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Following complete transection of the thoracic spinal cord at various times during embryonic development, chick embryos and posthatched animals exhibited various degrees of anatomical and functional recovery depending upon the age of injury. Transection on embryonic day 2 (E2), when neurogenesis is still occurring and before descending or ascending fiber tracts have formed, produced no noticeable behavioral or anatomical deficits. Embryos hatched on their own and were behaviorally indistinguishable from control hatchlings. Similar results were found following transection on E5, an age when neurogenesis is complete and when ascending and descending fiber tracts have begun to project through the thoracic region. Within 48 h following injury on E5, large numbers of nerve fibers were observed growing across the site of transection. By E8, injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) administered caudal to the lesion, retrogradely labelled rostral spinal and brainstem neurons. Embryos transected on E5 were able to hatch and could stand and locomote posthatching in a manner that was indistinguishable from controls. Following spinal cord transections on E10, anatomical recovery of the spinal cord at the site of injury was not quite as complete as after E5 transection. Nonetheless, anatomical continuity was restored at the site of injury, axons projected across this region, and rostral spinal and brainstem neurons could be retogradely labelled following HRP injections administered caudal to the lesion. At least part of this anatomical recovery may be mediated by the regeneration or regrowth of lesioned axons. Although none of the embryos transected on E10 that survived to hatching were able to hatch on their own, because several shamoperated embryos were also unable to hatch, we do not attribute this deficit to the spinal transection. When E10-transected embryos were aided in escaping from the shell, they were able to support their own weight, could stand, and locomote, and were generally comparable, behaviorally, to control hatchlings. Repair of the spinal cord following transection on E15 was considerably less complete compared to embryos transected on E2, E5, or E10. However, in some cases, a degree of anatomical continuity was eventually restored and a few spinal neurons rostral to the lesion could be retrogradely labelled with HRP. By contrast, labelled brainstem neurons were never observed following E15 transection. E15 transected embryos were never able to hatch on their own, and when aided in escaping from the shell, the hatchlings were never able to stand, support their own weight or locomote. We conclude that successful anatomical and functional recovery occurs following a complete spinal cord transection in the chick embryo made any time between E2 and E10. By E15, however, there is an altered response to the transection such that anatomical continuity is not restored sufficiently to mediate behavioral or functional recovery. Although the altered response of the chick embryo spinal cord to injury between E10 and E15 could be due to a variety of factors, we favor the notion that cellular or molecular changes associated with axonal growth and guidance occur at this time that are responsible for the transition from successful to unsuccessful recovery.  相似文献   

Motoneurons were labelled by retrograde axonal transport of HRP applied to transected spinal nerves in 9-11-day chick embryos in the in vitro spinal cord preparation. Recurrent motor axon collaterals were revealed in 17 of 48 motor axons which could be followed in the edge regions of labelled motoneuronal pools. The results, coupled with author's earlier electrophysiological data, provide further evidence for the presence of the Renshaw inhibition in the avian spinal cord.  相似文献   

Chick embryos and posthatched chicks were examined at several ages for the presence of pyknotic interneurons in the lumbar spinal cord. Because no pyknotic interneurons were found, direct cell counts of healthy interneurons were carried out and a comparison made between early- and late-stage embryos and hatchlings. There was no decrease in the number of interneurons in the ventral intermediate gray matter of the spinal cord between embryonic day (E) 8 and 2 weeks posthatching (PH) or in the dorsal horn between E10 and 2 weeks PH. To study whether interneuron survival is regulated by targets or afferents, a situation known to exist in other developing neural populations, early embryos were subjected to (1) removal of one limb, resulting in the loss of lateral motor column motoneurons and dorsal root ganglion sensory afferents; (2) transection of the thoracic spinal cord, thereby removing both descending afferents and rostral targets of spinal interneurons, or (3) a combination of the two operations. No reductions in interneuron numbers were found as a result of these operations. Furthermore, morphometric analysis also revealed no change in neuronal size following these experimental manipulations. By contrast, there was a slight decrease in the total area of spinal gray matter that was most prominent in the dorsal region following limb bud removal. Our results indicate (1) that spinal interneurons fail to exhibit the massive naturally occurring death of postmitotic neurons that has been observed for several other populations of spinal neurons, and (2) spinal interneurons appear to be relatively resistant to induced cell death following the removal of substantial numbers of afferent inputs and targets.  相似文献   

Thoracic spinal cord transplanted to the lumbar region at the time of neural tube closure in the chick embryo survives and initially differentiates normally similar to in situ thoracic cord. Normal numbers of motoneurons are produced that innervate the host hindlimb musculature. In control thoracic cord approximately 70% of the motoneurons are lost by normal cell death between embryonic day (E) 6 and E11-E12. By contrast, the transplanted thoracic cord loses only about 30% of the motoneurons during this period. Transplantation of one hindlimb to the thoracic region also reduces the normal loss of in situ thoracic motoneurons. We conclude that some factor(s) associated with the increased target size provided by the hindlimbs promotes the survival of thoracic motoneurons. In contrast, by E16-E18 motoneuron numbers in the thoracic transplants decrease to below control levels. Dorsal root ganglion cells in the transplant were also initially increased (on E8) but later decreased to below control values. Hindlimb muscles innervated by thoracic motoneurons in the transplant also differentiated normally up to E10 to E12. Myotube size and numbers, muscle size and myotube types (fast versus slow) all developed normally in several thoracically-innervated hindlimb muscles. However, beginning on E14 myotube numbers and muscle size were markedly decreased resulting in muscle atrophy. Injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the thoracic transplants labelled neurons in the host spinal cord and brainstem rostral to the transplant thereby indicating an anatomical continuity between host and transplant neural tube. Injections of HRP into specific thoracically innervated hindlimb muscles on E8 labelled distinct pools of motoneurons in the transplants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chick embryos and posthatched chicks were examined at several ages for the presence of pyknotic interneurons in the lumbar spinal cord. Because no pyknotic interneurons were found, direct cell counts of healthy interneurons were carried out and a comparison made between early-and late-stage embryos and hatchlings. There was no decrease in the number of interneurons in the ventral intermediate gray matter of the spinal cord between embryonic day (E) 8 and 2 weeks posthatching (PH) or in the dorsal horn between E10 and 2 weeks PH. To study whether interneuron survival is regulated by targets or afferents, a situation known to exist in other developing neural populations, early embryos were subjected to (1) removal of one limb, resulting in the loss of lateral motor column motoneurons and dorsal root ganglion sensory afferents; (2) transection of the thoracic spinal cord, thereby removing both descending afferents and rostral targets of spinal interneurons, or (3) a combination of the two operations. No reductions in interneuron numbers were found as a result of these operations. Furthermore, morphometric analysis also revaled no change in neuronal size following these experimental manipulations. By contrast, there was a slight decrease in the total area of spinal gray matter that was most prominent in the dorsal region following limb bud removal. Our results indicate (1) that spinal interneurons fail to exhibit the massive naturally occurring death of postmitotic neurons that has been observed for several other populations of spinal neurons, and (2) spinal interneurons appear to be relatively resistant to induced cell death following the removal of substantial numbers of afferent inputs and targets.  相似文献   

Transplantation of cellular components of the permissive peripheral nerve environment in some types of spinal cord injury holds great promise to support regrowth of axons through the site of injury. In the present study, Schwann cell grafts were positioned between transected stumps of adult rat thoracic spinal cord to test their efficacy to serve as bridges for axonal regeneration. Schwann cells were purified in culture from adult rat sciatic nerve, suspended in Matrigel:DMEM (30:70), and drawn into polymeric guidance channels 8mm long at a density of 120×106 cells ml-1. Adult Fischer rat spinal cords were transected at the T8 cord level and the next caudal segment was removed. Each cut stump was inserted 1mm into the channel. One month later, a bridge between the severed stumps had been formed, as determined by the gross and histological appearance and the ingrowth of propriospinal axons from both stumps. Propriospinal neurons (mean, 1064±145 SEM) situated as far away as levels C3 and S4 were labelled by retrograde tracing with Fast Blue injected into the bridge. Near the bridge midpoint there was a mean of 1990±594 myelinated axons and eight times as many nonmyelinated, ensheathed axons. Essentially no myelinated or unmyelinated axons were observed in control Matrigel-only grafts. Brainstem neurons were not retrogradely labelled from the graft, consistent with growth of immunoreactive serotonergic and noradrenergic axons only a short distance into the rostral end of the graft, not far enough to reach the tracer placed at the graft midpoint. Anterograde tracing with PHA-L introduced rostral to the graft demonstrated that axons extended the length of the graft but essentially did not leave the graft. This study demonstrates that Schwann cell grafts serve as bridges that support (1) regrowth of both ascending and descending axons across a gap in the adult rat spinal cord and (2) limited regrowth of serotonergic and noradrenergic fibres from the rostral stump. Regrowth of monoaminergic fibres into grafts was not seen in an earlier study of similar grafts placed inside distally capped rather than open-ended channels. Additional intervention will be required to foster growth of the regenerated axons from the graft into the distal cord tissue.  相似文献   

Implanted neural stem cells (NSC) could improve neurological functions following spinal cord injury (SCI), but the optimal conditions for NSC transplantation are largely unknown, especially in transected spinal cord. This study investigated the effect and fate of NSC engrafted into spinal cords at different locations and time points following T9 spinal cord transection. Engrafted NSC could survive and migrate in host spinal cords. Significant improvement in hindlimb locomotor functions associated with NSC survival was found in rats receiving NSC transplantation in the spinal cords rostral to the transection site at the subacute stage (7 days post operation), compared with those caudal to the transection site at the acute stage (at the time of injury). At 4 weeks post operation, CD68 immunohistochemical staining confirmed that macrophages were less in rostrally transplanted sites and in subacute groups than seen in caudal and acute transplanted rats. The present findings indicated that NSC transplantation into spinal cords rostral to transection site at the subacute stage is an optimal strategy for engrafted NSC survival and host behavioral improvement. It therefore would be available to the usage of NSC for the treatment of SCI in the future clinic trial.  相似文献   

The earliest outgrowth of nerve fibers from identified spinal neurons labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was traced along surgically rearranged pathways in the central nervous system (CNS) of Xenopus embryos. Parts of the CNS were misaligned or inverted rostrocaudally by grafting a segment of labeled spinal cord in place of the same or different spinal cord segment of an unlabeled embryo or by joining two rostral half embryos (head-to-head) or two caudal half embryos (tail-to-tail), one half of which was derived from a labeled embryo in each combination. Donor embryos were labeled by injection of HRP into a selected blastomere at the 16- or 32-cell stage. Host embryos were unlabeled. Grafts from labeled donors to unlabeled host embryos were made at early neural tube stages before outgrowth of any nerve fibers had started (Jacobson and Huang, 1985). Routes taken by labeled nerve fibers growing into unlabeled CNS were observed at later stages, and the rates of nerve fiber elongation were calculated. Labeled nerve fibers were normal in appearance, and elongated without branching, at normal rates (22-71 micron/h). In head-to-head and tail-to-tail embryos and in embryos with inverted spinal cord grafts, nerve fibers continued elongating without branching in the direction opposite to normal in the CNS. Many fibers reached lengths that were far greater than normal. No reorientation of such maldirected nerve fibers was seen. These results indicate that nerve fiber elongation is not guided by axially polarized pathway cues or markers and that nerve fibers do not grow to predetermined lengths. However, neurites preferred to grow along stereotyped nerve fiber pathways even when forced to grow in the wrong direction or when confronted with nonneural tissue.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding the role of endogenous Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the spinal cord following transection injury. The present study investigated the possible role of GDNF in injured spinal cords following transection injury (T9–T10) in adult rats. The locomotor function recovery of animals by the BBB (Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan) scale score showed that hindlimb support and stepping function increased gradually from 7 days post operation (dpo) to 21 dpo. However, the locomotion function in the hindlimbs decreased effectively in GDNF-antibody treated rats. GDNF immunoreactivty in neurons in the ventral horn of the rostral stump was stained strongly at 3 and 7 dpo, and in the caudal stump at 14 dpo, while immunostaining in astrocytes was also seen at all time-points after transection injury. Western blot showed that the level of GDNF protein underwent a rapid decrease at 7 dpo in both stumps, and was followed by a partial recovery at a later time-point, when compared with the sham-operated group. GDNF mRNA-positive signals were detected in neurons of the ventral horn, especially in lamina IX. No regenerative fibers from corticospinal tract can be seen in the caudal segment near the injury site using BDA tracing technique. No somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) could be recorded throughout the experimental period as well. These findings suggested that intrinsic GDNF in the spinal cord could play an essential role in neuroplasticity. The mechanism may be that GDNF is involved in the regulation of local circuitry in transected spinal cords of adult rats.  相似文献   

1. Fetal (E.17) rat locus coeruleus and mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons when implanted into the transected spinal cord of the young adult rat survive for periods of longer than four months. Axons of up to 15 mm in length are observed growing from the cell bodies of the implanted neurons. 2. Fluorescent catecholaminergic (presumably dopaminergic) cell bodies are found in the caudal region of the transected, non-implanted spinal cord. 3. After transection of the spinal cord at the middle thoracic region in rats, at different postnatal ages (PN. 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28), there is substantial recovery of motor coordination involving all four limbs in the PN. 0 and PN. 7 groups. Recovery is best in the PN. 7 group. There is almost no recovery in the PN. 28 group, and very little recovery in the PN. 14 and PN. 21 groups. 4. Spinal locomotor generators in rat can, therefore, display a substantial degree of functional autonomy, if the spinal cord is cut before a certain critical stage of development (before PN. 14). These results have interesting implications with regard to current efforts to understand the mechanisms that regulate the spinal locomotor generators in experimental animals, and perhaps in man as well.  相似文献   

Atrophy of upper motor neurons hampers axonal regeneration and functional recovery following spinal cord injury (SCI). Apart from the severity of primary injury, a series of secondary pathological damages including spinal cord edema and glial scar formation affect the fate of injured upper motor neurons. The aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channel plays a critical role in water homeostasis and migration of astrocytes in the central nervous system, probably offering a new therapeutic target for protecting against upper motor neuron degeneration after SCI. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of AQP4 deficiency on atrophy of rubrospinal neurons after unilateral rubrospinal tract transection at the fourth cervical level in mice. AQP4 gene knockout (AQP4?/?) mice exhibited high extent of spinal cord edema at 72 h after lesion compared with wild-type littermates. AQP4?/? mice showed impairments in astrocyte migration toward the transected site with a greater lesion volume at 1 week after surgery and glial scar formation with a larger cyst volume at 6 weeks. More severe atrophy and loss of axotomized rubrospinal neurons as well as axonal degeneration in the rubrospinal tract rostral to the lesion were observed in AQP4?/? mice at 6 weeks after SCI. AQP4 expression was downregulated at the lesioned spinal segment at 3 days and 1 week after injury, but upregulated at 6 weeks. These results demonstrated that AQP4 not only mitigates spinal cord damage but also ameliorates retrograde degeneration of rubrospinal neurons by promoting edema clearance and glial scar formation after laceration SCI. This finding supports the notion that AQP4 may be a promising therapeutic target for SCI.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transport in primary sensory neurons were studied in rats by demonstration of the reaction product in spinal nerves, spinal ganglia, dorsal roots and in the spinal cord at different survival times after application of the enzyme to the transected sciatic nerve and to the spinal cord. Using tetramethylbenzidine as the chromogen according to Mesulam (1978), transganglionic transport of HRP was shown in both the disto-proximal direction after peripheral application, and proximo-distal direction after central application. Significant differences in staining intensity between the central and peripheral processes of primary sensory neurons were found after all survival times used in this study. After peripheral application the number of labeled axons and the staining intensity were higher in spinal nerves than in dorsal roots; an inverse situation occurred after central application. These differences as well as the time sequences in staining of different parts of primary sensory neurons suggest that HRP applied to a peripheral nerve and to the spinal cord, respectively, enters the perikarya of spinal ganglion cells in any case before continuing its movement in a cellulifugal direction. Lysosomal degradation of the major portion of the applied HRP is supposed. However, in the post-perikaryal portion of a considerable number of neurons HRP-transport still occurs to a varying extent, thus resulting in labeling of nerve endings. In some neurons a post-perikaryal transport could not be detected light microscopically. The transport rates differ: the calculated transport rate of disto-proximal, cellulipetal movement in the fastest transporting neurons was 7.5 mm/h, that of the disto-proximal cellulifugal movement 2.5 to 3 mm/h.This work was partly supported by the Hartmann Müller-Stiftung I want to thank Miss Regula Eichholzer for the technical assistance  相似文献   

Afferents to the fetal rat cerebellum have been studied in fixed tissue with the fluorescent tracer, 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI). The dye was applied to the cerebellar anlage at ages from embryonic day (E) 12 to birth (P0). Central processes of vestibular ganglion cells were found to be the first identifiable afferents to the cerebellum, being present at least by E13 and perhaps as early as E12. Ipsilateral spinocerebellar fibres may be labelled from E15, vestibular nuclei (both ipsi- and contralateral) also from E15, while contralateral inferior olivary nuclei could not be retrogradely labelled until E17. Trigeminocerebellar neurons in the interpolaris subnucleus of the nucleus of the trigeminal spinal tract and neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus were not labelled until E22 and P0, respectively. Finally, contralateral pontine nuclei were retrogradely labelled from the cerebellum after birth.  相似文献   

In the present experiments the effect of systemic capsaicin treatment on the retrograde labelling of sensory ganglion cells was studied following the injection of choleratoxin B subunit-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (CTX-HRP) into intact and chronically transected peripheral nerves. In the control rats CTX-HRP injected into intact sciatic nerves labelled medium and large neurons with a mean cross-sectional area of 1,041 +/- 39 gm2. However, after injection of the conjugate into chronically transected sciatic nerves of the control rats, many small cells were also labelled, shifting the mean cross-sectional area of the labelled cells to 632 +/- 118 microm2. Capsaicin pretreatment per se induced a moderate but significant decrease in the mean cross-sectional area of the labelled neurons (879 +/- 79 microm2). More importantly, systemic pretreatment with capsaicin prevented the peripheral nerve lesion-induced labelling of small cells. Thus, the mean cross-sectional areas of labelled neurons relating to the intact and transected sciatic nerves, respectively, did not differ significantly. These findings provide direct evidence for a phenotypic switch of capsaicin-sensitive nociceptive neurons after peripheral nerve injury, and suggest that lesion-induced morphological changes in the spinal cord may be related to specific alterations in the chemistry of C-fibre afferent neurons rather than to a sprouting response of A-fibre afferents.  相似文献   

Characterizing connectivity in the spinal cord of zebrafish embryos is not only prerequisite to understanding the development of locomotion, but is also necessary for maximizing the potential of genetic studies of circuit formation in this model system. During their first day of development, zebrafish embryos show two simple motor behaviors. First, they coil their trunks spontaneously, and a few hours later they start responding to touch with contralateral coils. These behaviors are contemporaneous until spontaneous coils become infrequent by 30 h. Glutamatergic neurons are distributed throughout the embryonic spinal cord, but their contribution to these early motor behaviors in immature zebrafish is still unclear. We demonstrate that the kinetics of spontaneous coiling and touch‐evoked responses show distinct developmental time courses and that the touch response is dependent on AMPA‐type glutamate receptor activation. Transection experiments suggest that the circuits required for touch‐evoked responses are confined to the spinal cord and that only the most rostral part of the spinal cord is sufficient for triggering the full response. This rostral sensory connection is presumably established via CoPA interneurons, as they project to the rostral spinal cord. Electrophysiological analysis demonstrates that these neurons receive short latency AMPA‐type glutamatergic inputs in response to ipsilateral tactile stimuli. We conclude that touch responses in early embryonic zebrafish arise only after glutamatergic synapses connect sensory neurons and interneurons to the contralateral motor network via a rostral loop. This helps define an elementary circuit that is modified by the addition of sensory inputs, resulting in behavioral transformation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2009  相似文献   

Distributions of corticospinal and corticobulbar neurons were revealed by tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) processing after injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA:HRP) into the cervical or lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord, or medullary or pontine levels of the brain stem. Sections reacted for cytochrome oxidase (CO) allowed patterns of labeled neurons to be related to the details of the body surface map in the first somatosensory cortical area (SI). The results indicate that a number of cortical areas project to these subcortical levels: (1) Projection neurons in granular SI formed a clear somatotopic pattern. The hindpaw region projected to the lumbar enlargement, the forepaw region to the cervical enlargement, the whisker pad field to the lower medulla, and the more rostral face region to more rostral brain stem levels. (2) Each zone of labeled neurons in SI extended into adjacent dysgranular somatosensory cortex, forming a second somatotopic pattern of projection neurons. (3) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons in primary motor cortex (MI) paralleled SI in mediolateral sequence corresponding to the hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (4) A weak somatotopic pattern of projection neurons was suggested in medial agranular cortex (Agm), indicating a premotor field with a rostromedial-to-caudolateral representation of hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (5) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons representing the foot to face in a mediolateral sequence was observed in medial parietal cortex (PM) located between SI and area 17. (6) In the second somatosensory cortical area (SII), neurons projecting to the brain stem were immediately adjacent caudolaterally to the barrel field of SI, whereas neurons projecting to the upper spinal cord were more lateral. No projection neurons in this region were labeled by the injections in the lower spinal cord. (7) Other foci of projection neurons for the face and forelimb were located rostral to SII, providing evidence for a parietal ventral area (PV) in perirhinal cortex (PR) lateral to SI, and in cortex between SII and PM. None of these regions, which may be higher-order somatosensory areas, contained labeled neurons after injections in the lower spinal cord. Thus, more cortical fields directly influence brain stem and spinal cord levels related to sensory and motor functions of the face and forepaw than the hindlimb. The termination patterns of corticospinal and corticobulbar projections were studied in other rats with injections of WGA:HRP in SI.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Distributions of corticospinal and corticobulbar neurons were revealed by tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) processing after injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA:HRP) into the cervical or lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord, or medullary or pontine levels of the brain stem. Sections reacted for cytochrome oxidase (CO) allowed patterns of labeled neurons to be related to the details of the body surface map in the first somatosensory cortical area (SI). The results indicate that a number of cortical areas project to these subcortical levels: (1) Projection neurons in granular SI formed a clear somatotopic pattern. The hindpaw region projected to the lumbar enlargement, the forepaw region to the cervical enlargement, the whisker pad field to the lower medulla, and the more rostral face region to more rostral brain stem levels. (2) Each zone of labeled neurons in SI extended into adjacent dysgranular somatosensory cortex, forming a second somatotopic pattern of projection neurons. (3) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons in primary motor cortex (MI) paralleled SI in mediolateral sequence corresponding to the hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (4) A weak somatotopic pattern of projection neurons was suggested in medial agranular cortex (Agm), indicating a premotor field with a rostromedial-to-caudolateral representation of hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (5) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons representing the foot to face in a mediolateral sequence was observed in medial parietal cortex (PM) located between SI and area 17. (6) In the second somatosensory cortical area (SII), neurons projecting to the brain stem were immediately adjacent caudolaterally to the barrel field of SI, whereas neurons projecting to the upper spinal cord were more lateral. No projection neurons in this region were labeled by the injections in the lower spinal cord. (7) Other foci of projection neurons for the face and forelimb were located rostral to SII, providing evidence for a parietal ventral area (PV) in perirhinal cortex (PR) lateral to SI, and in cortex between SII and PM. None of these regions, which may be higher-order somatosensory areas, contained labeled neurons after injections in the lower spinal cord. Thus, more cortical fields directly influence brain stem and spinal cord levels related to sensory and motor functions of the face and forepaw than the hindlimb.

The termination patterns of corticospinal and corticobulbar projections were studied in other rats with injections of WGA:HRP in SI. Injections in lateral SI representing the face produced dense terminal label in the contralateral trigeminal complex. Injections in cortex devoted to the forelimb and forepaw labeled the contralateral cuneate nucleus and parts of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The cortical injections also demonstrated interconnections of parts of SI with some of the other regions of cortex with projections to the spinal cord, and provided further evidence for the existence of PV in rats.  相似文献   

The spinal cord can generate motor patterns underlying several kinds of limb movements. Many spinal interneurons are multifunctional, contributing to multiple limb movements, but others are specialized. It is unclear whether anatomical distributions of activated neurons differ for different limb movements. We examined distributions of activated neurons for locomotion and scratching using an activity-dependent dye. Adult turtles were stimulated to generate repeatedly forward swimming, rostral scratching, pocket scratching, or caudal scratching motor patterns, while sulforhodamine 101 was applied to the spinal cord. Sulforhodamine-labeled neurons were widely distributed rostrocaudally, dorsoventrally, and mediolaterally after each motor pattern, concentrated bilaterally in the deep dorsal horn, the lateral intermediate zone, and the dorsal to middle ventral horn. Labeled neurons were common in all hindlimb enlargement segments and the pre-enlargement segment following swimming and scratching, but a significantly higher percentage were in the rostral segments following swimming than rostral scratching. These findings suggest that largely the same spinal regions are activated during swimming and scratching, but there are some differences that may indicate locations of behaviorally specialized neurons. Finally, the substantial inter-animal variability following a single kind of motor pattern may indicate that essentially the same motor output is generated by anatomically variable networks.  相似文献   

A series of studies has examined the response of the spinal cord to lesions made at various stages prior to and after metamorphic climax in the clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Complete transections made between Nieuwkoop and Faber (1956) stages 50 and 62 were followed by gradual recovery of righting and coordinated swimming as animals metamorphosed into juveniles (stage 66). Examination of descending axonal projections using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) showed fibers crossing the lesion site and distributing to the caudal lumbar spinal cord. These fibers could be traced from more rostral spinal segments as well as from brainstem injections of HRP. No evidence for rostrally projecting fibers crossing the lesion was obtained. Juvenile frogs of varying ages failed to demonstrate recovery of coordinated swimming or reconstitution of spinal descending pathways. In an additional series of animals, spinal transections were made within 1 or 2 days of tail resorption to assess whether regenerative capacities extended at all into post-metamorphic stages. No evidence for regeneration was found. Studies of metamorphosing frogs after spinal transections showed that fibers crossed the lesion within 5-12 days of transection, well prior to the end of metamorphic climax; however, in some cases in which metamorphosis seemed arrested, little regeneration was observed. Immunocytochemical studies showed that fibers containing serotonin (5-HT) were included in the population of axons that rapidly crossed the lesion after transection at metamorphic stages. These results are compared to those for lesions of the dorsal columns and other systems in developing and juvenile Xenopus. It is suggested that both metamorphosis-related hormonal changes, and axon substrate pathways, may affect the regenerative response in the Xenopus central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

刺激猫中脑中央灰质发音区可引起动物发音、情绪反应以及心律异常、血压升高等变化。同时,本研究还揭示,分别在中脑中央灰质嘴侧和尾侧发音区注入辣根过氧化物酶后,其逆行标记神经元分布相类似;但是,中脑中央灰质发音区和非发音区的传入联系则互不相同。  相似文献   

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