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With the help of pigment substitution, self-assembled monolayer film and square wave voltammetry, the influence of pigment substitution on the electrochemical properties ofRhodobacter sphaeroides 601 reaction centers was investigated. Results showed that the charge separation could also be driven by externally electric field, similar to the primary photochemical reaction in purple bacterial reaction center. On the surface of Au electrode, a self-assembled monolayer film (the RC-PDDA-DMSA film) was made up of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), poly-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDDA) and reaction center (RC). When square wave voltammetry was used to study the RC-PDDA-DMSA film, four redox pairs in the photochemical reaction of RC were observed by changing frequency. With nonlinear fitting, the standard potential of P/P+ and the corresponding electrode reaction rate constant were determined to be 0.522 V and 13.04 S-1, respectively. It was found that the redox peak at −0.02 V changed greatly when bacteriopheophytin was substituted by plant pheophytin in the reaction center. Further studies indicated that this change resulted from the decrease in electron transfer rate between Bphe-/Bphe (Phe-/Phe) and QA -/QA after pigment substitution. After investigations of spectra and electrochemical properties of different RCs and comparisons of different function groups of pigments, it was indicated that the phytyl tail, similar to other substituted groups of pheophytin, affected the efficiencies of pigment substitution.  相似文献   

With the help of pigment substitution, self-assembled monolayer film and square wave voltammetry, the influence of pigment substitution on the electrochemical properties ofRhodobacter sphaeroides 601 reaction centers was investigated. Results showed that the charge separation could also be driven by externally electric field, similar to the primary photochemical reaction in purple bacterial reaction center. On the surface of Au electrode, a self-assembled monolayer film (the RC-PDDA-DMSA film) was made up of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), poly-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDDA) and reaction center (RC). When square wave voltammetry was used to study the RC-PDDA-DMSA film, four redox pairs in the photochemical reaction of RC were observed by changing frequency. With nonlinear fitting, the standard potential of P/P+ and the corresponding electrode reaction rate constant were determined to be 0.522 V and 13.04 S-1, respectively. It was found that the redox peak at −0.02 V changed greatly when bacteriopheophytin was substituted by plant pheophytin in the reaction center. Further studies indicated that this change resulted from the decrease in electron transfer rate between Bphe-/Bphe (Phe-/Phe) and QA -/QA after pigment substitution. After investigations of spectra and electrochemical properties of different RCs and comparisons of different function groups of pigments, it was indicated that the phytyl tail, similar to other substituted groups of pheophytin, affected the efficiencies of pigment substitution.  相似文献   

In the presence of acetone and an excess of exogenous plant pheophytins,bacteriopheophytins in the reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides RS601 were replaced by pheophytins at sites HA and HB,when incubated at 43.5℃ for more than 15 min.The substitution of bacteriopheophytins in the reaction centers was 50% and 71% with incubation of 15 and 60 min,respectively.In the absorption spectra of pheophytin-replaced reaction centers (Phe RCs),bands assigned to the transition moments QX (537 nm) and QY (758 nm) of bacteriopheophytin disappeared,and three distinct bands assigned to the transition moments QX (509/542 nm) and QY (674 nm) of pheophytin appeared instead.Compared to that of the control reaction centers,the photochemical activities of Phe RCs are 78% and 71% of control,with the incubation time of 15 and 60 min.Differences might exist between the redox properties of Phe RC and of native reaction centers,but the substitution is significant,and the new system is available for further studies.  相似文献   

In the presence of acetone and an excess of exogenous plant pheophytins, bacterio-pheophytins in the reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides RS601 were replaced by pheophytins at sites HA and HB, when incubated at 43.5℃ for more than 15 min. The substitution of bacteriopheophytins in the reaction centers was 50% and 71% with incubation of 15 and 60 min, respectively. In the absorption spectra of pheophytin-replaced reaction centers (Phe RCs), bands assigned to the transition moments Qx (537 nm) and QY (758 nm) of bacteriopheophytin disappeared, and three distinct bands assigned to the transition moments Qx (509/542 nm) and QY (674 nm) of pheophytin appeared instead. Compared to that of the control reaction centers, the photochemical activities of Phe RCs are 78% and 71% of control, with the incubation time of 15 and 60 min. Differences might exist between the redox properties of Phe RC and of native reaction centers, but the substitution is significant, and the new system is available for further  相似文献   

The effect of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) on electron transfer in the acceptor quinone complex of reaction centers (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides is reported. DCCD covalently labelled the RC over a wide concentration range. At low concentrations (<10 M) the binding was specific for the L subunit. At relatively high concentrations (>100 M) DCCD accelerated the rate of charge recombination of the P+QB - state, consistent with a decrease in the equilibrium constant between QA -QB and QAQB -. At similar concentrations, in the presence of cytochrome c as exogenous donor, turnover of the RC was inhibited such that only three cytochromes were oxidized in a train of flashes. Both these inhibitory effects were fully reversed by dialysis, indicating that stable covalent binding was not involved. Possible mechanisms of action are discussed in terms of the putative role of specific residues in proton transfer and protonation and release of quinol from the RC.  相似文献   

The efficiency of energy transfer from the monomeric pigments to the primary donor was determined from 77 K steady-state fluorescence excitation spectra of three mutant reaction centers, YM210L, YM210F and LM160H / FM197H. For all three reaction centers this efficiency was not 100% and ranged between 55 and 70%. For the YM210L mutant it was shown using pump-probe spectroscopy with B band excitation at 798 nm that the excitations which are not transferred to P give rise to efficient charge separation. The results can be interpreted with a model in which excitation of the B absorbance band leads to direct formation of the radical pair state BA +H A in addition to energy transfer to P. It is also possible that some P+BA is formed from B*. In previous publications we have demonstrated the operation of such alternative pathways for transmembrane electron transfer in a YM210W mutant reaction center [van Brederode et al. (1996) The Reaction center of Photosynthetic Bacteria, pp 225–238; (1997a,b) Chem Phys Lett 268: 143–149; Biochemistry 36: 6855–6861]. The results presented here demonstrate that these alternative mechanisms are not peculiar to the YM210W reaction center.  相似文献   

The influence of the local environment on the formation of a tyrosyl radical was investigated in modified photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The reaction centers contain a tyrosine residue placed approximately 10 A from a highly oxidizing bacteriochlorophyll dimer. Measurements by both optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed spectral features that are assigned as arising primarily from an oxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer at low pH values and from a tyrosyl radical at high pH values, with a well-defined transition that occurred with a pK(a) of 6.9. A model based on the wild-type structure indicated that the Tyr at M164 is likely to form a hydrogen bond with His M193 and to interact weakly with Glu M173. Substitution of Tyr or Glu for His at M193 increased the pK(a) for the transition from 6.9 to 8.9, while substitution of Gln for His M193 resulted in a higher pK(a) value. Substitution of Glu M173 with Gln resulted in loss of the partial formation of the tyrosyl that occurs in the other mutants at low pH values. The results are interpreted in terms of the ability of the residues to act as proton acceptors for the oxidized tyrosine, with the pK(a) values reflecting those of either the putative proton acceptor or the tyrosine, in accord with general models of amino acid radicals.  相似文献   

The kinetics of absorbance changes related to the charge-separated state, PF, and to the formation and decay of the carotenoid triplet state (CarT) were studied in the LM reaction center subunit isolated from a wild-type strain of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides (strain Y). The PF lifetime is lengthened (20±1.5 ns) in the LM complex as compared to the intact reaction centers (11±1 ns). The yield of the carotenoid triplet formation is higher (0.28±0.01) in the LM complex than in native reaction centers. We interpret our results in terms of perturbations of a first-order reaction connecting the singlet and the triplet state of the radical-pair state. Our results, together with those of a recent work (Agalidis, I., Nuijs, A.M. and Reiss-Husson, F. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta (in press)) are consistent with a high I to QA electron transfer rate in this LM subunit, which is metal-depleted.The LM complex is considerably more sensitive than the reaction centers to photooxidative damage in the presence of oxygen. This is not readily accounted for simply by the higher carotenoid triplet yield, and may suggest a greater accessibility of the internal structures in the absence of the H-subunit.The lifetime of the carotenoid triplet decay (6.4±0.3 s) in the LM subunit is unchanged compared to the native reaction centers.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Bph bacteriopheophytin - Car carotenoid - Chl chlorophyll - cyt cytochrome - L, M and H subunits light, medium and heavy subunits of the reaction center complex - PR triplet electronic state of the primary electron donor - P; QA the first stable electron acceptor, a bound quinone - RC reaction center - LDAO lauryldimethylamine N-oxide - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - UQ ubiquinone This paper is published in our new format. All future authors are requested to follow our new instructions (see Photosynthesis Research 10:519–526, 1986)—Editor.  相似文献   

Spectral and kinetic characteristics of fluorescence from isolated reaction centers of photosynthetic purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodobacter capsulatus were measured at room temperature under rectangular shape of excitation at 810 nm. The kinetics of fluorescence at 915 nm reflected redox changes due to light and dark reactions in the donor and acceptor quinone complex of the reaction center as identified by absorption changes at 865 nm (bacteriochlorophyll dimer) and 450 nm (quinones) measured simultaneously with the fluorescence. Based on redox titration and gradual bleaching of the dimer, the yield of fluorescence from reaction centers could be separated into a time-dependent (originating from the dimer) and a constant part (coming from contaminating pigment (detached bacteriochlorin)). The origin was also confirmed by the corresponding excitation spectra of the 915 nm fluorescence. The ratio of yields of constant fluorescence over variable fluorescence was much smaller in Rhodobacter sphaeroides (0.15±0.1) than in Rhodobacter capsulatus (1.2±0.3). It was shown that the changes in fluorescence yield reflected the disappearance of the dimer and the quenching by the oxidized primary quinone. The redox changes of the secondary quinone did not have any influence on the yield but excess quinone in the solution quenched the (constant part of) fluorescence. The relative yields of fluorescence in different redox states of the reaction center were tabulated. The fluorescence of the dimer can be used as an effective tool in studies of redox reactions in reaction centers, an alternative to the measurements of absorption kinetics.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - Bpheo bacteriopheophytin - D electron donor to P+ - P bacteriochlorophyll dimer - Q quinone acceptor - QA primary quinone acceptor - QB secondary quinone acceptor - RC reaction center protein - UQ6 ubiquinone-30  相似文献   

Mutant reaction centers (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides have been studied in which histidine L153, the axial ligand of the central Mg atom of bacteriochlorophyll BA molecule, was substituted by cysteine, methionine, tyrosine, or leucine. None of the mutations resulted in conversion of the bacteriochlorophyll BA to a bacteriopheophytin molecule. Isolated H(L153)C and H(L153)M RCs demonstrated spectral properties similar to those of the wild-type RC, indicating the ability of cysteine and methionine to serve as stable axial ligands of the Mg atom of bacteriochlorophyll BA. Because of instability of mutant H(L153)L and H(L153)Y RCs, their properties were studied without isolation of these complexes from the photosynthetic membranes. The most prominent effect of the mutations was observed with substitution of histidine by tyrosine. According to the spectral data and the results of pigment analysis, the BA molecule is missing in the H(L153)Y RC. Nevertheless, being associated with the photosynthetic membrane, this RC can accomplish photochemical charge separation with quantum yield of approximately 7% of that characteristic of the wild-type RC. Possible pathways of the primary electron transport in the H(L153)Y RC in absence of photochemically active chromophore are discussed.  相似文献   

Inhibition of electron transport and damage to the protein subunits by ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) radiation have been studied in isolated reaction centers of the non-sulfur purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26. UV-B irradiation results in the inhibition of charge separation as detected by the loss of the initial amplitude of absorbance change at 430 nm reflecting the formation of the P+(QAQB) state. In addition to this effect, the charge recombination accelerates and the damping of the semiquinone oscillation increases in the UV-B irradiated reaction centers. A further effect of UV-B is a 2 fold increase in the half- inhibitory concentration of o-phenanthroline. Some damage to the protein subunits of the RC is also observed as a consequence of UV-B irradiation. This effect is manifested as loss of the L, M and H subunits on Coomassie stained gels, but not accompanied with specific degradation products. The damaging effects of UV-B radiation enhanced in reaction centers where the quinone was semireduced (QB ) during UV-B irradiation, but decreased in reaction centers which lacked quinone at the QB binding site. In comparison with Photosystem II of green plant photosynthesis, the bacterial reaction center shows about 40 times lower sensitivity to UV-B radiation concerning the activity loss and 10 times lower sensitivity concerning the extent of reaction center protein damage. It is concluded that the main effect of UV-B radiation in the purple bacterial reaction center occurs at the QAQB quinone acceptor complex by decreasing the binding affinity of QB and shifting the electron equilibration from QAQB to QA QB. The inhibitory effect is likely to be caused by modification of the protein environment around the QB binding pocket and mediated by the semiquinone form of QB. The UV-resistance of the bacterial reaction center compared to Photosystem II indicates that either the QAQB acceptor complex, which is present in both types of reaction centers with similar structure and function, is much less susceptible to UV damage in purple bacteria, or, more likely, that Photosystem II contains UV-B targets which are more sensitive than its quinone complex.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - P Bchl dimer - QA primary quinone electron acceptor - QB secondary quinone electron acceptor - RC reaction center - UV-B ultraviolet-B  相似文献   

The photoexcited triplet states of bacteriochlorophyll a, 3BChl a, and of the primary donor in reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26, 3P865, are investigated by pulsed EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy. In 3P865 a splitting of ENDOR lines and reduction of corresponding positive and negative hyperfine couplings as compared with the monomeric 3BChl a is observed. This indicates an asymmetric distribution of the triplet excitation over the two BChl a moieties, PL and PM, forming 3P865. Based on the signs of the hyperfine couplings and on a comparison with the cation and anion radical of BChl a an assignment to nuclei in the different dimer halves is proposed. This yields an estimate for the extent of delocalization of the triplet excitation over PL and PM and for the charge transfer contribution of 3P865.  相似文献   

The influence of duration of exposure to actinic light (from 1 sec to 10 min) and temperature (from 3 to 35°C) on the temporary stabilization of the photomobilized electron in the secondary quinone acceptor (QB) locus of Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers (RC) was studied under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Optical spectrophotometry and ESR methods were used. The stabilization time increased significantly upon increasing the exposure duration under aerobic conditions. The stabilization time decreased under anaerobic conditions, its dependence on light exposure duration being significantly less pronounced. Generation of superoxide radical in photoactivated aerobic samples was revealed by the ESR method. Possible interpretation of the effects is suggested in terms of interaction between the semiquinone QB with oxygen, the interaction efficiency being determined by the conformational transitions in the structure of RC triggered by actinic light on and off.  相似文献   

The linear dichroism of single crystals of the photochemical reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1, expressed as the anisotropy (or polarization) ratio, p = (A A )/A + A , relative to the long morphological axis of the crystals, has been measured to be –0.12±0.03 for the primary donor Q y and -0.15±0.8 for the carotenoid. These dichroic effects can be predicted using data obtained from magnetophotoselection (Frank et al. 1979, McGann and Frank 1985) and electron spin resonance (ESR)(Frank et al. 1988a, Budil et al. 1988) experiments. Magnetophotoselection data yield the projections of the transition moments onto the primary donor triplet state principal magnetic axis system. The single crystal triplet state ESR experiments provide the Euler matrix for the transformation from the principal magnetic axis system to the crystal unit cell axis system. Thus, the projections of the transition moments (site 1) onto the crystal units cell axes (a, b, c) are determined to be-0.39, 0.90 and 0.18, respectively. The projections of the carotenoid transition moment (site 1) onto the crystal unit cell axes (a, b, c) are determined to be -0.60, 0.02 and 0.80, respectively. This information used in conjunction with the crystalline space group symmetry (P212121) and the morphology of the crystals allows one to predict the observed anisotropy ratios.  相似文献   

Inhibition of electron transport and damage to the protein subunits by visible light has been studied in isolated reaction centers of the non-sulfur purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Illumination by 1100 μEm−2 s−1 light induced only a slight effect in wild type, carotenoid containing 2.4.1. reaction centers. In contrast, illumination of reaction centers isolated from the carotenoidless R26 strain resulted in the inhibition of charge separation as detected by the loss of the initial amplitude of absorbance change at 430 nm arising from the P+QB → PQB recombination. In addition to this effect, the L, M and H protein subunits of the R26 reaction center were damaged as shown by their loss on Coomassie stained gels, which was however not accompanied by specific degradation products. Both the loss of photochemical activity and of protein subunits were suppressed in the absence of oxygen. By applying EPR spin trapping with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine we could detect light-induced generation of singlet oxygen in the R26, but not in the 2.4.1. reaction centers. Moreover, artificial generation of singlet oxygen, also led to the loss of the L, M and H subunits. Our results provide evidence for the common hypothesis that strong illumination by visible light damages the carotenoidless reaction center via formation of singlet oxygen. This mechanism most likely proceeds through the interaction of the triplet state of reaction center chlorophyll with the ground state triplet oxygen in a similar way as occurs in Photosystem II. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The tyrosine-(M)210 of the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 has been changed to a tryptophan using site-directed mutagenesis. The reaction center of this mutant has been characterized by low-temperature absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved sub-picosecond spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The charge separation process showed bi-exponential kinetics at room temperature, with a main time constant of 36 ps and an additional fast time constant of 5.1 ps. Temperature dependent fluorescence measurements predict that the lifetime of P* becomes 4–5 times slower at cryogenic temperatures. From EPR and absorbance-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR, LD-ADMR) we conclude that the dimeric structure of P is not significantly changed upon mutation. In contrast, the interaction of the accessory bacteriochlorophyll BA with its environment appears to be altered, possibly because of a change in its position.Abbreviations ADMR - absorbance-detected magnetic resonance - LDAO - N, N dimethyl dodecyl amine-N-oxide - RC - reaction center - LD-ADMR - linear-dichroic absorbance-detected magnetic resonance - P - primary donor - B - accessory bacteriochlorophyll - - bacteriopheophytin  相似文献   

The oxidation of bacteriochlorophylls (BChls) in peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LH2) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was investigated by spectroelectrochemistry of absorption, fluorescence emission, and femtosecond (fs) pump-probe, with the aim obtaining information about the effect of in situ electrochemical oxidation on the pigment-protein arrangement and energy transfer within LH2. The experimental results revealed that: (a) the generation of the BChl radical cation in both B800 and B850 rings dramatically induced bleaching of the characteristic absorption in the NIR region and quenching of the fluorescence emission from the B850 ring for the electrochemical oxidized LH2; (b) the BChl-B850 radical cation might act as an additional channel to compete with the unoxidized BChl-B850 molecules for rapidly releasing the excitation energy, however the B800-B850 energy transfer rate remained almost unchanged during the oxidation process.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the primary electron transfer (ET) process in the photosynthetic reaction center (PRC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been studied with quantum chemistry method of ab initio density functional theory (DFT) (B3LYP/6-31G) based on the optimized X-ray crystallographic structure. The calculation was carried out on different structural levels. The electronic structure of pigment molecules was first studied, and then the influence of the neighboring protein was taken into account at three approximation levels: (a) the surrounding proteins were treated as a homogeneous medium with a uniform dielectric constant (SCRF); (b) both the influence of axial coordination of His to the special pair P and ABChl as, and the hydrogen bonds between related residues and P and also BPhas were included; and (c) the influence of the electronic structure of the protein subunit chains as a whole was studied. The results suggest that: (1) according to the composition of the HOMO and LUMO of P, there might be a charge-separated state of (BChlL +BChlM ) for the excited state of P; (2) to treat the protein surroundings as a homogeneous medium is not sufficient. Different interactions between pigment molecules and related residues play different roles in the ET process; (3) the axial coordination of His to P raises the E LUMO of P greatly, and it is very important for the ET process to occur in the PRC of wild-type bacterium; the axial coordination of His to ABChl as also raises their E LUMO significantly; (4) the hydrogen-bonds between amino acid residues and P and also BPh as depress the E LUMO of the pigment molecules to some extent, which makes the E LUMO of P lower than those of ABChlas, and the E LUMO of BPh a L lower than that of BPh a M. Consequently, the ET process from P to BPh a L does not, according to our calculation model, occur via ABChl a L. The possibility of the ET pathway from P to BPh a L via ABChl a L was discussed; (5) the frontier orbitals of protein subunit chains L and M are localized at the random coil area and the α–helix areas, respectively. Results mentioned above support the fact that the ET process proceeds in favourable circumstances along the branch L. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The evolution of the light-induced absorption difference spectrum (380–500 nm) of the reaction centers from photosynthetic purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been examined over 200 μs. The observed changes are interpreted as the effects of proton movement along the H-bond between the primary quinone acceptor and its protein surroundings. A theoretical analysis of the spectral evolution, considering the proton tunneling kinetics, corroborates this interpretation. The electronic state of the primary quinone is stabilized within tens of microseconds; the process is retarded upon deuteration of the reaction center as well as in 90% glycerol, and accelerated upon nondestructive heating to 40°C.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields influence two properties of the P-870 triplet state observed in Rps. sphaeroides reaction centers: the yield of formation and the kinetics of decay. These effects have been studied in reaction centers which were prepared in three different states: state QA , state QA 2– and state (– QA) (QA depleted). The triplet yields decrease with increasing magnetic fields, with B1/2's of about 140, 41 and 57 Gauss, respectively. The half-time of 3P-870 decay is not influenced by the field in state QA ; it increases at increasing fields, in state QA 2– and state (– QA), with the same B1/2 as the triplet yield. These results are discussed in the framework of current theories of the radical-pair dynamics and of the mechanism of triplet decay.Abbreviations I primary electron acceptor - LDAO lauryldimethylamine oxide - P-870 primary electron donor - QA first quinone acceptor - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - YAG Yttrium Aluminum Garnet  相似文献   

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