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Microcalorimetry has been used to measure the stabilities of mutational variants of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c in which F82 and L85 have been replaced by other hydrophobic amino acids. Specifically, F82 has been replaced by Y and L85 by A. The double mutant F82Y,L85A iso-1 has also been studied, and the mutational perturbations are compared to those for the two single mutants, F82Y iso-1 and L85A iso-1. Results are interpreted in terms of known crystallographic structures. The data show that (1) the destabilization of the mutant proteins is similar in magnitude to that which is theoretically predicted by the more obvious mutation-induced structural effects; (2) the free energy of destabilization of the double mutant, F82Y,L85A iso-1, is less than the sum of those of the two single mutants, almost certainly because, in the double mutant, the -OH group of Y82 is able to protrude into the cavity formed by the L85A substitution. The more favorable structural accommodation of the new -OH group in the double mutant leads to additional stability through (1) further decreases in the volumes of internal cavities and (2) formation of an extra protein-protein hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

Fast folding of cytochrome c.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Native iso-2 cytochrome c contains two residues (His 18, Met 80) coordinated to the covalently attached heme. On unfolding of iso-2, the His 18 ligand remains coordinated to the heme iron, whereas Met 80 is displaced by a non-native heme ligand, His 33 or His 39. To test whether non-native His-heme ligation slows folding, we have constructed a double mutant protein in which the non-native ligands are replaced by asparagine and lysine, respectively (H33N,H39K iso-2). The double mutant protein, which cannot form non-native histidine-heme coordinate bonds, folds significantly faster than normal iso-2 cytochrome c: gamma = 14-26 ms for H33N,H39K iso-2 versus gamma = 200-1,100 ms for iso-2. These results with iso-2 cytochrome c strongly support the hypothesis that non-native His-heme ligation results in a kinetic barrier to fast folding of cytochrome c. Assuming that the maximum rate of a conformational search is about 10(11) s-1, the results imply that the direct folding pathway of iso-2 involves passage through on the order of 10(9) or fewer partially folded conformers.  相似文献   

The rate of macromolecular surface formation in yeast iso-2 cytochrome c and its site-specific mutant, N52I iso-2, has been studied using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a tertiary epitope including K58 and H39. The results indicate that epitope refolding occurs after fast folding but prior to slow folding, in contrast to horse cytochrome c where surface formation occurs early. The antibody-detected (ad) kinetic phase accompanying epitope formation has k(ad) = 0.2 s(-1) and is approximately 40-fold slower than the fastest detectable event in the folding of yeast iso-2 cytochrome c (k2f approximately 8 s(-1)), but occurs prior to the absorbance- and fluorescence-detected slow folding steps (k1a approximately 0.06 s(-1); k1b approximately 0.09 s(-1)). N5I iso-2 cytochrome c exhibits similar kinetic behavior with respect to epitope formation. A detailed dissection of the mechanistic differences between the folding pathways of horse and yeast cytochromes c identifies possible reasons for the slow surface formation in the latter. Our results suggest that non-native ligation involving H33 or H39 during refolding may slow down the formation of the tertiary epitope in iso-2 cytochrome c. This study illustrates that surface formation can be coupled to early events in protein folding. Thus, the rate of macromolecular surface formation is fine tuned by the residues that make up the surface and the interactions they entertain during refolding.  相似文献   

A sequence alignment of mammalian cytochromes c with yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (y-cyt-c) shows that the yeast protein contains five extra N-terminal residues. We have been interested in understanding the question: What is the role of these five extra N-terminal residues in folding and stability of the protein? To answer this question we have prepared five deletants of y-cyt-c by sequentially removing these extra residues. During our studies on the wild type (WT) protein and its deletants, we observed that the amount of secondary structure in the guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced denatured (D) state of each protein is different from that of the heat-induced denatured (H) state. This finding is confirmed by the observation of an additional cooperative transition curve of optical properties between H and D states on the addition of different concentrations of GdmCl to the already heat denatured WT y-cyt-c and its deletants at pH 6.0 and 68°C. For each protein, analysis of transition curves representing processes, native (N) state ? D state, N state ? H state, and H state ? D state, was done to obtain Gibbs free energy changes associated with all the three processes. This analysis showed that, for each protein, thermodynamic cycle accommodates Gibbs free energies associated with transitions between N and D states, N and H states, and H and D states, the characteristics required for a thermodynamic function. All these experimental observations have been supported by our molecular dynamics simulation studies.  相似文献   

To understand general aspects of stability and folding of c-type cytochromes, we have studied the folding characteristics of cytochrome c553 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough). This cytochrome is structurally similar but lacks sequence homology to other heme proteins; moreover, it has an abnormally low reduction potential. Unfolding of oxidized and reduced cytochrome c553 by guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) was monitored by circular dichroism (CD) and Soret absorption; the same unfolding curves were obtained with both methods supporting that cytochrome c553 unfolds by an apparent two-state process. Reduced cytochrome c553 is 7(3) kJ/mol more stable than the oxidized form; accordingly, the reduction potential of unfolded cytochrome c553 is 100(20) mV more negative than that of the folded protein. In contrast to many other unfolded cytochrome c proteins, upon unfolding at pH 7.0 both oxidized and reduced heme in cytochrome c553 become high-spin. The lack of heme misligation in unfolded cytochrome c553 implies that its unfolded structure is less constrained than those of cytochromes c with low-spin, misligated hemes.  相似文献   

Two peptide fragments from tuna cytochrome c (cyt c), N-fragment (residues 1-44 containing the heme) and C-fragment (residues 45-103), combine to form a 1:1 fragment complex. This was clearly proved by ion-spray mass spectrometry. It was found from CD and NMR spectra that the structure of the fragment complex formed is similar to that of an intact cyt c, although each isolated fragment itself is unstructured. Binding constants and enthalpies upon the complex formation were directly observed by isothermal titration calorimetry. Thermodynamic parameters (deltaG(o)b, deltaHb, deltaS(o)b, and deltaC(b)p)) associated with the complex formation were determined at various pHs and temperatures. DeltaHb was found to be almost independent of pH values. The change in heat capacity accompanying the complex formation (deltaC(b)p) was directly determined from the temperature dependence of deltaHb. In addition, the change in heat capacity and enthalpy upon tuna cyt c unfolding were determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermodynamic parameters for the unfolding/dissociation process of the fragment complex were compared with those for cyt c unfolding at pH 3.9 and 303 K. In a comparison of two unfolding processes, the heat capacity change of each was very close to the other, while both the unfolding enthalpy and entropy of the fragment complex were larger than those of tuna cyt c. These thermodynamic data suggest that the internal interactions between polar groups (hydrogen bonding) and nonpolar groups (van der Waals interactions) are preserved in the fragment complex as well as in the native state of cyt c.  相似文献   

Derivatives of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c, chemically modified at Cys-102 (Cys-102 acetamide-derivatized monomer, Cys-102 thionitrobenzoate-derivatized monomer, Cys-102 S-methylated monomer, and the disulfide dimer), exhibit different spectral and physicochemical properties relative to the native, unmodified protein, depending on the nature of the modifying group. The results of proton NMR studies on the Cys-102 acetamidederivatized monomer of iso-1 ferricytochrome c indicate that the conformational characteristics of the heme environment in this protein derivative are intermediate between those of the unmodified monomer and disulfide dimer forms of the protein. Measurements of the pKa of the alkaline transitions of the five forms of iso-1 ferricytochrome c provided values of 8.89, 8.82, 8.67, 8.47, and 8.50 for the unmodified monomer, S-methylated monomer, acetamide-derivatized monomer, thionitrobenzoate-derivatized monomer, and disulfide dimer, respectively. The results of proton NMR studies of the reduced form of these proteins suggest that the heme environments of the unmodified monomer and disulfide dimer derivatives of iso-1 ferrocytochrome c are similar and indicate that treatment of the thionitrobenzoate-derivatized and disulfide dimer forms of the protein with sodium dithionite results in cleavage of the disulfide bonds at position 102. Circular dichroism studies reveal that only the disulfide dimer form of iso-1 ferricytochrome c exhibits a Soret CD spectrum which differs from the native, unmodified monomer in that the intensity of the negative band at approximately 420 nm is diminished in the spectrum of the dimer relative to the spectrum of the monomer. Soret CD spectra of the ascorbate-reduced form of all protein derivatives are similar. The process of autoreduction of yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c is shown to occur in the absence of a free sulfhydryl group at position 102 and is exacerbated under moderately high pH conditions. These results are suggestive of the presence of a redox-active amino acid, perhaps a tyrosine, in yeast iso-1 cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Limited cleavage of oxidized and reduced horse heart cytochrome c (Cyt c) and the azide complex of Cyt c by proteinase K at room temperature yields a single cut within the central loop (36-60 in the sequence). Using an assay that allows spectroscopic evaluation of the fraction of intact protein as a function of time, together with a simple kinetic model for proteolysis, fluctuation opening of the loop can be related to the free energy of the corresponding protein. This allows us to estimate quantitatively the free energy difference between the oxidized form of Cyt c and other states using proteolysis as a probe. The results we obtain indicate that oxidized Cyt c is 2.0 kcal mol(-1) less stable than the reduced form, and 0.07 kcal mol(-1) is more stable than the Cyt c: azide complex at 25 degrees C. These values agree in magnitude with results from hydrogen exchange and unfolding studies, suggesting that the stability of a protein can be directly related to its structural dynamics.  相似文献   

The structural and functional consequences of replacing omega-loop A (residues 18-32) in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c with the corresponding loop of Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2 have been examined. The three-dimensional structure of this loop replacement mutant RepA2 cytochrome c, and a second mutant RepA2(Val 20) cytochrome c in which residue 20 was back substituted to valine, were determined using X-ray diffraction techniques. A change in the molecular packing is evident in the RepA2 mutant protein, which has a phenylalanine at position 20, a residue considerably larger than the valine found in wild-type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c. The side chain of Phe 20 is redirected toward the molecular surface, altering the packing of this region of omega-loop A with the hydrophobic core of the protein. In the RepA2(Val 20) structure, omega-loop A contains a valine at position 20, which restores the original wild-type packing arrangement of the hydrophobic core. Also, as a result of omega-loop A replacement, residue 26 is changed from a histidine to asparagine, which results in displacements of the main-chain atoms near residue 44 to which residue 26 is hydrogen bonded. In vivo studies of the growth rate of the mutant strains on nonfermentable media indicate that the RepA2(Val 20) cytochrome c behaves much like the wild-type yeast iso-1 protein, whereas the stability and function of the RepA2 cytochrome c showed a temperature dependence. The midpoint reduction potential measured by cyclic voltammetry of the RepA2 mutant is 271 mV at 25 degrees C. This is 19 mV less than the wild-type and RepA2(Val 20) proteins (290 mV) and may result from disruption of the hydrophobic packing in the heme pocket and increased mobility of omega-loop A in RepA2 cytochrome c. The temperature dependence of the reduction potential is also greatly enhanced in the RepA2 protein.  相似文献   

A dominant feature of folding of cytochrome c is the presence of nonnative His-heme kinetic traps, which either pre-exist in the unfolded protein or are formed soon after initiation of folding. The kinetically trapped species can constitute the majority of folding species, and their breakdown limits the rate of folding to the native state. A temperature jump (T-jump) relaxation technique has been used to compare the unfolding/folding kinetics of yeast iso-2 cytochrome c and a genetically engineered double mutant that lacks His-heme kinetic traps, H33N,H39K iso-2. The results show that the thermodynamic properties of the transition states are very similar. A single relaxation time tau(obs) is observed for both proteins by absorbance changes at 287 nm, a measure of solvent exclusion from aromatic residues. At temperatures near Tm, the midpoint of the thermal unfolding transitions, tau(obs) is four to eight times faster for H33N,H39K iso-2 (tau(obs) approximately 4-10 ms) than for iso-2 (tau(obs) approximately 20-30 ms). T-jumps show that there are no kinetically unresolved (tau < 1-3 micros T-jump dead time) "burst" phases for either protein. Using a two-state model, the folding (k(f)) and unfolding (k(u)) rate constants and the thermodynamic activation parameters standard deltaGf, standard deltaGu, standard deltaHf, standard deltaHu, standard deltaSf, standard deltaSu are evaluated by fitting the data to a function describing the temperature dependence of the apparent rate constant k(obs) (= tau(obs)(-1)) = k(f) + k(u). The results show that there is a small activation enthalpy for folding, suggesting that the barrier to folding is largely entropic. In the "new view," a purely entropic kinetic barrier to folding is consistent with a smooth funnel folding landscape.  相似文献   

The 1:1 complex between horse heart cytochrome c and bovine cytochrome c oxidase, and between yeast cytochrome c and Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase have been studied by a combination of second derivative absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The second derivative absorption and CD spectra reveal changes in the electronic transitions of cytochrome a upon complex formation. These results could reflect changes in ground state heme structure or changes in the protein environment surrounding the chromophore that affect either the ground or excited electronic states. The resonance Raman spectrum, on the other hand, reflects the heme structure in the ground electronic state only and shows no significant difference between cytochrome a vibrations in the complex or free enzyme. The only major difference between the Raman spectra of the free enzyme and complex is a broadening of the cytochrome a3 formyl band of the complex that is relieved upon complex dissociation at high ionic strength. These data suggest that the differences observed in the second derivative and CD spectra are the result of changes in the protein environment around cytochrome a that affect the electronic excited state. By analogy to other protein-chromophore systems, we suggest that the energy of the Soret pi* state of cytochrome a may be affected by (1) changes in the local dielectric, possibly brought about by movement of a charged amino acid side chain in proximity to the heme group, or (2) pi-pi interactions between the heme and aromatic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Intermediates play a relevant role in the protein-folding process, because the onset of diseases of genetic nature is usually coupled with protein misfolding and the formation of stable intermediate species. This article describes and briefly discusses the mechanisms considered responsible, at molecular level, for a number of neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, interest is focused on the newly discovered role of cytochrome c in programmed cell death (apoptosis), consisting of acquisition of powerful cardiolipin-specific peroxidase action. Cardiolipin oxidation induces cytochrome c detachment from the mitochondrial membrane and favors the accumulation of products releasing proapoptotic factors. Cytochrome c showing peroxidase activity has non-native structure, and shows enhanced access of the heme catalytic site to small molecules, such as H2O2. The strict correlation linking cytochrome c with the onset of neurodegenerative disorders is described and the therapeutic approach discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the structure of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase in terms of general characteristics thought to be important for describing the architecture of helix bundle membrane proteins. Many aspects of the structure are similar to what has previously been found for the photosynthetic reaction center and bacteriorhodopsin. Our results lead to a considerably more precise general picture of membrane protein architecture than has hitherto been possible to obtain.  相似文献   

The exchange of a large number of amide hydrogens in oxidized equine cytochrome c was measured by NMR and compared with structural parameters. Hydrogens known to exchange through local structural fluctuations and through larger unfolding reactions were separately considered. All hydrogens protected from exchange by factors greater than 10(3) are in defined H-bonds, and almost all H-bonded hydrogens including those at the protein surface were measured to exchange slowly. H-exchange rates do not correlate with H-bond strength (length) or crystallographic B factors. It appears that the transient structural fluctuation necessary to bring an exchangeable hydrogen into H-bonding contact with the H-exchange catalyst (OH(-)-ion) involves a fairly large separation of the H-bond donor and acceptor, several angstroms at least, and therefore depends on the relative resistance to distortion of immediately neighboring structure. Accordingly, H-exchange by way of local fluctuational pathways tends to be very slow for hydrogens that are neighbored by tightly anchored structure and for hydrogens that are well buried. The slowing of buried hydrogens may also reflect the need for additional motions that allow solvent access once the protecting H-bond is separated, although it is noteworthy that burial in a protein like cytochrome c does not exceed 4 angstroms. When local fluctuational pathways are very slow, exchange can become dominated by a different category of larger, cooperative, segmental unfolding reactions reaching up to global unfolding.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cH is the electron donor to the oxidase in methylotrophic bacteria. Its amino acid sequence suggests that it is a typical Class 1 cytochrome c, but some features of the sequence indicated that its structure might be of special interest. The structure of oxidized cytochrome cH has been solved to 2.0 A resolution by X-ray diffraction. It has the classical tertiary structure of the Class 1 cytochromes c but bears a closer gross resemblance to mitochondrial cytochrome c than to the bacterial cytochrome c2. The left-hand side of the haem cleft is unique; in particular, it is highly hydrophobic, the usual water is absent, and the "conserved" Tyr67 is replaced by tryptophan. A number of features of the structure demonstrate that the usual hydrogen bonding network involving water in the haem channel is not essential and that other mechanisms may exist for modulation of redox potentials in this cytochrome.  相似文献   

A metal-binding site consisting of two histidines positioned His-X3-His in an alpha-helix has been engineered into the surface of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c. The synthetic metal-binding cytochrome c retains its biological activity in vivo. Its ability to bind chelated Cu(II) has been characterized by partitioning in aqueous two-phase polymer systems containing a polymer-metal complex, Cu(II)IDA-PEG, and by metal-affinity chromatography. The stability constant for the complex formed between Cu(II)IDA-PEG and the cytochrome c His-X3-His site is 5.3 x 10(4) M-1, which corresponds to a chelate effect that contributes 1.5 kcal mol-1 to the binding energy. Incorporation of the His-X3-His site yields a synthetic metal-binding protein whose metal affinity is sensitive to environmental conditions that alter helix structure or flexibility.  相似文献   

Flöck D  Helms V 《Proteins》2002,47(1):75-85
Electron transferring protein complexes form only transiently and the crystal structures of electron transfer protein--protein complexes involving cytochrome c could so far be determined only for the pairs of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) with iso-1-cytochrome c (iso-1-cyt c) and with horse heart cytochrome c (cyt c). This article presents models from computational docking for complexes of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) from Paracoccus denitrificans with horse heart cytochrome c, and with its physiological counterpart cytochrome c552 (c552). Initial docking is performed with the FTDOCK program, which permits an exhaustive search of translational and rotational space. A filtering procedure is then applied to reduce the number of complexes to a manageable number. In a final step of structural and energetic refinement, the complexes are optimized by rigid-body energy minimization with the molecular mechanics package CHARMM. This methodology was first tested on the CcP:iso-1-cyt c complex, in which the complex with the lowest CHARMM energy has an RMSD from the crystal structure of only 1.8 A (C(alpha) carbon atoms). Notably, the crystal conformation has an even lower energy. The same procedure was then applied to COX:cyt c and COX:c552. The lowest-energy COX:cyt c complex is very similar to a docking model previously described for the complex of bovine cytochrome c oxidase with horse heart cytochrome c. For the COX:c552 complex, cytochrome c552 is found in two different orientations, depending on whether it is docked against COX from a two-subunit or from a four-subunit crystal structure, respectively. Both conformations are discussed critically in the light of the available experimental data.  相似文献   

Binding of native cyt c to L-PG micelles leads to a partially unfolded conformation of cyt c. This micelle-bound state has no stable tertiary structure, but remains as alpha-helical as native cyt c in solution. In contrast, binding of the acid-unfolded cyt c to L-PG micelles induces folding of the polypeptide, resulting in a similar helical state to that originated from the binding of native cyt c to L-PG micelles. Far-ultraviolet (UV) circular dichroism (CD) spectra showed that this common micelle-associated helical state (HL) has a native-like alpha-helix content, but is highly expanded without a tightly packed hydrophobic core, as revealed by tryptophan fluorescence, near-UV, and Soret CD spectroscopy. The kinetics of the interaction of native and acid-unfolded cyt c was investigated by stopped-flow tryptophan fluorescence. Formation of H(L) from the native state requires the disruption of the tightly packed hydrophobic core in the native protein. This micelle-induced unfolding of cyt c occurs at a rate approximately 0.1 s(-1), which is remarkably faster in the lipid environment compared with the expected rate of unfolding in solution. Refolding of acid-unfolded cyt c with L-PG micelles involves an early highly helical collapsed state formed during the burst phase (<3 ms), and the observed main kinetic event reports on the opening of this early compact intermediate prior to insertion into the lipid micelle.  相似文献   

Xu Q  Keiderling TA 《Proteins》2006,63(3):571-580
Interactions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at submicellar and micellar concentration, with the globular protein, horse heart cytochrome c, at low pH have been shown to stabilize two molten globule-like intermediates. These dynamic studies were performed using far-UV, near-UV, and Soret-band circular dichroism (CD) as well as fluorescence methods. Stopped-flow CD and fluorescence studies of acid-denatured cytochrome c refolding with SDS were performed at both submicellar and micellar concentrations. Distinctive refolding mechanisms (from analysis of both CD and fluorescence) were found under these two conditions, and an obvious refolding intermediate was evident in the fluorescence traces. In addition, stopped-flow CD in the Soret region showed multistep kinetics, suggesting that the spectral changes in this region are not only solvent effect related but also connected with the change of secondary structure. A possible folding mechanism is proposed to rationalize the kinetics results.  相似文献   

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