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Aim:  To examine whether isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana are more closely associated to their summer hosts compared with overwintering hosts, with recently developed molecular tools based on mitochondrial regions. Methods and Results:  Primers for the traditional ITS1‐5·8S‐ITS2 region and two mitochondrial intergenic regions, namely, nad3‐atp9 and atp6‐rns, were used. All amplified products were sequenced, aligned and Neighbour‐Joining (NJ), parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic inference analyses were performed. The isolates examined were grouped with very good support into three distinct groups, two of them showed geographical correlation, but no clear association to their host. Conclusions:  The mitochondrial intergenic regions used were more informative than the nuclear ITS1‐5·8S‐ITS2 sequences. The sequence variability observed, that allowed the phylogenetic placement of the isolates into distinct groups, depended on the geographical origin of the isolates and can be exploited for designing group‐specific and isolate‐specific primers for their genetic fingerprinting. No clear associations with summer Sunn Pest populations were observed. Significance and Impact of the Study:  Studies on the genetic variability of biocontrol agents like B. bassiana are indispensable for the development of molecular tools for their future monitoring.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus is an important pest of many crops grown in the Western US. In addition, other species of Lygus cause damage in other parts of the world. To date, no selective pesticide exists for the control of Lygus spp. and broad spectrum pesticides that also kill natural enemies may lead to secondary pests. Entomopathogenic fungi may offer an alternative to chemical pesticides. Isolates of Beauveria bassiana collected from San Joaquin Valley of California (SJV) L. hesperus populations were screened for their ability to grow at high temperatures and for their ability to infect and kill L. hesperus adults and nymphs under laboratory conditions. No isolate grew at 37 or 35 °C but most isolates were able to grow at 32 °C. In addition, one L. hesperus isolate was more efficacious at higher doses than the commercial isolate. Microsatellite markers were used to determine that selected isolates could be distinguished from other isolates. Preliminary information suggested 82 SJV isolates of B. bassiana were closely related to each other but distantly related to the commercial isolate.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus (Knight) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a particularly damaging pest of many crops in the Western United States. Current control tactics are chemically based and there is some concern over resistance building up in populations. Based on previous laboratory studies conducted in California and Mississippi, USA, two new isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) were selected for field-testing against L. hesperus in California. Alfalfa plots were treated with one of three isolates of B. bassiana (a commercial isolate, an isolate from CA (WTPB2) or an isolate from MS (TPB3)) or the chemical pesticide Warrior T. More than 75% of the adults collected from plots 3 days after application with B. bassiana were infected but no differences in percentage infection occurred among fungal treatments. In addition, approximately 30% of the insects collected from control plots or plots treated with Warrior T were also infected. PCR analysis using SSR markers revealed that the isolate causing most of the infections in fungus treated plots was the isolate applied. A mix of infections was found in control plots and plots treated with Warrior T. Despite high levels of infection, no significant reductions of adult populations occurred until 10–14 days after application when plots treated with Warrior T or B. bassiana had about half the numbers of adult L. hesperus as the control plots.  相似文献   

The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), is a pest of various fruit, vegetable, fiber, and seed crops; including cotton. Lygus spp. populations often build on alternate host plants before moving to cotton, and in the midsouthern U.S. wild host plants, such as pigweed (Amaranthus spp.), play a major role in L. lineolaris population development. Three isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) were evaluated for L. lineolaris control in redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.): one from L. lineolaris in Mississippi (TPB3); one from Lygus hesperus (Knight) in California (WTPB2); and one commercial isolate from Mycotrol® (GHA). Fungal applications resulted in moderate to high mycosis in adults (33 to 80%) and moderate mycosis in nymphs (36 to 53%) that were collected from field plots at 2 days post-treatment and incubated under laboratory conditions. Although TPB3 was previously found to be more pathogenic in laboratory bioassays, there was not a consistent separation of this isolate from the other two isolates in field trials. Where differences in adult mycosis or mortality were observed, TPB3 was the most pathogenic. However, in one field trial 7 day mortality for nymphs treated with GHA was higher than those treated with TPB3 or WTPB2. Infection rates at 2, 7, and 14 days post-treatment from caged and non-caged adults suggested that movement of adults among plots occurred, which could have masked some treatment effects. Fungal treatments did not significantly reduce populations relative to controls. This may have been caused by delayed mortality rates under field conditions and/or difficulties with estimating population change under field conditions characteristic of wild host plant populations (e.g., heterogeneous populations, adult movement, and small plot size). Further work evaluating time–dose–mortality over dynamic temperatures, spring and fall field trials on this and other wild hosts, and improved methods for estimating populations on wild hosts are needed.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana was established in coffee seedlings after fungal spore suspensions were applied as foliar sprays, stem injections, or soil drenches. Direct injection yielded the highest post-inoculation recovery of endophytic B. bassiana. Establishment, based on percent recovery of B. bassiana, decreased as time post-inoculation increased in all treatments. Several other endophytes were isolated from the seedlings and could have negatively influenced establishment of B. bassiana. The recovery of B. bassiana from sites distant from the point of inoculation indicates that the fungus has the potential to move throughout the plant.  相似文献   

陈金峰  罗静 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4382-4390
球孢白僵菌作为模式丝状真菌,以分生孢子、菌丝体、虫菌体等多种形态存在,在真菌孢子发育、寄主与宿主互作的研究中具有重要意义。同时,球孢白僵菌又是一类广泛应用的真菌杀虫剂,对森林防护和农业生产具有实际应用价值。球孢白僵菌的相关基因被敲除后,突变体响应氧化胁迫,孢子发育和毒力会发生改变。本文综述了近年来球孢白僵菌在响应氧化胁迫方面的研究进展,为丝状真菌氧化胁迫信号途径的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Spore production of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae was studied in a novel whey-based culture media. Spore yield and viability were determined for two B. bassiana (GHA-726 and CA-603) and two M. anisopliae (CA-1 and IMI 330189) isolates following production in three whey-based systems: solid, liquid, and a diphasic production system. Our study indicated that whey permeate can be used effectively for production of spores of entomopathogenic fungi. However, spore yield and viability were significantly influenced by fungal isolate, whey concentration, and the type of production process used. Under the conditions defined in the present study, spore yields ranging from 1.3 × 109–10 × 1011 spores l−1 of whey medium could be obtained depending on the strain and production process used. Our study revealed that spores produced by all strains in whey-based solid and liquid media showed between 73–99 % viability; germination rates were comparable with those obtained using the standard SDA medium. In the two-stage production process, the viabilities of conidia produced by GHA-726, CA-603, and CA-1 were 35–86, 32–98, and 6–29 %, respectively; viability was correlated with whey concentration and isolates. Whey permeate can be used as a growth substrate for mass production of biocontrol fungi. We hypothesize that spore yield and viability could be improved by careful selection of whey content in the medium, incorporation of critical additives and optimization of culture conditions.  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌是一种重要的虫生真菌,具有致病力强、侵染范围广、安全无污染等优点,其制剂可作为一种真菌类杀虫剂应用于农林业害虫的防治,也可用于人工生产中药材僵蚕。本文综述了球孢白僵菌的培养性状、侵染特性、应用生产和存在的问题,并提出了发展对策,为球孢白僵菌的进一步开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

根据几种丝状真菌Hog1 MAPK的保守氨基酸序列设计简并引物,从昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌中扩增出MAPK同源基因的部分片段,然后利用YADE法延伸该片段的上、下游邻接序列,获得MAPK编码基因的全长序列,命名为BbHog1。序列分析表明,该基因编码358个氨基酸的多肽,推测分子量为40.99kDa,等电点为5.49。BbHog1含有MAPK保守的蛋白激酶激活域(TGY),序列与粗糙脉孢霉os-2(AF297032)、烟曲霉OSM1(XM_747571)、隐球酵母HOG1(AF243531)和酿酒酵母Hog1(Z73285)等Hog1 MAPK高度同源,相似性分别为94%、89%、83%和80%。系统聚类结果表明,BbHog1与酵母Hog1 MAPK同源。Southern杂交表明,BbHog1在球孢白僵菌基因组中以单拷贝形式存在。Northern分析表明,BbHog1在高渗、亚高温和营养胁迫等条件下的表达明显升高。由此推测,BbHog1基因可能与球孢白僵菌对逆境胁迫的适应性调节密切相关。  相似文献   

根据几种丝状真菌Hog1 MAPK的保守氨基酸序列设计简并引物,从昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌中扩增出MAPK同源基因的部分片段,然后利用YADE法延伸该片段的上、下游邻接序列,获得MAPK编码基因的全长序列,命名为BbHog1。序列分析表明,该基因编码358个氨基酸的多肽,推测分子量为40.99kDa,等电点为5.49。BbHog1含有MAPK保守的蛋白激酶激活域(TGY),序列与粗糙脉孢霉os-2(AF297032)、烟曲霉OSM1(XM_747571)、隐球酵母HOG1(AF243531)和酿酒酵母Hog1(Z73285)等Hog1 MAPK高度同源,相似性分别为94%、89%、83%和80%。系统聚类结果表明,BbHog1与酵母Hog1 MAPK同源。Southern杂交表明,BbHog1在球孢白僵菌基因组中以单拷贝形式存在。Northern分析表明,BbHog1在高渗、亚高温和营养胁迫等条件下的表达明显升高。由此推测,BbHog1基因可能与球孢白僵菌对逆境胁迫的适应性调节密切相关。  相似文献   

食用真菌草菇[Volvariella volvacea(Bull.ex.Fr.)Sing.]VvLaeA在调控真菌发育方面的功能并不清楚。本研究在对草菇VvLaeA进行生物信息学分析基础上,通过聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)的方法将超量表达启动子Vvgpd和草菇VvlaeA基因的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)进行融合,并将融合片段克隆入pK2(bar)载体。采用农杆菌介导的转化方法将重组载体pK2(bar)-OEVvlaeA转入球孢白僵菌中进行表达,测定转化子的菌株发育情况。结果表明,草菇VvLaeA与其他真菌的蛋白同源性较低;和野生型相比,转化菌株的菌落直径显著增大,色素减少,分生孢子产量和萌发率均显著下降,对胁迫反应的敏感性增强。进一步研究发现,转化菌株分生孢子的细胞壁结构成分发生改变,和分生孢子发育相关基因的表达被显著下调。提示草菇VvLaeA能提高球孢白僵菌菌株的生长速率,而负调控色素沉积和分生孢子发育,这为草菇基因功能鉴定提供了启示。  相似文献   

This study determined the pathogenicity and virulence of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae to eggs of the chinch bug Blissus antillus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Eggs were inoculated under laboratory conditions by immersion in concentrations of 1 × 104 and 5 × 106 conidia/ml. Inoculated eggs were kept under controlled conditions. Evaluations were carried out daily for 20 days. M. anisopliae isolates were highly virulent to eggs, even at 1 × 104 conidia/ml. All B. bassiana isolates tested were considered to be of low virulence or avirulent. The most virulent isolate tested was ESALQ 818 (M. anisopliae), which caused 96.7% infection, when eggs were immersed in suspensions of 1 × 104 conidia/ml. Conidial production on infected eggs was observed to be highest for M. anisopliae isolate CG144, with a mean value of 11.6 × 105 conidia/ml/egg. Infection of Blissus eggs oviposited on plant stems was greater when M. anisopliae isolate CG144 was formulated in mineral oil (63.5% mortality) than when formulated in Tween 80 (27.1% mortality).  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana conidial viability in turfgrass was evaluated using a two-component nucleic acid stain and fluorescence microscopy. Turfgrass samples along with the top 5 cm of soil were used for conidial extraction and viability evaluation on 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment. There were no differences in conidial viability between two Orthoptera strains, 3622 and 5977, and both strains were able to persist in a sandy loam soil for up to three weeks after application. High and low irrigation levels were applied to each of the two strains and results show that higher irrigation (5.1 cm/week) maintains conidial viability better than a low irrigation level (2.5 cm/week). Mean conidial viability was approximately 8–12% greater in plots with the high irrigation regime. Rather than significantly increase soil moisture levels, it is hypothesized that the greater amount of irrigation helps to move the conidia deeper into the thatch layer and soil profile, an area that provides protection from damaging surface temperatures and UV exposure. Rainfall that occurred during the beginning of the 2005 test minimized the irrigation effect, and the irrigation treatment differences were more pronounced after 48 h. Four different UV protectants were evaluated for an impact on conidial viability of strain 3622. Two protectants, an optical brightener and magnesium silicate clay, when added to an emulsifiable oil formulation, significantly increased conidial viability on all evaluation dates. The clay particles act as a sunlight blocker while the optical brightener absorbs UV light. The combined protection from the oil and the additive increased conidial viability by approximately 10% on all evaluation dates. Results from this study provide insight into ways to increase entomopathogenic fungal viability under field conditions.  相似文献   

对球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)Bb174产几丁质酶进行了固态发酵条件及酶学特征的研究.结果表明,以4:1麸皮:蚕蛹粉、蛋白胨1g·L-1作为产酶最适培养基,在75g培养基中接种3ml液态种子,自然pH下28℃培养2d,酶活可达最高,为126U·g-1(干培养基).粗酶液的最适反应温度为40℃,最适反应pH5.0,在30~70℃保温1h,得半失活温度48℃.在30~40℃、pH4~6范围内,酶的性质最稳定.根据Lineweaver-Burk作图法,得到该酶的动力学参数Km为0.52mg·ml-1,Vm为0.7△E680·h-1.  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌对烟蚜茧蜂生命参数及控害效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内评价了球孢白僵菌对烟蚜茧蜂生命参数及控害效果的影响。分别在烟蚜茧蜂寄生桃蚜后不同时间进行高剂量(1900孢子/mm2)接菌,检测蚜虫感病率和寄生蜂形成的僵蚜率及僵蚜出蜂率。结果表明,球孢白僵菌对僵蚜率和僵蚜出蜂率的影响随接菌时间不同而变化。在烟蚜茧蜂寄生前1d、寄生当天和寄生后3d接菌,蚜虫感病率分别为59.6%、56.2%和34.8%;与对照相比,僵蚜率分别下降94%、59%和47%,僵蚜出蜂率分别减少83%、54%和49%。在寄生后5d或7d接菌,僵蚜率和僵蚜出蜂率不受明显影响,但蚜虫感病率降低到8.2%以下。对蚜尸内白僵菌菌体含量检测表明,随着烟蚜茧蜂寄生后接菌时间的推移,菌体数量迅速下降。寄生蜂寄生后5d或7d接菌,蚜尸内几乎检测不到菌体。直接喷雾接菌烟蚜茧蜂,成蜂寿命缩短4d左右,且81.8%的蜂尸受白僵菌感染。接菌后的寄生蜂对蚜虫寄生率几乎无影响,但寄生蜂在蚜虫体内的存活时间缩短了27.8%。  相似文献   

在室内评价了球孢白僵菌对烟蚜茧蜂生命参数及控害效果的影响。分别在烟蚜茧蜂寄生桃蚜后不同时间进行高剂量(1900孢子/mm2)接菌,检测蚜虫感病率和寄生蜂形成的僵蚜率及僵蚜出蜂率。结果表明,球孢白僵菌对僵蚜率和僵蚜出蜂率的影响随接菌时间不同而变化。在烟蚜茧蜂寄生前1d、寄生当天和寄生后3d接菌,蚜虫感病率分别为59.6%、56.2%和34.8%;与对照相比,僵蚜率分别下降94%、59%和47%,僵蚜出蜂率分别减少83%、54%和49%。在寄生后5d或7d接菌,僵蚜率和僵蚜出蜂率不受明显影响,但蚜虫感病率降低到8.2%以下。对蚜尸内白僵菌菌体含量检测表明,随着烟蚜茧蜂寄生后接菌时间的推移,菌体数量迅速下降。寄生蜂寄生后5d或7d接菌,蚜尸内几乎检测不到菌体。直接喷雾接菌烟蚜茧蜂,成蜂寿命缩短4d左右,且81.8%的蜂尸受白僵菌感染。接菌后的寄生蜂对蚜虫寄生率几乎无影响,但寄生蜂在蚜虫体内的存活时间缩短了27.8%。  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana strains from different hosts and geographic origins were assayed for the presence of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Two of them (15.4 %) showed extra bands, with approximately 4.0–3.5 kb and 2–0.7 kb, respectively, after electrophoretic separation of undigested nucleic acids. Virus-like particles were approximately 28–30 nm diam. The dsRNA was maintained after conidiogenesis (vertical transmission) and was transmitted horizontally by hyphal anastomosis. Strains purged of dsRNA obtained after cycloheximide treatment showed increased conidial production when compared with strains carrying dsRNA particles. Bioassays demonstrated hypovirulence associated with dsRNA. The mean mortality against the insect Euschistus heros was reduced in strains containing dsRNA when compared with the isogenic dsRNA-free ones.  相似文献   

The Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) is susceptible to infection by plant diseases which severely affect its growth and substantially decrease its economic value. A chitinase gene (Bbchit1) from Beauveria bassiana was introduced into Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The T-DNA of plant transformation vector contained the β-glucuronidase reporter gene (GUS) under the control of CaMV 35S promoter and the neomycin phosphotransferase selection marker gene (NPTII) driven by the nos promoter. GUS activity was detected in most of the kanamycin-resistant plants tested. Stable integration of transgenes in the plant genome was confirmed using PCR. RT-PCR analysis showed that the Bbchit1 gene was transcribed in the transformed plants. When evaluated for resistance to poplar fungal pathogens with an in vitro assay, crude extracts from leaves and shoots of transgenic lines were inhibitory against the pathogenic fungus Cytospora chrysosperma (Pers.) Fr. Similarly, Bbchit1 overexpression enhanced disease resistance to C. chrysosperma in the transformed poplar plants, indicating that is gene is potentially useful to protect the trees against fungal diseases.  相似文献   

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