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The role of GDNF in patterning the excretory system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions are an important source of information for pattern formation during organogenesis. In the developing excretory system, one of the secreted mesenchymal factors thought to play a critical role in patterning the growth and branching of the epithelial ureteric bud is GDNF. We have tested the requirement for GDNF as a paracrine chemoattractive factor by altering its site of expression during excretory system development. Normally, GDNF is secreted by the metanephric mesenchyme and acts via receptors on the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud epithelium. Misexpression of GDNF in the Wolffian duct and ureteric buds resulted in formation of multiple, ectopic buds, which branched independently of the metanephric mesenchyme. This confirmed the ability of GDNF to induce ureter outgrowth and epithelial branching in vivo. However, in mutant mice lacking endogenous GDNF, kidney development was rescued to a substantial degree by GDNF supplied only by the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud. These results indicate that mesenchymal GDNF is not required as a chemoattractive factor to pattern the growth of the ureteric bud within the developing kidney, and that any positional information provided by the mesenchymal expression of GDNF may provide for renal branching morphogenesis is redundant with other signals.  相似文献   

SALL1 is a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila region-specific homeotic gene spalt (sal); heterozygous mutations in SALL1 in humans lead to Townes-Brocks syndrome. We have isolated a mouse homolog of SALL1 (Sall1) and found that mice deficient in Sall1 die in the perinatal period and that kidney agenesis or severe dysgenesis are present. Sall1 is expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme surrounding ureteric bud; homozygous deletion of Sall1 results in an incomplete ureteric bud outgrowth, a failure of tubule formation in the mesenchyme and an apoptosis of the mesenchyme. This phenotype is likely to be primarily caused by the absence of the inductive signal from the ureter, as the Sall1-deficient mesenchyme is competent with respect to epithelial differentiation. Sall1 is therefore essential for ureteric bud invasion, the initial key step for metanephros development.  相似文献   

Growth/differentiation factor 11 (Gdf11) is a transforming growth factor beta family member previously shown to control anterior/posterior patterning of the axial skeleton. We now report that Gdf11 also regulates kidney organogenesis. Mice carrying a targeted deletion of Gdf11 possess a spectrum of renal abnormalities with the majority of mutant animals lacking both kidneys. Histological analysis revealed a failure in ureteric bud formation at the initial stage of metanephric development in most Gdf11 mutant embryos examined. The metanephric mesenchyme of mutant embryos lacking a ureteric bud was found to be defective in the expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf), a gene known to direct ureteric bud outgrowth. The addition of Gdnf protein to urogenital tracts taken from Gdf11 null embryos induced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct. Our studies suggest that Gdf11 may be important in directing the initial outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct by controlling the expression of Gdnf in the metanephric mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The vertebrate urogenital system forms due to inductive interactions between the Wolffian duct, its derivative the ureteric bud, and their adjacent mesenchymes. These establish epithelial primordia within the mesonephric (embryonic) and metanephric (adult) kidneys and the Müllerian duct, the anlage of much of the female reproductive tract. We show that Wnt9b is expressed in the inductive epithelia and is essential for the development of mesonephric and metanephric tubules and caudal extension of the Müllerian duct. Wnt9b is required for the earliest inductive response in metanephric mesenchyme. Further, Wnt9b-expressing cells can functionally substitute for the ureteric bud in these interactions. Wnt9b acts upstream of another Wnt, Wnt4, in this process, and our data implicate canonical Wnt signaling as one of the major pathways in the organization of the mammalian urogenital system. Together these findings suggest that Wnt9b is a common organizing signal regulating diverse components of the mammalian urogenital system.  相似文献   

The outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the posterior nephric duct epithelium and the subsequent invasion of the bud into the metanephric mesenchyme initiate the process of metanephric, or adult kidney, development. The receptor tyrosine kinase RET and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) form a signaling complex that is essential for ureteric bud growth and branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud epithelium. We demonstrate that Pax2 expression in the metanephric mesenchyme is independent of induction by the ureteric bud. Pax2 mutants are deficient in ureteric bud outgrowth and do not express GDNF in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme. Furthermore, Pax2 mutant mesenchyme is unresponsive to induction by wild-type heterologous inducers. In normal embryos, GDNF is sufficient to induce ectopic ureter buds in the posterior nephric duct, a process inhibited by bone morphogenetic protein 4. However, GDNF replacement in organ culture is not sufficient to stimulate ureteric bud outgrowth from Pax2 mutant nephric ducts, indicating additional defects in the nephric duct epithelium of Pax2 mutants. Pax2 can activate expression of GDNF in cell lines derived from embryonic metanephroi. Furthermore, Pax2 protein can bind to upstream regulatory elements within the GDNF promoter region and can transactivate expression of reporter genes. Thus, activation of GDNF by Pax2 coordinates the position and outgrowth of the ureteric bud such that kidney development can begin.  相似文献   

Antagonists act to restrict and negatively modulate the activity of secreted signals during progression of embryogenesis. In mouse embryos lacking the extra-cellular BMP antagonist gremlin 1 (Grem1), metanephric development is disrupted at the stage of initiating ureteric bud outgrowth. Treatment of mutant kidney rudiments in culture with recombinant gremlin 1 protein induces additional epithelial buds and restores outgrowth and branching. All epithelial buds express Wnt11, and Gdnf is significantly upregulated in the surrounding mesenchyme, indicating that epithelial-mesenchymal (e-m) feedback signalling is restored. In the wild type, Bmp4 is expressed by the mesenchyme enveloping the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud and Grem1 is upregulated in the mesenchyme around the nascent ureteric bud prior to initiation of its outgrowth. In agreement, BMP activity is reduced locally as revealed by lower levels of nuclear pSMAD protein in the mesenchyme. By contrast, in Grem1-deficient kidney rudiments, pSMAD proteins are detected in many cell nuclei in the metanephric mesenchyme, indicative of excessive BMP signal transduction. Indeed, genetic lowering of BMP4 levels in Grem1-deficient mouse embryos completely restores ureteric bud outgrowth and branching morphogenesis. The reduction of BMP4 levels in Grem1 mutant embryos enables normal progression of renal development and restores adult kidney morphology and functions. This study establishes that initiation of metanephric kidney development requires the reduction of BMP4 activity by the antagonist gremlin 1 in the mesenchyme, which in turn enables ureteric bud outgrowth and establishment of autoregulatory GDNF/WNT11 feedback signalling.  相似文献   

Recent functional studies in mouse further illustrate the importance of the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction between the ureteric bud epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme in kidney formation. Genetic ablation of Gdf11, Six1, Slit2/Robo2 reveal a role of these genes in regulating the outgrowth of a single ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct. Studies of Wnt11 and Fras1/Grip1, all expressed in the ureteric bud, show a role for these genes in regulating events in the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme. Furthermore, various approaches were used to address the function of Pod1, Pbx1, the Notch pathway and Brn1 in nephron formation.  相似文献   

Six1 is required for the early organogenesis of mammalian kidney   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The TGFbeta superfamily plays diverse and essential roles in kidney development. Gdf11 and Bmp4 are essential for outgrowth and positioning of the ureteric bud, the inducer of metanephric mesenchyme. During nephrogenesis, Bmp7 is required for renewal of the mesenchyme progenitor population. Additionally, in vitro studies demonstrate inhibitory effects of BMPs and TGFbetas on collecting duct branching and growth. Here, we explore the predicted models of TGFbeta superfamily function by cell-specific inactivation of Smad4, a key mediator of TGFbeta signaling. Using a HoxB7cre transgene expressed in ureteric bud and collecting duct, we find that development of the collecting duct is Smad4 independent. By contrast, removal of Smad4 in nephrogenic mesenchyme using the Bmp7(cre/+) allele leads to disorganization of the nephrogenic mesenchyme and impairment of mesenchyme induction. Smad4-deficient metanephric mesenchyme does not display defects in inducibility in LiCl or spinal cord induction assays. However, in situ hybridization and lineage analysis of Smad4 null mesenchyme cells at E11.5 show that the nephrogenic mesenchyme does not aggregate tightly around the ureteric bud tips, but remains loosely associated, embedded within a population of cells expressing markers of both nephrogenic mesenchyme and peripheral stroma. We conclude that the failure of recruitment of nephrogenic mesenchyme leaves a primitive population of mesenchyme at the periphery of the kidney. This population is gradually depleted, and by E16.5 the periphery is composed of cells of stromal phenotype. This study uncovers a novel role for TGFbeta superfamily signaling in the recruitment and/or organization of the nephrogenic mesenchyme at early time-points of kidney development. Additionally, we present conclusive genetic lineage mapping of the collecting duct and nephrogenic mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Developing animal embryos have been providing human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) with an appropriate environment for their differentiation between species. We previously demonstrated that hMSCs transplanted into the metanephric mesenchyme region of rat embryos differentiate into kidney-specific cells. Here, we assessed whether hMSCs are competent to differentiate into precursors of the collecting duct system when they are transplanted into the ureteric bud progenitor region of chicken embryos that are easier to be manipulated and cultured than mammalian embryos. When chicken Pax2-expressing hMSCs were transplanted into the chicken ureteric bud progenitor region, they migrated caudally with the elongating Wolffian duct and then were integrated into the Wolffian duct epithelia. Also, chicken Pax2-expressing hMSCs started to express human LIM1 after their integration into the Wolffian duct epithelia. These results suggest that chicken Pax2-expressing hMSCs can be competent to differentiate into the Wolffian duct cells by the influence of chicken local signals.  相似文献   

SALL1, a causative gene for Townes-Brocks syndrome, encodes a zinc finger protein, and its mouse homolog (Sall1) is essential for metanephros development, as noted during gene targeting. In the embryonic kidney, Sall1 is expressed abundantly in mesenchyme-derived structures from condensed mesenchyme, S-, comma-shaped bodies, to renal tubules and podocytes. We generated mice in which a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was inserted into the Sall1 locus and we isolated the GFP-positive population from embryonic kidneys of these mice by fluorescein-activated cell sorting. The GFP-positive population indeed expressed mesenchymal genes, while the negative population expressed genes in the ureteric bud. To systematically search for genes expressed in the mesenchyme-derived cells, we compared gene expression profiles in the GFP-positive and -negative populations using microarray analysis, followed by in situ hybridization. We detected many genes known to be important for metanephros development including Sall1, GDNF, Raldh2, Pax8 and FoxD1, and genes expressed abundantly in the metanephric mesenchyme such as Unc4.1, Six2, Osr-2 and PDGFc. We also found groups of genes including SSB-4, Smarcd3, micro-Crystallin, TRB-2, which are not known to be expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme. Therefore a combination of microarray technology and Sall1-GFP mice is useful for systematic identification of genes expressed in the developing kidney.  相似文献   



Development of the kidney is initiated when the ureteric bud (UB) branches from the Wolffian duct and invades the overlying metanephric mesenchyme (MM) triggering the mesenchymal/epithelial interactions that are the basis of organ formation. Multiple signaling pathways must be integrated to ensure proper timing and location of the ureteric bud formation.

Methods and Principal Findings

We have used gene targeting to create an Lrp4 null mouse line. The mutation results in early embryonic lethality with a subpenetrant phenotype of kidney agenesis. Ureteric budding is delayed with a failure to stimulate the metanephric mesenchyme in a timely manner, resulting in failure of cellular differentiation and resulting absence of kidney formation in the mouse as well as comparable malformations in humans with Cenani-Lenz syndrome.


Lrp4 is a multi-functional receptor implicated in the regulation of several molecular pathways, including Wnt and Bmp signaling. Lrp4−/− mice show a delay in ureteric bud formation that results in unilateral or bilateral kidney agenesis. These data indicate that Lrp4 is a critical regulator of UB branching and lack of Lrp4 results in congenital kidney malformations in humans and mice.  相似文献   

胚胎肾发育最初阶段是中肾导管尾端在胶质细胞源性神经营养因子诱导下向背侧长出输尿管芽,而后成纤维细胞生长因子、肝细胞生长因子、骨形成蛋白、基质金属蛋白酶、整合素和粘附分子相继表达,作用于输尿管芽和间充质细胞,诱导分支形态发生,包括输尿管芽向间充质侵入、延伸以及间充质细胞向上皮转化。上述这些分子在功能上存在部分重叠与拮抗,维持细胞增殖和分化的平衡,从而保证输尿管芽形成正常的分支结构。本文对肾脏发育时期分支形态发生的调控因素进行综述。  相似文献   

GDNF/Ret signaling and the development of the kidney   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Signaling by GDNF through the Ret receptor is required for normal growth of the ureteric bud during kidney development. However, the precise role of GDNF/Ret signaling in renal branching morphogenesis and the specific responses of ureteric bud cells to GDNF remain unclear. Recent studies have provided new insight into these issues. The localized expression of GDNF by the metanephric mesenchyme, together with several types of negative regulation, is important to elicit and correctly position the initial budding event from the Wolffian duct. GDNF also promotes the continued branching of the ureteric bud. However, it does not provide the positional information required to specify the pattern of ureteric bud growth and branching, as its site of synthesis can be drastically altered with minimal effects on kidney development. Cells that lack Ret are unable to contribute to the tip of the ureteric bud, apparently because GDNF-driven proliferation is required for the formation and growth of this specialized epithelial domain.  相似文献   

Development of the metanephric kidney begins with the induction of a single ureteric bud (UB) on the caudal Wolffian duct (WD) in response to GDNF (glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) produced by the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Mutual interaction between the UB and MM maintains expression of GDNF in the MM, thereby supporting further outgrowth and branching morphogenesis of the UB, while the MM also grows and aggregates around the branched tips of the UB. Ror2, a member of the Ror family of receptor tyrosine kinases, has been shown to act as a receptor for Wnt5a to mediate noncanonical Wnt signaling. We show that Ror2 is predominantly expressed in the MM during UB induction and that Ror2- and Wnt5a-deficient mice exhibit duplicated ureters and kidneys due to ectopic UB induction. During initial UB formation, these mutant embryos show dysregulated positioning of the MM, resulting in spatiotemporally aberrant interaction between the MM and WD, which provides the WD with inappropriate GDNF signaling. Furthermore, the numbers of proliferating cells in the mutant MM are markedly reduced compared to the wild-type MM. These results indicate an important role of Wnt5a-Ror2 signaling in morphogenesis of the MM to ensure proper epithelial tubular formation of the UB required for kidney development.  相似文献   

To determine the importance of fibroblast growth factor receptors (fgfrs) 1 and 2 in the metanephric mesenchyme, we generated conditional knockout mice (fgfr(Mes-/-)). Fgfr1(Mes-/-) and fgfr2(Mes-/-) mice develop normal-appearing kidneys. Deletion of both receptors (fgfr1/2(Mes-/-)) results in renal aplasia. Fgfr1/2(Mes-/-) mice develop a ureteric bud (and occasionally an ectopic bud) that does not elongate or branch, and the mice do not develop an obvious metanephric mesenchyme. By in situ hybridization, regions of mutant mesenchyme near the ureteric bud(s) express Eya1 and Six1, but not Six2, Sall1, or Pax2, while the ureteric bud expresses Ret and Pax2 normally. Abnormally high rates of apoptosis and relatively low rates of proliferation are present in mutant mesenchyme dorsal to the mutant ureteric bud at embryonic day (E) 10.5, while mutant ureteric bud tissues undergo high rates of apoptosis by E11.5. Thus, fgfr1 and fgfr2 together are critical for normal formation of metanephric mesenchyme. While the ureteric bud(s) initiates, it does not elongate or branch infgfr1/2(Mes-/-) mice. In metanephric mesenchymal rudiments, fgfr1 and fgfr2 appear to function downstream of Eya1 and Six1, but upstream of Six2, Sall1, and Pax2. Finally, this is the first example of renal aplasia in a conditional knockout model.  相似文献   

Differentiation is the process by which tissues/organs take on their final, physiologically functional form. This process is mediated in part by the silencing of embryonic genes and the activation of terminal, differentiation gene products. Mammalian kidney development is initiated when the Wolffian duct branches and invades the overlying metanephric mesenchyme. The newly formed epithelial bud, known as the ureteric bud, will continue to branch ultimately differentiating into the collecting duct system and ureter. Here, we show that Hoxb7-Cre mediated removal of β-catenin from the mouse Wolffian duct epithelium leads to the premature expression of gene products normally associated with the differentiated kidney collecting duct system including the water channel protein, Aquaporin-3 and the tight junction protein isoform, ZO-1α+. Mutant cells fail to maintain expression of some genes associated with embryonic development, including several mediators of branching morphogenesis, which subsequently leads to kidney aplasia or hypoplasia. Reciprocally, expression of a stabilized form of β-catenin appears to block differentiation of the collecting ducts. All of these defects occur in the absence of any effects on the adherens junctions. These data indicate a role for β-catenin in maintaining cells of the Wolffian ducts and the duct derived ureteric bud/collecting duct system in an undifferentiated or precursor state.  相似文献   

Reciprocal cell-cell interactions between the ureteric epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme are needed to drive growth and differentiation of the embryonic kidney to completion. Branching morphogenesis of the Wolffian duct derived ureteric bud is integral in the generation of ureteric tips and the elaboration of the collecting duct system. Wnt11, a member of the Wnt superfamily of secreted glycoproteins, which have important regulatory functions during vertebrate embryonic development, is specifically expressed in the tips of the branching ureteric epithelium. In this work, we explore the role of Wnt11 in ureteric branching and use a targeted mutation of the Wnt11 locus as an entrance point into investigating the genetic control of collecting duct morphogenesis. Mutation of the Wnt11 gene results in ureteric branching morphogenesis defects and consequent kidney hypoplasia in newborn mice. Wnt11 functions, in part, by maintaining normal expression levels of the gene encoding glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf). Gdnf encodes a mesenchymally produced ligand for the Ret tyrosine kinase receptor that is crucial for normal ureteric branching. Conversely, Wnt11 expression is reduced in the absence of Ret/Gdnf signaling. Consistent with the idea that reciprocal interaction between Wnt11 and Ret/Gdnf regulates the branching process, Wnt11 and Ret mutations synergistically interact in ureteric branching morphogenesis. Based on these observations, we conclude that Wnt11 and Ret/Gdnf cooperate in a positive autoregulatory feedback loop to coordinate ureteric branching by maintaining an appropriate balance of Wnt11-expressing ureteric epithelium and Gdnf-expressing mesenchyme to ensure continued metanephric development.  相似文献   

Glomeruli comprise an important filtering apparatus in the kidney and are derived from the metanephric mesenchyme. A nuclear protein, Sall1, is expressed in this mesenchyme, and we previously reported that Trb2, a mouse homolog of Drosophila tribbles, is expressed in the mesenchyme-derived tissues of the kidney by microarray analyses using Sall1-GFP knock-in mice. In the present report, we detected Trb2 expression in a variety of organs during gestation, including the kidneys, mesonephros, testes, heart, eyes, thymus, blood vessels, muscle, bones, tongue, spinal cord, and ganglions. In the developing kidney, Trb2 signals were detected in podocytes and the prospective mesangium of the glomeruli, as well as in ureteric bud tips. However, Trb2 mutant mice did not display any apparent phenotypes and no proteinuria was observed, indicating normal glomerular functions. These results suggest that Trb2 plays minimal roles during kidney and mouse development.  相似文献   

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