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Abstract Patterns of reproductive and vegetative biomass allocation were compared in male and female plants of the alpine herb Aciphylla simplicifolia. Male and female plants had similar vegetative biomass but differed in the pattern of resource allocation. Inflorescences of males and females were similar in weight at the time of flowering, but differed in biomass allocation to some structures within the inflorescences, particularly those associated with ovule production and pollinator attraction (number and size of flowers). At the time of fruit production, female inflorescences were 2.6 times heavier than at flowering with developing fruit six times heavier than flowers. In addition to the increase in biomass allocated to structures associated with the provisioning and dissemination of seed, support structures (main and side stalks) were also heavier. As a result of this additional investment of resources at the time of fruit production, the reproductive effort (RE) of female plants was much higher than that of males: 37% of above ground biomass compared with 21% for males. Differences in RE did not change with plant size; however, allocation to reproduction appeared to be a constant proportion of biomass over nearly all plant sizes sampled. These results show that sex‐specific resource allocation can be a complex of temporal and morphological patterns.  相似文献   

Floral traits that increase attractiveness to pollinators are predicted to evolve through selection on male function rather than on female function. To determine the importance of male-biased selection in dioecious Wurmbea dioica, we examined sexual dimorphism in flower size and number and the effects of these traits on pollinator visitation and reproductive success of male and female plants. Males produced more and larger flowers than did females. Bees and butterflies responded to this dimorphism and visited males more frequently than females, although flies did not differentiate between the sexes. Within sexes, insect pollinators made more visits to and visited more flowers on plants with many flowers. However, visits per flower did not vary with flower number, indicating that visitation was proportional to the number of flowers per plant. When flower number was experimentally held constant, visitation increased with flower size under sunny but not overcast conditions. Flower size but not number affected pollen removal per flower in males and deposition in females. In males, pollen removal increased with flower size 3 days after flowers opened, but not after 6 days when 98% of pollen was removed. Males with larger flowers therefore, may have higher fitness not because pollen removal is more complete, but because pollen is removed more rapidly providing opportunities to pre-empt ovules. In females, pollen deposition increased with flower size 3 days but not 6 days after flowers opened. At both times, deposition exceeded ovule production by four-fold or more, and for 2 years seed production was not limited by pollen. Flower size had no effect on seed production per plant and was negatively related to percent seed set, implying a tradeoff between allocation to attraction and reproductive success. This indicates that larger flower size in females is unlikely to increase fitness. In both sexes, gamete production was positively correlated with flower size. In males, greater pollen production would increase the advantage of large flowers, but in females more ovules may represent a resource cost. Selection to increase flower size and number in W. dioica has probably occurred through male rather than female function. Received: 15 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

Background and AimsPlant reproductive traits are widely understood to be responsive to the selective pressures exerted by pollinators, but there is also increasing evidence for an important role for antagonists such as herbivores in shaping these traits. Many dioecious species show leaky sex expression, with males and females occasionally producing flowers of the opposite sex. Here, we asked to what extent leakiness in sex expression in Mercurialis annua (Euphorbiaceae) might also be plastically responsive to simulated herbivory. This is important because enhanced leakiness in dioecious populations could lead to a shift in both the mating system and in the conditions for transitions between combined and separate sexes.MethodsWe examined the effect of simulated herbivory on the sexual expression of males and females of M. annua in two experiments in which different levels of simulated herbivory led to enhanced leakiness in both sexes.Key ResultsWe showed that leaky sex expression in both males and females of the wind-pollinated dioecious herb M. annua is enhanced in response to simulated herbivory, increasing the probability for and the degree of leakiness in both sexes. We also found that leakiness was greater in larger females but not in larger males.ConclusionsWe discuss hypotheses for a possible functional link between herbivory and leaky sex expression, and consider what simulated herbivory-induced leakiness might imply for the evolutionary ecology of plant reproductive systems, especially the breakdown of dioecy and the evolution of hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

M. Diemer 《Plant Ecology》1992,103(2):159-166
In 1986 sixteen permanent plots (625 cm2 each) were established in scree slopes dominated by Ranunculus glacialis at Mt. Glungezer, Austria (2600 m elevation) in order to document the population dynamics of herbaceous perennials near the upper altitudinal limits of plant existence. The abundance and sizes of individual R. glacialis shoots, their leaf numbers and reproductive status were evaluated over a 6-year period. On South-facing slopes the population sizes of adult and juvenile shoots remained constant over the years, while seedling numbers fluctuated significantly. Overall density of all developmental stages of R. glacialis was significantly lower on North-facing slopes and year-to-year fluctuations were greater, than on thermally-favorable Southern slopes. The spatial pattern of adult shoots and seedlings was clumped, while juvenile shoots had a random or clumped distribution. Fertilization had no effects on population dynamics. Proposed greenhouse effects, e.g. increases in CO2 and temperature, should result in population growth on North-facing slopes and may increase mortality on South-facing sites.  相似文献   

Summary Male and female flowers of the dioecious perennial herb Rubus chamaemorus L. are similar in general appearance. However, female flowers are somewhat smaller, do not produce any pollen, and contain very small amounts of nectar. Syrphids and bumblebees, which are important pollinators of R. chamaemorus, showed a strong preference for male flowers. Male flowers were also less often rejected by flower visitors than were female flowers, and two different groups of syrphid species stayed longer in male than in female flowers. These observations suggest that female flowers of R. chamaemorus attract pollinators by deceit.Hand-pollination experiments indicated that pollen availability limited seed production of R. chamaemorus in female dominated habitats but not in areas with an equal floral sex ratio. We suggest that the relative importance of factors limiting female reproductive success is not constant, but is influenced by the floral sex ratio of the population. This should apply also to other dioecious species that show variable sex ratios on either a local or regional scale.  相似文献   

Changes in growing season temperature and duration may have profound effects on the population dynamics of arctic and alpine plant species in snow-bed and fell-field habitats. We examined how a typical herbaceous pioneer species, Ranunculus glacialis, responded to experimental climate change in open-top chambers for three seasons at an alpine site in southern Norway. Warming had no significant effect on any reproductive, growth or phenological variables, except for seed weight, which increased significantly during the first 2 ears. Despite large differences in average date of snowmelt among years, average reproductive output and ramet size differed little among years. Within-year variation in date of snowmelt had no impact on seed number or weight in either control or warmed plots. Leaf width and ramet leaf number decreased significantly with later snowmelt within a year. Experimental warming reduced the negative effect on ramet size of late snowmelt within a year to some extent. In general, R. glacialis reacts contrary to most other arctic/alpine species to experimental warming. Species with such low responsiveness to environmental conditions may be particularly vulnerable to climatic change, especially if their habitat is invaded by other species with higher phenotypic plasticity and a better competitive ability.  相似文献   

Darwin pointed out that plants with vertical inflorescences are likely to be outcrossed if the inflorescence is acropetalous (flowers from the bottom up), the flowers are protandrous (pollen is dispersed before stigmas are receptive), and pollinators move upward on the inflorescence. This syndrome is common in species pollinated by bees and flies, and very few exceptions are known. We investigated flowering phenology and pollinator behavior in Besseya bullii (Scrophulariaceae) and found that it did not fit Darwin's syndrome. The vertical inflorescence was acropetalous but the flowers were distinctly protogynous, so flowers with newly receptive stigmas appeared on the inflorescence above those with dehiscing anthers. A number of small insects visited B. bullii; bees in the family Halictidae (Augochlorella striata and Dialictus spp.) were most common. When insects moved between gender phases within inflorescences, they moved up more often than down (61% versus 39% of observations, respectively) but this difference was only marginally significant. Most visits were to male-phase flowers only, and this preference was more pronounced for pollen-foraging insects than for nectar-foraging insects. B. bullii was self-compatible, so its flowering characteristics potentially could result in considerable self-pollination. However, an average of 38% of the lowermost flowers opened before any pollen was available on the same inflorescence; these solo females had a high probability of outcrossing (though fruit set was relatively low in the bottom portion of the inflorescence). Upper flowers may also be outcrossed because downward insect movement was not uncommon. Therefore protogyny in B. bullii may not necessarily lead to more selfing than would protandry.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism and male biased sex ratios have been predicted for dioecious plants experiencing the limited conditions for growth and reproduction found in many alpine environments. To test these predictions, the reproductive ecology of two congeneric, co-occurring, dioecious, clonal, species was examined in the subalpine and alpine zones of Kosciuszko National Park, southeastern Australia. Specifically, plant size (vegetative cover of plants in quadrats), floral display (number of flowers per inflorescence, number of inflorescences per quadrat) and sex ratios (proportion of females in quadrats with flowers) were examined in ten populations of Astelia psychrocharis (Asteliaceae) and nine populations of Astelia alpina var. novae-hollandiae (Asteliaceae). Sexual dimorphism did occur, with males having more flowers per inflorescence (106% more flowers for A.alpina males and 12% more for A.psychrocharis males compared to females) and more inflorescences per quadrat than females (78% more inflorescences for A.alpina males and 46% more inflorescences for A.psychrocharis males compared to females). Plant size did not differ between male and female quadrats of either species, nor were there male biased sex ratios. However, plant size was related to flowering status in A.psychrocharis with the 65 quadrats that did not flower having lower vegetative cover than the 175 flowering quadrats indicating that there may be a minimum size/ cover required prior to flowering in this species. For A.alpina, all but two of the 185 quadrats randomly sampled flowered. There was no effect of altitude on plant size and very little effect of altitude on floral display for either species, apart from a slight increase in the number of inflorescences per quadrat with increasing altitude for A.psychrocharis, and slight decrease in number of flowers per inflorescence with increasing altitude for A.alpina females.  相似文献   

Summary In field experiments withAralia hispida inflorescences, the following variables were manipulated: number of umbels per inflorescence, number of flowers per umbel, and amounts of pollen and nectar per flower. Visitation rates by bumble bees, the principal pollinators, were then observed. In the reward-variation experiments, bees appeared to learn the positions of nectar-rich shoots, and visited them significantly more often than nectar-poor shoots. They did not respond to similar variation in pollen production. The nectar preferences developed slowly after the treatments were imposed, and bees continued to favor sites that had been occupied by nectar-rich shoots even after the treatments were discontinued. Visitation rate was approximately proportional to flower number, making it unlikely that increases in inflorescence size produced a disproportionate gain in male reproductive success (a necessary condition in certain models for the evolution of dioecy). For a fixed number of flowers per inflorescence, bees preferred inflorescences with more umbels. In pairwise choice tests of male-phase and female-phase umbels of various sizes, bees preferred male-phase umbels and larger umbels; the preference for male-phase umbels is stronger in bees that had previously fed on male-phase umbels.  相似文献   

夏枯草交配系统对花特征和访花频率差异的影响 植物花特征和传粉者的访问次数与交配系统类型密切相关。唇形科植物夏枯草(Prunella vulgaris)存 在两种植株类型,分别为柱头伸出花冠和柱头在花冠内部的植株,而且两种植株的比例在不同种群中存在差异。本研究选择柱头伸出花冠外植株占绝大多数、柱头伸出花冠外植株占多数和柱头在花冠内部植株占多数的3个种群,通过比较每个种群中两种植株类型的开花物候、花形态特征、昆虫访问频率、自交能力、传粉者对结实的贡献以及近交衰退的水平,以检验花特征和传粉者访问次数与交配系统类型的关系。研究结果表明,与柱头在花冠内部的植株相比,柱头伸出花冠外的植株具有更大和更多的花,产生更多的花粉和花蜜,具有更高的访花频率,并主要通过异交产生种子。在种群水平,柱头伸出花冠外的植株占多数种群的访花频率显著高于柱头在花冠内部植株占多数的访花频率。柱头在花冠内部的植株比柱头伸出花冠外的植株具有更强的自动自交能力,在传粉者缺乏时为其提供了繁殖保障,但繁殖保障和异交率在不同种群中差异不显著,表明较低的昆虫访问能够满足夏枯草的授粉需求以产生种子,这可能与夏枯草较少的胚珠数量(每朵花仅有4个胚珠)有关。柱头在花冠内部植株的近交衰退水平低于柱头伸出花冠外植株的近交衰退水平,但两种植株类型的近交衰退水平均低于0.5,说明近交衰退不足以阻止该物种中自交的进化。综上所述,柱头在花冠内部的植株能够通过自交为夏枯草提供繁殖保障,而柱头伸出花冠外的植株能够利用昆虫传粉确保异交,表明混合交配系统在该物种中是一个稳定的状态。  相似文献   

蜂访花与不同品种紫花苜蓿花部特征的相关性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
姜华  毕玉芬  周禾  何承刚 《昆虫学报》2004,47(5):618-623
紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa L.为严格的异花授粉植物,其授粉主要由蜂类进行。作者对10个不同品种紫花苜蓿的花萼直径、花冠长度、花朵密度、花蜜量及花蜜糖组成等花部特征与访花蜂数的关系进行了研究。结果表明,花部特征对访花蜂数的影响依次为: 单位面积花蜜量(r=0.93,P<0.01) >花朵密度(r=0.92,P<0.01) > 蔗糖含量(r=0.82,P<0.05) > 花冠长度(r=0.77,P<0.05) > 单花花蜜量(r=0.71,P<0.05)。对不同品种紫花苜蓿分别利用花部特征和访花蜂数进行聚类分析,结果显示小组划分虽然有所不同,但都能分为相同的两大组,即:阿尔冈津、陕北、L173、WL323和拉达克聚为一大组,而三得利、德福、赛特、Prime和德宝聚为另一大组。作者认为,花朵的大小是造成紫花苜蓿各品种间的蜜蜂拜访数量差异的首要因素,再次是花蜜量的多少,最后是花朵的颜色。  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2008,33(3):262-268
Pollen limitation through insufficient pollen deposition on stigmas caused by too infrequent pollinator visitation may influence the reproductive outcome of plants. In this study we investigated how pollinator visitation rate, the degree of pollen limitation, and flower longevity varied spatially among three sites at different altitudes within a population of the dwarf shrub Dryas octopetala L. in alpine southern Norway. Significant pollen limitation on seed set only occurred at the mid-elevation site, while seed set at the other sites appeared to be mainly resource limited, thus indicating a spatial variation in pollen limitation. There was no association between the spatial variation in the extent of pollen limitation and pollinator visitation rate to flowers. However, pollinator visitation rates were related to flower longevity of Dryas; sites with low visitation rates had long-lived flowers and vice versa. Thus, our results suggest within-population spatial co-variation between pollinator visitation rates, pollen limitation, and a developmental response to these factors, flower longevity.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation through insufficient pollen deposition on stigmas caused by too infrequent pollinator visitation may influence the reproductive outcome of plants. In this study we investigated how pollinator visitation rate, the degree of pollen limitation, and flower longevity varied spatially among three sites at different altitudes within a population of the dwarf shrub Dryas octopetala L. in alpine southern Norway. Significant pollen limitation on seed set only occurred at the mid-elevation site, while seed set at the other sites appeared to be mainly resource limited, thus indicating a spatial variation in pollen limitation. There was no association between the spatial variation in the extent of pollen limitation and pollinator visitation rate to flowers. However, pollinator visitation rates were related to flower longevity of Dryas; sites with low visitation rates had long-lived flowers and vice versa. Thus, our results suggest within-population spatial co-variation between pollinator visitation rates, pollen limitation, and a developmental response to these factors, flower longevity.  相似文献   

Some plants in arctic and alpine habitats have heliotropic flowers that track the sun. This results in a heating of the flower's interior, which may improve the possibilities for insect pollination and seed production. Here, I examine whether flower heliotropism in an alpine population of the self-incompatible Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) enhances pollinator visitation and seed production. Flowers of Ranunculus acris tracked the sun during the day. Tracking accuracy was greatest during the middle of the day. The temperature elevation in flowers was negatively correlated with the flower's angle of deviation from the sun. Despite the increased temperature, insects did not discriminate among flowers on the basis of their angle of deviation from the sun, or tend to stay longer in the flowers aligned closest towards the sun. A tethering experiment was conducted on three groups of plants flowering at different times in the 1993 season and on one group the following season. Manipulation plants were constrained not to track the sun, whereas control plants tracked the sun naturally. Solar tracking had no effect on seed:ovule ratio, seed mass, or abortion rate in any of the groups. There is probably a very narrow range of weather conditions (cold, sunny, and calm) where flower heliotropism may enhance visitation rate to flowers and their seed production.  相似文献   

Pollinator responses to floral density have important implications for plant biology. In particular, a decline in pollinator visitation at low density can cause an Allee effect (a positive relation of fitness to density) in the plant population, which heightens that population's vulnerability to extinction. Empiricists have reported a variety of relations between flower or plant density and pollinator visitation rates. Here I develop and test a model that provides explanations for this diversity. The model assumes that pollinators distribute themselves between a focal patch of flowers and the surrounding environment so as to maximize foraging success. The resulting relation of per-flower visitation rate to focal-patch floral density is nonlinear, with positive effects at low floral densities and weaker or negative effects at higher densities. The relation is influenced by floral density in the surrounding environment and traits of both the plants and their pollinators. In a field experiment, floral density of Holocarpha virgata ssp. virgata had a nonlinear effect on per-flower visitation that was largely consistent with the model's predictions. By producing testable hypotheses based on biologically reasonable assumptions, this model serves as a starting point for explaining an important facet of plant-pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Geographic trait variations are often caused by locally different selection regimes. As a steep environmental cline along altitude strongly influences adaptive traits, mountain ecosystems are ideal for exploring adaptive differentiation over short distances. We investigated altitudinal floral size variation of Campanula punctata var. hondoensis in 12 populations in three mountain regions of central Japan to test whether the altitudinal floral size variation was correlated with the size of the local bumblebee pollinator and to assess whether floral size was selected for by pollinator size. We found apparent geographic variations in pollinator assemblages along altitude, which consequently produced a geographic change in pollinator size. Similarly, we found altitudinal changes in floral size, which proved to be correlated with the local pollinator size, but not with altitude itself. Furthermore, pollen removal from flower styles onto bees (plant's male fitness) was strongly influenced by the size match between flower style length and pollinator mouthpart length. These results strongly suggest that C. punctata floral size is under pollinator‐mediated selection and that a geographic mosaic of locally adapted C. punctata exists at fine spatial scale.  相似文献   

Antero Järvinen 《Ecography》1989,12(2):152-162
Dynamics and performance of established individuals of Ranunculus glacialis at the time of peak flowering were monitored in a mountain area in Finnish Lapland for five years (1982–1986). The plants reproduced only sexually, and their spatial distribution in 40 1-m2 quadrats was clumped. During the study period the mean density rose from 8.5 to 10.3 individuals m−2. The mean annual growth rate and birth rate of the population was 4% and 8.5%, respectively. The mean annual death rate of established individuals was 3.7%. The estimated mean life expectancy of an established individual was 27 yr. Death rate per quadrat was positively related to R. glacialis density, but birth rate per quadrat was negatively related to the percentage cover of stones per quadrat. High R. glacialis density per quadrat had negative effects, but high nitrogen availability had positive effects on the number of leaves per individual. An important factor reducing flowering was small rodent herbivory. In the same genets, the correlation between the number of leaves per individual in year t and the number of flowers per individual in year t+4 was significant. The below-ground biomass of R. glacialis comprised about 70% of the total biomass, and there was a close correlation between the above- and the below-ground biomass of an individual. The individuals flowered abundantly each year and produced a great number of small-sized achenes.  相似文献   

Prolonged floral longevity and bumblebees as dominate pollinators in alpine ecosystem have been suggested to overcome pollination limitation of alpine plants arising from the decrease of pollinator activity with increasing altitude. However, this conclusion has never been examined in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), the highest and largest plateau in the world. In this study, we intended to test year-to-year correlations between floral longevity, visiting frequency and pollen limitation of this species between two populations (at 3200 m and 4000 m) of Gentiana straminea in this plateau. Pollinator exclusion elongated both male and female phases greatly at both sites, and durations of both male and female phases in natural condition varied greatly over three years. The visiting frequency of bumblebees varied greatly at the higher altitude, but seemed to be stable at the lower altitude. Seed production was pollination limited in both populations in most studied years. The floral durations, pollinator frequency and pollination limitation showed no significant and consistent variations with the increase of altitude. The previous hypothesis that the prolonged floral longevity of alpine plants can compensate for low levels of pollinator visitation therefore could not be confirmed, and our results further suggested that in the QTP platform, the altitude shows no consistent effect on the reproductive performance of this species, despite that the fluctuation of visit frequency intensified at the higher altitude.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Sexual dimorphism is common in dioecious plant species and is usually attributed to different cost of reproduction associated with male and female functions. Differences in growth...  相似文献   

T Henning  M Weigend 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41121
Stamen movements can be understood as a mechanism influencing pollen presentation and increasing outbreeding success of hermaphroditic flowers via optimized male function. In this study we experimentally analyzed the factors regulating autonomous and thigmonastic (triggered by flower visitors) stamen movements in eight species of Loasaceae. Both types of stamen movements are positively influenced by light and temperature and come to a virtual standstill in the dark and at low temperatures (12°C). Pollen presentation is thus discontinued during periods where pollinators are not active. Overall stamen presentation increases with increasing flower age. Contrary to expectation, no geometrical correlation between the floral scale stimulated and the stamen fascicle reacting exists, indicating that the stimulus is transmitted over the receptacle and stamen maturation dictates which and how many stamens react. Thigmonastic stamen presentation is dramatically accelerated compared to autonomous movement (3-37 times), indicating that the rate of stamen maturation can be adjusted to different visitation schedules. Flowers can react relatively uniformly down to stimulation intervals of 10-15 min., consistently presenting comparable numbers of stamens in the flower c. 5 min. after the stimulus and can thus keep the amount of pollen presented relatively constant even under very high visitation frequencies of 4-6 visits/h. Thigmonastic pollen presentation dramatically reduces the overall duration of the staminate phase (to 1/3(rd) in Nasa macrothyrsa). Similarly, the carpellate phase is dramatically reduced after pollination, down to 1 d from 4 d. Overall flower longevity is reduced by more than 2/3(rds) under high visitation rates (<3 d versus 10 d under visitor exclusion) and depleted and pollinated flowers are rapidly removed from the pool. Complex floral behaviour in Loasaceae thus permits a near-total control over pollen dispensation schedules and floral longevity of the individual flower by an extraordinary fine-tuning to both biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

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