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Lindernia kinmenensis Y. S. Liang, C. H. Chen, & C. L. Tasi sp. nov. from Kinmen (Taiwan) is described. The new species belongs to section Torenioides and is most similar to L. crustacea. It differs from the latter by the following characters: calyx pubescent between the ridges (vs pubescent on ridges), with (2)3(4) bristles on the ridge near the apex of the calyx‐lobes (vs without such bristles), corolla shorter, 6–8 mm long (vs 7–11 mm long) and pale purple (vs purple or blue), posterior theca with obtuse (vs acute) apex. This species is usually found in sandy wetlands. A line drawing, colour photos and SEM micrographs of pollen and seed as aids for identification are provided.  相似文献   

Chirita leprosa Yan Liu & W. B. Xu, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. wangiana Z. Y. Li, but differs by the leaf blade being elliptic to broadly elliptic, bracts broadly ovate, corolla pale yellow, filaments ca 9 mm long, geniculate near the middle, staminodes 3, and by a different flowering period (Oct–Nov).  相似文献   

A new species of the orchid genus Myoxanthus, M. oliviae, is described based on Peruvian material. The novelty resembles M. serripetalus from which it differs by the 7–8‐veined lateral sepals (versus 6‐ or 9‐veined), the petals contracted below the apex and expanded again into a sagittate apex (versus apex caudate) and entire lip middle lobe (versus fimbriate). The flowers of M. oliviae are pale brownish‐purple, internally intensively suffused with yellow, dark‐purple spotted. The new species grows among rocks at the elevation of 2700–3100 m a.s.l. A key to Peruvian Myoxanthus representatives is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Gentianella, G. tumailica sp. nov., from Tumail in the Kargil district of Ladakh, northwest Himalaya, India is described and illustrated. This novelity is morphologically similar to the sympatric G. stoliczka in inflorescence pattern, calyx and corolla shapes, sagitate anthers, more or less rounded seeds, but differs in smaller size of vegetative and floral structures, larger basal leaves, few cauline leaves, leaf apex obtuse to rounded, calyx lobes unequal (2 longer, 3 shorter), inflorescence enveloped by 4 foliaceous bracts, capsule elliptic to oblong and seed coat smooth. In addition, a diagnostic key to all Indian species of Gentianella is presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Clausena, C. agasthyamalayana is described and illustrated from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. It is similar to C. indica but differs from it being of dwarf habit, and having greenish–black bark, smaller and fewer leaflets, obovate and coriaceous leaves with obtuse or emarginated apex, elliptic and obtuse petals, oblong‐cordate anthers, consistently 4‐locular ovary with 2 ovules in each chamber and ellipsoid fruits.  相似文献   

Onobrychis dushanbensis Ranjbar, Vitek & Karamian, a new Fabaceae species endemic to Tajikistan, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Onobrychis Miller subgen. Sisyrosema (Bunge) Grossheim sect. Hymenobrychis DC. It is closely related to O. chorassanica Bunge and O. seravschanica B. Fedtsch., but is easily distinguished by its purple flowers with darker venation (vs yellowish with purple venation), with wings 9–10 mm long (vs wings 4–5 mm long) and bracts 14–15 mm long (vs bracts 4–5 mm long). The relationships between the new and closely related species are discussed.  相似文献   

Primulina petrocosmeoides Bo Pan & Fang Wen sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to P. weii Mich. Möller & A. Weber, but differs from it in leaf blade ovate to elliptical, 1.0 × 0.8 to 2.5 × 2.0 cm, leaf base broadly cuneate, cymes 5–16, 2–6‐flowered, bracts narrowly lanceolate, calyx lobes lanceolate, 4.0–6.5 mm long, corolla bluish purple, 1.2–1.5 cm long, pubescent outside but glabrous inside, filaments purple, pubescent, staminodes 3, stigma trapezoid with its apex lobed to the middle and with dense short papillae.  相似文献   

A new species of Coffea from southern central Madagascar, C. toshii, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. buxifolia but differs due to its short, broad spreading habit (vs narrow habit), conspicuous domatia (vs inconspicuous), consistently red fruit (vs reddish purple to dull purple or red), longer fruiting pedicel (vs shorter), presence of bracts (vs absence) and occurrence at lower elevations (vs high elevation).  相似文献   

A new species of Stimpsonia (Primulaceae), S. nanlingensis G.H. Huang & G. Hao, from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated as the second species in the genus. In general morphology it resembles S. chamaedryoides but can be distinguished by its foliose bracts and a corolla with a shorter tube and shorter truncate or obtuse lobes.  相似文献   

Two new species of Schizostachyum Nees (Poaceae: Bambusoideae): S. yalyense N. H. Xia, V. T. Tran et H. N. Nguyen and Schizostachyum ninhthuanense N. H. Xia, V. T. Tran et H. N. Nguyen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) are described and illustrated from Vietnam. Schizostachyum yalyense is similar to S. lima (Blanco) Merrill, but differs by culm sheaths with a concave apex 4–5 cm wide and 1.0–1.5 cm deep, pseudospikelets clustered on the wholly leafless flowering branches, possession of 2 bracts and lodicules. Schizostachyum ninhthuanense is related to S. hainanense Merrill ex McClure, but differs by culm sheaths covered with white hairs and having white–brown hairs at the apex, ligule margin densely pale‐ciliate, pseudospikelets clustered on wholly leafless flowering branches, presence of 3 lodicules, two stigmas apically on the style and the third stigma branching off from one of the two other stigmas.  相似文献   

中国姜黄属一新种—南昆山莪术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道姜科姜黄属一新种一南昆山莪术(Curcumana nkunshanensis N.Liu,X.B.Ye&J.Chen)。该种与近缘种广西莪术(C.kwangsiensis X.X.Chen)的区别在于侧根茎分枝多,叶片阔椭圆状披针形,表面光滑无毛,不育苞片下部白色顶端深紫红色,能育苞片绿色。它与郁金(caromatica Safib)的区别在于根茎内面白色,不育苞片下部白色顶端深紫红色,具有种子。  相似文献   

Eriocaulon vandaanamense (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from a marshy coastal area in the Alappuzha District, Kerala, India, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to E. truncatum and resembles it in having vertically elongated seed coat cells, but differs mainly in having pale black hoary floral bracts, 3‐lobed hoary male sepals, linear‐falcate, non‐conduplicate hoary female sepals, and small, smooth, pale brown seeds without seed coat appendages.  相似文献   

报道姜科姜黄属-新种-南昆山莪术(Curcuma nankunshanensis N.Liu,X.B.Ye&J.Chen).该种与近缘种广西莪术(C kwangsiensis X.X.Chen)的区别在于侧根茎分枝多,叶片阔椭圆状披针形,表面光滑无毛,不育苞片下部白色顶端深紫红色,能育苞片绿色.它与郁金(C aromatica Sahib)的区别在于根茎内面白色,不育苞片下部白色顶端深紫红色,具有种子.  相似文献   

最近被重新界定的广义石山苣苔属(Petrocodon Hance)是苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)一个中等大小的属,我国目前已知的有34种1变种,主要分布于我国华南至西南石灰岩地区。该文报道了于云南东南部马关县发现的该属一新种——细管石山苣苔(Petrocodon tenuitubus W. H. Chen,F. WenY. M. Shui)。该新种在形态上与陆氏细筒苣苔(P. lui)、细筒苣苔(P. hispidus)和长檐苣苔(P. jasminiflorus)相似,但其线形或披针形的苞片和小苞片均为3枚,花冠筒细小且弯曲,盘形柱头1,很容易区别于陆氏细筒苣苔和细筒苣苔;而其叶片卵形至圆形,花冠裂片卵形而尖端钝以及退化雄蕊3,则显著区别于长檐苣苔。该新种的发现对推进我国石灰岩地区苦苣苔科植物资源的发掘具有一定意义。主模式标本存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN),等模式标本存放于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

Two new species of Gesneriaceae, Wentsaiboea tiandengensis Yan Liu & B. Pan and Wentsaiboea luochengensis Yan Liu & W. B. Xu from Karst caves in Guangxi, China are described and illustrated. Wentsaiboea tiandengensis resembles W. renifolia, but differs in the leaf blade being cordate or broadly ovate, the margin crenate or repand, with conspicuous pinnate veins 3–5 on each side, corolla throat constricted, corolla lobes ovate with apex acute, staminodes 3, and ovary broadly ovoid. Wentsaiboea luochengensis is similar to W. renifolia, but can be distinguished from the latter by the coriaceous leaf blade with 2–3 inconspicuous pinnate veins on each side, elliptic or broadly ovate to sub‐rotund in shape, with sub‐entire margin and attenuate to cuneate or sub‐rotund base, broadly ovate or sub‐rotund corolla lobes, rotund or obtuse apex, and 3 staminodes.  相似文献   

Primulina suichuanensis X. L. Yu & J. J. Zhou, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Jiangxi, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, the new species is most similar to P. roseoalba, but differs by entire leaf blade margin, narrowly ovate bracts, reddish–purple or bluish–purple corolla, 3.0–3.4 cm long corolla tube, white filaments, and 3.6 cm long pistil. It flowers from September to November.  相似文献   

Impatiens nanlingensis A. Q. Dong & F. W. Xing, a new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to I. jinggangensis Y. L. Chen, but differs mainly by its lateral united petals; basal lobes suborbicular, marked with yellow stripes; distal lobes narrowly caudate, apex tailed. It also resembles I. bicornuta, but I. bicornuta differs mainly in its longer peduncles, up to 25 cm, pale blue–purple flowers and broadly sigmoid‐curved–saccate lower sepal.  相似文献   

在研究新疆阿勒泰地区柳属(SalixL.)植物时发现了新疆杨柳科(Salicaceae)柳属植物新记录组粉枝柳组(Sect.Daphnella Seringe ex Duby)及新疆新记录种粉枝柳(Salix rorida Laksch.)。该种雌花苞片长圆形、倒卵状长圆形、倒卵状椭圆形和倒卵形,先端锐尖,苞片基部两侧各具3~4个腺点;雄花苞片倒卵形和倒卵状长圆形,先端锐尖,稀凹陷,在个别苞片基部一侧会有不明显的2~3个腺点,与其他分布区的粉枝柳稍有差异。主要分布在哈巴河中、上游及其2个支流,生于河岸及人工渠道岸边,海拔900~1 500m之处。  相似文献   

报道中国兰科(Orchidaceae)巾唇兰属一新记录种---鸵鸟巾唇兰(Pennilabium struthio Carr ),并提供了详细的形态描述和照片.该种与巾唇兰(P .yunnanense S.C.Chen&Y.B.Luo)较接近,区别点在于花梗和子房不旋转,萼片为椭圆形,花瓣为卵状椭圆形,花瓣外端具短齿,距近末端膨大.  相似文献   

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