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Insertional mutagenesis is an effective way to study the infection mechanism of fungal pathogens. In an attempt to identify the genes involved in appressorium formation from Magnaporthe grisea, we carried out Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) of the fungus. Analysis of the region flanking the T-DNA integration site in one of the appressorium mutants showed insertion in a gene coding a 78 amino acid protein (MGA1), showing no significant homology to any of the known proteins. The mutant mga1 caused neither foliar nor root infection. Complementation of the mutated gene with the full length wild type gene restored appressorium formation as well as rice infection demonstrating the involvement of this gene in pathogenicity of M. grisea. In an indirect immunolocalisation assay, the MGA1 expression was seen predominantly in germ tube and appressoria. The mutant was impaired in glycogen and lipid mobilization required for appressorium formation. The glycerol content in the mycelia of the mutant under hyperosmotic stress conditions was less as compared to wild type and was thus unable to tolerate the hyperosmotic stress induced by sorbitol. We hypothesize that MGA1 plays a crucial role in signal transduction leading to the metabolism of glycogen and lipids, which is a part of appressorium differentiation process.  相似文献   

Abstract Infection by Magnaporthe grisea , the causal agent of rice blast, requires the formation of a melanized, dome-shaped infection cell, called an appressorium. Little is known about the signals and mechanisms regulating this important developmental process. We have previously observed a correlation between hydrophobicity of the contact surface and appressorium formation. To evaluate this thigmotropic response more precisely, we measured appressorium formation on the surfaces of silicon wafers modified to create various degrees of hydrophobicity. We also examined the effects of artificial ridges created on polystyrene surfaces. Hydrophobic surfaces induced a high level of appressorium formation, whereas hydrophilic surfaces did not. Tips of germ-tubes did not respond to ridges of any particular height, but formed appressoria in a random manner. These results indicate that hydrophobicity of the substratum is a primary determinant and is sufficient to induce appressorium formation in M. grisea .  相似文献   

The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, forms a dome-shaped and darkly pigmented infection structure, an appressorium, to penetrate its host. Differentiation and maturation of appressoria are critical steps for successful infection. A spontaneous developmental mutant (MG01) defective in appressorium formation was found in this fungus. The mutant did not form appressoria either on inductive hydrophobic surfaces or on rice leaves. The addition of cyclic AMP or 1,16-hexadecanediol was not effective in inducing appressorium formation in this mutant. This mutant did not cause lesions on rice when inoculated with conidial suspension by spraying or injecting into the leaf sheath. Genetic analysis of the mutant indicated that the phenotype is under single gene control, designated APP5. Crosses with previously described appressorium defective mutants (app1 and app3) of Magnaporthe grisea suggested that the mutations are at different loci. Bulked segregant analysis was employed to obtain DNA markers linked to the APP5 locus.  相似文献   

Zheng W  Chen J  Liu W  Zheng S  Zhou J  Lu G  Wang Z 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(12):2240-2250
The small GTPase Rho3 is conserved in fungi and plays a key role in the control of cell polarity and exocytosis in yeast. In this report, we show that a Rho3 homolog, MgRho3, is dispensable for polarized hyphal growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. However, MgRho3 is required for plant infection. Appressoria formed by the Mgrho3 deletion mutants are morphologically abnormal and defective in plant penetration. Conidia of the Mgrho3 deletion mutants are narrower than those of the wild-type strain and delayed in germination. Transformants expressing a dominant negative Mgrho3 allele exhibit similar phenotypes as the Mgrho3 deletion mutant, while transformants expressing a constitutively active allele of MgRho3 can produce normal conidia but remain defective in appressorium formation and plant infection. In contrast, overexpression of wild-type MgRho3 increases the infectivity of M. grisea. Our results reveal a new role for the conserved Rho3 as a critical regulator of developmental processes and pathogenicity of M. grisea.  相似文献   

Kim ST  Yu S  Kim SG  Kim HJ  Kang SY  Hwang DH  Jang YS  Kang KY 《Proteomics》2004,4(11):3579-3587
We used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) to identify the proteins that are induced in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea during appressorium formation. Proteins were extracted from conidia that had germinated on hydrophilic glass plates or from germinated and appressoria-forming conidia on leaf wax-coated hydrophobic glass plates after 4, 8, and 12 h of incubation. Differentially expressed protein spots during appressorium formation were confirmed from gels after 2-DE analysis where proteins had been labeled with (35)S methionine and stained with silver. Internal amino acid sequencing identified five proteins among several proteins induced during appressorium formation. Two denoted as M. grisea proteasome homolgues (MgP1 and MgP5) were 20S proteasome alpha subunits. The remaining three were scytalone dehydratase (SCD), and serine carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). None of the five have been reported previously in the rice blast fungus apart from SCD. We further investigated the role the alpha subunit of 20S proteasome plays in appressorium formation. We confirmed by Western blot analysis that MgP5 is highly expressed during appressorium formation and found that it is also markedly induced by nitrogen- and carbon-starvation, in particular by the former. These observations suggest that the 20S proteasome may be involved in remobilizing storage proteins, which then help to build the appressorium. Thus, fungal proteome analysis may provide important clues about developmental changes such as the generation of the appressorium.  相似文献   

G protein signaling is commonly involved in regulating growth and differentiation of eukaryotic cells. We previously identified MAGB, encoding a Galpha subunit, from Magnaporthe grisea, and disruption of MAGB led to defects in a number of cellular responses, including appressorium formation, conidiation, sexual development, mycelial growth, and surface sensing. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was used to further dissect the pleiotropic effects controlled by MAGB. Conversion of glycine 42 to arginine was predicted to abolish GTPase activity, which in turn would constitutively activate G protein signaling in magB(G42R). This dominant mutation caused autolysis of aged colonies, misscheduled melanization, reduction in both sexual and asexual reproduction, and reduced virulence. Furthermore, magB(G42R) mutants were able to produce appressoria on both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, although development on the hydrophilic surface was delayed. A second dominant mutation, magB(G203R) (glycine 203 converted to arginine), was expected to block dissociation of the Gbetagamma from the Galpha subunit, thus producing a constitutively inactive G protein complex. This mutation did not cause drastic phenotypic changes in the wild-type genetic background, other than increased sensitivity to repression of conidiation by osmotic stress. However, magB(G203R) is able to complement phenotypic defects in magB mutants. Comparative analyses of the phenotypical effects of different magB mutations are consistent with the involvement of the Gbetagamma subunit in the signaling pathways regulating cellular development in M. grisea.  相似文献   

Liu XH  Lu JP  Zhang L  Dong B  Min H  Lin FC 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(6):997-1005
We isolated an MgATG1 gene encoding a serine/threonine protein kinase from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. In the DeltaMgatg1 mutant, in which the MgATG1 gene had been deleted, autophagy was blocked; the mutant also showed fewer lipid droplets in its conidia, lower turgor pressure of the appressorium, and such defects in morphogenesis as delayed initiation and slower germination of conidia. As a result of lower turgor pressure of the appressorium, the DeltaMgatg1 mutant lost its ability to penetrate and infect the two host plants, namely, rice and barley. However, normal values of the parameters and infective abilities were restored on reintroducing an intact copy of the MgATG1 gene into the mutant. Autophagy is thus necessary for turnover of organic matter during the formation of conidia and appressoria and for normal development and pathogenicity in M. grisea.  相似文献   

The role of cytosolic pH (pHc) in growing germ tubes of the filamentous fungus Magnaporthe grisea was analysed by confocal ratio imaging of the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye 5(6)-carboxyseminaphthorhodafluor-1 (SNARF-1). The cytosol of these cells was successfully loaded with the acetoxymethyl ester of the dye and the pHc was visualized and quantified during conidium germination, germ tube growth and appressorium induction by simultaneous dual-emission confocal ratio imaging. Calibrations of the free acid in vitro and calibrations in vivo produced results indicating a similar dynamic response in the pH range 6.0–8.0 for both methods. The pHc in growing germ tubes was consistently pH 7.2±0.1 during all developmental stages analysed. Only slight changes in pHc (<0.1 pH unit) were found in response to alkaline external pH (pH 8.0). No changes in pHc occurred in response to an acidic extracellular pH (pH 6.0) or to the presence of nutrients. There was no observation of either pronounced gradients or changes in pHc in growing germ tubes accompanying conidium germination, germ tube growth or early appressorium formation.  相似文献   

T K Mitchell  R A Dean 《The Plant cell》1995,7(11):1869-1878
Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast disease, differentiates a specialized infection cell, an appressorium, that is required for infection of its host. Previously, cAMP was implicated in the endogenous signaling pathway leading to appressorium formation. To obtain direct evidence for the role of cAMP in appressorium formation, the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cpkA) was cloned, sequenced, and disrupted. Polymerase chain reaction primers designed after highly conserved regions in the same gene from other organisms were used to amplify genomic DNA fragments. The cloned amplification products were used to identify genomic clones. DNA blot analysis indicated that cpkA is present as a single copy in the genome. cpkA consists of 1894 bp, including three short introns sufficient to encode a protein of 539 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 60.7 kD. The deduced peptide shares > 45% identity with other catalytic subunits and contains all functional motifs and residues with the addition of a glutamine-rich region at the N terminus. Two transformants, L5 and T-182, in which cpkA had been replaced with a hygromycin resistance gene cassette, were unable to produce appressoria, could not be induced to form appressoria by cAMP, and were nonpathogenic on susceptible rice, even when leaves were abraded. These results were confirmed by analysis of 57 progeny from a cross between transformant L5 and the wild-type laboratory strain 70-6. Other aspects of growth and development, including vegetative growth as well as asexual and sexual competence, were unaffected when measured in vitro. These results provide direct evidence that the cAMP-dependent protein kinase is necessary for infection-related morphogenesis and pathogenesis in a phytopathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Summary Using a one-step strategy to disrupt CUT1, a gene for cutinase, cut1 mutants were generated in two strains of Magnaporthe grisea. One strain, pathogenic on weeping lovegrass and barley and containing the arg3–12 mutation, was transformed with a disruption vector in which the Aspergillus nidulans ArgB + gene was inserted into CUT1. Prototrophic transformants were screened by Southern hybridization, and 3 of 53 tested contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1 : : ArgB +). A second strain, pathogenic on rice, was transformed with a disruption vector in which a gene for hyg B resistance was inserted into CUT1. Two of the 57 transformants screened by Southern hybridization contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1:. Hyg). CUT1 mRNA was not detectable in transformants that contained a disrupted gene. Transformants with a disrupted CUT1 gene failed to produce a cutin-inducible esterase that is normally detected by activity staining on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Enzyme activity, measured either with tritiated cutin or with p-nitrophenyl butyrate as a substrate, was reduced but not eliminated in strains with a disrupted CUT1 gene. The infection efficiency of the cut1 disruption transformants was equal to that of the parent strains on all three host plants. Lesions produced by these mutants had an appearance and a sporulation rate similar to those produced by the parent strains. We conclude that the M. grisea CUT1 gene is not required for pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The inhibition of appressorium formation in germinating conidiospores of Magnaporthe grisea on an inductive surface by glisoprenin A could be reversed in a competitive manner by 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol, a known activator of protein kinase C. Dioctanoylglycerol and linoleic acid methyl ester induced appressorium formation on a noninductive surface. The effect of ceramides as inducers was heavily dependent on the fatty acid in the molecule. Ceramide IIIa containing linoleic acid was a good inducer whereas others had only weak effects. Sphingomyelin, however, inhibited appressorium formation induced by 1,16-hexadecanediol and to a lesser extent after induction with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-adenosine-3′,5′-monophosphate. The results are in agreement with our previous findings that in appressorium formation two signal transducing pathways are involved.  相似文献   

Kim S  Ahn IP  Rho HS  Lee YH 《Molecular microbiology》2005,57(5):1224-1237
Fungal hydrophobins are implicated in cell morphogenesis and pathogenicity in several plant pathogenic fungi including the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. A cDNA clone encoding a hydrophobin (magnaporin, MHP1) was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from rice leaves infected by M. grisea. The MHP1 codes for a typical fungal hydrophobin of 102 amino acids containing eight cysteine residues spaced in a conserved pattern. Hydropathy analysis of amino acids revealed that MHP1 belongs to the class II group of hydrophobins. The amino acid sequence of MHP1 exhibited about 20% similarity to MPG1, an M. grisea class I hydrophobin. Expression of MHP1 was highly induced during plant colonization and conidiation, but could hardly be detected during mycelial growth. Transformants in which MHP1 was inactivated by targeted gene replacement showed a detergent wettable phenotype, but were not altered in wettability with water. mhp1 mutants also exhibited pleiotropic effects on fungal morphogenesis, including reduction in conidiation, conidial germination, appressorium development and infectious growth in host cells. Furthermore, conidia of mhp1 mutants were defective in their cellular organelles and rapidly lose viability. As a result, mhp1 mutants exhibited a reduced ability to infect and colonize a susceptible rice cultivar. These phenotypes were recovered by re-introduction of an intact copy of MHP1. Taken together, these results indicate that MHP1 has essential roles in surface hydrophobicity and infection-related fungal development, and is required for pathogenicity of M. grisea.  相似文献   

Endocytosis plays key roles during infection of plant-pathogenic fungi, but its regulatory mechanisms are still largely unknown. Here, we identified a putative endocytosis-related gene, PAL1, which was highly expressed in appressorium of Magnaporthe oryzae, and was found to be important for appressorium formation and maturation. Deletion of PAL1 significantly reduced the virulence of M. oryzae due to defects in appressorial penetration and invasive growth in host cells. The Pal1 protein interacted and colocalized with the endocytosis protein Sla1, suggesting it is involved in endocytosis. The Δpal1 mutant was significantly reduced in appressorium formation, which was recovered by adding exogenous cAMP and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). Moreover, the phosphorylation level of Pmk1 in Δpal1 was also reduced, suggesting Pal1 functions upstream of both the cAMP and Pmk1 signalling pathways. As a consequence, the utilization of glycogen and lipid, appressorial autophagy, actin ring formation, localization of septin proteins, as well as turgor accumulation were all affected in the Δpal1 mutant. Taken together, Pal1 regulates cAMP and the Pmk1 signalling pathway for appressorium formation and maturation to facilitate infection of M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Thines E  Weber RW  Talbot NJ 《The Plant cell》2000,12(9):1703-1718
Magnaporthe grisea produces an infection structure called an appressorium, which is used to breach the plant cuticle by mechanical force. Appressoria generate hydrostatic turgor by accumulating molar concentrations of glycerol. To investigate the genetic control and biochemical mechanism for turgor generation, we assayed glycerol biosynthetic enzymes during appressorium development, and the movement of storage reserves was monitored in developmental mutants. Enzymatic activities for glycerol generation from carbohydrate sources were present in appressoria but did not increase during development. In contrast, triacylglycerol lipase activity increased during appressorium maturation. Rapid glycogen degradation occurred during conidial germination, followed by accumulation in incipient appressoria and dissolution before turgor generation. Lipid droplets also moved to the incipient appressorium and coalesced into a central vacuole before degrading at the onset of turgor generation. Glycogen and lipid mobilization did not occur in a Deltapmk1 mutant, which lacked the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) required for appressorium differentiation, and was retarded markedly in a DeltacpkA mutant, which lacks the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Glycogen and lipid degradation were very rapid in a Deltamac1 sum1-99 mutant, which carries a mutation in the regulatory subunit of PKA, occurring before appressorium morphogenesis was complete. Mass transfer of storage carbohydrate and lipid reserves to the appressorium therefore occurs under control of the PMK1 MAPK pathway. Turgor generation then proceeds by compartmentalization and rapid degradation of lipid and glycogen reserves under control of the CPKA/SUM1-encoded PKA holoenzyme.  相似文献   

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