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Abstract In gynodioecious plants, hermaphrodite and female plants co‐occur in the same population. In these systems gender typically depends on whether a maternally inherited cytoplasmic male sterility factor (CMS) is counteracted by nuclear restorer alleles. These restorer alleles are often genetically dominant. Although plants of the female morph are obligatorily outcrossing, hermaphrodites may self. This selfing increases homozygosity and may thus have two effects: (1) it may decrease fitness (i.e. result in inbreeding depression) and (ii) it may increase homozygosity of the nuclear restorer alleles and therefore increase the production of females. This, in turn, enhances outcrossing in the following generation. In order to test the latter hypothesis, experimental crosses were conducted using individuals derived from four natural populations of Silene vulgaris, a gynodioecious plant. Treatments included self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites, outcrossing of hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from the same source population as the pollen recipients, and outcrossing hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from different source populations. Offspring were scored for seed germination, survivorship to flowering and gender. The products of self‐fertilization had reduced survivorship at both life stages when compared with the offspring of outcrossed hermaphrodites or females. In one population the fitness of offspring produced by within‐population outcrossing of females was significantly less than the fitness of offspring produced by crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. Self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites produced a smaller proportion of hermaphroditic offspring than did outcrossing hermaphrodites. Outcrossing females within populations produced a smaller proportion of hermaphrodite offspring than did crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. These results are consistent with a cytonuclear system of sex determination with dominant nuclear restorers, and are discussed with regard to how the mating system and the genetics of sex determination interact to influence the evolution of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious species, females sacrifice fitness by not producing pollen, and hence must have a fitness advantage over hermaphrodites. Because females are obligately outcrossed, they may derive a fitness advantage by avoiding selfing and inbreeding depression. However, both sexes are capable of biparental inbreeding, and there are currently few estimates of the independent effects of maternal sex and multiple levels of inbreeding on female advantage. To test these hypotheses, females and hermaphrodites from six Alaskan populations of Silene acaulis were crossed with pollen from self (hermaphrodites only), a sibling, a random plant within the same population, and a plant from a different population. Germination, survivorship and early growth revealed inbreeding depression for selfs and higher germination but reduced growth in sib-crosses, relative to outcrosses. Independent of mate relatedness, females germinated more seeds that grew faster than offspring from hermaphrodites. This indicates that inbreeding depression as well as maternal sex can influence breeding system evolution. The effect of maternal sex may be explained by higher performance of female genotypes and a greater abundance of female genotypes among the offspring of female mothers.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious species, sex expression is generally determined through cytoplasmic male sterility genes interacting with nuclear restorers of the male function. With dominant restorers, there may be an excess of females in the progeny of self-fertilized compared with cross-fertilized hermaphrodites. Moreover, the effect of inbreeding on late stages of the life cycle remains poorly explored. Here, we used hermaphrodites of the gynodioecious Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Alps to investigate the effects of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on sex ratio and gender variation. We detected an increase in females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for female and male fertility. Male fertility correlated positively with sex ratio differences between outbred and inbred progeny, suggesting that dominant restorers are likely to influence male fertility qualitatively and quantitatively in S. vulgaris. We argue that the excess of females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for gamete production may contribute to the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of the genetic load is less likely to occur.  相似文献   

Many plants display limited seed dispersal, thereby creating an opportunity for sibling competition, i.e. fitness-determined interactions between related individuals. Here I investigated the consequences of intra-specific competition, by varying density and genetic composition of neighbors, on the performance of seedlings derived by selfing or outcrossing of the partially self-fertilizing plant Plantago coronopus (L.). Seedlings from eight plants, randomly selected from an area of about 50 m2 in a natural population, were used in (i) a density series with either one, four or eight siblings of each cross type per pot and (ii) a replacement series with eight plants per pot where selfed and outcrossed siblings were grown intermixed in varying frequencies. Density had a pronounced effect on plant performance. But, except for singly grown individuals, no differences were detected between selfed and outcrossed progenies in vegetative and reproductive biomass. When grown intermixed, selfed offspring were always inferior to their outcrossed relatives. The magnitude of reduction in performance was dependent on the number of outcrossed relatives a selfed seedling had to compete with, giving rise to a frequency-dependent fitness advantage to outcrossed seedlings. The major result of this study is (i) that the relative fitness of inbred progeny is strongly affected by the type of competitors (inbred or outbred) and (ii) that inbreeding depression varies according to the density and frequency of outbred plants and could be considered as a density- and frequency-dependent phenomenon. It is argued that sibling competition, due to the small genetic neighborhood of P. coronopus, might be an important selective force in natural populations of this species.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of offspring and maternal inbreeding on maternal and offspring traits associated with early offspring fitness in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, we manipulated maternal inbreeding only (keeping offspring outbred) by generating mothers that were outbred, moderately inbred or highly inbred. Meanwhile, in the second experiment, we manipulated offspring inbreeding only (keeping females outbred) by generating offspring that were outbred, moderately inbred or highly inbred. In both experiments, we monitored subsequent effects on breeding success (number of larvae), maternal traits (clutch size, delay until laying, laying skew, laying spread and egg size) and offspring traits (hatching success, larval survival, duration of larval development and average larval mass). Maternal inbreeding reduced breeding success, and this effect was mediated through lower hatching success and greater larval mortality. Furthermore, inbred mothers produced clutches where egg laying was less skewed towards the early part of laying than outbred females. This reduction in the skew in egg laying is beneficial for larval survival, suggesting that inbred females adjusted their laying patterns facultatively, thereby partially compensating for the detrimental effects of maternal inbreeding on offspring. Finally, we found evidence of a nonlinear effect of offspring inbreeding coefficient on number of larvae dispersing. Offspring inbreeding affected larval survival and larval development time but also unexpectedly affected maternal traits (clutch size and delay until laying), suggesting that females adjust clutch size and the delay until laying in response to being related to their mate.  相似文献   

Vertebrate sex ratios are notorious for their lack of fit to theoretical models, both with respect to the direction and the magnitude of the sex ratio adjustment. The reasons for this are likely to be linked to simplifying assumptions regarding vertebrate life histories. More specifically, if the sex ratio adjustment itself influences offspring fitness, due to sex-specific interactions among offspring, this could affect optimal sex ratios. A review of the literature suggests that sex-specific sibling interactions in vertebrates result from three major causes: (i) sex asymmetries in competitive ability, for example due to sexual dimorphism, (ii) sex-specific cooperation or helping, and (iii) sex asymmetries in non-competitive interactions, for example steroid leakage between fetuses. Incorporating sex-specific sibling interactions into a sex ratio model shows that they will affect maternal sex ratio strategies and, under some conditions, can repress other selection pressures for sex ratio adjustment. Furthermore, sex-specific interactions could also explain patterns of within-brood sex ratio (e.g. in relation to laying order). Failure to take sex-specific sibling interactions into account could partly explain the lack of sex ratio adjustment in accordance with theoretical expectations in vertebrates, and differences among taxa in sex-specific sibling interactions generate predictions for comparative and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the sex ratio of gynodioecious populations (in which hermaphrodites and females coexist) will be affected by the relative female fitness of females and hermaphrodites, and by founder events and genetic drift in small populations. We documented the sex ratio and size of 104 populations of the gynodioecious, perennial herb Plantago maritima in four archipelagos in eastern Sweden and western Finland (from latitude 53 to 64 degrees N). The sex ratio varied significantly both among and within archipelagos (range 0-70% females, median 6.3% females). The frequency of females was highest in the northernmost archipelago and lowest in the southernmost archipelago. As predicted, females were more frequently missing from small than from large populations, and the variance in sex ratio increased with decreasing population size. The relative fecundity of female plants (mean seed output per female/mean seed output per hermaphrodite) ranged from 0.43 to 2.16 (median 1.01, n = 12 populations). Among the 12 populations sampled for seed production (four in each of three archipelagos), the frequency of females was positively related to relative fecundity of females and negatively related to population size. The results suggest that the local sex ratio is influenced both by the relative fecundity of females and hermaphrodites and by stochastic processes in small populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gynodioecy (coexistence of females and hermaphrodites) is a sexual system that occurs in numerous flowering plant lineages. Thus, understanding the features that affect its maintenance has wide importance. Models predict that females must have a seed fitness advantage over hermaphrodites, and this may be achieved via seed quality or quantity. Females in a population of Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata, a long-lived gynodioecious perennial, do not demonstrate a seed quantity advantage, so this study explored whether females produced better quality seed via maternal sex effects or avoidance of inbreeding depression (IBD).


Families of selfed and outcrossed seed were created using hermaphrodite mothers and families of outcrossed seed were created using female mothers. The effects of these pollination treatments were assessed under benign conditions early in life and under varied conditions later in life. To test for an effect of maternal sex, fitness components and traits associated with acclimation to variable environments of progeny of outbred hermaphrodites and females were compared. To test for expression of IBD, fitness parameters between inbred and outbred progeny of hermaphrodites were compared.

Key Results

Offspring of females were more likely to germinate in benign conditions and survive in harsh resource environments than outbred progeny of hermaphrodites. IBD was low across most life stages, and both the effect of maternal sex on progeny quality and the expression of IBD depended on both maternal family and resource condition of the progeny.


The effect of maternal sex and IBD on progeny quality depended on resource conditions, maternal lineage and progeny life stage. In conjunction with known lack of differences in seed quantity, the quality advantages and IBD observed here are still unlikely to be sufficient for maintenance of gynodioecy under nuclear inheritance of male sterility.  相似文献   

Summary We construct an inclusive fitness model to find the evolutionarily stable sex ratios in a partially sibmating diploid or haplodiploid population. We assume a constant rate of sibmating with inbred offspring incurring a fitness penalty which, under haplodiploidy, is only suffered by females. We construct a one-locus genetic model for the same problem and observe that when selection is weak it gives the same numerical results as the inclusive fitness model.  相似文献   

Thymus vulgaris is a gynodioecious species (in which females and hermaphrodites coexist) with a highly variable frequency of females among natural populations (5–95%) and a high average female frequency (60%). Sex determination involves both cytoplasmic genes responsible for male sterility, i.e. the female phenotype, and specific nuclear factors responsible for the restoration of male fertility, and thus a hermaphrodite phenotype. In this study, molecular markers of the mitochondrial genome have been used to quantify the cytoplasmic diversity in 11 clumps of individuals observed in four recently founded populations. The very low diversity within patches in conjunction with the strong diversity among patches strongly suggests that clumps of individuals are the result of single matrilinear families. In clumps that contain mainly females, all the analysed females showed the same cytoplasmic pattern. This pattern differed from that shown by neighbouring hermaphrodites, indicating that the determination of sex is locally cytoplasmic. A comparison of genetic diversity before and after fire in one population showed that disturbances may cause a reduction in genetic diversity and a concurrent induction of local cytoplasmic determination of sex. Such cytoplasmic determination of sex in colonizing populations, together with the greater seed set of females, may largely improve the colonizing ability of the species.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecous species, females produce more viable seeds than hermaphrodites. Knowledge of the relative contribution of inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites and maternal sex effects to the female fertility advantage and the genetic basis of variation in female fertility advantage is central to our understanding of the evolution of gender specialization. In this study we examine the relative contribution of inbreeding and maternal sex to the female fertility advantage in gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris and quantify whether there is genetically based variation in female fertility advantage for plants from four populations. Following controlled self and outcross (sib, within-population, and between-population) pollination, females had a more than twofold fertility advantage (based on the number of germinating seeds per fruit), regardless of the population of origin and the type of pollination. Inbreeding depression on viable seed production by hermaphrodites occurred in two populations, where inbreeding had been previously detected. Biparental inbreeding depression on viable seed production occurred in three of four populations for females, but in only one population for hermaphrodites. Whereas the maternal sex effect may consistently enhance female fertility advantage, inbreeding effects may be limited to particular population contexts where inbreeding may occur. A significant family x maternal sex interaction effect on viable seed production was observed, illustrating that the extent of female fertility advantage varies significantly among families. This result is due to greater variation in hermaphrodite (relative to female) seed fertility between families. Despite this genetic variation in female fertility advantage and the highly female biased sex ratios in populations of T. vulgaris, gynodioecy is a stable polymorphism, suggesting that strong genetic and/or ecological constraints influence the stability of this polymorphism.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecious species, sex determination involves both cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear genes that restore male function. Differences in fitness among genotypes affect the dynamics of those genes, and thus that of gynodioecy. We used a molecular marker to discriminate between hermaphrodites with and without a CMS gene in gynodioecious Raphanus sativus. We compared fitness through female function among the three genotypes: females, hermaphrodites with the CMS gene and those without it. Although there was no significant difference among the genotypes in seed size, hermaphrodites without the CMS gene produced significantly more seeds, and seeds with a higher germination rate than the other genotypes, suggesting no fitness advantage for females and no benefit to bearing the CMS gene. Despite the lack of fitness advantage for females in the parameter values we estimated, a theoretical model of gynodioecy shows it can be maintained if restorer genes impose a cost paid in pollen production. In addition, we found that females invest more resources into female reproduction than hermaphrodites when they become larger. If environmental conditions enable females to grow larger this would facilitate the dynamics of CMS genes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to reveal any differences in effects of fast created versus total inbreeding on reproduction and body weights in mice. A line selected for large litter size for 124 generations (H) and a control line (K) maintained without selection for the same number of generations were crossed (HK) and used as a basis for the experiment. Within the HK cross, full sib, cousin or random mating were practised for two generations in order to create new inbreeding (IBF) at a fast rate. In the first generation of systematic mating, old inbreeding was regenerated in addition to creation of new inbreeding from the mating design giving total inbreeding (IBT). The number of pups born alive (NBA) and body weights of the animals were then analysed by a model including both IBT and IBF. The IBT of the dam was in the present study found to reduce the mean NBA with -0.48 (± 0.22) (p < 0.05) pups per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient, while the additional effect of IBF was -0.42 (± 0.27). For the trait NBA per female mated, the effect of IBT was estimated to be -0.45 (± 0.29) per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient and the effect of IBF was -0.90 (± 0.37) (p < 0.05) pups. In the present study, only small or non-significant effects of IBF of the dam could be found on sex-ratio and body weights at three and six weeks of age in a population already adjusted for IBT.  相似文献   

Leimu R  Kloss L  Fischer M 《Ecology letters》2008,11(10):1101-1110
Inbreeding is common in plant populations and can affect plant fitness and resistance against herbivores. These effects are likely to depend on population history. In a greenhouse experiment with plants from 17 populations of Lychnis flos-cuculi, we studied the effects of experimental inbreeding on resistance and plant fitness. Depending on the levels of past herbivory and abiotic factors at the site of plant origin, we found either inbreeding or outbreeding depression in herbivore resistance. Furthermore, when not damaged experimentally by snail herbivores, plants from populations with higher heterozygosity suffered from inbreeding depression and those from populations with lower heterozygosity suffered from outbreeding depression. These effects of inbreeding and outbreeding were not apparent under experimental snail herbivory. We conclude that inbreeding effects on resistance and plant fitness depend on population history. Moreover, herbivory can mask inbreeding effects on plant fitness. Thus, understanding inbreeding effects on plant fitness requires studying multiple populations and considering population history and biotic interactions.  相似文献   

Induction of heat shock proteins (Hsp) is a well-known mechanism through which cells cope with stressful conditions. Hsp are induced by a variety of extrinsic stressors. However, recently intrinsic stressors (aging and inbreeding) have been shown to affect expression of Hsp. Increased homozygosity due to inbreeding may disrupt cellular homeostasis by causing increased expression of recessive deleterious mutations and breakdown of epistatic interactions. We investigated the effect of inbreeding and the rate of inbreeding on the expression of Hsp70, larval heat resistance and fecundity. In Drosophila melanogaster we found that inbred lines (F approximately 0.67) had significantly up-regulated expression of Hsp70, and reduced heat resistance and fecundity as compared with outbred control lines. A significant negative correlation was observed between Hsp70 expression and resistance to an extreme heat stress in inbred lines. We interpreted this as an increased requirement for Hsp70 in the lines suffering most from inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression for fecundity was reduced with a slower rate of inbreeding compared with a fast rate of inbreeding. Thus, the effectiveness of purging seems to be improved with a slower rate of inbreeding.  相似文献   

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