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国产爵床科芦莉花族植物的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae芦莉花族Ruellieae芦莉花亚族Ruelliinae 2属7种、假杜鹃亚族Barlerinae 1属3种和马蓝亚族Strobilanthinae 16属34种植物扫描电镜下的花粉形态.芦莉花亚族的地皮消属Pararuellia和喜花草属Eranthemum的花粉均为圆球形,具3孔或3孔沟,外壁为不同的网状结构; 假杜鹃亚族的假杜鹃属Barleria的花粉为长球形,具3孔沟,外壁亦为网状结构;马蓝亚族植物(包含广义的马蓝属Strobilanthes s.l.)花粉形态多样,结构复杂.依据花粉萌发孔和外壁纹饰特征,可将马蓝亚族16属植物和上述两亚族3属植物的花粉形态归纳成3大类型: 1. 具3孔类型.其中又有(1)外壁具网状纹饰者,见于地皮消属; (2)外壁具芽胞状纹饰者,见于黄猄草属Championella; (3)外壁具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属Paragutzlaffia、叉花草属Diflugossa和假蓝属Pteroptychia.2. 具3孔沟及具3孔沟与假沟类型(肋条带型).其中又有(1)具3孔沟和网状纹饰者,见于喜花草属和假杜鹃属; (2)具刺状(棒状)纹饰者,见于南一笼鸡属、叉花草属和假蓝属; (3)具3孔沟与假沟,外壁纹饰具节隔、肋条带状或网状,网眼纵向排列成行,网眼内有细网纹者,见于耳叶马蓝属Perilepta、马蓝属Pteracanthus(大部分)、金足草属Goldfussia、紫云菜属Strobilanthes(部分)和合页草属Sympagis; (4)具3孔沟与假沟类型,肋条带状,但不具节隔,外壁纹饰网状,网眼不成行或不明显纵向排列,网内无细网纹者,见于尖蕊花属Aechmanthera、板蓝属Baphicacanthus、马蓝属(部分)和糯米香属Semnostachya; (5)具双脊及细网状纹饰者,见于环毛紫云菜Strobilanthes cycla.3. 具(4-)5孔沟及假沟类型(肋条带型),外壁具网状或拟网状纹饰,见于腺背蓝属Adenacanthus.另外兰嵌马蓝属Parachampionella、山一笼鸡属Gutzlaffia和肖笼鸡属Tarphochlamys的花粉有无萌发孔尚不清楚,有待进一步研究.综上所述,芦莉花族植物的花粉形态具有较高的多样性,是重要的分类性状.利用花粉形态特征能较好地区分高级分类群如亚科、族以及亚族,有时也有助于阐明类群之间的相互关系,甚至也能用于区分属、种和阐明其关系.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of seven species in two genera in the Ruelliinae, three species in one genus in the Barlerinae and 34 species in 16 genera in the Strobilanthinae (Ruellieae, Acanthaceae), were observed under SEM. Pollen grains in Ruellieae, particularly in Strobilanthinae (including Strobilanthes s.l.) exhibit great diversity and are most eurypalynous in the family. In light of the aperture types and exine ornamentation patterns, pollen grains of the genera examined fall into three major types: 1. 3-porate pollen, which includes, (1) pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Pararuellia); (2) pollen with gemmate exine ornamentation (Championella); (3) pollen with echinate exine ornamentation (Paragutzlaffia, Diflugossa and Pteroptychia). 2. 3-colporate pollen or 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi, which includes, (1) 3-colporate pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Eranthemum and Barleria); (2) 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and ribbed or banded, and septate exine ornamentation, the lumina rounded, finely reticulate inside and arranged in longitudinal rows (Perilepta, Pteracanthus, Goldfussia, Sympagis and some species of Strobilanthes); (3) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed or banded yet not septate exine ornamentation, the lumina neither distinctly rounded and finely reticulate inside, nor conspicuously arranged in longitudinal rows (Aechmanthera, Baphicacanthus, Semnostachya and some species of Pteracanthus); and (4) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed and finely reticulate exine ornamentation but with broader bands, each band with two ridges (Strobilanthes cycla). 3. (4-)5-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and reticulate or ornate exine ornamentation (Adenacanthus). No distinct apertures were observed in three genera, Parachampionella, Gutzlaffia and Tarphochlamys. Pollen morphological characters in the Acanthaceae can be used not only to distinguish taxa of higher ranks (subfamily, tribe and subtribe) and elucidate their relationships, but sometimes can also be used to distinguish genera and species.  相似文献   

大风子科13个种的花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光镜和扫描电镜对大风子科 9属 1 3个种的花粉形态进行了观察。花粉形状长球形或圆球形 ,除大风子属 (Hydnocarpus)萌发孔为三拟孔沟 ,其余均为三孔沟 ;外壁纹饰在不同属、同属不同种间表现出明显的多样化 ,基本上可分为粗网状、细网状、穿孔状、穴状4种类型。研究认为花粉形态对于该科与近缘科以及属下的划分具有一定的意义  相似文献   

天麻抗真菌蛋白(Gastrodia Antifungal Protein,GAFP)能强烈抑制腐生真菌菌丝的生长,在天麻限制和防止蜜环菌[Armillariella mellea (Vahl. ex Fr.)Karst.]侵染球茎的防卫机制中起重要作用。本文报告GAFP抗菌机理研究的部分内容——GAFP对木霉菌丝的作用位点。用荧光试剂异硫氰酸荧光素(Fluorescein isothiocyanate,FITC)标记GAFP,试验表明,标记后的GAFP与未标记的GAFP对木霉菌丝生长均有抑制作用。在荧光显微镜下观察GAFP在木霉菌丝上的作用位点,发现被“标记GAFP”作用后的菌丝边缘有荧光,并主要集中在木霉菌丝的顶端和菌丝横隔处,表明GAFP对木霉的作用位点在菌丝的细胞壁上。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 27 endemic and palaeoecologically-important species belonging to 16 families and 20 genera from the mountain rain forests of Sri Lanka was studied using both light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pollen grains exhibit a wide range of morphological characters. Their sizes (P and E) are in the range 10-53 2 9-60 mum, and they are distributed among seven shape classes. All the taxa have radially-symmetrical pollen grains except for Impatiens (bilateral). The amb varies from rounded to triangular, with intermediate shapes possible. The pollen grains of all the Lauraceae species studied are inaperturate and microspinose, with a thin, fragile, perforated exine. Sarcococca zeylanica (Buxaceae) has pantoporate pollen grains and a Croton -pattern consisting of faintly striate pegs of various shapes attached or enveloping the smooth rings. Colp(or)ate, syncolpate to parasyncolp(or)ate pollen grains with rugulate to perforate exine patterns occur in Eugenia mabaeoides ssp. mabaeoides and Syzygium ssp. (Myrtaceae). Osbeckia walkeri (Melastomataceae) has heterocolpate pollen with fossulate, foveolate to perforate exine pattern. 3-colporate, microreticulate pollen grains are met with in Euonymus revolutus (Celastraceae), and scabrate-microreticulate ones in Calophyllum walkeri (Clusiaceae). Hedyotis lawsoniae (Rubiaceae) pollen is microreticulate to perforate, while pollen of the Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) species is 3-colporate, smooth to scabrate-perforate. Casearia thwaitesii (Flacourtiaceae) has 3-colporoidate pollen grains with a smooth, imperforate to occasionally sparsely perforate exine. Mastixia spp (Cornaceae) have a granular-perforate exine pattern, while Adinandra lasiopetala (Theaceae) has a smooth-perforate exine pattern. Triangular 3 (4)-colporate, and indistinctly faintly microreticulate-perforate pollen was found in Rhamnus arnottianus (Rhamnaceae), rugulate-perforate in Isonandra montana (Sapotaceae) and verrucate-perforate in Symplocos elegans (Symplocaceae). Glochidion coriaceum (Euphorbiaceae) has a 5-colporate grain with a coarsely reticulate exine pattern. Pollen grains of Impatiens walkeri and I. thwaitesii (Balsaminaceae) are bilateral, 4-colpate, reticulate and granular. A pollen key based on light microscope is constructed for all the taxa studied.  相似文献   

报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

Pollen grains of thirty one species and two varieties of the genus Caragana Fabr. were observed under LM and SEM.The results revealed that the pollen exine ornamentation of the species examined could be divided into two types: perforate and reticulate.The later type consists of two subtypes according to lumina size and muri width. In the first subtype the lumina is round with d iameter equal to muri width,and the exine is perforate in two polar areas,while in the second subtype lumina is irregular or polygonal,with diameter sm aller than muri width.The pollen volume was divided into four types.The genus Caragana is a natural group which was indicated by the general resemblance of pollen morphology. In this genus the pollen morphological classification was not in concordance with the arrangement of the sections and series except Ser.Pygmeae and some species. The pollen variation at infraspecific level was obvious,especially the species distributed in Qinghai Xizang Plateau, such as C.jubata, C.bicolor and C. erinacea . The evolutionary trend of pollen morphology is from perforate to reticulate, which is congruous with the evolution from the pinnate leaf group to the almate leaf group in the genus.  相似文献   

报道了中国爵床科Acanthaceae爵床亚科Ruellioideae鳞花草族Lepidagathideae 1属、穿心莲族Andrographideae 2属和爵床族Justicieae 8属共14种植物的花粉形态。根据花粉萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰特征,可将这些植物的花粉归为4个类型: (1)具3孔沟,外壁具网状纹饰。该类型见于色萼花属Chroesthes (采自广西样品)和穿心莲属Andrographis植物。(2)具3孔沟及假沟(肋条带型)类型,外壁具网状纹饰,网眼纵向排列成行,网眼内有细网纹。该类型见于色萼花属(采自云南样品)和鳔冠花属Cystacanthus。(3)具3孔沟,沟两侧各有1条假沟,外壁具网状纹饰。该类型见于瑞丽山壳骨Pseuderanthemum shweliense、狗肝菜属Dicliptera和驳骨草属Gendarussa植物。(4)具2孔沟,沟两侧具斑块。该类型见于山壳骨属Pseuderanthemum 1种、纤穗爵床属Leptostachya、鳄嘴花属Clinacanthus、鸭嘴花属Adhatoda、杜根藤属Calophanoides和野靛棵属Mananthes植物。  相似文献   

中国壳斗科栎亚科花粉形态研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
刘兰芳  房志坚   《广西植物》1986,(4):243-251+323
本文应用光学显微镜与扫描电子显微镜观察了壳斗科所属栎亚科2属26种2变种的花粉形态,并以本科其它属一些代表种作对比,试图从孢粉学方面为栎亚科的系统分类提供依据。 花粉外壁纹饰在扫描电镜下可分三种类型,即水青冈型(含水青冈属),栎型(含栎属和三棱栎属),栗型(含栗属、锥属和柯属),花粉的类型与植物形态分类的三个亚科一致。 栎亚科的花粉外壁纹饰在扫描电镜下为颗粒聚集成的种种形状。栎属可区分为四种类型,即颗粒状、颗粒——蠕虫状、聚颗粒及芽孢状,其中类型一、二、三为常绿种类,类型四为落叶种类。花粉纹饰在常绿与落叶种类之间有较明显的差异,而青冈亚属和栎亚属之间却没有界线。因此,栎属仍以包含两个亚属为宜。三棱栎属花粉纹饰则介于栎属的类型二与三之间。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 19 species in the genera Potamogeton, Zannichellia and Triglochin from China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes. 1. Pollen characteristics (1) Potamogeton L. (Plate 1, 2:1-8) Pollen grains spheroidal, subspheroidal, rarely oblate or ovoid, (17-35)24.41×27.76(18-45)μm in size; anaperturate; exine 1-2μm thick, 2layered or obscure; crass-reticulate, reticulate or finely-reticulate under LM, distinctly reticulate under SEM; muri uniform or not uniform, smooth or granular, rarely with processes; bacula thicker or thinner at the intersection of muri. (2) Zannichellia L. (Plate 2:9) Pollen grains spheroidal, ,(20-26)23.1×24.15(21-27) μm in size; anaperturate; exine 1 μm thick, stratification obscure; nearly reticulate under LM, shallowly reticulate under SEM; luminae shallow, large and irregular, muri very thin and not uniform; bacula absent. (3) Triglochin L. (Plate 2:10-11) Pollen grains spheroidal or subspheroidal; (20-30)23.65×23.7(20-30) μm in size; anaperturate; exine about 1μm thick, stratification obscure, finely reticulate under LM, distinctly reticulate under SEM; luminae rather large or minute; muri uniform, with 1-2 lines of granules, bacula present or absent. 2. Pollen types of Potamogeton L. (1) Thin muri--thick bacula: Potamogeton pectinatus, P. intramongolicus, P. filiformis, P. pamiricus; (2) Uniform muri and bacula: 1) Large pollen subtype: Potamogeton crespus; 2) Medium-sized pollen subtype: Potamogeton heterophyllus, P. perfoliatus, P. distinctus, P. malaianus; 3) Minute pollen subtype: Potamogeton oxyphyllus, P. obtusifolius, P. lucens, P. cristatus, P. gramineus, P. octandrus, P. pusillus  相似文献   

This study dealt with six species of Acalyphoideae and 18 species of Euphorbioideae occurring in the Caatinga ecoregion, with emphasis on endemic species. Pollen samples were obtained from herbarium specimens and were acetolysed and analysed via light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of three genera of Acalyphoideae was medium to large, 3-colporate or 3-colpate, with an echinate-perforate exine that was reticulate, bireticulate, and microreticulate. The six genera of Euphorbioideae studied exhibited pollen grains that were small, medium and large; 3-colporate with margines; and an exine with microreticulate, microreticulate-rugulate, microreticulate-caveate, and reticulate ornamentation. The pollen characteristics were more variable in the Acalyphoideae compared to the relatively homogeneous Euphorbioideae. This study provides new data and interpretations of the pollen morphology of two subfamilies of the Euphorbiaceae of the Caatinga ecoregion in Brazil.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属花粉形态及其分类意义   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
在光学显微镜和扫锚电镜下对锦鸡儿属31种2变种植物花粉形态进行了观察。根据外壁表面纹饰,可分:类型I,表面具小穿孔;类型II, 具网状纹饰。 在类型II中据网眼大小和网脊宽度特征又分为两个亚类型。 根据花粉体积大小,可分4个类型。本属植物花粉形态较为一致,表明是一个自然类群。组、 系的花粉形态特征与一般形态变异不一定相对应,即形态上有明显区别的种类,在花粉形态上未必有很大区别,仅一些种类及矮锦鸡儿系 Ser. Pygmaeae的花粉形态相近。 本属花粉形态在种下等级的变异, 特别是青藏高原分布的种类的变异较为明显,例如 C.bicolor,C. jubata,C. erinacea 与各自的近缘种类。花粉形态为分类处理提供了参考。本属植物花粉形态是从表面具小穿孔向具网状纹饰演化,对应于羽状叶类群向掌状叶类群演化。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 9 species of Paeonia L. has been investigated with both light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the exine structure of pollen grains of Paeonia suffruticosa and P. lactiflora was examined by transmission electron microscope. Tricolporoidate aperture is an important character of the pollen grains of the Paeonia. The surface of the exine is characterized by reticulate, foveolate and irregularly tuberculate-foveolate sculpture under the SEM. Thin sections of the pollen of this genus shows that the layers of exine are complete i.e. a perforate rectum to semitectum, columellae and foot layers. The endexine is continuous, considerably thickened in the aperture areas and relatively thin or indistinct in the mesocolpia. Paeonia has been placed in Ranunculaceae. But since the beginning of this century many authors have suggested to separating Paeonia from Ranunculaceae. Pollen marphology supports such separation. In Ranunculaceae most pollen grains are tricolpate or have other types of aperture, and exine with spinules and perforations between them. In electron microscopy, the ektexine contains a foot layer, columellae, and perforate rectum, the columellar layer with two types of columellae; the endexine is generally thin. However, the columellar layer of Paeonia has only monomorphic columellae. Some authors considered that there is a close relationship between Paeonia and the Dilleniaceae, but these also differ in the characters of the pollen grains. In Paeonia the constriction of the colpus in equator is in some degree similar to that of Theaceae (Camellia sasanqua Thunb.), Guttiferae (Hypericum L.), Actinidiaceae and Rosaceae. But in the other respects they are quite different. In sum, the pollen morphology of Paeonia is unique. So the palynological information supports Takhtajan's view that Paeonia should be elevated to a family (Paeoniaceae) or order (Paeoniales).  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了茜草科粗叶木属Lasianthus 16种2亚种、1变种及相关的5属5种的花粉形态。粗叶木属的花粉属于广孢型, 单粒。一般中等大小, 绝大多数为圆球形, 少数为近长球形或长球形。花粉形态特征, 特别是在萌发孔和外壁纹饰上表现出多样化。根据孔沟的数目或是否具有内孔, 可以将萌发孔分为(3-)4-(-5)孔沟和3孔。在所观察的这些种中, 萌发孔以3-4孔沟为主要类型, 比例为62.4%。外壁纹饰可分为细网状、粗网状和穴状。有部分种的花粉极面有穴状纹饰, 其余均为网状纹饰。网眼一般椭圆形、近圆形、三角形或者不规则形。少数外壁纹饰网脊上有颗粒状雕纹或模糊的颗粒, 网脊轮廓线呈波浪形, 一般凸出且平滑。大部分种的花粉具有沟膜, 沟膜上具有瘤状突起或小颗粒状, 沟边缘一般较平滑, 或粗糙, 有的种具有沟桥。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the pollen morphology of 10 species and 1 variety of Loxostemon in China. The pollen grains were all examined under light microscope. The pollen grains of Loxostemon are subspheroidal, spheroidal or prolate, 18--33×11.8-28 μ in size, 3-colpate, colpi 15-21 μ long and 1-2 μ wide. The exine is 1.5-3 μ thick with two indistinct or distinct layers. All the pollen grains are generally reticulate under light microscope. They are distinctly or obscurely and finely reticulate. L. axillus and L. repens are generally similar in gross morphology, but the pollen grains of these two species are different. The pollen grains of L. axillus are regularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are acute-ended and the exine is about 3 μ thick, whereas those of L.repens are irregularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are enlarged at both ends and the exine is about 2.8 μ thick. L. incanus and L. stenolobus appear to have similar gross morphology, but the pollen grains of the former have exines with two distinct layers and a densely and finely reticulate ornamentation and those of the latter have exines with two indistinct layers and a flexuosely reticulate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Eva Luegmayr 《Grana》2013,52(4-5):221-232
Pollen of 108 species out of 18 genera (from all tribes of the Old World Gesneriaceae [subf. Cyrtandroideae]) was examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The pollen grains are small sized, isopolar and 3-colpate or 3-colporate. In equatorial view they are mostly spheroidal (rarely suboblate or oblate), in polar view circular or subangular. The most variable character is the exine structure and -sculpture. The tectum is perforate, microreticulate, coarsely reticulate or rugulate. Further important characters of the tectum are (a) the presence or absence of conical supratectate sculptural elements, and (b) the width of lumina being either equal or exhibiting different at the apo- and mesocolpium. Ten exine types are distinguished. Some genera and species can be well referred to a special exine type, e.g., Aeschynanthus, Epithema, Stauranthera grandiflora; in other genera several exine types occur, e.g., in the large and heterogeneous genus Didymocarpus. The pollen morphology of the two large subfamilies Cyrtandroideae and Gesnerioideae is compared.  相似文献   

蓼科花粉外壁超微结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
用扫描电镜和透射电镜对蓼科6属15种的花粉壁构造的特点进行了观察和研究。结果表明:(1)外壁纹饰有如下几种:颗粒-穿孔,微刺-穿孔,微刺-穿孔-光滑,颗粒-穿孔-光滑,细网状,粗网状,皱块状,鼓锤状;(2)外壁结构分化成两个明显的层次,即外壁外层以及外壁内层。其外壁外层由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成。然而,由于每一部分发育状况的不同而导致外壁结构有各种变化,如无覆盖层或无外壁内层。  相似文献   

The neotropical subtribe Cuspariinae (Rutaceae) comprises as many as 26 genera and over 125 species. Pollen grains from 111 collections representing 71 species and 24 genera were examined by LM, SEM, and TEM. The pollen morphology of this subtribe is very diverse. Grains are mostly 3–6-aperturate and colporate, rarely porate (Spiranthera) or pantocolporate (Almeidea). Exine sculpturing is most commonly reticulate, sometimes perforate, foveolate-perforate, foveolate, foveolate-reticulate, reticulate, striate-reticulate, echinate, clavate, or baculate. The exine structure is columellate and tectate-perforate, columellate and semitectate, or intectate and is stratified into ektexine and endexine. The exine ofLeptothyrsa is distinctive in that the ektexine of the mesocolpium is longitudinally deeply ridged. The pollen ofHortia, characterized by a psilate exine with rare perforations, a very thick foot-layer, and reduced columellae, is unlike that of any member of the Cuspariinae and offers no support for the transfer of this genus from the Toddalioideae. The pollen data correlate with macromorphological characters and are taxonomically useful.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the pollen morphology of 36 species and varieties of Brassica L. in China mostly for the first time. They were examined both under LM and SEM. Pollen grains of Brassica L. in China are long-spheroidal, subspheroidal, spheriodal, oblate, rarely reniformis or subsquare. According to the aperture characters pollen grains may be divided into four types: 2,3,4-colpate, 3-colpate, 3,4-colpate, 3,4-colporate. The exine sculpture may also be divided into three types: 1, reticulate, 2, cerebroid-reticulate, 3, foveolatereticulate. Detailed characters of pollen grains for each taxon are presented in Table 1. The 2,3,4-colpate type of pollen grains may be considered as primitive one and the 3,4-colpate or 3,4-colporate type of pollen grains is the most advanced in Brassica. The tricolpate aperture and reticulate exine have been reported by the previous authors, whereas, 3,4-colporate and cerebroid-reticulate or foveolate-reticulate pollen grains are newly reported.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the pollen grains of 11 genera, 22 species in Chinese Oleaceae. A comparative study on the pollen grains was carried out by means of scanning electron microscope and light microscope. The pollen grains of the family Oleaceae are almost spheroidal, oblate and prolate, in polar view tlie majority of the pollen grains are tri-lobulate-circular, the minority are tetra-lobulate-circular and dilobulate-circular. Pollen size: (15-65) × (12- 60)μ, 3-colporate and 3-colpate the minority of the pollen grains 4-colpate and 2- colpate colpus usually distinct and the en doaperature vague. The exine oonsists of two layers, the sexine thicker than the nexine, with big reticulum or fine reticulum, the majority of the reticulum are very distinct. On the basis of the pollen size and exine ornamentation, the pollen grains are divided into following two main types: (1) The larger pellen grains and the exine with big reticulum are found in the genera: Jasminum, Nyctanthes, Ligustrum, and Syringa. (2) The smaller pollen grains and the exine with finer reticulum are found in the genera: Osmanthus, Olea, Chionanthus, Fraxinus, Forsythia, Fontanesia and Linociera. In view of the features of pollen morphology, this family is much similar to the family Itamamelidaeeae. For example, the first pollen type resembles the genus Coryiopsis of the family Hamamelidaceae, but there are some differences between them, the former with a bigger reticulate exine and without any colpal membrane, the latter with a finer reticulate apocolpium and eolpate membrane. The second pollen type is much similar to that of the genera Hamamelis and Loropetalum of family Hamamelidaceae.  相似文献   

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