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A sensitive quantitation of the lactone form and the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms of DX-8951, a camptothecin derivative, in human plasma has been investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This assay method consisted of two analytical procedures. In Procedure I, the lactone form was collected by the stepwise separation on a C18 cartridge. In Procedure II, the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms were collected using another batch of the plasma sample by co-elution of the two forms from a C18 cartridge with acidic solution. The hydroxy-acid form of DX-8951 was quantitated from the difference of the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms and the lactone form. Thereafter, these pre-treated samples were assayed by HPLC under the same HPLC conditions with a spectrofluorometer and a reverse-phase ODS column. The mobile phase was acetonitrile/0.05 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 3) (18:82, v/v) at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min. For the assay of the lactone form and the lactone plus hydroxy-acid forms of DX-8951 in plasma, analytical method were validated over the range 0.2–50 ng/ml.  相似文献   

A HPLC assay was developed to determine IDN 5390, a new paclitaxel analogue, in mouse plasma. The method involves solid-phase extraction from cyano cartridges (recovery >80%), HPLC separation on Symmetry C(18) (4.6 x 150 mm), on isocratic mobile phase of water-acetonitrile-acetic acid (49:50:1) and detection at 227 nm. Retention times of IDN 5390 and IDN 5517 (internal standard, I.S.) were 9.1 and 10.5 min, respectively. The assay was linear from 0.05 to 5 micro g/ml (r(2)>or=0.995), showed intra- and inter-day precision within 1.0 and 6.2%, and accuracy of 94.7-106.8%. LOQ was 0.050 micro g/ml. Using this method IDN 5390 pharmacokinetics was determined in mice.  相似文献   

We established a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the simultaneous determination of the camptothecin (CPT) derivative, irinotecan hydrochloride (CPT-11) and its metabolites, 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38) and SN-38 glucuronide (SN-38G) in rat plasma with a fully automated on-line solid-phase extraction system, PROSPEKT. Plasma samples were pretreated with 0.146 M H3PO4 to inactivate carboxylesterase and β-glucuronidase in rat plasma, and added with the internal standard solution (0.146 M H3PO4 containing 1 μg/ml CPT) and then analyzed. The method was validated for CPT-11 (5 to 25 000 ng/ml), SN-38 (5 to 2500 ng/ml) and SN-38G (2.5 to 500 ng/ml). This method enabled the determination of many samples within a relatively short time with easy sample preparation. It also had four advantages compared with conventional determination methods, i.e. automation of a complicated sample preparation, time-saving by the simultaneous determination of three compounds, the direct determination of SN-38G, and the small amount of plasma required for the determination.  相似文献   

Ambroxol has been determined in biological fluids using a rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method. The samples prepared from plasma by liquid—liquid extraction were analysed on reversed-phase silica gel by competing-ion chromatography with ultraviolet detection. The method was applied to the determination of ambroxol levels in twelve healthy volunteers after oral administration of 90 mg of ambroxol in tablets of Mucosolvan and Ambrosan.  相似文献   

Tramadol has been determined in human plasma samples using a sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method. The plasma samples were extracted with tert.-butylmethyl ether in one-step liquid-liquid extraction (recovery 86%) and analyses of the extracts were performed on reversed-phase silica gel using ion-pair chromatography (verapamil as an internal standard) and fluorescence detection. The method was applied to the determination of tramadol levels in twelve healthy volunteers after oral administration of 100 mg of tramadol in capsules of Protradon and Tramal.  相似文献   

An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed and validated for the quantitative determination of paclitaxel (Taxol®), a novel antimitotic, anticancer agent, in human plasma. The analysis required 0.5 ml of plasma, and was accomplished by detection of the UV absorbance of paclitaxel at 227 nm following extraction and concentration. The method involved extraction of paclitaxel from plasma, buffered with 0.5 ml of 0.2 M ammonium acetate (pH 5.0), onto 1-ml cyano Bond Elut columns. The eluent was evaporated under nitrogen and low heat, and reconstituted with the mobile phase, acetonitrile-methanol-water (4:1:5, v/v/v) containing 0.01 M ammonium acetate (pH 5.0). The samples were chromatographed on a reversed-phase octyl 5 μm column. The retention time of paclitaxel was 10 min. The validated quantitation range of the method was 10–1000 ng/ml (0.012–1.17 μM) of paclitaxel in plasma. Standard curve correlation coefficients of 0.995 or greater were obtained during validation experiments and analysis of clinical study samples. The observed recovery for paclitaxel was 83%. Epitaxol, a biologically active stereoisomer, and baccatin III, a degradation product, were also chromatographically separated from taxol by this assay. The method was applied to samples from a clinical study of paclitaxel in cancer patients, providing a pharmacokinetic profiling of paclitaxel.  相似文献   

A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using UV detection for the determination of gabapentin in human plasma has been developed. In this method, gabapentin was extracted from human plasma with a reversed-phase solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge followed by derivatization with phenylisothiocyanate. Analysis was achieved by using a HPLC system that was equipped with a UV detector. The quantitation limit of gabapentin in human plasma was 0.03 microg/ml. The method is sensitive with excellent selectivity and reproducibility and it has been applied to a bioequivalence clinical study with great success.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of miconazole in human plasma is described. A solid-phase extraction was performed on an octadecyl (C18) cartridge. Miconazole was eluted with methanol, separated on a reversed-phase column and was measured by ultraviolet detection at 230 nm. The absolute extraction recovery from plasma samples was 85%. The limit of detection was established as 5 ng/ml. The coefficient of variation of the determination of plasma levels by this method over the standard curve concentration range was less than 10%, except with the concentration of 10 ng/ml. The plasma levels of miconazole in twelve healthy volunteers given a 250-mg oral dose of two tablet forms were determined by this method.  相似文献   

Assays were developed for determination of DE-310, a carboxymethyldextran polyalcohol conjugate of the topoisomerase I inhibitor DX-8951 (exatecan) and two enzymatic products (i.e. glycyl-DX-8951 and unconjugated DX-8951) in human whole blood, erythrocytes and saliva. Sample pretreatment involved a single protein-precipitation step, followed by a thermolysin-mediated deconjugation for the parent molecule. Separation of the compounds was achieved on an Inertsil ODS-80A column (150 mm x 4.6 mm i.d.; 5 microm PS), using isocratic elution. The column effluent was monitored at excitation and emission wavelengths of 375 and 445 nm, respectively. Validation results indicated that the methods are accurate and precise at lower limits of quantitation of 0.5-6.9 ng/ml. The methods were used to study the blood distribution and salivary concentrations in patients receiving DE-310.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of pipotiazine in human plasma and urine. After selective extraction, pipotiazine and the internal standard (7-methoxypipotiazine) are chromatographed on a column packed with Spherosil XOA 600 (5 μm) using a 7:3 (v/v) mixture of diisopropyl ether—isooctane (1:1, v/v) + 0.2% triethylamine and diisopropyl ether—methanol (1:1, v/v) + 0.2% triethylamine + 2.6% water. The eluted compounds are measured by fluorescence detection. The sensitivity of the method was established at 0.25 ng/ml pipotiazine in plasma and 2 ng/ml pipotiazine in urine (C.V. < 5%). The method has been successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study following a single oral administration of 10 mg of pipotiazine.  相似文献   

Oxidized form of avidin, named AvidinOX, provides stable fixation of biotinylated molecules in tissues thus representing a breakthrough in topical treatment of cancer. AvidinOX proved to be a stable receptor for radiolabeled biotin, biotinylated antibodies and cells. In order to expand applicability of the AvidinOX-based delivery platform, in the present study we investigated the possibility to hold biotinylated chemotherapeutics in AvidinOX-treated sites. A novel biotinylated gimatecan-derived camptothecin, coded ST8161AA1, was injected at suboptimal doses into human tumors xenografted in mice alone or pre-complexed to AvidinOX. Significantly higher growth inhibition was observed when the drug was anchored to AvidinOX suggesting the potential utility of this delivery modality for the local treatment of inoperable tumors.  相似文献   

A method for the quantification of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, CellCept) in plasma using solid-phase extraction and HPLC is described here. A solution of internal standard is added to a 0.5-ml plasma aliquot. The resulting sample is treated with water and dilute HCl and applied to a C18 solid-phase extraction column. After a water wash, the MMF and internal standard are eluted with methanol-0.1 M citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 2.6 (80:20, v/v). A 20-μl aliquot of the eluate is injected onto a C18 column (5 μm particle size, 150 × 4.6 mm I.D.) and eluted at ambient temperature with acetonitrile-0.05 M citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 3.6, containing 0.02 M heptanesulfonic acid (41:59, v/v). Quantification is achieved by UV detection at 254 nm. The method is reproducible, accurate and specific for MMF. Using 0.5 ml of plasma for analysis, the quantification limit is 0.400 μg/ml and the range is 0.400–20 μg/ml. Based on the stability profile of MMF in plasma, it is recommended that blood samples collected following intravenous infusion be immediately stored on ice and that plasma be prepared rapidly, immediately stored frozen at −80°C and analyzed within four months of collection.  相似文献   

An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) in human plasma is described. The method involves solid-phase extraction of 5-MTHF and p-aminoacetophenon (an internal standard) using Sep-Pak C18 cartridges. Separation was achieved with an ODS column using acetonitrile and phosphate buffer supplemented with octanesulfonic acid (an ion-pairing agent). The pH of the mobile phase (2.5) was optimal with respect to the mode of detection (fluorescence). The method was validated in the range of 5-MTHF concentrations from 0.0625 μmol/l to 4.0 μmol/l. Within-day and inter-day precision expressed by the relative standard deviation was less than 8.1% and inaccuracy did not exceed 8.7%. The method is specific, accurate and sensitive enough to be used in pharmacokinetic studies for the assessment of the systemic availability of 5-MTHF after leucovorin administration to patients as a rescue after high-dose therapy with methotrexate. The limit of detection was 0.17 pmol which corresponds to a plasma concentration of 1.7 nmol/l. Thus, the assay could potentially be used for the measurement of 5-MTHF in the range of physiological concentrations in plasma (5–20 nmol/l).  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with ultraviolet absorbance detection at 260 nm was developed for the analysis of fluconazole in plasma. The method involves sample clean-up by liquid-liquid extraction. The proposed technique is reproducible, selective, reliable and sensitive. Calibration standards were prepared in the range 1.25-20 mg/l. The limit of quantitation was 0.4 mg/l. The coefficients of variation were 5% between measurements of a single extract injected in duplicate, and 7% between two extractions of spiked samples at the same concentrations. The separation between fluconazole and endogenous substances was satisfactory. This method was designed in order to minimise the risk of interference from substances that could be co-administered to critically ill patients undergoing hemodiafiltration. With a run time below 5 min, the present method is rapid and easy to use for later clinical studies, as well as for routine monitoring.  相似文献   

This report describes the analysis of pentamidine by isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a commercially available compound (melphalan) as the external standard. Previously described assays use ion-pairing HPLC, an internal standard (hexamidine) that is not readily available, and require a relatively large sample size. In the present assay, pentamidine was extracted from plasma using solid-phase extraction and was analyzed using a C18 column and a mobile phase containing 18% acetonitrile, 2% methanol, 0.2 M ammonium acetate and 0.5% triethylamine. The identity of the eluting peaks was verified using a diode array detector. The extraction yield of pentamidine was 82%. The limit of detection was 8.6 ng/ml with a sample size of 100 μl. The inter-day and intra-day coefficients of variation ranged between 0.3% and 10% with an average of 5%. This method was applied to study the pharmacokinetics of pentamidine in rodents.  相似文献   

DE-310 is a macromolecular carrier conjugate containing an anti-tumor camptothecin derivative, DX-8951, which is conjugated to a water-soluble polymer via a peptide spacer. Assay methods have been developed for the determination of a polymer-bonded DX-8951 conjugate, DX-8951, and Glycyl-DX-8951 (G-DX-8951) in mouse plasma. Free DX-8951 and Glycyl-DX-8951 were extracted from plasma by protein precipitation and analyzed by HPLC (Method I). Conjugated DX-8951 was extracted by protein precipitation and digested by using a thermolysin. The productive compound was analyzed by HPLC (Method II). The lower limits of quantitation of DX-8951, Glycyl-DX-8951, and Conjugated DX-8951 were 0.60, and 0.77 ng/ml and 3.45 microg/ml (as DX-8951 equivalent). These two methods showed satisfactory sensitivity, precision, accuracy, recovery, and selectivity.  相似文献   

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