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Aptamers, an emerging class of therapeutics, are DNA or RNA molecules that are selected to bind molecular targets that range from small organic compounds to large proteins. All of the determined structures of aptamers in complex with small molecule targets show that aptamers cage such ligands. In structures of aptamers in complex with proteins that naturally bind nucleic acid, the aptamers occupy the nucleic acid binding site and often mimic the natural interactions. Here we present a crystal structure of an RNA aptamer bound to human thrombin, a protein that does not naturally bind nucleic acid, at 1.9 A resolution. The aptamer, which adheres to thrombin at the binding site for heparin, presents an extended molecular surface that is complementary to the protein. Protein recognition involves the stacking of single-stranded adenine bases at the core of the tertiary fold with arginine side chains. These results exemplify how RNA aptamers can fold into intricate conformations that allow them to interact closely with extended surfaces on non-RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

We report a crystal structure that shows an antibiotic that extracts a nucleobase from a DNA molecule ‘caught in the act’ after forming a covalent bond but before departing with the base. The structure of trioxacarcin A covalently bound to double-stranded d(AACCGGTT) was determined to 1.78 Å resolution by MAD phasing employing brominated oligonucleotides. The DNA–drug complex has a unique structure that combines alkylation (at the N7 position of a guanine), intercalation (on the 3′-side of the alkylated guanine), and base flip-out. An antibiotic-induced flipping-out of a single, nonterminal nucleobase from a DNA duplex was observed for the first time in a crystal structure.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) removes uracil generated by the deamination of cytosine or misincorporation of deoxyuridine monophosphate. Within the UDG superfamily, a fifth UDG family lacks a polar residue in the active-site motif, which mediates the hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond by activation of a water molecule in UDG families 1-4. We have determined the crystal structure of a novel family 5 UDG from Thermus thermophilus HB8 complexed with DNA containing an abasic site. The active-site structure suggests this enzyme uses both steric force and water activation for its excision reaction. A conserved asparagine residue acts as a ligand to the catalytic water molecule. The structure also implies that another water molecule acts as a barrier during substrate recognition. Based on no significant open-closed conformational change upon binding to DNA, we propose a "slide-in" mechanism for initial damage recognition.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the CSL-Notch-Mastermind ternary complex bound to DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wilson JJ  Kovall RA 《Cell》2006,124(5):985-996

The activating effect of Na(+) on thrombin is allosteric and depends on the conformational transition from a low activity Na(+)-free (slow) form to a high activity Na(+)-bound (fast) form. The structures of these active forms have been solved. Recent structures of thrombin obtained in the absence of Na(+) have also documented inactive conformations that presumably exist in equilibrium with the active slow form. The validity of these inactive slow form structures, however, is called into question by the presence of packing interactions involving the Na(+) site and the active site regions. Here, we report a 1.87A resolution structure of thrombin in the absence of inhibitors and salts with a single molecule in the asymmetric unit and devoid of significant packing interactions in regions involved in the allosteric slow --> fast transition. The structure shows an unprecedented self-inhibited conformation where Trp-215 and Arg-221a relocate >10A to occlude the active site and the primary specificity pocket, and the guanidinium group of Arg-187 penetrates the protein core to fill the empty Na(+)-binding site. The extreme mobility of Trp-215 was investigated further with the W215P mutation. Remarkably, the mutation significantly compromises cleavage of the anticoagulant protein C but has no effect on the hydrolysis of fibrinogen and PAR1. These findings demonstrate that thrombin may assume an inactive conformation in the absence of Na(+) and that its procoagulant and anticoagulant activities are closely linked to the mobility of residue 215.  相似文献   

Guaiacol is a universal substrate for all peroxidases, and its use in a simple colorimetric assay has wide applications. However, its exact binding location has never been defined. Here we report the crystal structures of guaiacol bound to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP). A related structure with phenol bound is also presented. The CcP-guaiacol and CcP-phenol crystal structures show that both guaiacol and phenol bind at sites distinct from the cytochrome c binding site and from the δ-heme edge, which is known to be the binding site for other substrates. Although neither guaiacol nor phenol is seen bound at the δ-heme edge in the crystal structures, inhibition data and mutagenesis strongly suggest that the catalytic binding site for aromatic compounds is the δ-heme edge in CcP. The functional implications of these observations are discussed in terms of our existing understanding of substrate binding in peroxidases [Gumiero A et al. (2010) Arch Biochem Biophys 500, 13-20].  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA are characteristic of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and they also serve as models for the study of protein-DNA recognition. Anti-DNA antibodies often play an important role in disease pathogenesis by mediating kidney damage via antibody-DNA immune complex formation. The structural underpinnings of anti-DNA antibody pathogenicity and antibody-DNA recognition, however, are not well understood, due in part to the lack of direct, experimental three-dimensional structural information on antibody-DNA complexes. To address these issues for anti-single-stranded DNA antibodies, we have determined the 2.1 A crystal structure of a recombinant Fab (DNA-1) in complex with dT5. DNA-1 was previously isolated from a bacteriophage Fab display library from the immunoglobulin repertoire of an SLE-prone mouse. The structure shows that DNA-1 binds oligo(dT) primarily by sandwiching thymine bases between Tyr side-chains, which allows the bases to make sequence-specific hydrogen bonds. The critical stacking Tyr residues are L32, L49, H100, and H100A, while His L91 and Asn L50 contribute hydrogen bonds. Comparison of the DNA-1 structure to other anti-nucleic acid Fab structures reveals a common ssDNA recognition module consisting of Tyr L32, a hydrogen bonding residue at position L91, and an aromatic side-chain from the tip of complementarity determining region H3. The structure also provides a framework for interpreting previously determined thermodynamics data, and this analysis suggests that hydrophobic desolvation might underlie the observed negative enthalpy of binding. Finally, Arg side-chains from complementarity determining region H3 appear to play a novel role in DNA-1. Rather than forming ion pairs with dT5, Arg contributes to oligo(dT) recognition by helping to maintain the structural integrity of the combining site. This result is significant because antibody pathogenicity is thought to be correlated to the Arg content of anti-DNA antibody hypervariable loops.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the anticoagulant slow form of thrombin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using the thrombin mutant R77aA devoid of the site of autoproteolytic degradation at exosite I, we have solved for the first time the structure of thrombin free of any inhibitors and effector molecules and stabilized in the Na(+)-free slow form. The slow form shows subtle differences compared with the currently available structures of the Na(+)-bound fast form that carry inhibitors at the active site or exosite I. The most notable differences are the displacement of Asp-189 in the S1 specificity pocket, a downward shift of the 190-193 strand, a rearrangement of the side chain of Glu-192, and a significant shift in the position of the catalytic Ser-195 that is no longer within H-bonding distance from His-57. The structure of the slow form explains the reduced specificity toward synthetic and natural substrates and suggests a molecular basis for its anticoagulant properties.  相似文献   

In bacteria, disassembly of the ribosome at the end of translation is facilitated by an essential protein factor termed ribosome recycling factor (RRF), which works in concert with elongation factor G. Here we describe the crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus RRF bound to a 70S ribosomal complex containing a stop codon in the A site, a transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop in the P site and tRNA(fMet) in the E site. The work demonstrates that structures of translation factors bound to 70S ribosomes can be determined at reasonably high resolution. Contrary to earlier reports, we did not observe any RRF-induced changes in bridges connecting the two subunits. This suggests that such changes are not a direct requirement for or consequence of RRF binding but possibly arise from the subsequent stabilization of a hybrid state of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The chemotactic regulator CheY controls the direction of flagellar rotation in Escherichia coli. We have determined the crystal structure of BeF3--activated CheY from E. coli in complex with an N-terminal peptide derived from its target, FliM. The structure reveals that the first seven residues of the peptide pack against the beta4-H4 loop and helix H4 of CheY in an extended conformation, whereas residues 8-15 form two turns of helix and pack against the H4-beta5-H5 face. The peptide binds the only region of CheY that undergoes noticeable conformational change upon activation and would most likely be sandwiched between activated CheY and the remainder of FliM to reverse the direction of flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

Thrombin is the ultimate protease of the blood clotting cascade and plays a major role in its own regulation. The ability of thrombin to exhibit both pro- and anti-coagulant properties has spawned efforts to turn thrombin into an anticoagulant for therapeutic purposes. This quest culminated in the identification of the E217K variant through scanning and saturation mutagenesis. The antithrombotic properties of E217K thrombin are derived from its inability to convert fibrinogen to a fibrin clot while maintaining its thrombomodulin-dependent ability to activate the anticoagulant protein C pathway. Here we describe the 2.5-A crystal structure of human E217K thrombin, which displays a dramatic restructuring of the geometry of the active site. Of particular interest is the repositioning of Glu-192, which hydrogen bonds to the catalytic Ser-195 and which results in the complete occlusion of the active site and the destruction of the oxyanion hole. Substrate binding pockets are further blocked by residues previously implicated in thrombin allostery. We have concluded that the E217K mutation causes the allosteric inactivation of thrombin by destabilizing the Na(+) binding site and that the structure thus may represent the Na(+)-free, catalytically inert "slow" form.  相似文献   

Although diverse signaling cascades require the coordinated regulation of heterotrimeric G proteins and small GTPases, these connections remain poorly understood. We present the crystal structure of the GTPase Rac1 bound to phospholipase C-beta2 (PLC-beta2), a classic effector of heterotrimeric G proteins. Rac1 engages the pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain of PLC-beta2 to optimize its orientation for substrate membranes. Gbetagamma also engages the PH domain to activate PLC-beta2, and these two activation events are compatible, leading to additive stimulation of phospholipase activity. In contrast to PLC-delta, the PH domain of PLC-beta2 cannot bind phosphoinositides, eliminating this mode of regulation. The structure of the Rac1-PLC-beta2 complex reveals determinants that dictate selectivity of PLC-beta isozymes for Rac GTPases over other Rho-family GTPases, and substitutions within PLC-beta2 abrogate its stimulation by Rac1 but not by Gbetagamma, allowing for functional dissection of this integral signaling node.  相似文献   

The mammalian repair protein MBD4 (methyl-CpG-binding domain IV) excises thymine from mutagenic G·T mispairs generated by deamination of 5-methylcytosine (mC), and downstream base excision repair proteins restore a G·C pair. MBD4 is also implicated in active DNA demethylation by initiating base excision repair of G·T mispairs generated by a deaminase enzyme. The question of how mismatch glycosylases attain specificity for excising thymine from G·T, but not A·T, pairs remains largely unresolved. Here, we report a crystal structure of the glycosylase domain of human MBD4 (residues 427-580) bound to DNA containing an abasic nucleotide paired with guanine, providing a glimpse of the enzyme-product complex. The mismatched guanine remains intrahelical, nestled into a recognition pocket. MBD4 provides selective interactions with the mismatched guanine (N1H, N2H(2)) that are not compatible with adenine, which likely confer mismatch specificity. The structure reveals no interactions that would be expected to provide the MBD4 glycosylase domain with specificity for acting at CpG sites. Accordingly, we find modest 1.5- to 2.7-fold reductions in G·T activity upon altering the CpG context. In contrast, 37- to 580-fold effects were observed previously for thymine DNA glycosylase. These findings suggest that specificity of MBD4 for acting at CpG sites depends largely on its methyl-CpG-binding domain, which binds preferably to G·T mispairs in a methylated CpG site. MBD4 glycosylase cannot excise 5-formylcytosine (fC) or 5-carboxylcytosine (caC), intermediates in a Tet (ten eleven translocation)-initiated DNA demethylation pathway. Our structure suggests that MBD4 does not provide the electrostatic interactions needed to excise these oxidized forms of mC.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) plays a key role in dephosphorylation in numerous biological processes such as glycogen metabolism, cell cycle regulation, smooth muscle contraction, and protein synthesis. Microorganisms produce a variety of inhibitors of PP1, which include the microcystin class of inhibitors and okadaic acid, the latter being the major cause of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning and a powerful tumor promoter. We have determined the crystal structure of the molecular complex of okadaic acid bound to PP1 to a resolution of 1.9 A. This structure reveals that the acid binds in a hydrophobic groove adjacent to the active site of the protein and interacts with basic residues within the active site. Okadaic acid exhibits a cyclic structure, which is maintained via an intramolecular hydrogen bond. This is reminiscent of other macrocyclic protein phosphatase inhibitors. The inhibitor-bound enzyme shows very little conformational change when compared with two other PP1 structures, except in the inhibitor-sensitive beta12-beta13 loop region. The selectivity of okadaic acid for protein phosphatases-1 and -2A but not PP-2B (calcineurin) may be reassessed in light of this study.  相似文献   

Kim HM  Shin DR  Yoo OJ  Lee H  Lee JO 《FEBS letters》2003,540(1-3):65-70
This study provides evidence that treatment with preclustered ephrin A5-Fc results in a substantial increase in the stability of the p110γ PI-3 kinase associated with EphA8, thereby enhancing PI-3 kinase activity and cell migration on a fibronectin substrate. In contrast, co-expression of a lipid kinase-inactive p110γ mutant together with EphA8 inhibits ligand-stimulated PI-3 kinase activity and cell migration on a fibronectin substrate, suggesting that the mutant has a dominant negative effect against the endogenous p110γ PI-3 kinase. Significantly, the tyrosine kinase activity of EphA8 is not important for either of these processes. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the stimulation of cell migration on a fibronectin substrate by the EphA8 receptor depends on the p110γ PI-3 kinase but is independent of a tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase is the primary target in the current clinical treatment of hypercholesterolemias with specific inhibitors of the "statin" family. Statins are excellent inhibitors of the class I (human) enzyme but relatively poor inhibitors of the class II enzymes of important bacterial pathogens. To investigate the molecular basis for this difference we determined the x-ray structure of the class II Pseudomonas mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase in complex with the statin drug lovastatin. The structure shows lovastatin bound in the active site and its interactions with residues critically involved in catalysis and substrate binding. Binding of lovastatin also displaces the flap domain of the enzyme, which contains the catalytic residue His-381. Comparison with the structures of statins bound to the human enzyme revealed a similar mode of binding but marked differences in specific interactions that account for the observed differences in affinity. We suggest that these differences might be exploited to develop selective class II inhibitors for use as antibacterial agents against pathogenic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of heterodimeric gamma(A)/gamma' fibrinogen 2 have been associated with an increased incidence of coronary artery disease, whereas a lowered content of gamma' chains is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. Both situations may be related to the unique features of thrombin binding to variant gamma' chains. The gamma' peptide is an anionic fragment that binds thrombin with high affinity without interfering directly with substrate binding. Here we report the crystal structure of thrombin bound to the gamma' peptide, solved at 2.4 A resolution. The complex reveals extensive interactions between thrombin and the gamma' peptide mediated by electrostatic contacts with residues of exosite II and hydrophobic interactions with a pocket in close proximity to the Na(+) binding site. In its binding mode, the gamma' peptide completely overlaps with heparin bound to exosite II. These findings are consistent with functional data and broaden our understanding of how thrombin interacts with fibrinogen at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The first X-ray structures of an intein-DNA complex, that of the two-domain homing endonuclease PI-SceI bound to its 36-base pair DNA substrate, have been determined in the presence and absence of Ca(2+). The DNA shows an asymmetric bending pattern, with a major 50 degree bend in the endonuclease domain and a minor 22 degree bend in the splicing domain region. Distortions of the DNA bound to the endonuclease domain cause the insertion of the two cleavage sites in the catalytic center. DNA binding induces changes in the protein conformation. The two overlapping non-identical active sites in the endonucleolytic center contain two Ca(+2) ions that coordinate to the catalytic Asp residues. Structure analysis indicates that the top strand may be cleaved first.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) is an AB5 hexameric protein responsible for the symptoms produced by Vibrio cholerae infection. In the first step of cell intoxication, the B-pentamer of the toxin binds specifically to the branched pentasaccharide moiety of ganglioside GM1 on the surface of target human intestinal epithelial cells. We present here the crystal structure of the cholera toxin B-pentamer complexed with the GM1 pentasaccharide. Each receptor binding site on the toxin is found to lie primarily within a single B-subunit, with a single solvent-mediated hydrogen bond from residue Gly 33 of an adjacent subunit. The large majority of interactions between the receptor and the toxin involve the 2 terminal sugars of GM1, galactose and sialic acid, with a smaller contribution from the N-acetyl galactosamine residue. The binding of GM1 to cholera toxin thus resembles a 2-fingered grip: the Gal(beta 1-3)GalNAc moiety representing the "forefinger" and the sialic acid representing the "thumb." The residues forming the binding site are conserved between cholera toxin and the homologous heat-labile enterotoxin from Escherichia coli, with the sole exception of His 13. Some reported differences in the binding affinity of the 2 toxins for gangliosides other than GM1 may be rationalized by sequence differences at this residue. The CTB5:GM1 pentasaccharide complex described here provides a detailed view of a protein:ganglioside specific binding interaction, and as such is of interest not only for understanding cholera pathogenesis and for the design of drugs and development of vaccines but also for modeling other protein:ganglioside interactions such as those involved in GM1-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

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