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Concurrent, distribution-wide abundance declines of some Pacific salmon species, including Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), highlights the need to understand how vulnerability at different life stages to climate stressors affects population dynamics and fisheries sustainability. Yukon River Chinook salmon stocks are among the largest subarctic populations, near the northernmost extent of the species range. Existing research suggests that Yukon River Chinook salmon population dynamics are largely driven by factors occurring between the adult spawner life stage and their offspring's first summer at sea (second year post-hatching). However, specific mechanisms sustaining chronic poor productivity are unknown, and there is a tremendous sense of urgency to understand causes, as declines of these stocks have taken a serious toll on commercial, recreational, and indigenous subsistence fisheries. Therefore, we leveraged multiple existing datasets spanning parent and juvenile stages of life history in freshwater and marine habitats. We analyzed environmental data in association with the production of offspring that survive to the marine juvenile stage (juveniles per spawner). These analyses suggest more than 45% of the variability in the production of juvenile Chinook salmon is associated with river temperatures or water discharge levels during the parent spawning migration. Over the past two decades, parents that experienced warmer water temperatures and lower discharge in the mainstem Yukon River produced fewer juveniles per spawning adult. We propose the adult spawner life stage as a critical period regulating population dynamics. We also propose a conceptual model that can explain associations between population dynamics and climate stressors using independent data focused on marine nutrition and freshwater heat stress. It is sobering to consider that some of the northernmost Pacific salmon habitats may already be unfavorable to these cold-water species. Our findings have immediate implications, given the common assumption that northern ranges of Pacific salmon offer refugia from climate stressors.  相似文献   

Management and restoration planning for Pacific salmon is often characterized by efforts at broad multi-basin scales. However, finer-scale genetic and phenotypic variability may be present within individual basins and can be overlooked in such efforts, even though it may be a critical component for long-term viability. Here, we investigate Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within the Siletz River, a small coastal watershed in Oregon, USA. Adult Chinook salmon were genotyped using neutral microsatellite markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms and “adaptive” loci, associated with temporal variation in migratory behavior in many salmon populations, to investigate genetic diversity based upon both spatial and temporal variation in migratory and reproductive behavior. Results from all three marker types identified two genetically distinct populations in the basin, corresponding to early returning fish that spawn above a waterfall, a spring-run population, and later returning fish spawning below the waterfall, a fall-run population. This finding is an important consideration for management of the species, as spring-run populations generally only have been recognized in large watersheds, and highlights the need to evaluate population structure of salmon within smaller watersheds, and thereby increase the probability of successful conservation of salmon species.  相似文献   

Response diversity and asynchrony are important for stability and resilience of meta‐populations, however little is known about the mechanisms that might drive such processes. In salmon populations, response diversity and asynchrony have been linked to the stability of their meta‐populations and the fisheries that integrate across them. We examined how population diversity influenced response diversity and asynchrony in 42 populations of Chinook salmon from the Fraser River, British Columbia. We examined diversity in the survival responses to large‐scale ocean climate variables for populations that differed in life history. Different life‐histories responded differently to ocean environmental conditions. For instance, an increase of offshore temperature was associated with decreased survival for a population with ocean rearing juveniles but increased survival for a population with stream rearing juveniles. In a second analysis, we examined asynchrony in abundance between populations, which we then correlated with life history, spatial, and genetic diversity. Populations that were more genetically distant had the most different population dynamics. Collectively, these results suggest that fine‐scale population diversity can contribute to the asynchrony and response diversity that underpins the stability of fisheries or metapopulation dynamics, and emphasize the need to manage and conserve this scale of population diversity.  相似文献   

An approach frequently used to demonstrate a genetic basis for population-level phenotypic differences is to employ common garden rearing designs, where observed differences are assumed to be attributable to primarily additive genetic effects. Here, in two common garden experiments, we employed factorial breeding designs between wild and domestic, and among wild populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We measured the contribution of additive (V(A)) and maternal (V(M)) effects to the observed population differences for 17 life history and fitness-related traits. Our results show that, in general, maternal effects contribute more to phenotypic differences among populations than additive genetic effects. These results suggest that maternal effects are important in population phenotypic differentiation and also signify that the inclusion of the maternal source of variation is critical when employing models to test population differences in salmon, such as in local adaptation studies.  相似文献   

The Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, which was introduced deliberately in Chile four decades ago for sport fishing and aquaculture, represents a rare example of a successful translocation of an anadromous Pacific salmon into the southern Hemisphere, offering a unique opportunity to examine the role of introduction history and genetic variability in invasion success. We used historical information and mitochondrial displacement loop sequences (D-loop) from seven colonized sites in Chile and Argentina and from native and naturalized Chinook salmon populations to determine population sources and to examine levels of genetic diversity associated with the invasion. The analysis revealed that the Chinook salmon invasion in Patagonia originated from multiple population sources from northwestern North America and New Zealand, and admixed in the invaded range generating genetically diverse populations. Genetic analyses further indicated that the colonization of new populations ahead of the invasion front appear to have occurred by noncontiguous dispersal. Dispersal patterns coincided with ocean circulation patterns dominated by the West Wind Drift and the Cape Horn Currents. We conclude that admixture following multiple introductions, as well as long-distance dispersal events may have facilitated the successful invasion and rapid dispersal of Chinook salmon into Patagonia.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research assessing the genetic structure of natural populations, the biological meaning of low yet significant genetic divergence often remains unclear due to a lack of associated phenotypic and ecological information. At the same time, structured populations with low genetic divergence and overlapping boundaries can potentially provide excellent models to study adaptation and reproductive isolation in cases where high‐resolution genetic markers and relevant phenotypic and life history information are available. Here, we combined single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based population inference with extensive phenotypic and life history data to identify potential biological mechanisms driving fine‐scale subpopulation differentiation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Teno River, a major salmon river in Europe. Two sympatrically occurring subpopulations had low but significant genetic differentiation (FST = 0.018) and displayed marked differences in the distribution of life history strategies, including variation in juvenile growth rate, age at maturity and size within age classes. Large, late‐maturing individuals were virtually absent from one of the two subpopulations, and there were significant differences in juvenile growth rates and size at age after oceanic migration between individuals in the respective subpopulations. Our findings suggest that different evolutionary processes affect each subpopulation and that hybridization and subsequent selection may maintain low genetic differentiation without hindering adaptive divergence.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from the Sacramento River, California, USA were introduced to New Zealand between 1901 and 1907, and colonized most of their present-day range within about 10 years. The New Zealand populations now vary in phenotypic traits typically used to differentiate salmon populations within their natural range: growth in freshwater and at sea, age at maturity, dates of return to fresh water and reproduction, morphology, and reproductive allocation. This paper reviews a large research program designed to determine the relative contributions of phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation to this variation, in an effort to understand the processes underlying the natural evolution of new populations. We found strong evidence of trait divergence between populations within at most 30 generations, particularly in freshwater growth rate, date of return, and reproductive output, with plausible adaptive bases for these differences. Importantly, we also demonstrated not only a genetic basis for post-release survival but higher survival, and hence fitness, of a population released from its established site compared to another population released from the same site. We conclude that divergence of salmon in different rivers probably resulted initially from phenotypic plasticity (e.g., habitat-specific growth rates, and effects of upriver migration on ovarian investment). Philopatry (homing to natal streams) combined with rapid evolution of distinct breeding periods to restrict gene flow, facilitating divergence in other traits. We also suggest that in addition to genetic divergence resulting from random founder effects, divergence may also arise during the very early stages of colonization when the original colonists are a non-random, pre-adapted subset of the source population. This favored founders effect immediately improves the fitness of the new population. Overall, this research reveals the complex interplay of environmental and genetic controls over behavior, physiology and life history that characterize the early stages of population differentiation, a process that has taken place repeatedly during the history of salmon populations.  相似文献   

Local adaptation and phenotypic differences among populations have been reported in many species, though most studies focus on either neutral or adaptive genetic differentiation. With the discovery of DNA methylation, questions have arisen about its contribution to individual variation in and among natural populations. Previous studies have identified differences in methylation among populations of organisms, although most to date have been in plants and model animal species. Here we obtained eyed eggs from eight populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and assayed DNA methylation at 23 genes involved in development, immune function, stress response, and metabolism using a gene‐targeted PCR‐based assay for next‐generation sequencing. Evidence for population differences in methylation was found at eight out of 23 gene loci after controlling for developmental timing in each individual. However, we found no correlation between freshwater environmental parameters and methylation variation among populations at those eight genes. A weak correlation was identified between pairwise DNA methylation dissimilarity among populations and pairwise F ST based on 15 microsatellite loci, indicating weak effects of genetic drift or geographic distance on methylation. The weak correlation was primarily driven by two genes, GTIIBS and Nkef. However, single‐gene Mantel tests comparing methylation and pairwise F ST were not significant after Bonferroni correction. Thus, population differences in DNA methylation are more likely related to unmeasured oceanic environmental conditions, local adaptation, and/or genetic drift. DNA methylation is an additional mechanism that contributes to among population variation, with potential influences on organism phenotype, adaptive potential, and population resilience.  相似文献   

We evaluated reproductive isolation of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) life history types that have been reintroduced to northern Idaho, USA. Analysis of 1003 samples at six microsatellite loci revealed strong reproductive isolation between ocean- and stream-type Chinook salmon (fall and summer spawn timing, respectively) within the Clearwater River sub-basin (F ST = 0.148, P < 0.00001). Very little evidence for gene flow among the two life history types was observed as assignment tests correctly assigned 99.6% of individuals in reference collections to either ocean- and steam-type Chinook salmon. Assignment of naturally reared juveniles indicated that both life history types were present with 24.1% stream-type and 75.9% ocean-type. Previous studies suggest high levels of divergence among the two life history types in natural populations, and our study verifies the persistence of reproductive isolation among types following colonization of habitat. Successful colonization of new habitat by (re)introduced species is likely influenced by diversity in life history types and this strategy has lead to naturally spawning populations in a variety of available habitats in the Clearwater River. As many populations of O. tshawytscha are listed as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, hope for recovery lies not only in effective management and habitat improvement, but adaptability of this species.  相似文献   

Understanding how species might respond to climate change involves disentangling the influence of co‐occurring environmental factors on population dynamics, and is especially problematic for migratory species like Pacific salmon that move between ecosystems. To date, debate surrounding the causes of recent declines in Yukon River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) abundance has centered on whether factors in freshwater or marine environments control variation in survival, and how these populations at the northern extremity of the species range will respond to climate change. To estimate the effect of factors in marine and freshwater environments on Chinook salmon survival, we constructed a stage‐structured assessment model that incorporates the best available data, estimates incidental marine bycatch mortality in trawl fisheries, and uses Bayesian model selection methods to quantify support for alternative hypotheses. Models fitted to two index populations of Yukon River Chinook salmon indicate that processes in the nearshore and marine environments are the most important determinants of survival. Specifically, survival declines when ice leaves the Yukon River later in the spring, increases with wintertime temperature in the Bering Sea, and declines with the abundance of globally enhanced salmon species consistent with competition at sea. In addition, we found support for density‐dependent survival limitations in freshwater but not marine portions of the life cycle, increasing average survival with ocean age, and age‐specific selectivity of bycatch mortality in the Bering Sea. This study underscores the utility of flexible estimation models capable of fitting multiple data types and evaluating mortality from both natural and anthropogenic sources in multiple habitats. Overall, these analyses suggest that mortality at sea is the primary driver of population dynamics, yet under warming climate Chinook salmon populations at the northern extent of the species’ range may be expected to fare better than southern populations, but are influenced by foreign salmon production.  相似文献   

Most information about Chinook salmon genetic diversity and life history originates from studies from the West Coast USA, western Canada and southeast Alaska; less is known about Chinook salmon from western and southcentral Alaska drainages. Populations in this large area are genetically distinct from populations to the south and represent an evolutionary legacy of unique genetic, phenotypic and life history diversity. More genetic information is necessary to advance mixed stock analysis applications for studies involving these populations. We assembled a comprehensive, open-access baseline of 45 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 172 populations ranging from Russia to California. We compare SNP data from representative populations throughout the range with particular emphasis on western and southcentral Alaska. We grouped populations into major lineages based upon genetic and geographic characteristics, evaluated the resolution for identifying the composition of admixtures and performed mixed stock analysis on Chinook salmon caught incidentally in the walleye pollock fishery in the Bering Sea. SNP data reveal complex genetic structure within Alaska and can be used in applications to address not only regional issues, but also migration pathways, bycatch studies on the high seas, and potential changes in the range of the species in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Aggregate hatchery production of Pacific salmon in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation is very low (< 0.5% of total harvest, with five hatcheries releasing approximately 41 M juvenile salmon annually), but contributions in certain rivers can be substantial. Enhancement programs in these rivers may strongly influence fitness and production of wild salmon. In this paper we document significant divergence in demographic traits in hatchery salmon populations in the Bolshaya River and we estimate the proportion of hatchery chum salmon in the total run in the Paratunka River to demonstrate the magnitude of enhancement in this system. We observed a reduction in the expression of life history types in hatchery populations (ranging from 1 to 9 types) compared to wild populations (17 types) of sockeye salmon in the Bolshaya River. We found similar trends in Chinook salmon in the same river system. This reduced life history diversity may make these fish less resilient to changes in habitat and climate. We estimate hatchery chum salmon currently contribute 17-45% to the natural spawning population in the Paratunka River. As hatchery fish increase in numbers at natural spawning sites, this hatchery production may affect wild salmon production. It is important to investigate the risk of introgression between hatchery and wild salmon that can lead to reduction in salmon fitness in Kamchatka rivers, as well as the potential of ecological interactions that can have consequences on status of wild salmon and overall salmon production in this region.  相似文献   

We present a novel perspective on life‐history evolution that combines recent theoretical advances in fluctuating density‐dependent selection with the notion of pace‐of‐life syndromes (POLSs) in behavioural ecology. These ideas posit phenotypic co‐variation in life‐history, physiological, morphological and behavioural traits as a continuum from the highly fecund, short‐lived, bold, aggressive and highly dispersive ‘fast’ types at one end of the POLS to the less fecund, long‐lived, cautious, shy, plastic and socially responsive ‘slow’ types at the other. We propose that such variation in life histories and the associated individual differences in behaviour can be explained through their eco‐evolutionary dynamics with population density – a single and ubiquitous selective factor that is present in all biological systems. Contrasting regimes of environmental stochasticity are expected to affect population density in time and space and create differing patterns of fluctuating density‐dependent selection, which generates variation in fast versus slow life histories within and among populations. We therefore predict that a major axis of phenotypic co‐variation in life‐history, physiological, morphological and behavioural traits (i.e. the POLS) should align with these stochastic fluctuations in the multivariate fitness landscape created by variation in density‐dependent selection. Phenotypic plasticity and/or genetic (co‐)variation oriented along this major POLS axis are thus expected to facilitate rapid and adaptively integrated changes in various aspects of life histories within and among populations and/or species. The fluctuating density‐dependent selection POLS framework presented here therefore provides a series of clear testable predictions, the investigation of which should further our fundamental understanding of life‐history evolution and thus our ability to predict natural population dynamics.  相似文献   

The ecosystems supporting Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are changing rapidly as a result of climate change and habitat alteration. Understanding how—and how consistently—salmon populations respond to changes at regional and watershed scales has major implications for fisheries management and habitat conservation. Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) populations across Alaska have declined over the past decade, resulting in fisheries closures and prolonged impacts to local communities. These declines are associated with large‐scale climate drivers, but uncertainty remains about the role of local conditions (e.g., precipitation, streamflow, and stream temperature) that vary among the watersheds where salmon spawn and rear. We estimated the effects of these and other environmental indicators on the productivity of 15 Chinook salmon populations in the Cook Inlet basin, southcentral Alaska, using a hierarchical Bayesian stock‐recruitment model. Salmon spawning during 2003–2007 produced 57% fewer recruits than the previous long‐term average, leading to declines in adult returns beginning in 2008. These declines were explained in part by density dependence, with reduced population productivity following years of high spawning abundance. Across all populations, productivity declined with increased precipitation during the fall spawning and early incubation period and increased with above‐average precipitation during juvenile rearing. Above‐average stream temperatures during spawning and rearing had variable effects, with negative relationships in many warmer streams and positive relationships in some colder streams. Productivity was also associated with regional indices of streamflow and ocean conditions, with high variability among populations. The cumulative effects of adverse conditions in freshwater, including high spawning abundance, heavy fall rains, and hot, dry summers may have contributed to the recent population declines across the region. Identifying both coherent and differential responses to environmental change underscores the importance of targeted, watershed‐specific monitoring and conservation efforts for maintaining resilient salmon runs in a warming world.  相似文献   

The Duwamish estuary is an industrialized waterway located in Seattle, WA, USA. Despite a history of habitat loss, naturally produced juvenile Chinook salmon use the estuary. In addition to experiencing degraded habitat in the estuary, wild salmon growth may be affected by competition with more than three million hatchery fish released yearly into the river. Restoring habitat to benefit salmon in the Duwamish River is a priority for trustees of public resources, and a number of wetland restoration sites have been created there. We tested the function of restored sites in the Duwamish estuary for juvenile Chinook salmon by comparing fish densities from enclosure nets or beach seines at three paired restored/un-restored sites and by applying environmental and diet data to a bioenergetics model. We also examined temporal and diet overlap of wild juvenile Chinook salmon with other salmon species and with hatchery-reared Chinook salmon using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). At a brackish upstream site with a relatively large opening to the river, we found higher densities of juvenile Chinook salmon at the restored site. NMDS results indicated that juvenile Chinook salmon fed on different taxa at the restored sites than at the reference sites. However, modeled growth was similar at restored and reference sites. Co-occurring juvenile chum and Chinook salmon fed differently, with chum eating smaller prey, and Chinook salmon eating larger prey. Co-occurring hatchery and wild juvenile Chinook salmon had similar diets, indicating that they may compete for prey. However, modeled growth was positive and did not differ between hatchery and wild fish, suggesting that food was not limiting. Bioenergetics models indicated that overall juvenile Chinook salmon growth potential at the brackish water site was consistently higher than at more saline sites. Our results suggest that restoration sites in the Duwamish estuary that have larger access openings and are located in brackish water may have increased function over other configurations.  相似文献   

The myxozoan parasite Ceratomyxa shasta is a significant pathogen of juvenile salmonids in the Pacific Northwest of North America and is limiting recovery of Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon populations in the Klamath River. We conducted a 5-year monitoring program that comprised concurrent sentinel fish exposures and water sampling across 212 river kilometers of the Klamath River. We used percent mortality and degree-days to death to measure disease severity in fish. We analyzed water samples using quantitative PCR and Sanger sequencing, to determine total parasite density and relative abundance of C. shasta genotypes, which differ in their pathogenicity to salmonids. We detected the parasite throughout the study zone, but parasite density and genetic composition fluctuated spatially and temporally. Chinook and coho mortality increased with density of their specific parasite genotype, but mortality-density thresholds and time to death differed. A lethality threshold of 40% mortality was reached with 10 spores liter(-1) for Chinook but only 5 spores liter(-1) for coho. Parasite density did not affect degree-days to death for Chinook but was negatively correlated for coho, and there was wider variation among coho individuals. These differences likely reflect the different life histories and genetic heterogeneity of the salmon populations. Direct quantification of the density of host-specific parasite genotypes in water samples offers a management tool for predicting host population-level impacts.  相似文献   

While individual growth ultimately reflects the quality and quantity of food resources, intra and interspecific interactions for these resources, as well as individual size, may have dramatic impacts on growth opportunity. Out‐migrating anadromous salmonids make rapid transitions between habitat types resulting in large pulses of individuals into a given location over a short period, which may have significant impact on demand for local resources. We evaluated the spatial and temporal variation in IGF‐1 concentrations (a proxy for growth rate) and the relationship between size and concentration for juvenile Chinook salmon in Puget Sound, WA, USA, as a function of the relative size and abundance of both Chinook salmon and Pacific herring, a species which commonly co‐occurs with salmonids in nearshore marine habitats. The abundance of Chinook salmon and Pacific herring varied substantially among the sub‐basins as function of outmigration timing and spawn timing, respectively, while size varied systematically and consistently for both species. Mean IGF‐1 concentrations were different among sub‐basins, although patterns were not consistent through time. In general, size was positively correlated with IGF‐1 concentration, although the slope of the relationship was considerably higher where Pacific herring were more abundant than Chinook salmon; specifically where smaller individual herring, relative to Chinook salmon, were more abundant. Where Pacific herring were less abundant than Chinook salmon, IGF‐1 concentrations among small and large Chinook salmon were more variable and showed no consistent increase for larger individuals. The noticeable positive effect of relative Pacific herring abundance on the relationship between size and individual growth rates likely represents a shift to predation based on increased IGF‐1 concentrations for individual Chinook salmon that are large enough to incorporate fish into their diet and co‐occur with the highest abundances of Pacific herring.  相似文献   

Migratory salmon transit estuary habitats on their way out to the ocean but this phase of their life cycle is more poorly understood than other phases. The estuaries of large river systems in particular may support many populations and several species of salmon that originate from throughout the upstream river. The Skeena River of British Columbia, Canada, is a large river system with high salmon population- and species-level diversity. The estuary of the Skeena River is under pressure from industrial development, with two gas liquefaction terminals and a potash loading facility in various stages of environmental review processes, providing motivation for understanding the usage of the estuary by juvenile salmon. We conducted a juvenile salmonid sampling program throughout the Skeena River estuary in 2007 and 2013 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of different species and populations of salmon. We captured six species of juvenile anadromous salmonids throughout the estuary in both years, and found that areas proposed for development support some of the highest abundances of some species of salmon. Specifically, the highest abundances of sockeye (both years), Chinook in 2007, and coho salmon in 2013 were captured in areas proposed for development. For example, juvenile sockeye salmon were 2–8 times more abundant in the proposed development areas. Genetic stock assignment demonstrated that the Chinook salmon and most of the sockeye salmon that were captured originated from throughout the Skeena watershed, while some sockeye salmon came from the Nass, Stikine, Southeast Alaska, and coastal systems on the northern and central coasts of British Columbia. These fish support extensive commercial, recreational, and First Nations fisheries throughout the Skeena River and beyond. Our results demonstrate that estuary habitats integrate species and population diversity of salmon, and that if proposed development negatively affects the salmon populations that use the estuary, then numerous fisheries would also be negatively affected.  相似文献   

While fish swimming behaviour has been extensively studied, the parental genetic basis of this critical behaviour has been rarely examined, especially past the earliest stages of development. We used a quantitative genetic breeding design to measure the critical swimming speed (U-crit) of offspring (15 and 18 weeks post-hatch) from 36 families of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), a species with a nonresource-based mating system. We investigated the roles of dam, sire, and dam × sire on offspring U-crit, and estimated contributions of additive and nonadditive genetic effects and maternal effects to phenotypic variation in U-crit at both ages. We also used existing ‘high-survival’ and ‘low-survival’ lines of Chinook to determine if these two lines show differences in U-crit. At 15 weeks, there were no significant genetic effects, but at 18 weeks there were significant sire effects. Furthermore, additive genetic effects increased from 26 to 100 % from 15 to 18 weeks post-hatch. The two survival lines also showed differences in U-crit at 18 weeks post-hatch, with higher U-crit associated with “high-survival” sires. Collectively, the present study provides evidence for increasing importance of paternal identity (additive genetic variation) on swimming as juvenile offspring age. Given that mortality is high in young Pacific salmon and swimming ability is crucial, the sire effects could potentially shape survival though subsequent developmental stages. The change in the magnitude of effects in the present study indicates that future research should investigate genetic effects across multiple stages for better understanding of how phenotypic traits could respond to selection.  相似文献   

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