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Diurnal animals occupy a different temporal niche from nocturnal animals and are consequently exposed to different amounts of light as well as different dangers. Accordingly, some variation exists in the way that diurnal animals synchronize their internal circadian clock to match the external 24-hour daily cycle. First, though the brain mechanisms underlying photic entrainment are very similar among species with different daily activity patterns, there is evidence that diurnal animals are less sensitive to photic stimuli compared to nocturnal animals. Second, stimuli other than light that synchronize rhythms (i.e. nonphotic stimuli) can also entrain and phase shift daily rhythms. Some of the rules that govern nonphotic entrainment in nocturnal animals as well as the brain mechanisms that control nonphotic influences on rhythms do not appear to apply to diurnal animals, however. Some evidence supports the idea that arousal or activity plays an important role in entraining rhythms in diurnal animals, either during the light (active) or dark (inactive) phases, though no consistent pattern is seen. GABAergic stimulation induces phase shifts during the subjective day in both diurnal and nocturnal animals. In diurnal Arvicanthis niloticus (Nile grass rats), SCN GABAA receptor activation at this time results in phase delays while in nocturnal animals phase advances are induced. It appears that the effect of GABA at this circadian phase results from the inhibition of period gene expression in both diurnal and nocturnal animals. Nonetheless, the resulting phase shifts are in opposite directions. It is not known what stimuli or behaviours ultimately induce changes in GABA activity in the SCN that result in alterations of circadian phase in diurnal grass rats. Taken together, studies such as these suggest that it may be problematic to apply the principles governing nocturnal nonphotic entrainment and its underlying mechanisms to diurnal species including humans.  相似文献   

Entrainment by nonphotic, activity-inducing stimuli has been investigated in detail in nocturnal rodents, but little is known about nonphotic entrainment in diurnal animals. Comparative studies would offer the opportunity to distinguish between two possibilities. (1) If nonphotic phase shifts depend on the phase of the activity cycle, the phase response curve (PRC) should be about 180 degrees out of phase in nocturnal and diurnal mammals. (2) If nonphotic phase shifts depend on the phase of the pacemaker, the two PRCs should be in phase. We used the diurnal European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in a nonphotic entrainment experiment to distinguish between the two possibilities. Ten European ground squirrels were kept under dim red light (<1 lux) and 20 +/- 1 degrees C. During the entrainment phase of the experiment, the animals were confined every 23.5 h (T) to a running wheel for 3 h. The circadian rhythms of 6 squirrels entrained, 2 continued to free run, and 2 possibly entrained but displayed arrhythmicity during the experiment. In a second experiment, a photic pulse was used in a similar protocol. Five out of 9 squirrels entrained, 1 did not entrain, and 3 yielded ambiguous results. During stable entrainment, the phase-advancing nonphotic pulses coincided with the end of the subjective day, while phase-advancing light pulses coincided with the start of the subjective day: mean psi(nonphotic) = 11.4 h; mean psi(photic) = 0.9 h (psi defined as the difference between the onset of activity and the start of the pulse). The data for nonphotic entrainment correspond well with those from similar experiments with nocturnal Syrian hamsters where psi(nonphotic) varied from 8.09 to 11.34 h. This indicates that the circadian phase response to a nonphotic activity-inducing stimulus depends on the phase of the pacemaker rather than on the phase of the activity cycle.  相似文献   

Continuous melatonin administration via silastic implants accelerates the resynchronization of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) after exposure to phase shifts of a weak light-dark cycle. Constant melatonin might induce this effect either by increasing the sensitivity of the visual system to a light zeitgeber or by reducing the degree of self-sustainment of the circadian pacemaker. To distinguish between these two possible mechanisms, two groups of house sparrows, one carrying melatonin implants and the other empty implants, were kept in constant dim light and subjected to advance and delay shifts of a 12-h feeding phase. The resynchronization times of their circadian feeding rhythm following the phase shifts were significantly shorter when the birds carried melatonin implants than when they carried empty implants. In a second experiment, melatonin-implanted and control birds were released into food ad libitum conditions 2 days after either a delay or an advance phase shift. The number of hours by which the activity rhythms had been shifted on the second day in food ad libitum conditions was assessed. Melatonin-implanted house sparrows had significantly larger phase shifts in their circadian feeding rhythm than control birds. This is in accordance with the first experiment since a larger phase shift at a given time reflects accelerated resynchronization. Additionally, the second experiment also excludes any possible masking effects of the nonphotic zeitgeber. In conclusion, constant melatonin accelerates resynchronization even after phase shifts of a nonphotic zeitgeber, indicating that constant high levels of melatonin can reduce the degree of self-sustainment of the circadian pacemaker independent of any effects on the photoreceptive system.  相似文献   

A recent focus of chronobiological studies has been to establish diurnal models as alternatives to the more frequently used nocturnal rodents. In the present study, light-dark (LD) entrainment characteristics were examined in one diurnal species, the Indian palm squirrel ( Funambulus pennanti ). Palm squirrels showed strongly diurnal locomotor activity rhythms (~ 88 percent) under light-dark (LD) cycles, with activity bimodally distributed during the L phase. In comparison to a dim LD cycle, exposure to a bright LD cycle caused a phase advance in the onset of activity, an increase in daily activity levels and an increase in the duration of activity. Percentage diurnality, however, did not vary between bright and dim LD cycles. Activity rhythms reentrained in significantly fewer days after an 8 hour phase delay of the LD cycle compared to an 8 hour phase advance. In both cases, the direction of reentrainment followed the direction of the LD shift. When exposed to single light pulses (1 hour) presented at the same time each day, 6/7 squirrels entrained. Under a skeletal photoperiod cycle (2 x 1 hour light pulses each day), 6/8 squirrels showed stable entrainment. The remaining squirrels exhibited rhythm splitting, with each component synchronising in an unstable manner with one of the light pulses. Under entrainment to single light pulses and to the skeletal photoperiod cycle, the phase angle of entrainment was negatively correlated with t. Finally, when exposed to a skeletal scotoperiod cycle (2 x 1-hour dark pulses each day), only 3/8 squirrels entrained, while the others free-ran. Two of the entrained squirrels showed spontaneous phase reversals during entrainment. As with other species, the activity rhythm of palm squirrels appears to be controlled by two separate self-sustaining oscillators. The strongly diurnal nature of palm squirrels make them a promising diurnal model for studies examining endogenous and exogenous influences on circadian functioning.  相似文献   

A recent focus of chronobiological studies has been to establish diurnal models as alternatives to the more frequently used nocturnal rodents. In the present study, light-dark (LD) entrainment characteristics were examined in one diurnal species, the Indian palm squirrel (Funambulus pennanti). Palm squirrels showed strongly diurnal locomotor activity rhythms (? 88 percent) under light-dark (LD) cycles, with activity bimodally distributed during the L phase. In comparison to a dim LD cycle, exposure to a bright LD cycle caused a phase advance in the onset of activity, an increase in daily activity levels and an increase in the duration of activity. Percentage diurnality, however, did not vary between bright and dim LD cycles. Activity rhythms reentrained in significantly fewer days after an 8 hour phase delay of the LD cycle compared to an 8 hour phase advance. In both cases, the direction of reentrainment followed the direction of the LD shift. When exposed to single light pulses (1 hour) presented at the same time each day, 6/7 squirrels entrained. Under a skeletal photoperiod cycle (2 x 1 hour light pulses each day), 6/8 squirrels showed stable entrainment. The remaining squirrels exhibited rhythm splitting, with each component synchronising in an unstable manner with one of the light pulses. Under entrainment to single light pulses and to the skeletal photoperiod cycle, the phase angle of entrainment was negatively correlated with t. Finally, when exposed to a skeletal scotoperiod cycle (2 x 1-hour dark pulses each day), only 3/8 squirrels entrained, while the others free-ran. Two of the entrained squirrels showed spontaneous phase reversals during entrainment. As with other species, the activity rhythm of palm squirrels appears to be controlled by two separate self-sustaining oscillators. The strongly diurnal nature of palm squirrels make them a promising diurnal model for studies examining endogenous and exogenous influences on circadian functioning.  相似文献   

Studies on rodents have emphasized that removal of the olfactory bulbs modulates circadian rhythmicity. Using telemetric recordings of both body temperature (Tb) and locomotor activity (LA) in a male nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur, the authors investigated the effects of olfactory bulbectomy on (1) the circadian periods of Tb and LA in constant dim light condition, and (2) photic re-entrainment rates of circadian rhythms following 6-h phase shifts of entrained light-dark cycle (LD 12:12). Under free-running condition, bulbectomized males had significantly shorter circadian periods of Tb and LA rhythms than those of control males. However, the profiles of Tb rhythms, characterized by a phase of hypothermia at the beginning of the subjective day, and Tb parameters were not modified by olfactory bulbectomy. Under a light-dark cycle, olfactory bulbectomy significantly modified the expression of daily hypothermia, especially by an increase in the latency to reach minimal daily Tb, suggesting a delayed response to induction of daily hypothermia by light onset. Reentrainment rates following both a 6-h phase advance and a 6-h phase delay of entrained LD were also delayed in bulbectomized males. Olfactory bulbectomy led to significant fragmentation of locomotor activity and increased locomotor activity levels during the resting period. The shortening of circadian periods in bulbectomized males could partly explain the delayed responses to photic stimuli since in control males, the longer the circadian period, the better the response to light entrainment. This experiment shows for the 1st time that olfactory bulbs can markedly modify the circadian system in a primate.  相似文献   

A temporary loss of normal circadian entrainment, such as that associated with shift work and transmeridian travel, can result in an array of detrimental symptoms, making rapid reentrainment of rhythmicity essential. While there is a wealth of literature examining the effects of stress on the entrained circadian system, less is known about the influence of stress on circadian function following a phase shift of the light: dark (LD) cycle. The authors find that recovery of locomotor activity synchronization is altered by restraint stress in the diurnal rodent Octodon degus (degu) and the nocturnal rat. In the first experiment, degus were subjected to a 6-h phase advance of the LD cycle. Sixty minutes after the new lights-on, animals underwent 60 min of restraint stress. The number of days it took each animal to reentrain its activity rhythms to the new LD cycle was recorded and compared to the number of days it took the animal to reentrain under control conditions. When subjected to restraint stress, degus took 30% longer to reentrain their activity rhythms (p < 0.01). In a second experiment, rats underwent a similar experimental paradigm. As with the degus, stress significantly delayed the reentrainment of rats' activity rhythms (p < 0.01). There was no interaction between sex and stress on the rate of reentrainment for either rats or degus. Furthermore, there was no effect of stress on the free-running activity rhythm of degus, suggesting that the effect of stress on reentrainment rate is not secondary to alterations of period length. Together, these data point to a detrimental effect of stress on recovery of entrainment of circadian rhythms, which is independent of activity niche and sex.  相似文献   

In a total of 12 adult Colombian owl monkeys, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, the significance of nonparametric light effects for the entrainment of the circadian system by light-dark (LD) cycles was studied by carrying out (a) phase-response experiments testing the phase-shifting effect of 30-min light pulses (LPs) of 250 lx applied at various phases of the free-running circadian activity rhythm (LL 0.2 lx) and (b) synchronization experiments testing the entraining effect of 24-h single LP photoperiods consisting of 30-min L of 80 lx and 23.5-h D of 0.5 lx (sP 0.5) and skeleton photoperiods consisting of two 30-min LPs of 80 lx, given against a background illuminance of 0.5 lx either symmetrically at 12-h intervals (PP 12:12) or asymmetrically at 9- and 15-h intervals (PP 9:15). The phase-response characteristics in Aotus, as evidenced by the phase-response curve, generally correspond to those of nocturnal rodents, proving that this neotropical simian primate chronobiologically is a genuine nocturnal species. When free-running with a spontaneous period close to 24 h (24.3 ± 0.1 h), the PP 12:12 produced entrainment in only two of five owl monkeys, whereas the sP 0.5 entrained four of them. The PP 9:15, however, brought about stable entrainment of the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, feeding activity, and core temperature in all animals tested (n = 8). Changes in phase position of the activity time with the endogenous rhythm entrained by a PP 12:12, by an sP 0.5, or by a PP 9:15 give evidence that both LPs of a skeleton photoperiod contribute to the phase setting of the circadian system. When free-running with a considerably lengthened spontaneous period (τ ≥ 25.5 h), even the sP 0.5 and the PP 9:15 failed to entrain the owl monkeys' circadian rhythms, whereas a 24-h photoperiod with a very long LP of 3 h caused entrainment. The results indicate that in Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, in addition to the nonparametric light effects, parametric light effects play a significant role in the entrainment of circadian rhythms by LD cycles.  相似文献   

Jetlag results when a temporary loss of circadian entrainment alters phase relationships among internal rhythms and between an organism and the outside world. After a large shift in the light-dark (LD) cycle, rapid recovery of entrainment minimizes the negative effects of internal circadian disorganization. There is evidence in the existing literature for an activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis after a photic phase shift, and it is possible that the degree of HPA-axis response is a determining factor of reentrainment time. This study utilized a diurnal rodent, Octodon degus, to test the prediction that the alteration of cortisol levels would affect the reentrainment rate of circadian locomotor rhythms. In experiment 1, we examined the effects of decreased cortisol (using metyrapone, an 11beta-hydroxylase inhibitor) on the rate of running-wheel rhythm recovery after a 6-h photic phase advance. Metyrapone treatment significantly shortened the length of time it took animals to entrain to the new LD cycle (11.5% acceleration). In experiment 2, we examined the effects of increased cortisol on the rate of reentrainment after a 6-h photic phase advance. Increasing plasma cortisol levels increased the number of days (8%) animals took to reentrain running-wheel activity rhythms, but this effect did not reach significance. A third experiment replicated the results of experiment 1 and also demonstrated that suppression of HPA activity via dexamethasone injection is capable of accelerating reentrainment rates by approximately 33%. These studies provide support for an interaction between the stress axis and circadian rhythms in determining the rate of recovery from a phase shift of the LD cycle.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in hamsters to determine whether the phase response curve (PRC) to injections of the short-acting benzodiazepine triazolam is a fixed or a labile property of the circadian clock. The results indicated that (1) both the shape and the amplitude of the PRC to triazolam generated on the first day of transfer from a light-dark cycle (LD 14:10) to constant darkness (DD) (i.e., PRCLD) were different from those of the PRC generated after many days in DD (PRCDD); and (2) the phase-shifting effects of triazolam on the activity rhythms of hamsters transferred from LD 14:10 or 12:12 to DD changed dramatically within the first 8-9 days spent in DD. In an attempt to accelerate the resynchronization of the circadian clock of hamsters subjected to an 8-hr advance in the LD cycle, triazolam was given to the animals at a time selected on the basis of the characteristics of PRCLD. The activity rhythms of five of eight triazolam-treated animals were resynchronized to the new LD cycle within 2-4 days after the shift, whereas those of most of the control animals were resynchronized 21-29 days after the shift. These findings suggest that attempts to use pharmacological or nonpharmacological tools to phase-shift circadian clocks under entrained conditions should take into account information derived from PRCs generated at the time of transition from entrained to free-running conditions.  相似文献   

Nonphotic entrainment in humans?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although light is accepted as the dominant zeitgeber for entrainment of the human circadian system, there is evidence that nonphotic stimuli may play a role. This review critically assesses the current evidence in support of nonphotic entrainment in humans. Studies involving manipulations of sleep-wake schedules, exercise, mealtimes, and social stimuli are re-examined, bearing in mind the fact that the human circadian clock is sensitive to very dim light and has a free-running period very close to 24 h. Because of light confounds, the study of totally blind subjects with free-running circadian rhythms represents the ideal model to investigate the effects of nonphotic stimuli on circadian phase and period. Strong support for nonphotic entrainment in humans has already come from the study of a few blind subjects with entrained circadian rhythms. However, in these studies the nonphotic stimulus(i) responsible was not identified. The effect of appropriately timed exercise or exogenous melatonin represents the best proof to date of an effect of nonphotic stimuli on human circadian timing. Phase-response curves for both exercise and melatonin have been constructed. Given the powerful effect of feeding as a circadian zeitgeber in various nonhuman species, studies of meal timing are recommended. In conclusion, the available evidence indicates that it remains worthwhile to continue to study nonphotic effects on human circadian timing to identify treatment strategies for shift workers and transmeridian travelers as well as for the blind and possibly the elderly.  相似文献   

Previous studies paired diurnal Octodon degus undergoing/phase advances (phase-shifters) with those entrained to a light-dark (LD) cycle (donors). Results included opposite outcomes of male and female social cues on resynchronization following 6-h advances in females, but no effect of social cues on male resynchronization. The first experiment determined if social cues could influence resynchronization rates of circadian rhythms in male and female degus following a 6-h phase delay of the LD cycle. Female phase-shifters resynchronized temperature and activity rhythms 20-35% faster when housed with either entrained (donor) females or males compared with females housed alone. No significant differences in resynchronization rate for phase-shifting males existed between test conditions. This experiment extends the previous finding that females, but not males, respond strongly to donor cues to increase resynchronization rates in the presence of light. A second experiment determined that accelerated resynchronization rates of female phase-shifters housed with female donors were due to social cues directly affecting the circadian system rather than the result of social masking. On the day following resynchronization with or without a female donor present, phaseshifters were transferred individually to constant conditions (DD). The temperature and activity rhythms of female phase-shifters free-ran from the point at which resynchronization occurred for both the control and experimental females. Thus, social cues accelerate true reentrainment, not masking, of the circadian system in the presence of a LD cycle in female degus. Donor cues from females enhance reentrainment after advances and delays, but the effect of male donor cues is dependent on the direction of the phase shift.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of wheel-running activity of the antelope ground squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus) were entrained by light-dark cycles (LD: 100 1x vs total darkness) with periods (T) between ca 23.75 and 24.75 hr. Two 1-hr light pulses per cycle ('skeleton photoperiods') with T = 24.25 hr as well as one 1-hr light pulse per cycle with Ts of 23.75 and 24.25 hr were effective in entraining the circadian activity rhythms in at least 50% of the antelope ground squirrels. Phase and period responses to single 1-hr light pulses were measured which depend on the initial phase and period of the rhythm. It is concluded that discrete (phasic) light input contributes to the mechanism of entrainment to LD cycles in diurnal rodents.  相似文献   

Previous studies paired diurnal Octodon degus undergoing/phase advances (phase-shifters) with those entrained to a light-dark (LD) cycle (donors). Results included opposite outcomes of male and female social cues on resynchronization following 6-h advances in females, but no effect of social cues on male resynchronization. The first experiment determined if social cues could influence resynchronization rates of circadian rhythms in male and female degus following a 6-h phase delay of the LD cycle. Female phase-shifters resynchronized temperature and activity rhythms 20–35% faster when housed with either entrained (donor) females or males compared with females housed alone. No significant differences in resynchronization rate for phase-shifting males existed between test conditions. This experiment extends the previous finding that females, but not males, respond strongly to donor cues to increase resynchronization rates in the presence of light. A second experiment determined that accelerated resynchronization rates of female phase-shifters housed with female donors were due to social cues directly affecting the circadian system rather than the result of social masking. On the day following resynchronization with or without a female donor present, phaseshifters were transferred individually to constant conditions (DD). The temperature and activity rhythms of female phase-shifters free-ran from the point at which resynchronization occurred for both the control and experimental females. Thus, social cues accelerate true reentrainment, not masking, of the circadian system in the presence of a LD cycle in female degus. Donor cues from females enhance reentrainment after advances and delays, but the effect of male donor cues is dependent on the direction of the phase shift.  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   


Most work looking at nonphotic effects on circadian rhythms is conducted when animals are held under freerunning conditions, usually constant darkness. However, for nonphotic effects to be functionally significant, they should be demonstrable under conditions in which most animals live, i.e., a 24-hr light–dark cycle (LD). Syrian hamsters held in LD 6:18 were administered nonphotic stimulation in the form of a 3-hr confinement to a novel wheel starting about 6 hr before the start of their normal nightly activity bout. This resulted in a 2.5-hr advance of their activity rhythm on the next day that gradually receded to about 1.5 hr over the next 10 days. When hamsters held in LD 6:18 were given five novel wheel confinements over 13 days their nightly activity onset advanced 3 hr and remained at that phase for at least 2 weeks. Home cage wheel deprivation experiments indicated that high levels of home cage activity are necessary to maintain the advanced phase. These results show that nonphotic stimulation can have large, long-lasting effects on daily rhythms in LD and suggest a possible mechanism whereby nocturnal rodents might achieve phase flexibility in response to seasonal changes.  相似文献   


Melatonin, an essential pineal hormone, acts as a marker of the circadian clock that regulates biological rhythms in animals. The effects of exogenous melatonin on the circadian system of nocturnal rodents have been extensively studied; however, there is a paucity of studies on the phase-resetting characteristics of melatonin in diurnal rodents. We studied the phase shifting effects of exogenous melatonin as a single melatonin injection (1 mg/kg) at various phases of the circadian cycle on the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the palm squirrel, Funambulus pennantii. A phase response curve (PRC) was constructed. Adult male squirrels (N = 10) were entrained to a 12:12 h light-dark cycle (LD) in a climate-controlled chronocubicle with food and water provided ad libitum. After stable entrainment, squirrels were transferred to constant dark condition (DD) for free-running. Following stable free run, animals were administered a single dose of melatonin (1 mg/kg in 2% ethanol-phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution) or vehicle (2% ethanol-PBS solution) at circadian times (CTs) 3 h apart to evoke phase shifts. The phase shifts elicited at various CTs were plotted to generate the PRC. A dose response curve was generated using four doses (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mg/kg) administered at the CT of maximum phase advance. Melatonin evoked maximum phase advances at CT0 (1.23 ± 0.28 h) and maximum phase delays at CT15 (0.31 ± 0.09 h). In the dose response experiment, maximal phase shifts were evoked with 1 mg/kg. In contrast, no significant shifts were observed in control groups. Our study demonstrates that the precise timing and appropriate dose of melatonin administration is essential to maximize the amelioration of circadian rhythm–related disorders in a diurnal model.  相似文献   

Is the food‐entrainable circadian oscillator in the digestive system?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Food-anticipatory activity (FAA) is the increase in locomotion and core body temperature that precedes a daily scheduled meal. It is driven by a circadian oscillator but is independent of the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Recent results that reveal meal-entrained clock gene expression in rat and mouse peripheral organs raise the intriguing possibility that the digestive system is the site of the feeding-entrained oscillator (FEO) that underlies FAA. We tested this possibility by comparing FAA and Per1 rhythmicity in the digestive system of the Per 1-luciferase transgenic rat. First, rats were entrained to daytime restricted feeding (RF, 10 days), then fed ad libitum (AL, 10 days), then food deprived (FD, 2 days). As expected FAA was evident during RF and disappeared during subsequent AL feeding, but returned at the correct phase during deprivation. The phase of Per1 in liver, stomach and colon shifted from a nocturnal to a diurnal peak during RF, but shifted back to nocturnal phase during the subsequent AL and remained nocturnal during food deprivation periods. Second, rats were entrained to two daily meals at zeitgeber time (ZT) 0400 and ZT 1600. FAA to both meals emerged after about 10 days of dual RF. However, all tissues studied (all five liver lobes, esophagus, antral stomach, body of stomach, colon) showed entrainment consistent with only the night-time meal. These two results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that FAA arises as an output of rhythms in the gastrointestinal (GI) system. The results also highlight an interesting diversity among peripheral oscillators in their ability to entrain to meals and the direction of the phase shift after RF ends.  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

The indolamine melatonin is an important rhythmic endocrine signal in the circadian system. Exogenous melatonin can entrain circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, but the role of endogenous melatonin and the two membrane-bound melatonin receptor types, MT1 and MT2, in reentrainment of daily rhythms to light-induced phase shifts is not understood. The present study analyzed locomotor activity rhythms and clock protein levels in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of melatonin-deficient (C57BL/6J) and melatonin-proficient (C3H/HeN) mice, as well as in melatonin-proficient (C3H/HeN) mice with targeted deletion of the MT1, MT2, or both receptors, to determine effects associated with phase delays or phase advances of the light/dark (LD) cycle. In all mouse strains and genotypes, reentrainment of locomotor activity rhythms was significantly faster after a 6-h phase delay than a 6-h phase advance. Reentrainment after the phase advance was, however, significantly slower than in melatonin-deficient animals and in mice lacking functional MT2 receptors than melatonin-proficient animals with intact MT2 receptors. To investigate whether these behavioral differences coincide with differences in reentrainment of clock protein levels in the SCN, mPER1, mCRY1 immunoreactions were compared between control mice kept under the original LD cycle and killed at zeitgeber time 04 (ZT04) or at ZT10, respectively, and experimental mice subjected to a 6-h phase advance of the LD cycle and sacrificed at ZT10 on the third day after phase advance. This ZT corresponds to ZT04 of the original LD cycle. Under the original LD cycle, the numbers of mPER1- and mCRY1-immunoreactive cell nuclei were low at ZT04 and high at ZT10 in the SCN of all mouse strains and genotypes investigated. Notably, mouse strains with intact melatonin signaling and functional MT2 receptors showed a significant increase in the number of mPER1- and mCRY1-immunoreactive cell nuclei at the new ZT10 as compared to the former ZT04. These data suggest the endogenous melatonin signal facilitates reentrainment of the circadian system to phase advances on the level of the SCN molecular clockwork by acting upon MT2 receptors.  相似文献   

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