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Fever is an important regulator ofinflammation that modifies expression and bioactivity of cytokines,including tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-. Pulmonary vascularendothelium is an important target of TNF- during the systemicinflammatory response. In this study, we analyzed the effect of afebrile range temperature (39.5°C) on TNF--stimulatedchanges in endothelial barrier function, capacity for neutrophilbinding and transendothelial migration (TEM), and cytokine secretion inhuman pulmonary artery endothelial cells (EC). Permeability for[14C]BSA tracer was increased by treatment with TNF-,and this effect was augmented by incubating EC at 39.5°C. Treating ECwith 2.5 U/ml TNF- stimulated an increase in subsequent neutrophiladherence and TEM. Incubating EC at 39.5°C caused a 30% increase inTEM but did not modify the enhancement of neutrophil adherence or TEMby TNF- treatment. Analysis of cytokine expression in EC culturesexposed to TNF- at either 37° or 39.5°C revealed three patternsof temperature and TNF- responsiveness. Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin (IL)-8 were notdetectable in untreated EC but were increased after TNF- exposure,and this increase was enhanced at 39.5°C. IL-6 expression was alsoincreased with TNF- exposure, but IL-6 expression was lower in39.5°C EC cultures. Transforming growth factor-1 was constitutively expressed, and its expression was not influenced eitherby TNF- or exposure to 39.5°C. These data demonstrate thatclinically relevant shifts in body temperature might cause importantchanges in the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on the endothelium.


We studied centrifugation-mediated mechanical stress-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production in the monocyte-like cell line THP-1. The induction of TNF-alpha by mechanical stress was dependent on the centrifugation speed and produced the highest level of TNF-alpha after 1 h of stimulation. TNF-alpha production returned to normal levels after 24 h of stimulation. Mechanical stress also induced Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2) mRNA in proportion to the expression of TNF-alpha. The inhibition of TLR2 signaling by dominant negative myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) blocked TNF-alpha expression response to mechanical stress. After transient overexpression of TLR2 in HEK-293 cells, mechanical stress induced TNF-alpha mRNA production. Interestingly, mechanical stress activated the c-Src-dependent TLR2 phosphorylation, which is necessary to induce Ca(2+) fluxes. When THP-1 cells were pretreated with BAPTA-AM, thapsigargin, and NiCl(2).6H(2)O, followed by mechanical stimulation, both TLR2 and TNF-alpha production were inhibited, indicating that centrifugation-mediated mechanical stress induces both TLR2 and TNF-alpha production through Ca(2+) releases from intracellular Ca(2+) stores following TLR2 phosphorylation. In addition, TNF-alpha treatment in THP-1 cells induced TLR2 production in response to mechanical stress, whereas the preincubation of anti-TNF-alpha antibody scarcely induced the mechanical stress-mediated production of TLR2, indicating that TNF-alpha produced by mechanically stimulated THP-1 cells affected TLR2 production. We concluded that TNF-alpha production induced by centrifugation-mediated mechanical stress is dependent on MyD88-dependent TLR2 signaling that is associated with Ca(2+) release and that TNF-alpha production induced by mechanical stress affects TLR2 production.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids are well established effectors of signal transduction downstream of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor. In a previous study, we showed that the sphingosine kinase/sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) pathway couples TNF receptor to induction of the cyclooxygenase 2 gene and prostaglandin synthesis (Pettus, B. J., Bielawski, J., Porcelli, A. M., Reames, D. L., Johnson, K. R., Morrow, J., Chalfant, C. E., Obeid, L. M., and Hannun, Y. A. (2003) FASEB J. 17, 1411-1421). In this study, the requirement for acid sphingomyelinase and sphingomyelin metabolites in the TNFalpha/prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) pathway was investigated. The amphiphilic compound desipramine, a frequently employed inhibitor of acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase), blocked PGE(2) production. However, the action of desipramine was independent of its action on ASMase, since neither genetic loss of ASMase (Niemann-Pick fibroblasts) nor knockdown of ASMase using RNA interference affected TNFalpha-induced PGE(2) synthesis. Further investigations revealed that desipramine down-regulated acid ceramidase (AC), but not sphingosine kinase, at the protein level. This resulted in a time-dependent drop in sphingosine and S1P levels. Moreover, exogenous administration of either sphingosine or S1P rescued PGE(2) biosynthesis after desipramine treatment. Interestingly, knockdown of endogenous AC by RNA interference attenuated cyclooxygenase 2 induction by TNFalpha and subsequent PGE(2) biosynthesis. Taken together, these results define a novel role for AC in the TNFalpha/PGE(2) pathway. In addition, the results of this study warrant careful reconsideration of desipramine as a specific inhibitor for ASMase.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllide a, pheophorbide a, chlorophyll a and pheophytina were separated in a short time by anion-exchange chromatographywith a short column of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. (Received February 16, 1984; Accepted April 13, 1984)  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase-derived HOCl targets tissue- and lipoprotein-associated plasmalogens to generate α-chlorinated fatty aldehydes, including 2-chlorohexadecanal. Under physiological conditions, 2-chlorohexadecanal is oxidized to 2-chlorohexadecanoic acid (2-ClHA). This study demonstrates the catabolism of 2-ClHA by ω-oxidation and subsequent β-oxidation from the ω-end. Mass spectrometric analyses revealed that 2-ClHA is ω-oxidized in the presence of liver microsomes with initial ω-hydroxylation of 2-ClHA. Subsequent oxidation steps were examined in a human hepatocellular cell line (HepG2). Three different α-chlorinated dicarboxylic acids, 2-chlorohexadecane-(1,16)-dioic acid, 2-chlorotetradecane-(1,14)-dioic acid, and 2-chloroadipic acid (2-ClAdA), were identified. Levels of 2-chlorohexadecane-(1,16)-dioic acid, 2-chlorotetradecane-(1,14)-dioic acid, and 2-ClAdA produced by HepG2 cells were dependent on the concentration of 2-ClHA and the incubation time. Synthetic stable isotope-labeled 2-ClHA was used to demonstrate a precursor-product relationship between 2-ClHA and the α-chlorinated dicarboxylic acids. We also report the identification of endogenous 2-ClAdA in human and rat urine and elevations in stable isotope-labeled urinary 2-ClAdA in rats subjected to intraperitoneal administration of stable isotope-labeled 2-ClHA. Furthermore, urinary 2-ClAdA and plasma 2-ClHA levels are increased in LPS-treated rats. Taken together, these data show that 2-ClHA is ω-oxidized to generate α-chlorinated dicarboxylic acids, which include α-chloroadipic acid that is excreted in the urine.  相似文献   

(3)J proton-proton coupling constants bear information on the intervening dihedral angles. Methods have been developed to derive this information from NMR spectra of proteins. Using series expansion of the time dependent density matrix, and exploiting the simple topology of amino acid spin-systems, formulae for estimation of (3)J(HN-Halpha) and (3)J(Halpha-Hbeta) from HSQC-TOCSY spectra are derived. The results obtained on a protein entailing both alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure elements agree very well with J-coupling constants computed from the X-ray structure. The method compares well with existing methods and requires only 2D spectra which would be typically otherwise recorded for structural studies.  相似文献   

Impairments in signal transduction, leading to the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, or migration are frequently the cause of cancer. Since the accurate spatial and temporal location of their components is crucial to ensure the correct regulation of these signaling pathways, it could be anticipated that defects in intracellular trafficking are at the base of certain neoplasias. However, the trafficking of many components of pathways frequently up-regulated in cancers, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, are largely unknown. Here, we show that the pro-transforming growth factor-alpha (pro-TGF-alpha), a prototypical EGFR ligand, is endocytosed from the cell surface via a clathrin-dependent pathway. Internalized pro-TGF-alpha does not progress to the lysosome; instead, it is delivered to the cell surface via recycling endosomes. To analyze the functional meaning of the internalization of pro-TGF-alpha, we used a deletion construct that is normally transported to the cell surface but is deficiently endocytosed. Due to this impairment, the levels of this construct at the cell surface are dramatically augmented. Consequently, the deletion construct displays a higher EGFR-activating ability, revealing a link between the trafficking of pro-TGF-alpha and the signaling by the EGFR and opening the possibility that defects in the trafficking of the growth factor may contribute to the development of tumors.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice overexpressing the inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in the heart develop a progressive heart failure syndrome characterized by biventricular dilatation, decreased ejection fraction, decreased survival compared with non-transgenic littermates, and earlier pathology in males. TNF-alpha mice (TNF1.6) develop atrial arrhythmias on ambulatory telemetry monitoring that worsen with age and are more severe in males. We performed in vivo electrophysiological testing in transgenic and control mice, ex vivo optical mapping of voltage in the atria of isolated perfused TNF1.6 hearts, and in vitro studies on isolated atrial muscle and cells to study the mechanisms that lead to the spontaneous arrhythmias. Programmed stimulation induces atrial arrhythmias (n = 8/32) in TNF1.6 but not in control mice (n = 0/37), with a higher inducibility in males. In the isolated perfused hearts, programmed stimulation with single extra beats elicits reentrant atrial arrhythmias (n = 6/6) in TNF1.6 but not control hearts due to slow heterogeneous conduction of the premature beats. Lowering extracellular Ca(2+) normalizes conduction and prevents the arrhythmias. Atrial muscle and cells from TNF1.6 compared with control mice exhibit increased collagen deposition, decreased contractile function, and abnormal systolic and diastolic Ca(2+) handling. Thus abnormalities in action potential propagation and Ca(2+) handling contribute to the initiation of atrial arrhythmias in this mouse model of heart failure.  相似文献   

The transplantation of organs from lower animals such as pigsinto humans is prevented by a severe rejection reaction initiatedby complement fixing xenoreactive natural antibodies. Most anti-pigxenoreactive natural antibodies in humans are thought to recognizeGal  相似文献   

Cross-talk between Gα(i)- and Gα(q)-linked G-protein-coupled receptors yields synergistic Ca(2+) responses in a variety of cell types. Prior studies have shown that synergistic Ca(2+) responses from macrophage G-protein-coupled receptors are primarily dependent on phospholipase Cβ3 (PLCβ3), with a possible contribution of PLCβ2, whereas signaling through PLCβ4 interferes with synergy. We here show that synergy can be induced by the combination of Gβγ and Gα(q) activation of a single PLCβ isoform. Synergy was absent in macrophages lacking both PLCβ2 and PLCβ3, but it was fully reconstituted following transduction with PLCβ3 alone. Mechanisms of PLCβ-mediated synergy were further explored in NIH-3T3 cells, which express little if any PLCβ2. RNAi-mediated knockdown of endogenous PLCβs demonstrated that synergy in these cells was dependent on PLCβ3, but PLCβ1 and PLCβ4 did not contribute, and overexpression of either isoform inhibited Ca(2+) synergy. When synergy was blocked by RNAi of endogenous PLCβ3, it could be reconstituted by expression of either human PLCβ3 or mouse PLCβ2. In contrast, it could not be reconstituted by human PLCβ3 with a mutation of the Y box, which disrupted activation by Gβγ, and it was only partially restored by human PLCβ3 with a mutation of the C terminus, which partly disrupted activation by Gα(q). Thus, both Gβγ and Gα(q) contribute to activation of PLCβ3 in cells for Ca(2+) synergy. We conclude that Ca(2+) synergy between Gα(i)-coupled and Gα(q)-coupled receptors requires the direct action of both Gβγ and Gα(q) on PLCβ and is mediated primarily by PLCβ3, although PLCβ2 is also competent.  相似文献   

Tissue hypoxia/ischemia are major pathophysiological determinants. Conditions of decreased oxygen availability provoke accumulation and activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). Recent reports demonstrate a crucial role of HIF-1 for inflammatory events. Regulation of hypoxic responses by the inflammatory mediators nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) is believed to be of pathophysiolgical relevance. It is reported that hypoxic stabilization of HIF-1alpha can be antagonized by NO due to its ability to attenuate mitochondrial electron transport. Likely, the formation of ROS could contribute to this effect. As conflicting results emerged from several studies showing either decreased or increased ROS production during hypoxia, we used experiments mimicking hypoxic intracellular ROS changes by using the redox cycling agent 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMNQ), which generates superoxide inside cells. Treatment of A549, HEK293, HepG2, and COS cells with DMNQ resulted in a concentration-dependent raise in ROS which correlated with HIF-1alpha accumulation. By using a HIF-1alpha-von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein binding assay, we show that ROS produced by DMNQ impaired prolyl hydroxylase activity. When HIF-1alpha is stabilized by NO, low concentrations of DMNQ (<1 microM) revealed no effect, intermediate concentrations of 1 to 40 microM DMNQ attenuated HIF-1alpha accumulation and higher concentrations of DMNQ promoted HIF-1alpha stability. Attenuation of NO-induced HIF-1alpha stability regulation by ROS was mediated by an active proteasomal degradation pathway. In conclusion, we propose that scavenging of NO by ROS and vice versa attenuate HIF-1alpha accumulation in a concentration-dependent manner. This is important to fully elucidate HIF-1alpha regulation under inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

To investigate the organization of and mode of selection in the α-tubulin genes, full-length α-tubulin genes were cloned from four intraspecific taxa of Miscanthus sinensis and its close relatives M. floridulus and M. condensatus using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid amplification of genomic ends (RAGE)-PCR strategies. Genealogical analysis of angiosperms recovered a monophyletic group of Miscanthus α-tubulin genes, which is homologous to the tua5 locus of maize. Two clusters of nearly equal frequency revealed paraphyly within each Miscanthus taxon. Between-cluster recombination was frequent. Additional evidence for co-occurrence of two haplotypes within individuals and a large-scale crossover all suggested a likely allelic relationship between the Miscanthus clusters. Given a long between-species divergence time in Miscanthus, wide occurrence of the trans-species polymorphisms in α-tubulin genes and the approximately equal frequency of each allelic type make it extremely unlikely that α-tubulin diversity has been maintained under neutrality. Balancing selection may have contributed to such an apportioning of genetic variability as well as to high levels of genetic variation in α-tubulin and higher substitution rates at synonymous sites of exons than at intron bases of M. sinensis. In addition, certain effects of demographic oscillation may have distorted the scenario of a functional locus operating under balancing selection.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT) is a potent mitogen, which is known to activate phospholipase Cbeta by stimulating the alpha-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G(q). PMT also activates RhoA and RhoA-dependent pathways. Using YM-254890, a specific inhibitor of G(q/11), we studied whether activation of RhoA involves G proteins other than G(q/11). YM-254890 inhibited PMT or muscarinic M3-receptor-mediated stimulation of phospholipase Cbeta at similar concentrations in HEK293m3 cells. In these cells, PMT-induced RhoA activation and enhancement of RhoA-dependent luciferase activity were partially inhibited by YM-254890. In Galpha(q/11)-deficient fibroblasts, PMT induced activation of RhoA, increase in RhoA-dependent luciferase activity, and increase in ERK phosphorylation. None of these effects were influenced by YM-254890. However, RhoA activation by PMT was inhibited by RGS2, RGS16, lscRGS, and dominant negative G(13)(GA), indicating involvement of Galpha(12/13) in the PMT effect on RhoA. In Galpha(12/13) gene-deficient cells, PMT-induced stimulation of RhoA, luciferase activity, and ERK phosphorylation were blocked by YM-254890, indicating the involvement of G(q). Infection with a virus harboring the gene of Galpha(13) reconstituted the increase in RhoA-dependent luciferase activity by PMT even in the presence of YM-254890. The data show that YM-254890 is able to block PMT activation of Galpha(q) and indicate that, in addition to Galpha(q), the Galpha(12/13) G proteins are targets of PMT.  相似文献   

Importin-beta (Impbeta) is a major transport receptor for Ran-dependent import of nuclear cargo. Impbeta can bind cargo directly or through an adaptor such as Importin-alpha (Impalpha). Factors involved in nuclear transport have been well studied, but systems analysis can offer further insight into regulatory mechanisms. We used computer simulation and real-time assays in intact cells to examine Impalpha-beta-mediated import. The model reflects experimentally determined rates for cargo import and correctly predicts that import is limited principally by Impalpha and Ran, but is also sensitive to NTF2. The model predicts that CAS is not limiting for the initial rate of cargo import and, surprisingly, that increased concentrations of Impbeta and the exchange factor, RCC1, actually inhibit rather than stimulate import. These unexpected predictions were all validated experimentally. The model revealed that inhibition by RCC1 is caused by sequestration of nuclear Ran. Inhibition by Impbeta results from depletion nuclear RanGTP, and, in support of this mechanism, expression of mRFP-Ran reversed the inhibition.  相似文献   

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