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王伟青  程红焱 《植物学报》2006,23(6):625-633
种子的休眠和萌发是一个复杂的过程, 至今尚未能清楚阐明其调控机制。目前已从拟南芥突变体中鉴定了一些与种子萌发和休眠相关的基因, 有助于阐明种子休眠和萌发的分子机制。本文综述了拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发方面的研究进展。赤霉素是促进种子萌发的主要因素之一, RGL、SPY、GCR、SLY和GAR等基因的表达参与赤霉素对种子萌发的调控。脱落酸与种子休眠有关, ABI1、ABI2、ABI3、ABI4、ABI5、FUS3、LEC、MARD和CIPK等基因参与了脱落酸的调控过程。对3类乙烯反应的突变体 (ein、etr和ctr) 以及油菜素内酯突变体 (det和bri) 的研究表明乙烯和油菜素内酯是通过拮抗脱落酸而促进种子萌发的。光对种子萌发的调节, 是通过具有Ser/Thr蛋白激酶活性的光敏色素PhyA、PhyB、 PhyC、PhyD和PhyE, 以磷酸化/去磷酸化方式调节其它与萌发相关基因的表达。含氮化合物对种子萌发的促进, 可能是以一种依赖一氧化氮的方式解除种子休眠。  相似文献   

拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
种子的休眠和萌发是一个复杂的过程,至今尚未能清楚阐明其调控机制。目前已从拟南芥突变体中鉴定了一些与种子萌发和休眠相关的基因,有助于阐明种子休眠和萌发的分子机制。本文综述了拟南芥突变体种子休眠与萌发方面的研究进展。赤霉素是促进种子萌发的主要因素之一,RGL、SPY、GCR、SLY和GAR等基因的表达参与赤霉素对种子萌发的调控。脱落酸与种子休眠有关,ABI1、ABI2、ABI3、ABI4、ABI5、FUS3、LEC、MARD和CIPK等基因参与了脱落酸的调控过程。对3类乙烯反应的突变体(ein、etr和ctr)以及油菜素内酯突变体(det和bri)的研究表明乙烯和油菜素内酯是通过拮抗脱落酸而促进种子萌发的。光对种子萌发的调节,是通过具有Ser/Thr蛋白激酶活性的光敏色素PhyA、PhyB、PhyC、PhyD和PhyE,以磷酸化/去磷酸化方式调节其它与萌发相关基因的表达。含氮化合物对种子萌发的促进,可能是以一种依赖一氧化氮的方式解除种子休眠。  相似文献   

种子萌发的抑制调控机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子萌发是植物生命周期中一个重要的生理过程,激素作用、miRNA抑制、mRNA区域化、表观遗传调控等多个层次的分子抑制参与该过程的调控。赤霉素(解除抑制的激素)合成和失活的调控主要发生在转录水平,而脱落酸(引起抑制的激素)信号转导途径的调控则通过蛋白质抑制物的降解来实现。miRNA在转录后水平使其靶基因的mRNA降解,抑制种子的萌发;通过mRNA的区域化抑制与萌发相关基因的翻译属于另一层次的转录后抑制;小RNA介导的表观遗传机制也可能在种子萌发过程基因表达的协同调控中发挥重要作用。与分子水平的抑制类似,胚乳和种皮产生的机械抑制也很重要。  相似文献   

生长素调控种子的休眠与萌发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅海威  孟永杰  罗晓峰  陈锋  戚颖  杨文钰  舒凯 《遗传》2016,38(4):314-322
植物种子的休眠与萌发,是植物生长发育过程中的关键阶段,也是生命科学领域的研究热点。种子从休眠向萌发的转换是极为复杂的生物学过程,由外界环境因子、体内激素含量及信号传导和若干关键基因协同调控。大量研究表明,植物激素脱落酸(Abscisic acid, ABA)和赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA)是调控种子休眠水平,决定种子从休眠转向萌发的主要内源因子。ABA与GA在含量和信号传导两个层次上的精确平衡,确保了植物种子能以休眠状态在逆境中存活,并在适宜的时间启动萌发程序。生长素(Auxin)是经典植物激素之一,其对向性生长和组织分化等生物学过程的调控已有大量研究。但最近有研究证实,生长素对种子休眠有正向调控作用,这表明生长素是继ABA之后的第二个促进种子休眠的植物激素。本文在回顾生长素的发现历程、阐释生长素体内合成途径及信号传导通路的基础上,重点综述了生长素通过与ABA的协同作用调控种子休眠的分子机制,并对未来的研究热点进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

种子萌发是子代植株建立、生长和繁育的重要阶段, 在种子植物生命周期中起重要作用。种子休眠是在发育过程中形成的, 在生理成熟期达到峰值。种子休眠与萌发的植物激素调控可能是种子植物中一种高度保守的机制。细胞分裂素(CK)是植物体内的一种重要信号分子, 调控植物生长发育的许多方面。生物活性CK的水平由其生物合成、活化、失活、再活化和降解之间的平衡所调控, 种子的发育、休眠与萌发受生物活性CK的水平和信号转导途径调控。该文综述了CK的生物合成与代谢、信号转导以及对种子发育、休眠与萌发的调控作用, 提出了在本领域需要进一步研究的科学问题, 旨在为理解CK调控种子发育、休眠与萌发的分子机理提供参考。  相似文献   

光对种子萌发的影响机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
种子萌发是植物成功实现天然更新的关键环节, 需要适宜的温度、水分或光照条件。对于需光性种子, 光照是决定其萌发与否或萌发率高低的主要因素。光对植物种子萌发的影响不仅是一个复杂的生理过程, 也是受到调控的信号传递和基因表达过程。该文系统总结了影响种子萌发的光照属性、光与水/热耦合作用和种子的光属性(光敏色素)与种子萌发的关系, 明确了光调控种子萌发的生态意义; 重点综述了种子内光敏色素调控种子萌发的生理反应模式和光敏色素的光信号转导途径。试图为全面评估光对种子萌发的影响和将来开展更深入的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

种子发育是一个复杂的生物学过程,受各种遗传和外界因素的调节,显著影响农作物特别是禾谷类作物的种子活力和产量与质量。脱落酸(ABA)是调控种子发育和萌发最重要的植物激素之一,其活性水平、信号转导及其LAFL网络在种子发育包括胚胎发生和成熟过程的调控中起关键作用。该文主要综述了近年来ABA调控种子发育的研究取得的重要进展,包括ABA代谢和信号转导对种子发育的调控,ABA与种子成熟转录因子(AFL-B3、FUS3、ABI3、LEC2等)的作用,以及ABA在种子发育中的作用机制,并提出了需要进一步研究的科学问题,为深入理解种子发育的分子机制提供参考,从而提高种子的活力、产量和质量。  相似文献   

萌发是种子植物进入农业生态系统的重要发育阶段。对于需光类种子,光是调控其萌发最重要的环境信号因子之一,红光促进而远红光抑制种子萌发。光敏色素是调控种子萌发的主要光受体。活化的光敏色素诱导萌发主效抑制因子PIF1发生蛋白降解,调节赤霉素和脱落酸代谢和信号途径相关基因的表达,从而促进种子的萌发。同时,一系列的表观遗传因子通过改变染色质结构,动态调节萌发相关基因的表达从而影响种子的萌发进程。该论文重点论述了光调控种子萌发的转录及表观遗传机制研究进展,并对其在农业生产中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

衰老是一个复杂的生物学过程,涉及到有害物质的积累导致整体生命功能的下降,生物的生理状况逐渐恶化,最终导致疾病和死亡。黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster作为最重要的遗传学工具之一,近年来常被用于衰老的研究,以阐明衰老的发生与发展机制。本文结合本实验室的研究进展,综述了果蝇寿命调控的生理生化机制,如保幼激素、胰岛素/类胰岛素生长因子、TOR信号网络、腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶信号通路、热量限制和饮食限制、氧化应激、小分子RNA以及鞘脂类代谢都会对果蝇的寿命产生影响。除此之外,基因调控网络研究还能够发现潜在的与长寿相关的基因组区域,将有可能发现更多寿命相关基因。以果蝇为模式生物的研究,对于其他昆虫衰老、存活等种群生物学问题的研究以及天敌、益虫保育和害虫控制,具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

植物激素是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的重要调节物质, 它们直接或间接参与调控从种子萌发到成熟的各个发育阶段以及对生物/非生物胁迫的响应。随着利用小分子化合物探究生物体生理代谢分子机制的不断发展, 植物生物学与化学之间一个新的前沿交叉学科——化学生物学随之诞生, 并在短时间内取得了重要进展。化学生物学的思路与方法在植物激素研究领域中起到了不可替代的作用, 尤其是在激素合成及信号转导研究领域。该文概述了主要植物激素的小分子类似物及其在植物生长发育和生物/非生物胁迫响应等方面的作用机制, 并讨论了激素类似物在实际生产中的应用潜力及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Both seed germination and early seedling establishment are important biological processes in a plant's lifecycle. Seed longevity is a key trait in agriculture, which directly influences seed germination and ultimately determines crop productivity and hence food security. Numerous studies have demonstrated that seed deterioration is regulated by complex interactions between diverse endogenous genetically controlled factors and exogenous environmental cues, including temperature, relative humidity, and oxygen partial pressure during seed storage. The endogenous factors, including the chlorophyll concentration, the structure of the seed coat, the balance of phytohormones, the concentration of reactive oxygen species, the integrity of nucleic acids and proteins and their associated repair systems, are also involved in the control of seed longevity. A precise understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying seed longevity is becoming a hot topic in plant molecular biology. In this review, we describe recent research into the regulation of seed longevity and the interactions between the various environmental and genetic factors. Based on this, the current state-of-play regarding seed longevity regulatory networks will be presented, particularly with respect to agricultural seed storage, and the research challenges to be faced in the future will be discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in seed longevity of various Arabidopsis mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seeds gradually lose their viability during dry storage. The damage that occurs at the biochemical level can alter the seed physiological status and is affected by the storage conditions of the seeds. Although these environmental conditions controlling loss of viability have been investigated frequently, little information is available on the genetics of seed longevity. Using Arabidopsis mutants in defined developmental or biochemical pathways such as those affected in seed coat composition, seed dormancy, hormone function and control of oxidative stress, we tried to gain insight into the genes and mechanisms controlling viability of stored seeds. Mutations like abscisic acid insensitive3 ( abi3 ) as well as abscisic acid deficient1 ( aba1 ) show reduced longevity, which may be partially related to the seed dormancy phenotype of these mutants. Mutants with seed coat alterations, especially aberrant tests shape ( ats ), showed a stronger reduction in germination percentage after storage, indicating the importance of a 'functional' seed coat for seed longevity. A specific emphasis was placed on mutants affected in dealing with Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Because several pathways are involved in protection against ROS and because gene redundancy is a common feature in Arabidopsis , 'double' mutants were generated. These 'double' mutants and the corresponding single mutants were subjected to a controlled deterioration test (CDT) and a germination assay on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after prolonged storage at two relative humidities. CDT and germination on H2O2 affected all genotypes, although it appears that other effects like genetic background are more important than the deficiencies in the ROS scavenging pathway. Explanations for this limited effect of mutations affecting ROS scavenging are discussed.  相似文献   

Senescence or ageing is an increase in mortality and/or decline in fertility with increasing age. Evolutionary theories predict that ageing or longevity evolves in response to patterns of extrinsic mortality or intrinsic damage. If ageing is viewed as the outcome of the processes of behaviour, growth and reproduction then it should be possible to predict mortality rate. Recent developments have shown that it is now possible to integrate these ecological and physiological processes and predict the shape of mortality trajectories. By drawing on the key exciting developments in the cellular, physiological and ecological process of longevity the evolutionary consequences of ageing are reviewed. In presenting these ideas an evolutionary demographic framework is used to argue how trade-offs in life-history strategies are important in the maintenance of variation in longevity within and between species. Evolutionary processes associated with longevity have an important role in explaining levels of biological diversity and speciation. In particular, the effects of life-history trait trade-offs in maintaining and promoting species diversity are explored. Such trade-offs can alleviate the effects of intense competition between species and promote species coexistence and diversification. These results have important implications for understanding a number of core ecological processes such as how species are divided among niches, how closely related species co-occur and the rules by which species assemble into food-webs. Theoretical work reveals that the proximate physiological processes are as important as the ecological factors in explaining the variation in the evolution of longevity. Possible future research challenges integrating work on the evolution and mechanisms of growing old are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A vast network of genes is inter-linked through protein-protein interactions and is critical component of almost every biological process under physiological conditions. Any disruption of the biologically essential network leads to pathological conditions resulting into related diseases. Therefore, proper understanding of biological functions warrants a comprehensive knowledge of protein-protein interactions and the molecular mechanisms that govern such processes. The importance of protein-protein interaction process is highlighted by the fact that a number of powerful techniques/methods have been developed to understand how such interactions take place under various physiological and pathological conditions. Many of the key protein-protein interactions are known to participate in disease-associated signaling pathways, and represent novel targets for therapeutic intervention. Thus, controlling protein-protein interactions offers a rich dividend for the discovery of new drug targets. Availability of various tools to study and the knowledge of human genome have put us in a unique position to understand highly complex biological network, and the mechanisms involved therein. In this review article, we have summarized protein-protein interaction networks, techniques/methods of their binding/kinetic parameters, and the role of these interactions in the development of potential tools for drug designing.  相似文献   

种子品质的优劣对于农牧业生产、经济与遗传资源有效利用、生物多样性保护以及植物群落恢复与重建具有重要的作用.种子老化是其在贮藏过程中普遍存在的一种生理现象,是随着种子贮藏时间延长而发生和发展的自然不可逆过程,不仅关系到后续种、苗生长与产量、品质等问题,还对植物种质资源的保存、利用和开发等均具有重要影响.种子老化的生理机制...  相似文献   

Seed shattering refers to the phenomenon in which the pods split along the abdominal and back sutures before the crop is received, so that the seeds are spread. Seed shattering is vital to the reproduction of their offspring in wild plants, but it is also the main cause of crop yield loss reason. Pod-explosion resistance is a complex process of physical and physiological and biochemical reactions. Soybean seed shattering phenomenon is widespread, which severely restricts the development of soybean industry. Seed shattering (pod cracking or fruit dropping) is essential for the reproduction of its offspring in wild plants, but it is also the main cause of crop yield loss. This article analyzes the morphology and structure of pods related to seed shattering from the morphology of pods. On the basis of the regularity of the occurrence of seed shattering and the summary of phenotypic index identification methods, physiologically introduced the regulation mechanism of key enzymes and endogenous hormones on seed shattering. The localization, labeling and cloning of seed shattering genes are introduced in molecular biology. The study focused on reviewing the latest advances in the research on soybean seed shattering characteristics, and discussed with the research results of related crops. Finally, the research and application of soybean seed shattering resistance were prospected for several aspects.  相似文献   

Traditionally, ageing has been considered a passive and entropic process, in which damages accumulate on biological macromolecules over time and the accumulated damages lead to a decline in overall physiological functions. However, the discovery of a longevity mutant in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has challenged this view. A longevity mutant is a mutant organism, in which a reduction-of-function of a certain gene prolongs the lifespan. Thus, the discovery of longevity mutants has shown the existence of genes, which function to shorten lifespan in wild-type organisms, promoting extensive hunting for longevity-regulating genes in short-lived model organisms, such as yeast, worms and flies. These studies have revealed remarkable conservation of longevity-regulating genes and their networks among species. Decreased insulin/IGF-like signalling and decreased target of rapamycin (TOR) signalling are both shown to extend lifespan in evolutionarily divergent species, from unicellular organisms to mammals. Intriguingly, most of these longevity-regulating pathways reveal pro-longevity and anti-longevity effects on lifespan, depending on biological and environmental contexts. This review summarizes pleiotropic functions of the conserved longevity-regulating genes or pathways, focusing on studies in C. elegans.  相似文献   

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