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We have tested the hypothesis that kinesin-1A (formerly KIF5A) is an anterograde motor for axonal neurofilaments. In cultured sympathetic neurons from kinesin-1A knockout mice, we observed a 75% reduction in the frequency of both anterograde and retrograde neurofilament movement. This transport defect could be rescued by kinesin-1A, and with successively decreasing efficacy by kinesin-1B and kinesin-1C. In wild-type neurons, headless mutants of kinesin-1A and kinesin-1C inhibited both anterograde and retrograde movement in a dominant-negative manner. Because dynein is thought to be the retrograde motor for axonal neurofilaments, we investigated the effect of dynein inhibition on anterograde and retrograde neurofilament transport. Disruption of dynein function by using RNA interference, dominant-negative approaches, or a function-blocking antibody also inhibited both anterograde and retrograde neurofilament movement. These data suggest that kinesin-1A is the principal but not exclusive anterograde motor for neurofilaments in these neurons, that there may be some functional redundancy among the kinesin-1 isoforms with respect to neurofilament transport, and that the activities of the anterograde and retrograde neurofilament motors are tightly coordinated.  相似文献   

Formation of new synapses or maintenance of existing synapses requires the delivery of synaptic components from the soma to the nerve termini via axonal transport. One pathway that is important in synapse formation, maintenance and function of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-signaling pathway. Here we show that perturbations in axonal transport directly disrupt BMP signaling, as measured by its downstream signal, phospho Mad (p-Mad). We found that components of the BMP pathway genetically interact with both kinesin-1 and dynein motor proteins. Thick vein (TKV) vesicle motility was also perturbed by reductions in kinesin-1 or dynein motors. Interestingly, dynein mutations severely disrupted p-Mad signaling while kinesin-1 mutants showed a mild reduction in p-Mad signal intensity. Similar to mutants in components of the BMP pathway, both kinesin-1 and dynein motor protein mutants also showed synaptic morphological defects. Strikingly TKV motility and p-Mad signaling were disrupted in larvae expressing two human disease proteins; expansions of glutamine repeats (polyQ77) and human amyloid precursor protein (APP) with a familial Alzheimer''s disease (AD) mutation (APPswe). Consistent with axonal transport defects, larvae expressing these disease proteins showed accumulations of synaptic proteins along axons and synaptic abnormalities. Taken together our results suggest that similar to the NGF-TrkA signaling endosome, a BMP signaling endosome that directly interacts with molecular motors likely exist. Thus problems in axonal transport occurs early, perturbs BMP signaling, and likely contributes to the synaptic abnormalities observed in these two diseases.  相似文献   

In a genetic screen for Kinesin heavy chain (Khc)-interacting proteins, we identified APLIP1, a neuronally expressed Drosophila homolog of JIP-1, a JNK scaffolding protein . JIP-1 and its homologs have been proposed to act as physical linkers between kinesin-1, which is a plus-end-directed microtubule motor, and certain anterograde vesicles in the axons of cultured neurons . Mutation of Aplip1 caused larval paralysis, axonal swellings, and reduced levels of both anterograde and retrograde vesicle transport, similar to the effects of kinesin-1 inhibition. In contrast, Aplip1 mutation caused a decrease only in retrograde transport of mitochondria, suggesting inhibition of the minus-end microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein . Consistent with dynein defects, combining heterozygous mutations in Aplip1 and Dynein heavy chain (Dhc64C) generated synthetic axonal transport phenotypes. Thus, APLIP1 may be an important part of motor-cargo linkage complexes for both kinesin-1 and dynein. However, it is also worth considering that APLIP1 and its associated JNK signaling proteins could serve as an important signaling module for regulating transport by the two opposing motors.  相似文献   

Alcadeinalpha (Alcalpha) is an evolutionarily conserved type I membrane protein expressed in neurons. We show here that Alcalpha strongly associates with kinesin light chain (K(D) approximately 4-8x10(-9) M) through a novel tryptophan- and aspartic acid-containing sequence. Alcalpha can induce kinesin-1 association with vesicles and functions as a novel cargo in axonal anterograde transport. JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1), an adaptor protein for kinesin-1, perturbs the transport of Alcalpha, and the kinesin-1 motor complex dissociates from Alcalpha-containing vesicles in a JIP1 concentration-dependent manner. Alcalpha-containing vesicles were transported with a velocity different from that of amyloid beta-protein precursor (APP)-containing vesicles, which are transported by the same kinesin-1 motor. Alcalpha- and APP-containing vesicles comprised mostly separate populations in axons in vivo. Interactions of Alcalpha with kinesin-1 blocked transport of APP-containing vesicles and increased beta-amyloid generation. Inappropriate interactions of Alc- and APP-containing vesicles with kinesin-1 may promote aberrant APP metabolism in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

To address questions about mechanisms of filament-based organelle transport, a system was developed to image and track mitochondria in an intact Drosophila nervous system. Mutant analyses suggest that the primary motors for mitochondrial movement in larval motor axons are kinesin-1 (anterograde) and cytoplasmic dynein (retrograde), and interestingly that kinesin-1 is critical for retrograde transport by dynein. During transport, there was little evidence that force production by the two opposing motors was competitive, suggesting a mechanism for alternate coordination. Tests of the possible coordination factor P150(Glued) suggested that it indeed influenced both motors on axonal mitochondria, but there was no evidence that its function was critical for the motor coordination mechanism. Observation of organelle-filled axonal swellings ("organelle jams" or "clogs") caused by kinesin and dynein mutations showed that mitochondria could move vigorously within and pass through them, indicating that they were not the simple steric transport blockades suggested previously. We speculate that axonal swellings may instead reflect sites of autophagocytosis of senescent mitochondria that are stranded in axons by retrograde transport failure; a protective process aimed at suppressing cell death signals and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) can cause a type of neurotoxicity known as organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). The characteristic axonal swelling containing aggregations of neurofilaments, microtubules, and multivesicular vesicles is consistent with a disturbance of axonal transport. We hypothesized that there existed a disturbance of molecular motor in the pathogenesis of OPIDN. In the present study, adult hens were treated with a dosage of 750 mg/kg TOCP by gavage, or pretreated 24h earlier with phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and subsequently with TOCP, then sacrificed on the time-points of 0, 1, 5, 10, and 21 days after dosing of TOCP, respectively. The level of kinesin-1, dynein, and dynactin in spinal cords and cerebral cortexes of hens was determined. Immunoblotting analysis showed a progressive decline of dynein and dynactin in spinal cords after dosing TOCP. Furthermore, a significant reduction in dynactin and dynein was observed in cerebral cortexes at several time-points post dosing TOCP. In contrast, no significant changes of kinesin-1 were observed throughout the period of experiment. When given before TOCP administration, PMSF could inhibit TOCP-induced motor protein disruption, while it protected hens against the delayed neuropathy. In conclusion, the reduction of the motor proteins, dynein and dynactin, might be associated with the disruption of retrograde neuronal axonal transport in OPIDN.  相似文献   

Kinesin and dynein are opposite-polarity microtubule motors that drive the tightly regulated transport of a variety of cargoes. Both motors can bind to cargo, but their overall composition on axonal vesicles and whether this composition directly modulates transport activity are unknown. Here we characterize the intracellular transport and steady-state motor subunit composition of mammalian prion protein (PrP(C)) vesicles. We identify Kinesin-1 and cytoplasmic dynein as major PrP(C) vesicle motor complexes and show that their activities are tightly coupled. Regulation of normal retrograde transport by Kinesin-1 is independent of dynein-vesicle attachment and requires the vesicle association of a complete Kinesin-1 heavy and light chain holoenzyme. Furthermore, motor subunits remain stably associated with stationary as well as with moving vesicles. Our data suggest a coordination model wherein PrP(C) vesicles maintain a stable population of associated motors whose activity is modulated by regulatory factors instead of by structural changes to motor-cargo associations.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta, a peptide derived from the precursor protein APP, accumulates in the brain and contributes to the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease. Increased generation of amyloid-beta might be caused by axonal transport inhibition, via increased dwell time of APP vesicles and thereby higher probability of APP cleavage by secretase enzymes residing on the same vesicles. We tested this hypothesis using a neuronal cell culture model of inhibited axonal transport and by imaging vesicular transport of fluorescently tagged APP and beta-secretase (BACE1). Microtubule-associated tau protein blocks vesicle traffic by inhibiting the access of motor proteins to the microtubule tracks. In neurons co-transfected with CFP-tau, APP-YFP traffic into distal neurites was strongly reduced. However, this did not increase amyloid-beta levels. In singly transfected axons, APP-YFP was transported in large tubules and vesicles moving very fast (on average 3 microm/s) and with high fluxes in the anterograde direction (on average 8.4 vesicles/min). By contrast, BACE1-CFP movement was in smaller tubules and vesicles that were almost 2x slower (on average 1.6 microm/s) with approximately 18x lower fluxes (on average 0.5 vesicles/min). Two-colour microscopy of co-transfected axons confirmed that the two proteins were sorted into distinct carriers. The results do not support the above hypothesis. Instead, they indicate that APP is transported on vesicles distinct from the secretase components and that amyloid-beta is not generated in transit when transport is blocked by tau.  相似文献   

Alzheimer''s β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) associates with kinesin-1 via JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1); however, the role of JIP1 in APP transport by kinesin-1 in neurons remains unclear. We performed a quantitative analysis to understand the role of JIP1 in APP axonal transport. In JIP1-deficient neurons, we find that both the fast velocity (∼2.7 μm/s) and high frequency (66%) of anterograde transport of APP cargo are impaired to a reduced velocity (∼1.83 μm/s) and a lower frequency (45%). We identified two novel elements linked to JIP1 function, located in the central region of JIP1b, that interact with the coiled-coil domain of kinesin light chain 1 (KLC1), in addition to the conventional interaction of the JIP1b 11–amino acid C-terminal (C11) region with the tetratricopeptide repeat of KLC1. High frequency of APP anterograde transport is dependent on one of the novel elements in JIP1b. Fast velocity of APP cargo transport requires the C11 domain, which is regulated by the second novel region of JIP1b. Furthermore, efficient APP axonal transport is not influenced by phosphorylation of APP at Thr-668, a site known to be phosphorylated by JNK. Our quantitative analysis indicates that enhanced fast-velocity and efficient high-frequency APP anterograde transport observed in neurons are mediated by novel roles of JIP1b.  相似文献   

Transport of proteins and lipids between intracellular compartments is fundamental to the organization and function of eukaryotic cells. The efficiency of this process is greatly enhanced through coupling of membranes to microtubules. This serves two functions, organelle positioning and vesicular transport. In this study, we show that in addition to the well-known role for the minus-end motor dynein in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport, the plus-end-directed motor kinesin-1 is involved in positioning coat protein II-coated ER exit sites (ERES) in cells as well as the formation of transport carriers and their movement to the Golgi. Using two-dimensional Gaussian fitting to determine their location at high spatial resolution, we show that ERES undergo short-range bidirectional movements. Bidirectionality depends on both kinesin-1 and dynein. Suppression of kinesin-1 (KIF5B) also inhibits ER-to-Golgi transport and affects the morphology of ER-to-Golgi transport carriers. Furthermore, we show that suppression of dynein heavy chain expression increases the range of movement of ERES, suggesting that dynein might anchor ERES, or the ER itself, to microtubules. These data implicate kinesin-1 in the spatial organization of the ER/Golgi interface as well as in traffic outside the ER.  相似文献   

A screen for genes required in Drosophila eye development identified an UNC-104/Kif1 related kinesin-3 microtubule motor. Analysis of mutants suggested that Drosophila Unc-104 has neuronal functions that are distinct from those of the classic anterograde axonal motor, kinesin-1. In particular, unc-104 mutations did not cause the distal paralysis and focal axonal swellings characteristic of kinesin-1 (Khc) mutations. However, like Khc mutations, unc-104 mutations caused motoneuron terminal atrophy. The distributions and transport behaviors of green fluorescent protein-tagged organelles in motor axons indicate that Unc-104 is a major contributor to the anterograde fast transport of neuropeptide-filled vesicles, that it also contributes to anterograde transport of synaptotagmin-bearing vesicles, and that it contributes little or nothing to anterograde transport of mitochondria, which are transported primarily by Khc. Remarkably, unc-104 mutations inhibited retrograde runs by neurosecretory vesicles but not by the other two organelles. This suggests that Unc-104, a member of an anterograde kinesin subfamily, contributes to an organelle-specific dynein-driven retrograde transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Sun F  Zhu C  Dixit R  Cavalli V 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(16):3416-3429
Neuronal development, function and repair critically depend on axonal transport of vesicles and protein complexes, which is mediated in part by the molecular motor kinesin-1. Adaptor proteins recruit kinesin-1 to vesicles via direct association with kinesin heavy chain (KHC), the force-generating component, or via the accessory light chain (KLC). Binding of adaptors to the motor is believed to engage the motor for microtubule-based transport. We report that the adaptor protein Sunday Driver (syd, also known as JIP3 or JSAP1) interacts directly with KHC, in addition to and independently of its known interaction with KLC. Using an in vitro motility assay, we show that syd activates KHC for transport and enhances its motility, increasing both KHC velocity and run length. syd binding to KHC is functional in neurons, as syd mutants that bind KHC but not KLC are transported to axons and dendrites similarly to wild-type syd. This transport does not rely on syd oligomerization with itself or other JIP family members. These results establish syd as a positive regulator of kinesin activity and motility.  相似文献   

Xenopus melanophores have pigment organelles or melanosomes which, in response to hormones, disperse in the cytoplasm or aggregate in the perinuclear region. Melanosomes are transported by microtubule motors, kinesin-2 and cytoplasmic dynein, and an actin motor, myosin-V. We explored the regulation of melanosome transport along microtubules in vivo by using a new fast-tracking routine, which determines the melanosome position every 10 ms with 2-nm precision. The velocity distribution of melanosomes transported by cytoplasmic dynein or kinesin-2 under conditions of aggregation and dispersion presented several peaks and could not be fit with a single Gaussian function. We postulated that the melanosome velocity depends linearly on the number of active motors. According to this model, one to three dynein molecules transport each melanosome in the minus-end direction. The transport in the plus-end direction is mainly driven by one to two copies of kinesin-2. The number of dyneins transporting a melanosome increases during aggregation, whereas the number of active kinesin-2 stays the same during aggregation and dispersion. Thus, the number of active dynein molecules regulates the net direction of melanosome transport. The model also shows that multiple motors of the same polarity cooperate during the melanosome transport, whereas motors of opposite polarity do not compete.  相似文献   

Plant infection by pathogenic fungi requires polarized secretion of enzymes, but little is known about the delivery pathways. Here, we investigate the secretion of cell wall-forming chitin synthases (CHSs) in the corn pathogen Ustilago maydis. We show that peripheral filamentous actin (F-actin) and central microtubules (MTs) form independent tracks for CHSs delivery and both cooperate in cell morphogenesis. The enzyme Mcs1, a CHS that contains a myosin-17 motor domain, is travelling along both MTs and F-actin. This transport is independent of kinesin-3, but mediated by kinesin-1 and myosin-5. Arriving vesicles pause beneath the plasma membrane, but only ~15% of them get exocytosed and the majority is returned to the cell centre by the motor dynein. Successful exocytosis at the cell tip and, to a lesser extent at the lateral parts of the cell requires the motor domain of Mcs1, which captures and tethers the vesicles prior to secretion. Consistently, Mcs1-bound vesicles transiently bind F-actin but show no motility in vitro. Thus, kinesin-1, myosin-5 and dynein mediate bi-directional motility, whereas myosin-17 introduces a symmetry break that allows polarized secretion.  相似文献   

Two activators of microtubule-based vesicle transport   总被引:44,自引:23,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Cytoplasmic dynein purified by nucleotide dependent microtubule affinity has significant minus end-directed vesicle motor activity that decreases with each further purification step. Highly purified dynein causes membrane vesicles to bind but not move on microtubules. We exploited these observations to develop an assay for factors that, in combination with dynein, would permit minus end-directed vesicle motility. At each step of the purification, non-dynein fractions were recombined with dynein and assayed for vesicle motility. Two activating fractions were identified by this method. One, called Activator I, copurified with 20S dynein by velocity sedimentation but could be separated from it by ion exchange chromatography. Activator I increased only the frequency of dynein-driven vesicle movements. Activator II, sedimenting at 9S, increased both the frequency and velocity of vesicle transport and also supported plus end movements. Our results suggest that dynein-based motility is controlled at multiple levels and provide a preliminary characterization of two regulatory factors.  相似文献   

Transport of material and signals between extensive neuronal processes and the cell body is essential to neuronal physiology and survival. Slowing of axonal transport has been shown to occur before the onset of symptoms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We have previously shown that several familial ALS-linked copper–zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mutants (A4V, G85R, and G93A) interacted and colocalized with the retrograde dynein–dynactin motor complex in cultured cells and affected tissues of ALS mice. We also found that the interaction between mutant SOD1 and the dynein motor played a critical role in the formation of large inclusions containing mutant SOD1. In this study, we showed that, in contrast to the dynein situation, mutant SOD1 did not interact with anterograde transport motors of the kinesin-1 family (KIF5A, B and C). Using dynein and kinesin accumulation at the sciatic nerve ligation sites as a surrogate measurement of axonal transport, we also showed that dynein mediated retrograde transport was slower in G93A than in WT mice at an early presymptomatic stage. While no decrease in KIF5A-mediated anterograde transport was detected, the slowing of anterograde transport of dynein heavy chain as a cargo was observed in the presymptomatic G93A mice. The results from this study along with other recently published work support that mutant SOD1 might only interact with and interfere with some kinesin members, which, in turn, could result in the impairment of a selective subset of cargos. Although it remains to be further investigated how mutant SOD1 affects different axonal transport motor proteins and various cargos, it is evident that mutant SOD1 can induce defects in axonal transport, which, subsequently, contribute to the propagation of toxic effects and ultimately motor neuron death in ALS.  相似文献   

Fungal tip growth underlies substrate invasion and is essential for fungal virulence. It requires the activity of molecular motors that deliver secretory vesicles to the growth region or which mediate bi-directional motility of early endosomes. Visualizing motors and their cargo in living fungal cells revealed unexpected cooperation between motors in membrane trafficking: (1) Class V chitin synthase, which has a class 17 myosin motor domain, moves bi-directionally, with myosin-5 and kinesin-1 cooperating in delivery to the growth region, and dynein taking it back to the cell centre. The myosin-17 motor domain competes with dynein by tethering the chitin synthase to the plasma membrane before exocytosis; (2) Long-range endosome motility is based on a cooperation of kinesin-3 and dynein, but towards the microtubule plus-end dynein competes with kinesin-3 to prevent the organelles from 'falling off the track'. These results reveal a fine-balanced network of cooperative and competitive motor activity, required for fungal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) and the vesicle-associated protein c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase-interacting protein-1 (JIP-1) are transported into axons by kinesin-1. Both proteins may bind to kinesin-1 directly and can be transported separately. Because JIP-1 and APP can interact, kinesin-1 may recruit them as a complex, enabling their cotransport. In this study, we tested whether APP and JIP-1 are transported together or separately on different vesicles. We found that, within the cellular context, JIP-1 preferentially interacts with Thr(668)-phosphorylated APP (pAPP), compared with nonphosphorylated APP. In neurons, JIP-1 colocalizes with vesicles containing pAPP and is excluded from those containing nonphosphorylated APP. The accumulation of JIP-1 and pAPP in neurites requires kinesin-1, and the expression of a phosphomimetic APP mutant increases JIP-1 transport. Down-regulation of JIP-1 by small interfering RNA specifically impairs transport of pAPP, with no effect on the trafficking of nonphosphorylated APP. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of APP regulates the formation of a pAPP-JIP-1 complex that accumulates in neurites independent of nonphosphorylated APP.  相似文献   

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