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三峡水库运行后洞庭湖洲滩 小型兽类群落状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究三峡工程建成运行后洞庭湖区洲滩生境中小型兽类的群落状况,对洞庭湖区洲滩生境的小型兽类进行调查。调查采用铗日法,于2010至2018年,对洞庭湖区洲滩小型兽类群落的多样性进行了调查,并计算优势度、群落多样性指数、均匀性指数。对多样性指数采用t值法进行比较,各年份、生境的捕获率及鼠种组成差异则采用卡方检验。2010至2018年,共布放34 116铗日,捕获可以分辨种类的样本2 129只,主要有啮齿目(Rodentia)和鼩形目(Soricomorpha)2类,共7种,分别是啮齿目的东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)、黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)、巢鼠(Micromys minutes)、社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)、黄毛鼠(R. losea)和鼩形目的臭鼩(Suncus murinus)。总捕获率为6.36%,东方田鼠、黑线姬鼠捕获率较高,分别为1.83%、3.94%。从小型兽类组成看,黑线姬鼠和东方田鼠在群落中组成的比例较高,分别为63.18%和29.26%。在调查的5类生境中,植被组成以苔草(Carex sp.)、南荻(Miscanthus sp.)和美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)为主的生境小型兽类群落多样性指数(1.0772)和均匀度指数(0.6662)均最大,其次是以苔草为主的生境(多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为0.9275、0.5723)、以南荻为主的生境(多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为0.8856、0.550 2)和以苔草加南荻为主的生境(多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为0.775 6、0.481 9),以美洲黑杨为主的生境多样性指数(0.323 6)和均匀度指数(0.180 6)最低,但其优势度最高,为0.881 2。结果表明,随着三峡工程的运行,洞庭湖区植被演替发生了变化,从而引起小型兽类群落动态的变化。在洞庭湖洲滩上,生境越复杂,小型兽类物种多样性越高。单一生境下,人类活动干扰程度越大,小型兽类物种多样性越低。目前,黑线姬鼠已经成为洞庭湖洲滩生境的第一优势鼠种。  相似文献   

对嫩江下游流域人工林区两同域共存优势种黑线姬鼠东北亚种(Apodemus agrarius mantchuricus)与黑线仓鼠三江平原亚种(Cricetulus barabensis manchuricus)夏季主要食物组成及消化道形态结构的适应性变化进行了比较分析.二者均以当年生植物嫩茎、叶、种子及昆虫为主要取食对象,但黑线姬鼠对茎和叶的采食频次小于黑线仓鼠,而种子、根和昆虫类在黑线姬鼠的食物中出现的频次则相对较高.与食物组成相适应,黑线仓鼠的胃、盲肠和大肠在长度及重量上均显著大于黑线姬鼠,这是黑线仓鼠对高纤维和低蛋白食物的适应性调整.研究结果表明,两种啮齿动物在长期的进化中产生了不同的食物资源利用模式,而其消化道形态结构的变化则可能是其在长期的种间竞争和进化压力下进行食物资源分享的一种功能性反应.  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus aerarius)啮齿目鼠科,种群农田的分布密度在同一时期的不同生境,同一生境的不同时期,同一时期与生境的不同地区均存在着较显著的差异。主要是受食物、生活环境与气候等因素的影响,跟人类活动也有关。有目的地恶化黑线姬鼠栖息活动的大生境,可迫使其迁移至人为设计的小生境内,如辅以毒饵或放夹等进行突击灭鼠,则不失为省时、省力、省资金灭鼠的好方法。  相似文献   

微生境选择分化是生境相似的物种间共存的重要原因。社鼠和大林姬鼠为北京东灵山地区常见鼠种,生境需求、活动节律及食物组成等相似,但二者共存的原因尚不清楚。2016—2017年,我们对北京东灵山地区社鼠和大林姬鼠的微生境选择进行了研究。不同季节和生境类型中,社鼠和大林姬鼠微生境选择存在明显分化。灌丛生境中,春季社鼠偏好于乔木密度、草本盖度更高和落叶盖度相对偏低的微生境,而大林姬鼠选择郁闭度、落叶盖度较高而草本盖度较低的微生境;主成分分析表明,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素;秋季社鼠喜好乔木种类多、灌木密度和草本盖度更高的微生境,而大林姬鼠选择乔木胸径、灌木距离、落叶盖度和空地比例更高的微生境,食物丰富度是影响社鼠和大林姬鼠微生境选择的主要因素。弃耕地生境中,春季社鼠倾向于灌木密度和草本盖度较高的微生境,而大林姬鼠首选郁闭度、乔木胸径、落叶盖度较大而草本盖度较低的微生境,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素;秋季社鼠偏好郁闭度和落叶盖度都相对较低的微生境,大林姬鼠则相反,食物多度是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素。次生林生境中,春季因样本量太少,未作分析;秋季社鼠优先选择灌木密度、灌木基径和草本盖度更高的微生境,大林姬鼠更倾向乔木胸径、落叶盖度较高,而灌木密度、草本盖度较低的微生境,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素。结果表明,不同生境和季节,两种鼠的微生境选择具有明显分化,这可能是二者共存的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

生活在同一地域的物种,会因强烈的资源竞争而产生生态位重叠与分离,从而实现相互共存。以神农架地区啮齿动物为研究对象,比较分析不同啮齿类食性、脏器重量及消化道形态差异,探索其共存机制及其生理生态学上的适应策略。食性上,安氏白腹鼠(Niviventer andersoni)、社鼠(N.confucianus)、高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)、中华姬鼠(A.draco)均为杂食者,但各自喜食偏好不同,安氏白腹鼠的食物组成以植物枝叶和种子为主,社鼠、高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠的食物组成均以种子和动物性食物为主。与各自生态习性及其食性相适应,不同啮齿动物的脏器重量及消化道形态发生相应的变化。脏器重量上,不同啮齿动物心鲜重、肺鲜重、脾鲜重和干重无显著差异,其它指标差异显著。安氏白腹鼠的心干重、肺干重、肝鲜重和干重、肾鲜重和干重显著大于社鼠、高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠。消化道形态上,不同啮齿动物盲肠长、净鲜重和干重无显著差异,其它指标差异显著。其中,胃含内容物鲜重、净鲜重和干重,盲肠含内容物鲜重,大肠长、含内容物鲜重、净鲜重和干重均以安氏白腹鼠具较大值,但各自变化趋势不同;小肠长、含内容物鲜重、净鲜重和干重则以社鼠具较大值。且同属姬鼠属的高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠脏器重量及消化道形态各指标间均无显著差异。由于小泡巨鼠和猪尾鼠数量较少,未进行统计分析。以上结果显示:食物资源利用上的分化有利于安氏白腹鼠与其近缘物种社鼠及其他鼠类的同域共存,且为适应不同的食物资源利用模式,其脏器及消化道形态也发生了适应性的变化;同域分布的近缘物种高山姬鼠、中华姬鼠则有可能采取其它策略而非食物资源分化模式实现共存。  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是贵州地区分布广泛的主要农田害鼠之一,掌握其种群繁殖特征可为种群动态的预测预报提供基础资料。1984~2014年间,采用夹夜法逐月调查了贵州省余庆县8个县(市)监测点黑线姬鼠种群动态数据,分析了其种群性比、雌鼠怀孕率和平均胎仔数、雄鼠睾丸下降率等主要繁殖生物学指标及其地理差异和季节性变动规律,明确了贵州地区黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖特征。共捕获黑线姬鼠20 113只,不同地区种群间,除平均胎仔数有显著差异外(χ~2=36.503,df=7,P0.01),其他繁殖特征值均没有差异。从时间序列看,种群中雌鼠怀孕率和雄鼠睾丸下降率的季节性变化均表现为春季(4~5月)及夏末秋初(8~9月)达到高峰的双峰型。雌鼠产仔数一般2~10只,4~7只最为常见(占93.87%)。不同季节平均胎仔数差异不大。贵州地区黑线姬鼠繁殖的总体特点为全年繁殖,春秋两季为繁殖的高峰期,冬季(12月份和翌年1、2月份)繁殖强度明显低于其他季节(F_(11,84)=61.92,P0.01),但种群密度表现为6月达到最高点的单峰型特点。  相似文献   

安徽淮北农区三种鼠的种群数量动态与年龄结构的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对安徽省淮北农业区的黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠的种群数量及与年龄组成变化的关系进行探讨。结果表明,其各鼠的年龄组成在每年的不同时段内的变化有一定的规律:各鼠主要繁殖群体的年龄组也是有区别的,如黑线姬鼠和黑线仓鼠主要是成年Ⅱ组,大仓鼠主要是成年Ⅰ组。如果种群中幼年组+亚成年组+成年Ⅰ组的比例高时,则当年数量就可能较高,如果种群中成年Ⅱ组和老年组的比例较高时,当年数量则低。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地小毛足鼠的食量与食性动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用夹捕取样法采集内蒙古浑善达克沙地各月份小毛足鼠的样本,根据对样本的颊囊与胃内容物的组成分析研究了浑善达克沙地小毛足鼠的食性及其季节动态。结果表明,该鼠主要取食植物种子,占其食物组成的85%以上,其余部分为昆虫与植物茎叶。通过对实验室内饲养的小毛足鼠日食量的测定表明,小毛足鼠的日食量(D)与体质量(M)关系可用数学表达式表示为D=1.422×lnM-1.780。结合其种群结构特征,可以计算出小毛足鼠日均消耗2g左右的植物种子。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖特征的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用夹捕取样法对内蒙古浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)种群进行逐月调查,根据捕获样本的繁殖器官特征及胃内容物组成分析三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖的季节动态。结果表明,本地区三趾跳鼠主要取食植物茎叶,4、5、6、9、10月植物茎叶占其食物组成的95%以上,7~8月达60%~75%;三趾跳鼠还取食少量的植物种子;7~8月,嫩绿的植物种子占35%,但很少取食成熟种子。此外,也捕食少量昆虫。在浑善达克沙地,三趾跳鼠每年只繁殖1胎,繁殖期为5~7月,5月下旬至6月中旬为交配期,6下旬至7月中旬为幼鼠出生期。三趾跳鼠的胎仔数稳定,每胎产仔2~3只,平均胎仔数为2·8。6月份成体雌鼠的妊娠率为43%;7月份雌鼠的妊娠率为48%;其他月份妊娠率为0%。雄鼠睾丸下降时间为5~8月,6月雄性成体睾丸下降率达到最高峰,为100%。  相似文献   

藏雪鸡(Tetraogallus tibetanus)生活在青藏高原及其毗邻地区,是国家二级保护动物。2016年5—8月,在青海省尖扎县,采集藏雪鸡新鲜粪便及可能食用的植物,采用粪便显微分析法研究了藏雪鸡食性。结果表明:藏雪鸡能以各种植物器官为食,叶片是其食用的主要器官,茎次之,再次是花和果(种子),根极少;藏雪鸡所食植物器官比例有明显季节变化,叶片的比例逐月下降,花的比例在7月显著增加,而果(种子)比例在8月陡增至28%;藏雪鸡能以生境中24科72种草本植物中的19科49种为食,还取食苔藓和地衣;禾本科和菊科植物是其主要食物,占食物总量的42%;草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)(22.35%)是主要食物种,蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum)等20种植物是其常见食物种;藏雪鸡所食植物种类比例季节变化明显,如草地早熟禾比例5—7月稳定在20%左右,但8月上升到30.20%,而蒲公英比例5—8月持续增加;藏雪鸡所食植物种类数稳定在35~36种,仅7月稍多(41种);不同月份的食物成分相似性较高(>73%),食物的Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数相似,但8月食物生态位宽度指数明显低于其他月份。综上,藏雪鸡是广食性鸟类,且食性有明显的季节变化。本研究结果可为藏雪鸡救护和迁地保护时人工饲料配方的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Food collection is a critical component of an individual’s life, and for eusocial insects, the colony that individual foragers support and maintain. Changes to the distribution and composition of food types in the environment are expected influence diet selection if the economics of foraging are altered. For seed-harvesting ants, the abundance and composition of seed types available on the ground typically shows a high degree of spatial and temporal variability, and not all types of seed are equally valued by foragers. We evaluated the response of Owyhee harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex salinus) to reductions in the availability of Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda) seeds, a preferred food type, while leaving the availability of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) seeds, a less favored food type, unmanipulated. At control colonies (N?=?8), cheatgrass seeds comprised 3.9?±?1.6% of total seed intake, while Sandberg bluegrass seeds accounted for the remainder of the diet. At colonies where bluegrass was trimmed to prevent new seeds from dropping within 12 m of the nest (N?=?8), cheatgrass seed intake increased significantly to 8.2?±?1.4% of the diet. Despite the uptick in collection of cheatgrass seeds, bluegrass seed collection remained high and very similar between treatment and control colonies. Treatment colonies were significantly more likely than control colonies to have at least one trunk trail that extended beyond the 12 m foraging range of the colony, and ants returning along these trails carried bluegrass seeds but not cheatgrass seeds. These results suggest that when preferred seeds dropped in abundance near nests, the economics of foraging by harvester ants favored a small increase in acceptance of less preferred seeds as well as more distant forays to locate and collect preferred seeds.  相似文献   

1. Generalist insect herbivores occupy a variety of habitats that differ in food plant composition. Dietary mixing has been proposed as a possibility for generalists to overcome nutritional deficiencies of single plant species, but only a few studies have investigated herbivore feeding and fitness for diets that resemble natural scenarios. We studied feeding behaviour, survival, and reproduction of the generalist grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus raised on food plants of four typical habitats. 2. Grasshopper diet consisted of grasses (92.5%), legumes (6.7%) and, in small quantities, other forbs (0.8%). Diet selection differed between the four food plant mixtures, and depended on grasshopper sex and developmental stage. There was no correlation between the relative abundance of plant species in the field and the fraction of these species in the grasshopper diet. 3. Grasshoppers survived on average for 40.4 ± 1.0 days before maturity, grew 106.8 mg until maturity moult, and females laid 4.1 ± 0.4 egg pods, each of which contained 8.5 ± 0.4 eggs. However, despite the differences in feeding behaviour, grasshopper fitness was the same in all of the four food plant mixtures. While the digestibility of ingested food was similar in the four different treatments, indices indicated differences in the conversion efficiency to body mass. 4. Our results show that C. parallelus is a plastic feeder with no fixed preferences in diet composition. The results emphasise that generalist herbivores can counteract putative quality deficiencies of single food plants by selective dietary mixing.  相似文献   

The effects of different dietary levels of maize silage (10% v. 36% DM) and group size (7 v. 14 animals) were assessed on growth performance and in vivo digestibility of 28 male fattening buffaloes. In addition, the effects of diet on meat quality and group size on behaviour and immune response were separately evaluated. Animals were weighed and assigned to three groups. The high silage – low size group (HL) was fed a total mixed ration (TMR) containing 36% DM of maize silage and consisted of seven animals (age 12.7±2.6 months; BW 382.2±67.7 kg at the start of the study). The low silage – low size group (LL) was fed a TMR containing 10% DM of maize silage and consisted of seven animals (age 13.0±2.7 months; BW 389.4±72.3 kg). The high silage – high size group (HH) was fed the 36% maize silage DM diet and consisted of 14 animals (age 13.9±3.25 months; BW 416.5±73.9 kg). Total space allowance (3.2 indoor+3.2 outdoor m2/animal) was kept constant in the three groups, as well as the ratio of animals to drinkers (seven animals per water bowl) and the manger space (70 cm per animal). Growth performance, carcass characteristics and digestibility were influenced neither by dietary treatment nor by group size, even if the group fed 36% maize silage diet showed a higher fibre digestibility. No effect of diet was found on meat quality. Group size did not affect the behavioural activities with the exception of drinking (1.04±0.35% v. 2.60±0.35%; P<0.01 for groups HL and HH, respectively) and vigilance (2.58±0.46% v. 1.20±0.46%; P<0.05 for groups HL and HH, respectively). Immune responses were not affected by group size.  相似文献   

Diet composition and feeding habits of the burrowing fish Parapocryptes serperaster were investigated on different fish sizes across dry and wet seasons in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The gut length was positively related to fish length; the gut length was 1.57 ± 0.30 times the total length, which is in the range for omnivore (1–3). Detritus, algae and copepods were the main food items in the foregut. The diet composition showed seasonal and intraspecific variations in all fish sizes. The diet diversity varied with fish size and the dry-wet season pattern, and small fish had a higher diet diversity than large fish. The diet evenness index and Costello graphic analysis indicate that this goby is a generalist feeder and feeds mainly on detritus, followed by diatoms, and could obtain food from the bottom and the water column. The feeding intensity of P. serperaster was higher in the wet season than in the dry season, but was not significantly affected by fish size. The P. serperaster fed on Navicula spp. in the wet season, but on Nitzschia spp. in the dry season. The understanding of food and feeding habits of P. serperaster contributes to our knowledge on feeding adaptation of small-bodied bottom-dwelling gobies to the mud flat habitats in tropical monsoonal regions.  相似文献   

Despite theories of large-scale movement and assimilation of carbon in estuaries, recent evidence suggests that in some estuaries much more limited exchange occurs. We measured the fine-scale movement and assimilation of carbon by resident macroinvertebrates between adjacent saltmarsh and mangrove habitats in an Australian estuary using δ13C analysis of animals at different distances into adjacent patches of habitat. δ13C values of crabs (Parasesarma erythrodactyla –15.7 ± 0.1‰, Australoplax tridentata –14.7 ± 0.1‰) and slugs (Onchidina australis –16.2 ± 0.3‰) in saltmarsh closely matched that of the salt couch grass Sporobolus virginicus (–15.5 ± 0.1‰). In mangroves, δ13C values of crabs (P. erythrodactyla –22.0 ± 0.2‰, A. tridentata –19.2 ± 0.3‰) and slugs (–19.7 ± 0.3‰) were enriched relative to those of mangroves (–27.9 ± 0.2‰) but were more similar to those of microphytobenthos (–23.7 ± 0.3‰). The δ13C values of animals across the saltmarsh-mangrove interface fitted a sigmoidal curve, with a transition zone of rapidly changing values at the saltmarsh-mangrove boundary. The width of this transition indicated that the movement and assimilation of carbon is limited to between 5 and 7 m. The δ13C values of crabs and slugs, especially those in saltmarsh habitat, clearly indicate that the movement and assimilation of carbon between adjacent saltmarsh and mangrove habitat is restricted to just a few metres, although some contribution from unmeasured sources elsewhere in the estuary is possible. Such evidence demonstrating the extent of carbon movement and assimilation by animals in estuarine habitats is useful in determining the spatial arrangement of habitats needed in marine protected areas to capture food web processes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in niche theory have stressed the importance of understanding dietary generalism at multiple levels, including the range of habitat and foods exploited by a species, foods exploited within populations, and patterns of nutrient intake. Here we apply this framework to examine the dietary strategy of the Macaca mulatta, a primate species that is second only to humans in their breadth of geographical distribution, and occupy diverse ecological habitats from cold temperate to tropical latitudes. A recent study showed that the Taihangshan subspecies ( M. mulatta tcheliensis) in China, which is found at the northern latitudinal limit of the species range, respond to ecologically constrained interannual variation in the macronutrient ratios of the spring diet in a way that theory predicts should be associated with ecological generalism. Here we further extend this study, examining the relationships between seasonal variation in food availability and the patterns of food selection across a full year. We found that, despite the ecological and macronutritional generalism of the species, Taihangshan macaques subsist on a relatively small range of foods (57 different foods, spread across 8 categories comprising seeds, fruits, buds, flowers, leaves, herbs, young bark, and twigs), but face considerable seasonal variation in the combinations available. In spring and summer, when seeds were scarce, leaves accounted for 60.3 ± 13.8% of their diet (dry matter [DM] %), and herbs contributed 31.7 ± 22.2%. However, in autumn and winter, when seeds were abundant, they contributed 68.5 ± 22.7% of the diet while herbs accounted for 18.9 ± 12.9% on a DM. Although young bark and twigs were available in all seasons, the macaques only fed on them in winter. We present comparative data from the literature on the diets of M. mulatta and other Macaca species, to interpret this pattern of resource use within the framework of multilevel niche theory.  相似文献   

Feeding intensity and diet composition of Hilsa Shad (Tenualosa ilisha) from Northern Bay of Bengal were studied between June 2010 and March 2011. The stomach contents of 320 fishes were analyzed from the northern part of the Bay of Bengal to understand the food items of this species. The major constituents of food are organic debris (26.06 ± 5.19 % SD), diatoms (31.22 ± 11.97 % SD), other algae (12.41 ± 2.62 % SD), and crustaceans (3.50 ± 1.28 % SD). The most abundant species of diatoms were Coscinodiscus, Pleurosigma, Bacillaria, Nitzschia, Biddulphia, Diatoma and Asterionella. The stomach of Hilsa was found to be almost empty during June to October while it was almost full during November to March. Significant positive correlation among feeding intensity, chlorophyll-A concentration and salinity of the ambient water indicated that feeding in T. ilisha is influenced by a number of factors. Strong positive correlation between percentage occurrence of diatoms and intensity of feeding indicated their preference for diatom–food.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal seems to be extremely important in agrocoenoses where suitable habitats (patches) are surrounded by an unfavourable environment (matrix). The role of the rook Corvus frugilegus, an omnivorous bird, in seed dispersal was studied in the agricultural landscape of Eastern Poland. We analyzed 739 pellets produced by regurgitation, which were collected under breeding colonies in April, May and June. Our goal was to i) assess the structure of the seed pool in pellets; ii) evaluate the temporal variation in the pellet seed pool on two different time scales; iii) compare the species composition of seeds in pellets and vegetation under the rook nests. Seeds were present in 18 % of pellets; 571 seeds were found, half of them belonging to dry-fruited species, without any obvious adaptations to endozoochory. These seeds could be an additional source of food, or they could have been accidentally swallowed during foraging for other food items. Taking into consideration the abundance of the rook population, we assessed the mean number of seeds transferred by one bird to be from 4 seeds per month in April and up to 160 seeds in June. The most important factor responsible for qualitative and quantitative structure of seed pool in pellets is the time when pellets were regurgitated. The type and availability of food determines the number and species structure of dispersed seeds. The comparison of the species structure of the seed pool in pellets and of the herb layer under the breeding colonies showed that the rook could effectively disperse seeds of weeds, meadow and ruderal species, that could germinate under the dense canopy of trees at the studied sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding the true metabolizable energy (TME) value of food is important for constructing bioenergetic models. We estimated gross energy, nutrient composition, and TME values for the seeds of 3 native and 1 invasive exotic wetland plant that occur in the diet of waterfowl. True metabolizable energy values were 0.50 ± 0.080 kcal/g for spike rush (Eleocharis palustris), 0.65 ± 0.080 kcal/g for alkali bulrush (Schoenoplectus maritimus), 1.31 ± 0.090 kcal/g for perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium), and 2.52 ± 0.080 kcal/g for lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album). The TME value for 3 of 4 species, including the invasive species, was low relative to the TME value of other seeds consumed by waterfowl.  相似文献   

李华东  潘存德  王兵  张国林 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4266-4277
通过定点采样,采用萌发法对天山中部天山云杉(Picea schrenkiana Fisch.et Mey.)近熟林(101-120a)和成熟林(121-160a) 2004-2011年(8a)土壤种子库物种组成、种子密度的年际变化和不同间隔年限土壤种子库物种组成的相似性进行了分析.结果表明:(1)土壤种子库中共萌发鉴定出种子植物87种,隶属29科70属,其中乔木种子植物2种,灌木种子植物2种,草本种子植物83种,土壤种子库中草本植物种子密度远远大于木本植物种子密度;8个采样年份土壤种子库恒有种仅有6种;(2)土壤种子库种子密度及其中天山云杉种子密度存在巨大的年际变动,且不具有同步性;土壤种子库种子密度最大(2009年)值为(953.75±66.12)粒/m2,最小(2008年)值为(186.50±20.37)粒/m2,其中天山云杉种子密度最高(2006年)达到(584.50±53.58)粒/m2,最低(2005年)仅有(0.25±0.26)粒/m2;(3)天山云杉林土壤种子库年际间物种组成的相似性不高,Czekanowski相似系数均值仅为0.344,并随间隔年限的增加呈现减小—增大—减小的变化趋势.天山云杉林土壤种子库物种组成和种子密度稳定性差,年际间相差悬殊,物种组成的相似性不高,种子库中天山云杉种子密度主要受其种子库采样前一年天山云杉结实丰歉的影响,属间断型.土壤种子库年际变化特征可为天山森林的更新恢复和可持续经营提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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