性状变异均大于灌木层和亚冠层; (3)基于个体水平植物功能性状的结构方程模型较物种水平功能性状均值对生长具有更高的解释程度, 且个体水平植物功能性状的引入更有利于提高对灌木层个体生长的预测能力; (4)光竞争和地下竞争主要通过影响功能性状间接影响植物生长。由灌木层至林冠层, 同种间的相互作用逐渐减弱, 异种间的相互作用逐渐增强。综上, 将个体水平植物功能性状纳入分析有助于更好地理解群落的结构和动态。  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)是我国华北地区主要纸浆林品种, 在该地区多采用宽窄行模式栽植。为基于根系结构特征制定该模式下毛白杨人工林高效水肥管理策略和明确影响其根系空间分布的主要因子, 在5年生林分中于8株样树周围挖取2106个土柱, 研究该栽植模式下毛白杨根系生物量的空间分布特征, 并分析了细根垂直分布对土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮等的响应。结果表明, 一维垂向上, 宽行内细根根重密度(FRBD)在0-30 cm土层中随深度增加而递减, 但在30 cm以下土层呈均匀分布(p = 0.079); 窄行内FRBD呈“双峰”分布, 即在0-20 cm (22%)和70-110 cm (31%)土层均有较多细根分布; 10-150 cm各土层中, 窄行FRBD较宽行高17%-148%。宽、窄行内, 随深度增加, 粗根根重密度(CRBD)均呈先增后减变化, 而细根粗根比(F/C)无显著变化(p > 0.05), 窄行平均F/C较宽行高60%。一维径向上, 宽、窄行内FRBD均呈近均匀分布, 而CRBD和F/C均随距离增加分别显著递减和增大。二维尺度上, FRBD在窄行内分布相对均匀, 但在宽行内主要集中在表土层且随距离增加细根浅层化程度增强; CRBD在树干两侧呈“不对称”分布; 垂向0-20 cm、径向160-300 cm范围是宽行内平均FRBD和F/C较高区域, 分别为宽行相应指标总平均的2.8和1.1倍。FRBD在0-30 cm土层中随土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮含量的增加而逐渐增大, 但在30 cm以下土层中无明显变化趋势。研究结果表明, 宽、窄行间毛白杨根系分布的差异性主要体现在细根一维垂直分布和细根、粗根二维分布上。土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮是0-30 cm土层中毛白杨细根垂直分布的重要影响因子, 但对下层土壤中根系分布无影响。对宽窄行栽植的毛白杨林分灌溉时, 灌溉水应供给到窄行区域; 施肥时, 缓释肥和速效肥应分别浅施在宽行中央附近和窄行内。  相似文献   

春季城区道路不同绿地配置模式对大气颗粒物的削减作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨貌  张志强  陈立欣  刘辰明  邹瑞 《生态学报》2016,36(7):2076-2083
研究城市道路不同绿地类型对大气颗粒物的吸附削减作用,是提高城市绿地大气污染治理功能绿地配置模式优化的重要基础。以位于北京市海淀区的3条典型主干道道路为对象,选取乔木、灌木、草本、乔-灌、乔-草、乔-灌-草6种典型绿地配置模式,在大气颗粒物污染严重以及城市植被发芽、开花、展叶完成的春季(3月中旬至4月上旬),采用Dustmate便携式颗粒物采样器和NK4500手持自动气象仪分1.5m和3m两个高度同步测定距污染源不同位置的大气颗粒物浓度与小气候因子,分析不同绿地配置模式对颗粒物削减能力的差异及其主要影响因素。研究结果表明:复合配置模式比单一配置模式下空气颗粒物浓度稳定程度高,其主要受风速与空气相对湿度的影响;大气颗粒物粒径越大绿地对其削减作用越强;地表覆盖程度是影响不同绿地配置模式对大气颗粒物垂直削减的关键因素,地表覆盖越好垂直削减效果越好,且垂直削减率与温度成正相关关系;草本、灌木对大气颗粒物的垂直削减作用比其他4种配置模式更好;由于受植被郁闭度、疏透度以及配置种类的综合影响,乔-草、灌木绿地配置对大气颗粒物的水平削减作用比其他4种模式更好。  相似文献   

沙柳灌丛植株形态与气流结构野外观测研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王蕾  王志  刘连友  哈斯 《应用生态学报》2005,16(11):2007-2011
通过野外观测,研究了毛乌素沙地南缘平沙地人工栽种单行沙柳灌丛的植株形态与气流结构.结果表明,沙柳灌能降低迎风侧和背风侧的近地面风速,使沙粒在植株下部沉积.积沙体积(V2)与植株体积(V1)相关性较高(R=0.696).单行沙柳灌丛在4 m高处风速为6 m·s-1时的气流结构特征为:迎风侧3H处风速已降低,2 H处风速又得到加强,之后在背风侧迅速降低,1 H处达到最低值,然后逐渐恢复到旷野风速.防护距离约为17H',有效防护距离约为13 H'.沙柳灌丛对植株高度以上高度处风速影响较小.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区坡面林-草边界土壤水分特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄土高原丘陵区林-草边界上旱季和雨季土壤水分的空间分布变化特征.结果表明,旱季林地土壤水分的变异系数都小于草地,林地内各个层次土壤含水量差异不大,草地内各个层次土壤含水量差别较大;雨季林地土壤水分的变异系数都大于草地,林地内各个层次土壤含水量差别较大,而草地内各个层次土壤含水量差异不显著;林-草边界各个层次土壤水分的变异程度为弱变异或中等变异.林-草边界在旱季和雨季具有不同的影响域,旱季边界影响域为从林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.4倍树高距离;雨季边界影响域为从林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.8倍树高距离.因此,可将林-草景观划分为3个区:草地区,即由距林缘0.4倍树高距离处向草地方向延伸;林缘区,即由林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.4倍树高距离(旱季)或0.8倍树高距离(雨季);林地区,即由林内0.4倍树高距离(旱季)或0.8倍树高距离(雨季)处向林内方向延伸.林-草边界水平方向上3个分区的土壤水分垂直分布呈现出不同的变化规律,而且旱季的规律特征与雨季相反.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同剂型农药以及不同类型喷雾助剂对航空喷雾防治柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama的雾滴飘移的影响,探究如何减少雾滴飘移,以期为无人机低空低容量喷雾技术在防治柑橘木虱中的应用提供指导。【方法】选取登记用于防治柑橘木虱的两种杀虫剂和3种助剂,通过采用风洞试验室内模拟田间,风速设定为2 m/s和4 m/s,采用示踪剂法测定距喷头不同距离的药剂飘移沉积情况。【结果】当风速为2 m/s,添加倍达通和Y-20079两种助剂添加量为1%时,药剂在垂直与水平方向沉积均相对减少;添加806助剂后,添加量为0.5%时垂直与水平方向沉积均减少;当风速为4 m/s时,助剂Y-20079添加量为1%,可减少药剂在垂直与水平方向沉积;100 g/L吡丙醚乳油(稀释200倍)和20%噻虫胺悬浮剂(稀释40倍)相比,风速为2 m/s和4 m/s时,垂直和水平方向药剂沉积量均明显减少。【结论】采取低空低容量喷雾技术时,农药的乳油制剂相比于悬浮剂更容易飘失;通过添加倍达通、806和Y-20079等助剂,可减少雾滴的飘移。  相似文献   

沙蒿与油蒿灌丛的防风阻沙作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蒿与油蒿广泛分布于我国沙漠地区,是沙地植被的重要建群种和优势种。在腾格里沙漠南缘半流动沙地,实测了两种典型固沙植物沙蒿与油蒿的防风阻沙作用,从灌丛空间构型对比分析了其防风阻沙机制。结果表明,沙蒿与油蒿灌丛均具有明显的降低风速作用,但油蒿灌丛较沙蒿灌丛具有更显著的防风作用,而且对灌丛后不同位置、近地面不同高度层风速的降低程度明显不同。在灌丛后6倍株高范围内,沙蒿灌丛对50cm高度风速降低程度显著大于20cm,而油蒿灌丛对近地面20cm高度层风速降低程度显著大于50cm。在相同风速下,油蒿灌丛后20cm高度平均风速是沙蒿灌丛的1/2,而50cm高度平均风速与沙蒿灌丛相近。同时,沙蒿灌丛阻沙作用弱,而油蒿灌丛具有明显的阻沙作用,单株积沙体积达到45.2±16.1dm3,积沙重量达到72.1±25.7kg,油蒿灌丛积沙量大小与灌丛结构间存在显著的正相关。研究表明,紧密型结构的油蒿灌丛是较松散型结构沙蒿灌丛更为理想的防风固沙植物,其灌丛分枝数多、分枝角度小、生物量大且多分布在近地面层是具有显著防风阻沙作用的根本原因,该结论可为干旱区防风固沙植被建设物种选择提供依据。  相似文献   

The final second of the landing approach of black bean aphids, Aphis fabae, was analysed in three dimensions using video techniques. A yellow landing platform was placed upwind or downwind from aphids aggregating under a ceiling light in a laboratory wind tunnel with 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 cm s–1 wind speeds, and up-tunnel or down-tunnel in still air. As individual aphids flew to the platform, body orientation (assessed by direct observation) was predominantly into-wind whether the initial flight direction to the landing platform was upwind or downwind. A greater proportion showed into-wind body orientation as wind speed increased. Flight track parameters which differed significantly between wind speeds were the track length, linear start to finish distance, linearity index, horizontal ground speed, speed vertical to the ground, vertical turning rate, and horizontal turning rate. The position of the landing platform was important for track length, linear start to finish distance, horizontal ground speed, three-dimensional turning rate, horizontal turning rate, vertical turning rate, and sinuosity. As wind speed increased above 30 cm s–1 the ground speed became more consistent and indicated considerable variation in air speed to adjust for ground speed. For the majority of aphids there was a strong preference (88%) for into-wind landings with initial upwind directed flight, while for downwind flights a significant number (55%) of insects reversed initial flight direction and landed into-wind. Field recorded landings showed that 66% of aphids landed into-wind and there was a mean bearing to the wind of 71 ± 42°, a similar finding to wind-tunnel studies.  相似文献   

王凯  梁红  施鹏  赵鸣 《生态学报》2019,39(16):6051-6057
城市开放空间的风场不仅影响微环境的"风感"舒适度还影响宏观尺度的城市气候。从景感生态学的角度出发,首先阐述"风感"的定义,总结了街道峡谷空间风场的基本规律和特点。运用Kestrel NK4500手持气象站对城市开放空间的风环境进行实测,采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)模拟软件Fluent 14.0对不含绿地的同一空间进行风环境模拟,通过两者的数据比对来研究紧凑型城市开放空间内绿地对行人高度风场的实际干扰程度。结果发现,紧凑型城市开放空间的"风感"受建筑和绿地空间布局的共同影响。当建筑高于绿地时,风场受建筑的控制;当林带高于建筑时,林带对风环境的影响程度受其疏密度影响。疏密度较高的常绿林带对风向和风速影响很大,而疏密度较低的林带会影响风速,对风向影响不大。影响风速的主要因素是空间围合所形成的空气域,相比实体、多孔介质,空气域对风的阻力要小的多。如铺装、草坪上方的通风廊道是影响行人高度层通风、导风的关键因素。紧凑型空间内的绿地在行人高度应保持通畅以保证通风,并通过建立平面和竖向上的通风、导风廊道体系,促进空气循环。  相似文献   

The effect of different wind speeds on take-off and flight orientation of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), was studied in the presence of a green visual stimulus which reflected 550 ± 10 nm light, or a white stimulus of the same intensity. When the white light was present, take-off was negatively correlated with wind speed. Analysis of the flight tracks of whiteflies in 0, 15 and 30 cm/s wind with the white light present showed that flight was not directed toward the stimulus in zero wind, and that insects were carried downwind as the wind increased. Net displacement downwind was significantly slower than the wind speed, indicating that B. tabaci can control its rate of displacement relative to its surroundings, and is not always passively transported by the wind. In the presence of the green visual stimulus, take-off and flight behaviour of B. tabaci was markedly different to that observed in the presence of the white light. Taking off was more likely and whiteflies made upwind orientated flights, landing on the illuminated section of the screen when it reflected green light. At all wind speeds tested, the mean ground speeds of B. tabaci were approximately 20 cm/s whether the insects were flying upwind or downwind. This uniformity of ground speed regardless of the changing effects of wind-induced drift in different directions strongly suggests that whiteflies actively control their ground speed using visual flow fields in a manner similar to all other flying insects examined thus far.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The results of direct current measurements in the South Basin of Windermere are presented and related to wind history and horizontal variations in near-surface water temperature. Currents were measured by Lagrangian methods using drift-bottles and depth-specific drogues. Except when sudden calms followed strong winds, internal seiche movements had little effect on horizontal transport in the epilimnion. The most important factor governing mass water movement was direct wind forcing. Variations in wind speed accounted for 93% of the variation in near-surface current speed.
For wind speeds between 100 and 500 cm s−1 the wind factor (current speed/wind speed) decreased linearly with wind speed. At wind speeds above 500 cm s−1 the wind factor remained relatively constant around 1 %.
Coriolis effects deflected near-surface currents 4–38° to the right of the wind. The degree of deflection was strongly correlated with the relative depth DE / D * (where DE was the depth of the epilimnion and D * the depth of frictional resistance). The influence of the Coriolis force also produced pronounced rotations, with depth, of the wind-driven current. The circulation pattern within the epilimnion was broadly that of a distorted conveyor belt moving at some angle to the wind axis. The strength of the transverse circulation was greatest at low wind speeds with a deep thermocline.
Richardson-number calculations suggest that the thermocline generally acts as a low-friction boundary between a turbulent epilimnion and a relatively quiescent hypolimnion. Horizontal variations in water temperature, although ranging from only 0.2 to 1.0°C per km, served as a good indirect 'tracer' of the circulation pattern.  相似文献   

Abstract. Females of the specialist parasitoid, Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), were released in a wind tunnel into host-odour plumes dispersed by winds of three velocities and winds whose speed was changed while the wasps were engaged in upwind flight. In steady winds of 61, 122 and 183 cms--1, wasps maintained similar 'preferred' ground speeds by adjusting their airspeed, while turning to a lesser degree as wind velocity increased. In winds of changing velocity (either increasing or decreasing within a 60–100 cm s-1 range), wasps lowered their rate of upwind progress, leading to more tortuous tracks. During changing wind speeds longitudinal image flow decreased. Wasps flying in host-odour plumes 10 cm and 20 cm above the flight tunnel floor in a 122 cm s-1 wind had similar ground speeds; thus their rate of ventral visual image flow varied two-fold. M.croceipes may 'aim' upwind by comparing how changes in the course angle vary with the direction of visual image flow. During changing wind velocities the relationship between changes in visual and flight muscle generated torque is ambiguous. Under these conditions most wasps cast, a manoeuvre characterized by wide lateral excursions across the wind without upwind progress. Once wind speed stabilizes, flight straightens out and upwind flight resumes.  相似文献   

Cohorts of mass-reared adult female Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), parasitoids of tephritid fruit fly larvae, were released in a laminar air flow wind tunnel to study the effects of air movement on flight and walking behaviors. Wind in the tunnel was cycled on and off at intervals to simulate gusty conditions observed in the field. Wind speed influenced parasitoid movement during both the wind-on periods and during the calm intervals between gusts. Wind speeds of 0.8 m per second suppressed flight and walking behaviors, while wind speeds of 0.4 m/s stimulated both flight and walking behaviors. There was an exponential increase in the ratio of activity in calm to activity in wind as wind speed increased.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 efflux in a beech forest: comparison of two closed dynamic systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Le Dantec  Valérie  Epron  Daniel  Dufrêne  Eric 《Plant and Soil》1999,214(1-2):125-132
The aim of this study was to understand why two closed dynamic systems with a very similar design gave large differences in soil CO2 efflux measurements (PP systems and LI-COR). Both in the field (forest beech stand) and in the laboratory, the PPsystems gave higher estimations of soil CO2 efflux than the LI-COR system (ranging from 30% to 50%). The difference in wind speed occurring within the soil respiration chambers (0.9 m s−1 within the SRC-1 and 0.4 m s−1 within the LI-6000-09 chambers) may account for the discrepancy between the two systems. An excessive air movement inside the respiration chamber is thought to disrupt the high laminar boundary layer over the forest floor. This would promote an exhaust of the CO2 accumulated into the upper soil layers into the chamber and a lateral diffusion of CO2 in the soil towards the respiration chamber. The discrepancy between the two systems was reduced (i) by decreasing fan speed within the SRC-1, (ii) by increasing wind speed over the soil surface outside the respiration chamber, or (iii) by using an artificial soil design without high CO2 concentration in soil pores. We show that wind speed is an important component of soil CO2 diffusion which must be taken into account when measuring soil CO2 efflux, even on very fine textured soil like silt-loam soil. Proper measurement can be achieved by maintaining wind speed inside the chamber below 0.4 m s−1 since low wind speed conditions predominate under forest canopies. However, more accurate measurements will be obtained by regulating wind speeds within the chamber at a velocity representative of the wind speed recorded simultaneously at the floor surface. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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