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Ribosomal initiation at alternate AUGs on the Sendai virus P/C mRNA.   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Peptide sera specific for the C, C/C', and P proteins of Sendai virus have been used to confirm that the viral nonstructural proteins originate from internal AUG codons and are translated in a different reading frame from that of the P protein. The C protein undergoes aberrant migration on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and is expressed at higher levels in infected cells than are the P and C' proteins.  相似文献   

ACG, the initiator codon for a Sendai virus protein   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Deletion and site-directed point mutants of the polycistronic P/C mRNA of Sendai virus revealed that one of the nonstructural proteins of this virus, the C' protein, initiates from an ACG codon. This ACG codon occurs in an optimum sequence context and precedes the first AUG of the P/C mRNA. The results presented in this communication are consistent with the concept that the ribosomes scan the P/C mRNA to initiate several proteins from its different initiator codons. The arrangement of several weak initiator codons in tandem in an mRNA, i.e. non-AUG in optimum sequence context and AUG in suboptimum sequence context, may represent an alternate means to regulate gene expression in eukaryotes and their viruses.  相似文献   

The polycistronic P/C mRNA of Sendai virus is translated under cell-free conditions into five proteins (P, C', C, Y1, and Y2) from overlapping reading frames. In this study, we showed that in addition to the P, C', and C proteins, Y1 and Y2 were expressed by six different Sendai virus strains in infected cells. The Y proteins exhibited strain-specific variation in their gel mobility which corresponds to the variation seen in the cognate C proteins. While the relative levels of the P, C', and C proteins were consistent among various cell lines, the levels of Y1 and Y2 proteins varied among the cell lines used for viral infection.  相似文献   

Two forms of the Sendai virus P/C mRNA have been predicted: one an exact copy of the viral genome, and the other with a single G insertion within a run of three G's. We directly cloned the mRNA or portions of it containing the insertion site and screened the resulting colonies with oligonucleotides that could distinguish the presence of three or four G's at this position. We found that 31% of the mRNAs did in fact contain the predicted insertion, whereas the viral genomes contained no heterogeneity at this position. A smaller fraction (7%) of the mRNA contained two to eight G's inserted at this position. The insertions also took place during RNA synthesis in vitro with purified virions but were not detected when the mRNA was expressed in vivo via a vaccinia virus recombinant. When the Sendai virus- and vaccinia virus-derived P/C mRNAs were coexpressed in the same cells under conditions in which each could be distinguished, those from the Sendai genome were altered as before, but those from the vaccinia virus genome remained unaltered. The activity that alters the mRNA is therefore likely to be coded for by the virus and cannot function in trans.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins constituting the binding site for the initiator codon AUG on the ribosome at the translation initiation step were investigated by UV-induced cross-linking between protein and mRNA. The 80S-initiation complex was formed in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system in the presence of sparsomycin with radiolabeled Omega-fragment as a template, which was a 73-base 5'-leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA having AUG at the extreme 3'-terminal end and extended with 32pCp. Two radioactive peaks were sedimented by sucrose gradient centrifugation, one being the 80S initiation complex formed at the 3'-terminal AUG codon, and the other presumably a "disome" with an additional 80S ribosome bound at an upstream AUU codon, formed when Omega-fragment was incubated with sparsomycin [Filipowicz and Henni (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115]. Cross-links between ribosomal proteins and the radiolabeled Omega-fragment were induced in situ by UV-irradiation at 254 nm. After extensive nuclease digestion of the complexes, ribosomal proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography identified the proteins S7, S10, S25, S29, and L5 of the 80S initiation complex and S7, S25, S29 and L5 of that in the disome as 32P-labeled proteins. Together with the results of cross-linking experiments of other investigators and recently solved crystal structures of prokaryotic ribosomes, the spatial arrangement of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins at the AUG-binding domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Cell-free translation of separated Sendai virus mRNA species identified the message for polypeptide M and suggested the identity of the message for polypeptide NP.  相似文献   

Scanning independent ribosomal initiation of the Sendai virus X protein.   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
Both peptide antisera and monoclonal antibodies detect a 10-kd protein (X) in Sendai virus infected cells, which represents approximately the last 95 residues of the 568-amino-acid-long P protein. The X protein does not appear to be derived from a precursor P in vivo, and in in vitro X can be made under conditions in which P synthesis has been arrested by hybridized DNA fragments or specific cleavage of the mRNA. X initiation is nevertheless cap dependent. Ribosomes which initiate X appear to pass directly from the cap to the initiation codon.  相似文献   

Translation initiation at an ACG triplet in mammalian cells   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Efficient initiation of mammalian mRNA translation at a CUG codon.   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  

Hepatitis C viral (HCV) RNA includes an internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) that extends some 30 nt into the coding region and promotes internal initiation of translation at the authentic initiation codon at nt 342. The 5'-boundary of this IRES was mapped by in vitro translation and transfection assays and was found to lie between nt 42 and 71. Within these IRES boundaries there are, in most HCV strains, three AUG triplets upstream of the authentic initiation site. Although the first, 5'-proximal, of these is absolutely conserved, a mutational analysis showed that it is not a functional initiation codon. In particular, the G residue could be substituted provided compensatory mutations were made to maintain base pairing. The other two upstream AUGs are not absolutely conserved, and mutation of the third (5'-distal) had little effect on IRES activity. When an additional AUG codon was introduced by single-site mutation just upstream of the authentic initiation codon, it was found to be used when most of the IRES had been deleted to generate an RNA translated by the scanning ribosome mechanism, but was not used in the background of the full-length IRES when internal initiation is operative. These results argue that the IRES promotes direct ribosome entry immediately at, or indeed very close to, the authentic initiation codon, and that the upstream AUGs do not serve as ribosome entry sites.  相似文献   

Expression of proteins from three overlapping genes in a single mRNA species of Sendai virus was modulated in a cell-free rabbit reticulocyte translation system. Hybrid-arrested translation by oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to specific regions of the mRNA that specifies the viral P, C, and C' proteins demonstrated that ribosomes scan the RNA from its 5' end to find initiation codons, and suggested that the secondary structure of the mRNA influences the selection of alternative initiation codons. Translational modulation of P, C, and C' proteins by Mg++ and spermidine indicated that RNA folding is involved in this selection process.  相似文献   

J Curran  R Boeck    D Kolakofsky 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(10):3079-3085
The P gene of Sendai virus expresses as many as eight proteins, two of which (V and W) are expressed only from edited mRNAs; only the P protein is known to be involved in RNA synthesis. To examine the functions of the other P gene proteins, we developed an in vivo system in which genome replication is driven by plasmid generated viral proteins. We found that P was essential for this process, whereas V and W were not only non-essential, they were inhibitory. By using various P gene deletions and varying the amounts of plasmids transfected, we provide evidence that P is a modular protein. The N-terminal domain (shared with V and W) binds the L or polymerase protein, whereas the C-terminal domain binds the nucleoprotein NP. A model of paramyxovirus RNA synthesis is presented, and the implications of negative regulation during persistent infection are discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the translational regulation of the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) bicistronic tat-rev mRNA. Site-directed mutagenesis of the tat leader region followed by expression of the tat-rev cDNA both in vitro and in transiently transfected cells established that tat translation is initiated exclusively at a CTG codon. Increasing the efficiency of tat translation by altering the CTG initiator to ATG resulted in a dramatic decrease in translation of the downstream (rev) cistron, indicating that leaky scanning of the tat CTG initiation codon permitted translation of the downstream rev cistron. Since the tat leader sequences precede the major EIAV splice donor and are therefore present at the 5' termini of both spliced and unspliced viral mRNAs, the expression of all EIAV structural and regulatory proteins is dependent on leaky scanning of the tat initiator.  相似文献   

The position of mRNA on 40S ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic initiation complexes was determined by UV crosslinking using mRNAs containing uniquely positioned 4-thiouridines. Crosslinking of mRNA positions (+)11 to ribosomal protein (rp) rpS2(S5p) and rpS3(S3p), and (+)9-(+)11 and (+)8-(+)9 to h18 and h34 of 18S rRNA, respectively, indicated that mRNA enters the mRNA-binding channel through the same layers of rRNA and proteins as in prokaryotes. Upstream of the P-site, the proximity of positions (-)3/(-)4 to rpS5(S7p) and h23b, (-)6/(-)7 to rpS14(S11p), and (-)8-(-)11 to the 3'-terminus of 18S rRNA (mRNA/rRNA elements forming the bacterial Shine-Dalgarno duplex) also resembles elements of the bacterial mRNA path. In addition to these striking parallels, differences between mRNA paths included the proximity in eukaryotic initiation complexes of positions (+)7/(+)8 to the central region of h28, (+)4/(+)5 to rpS15(S19p), and (-)6 and (-)7/(-)10 to eukaryote-specific rpS26 and rpS28, respectively. Moreover, we previously determined that eukaryotic initiation factor2alpha (eIF2alpha) contacts position (-)3, and now report that eIF3 interacts with positions (-)8-(-)17, forming an extension of the mRNA-binding channel that likely contributes to unique aspects of eukaryotic initiation.  相似文献   

Translation initiation on poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) mRNAs occurs by a cap-independent mechanism utilizing an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). However, no unifying mechanism for AUG initiation site selection has been proposed. Analysis of initiation of mRNAs translated in vitro has suggested that initiation of poliovirus mRNA translation likely involves both internal binding of ribosomes and scanning to the first AUG which is in a favorable context for initiation. In contrast, internal initiation on EMCV mRNA may not utilize scanning, since ribosomes bind directly or very close to the initiation codon AUG-11. We have studied in vivo the sequence requirements for internal initiation around the EMCV initiation codon, both in monocistronic and in dicistronic mRNAs. Our studies show that the upstream AUG-10 is normally not used and that there is no specific sequence requirement for nucleotides between AUG-10 and AUG-11. However, the sequence context of AUG-11 does influence the efficiency of initiation at AUG-11. Efficient IRES-mediated internal initiation at AUG-11 exhibits a requirement for an adenine in the -3 position, similar to cap-dependent initiation. These results support a model for internal initiation on EMCV mRNA in which scanning starts at or near AUG-11. Although initiation primarily occurs at AUG-11, initiation at multiple downstream AUG codons can be detected. In addition, a poor sequence context around AUG-11 results in increased initiation at one or more downstream AUG codons, indicative of leaky scanning or jumping by the ribosome from AUG-11 mediated by the EMCV IRES.  相似文献   

The Sendai virus P/C mRNA contains five ribosomal initiation sites between positions 81 and 201 from the 5' end. One of these sites initiates in the P open reading frame (ORF) (ATG/104), whereas four initiate in the C ORF (ACG/81 and ATGs/114, 183, 201), to give a nested set of C proteins (C', C, Y1, Y2). Introduction of new ATGs or physically breaking the mRNA upstream of these natural sites was used in vitro to prevent ribosomal scanning downstream. The results suggest that a minority of the ribosomes which initiate C (ATG/114) and all of those which initiate Y1 and Y2 (ATGs/183 and 201) do so by a scanning independent mechanism. When the leaky ACG/81 site is changed to a non-leaky ATG site in in vivo experiments, ribosomal initiation at Y is again not diminished, whereas that at C as well as at P becomes undetectable. Ribosomal initiation at Y appears to be scanning independent in vitro and in vivo. That at C is partly independent in vitro, but completely dependent in vivo. These results are discussed in terms of a model of internal initiation at Y.  相似文献   

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